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Signs of the Times for Mon, 27 Nov 2006

AP National Writer
Sun Nov 26, 2006
Summary: "Little comments will come out of his mouth that have a bit of that teen swagger," says Tom Plante, Zach's dad.

Thing is, Zach isn't a teen. He's 10 years old - one part, a fun-loving fifth-grader who likes to watch the Animal Planet network and play with his dog and pet gecko, the other a soon-to-be middle schooler who wants an iPod.

In some ways, it's simply part of a kid's natural journey toward independence. But child development experts say that physical and behavioral changes that would have been typical of teenagers decades ago are now common among "tweens" - kids ages 8 to 12.

Click to Expand Article 2006-11-27 11:32:19
BEIJING, Nov. 27 (Xinhuanet) -- Scientists still are not sure what caused the largest extinction of land and sea creatures in Earth's history, but a new study says one of the results was a switch from a preponderance of ecologically simple communities in the oceans to a complex one.

The seas were home to a balance of both ecologically simple communities and complex ones prior to the end-Permian mass extinction 250 million years ago. After the extinction, complex communities displaced simple ones, coming to outnumber them 3 to 1, a pattern that prevails today.

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James Randerson, science correspondent
Monday November 27, 2006
The Guardian
Dozens of schools are using creationist teaching materials condemned by the government as "not appropriate to support the science curriculum", the Guardian has learned.

The packs promote the creationist alternative to Darwinian evolution called intelligent design and the group behind them said 59 schools are using the information as "a useful classroom resource".

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Alexandra Smith
Monday November 27, 2006
The University of Oxford geneticist and campaigning atheist Richard Dawkins has established a foundation to keep God out of the classroom and prevent "pseudo science" taking over in schools, it emerged today.

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Comment: The schism between science and religion serves the extremists on both sides of the question. The proponents of a profoundly materialist science do as much damage as those who seek to impose a structure pulled from a religious texts upon the facts. There is so much that we do not know, far more than either side would tell us is certain, that one can only move forward by retaining an open, yet critical, mind.

What do we really know about our reality and the various forces at work in it? What do we know about other dimensions and densities? We can formulate hypotheses, devise methods of testing them, but we must continue to consider all of all knowledge open-ended. New data could radically change our understanding. Unfortunately, neither the proponents of creationism or Intelligent Design, nor rationalists like Dawkins, are able to do it. They are trapped in ideologies that colours everything they see and all that they think.

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