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Signs of the Times for Tue, 28 Nov 2006

Whole Life Times
This is a longer version of the exclusive CE interview that appears in the September issue of WLT.
If you had to distill the most compelling elements of the collapse of the two World Trade Center towers right now, what points are most disturbing?

There are two big ones: One is simply that steel frame, high-rise buildings have never collapsed because of fire, or fire and externally induced damage. Secondly, all such collapses have been caused by explosives and these collapses have at least 10 characteristics of the particular kind of controlled demolition known as controlled implosion, where the building falls basically straight down. When you go through those 10 characteristics, not a single one of them can be accounted for by the official theory, the fire plus impact theory. And then if you said, well okay, let's say it's never happened before and it would be very unlikely but let's say there's one chance in a hundred, let's be very generous-that one of them could have occurred. But that all 10 of them could have occurred in the same building and then in two buildings, you're talking about chances one in a trillion or something like that, so the chance is essentially zero that it could have happened by the official theory.

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By Elizabeth de la Vega
November 28, 2006
- What would the case against George Bush for intelligence fraud in the leadup to the war in Iraq look like? A former federal prosecutor lays out her case to an imaginary grand jury, and all she needs is the evidence available in the public record to make her case.

Following is an excerpt from Elizabeth de la Vega's new book, United States v. George W. Bush et al. (Seven Stories Press and, 2006).

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By Rory O'Connor
November 27, 2006
How can you be sure that the news you see and hear is true? Are there any journals and journalists that you can really trust and rely on? If so, how can you find them amidst the clangor and the clutter?

After all, we live in an age of media scams and scandals -- from blowing it up on "Dateline" NBC to making it up in the New York Times (and the Daily News and USA Today and the Boston Globe and the New Republic and so on, ad nauseum and seemingly ad infinitum...) and from Jon Stewart's "Daily Show" to O.J. Simpson's "If I Did It" show... from Fox News to faux news all the way to even phonier video 'news' releases... and from government-and-corporate-sponsored "opinion" commentary to paid Pentagon propaganda posing as authentic journalism to Disney's undocumented 911 "docudrama" -- wherever and whenever you look, examples of media make-believe abound.

So what's a citizen to do?

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By David Truskoff
28 November, 2006
In 1952 when I built my first house in Connecticut USA my Father came to visit me.

" Very nice house, "he said. (He was a proud member of the builders union) "But David why in Connecticut"

"What's wrong with Connecticut?"

"The people here are all crazy. They sent a Nazi to the United States Senate. A Nazi who supported and got rich from doing business with the madman Hitler."

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