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Signs of the Times for Thu, 05 Oct 2006

By Eric Lipton
The New York Times
October 4, 2006
A consortium of major universities, using Department of Homeland Security money, is developing software that would let the government monitor negative opinions of the United States or its leaders in newspapers and other publications overseas.

Such a "sentiment analysis" is intended to identify potential threats to the nation, security officials said.

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Another item, an editorial in response to Bush's use in 2002 of "axis of evil" to describe Iraq, Iran and North Korea, said, "The U.S. is the first nation to have developed nuclear weapons. Moreover, the U.S. is the first and only nation ever to deploy such weapons."
From the example above, it appears the software is going to be trained to see completely true statements about the USA as "terrorist threats".

Associated Press
Wed Oct 4, 2006
CINCINNATI - The Bush administration can continue its warrantless surveillance program while it appeals a judge's ruling that the program is unconstitutional, a federal appeals court ruled Wednesday.

The president has said the program is needed in the war on terrorism; opponents argue it oversteps constitutional boundaries on free speech, privacy and executive powers.

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Comment: After the passage of the Military Commissions Act, can there be any doubt that the Bush administration will get its way on the issue of domestic spying??

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Oct. 3, 2006
Milwaukee's taverns and nightclubs could be required to install security cameras to keep an eye on customers both inside and outside, under an ordinance proposed by downtown Ald. Bob Bauman.

As written, the measure would apply to all bars in the city. But Bauman said it could be revised to exclude restaurants and small taverns, leaving the focus on the largest establishments - and on the places where patrons cause the most trouble.

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By Nestor Nunez
Translated by Barabara Howe
October 2, 2006
A Soviet-era documentary about fascism summarizes the absurd package of lies that the Nazis employed to justify their supposed superiority over other peoples on this planet, as well as their brutal crimes committed against humanity.

In Germany back then, speeches about a "pre-existing need" to fight "wars of ethnic cleansing" and to "purify the world" were applauded. During this nearly universal purge, concentration camps where millions of Russians, Slavs, Jews and other Europeans lost their lives were regarded as a "blessing."

Six decades after these crimes were committed, it seemed as though in the history of our species, nothing like them would ever be seen again. Nevertheless, the George W. Bush government and lawmakers in the North American Congress have just turned a similar page, by establishing "legalized" torture against their supposed opponents

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By Vicente Jorge Silva
Translated By Brandi Miller
September 27, 2006
According to the respectable New York Times, a confidential report from the sixteen spy agencies of the United States produced over the last two years has concluded that the invasion of Iraq provoked a growth in Islamic fundamentalism, international terrorism and threats to America's domestic security. There are two or three extraordinary consequences to this conclusion.

The first is that such an extensive network of secret entities took two years to diagnose something that any observer not suffering from ideological blindness had already perceived at least two years ago.

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Comment: Ya hafta wonder if this guy is being facetious or not.

Seattle Times
5 Oct 06
For a 67-year-old homeowner and his wife "Oops, wrong number" is not enough.

SPOKANE - For a 67-year-old homeowner and his wife, wrongly subjected to a shattering pornography search, saying, "Oops, wrong number" is not enough.

Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie D. Knezovich apologized Tuesday for the blunder, which he said resulted when Detective Timothy D. Hines tried to nail whoever was responsible for obscene calls to at least 20 or women enrolled at Whitworth College.

Hines wrote down the wrong figures for a telephone number associated with the calls, so he obtained a search warrant for a house in Spokane, miles from the correct location in suburban Spokane Valley, Knezovich said.

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Toronto Star
1 October 06
Kassim Mohamed is struggling to clear his name in court, after being investigated as a possible terrorist. And his battle should concern everyone who cares about civil rights.

He is a Canadian citizen and former Toronto bus driver. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the Canadian Security Intelligence Service investigated him in 2004 when he was noticed filming the Yonge-Bloor subway. He says he was innocently compiling footage of popular city sites, such as the CN Tower, for his family abroad.

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