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Signs of the Times for Fri, 07 Apr 2006

April 7, 2006
'These numbers are scary,' GOP pollster says as Democrats eye opportunity

WASHINGTON - President Bush's approval ratings hit a series of new lows in an AP-Ipsos poll that also shows Republicans surrendering their advantage on national security - grim election-year news for a party struggling to stay in power.

Democratic leaders predicted they will seize control of one or both chambers of Congress in November. Republicans said they feared the worst unless the political landscape quickly changes.

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by P. Anthony Farruggio
April 6, 2006
They arrive, once a week, like clockwork. From the back seat of each car, or trunk, they unload their signs. Each sign states another aspect of what they are all about. Some signs declare the immorality or illegality of this war on Iraq. Others demand that our soldiers come home now. Others state how many young Americans have already been killed. There are signs calling for impeachment. Signs asking " Honk for Peace". Statements for Medicare for All Americans. Protest signs on the $ 400 billion spent for this unnecessary attack and occupation of Iraq, or asking what really might have happened on 9/11. There are signs alerting the public to the Downing Street Minutes. All in all, a vast array of signs and statements in dissent of this President, Vice President and their neo con allies.

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Movie star Susan Sarandon is terrified US society is mirroring George Orwell's chilling book 1984 - because individual rights are being trampled on.

The Thelma & Louise star was stunned by the "fraudulent" 2000 election of George W Bush - and is keen for the country's next election to be closely monitored, according to website The Scoop.

She says: "I believe our next election should be monitored by international entities, just like it happened in Haiti and Iraq.

"The last one was an embarrassment. Everybody knew there was fraud, but nothing was done about it. In some states there were more votes than people able to vote.

"I think we've never been as close to George Orwell's 1984 as before.

"We live in a society where individual rights and legality are definitely threatened and that's scary."

By Mark Trevelyan, Security Correspondent
Fri Apr 7, 2006 06:33 AM ET
BERLIN - Germany's parliament gave the green light on Friday for a parliamentary inquiry into whether German spies in Baghdad helped the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 at a time when the government was publicly opposed to the war.

Lawmakers voted to approve the probe, which will examine various sensitive aspects of the security services' work and their cooperation with the United States.

It will also look into the Central Intelligence Agency's alleged abduction of a German national and secret transfer of at least one terrorist suspect via Germany.

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Comment: Gee, we're so shocked that Merkel was against the investigation!

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