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Signs of the Times for Thu, 09 Feb 2006

By Ran Dagoni,
8 Feb 06
Washington -- In its 2007 budget proposal submitted to Congress, the Bush administration is asking for $2.46 billion in aid for Israel: $2.34 billion in military aid, and $120 million in civilian aid.

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by Missy Comley Beattie
8 Feb 06
I've heard George Bush is a charming, likeable guy. Frankly, all his gestures--from touching his heart to bobbing his head, giving a thumbs up when he walks across the White House lawn, the waving and grinning, especially when it's just been announced that 14 troops were killed in Iraq--are repulsively offensive to me. So much so that I picture Laura Bush feigning a headache night after night or sleeping in a separate wing of the residence.

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Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
February 08, 2006
President Bush has dropped another limp and cowardly budget on the American public.

Sure, the $2.77 trillion plan raises spending for defense, security and the Iraq war. But it continues the cuts in domestic programs that have become the hallmark of the Bush administration and the Republican Congress. In short, he wants to spend more on items that have been manipulated to play on people's fears and less on help to those who are vulnerable, powerless and silent -- a politically easy road to take.

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AP Special Correspondent
8 Feb 06
WASHINGTON - Congressional Republicans on Wednesday shunned
President Bush's election-year call to cut Social Security benefits, and one committee chairman accused the administration of seeking to end "a pittance for widows and widowers."

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By Mike Soraghan
Denver Post Staff Writer
7 Feb 06
Washington - President Bush wants to sell more public land across the West to raise money for schools, conservation and deficit reduction.

Bush's proposed 2007 federal budget, sent to Congress on Monday, calls for granting the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management new authority to sell off land. Those agencies together control hundreds of millions of acres in Western states.

Democrats and environmentalists compare the idea to recent proposals by Tom Tancredo and other Republicans in Congress to sell federal land to pay for hurricane relief and invigorate the mining industry.

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by Paul Street
February 08, 2006
Bush's supposed super-candid "addicted to oil" statement was more about deception than frankness. This is for two reasons. The first one is simple: the U.S. imports just 20 percent of its petroleum from the Middle East, the obvious geographic meaning (though he may also have had Venezuela in mind) of Bush's phrase "unstable parts of the world."

The second reason is a bit more complex. When it comes to America, Iraq, oil, war, and world geography, the really honest and relevant point regarding U.S. policy is that Uncle Sam is addicted to global dominance and empire. That addiction and not any direct-use reliance on Persian Gulf petroleum is the real reason "we" are in Iraq (against the wishes of "our" own populace not to mention those of the Iraqis) and not likely to leave anytime soon.

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by Megan Bronson
8 Feb 06
No, Mr. President, we the American people are not addicted to oil. We are dependent on oil to run our cars and heat our homes because our government, (headed by you), has not taken a strong, clear initiative in pursuing and supporting alternative and less polluting sources of energy.

The problem, Mr. Bush, is not that we are addicted to oil; it is that you are addicted to power and control and winning at all costs. How dare you turn this around. This reminds me of the drunk who spends the pay check at the bar and then berates the wife and kids for the bills not being paid or for needing food to eat.

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