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Signs of the Times for Thu, 30 Nov 2006

by Dirk Vander Ploeg
UFO Digest
29 Nov 06
I received an email from Mark Cooper on October 20, 2006.

He was wondering if I was interested in watching a video he had taken. This is a very common question that I am asked on a regular basis. But this video was different. To begin this video from taken from a CCD camera attached to a homemade rocket.

A few days ago before he sent me the email, Mark and his girls, who are from Texas, launched a home built rocket with a small camcorder inside. The quality of the video was excellent. At regular speed, he noticed an object or objects that appeared throughout the video. These objects were not seen by Mark and his girls while they were watching the rocket. Mark also saw a large jet in the video.

The camera is from CVS - cvs electronic camcorder - with 20 minutes of recording time.

Mark made the rocket himself. He is truly the rocket man!.

He is an electrical engineer by trade and looked for a natural explanation to explain the objects on his video. Possible explanations could include the CCD interpretation of the sun or its reflected energy. However, Mark claims that the video was not altered by him in anyway. He also does not have Adobe PhotoShop or possess the knowledge to work with PhotoShop.

His wife was with him when they saw the object in the video.

Mark invites serious scrutiny of his video and will make it available for video and photographic experts.

He states that, "This is not a hoax. I am an engineer I deal in facts. The video does not lie."

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
29 Nov 06
If you've always suspected there's a little lunacy in the stock market, now there's proof.

It's the full moon, of course, which legend says brings on depression and pessimism, not to mention werewolves. If that's true, presumably it would also trigger a gloomy outlook about future cash flows, causing investors to take fewer risks, and stock prices to fall.

"We find strong lunar cycle effects in stock returns," say University of Michigan Business School professors Ilia D. Dichev and Troy D. Janes in a research report.

"Specifically, returns in the 15 days around new moon dates are about double the returns in the 15 days around full moon dates. This pattern of returns is pervasive," they report.

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Texas A&M University
29 Nov 06
Answering a question that has lingered for centuries, a team of scientists has proved that chemicals used to treat the wood used in Stradivarius and Guarneri violins are the reasons for the distinct sound produced by the world-famous instruments.

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By Charles Q. Choi
29 November 2006
Scientists have now levitated small live animals using sounds that are, well, uplifting.

In the past, researchers at Northwestern Polytechnical University in Xi'an, China, used ultrasound fields to successfully levitate globs of the heaviest solid and liquid-iridium and mercury, respectively. The aim of their work is to learn how to manufacture everything from pharmaceuticals to alloys without the aid of containers. At times compounds are too corrosive for containers to hold, or they react with containers in other undesirable ways.

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