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Signs of the Times for Tue, 14 Nov 2006

by Dave Kersting
War Without End
Some people like to compare those they wish to kill with Hitler and the Germans under Nazism.

But one comparison truly reflects history, not emotion, and truly holds up:

The Nazis wished to declare "Germans" a distinct ethnicity - and to marshal "Germans" together into a unified political force, in an ethnically and religiously homogenized homeland. This is plain fact.

The Zionists wish to declare "Jews" a distinct ethnicity - and to marshal "Jews" together into a unified political force, in an ethnically and religiously homogenized homeland. This too is plain fact.

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Johann Hari
UK Independent
13 Nov 06
When Jorg Haider's far-right Freedom Party joined the governing coalition in Austria in 2000, the world offered a collective retch and moved to isolate the country. In the past fortnight, a startlingly similar far-right politician named Avigdor Lieberman has joined the governing coalition in Israel - in the lofty position of Deputy Prime Minister - but the world's gagging reflex has yet to respond.

Lieberman is an ex-nightclub bouncer, once arrested for attacking a boy who he suspected of insulting his son. His party, Yisrael Beytenu (Israel, Our Home), has campaigned on two ugly issues. The first is the claim that Israel's two million Arab citizens are "a danger to the country", to be dispensed with, in part, by ethnic cleansing. Lieberman wanted to bus thousands of released Palestinian prisoners to the Dead Sea and drown them.

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By Sunil Kataria
13 Nov 06
AIZAWL, India - Dalia Doliani Sela sits in her simple house poring over the Bible and learning Hebrew, dreaming of a life of piety and a family reunion with her children in the Promised Land.

Sela is an Indian by birth, part of a community in the country's remote northeast who says they are one of the "lost tribes of Israel," exiled from their homeland 2,700 years ago.

"I want to be there when my last days come. Because Israel is the land of Sarah. It's the first place where she will come," she said, referring to the wife of the biblical patriarch Abraham.

Sela, a 63-year-old mother of 10, is among the first group of India's Bnei Menashe community to be allowed to settle in the Holy Land since rabbinical leaders in Israel formally recognized them as Jews and carried out a mass conversion ceremony in India last year.

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14 Nov 06
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said that Israel and the United States had "complete understanding" on Iran, as President George W. Bush threatened to isolate Tehran unless it suspends its nuclear programme.

Bush said that if Iran continues with its programme, which the United States and Israel believe is aimed at developing an atomic bomb despite Iran's denials, "there has to be a consequence for their intransigence."

"If they continue to move forward with the program, there has to be a consequence," he said, speaking to reporters following an hour-long talk with Olmert at the White House.

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The Daily Life of Kawther Salam
13 Nov 06
Judging from below report from a press conference of the mayor of Beit Hanoun, the "soldiers" of the Givati criminal rabble were not content with murdering and injuring hundreds of people, destroying property valued at millions of dollars, destroying the livelihood of a whole city during their so-called "Autumn Clouds" operation, but they also had time to steal cellphones, gold (which is the most widely used form of saving in Palestine) and other private property from the homes of impoverished people who are already under a genocidal regime of starvation. It is obvious that these Israeli Jews from the Givaty Unit did not steal because they are hungry, but that they stole because they are thieves.

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14 Nov 06
The Israeli army denied charges by a human rights watchdog that it had shot dead two unarmed Palestinian suspects as they lay wounded last week in the occupied West Bank.

On Monday, the B'Tselem rights group said it had "grave concerns" that the two men were not killed outright along with three suspected gunmen -- as initially reported by the army -- but as they lay wounded waiting for an ambulance.

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