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Signs of the Times for Fri, 03 Feb 2006

04:29:39 EST Jan 27, 2006
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) - Colombian has dismantled a false passport ring with links to al-Qaida and Hamas militants, the acting attorney general said after authorities led dozens of simultaneous raids across five cities in collaboration with U.S. officials.

In Washington, however, Justice and Homeland Security officials were surprised by the announcement Thursday of the investigation, which they said involved people posing as members of Colombia's largest rebel army, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC - not al-Qaida or Hamas.

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Comment: So Hamas makes the headline two days after the Palestinian elections. Coincidence? Then US officials deny any knowledge of it. Did some overly zealous Colombian official think he could score some points in Washington by tying Hamas in on a fake passport ring?

Meanwhile, Washington is worried that al Qaeda will launch an attack from south of the border! Maybe that's why those vigilante groups are patroling: to defend the US from al Qaeda and the Chinese....

Analysis by Renaud Girard*
Translated By Pascaline Jay
January 23, 2006
Almost alone, hiding most likely in a small cave beyond the reach of the planet's intelligence agencies, the world's most wanted man handles the global media like his personal plaything. According to this analysis from France's Le Figaro newspaper, by mastering modern communications, Osama bin Laden has 'caused the world's democracies to backfire by locating their inherent weaknesses.'

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Comment: SOTT has read a few pieces by Renaud Girard of Le Figaro and darned if we can figure out if he's a journalist or an arm of the US Propaganda machine. Most often, he comes across as the latter.

WASHINGTON, Jan 26, 2006 (AFP)
WASHINGTON, Jan 26, 2006 (AFP) - Lawyers for Zacarias Moussaoui, the French al-Qaeda member who confessed his role in the September 11 attacks, plan to argue their client is mentally ill and the product of a troubled family in a bid to spare him the death penalty, according to court papers.

Moussaoui, 37, is scheduled to be sentenced next month in a US federal court when a jury must decide if he should be executed or imprisoned for life without parole.

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The analysis of Arnaud de la Grange*
Translated By Mike Goeden
January 19, 2006
Following the attacks of September 11, the Bush Administration quickly decided that in the fight against terror, the end justifies the means. According to France's Le Figaro newspaper, the United States has since embarked on a dangerous journey which risks compromising any claim it has to moral superiority with regard to the most basic human rights. And the all-important 'end' is still nowhere in sight.

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Comment: Bin Laden has done nothing. Bush and the Neocons and PNAC have done it all to themselves. As that marvelous compilation of ancient literary works, the Bible, tells us: Pride goeth before a fall. Pride is the chief feature of the psychopath.

26 Jan 06
The Venezuelan government says several military officers have been caught passing state secrets to the US.

Vice-President Jose Vicente Rangel said some "low-ranking officers" had passed information to the Pentagon.

Some of the individuals concerned had been detained and some had left the country, he said.

Ties between the US and Venezuela were already under strain. Washington is deeply opposed to the government of left-wing President Hugo Chavez.

Mr Chavez accuses the US of supporting attempts to overthrow him, which the US denies.

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January 17th, 2006
Stephen Soldz
A reader of my recent article on Bush’s narcissism has called my attention to a 1994 RAND Monograph on the Hubris-Nemesis Complex [Beware the Hubris-Nemesis Complex: A Concept for Leadership Analysis by David Ronfeldt]. I have not had a chance to thoroughly read it yet, but it looks fascinating. The report was written for RAND’s National Security Research Division for the CIA. While discussing supposed enemies of the United States – such as Fidel Castro, Saddam Hussein, and Slobodan Milosevic – it has an uncanny resonance in America today.

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