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Signs of the Times for Wed, 23 Aug 2006

By Talia Berman
August 23, 2006
Many would argue that higher education in this country is the best in the world. France has some of the best culinary schools, and Oxford and Cambridge have rivaling histories of literary renown, but only in the United States will you find comparable culinary and literary prowess as well as thousands of virtually every other topic one could imagine -- only to the United States do more than half a million students come every year to study.

But at what cost? Americans (and visiting students) have always paid more for education. And in the past 30 years, in the past 10 years, in the past two years, the cost of higher education, including tuition and loan repayment, has steadily increased. But 2006 will likely go down as the worst year in history for student borrowers, and as the mountains of debt grow, young peoples' lives are forever changing.

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By Barbara Ehrenreich, AlterNet. Posted July 21, 2006.
There are people, concentrated in the Hamptons and Beverly Hills, who still confuse poverty with the simple life. No cable TV, no altercations with the maid, no summer home maintenance issues -- just the basics like family, sunsets and walks in the park. What they don't know is that it's expensive to be poor.

In fact, you, the reader of middling income, could probably not afford it.

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By Andrew Ward
August 22 2006
According to the Washington Post, Mr Bush has mentioned the word "poverty" in public only six times since his post-Katrina speeches and the debate over racial inequality proved no more durable.

"Katrina created an opening for America to deal seriously with these issues," says David Dante Troutt, editor of After the Storm, a collection of essays by black intellectuals about the disaster. "But the opportunity was missed."

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by Doug Pibel and Sarah van Gelder
18 August 06
For Joel Segal, it was the day he was kicked out of George Washington Hospital, still on an IV after knee surgery, without insurance, and with $100,000 in medical debt. For Kiki Peppard, it was having to postpone needed surgery until she could find a job with insurance - it took her two years. People all over the United States are waking up to the fact that our system of providing health care is a disaster.

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August 21, 2006
Foreclosure activity in California in the second quarter jumped by 67 percent over the year-earlier period, according to figures released Monday by, a Central Valley-based real estate investment advisory firm and publisher of foreclosure property information.

"Year over year at the end of the second quarter of 2006, foreclosure activity in California has increased more than 67 percent," says Alexis McGee, president of Fair Oaks-based

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By Hernando Calvo Ospina
Le Monde diplomatique"
21 August 06
Some 14,000 Cuban doctors now give free treatment to Venezuela's poor and 3,000 Cuban medical staff worked in the aftermath of last year's Kashmir earthquake. Cuba has plans to heal those poorer than itself. When Hurricane Katrina ripped through the southern United States in August 2005, the authorities were overwhelmed and the governor of Louisiana, Kathleen Babineaux Blanco, appealed to the international community for emergency medical aid. The Cuban government immediately offered assistance to New Orleans and to the states of Mississippi and Alabama, also affected by the storm, and promised that within 48 hours 1,600 doctors, trained to deal with such catastrophes, would arrive with all the necessary equipment plus 36 tonnes of medical supplies. This offer, and another made directly to President George Bush, went unanswered. In the catastrophe at least 1,800 people, most of them poor, died for lack of aid and treatment.

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Terry Macalister
Wednesday August 23, 2006
The Guardian
The government gave a warning yesterday that Britain was heading into another winter of potential power shortages as one household gas supplier announced a record 30% increase in prices.

The energy minister, Malcolm Wicks, said rising demand and plunging output from North Sea fields cancelled out the benefits of new gas pipelines from Norway and the Netherlands.

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AP Economics Writer
23 August 06
WASHINGTON - Sales of previously owned homes plunged in July to the lowest level in 2 1/2 years and the inventory of unsold homes climbed to a new record high, fresh signs that the housing market has lost steam.

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By Bill Noxid
22 August 06
The question of every generation of thinking people in every country is "Will there be Peace in our time?" The nature of "Global Community" requires that Man see past Peace as a goal, and recognize it as a symptom.

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By Bill Quigley
22 August 06
Bernice Mosely is 82 and lives alone in New Orleans in a shotgun double. On August 29, 2005, as Katrina hit the Gulf Coast, the levees constructed by the U.S. Corps of Engineers failed in five places and New Orleans filled with water.

One year ago Ms. Mosely was on the second floor of her neighborhood church. Days later, she was helicoptered out. She was so dehydrated she spent eight days in a hospital. Her next door neighbor, 89 years old, stayed behind to care for his dog. He drowned in the eight feet of floodwaters that covered their neighborhood.

Ms. Mosely now lives in her half-gutted house. She has no stove, no refrigerator, and no air-conditioning. The bottom half of her walls have been stripped of sheetrock and are bare wooden slats from the floor halfway up the wall. Her food is stored in a styrofoam cooler. Two small fans push the hot air around.

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Wednesday August 23, 1944
The Guardian
To our generals victory in France is "complete" and "the end of the war is in sight". So no doubt it should be by the rules of the military game.

One often wonders how near are the German people to realising [their] fate. In the summer of 1940, by the continental rules of the game, we too were defeated. But the British people did not admit or even recognise it. How nearly are the Germans in the same state of mind? The only asset the Germans have now is faith; in 1940 we too had faith, but we had also great untapped resources, a hardly mobilised economy, and a world on which to draw freely.

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