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Signs of the Times for Tue, 26 Sep 2006

Charley Reese
Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, is certainly a sharp rock in the cowboy boot of President George W. Bush and therefore a prime candidate for the Bush administration's main tool of foreign policy - regime change.

That's just a bureaucratic phrase that means overthrowing somebody else's government. Two attempts have already been tried, but both failed. Chavez is neither a dictator nor a stupid man.

As I've said before, I listened to two long speeches by Chavez, both to foreign audiences. Like most Latin politicians, he's a bit wordy for my taste, but I've never heard him say anything that a decent American could take issue with. However, as for Bush being the devil, as Chavez said at the United Nations last week, I'm not sure I agree with him on that point. I've always thought of the devil as a very smart chap.

Chavez is a socialist, as are several of our European allies, and since the president is not trying to overthrow those European governments, I assume the problem with Venezuela is not socialism. Chavez is, of course, trying hard to end poverty and illiteracy, and that might well strike a lot of rich people as "destabilizing."

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Translated By William Kern
September 24, 2006
In the service of his economic strategy and his ambition to see Russian companies improve their position abroad, Vladimir Putin employs the same methods perfected since he first took power, and which account for much of his previous success within the KGB: dissimulation, intimidation and the struggle for power.

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By Washington Correspondent Thomas Klau
Translated by Bob Skinner
September 16, 2006
An entire U.S. division or over 15,000 troops must be shifted to western Iraq if Anbar Province is to be wrested from the increasing influence of al-Qaeda. Dressed up as a report on the situation, this is how the call for emergency assistance read from Pete Devlin, commander of Marine Corps intelligence in Anbar Province. In August, Devlin conveyed this SOS to Washington's war planners, who responded by sending not more soldiers, but less. In the Pentagon, the decision was taken to dedicate additional troops to oppose the growing civil war in Baghdad, among other things including units that had been promised to the Marines in western Iraq.

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By Alain Barluet
Translated By Mike Goeden
September 20, 2006
Once again, and perhaps not surprisingly, France and the United States don't quite see eye-to-eye over Iran.

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By T.H.
Translated By Sandrine Ageorges
September 18 – September 24 Issue
The United States of America, Great Britain, Israel and their Western allied have intensified the pressure on the Sudanese government to accept an international force in Darfur to replace African troops presently on the scene. To this end, American-Zionist "non-governmental" organizations have set up protests in fifty countries for a day baptized "International Day of Solidarity with the People of Darfur."

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By Lindsay Barret
September 14, 2006
It is highly unlikely that anyone of sound mind or basic human compassion, who witnessed what occurred in New York on September 11th 2001, could ever forget it or find reason to justify it. Similarly, we have always defended the anger and resistance of the Palestinian people, who have been dehumanized and disenfranchised by the disembowelment of their sovereignty in order to create a homeland for the Jews, and by the hypocrisy of the West.

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By Tomas Kleine-Brockhoff
Translated By Bob Skinner
September 6, 2006
If political theories have an address, the address of neo-conservatism reads 1150 17th Street NW, Washington, DC. There on the fifth floor in rather ordinary-looking offices reside a half dozen right-wing intellectuals, who supply a steady stream of arguments for the propagation of democracy and a world dominated by America. The little club is called The Project for the New American Century. In 1997 nearly every important American neoconservative signed the club's founding charter. The thinking that evolved here then circulated amongst a group of friendly think tanks. With the election of George Bush to the presidency and especially after 9/11, the significance of the think tank increased, even if the staff size remained small. Neo-conservatism was a dominant force in American foreign policy, and the network of friends had become a network of power.

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By Hubert Wetzel
Translated by Bob Skinner
September 12, 2006
Clearly nothing new ever occurs to George W. Bush. On the fifth anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks the U.S. President gave his old standard Why-We-Have-to-Hold-Firm speech with the old familiar argument: America has been attacked and has to carry the battle to the terrorists.

The best remedy for terrorism is freedom and democracy, therefore young Americans must fight and die in Iraq. Every failure strengthens the terrorists and leads to further attacks. And he addresses Osama bin Laden in the usual way: We'll catch you, he says to the terrorist, a threat that, after a five-year chase, sounds a bit comical.

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