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Signs of the Times for Thu, 05 Oct 2006

27 September 2006
Coloured lights spotted in the skies over SA's mid-north last night are believed to be from a bright meteor.

The flare-like object was first spotted by a fisherman near Whyalla.

It was also seen in Port Pirie and Port Augusta.

There have been suggestions the object may have been space junk, but it is more likely to have been a meteor.

Associated Press
1 October 06
YAKIMA, Wash. -- Several people reported seeing a meteor streak through the sky Sunday night over Yakima.

Federal Aviation Administration spokesman Mike O'Connor said he received about eight calls about it, but no reports of any aircraft in trouble.

A dispatcher with the Yakima County Sheriff's Office said one woman and an area police officer spotted a bright object shooting across the sky.

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By Senta Scarborough and JJ Hensley
The Arizona Republic
2 October 06
PHOENIX, AZ -- Residents who saw a ball of fire in the sky late Sunday evening near Saguaro Lake witnessed a giant meteor, officials said.

Phoenix and Scottsdale police and Rural/Metro Fire Department dispatchers received calls from residents reporting a plane going down in "a ball of fire." Another caller reported seeing a meteor.

"It was a large ball of flame," Rural/Metro Fire Department spokeswoman Alison Cooper said. "It was very large. It was seen as far as Washington state."

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2 October 06
In several regions of Turkey, there was a surprise sighting of a "UFO" Saturday night. However, the object is speculated to have been a meteor. In Turkey, a flaming ball in the sky caused a stir of a UFO sighting Saturday night. Telephone calls were made all over the country to the route control center at Ankara Esenboğa Airport. Citizens from Ankara, Nevşehir, Balıkesir, Konya and Antalya said: "We have seen a blazing ball with a flaming tail in the sky; we have seen a UFO." A flying plane around Antalya also reported to the control center that: "an undefined flying object was spotted."

By TOM SHARPE AND Jason Auslander
The New Mexican
October 3, 2006
Sky-watchers across the western U.S. reported seeing bright lights late Sunday, but theories abound on just what they saw.

It was probably a meteor, one agency said. A UFO expert said space junk is another possibility.

And depending on the observer, this thing that hurtled across the darkness was either red, orange, yellow, blue or white. Or some combination of the above.

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George Dvorsky
October 02, 2006
Bob Dylan once sang, "We sit here stranded, though we're all doin' our best to deny it." While this might have been a reference to God, Dylan's lyric often gets me thinking about how utterly abandoned we are here on Earth - and it's not just by some illusory God. We haven't heard so much as boo or moo from anyone, namely extraterrestrial intelligences (ETIs).

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Ray's X-Blog
October 04, 2006
Doctors Rush To Place Oxygen Line Up His Backside

George P. Dvorsky is a bigot.

Recently at his blog, he took some cheap shots at Mac Tonnies and everyone who has a serious interest in UFOs.

To quote him: "Trouble is, however, a significant and burgeoning segment of society doesn't believe this to be true - the so-called UFOlogists. You know, the folks who talk about flying saucers, little green men (or is that grey men?), crop circles - the whole X-Files bit. Today, an entire sub-culture exists devoted to these topics as if they were matter of fact."

It's so easy to stereotype a whole group with one sweeping statement. I don't consider myself an ufologist, but I am interested in the topic. Apparently, in Dvorksy's eyes, I believe in "flying saucers," "little green men," and all sorts of kooky stuff. Never mind that he's invoking the saucer nut stereotype of the 1950s, jamming us all into the space brothers/contactee fringe pigeonhole.

Yes, there are kooks in the UFO field. But I'll bet if you dig deep enough, you will find a few scientists or skeptics with "kooky" beliefs.

And to quote The Great Dvorsky again: "And I also know that Mac Tonnies over at Posthuman Blues links to my articles from time-to-time. Posthuman Blues often deals with transhumanist and other future issues, but Tonnies's legitimate content is offset by his misguided focus on UFOlogy. As a result, the transhumanist movement may have a harder time gaining public acceptance and support with this kind of negative association."

As if the transhumanist movement won't have a hard time gaining acceptance with bigots like Dvorsky and his kind of negative outlook.

I don't agree with Mac on everything -- occasionally I find him a bit downbeat and too "bluesy" - but at least I respectfully disagree with his viewpoints. Anyway, he runs his blog the way he wants. I would never tell him what to say or think, unlike The Great Dvorsky.

21 September 2006
A bright yellow ball was seen streaking across the Hamilton sky about 6.15pm yesterday, leaving a whispy black line in its wake.

Times reporter Aaron Leaman saw the object and thought it was a meteor.

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October 5th, 2006
In 1973, Jimmy Carter, then the governor of Georgia, filed a form with the NICAP to report a UFO sighting. Carter said that if he became president, he would make every piece of information this country has about UFO sightings available to the public. But this was not to be. And one of the UFO incidents that the government continued to hold from the American people took place in Jasper, Colorado, in 1956, the subject of "The Top Secret UFO Project," filmmaker R. J. Thomas' parody of UFO documentaries.

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