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Signs of the Times for Wed, 22 Nov 2006

Nov. 22
The assassination of Lebanese Industry Minister Pierre Gemayel, who was a member of the March 14 movement, will lead the country into a new crisis, with serious repercussions for all Lebanese political groups.

The assassination took place while Lebanon is undergoing a unique political process since the victory of Hezbollah over the Israeli army.

In the aftermath of Israel's 33-day war, the government and people of Lebanon should begin a new era of political stability.

However, in response to Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah's efforts to form a national unity government able to safeguard the achievements of the Lebanese victory, the United States and the Zionist regime began trying to destabilize Lebanon.

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November 22, 2006
The Guardian
Lebanon lurched closer to a fresh round of sectarian bloodletting yesterday with the assassination of its industry minister, Pierre Gemayel, a member of the country's most powerful Christian family and a leading opponent of Syrian influence.

The killing shook Lebanon's beleaguered government and sent tremors across the Middle East, further complicating attempts to find a regional solution to the Iraq war. The Bush administration, under pressure to negotiate with Syria and Iran, yesterday hinted at the responsibility of both countries' governments, accusing them of trying destabilise Lebanon.

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Comment: OK, let's get REAL here for a moment.

Who invaded Lebanon recently and murdered 1400 of its citizens?

Who murdered Rafik Hariri last year?

Who clearly has designs on Lebanon and wants to bring its government and Hizb'allah to heel?

Who, for the last 60 years, has used all ways and means to ensure that peace never breaks out with its Arab neighbors?

Who has most to gain from a destablization of Lebanon?

For god's sake! It could not be more CLEAR who carried out this assassination. Think about it. Iran and Syria re-establish diplomatic ties after many years, Iran Syria and Iraq get together and thrash out a plan to co-operate and even dare to propose ideas for an Arab-Israeli diplomatic agreement. Things were beginning to get out of hand. After all, Israel and the Neocons have been planning the "creative destruction" of the Middle East for a long time, they can't stand back and watch Middle Eastern nations band together to support their common interest in peace and security, so something had to be done. One Mossad-ordered hit on a Lebanese politician, and Bush and the Zionists are blaming Syria and condemning it's "terrorism". Again, could it be ANY more obvious??

UK Independent
Civil war - the words on all our lips yesterday. Pierre Gemayel's murder - in broad daylight, in a Christian suburb of Beirut, his car blocked mafia-style by another vehicle while his killer fired through the driver's window into the head of Lebanon's minister of industry - was a message for all of us who live in this tragic land.

For days, we had been debating whether it was time for another political murder to ratchet up the sectarian tensions now that the democratically elected government of Prime Minister Fouad Siniora was about to fall. For days now, the political language of Lebanon had been incendiary, the threats and bullying of the political leaders ever more fearsome. Sayed Hassan Nasrallah, the Shia Hizbollah leader, had been calling Siniora's cabinet illegitimate. "The government of Feltman," he was calling it - Jeffrey Feltman is the US ambassador to Lebanon - while the Druze leader Walid Jumblatt was claiming Iran was trying to take over.

Yesterday's assassination of Pierre Gemayel was a warning. It might have been Jumblatt, who has told me many times that he constantly awaits his own death, or it might have been Siniora himself, the little economist and friend of the also murdered former prime minister Rafik Hariri.

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Comment: This assassination was carried out at the behest of the Mossad and the US Neocons. Mossad murdered Rafik Hariri last year for the very same reason that they murdered again yesterday - the destablisation of Lebanon to prepare the groud for another round of Israeli butchery against the Lebanese civilian population.

Tehran, Nov 22, IRNA
Foreign ministry spokesman Mohammad-Ali Hosseini said on Wednesday said that French officials' remarks on Iran's interference in Lebanon are baseless and contrary with realities.

Hosseini termed the French statement 'the outcome of biased and interfering spirit of France' in national affairs of other countries.

Click to Expand Article 2006-11-22 06:50:48
UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 21 (Xinhua) -- The UN Security Council approved on Tuesday a letter to Secretary-General Kofi Annan, which authorizes the creation of an international tribunal to try the suspects in the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, the French envoy to the UN said.

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