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Signs of the Times for Fri, 03 Feb 2006

Save The Court
18 Jan 2006







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by Doug Thompson
19 Jan 2006
White House claims that President George W. Bush doesn’t know corrupt lobbyist Jack Abramoff may soon rank up there with “I did not have sex with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky” as a blatant public lie destroyed by mounting evidence.

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by Joe in DC
18 Jan 2006
Atrios makes a great point, as usual:

Look, back during the Clinton administration this kind of thing would've dominated cable news every night. Howell Raines would've been writing thunderous editorials demanding that we knew every detail of Abramoff's White House connections. Tweety would be cranking out spittle at a record rate, screeching about the "culture of corruption" in the White House. Nightline would've put up a little "X days since White House refused to disclose information about Abramoff contacts with the president" graphic on its show.

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by Ted Bohne
19 Jan 2006
After reading the speeches of the Bush cartel, clearly they have painted themselves into a corner from which they may never leave. Most recently the revelation of the NSA listening into at very least, overseas calls from Americans or whoever they please. The claim that war time law gives them the authority to do this. This, in addition to email surveillance and telephone surveillance by the FBI and most likely the CIA as well. We are clearly at the mercy of a nonresponsive despotic regime whose lies become more pathetic and transparent with the passing of each day.

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by Manuel Valenzuela
19 Jan 2006
Of Paradoxes and Manna from Heaven

The rise of Christian fundamentalism in the United States is a profound paradox, a reality that in the natural evolution of human endeavor should not exist, an anathema to the inevitable progression of humanity and civilization, a manifestation that is at odds with what we would expect to exist in the wealthiest, most open and some would say the most learned nation the world has ever seen. Yet, not only does this variant of extremist religion exist in the land of plenty, it thrives, becoming a growing threat to the continued vitality of the nation.

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by Richard Neville
19 Jan 2006
Oh God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son"
Abe says, "Man, you must be puttin' me on

It is unlikely that many of my readers are regular churchgoers, but imagine yourself drawn to a place of worship this January to celebrate an event that your community regards as holy. The cathedral is packed, all the bright children arrayed in festive dress, three days of feasting will follow. The occasion which melds you is the commemoration of a biblical story that long predates the birth of Christ, and his supposed resurrection. It is the Festival of Sacrifice. You are there to honour the willingness of Abraham to carry out what he regarded as a directive from God, as conveyed in a dream, that he must kill his beloved son.

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By Gajendra Singh
The ramifications of US franchised torture and street revolutions in Serbia, Georgia ,Ukraine , Kyrgyzstan et al are not going to go away . The recent fence-mending visit to Washington by the newly sworn in right wing German Chancellor Angela Merkel was overshadowed by human right violations and torture at US base in Guantanamo and rendition of terrorism suspects to prisons in Europe and elsewhere by CIA.

To it were added reports that German intelligence had fed America key information about military targets in Iraq before the US led 2003 illegal invasion of Iraq. The Iraq war was vehemently opposed by the government of Merkel's predecessor Gerhard Schröder of Social Democrat party, which is now in "grand coalition" with her party.

The question of torture at secret prisons specially in East Europe had erupted following a clutch of media reports led by the Washington Post and Der Spiegel which reported US use of airports in Europe for CIA flights to transport terror suspects to a network of secret jails for questioning.

One of the persons picked up for questioning as a suspected terrorist was a German citizen Khaled Masri , who was on holiday in Macedonia. He was flown out and tortured in Afghanistan for five months before being released on grounds of mistaken identity in 2004. During the last December visit of Ms Condoleeza Rice to Europe , Merkel had said that the United States had acknowledged responsibility.

"The American government admitted its mistake," Merkel said. But Rice said she could not talk about the case specifically but added, "Any policy will sometimes result in errors, and when it happens we will do everything we can to rectify it." This had led to some confusion in Washington.

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by Katherine Brengle
19 Jan 2006
Being the masochist that I am, I am signed up for email alerts from the beacon of top-notch political analysis that features such inventive and illustrious minds as Ann Coulter and Bob Novak as regular columnists. Call me crazy—sometimes it just takes a little right-wing hysteria with my morning coffee to get my blood pumping.

This week, I received an email soliciting submissions for Town Forum Press’s upcoming Cindy Sheehan smear book titled, you guessed it, Letters to Cindy Sheehan. Their staff of small-minded hacks is trying to scrape together “letters written by ‘everyday’ Americans; people like you (emphasis mine) who don’t want Cindy to speak for America.”

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by Paul Craig Roberts
January 18, 2006
Former vice president Al Gore gave what I believe to be the most important political speech in my lifetime, and the New York Times, "the newspaper of record," did not report it. Not even excerpts.

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Al Gore
U.S. Newswire
17 Jan 2006
"The Administration's response to my speech illustrates perfectly the need for a special counsel to review the legality of the NSA wiretapping program. The Attorney General is making a political defense of the President without even addressing the substantive legal questions that have so troubled millions of Americans in both political parties.

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Comment: The country also needs a full and independent investigation into the facts of the events of 911. That would solve the whole problem because all the Neocons would be in prison for Treason and Murder.

Associated Press
Akron Beacon Journal
17 Jan 2006
WASHINGTON - Ohio's Republican leader wants Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Paul Hackett to apologize for calling some conservative Republicans religious fanatics and comparing them to terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden.

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By Scott Ritter
18 Jan 2006
As recruiters struggle to overcome the national aversion to military service that has gripped the country, their superiors wrestle to pin down the underlying reasons behind this failure of the American people to heed the call of the trumpet.

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Comment: It's not America's problem, it's America showing that they are getting a clue about the lying thieves running the country! As the C's once said:

Dec 4, 1999
Q: Does that suggest that they are building up to set off a war so they can make more money?
A: Maybe if indeed, and if the populace can be hoodwinked. But, fortunately, the public is less hoodwinkable. Maybe the real enemy is "out there," rather than "over there." Was it not always?

By Robert S. Norris and Hans M. Kristensen
January/February 2006 pp. 68-71 (vol. 62, no. 1) © 2005 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Fifteen years after the end of the Cold War, the United States continues to spend billions of dollars annually to maintain and upgrade its nuclear forces. It is deploying a larger and more accurate preemptive nuclear strike capability in the Asia-Pacific region, and shifting its doctrine toward targeting U.S. strategic nuclear forces against "weapons of mass destruction" complexes and command centers.

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