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Signs of the Times for Tue, 14 Mar 2006

Associated Press
March 13, 2006
NASA scientists have a new mystery to solve: How did materials formed by fire end up on the outermost reaches of the solar system, where temperatures are the coldest?

The materials were contained in dust samples captured when the robotic Stardust spacecraft flew past the comet Wild 2 in 2004. A 100-pound capsule tied to a parachute returned the samples to Earth in January.

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by Dwayne A. Day
March 13, 2006
The pages of Aviation Week were filled with breathless prose about an amazing new aircraft. According to a reporter writing for the magazine, a top secret, highly advanced high-speed aircraft was spotted in flight by multiple observers. There was no official confirmation of its existence, but it was clearly the kind of highly advanced airplane that the government would not want anybody to know about. The article was accompanied by an artist's illustration of a sleek, bizarre-looking craft.

Maybe you didn't read that article. It was published in Aviation Week in December 1958 ("Soviets Flight Testing Nuclear Bomber," December 1, 1958, p. 27) and referred to the Soviet atomic-powered bomber. Aviation Week (not yet "& Space Technology") ran both an editorial and an article about the supersecret airplane.

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By William B. Scott
5 Mar 06

For 16 years, Aviation Week & Space Technology has investigated myriad sightings of a two-stage-to-orbit system that could place a small military spaceplane in orbit. Considerable evidence supports the existence of such a highly classified system, and top Pentagon officials have hinted that it's "out there," but iron-clad confirmation that meets AW&ST standards has remained elusive. Now facing the possibility that this innovative "Blackstar" system may have been shelved, we elected to share what we've learned about it with our readers, rather than let an intriguing technological breakthrough vanish into "black world" history, known to only a few insiders. U.S. intelligence agencies may have quietly mothballed a highly classified two-stage-to-orbit spaceplane system designed in the 1980s for reconnaissance, satellite-insertion and, possibly, weapons delivery. It could be a victim of shrinking federal budgets strained by war costs, or it may not have met performance or operational goals.

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12 Mar 06
There are few issues as hotly contested - and as poorly understood - as the question of what makes a person gay or straight. It's not only a political, social, and religious question but also a scientific question, one that might someday have an actual, provable answer.

The handful of scientists who work in this under-funded and politically charged field will tell you: That answer is a long way off. But as Lesley Stahl reports, their efforts are already yielding tantalizing clues. One focus of their research is twins.

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Paul Kimball
12 Mar 06
Within the world of ufology there are more than a few people who rail at "science" and "scientists", as if they were the source of all evil.

This blinkered approach ignores all of the nuances within both "science", and "scientists". There is no one model, there is no one template, there is no one sterotype, that is completely accurate.

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By Mark Hinson
Tallahassee DEMOCRAT
12 Mar 06
Have you seen the photo of an alien spacecraft hovering over the Capitol at high noon on the first day of Session?

The visitors from beyond the stars turned off their cloaking device for a split second, and some kid with a camera snapped the frame.

No, it's for real, dude.

Or ... probably not.

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Tristan Giallani
This photo was taken in Hawaii on the Big Island somewhere between south point and Kona the exact location I don't know for sure but I will ask mom later. The pic totally blew me away when I saw it. The only other place I ever seen this type of craft was at If I had not seen it before on rense I would not have had any idea what I was looking at.

Go to article link to see photo.

By Robert Roy Britt
LiveScience Managing Editor
13 March 2006
If you can't remember the headline of this article or are already struggling to recall some of the words at the beginning of the story, try hard to recall how much pot you smoked in your youth.

A new study finds those who've used a lot of marijuana have worse memories and don't think as quickly.

It's not the first study to suggest pot hurts memory, but the findings are stark.

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