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Signs of the Times for Fri, 03 Feb 2006

Associated Press
27 Jan 06
RAMALLAH, West Bank - Islamic militant Hamas' landslide victory in Palestinian elections unnerved the world, darkening prospects for Mideast peace and ending four decades of rule by the corruption-riddled Fatah Party.

The parliamentary victory Thursday stunned even Hamas leaders, who mounted a well-organized campaign but have no experience in government. They offered to share power with President Mahmoud Abbas, the Fatah chief, who said he may go around the new government to talk peace with Israel.

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Comment: Well, Dubya and everybody else say they want to "bring democracy" to the Middle East. The Palestinians voted in a Democratic election and Hamas won. Now Dubya sez: "If your platform is the destruction of Israel, it means you're not a partner in peace, and we're interested in peace."

Indeed, Dubya is interested in "peace," the peace of the graveyard.

Friday January 27, 2006
The Guardian
Democrats will rightly applaud the 78% turnout in Wednesday's elections to the Palestinian parliament, which were remarkably fair, free and peaceful. George Bush and Tony Blair, who set such store by promoting democracy in Iraq and (selectively) elsewhere in the Middle East, should be delighted. The only problem is the result: preliminary figures show a stunning victory for the Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, long shunned as a terrorist organisation not only by Israel but also by the US, Europe and Russia. This is a catastrophic defeat for Fatah, the natural party of liberation and government for Palestinians for 40 years and for half that period committed to a two-state solution to this most intractable of conflicts.

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27 Jan 06
Israeli emergency cabinet meeting decided Thursday night that Israel would not negotiate with Hamas until it renounced violence and recognized Israel's right to exist.

Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert convened the meeting to discuss the government's plans for dealing with the Hamas's surprising victory in Wednesday's Palestinian legislative elections.

Cabinet members also urged the United States and European Union to support Israel and apply pressure on Hamas, according to Israeli Channel 10 TV.

Earlier in the day Olmert instructed the ministers not to make any public statements concerning the Hamas win.

Comment: Regarding Israel's demand that Hamas renounce violence and recognize Israel's right to exist, we recently read an op-ed piece by Justin Keating, first published in The Dubliner in November of 2005 that says, in part:

I have reached the conclusion that the Zionists have absolutely no right in what they call Israel, that they have built their state not beside but on top of the Palestinian people, and that there can be no peace as long as contemporary Israel retains its present form. I hasten to make clear that none of this gives me any pleasure, but in the great scheme of things my personal wishes do not weigh heavily in the scale pans of history. I wish I did not think what I do, I hope I am wrong. My conclusions are based on the answers to five questions.

1. Did the Jews of the Old Testament come from what is now Israel? The answer is No.

2. Are the Jews of the world today simply the descendants of the people of the Diaspora two thousand years ago? The answer is, only in part.

3. Does the right of return apply to people who occupied some land two thousand years ago for a historically brief period, to the detriment of those who have been there since? Obviously no. Imagine a world where every people claimed that right.

4. Did the Balfour Declaration give the Zionists the right to establish a state in Israel? The answer is no. At the time the British Government had no right to give.

5. Did the United Nations Resolution of November 1947 give Zionists the right to establish the present state of Israel? The answer is no, and they have continuously and relentlessly violated that resolution for more than half a century, so that any tatters that now remain are void, by their action.

[T]he Hebrew Tribes came out of Mesopotamia. They moved from Ur in southwest Mesopotamia to Haran, in northwest Mesopotamia. It was here that Abraham was told, by the God that the Jews had invented to leave his land and kinsmen for a new country. Obedient to the divine voice, he moved into western Palestine, the land of the Canaanites. The above is loosely but accurately quoted from Eban. It follows that the Jews came from far away, that they claimed the land of Canaan because their God gave it to them, and there were Canaanites there already. Israel's Declaration of Independence in 1948 states, "The Land of Israel was the birthplace of the Jewish people." This was a self serving and untruthful Zionist myth.

[T]he assumption that the Jews of the world (all of whom claim the right of return) are descendants of the Diaspora takes no account of the Kingdom of the Khazars, about whom Arthur Koestler wrote a book arguing that he and other Ashkanazi Jews were their descendents. Also, it assumes that no Jewish girl ever got pregnant (over 2,000 years) by a non-Jew, and brought the child home to her parents, and it also forgets that the converted wives or husbands who were born non-Jewish can, on conversion, claim the right of return.

At the time of the Balfour Declaration, the Ottoman Empire, which was the ruling power in Palestine, was falling apart, but the British Government had no rights in the area. The Declaration was made to a private person, the head of the Rothschild family, and while Balfour was promising the Jews a nation home in Palestine, T.E. Lawrence was promising the same thing to Palestinian Arabs. In law and in equity it has no validity.

Finally, when the United Nations passed its historic resolution (with Britain abstaining) it was a plan for partition. What was new and crucial was that it recognized Jewish sovereignty. The flight of the ignorant Palestinian peasants was founded on such atrocities as the massacre at Deir Yasin where Zionist terrorists filled the well with slaughtered peasants, and went to adjoining villages saying, "Look what happened over there." In addition, there were bogus broadcasts purporting to come from Palestinian leaders, advising flight. The Jewish-Arab partnership, pleaded for so eloquently by David Ben Gurion -"based on equality and mutual assistance," to quote his words - was from the beginning a lie which Zionist fundamentalists did not believe.

Those same fundamentalists, who are in the ascendant now, can only say, "We are here because our God gave it to us." That is too weak for me I'm afraid.

All of this is a huge tragedy for ordinary Zionist people, who have been led up a blind alley by fanatics. But it is more. Jews have made an immense contribution to civilization, developing as they were between the great empires of Mesopotamia and the Nile, with both of which they had intimate contact, and by which they wanted to avoid being swallowed. They developed a religion and an ethos based on independence, liberty and democracy to which we all owe a debt. That religion is based on the twin concepts of Law and Righteousness, which inspired over the millennia extraordinary contributions to culture and morality. All admirable. In Israel/Palestine, where are they now?

Zionists have betrayed all of this, and that is a tragedy not just for Jews, but for all of us.

Jonathan Steele
Friday January 27, 2006
The Guardian
The excuses given for refusing to deal with Hamas will not wash. This is a chance for Europe to have an independent role

Hamas's triumph in Wednesday's Palestinian elections is the best news from the Middle East for a long time. The poll was a more impressive display of democracy than any other in the region, outstripping last year's votes in Lebanon and Iraq both in turnout and the range of views that candidates represented.

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Daily Times
January 27, 2006
CAIRO: Israel and the United States will eventually adapt to the reality of an electoral victory by the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, opening new opportunities for Middle East peace talks, Arab commentators said on Thursday.

The upset result, which has not been officially confirmed, could also lead Hamas to alter its hardline position, which now advocates an Islamic state embracing all of Israel and the Palestinian territories, they added.

Hamas’s victory over the long-established Fatah movement in the parliamentary elections was a victory for democracy in practice in the Arab world, even if it was not what the United States wants when it calls for political change, they said.

Arab governments, many of which face domestic opposition from popular Islamist movements sympathetic to Hamas, had no immediate comment on the election results.

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Comment: In fact, if there is wide-spread popular support for Hamas among the peoples of other Muslim countries, the election of Hamas in Palestine may very well be the first dominoe to fall that will ultimately create a coalition of Islamic countries that is capable and motivated to stand against Israel and the U.S.; certainly not a pleasant thought for either of them.

11:57:47 EST Jan 26, 2006
WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said Thursday the U.S. position on Hamas as a terrorist organization has not changed despite the militant group's stunning victory in Palestinian elections.

"You cannot have one foot in politics and another in terror," Rice told the World Economic Conference in Davos, Switzerland, via telephone hookup to the State Department. "Our position on Hamas has therefore not changed."

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Comment: South Africa was a racist state, founded upon apartheid. Today, that has changed. Do we say that South Africa was "destroyed"? Certainly, racist Afrikaners might phrase it that way.

Would the transformation of Israel into one state, from the Mediterranean to the Jordan river, where Palestinians and Jews lived together without one religion having dominance, be the "destruction" of Israel? What type of person would see it that way, would see the giving of equal rights to all citizens as "destruction" and a step backwards rather than a step forward to true peace?

By Richard Sale
UPI Terrorism Correspondent
Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years.

Israel "aided Hamas directly -- the Israelis wanted to use it as a counterbalance to the PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization)," said Tony Cordesman, Middle East analyst for the Center for Strategic Studies.

Israel's support for Hamas "was a direct attempt to divide and dilute support for a strong, secular PLO by using a competing religious alternative," said a former senior CIA official.

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Thursday, January 26, 2006
Gilad Atzmon
The consequences of today’s Hamas victory aren’t yet clear, however the election results have revealed beyond doubt some fundamental information about Palestine and the Arab world:

*Democracy = Islam.

Once again the West and especially the Anglo-Americans must acknowledge the obvious fact: democracy in the Arab world means Islam. Unless one is severely Islamophobic this shouldn’t raise a problem. But apparently, we have too many Islam haters both in the left and in the right who happen to be horrified by the success of Islam among the masses. Anyhow, yesterday’s election in Palestine should serve as the last warning for those who now insist upon ‘democratising’ Syria.

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