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Signs of the Times for Wed, 19 Jul 2006

Associated Press
July 18, 2006
WASHINGTON - President Bush personally blocked a Justice Department investigation of the anti-terror eavesdropping program that intercepts Americans' international calls and e-mails, administration officials said Tuesday.

Bush refused to grant security clearances for department investigators who were looking into the role Justice lawyers played in crafting the program, under which the National Security Agency listens in on telephone calls and reads e-mail without court approval, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales told the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Without access to the sensitive program, the department's Office of Professional Responsibility closed its investigation in April.

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The Nation
July 18, 2006
Summary: "The Bush Administration cannot simply create a Big Brother program and then refuse to answer any questions on how it came about and what it entails. We are not asking for top secret information." What becomes clearer with every revelation about this President's lawlessness is that Bush's arrogance and abuse of power must be checked.

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By Brooks Boliek
Tue Jul 18, 2006
WASHINGTON - President Bush's use of the s-word during a supposedly private chat with British Prime Minister Tony Blair Monday forces U.S. broadcasters to follow strict new indecency laws while their cable rivals have no such worries.

Cable networks are free to air Bush's quote in its entirety -- and it has been burning up the Internet -- but broadcast networks risk fines and even their licenses by airing it without bleeping the word.

Bush's candid remark to Blair was picked up by an open microphone during the closing lunch at the Group of Eight summit in Russia. In the remarks, he expressed his frustration with the United Nations, Hizbollah's attacks on
Israel and the group's backers in Syria.

"See, the irony is that what they need to do is get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this s---, and it's over," Bush told Blair as he chewed on a buttered roll.

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by Robert Jensen
July 18, 2006
One way to measure the fears of people in power is by the intensity of their quest for certainty and control over knowledge.

By that standard, the members of the Florida Legislature marked themselves as the folks most terrified of history in the United States when last month they took bold action to become the first state to outlaw historical interpretation in public schools. In other words, Florida has officially replaced the study of history with the imposition of dogma and effectively outlawed critical thinking.

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July 19, 2006
CHICAGO - Evidence supports allegations that Chicago police tortured suspects in the 1970s and '80s, but the accusations are too old to prosecute, special prosecutors announced Wednesday.

Comment: That's the entire article. But then, what more is there to say? The allegations have been around for a long time, and nothing was done about them until it was too late.

Associated Press
July 18, 2006
WASHINGTON - The Energy Department has a new opening date for the long-delayed Yucca Mountain nuclear waste dump in Nevada: March 31, 2017.

That's 19 years late. But it's the first concrete timeline the department has produced in some time.

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