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Signs of the Times for Thu, 18 May 2006

Thu May 18, 8:26 AM ET
ROME - Italian Prime Minister Romano Prodi said Thursday the war in Iraq was a "grave" mistake, but said Italy would remain on the front lines in the war against terror.

"We consider the war and occupation in Iraq a grave error that hasn't solved - but has complicated - the problem of security," Prodi said in his first address to the Senate as prime minister. "Terrorism has found a new base and new excuses for internal and external terrorist action."

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By Peter Kiernan
Asia Times
Crude-oil prices hit a record US$75 per barrel in late April, a level nearly three times the prices seen just prior to the US-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003. Although oil prices have slipped a few dollars since then, the bullish price environment is not something the Bush administration banked on when it launched the military campaign to oust Saddam Hussein from power three years ago.

Indeed, there was an expectation that after Saddam's ouster Iraq would pump more oil, not just so it could finance its own reconstruction, but also to keep oil prices stable and preferably lower. A US-friendly post-Saddam Iraq realizing its potential as a major oil producer would, it was also hoped, strengthen US leverage in the Middle East. But the story of Iraq's oil over the

past three years has not been quite what was expected by the administration of President George W Bush and neo-conservative advocates for Saddam Hussein's removal.

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Michael Scherer and Mark Benjamin
May 18 2006
Senior House Democrat Jack Murtha warns that the details of a reported massacre in Iraq last year will prove "a very bad thing" for the US.

A senior House Democrat with close ties to the military claimed Wednesday that U.S. Marines wantonly killed innocent Iraqi civilians, including women and children, in an early morning raid last November, buttressing a March report by Time.

"Our troops overreacted because of the pressure on them, and they killed innocent civilians in cold blood," said Jack Murtha of Pennsylvania, a decorated Marine Corps veteran who served in Vietnam and is among the most influential Democratic voices on military matters. "This is going to be a very, very bad thing for the United States."

Asked about his sources during a midday briefing on Iraq policy in the Capitol, Murtha confidently replied, "All the information I get, it comes from the commanders, it comes from people who know what they are talking about." Although Murtha said that he had not read any investigative reports by the military on the incident, he stressed, "It's much worse than reported in Time magazine."

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17 May 2006
An average of 70 civilians are killed in Baghdad every day...

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Comment: Wondering why Bush's approval rating on Iraq is at 32%? It's simple: he is presiding over the slow and steady daily massacring of the innocent poopulation of a foreign nation. Doesn't sound much like freedom and democracy, does it? Oh yes, that's the other reason for the low approval ratings - every sane citizen in the U.S. knows that Bush and his administration are pathological liars, which doesn't sound much like freedom and democracy either, does it?

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