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Best of the Web: FBI file on Jeff Bezos' grandfather, a DARPA co-founder, has been destroyed

Jeff Bezos
What's not widely known is that Amazon founder Jeff Bezos' grandfather, Lawrence Preston Gise, helped form the Pentagon's supersecret Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA — renamed DARPA) in 1958. Years later, DARPA developed the internet and spurred breakthroughs in high-speed networking, voice recognition, and internet search.

ARPA Deputy
One year before Gise died in 1995, Bezos founded Amazon in the garage of his Bellevue, Washington home.

news clipping
Or so we're told...

Comment: And from another angle see Tucker discuss Amazon's manipulative and monopolistic business practices:


Best of the Web: AP reports, then retracts, statement by US general about British commandos operating in Ukraine

FILE PHOTO: A British sniper who joined Ukraine's special forces.
© LightRocket via Getty ImagesFILE PHOTO: A British sniper who joined Ukraine's special forces.
AP removed the US Special Operations chief's mention of London's clandestine activity from the original article

A senior US military official has apparently inadvertently acknowledged to the media that British commandos are secretly operating in Ukraine. The comment was later removed from the original article.

Gen. Bryan Fenton, commander of US Special Operations Command, was interviewed by the Associated Press about the lessons that his force is learning from the conflict.

The original version of the story published on Sunday said the Americans get those lessons "mostly through the eyes of our UK special operations partners," who have been testing new approaches there. As an example, he said British special operations forces were drawing on the experience of RAF pilots for advice using drones and "the way a ship in the Black Sea navigates."

The text has since been redacted to remove any mention of the British military's role in the Ukraine conflict.

Comment: The presence of NATO soldiers in Ukraine is like an alien disclosure project. The western audience is being drip-fed to accept what the elite wants to happen.

Austrian Colonel claims NATO soldiers are fighting in Ukraine as mercenaries
Kremlin: NATO has secret agenda for troops in Ukraine
The Terror's Instigators: How NATO Generals Ignite Conflict
Western troops in Ukraine 'an open secret' - Poland
Canada is losing its war against Russia so it has threatened senior army officers with court martial for "Disloyalty"

Previously posted in a comment to Macron 'hopes' France won't go to war with Russia, there was a comment from British MP, Andrew Bridgen, about the relation between the UK and Russia, that the UK is basically at war with Russia.

For context, here is what the Wiki says about him:
Andrew James Bridgen[2] (born 28 October 1964) is a British politician and businessman who has served as Member of Parliament (MP) for North West Leicestershire since 2010. He was a member of the Conservative Party until his expulsion in April 2023, having had the whip suspended in January after criticising the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and claiming that an Israeli cardiologist told him it constitutes "the biggest crime against humanity since the Holocaust".[3]
Given this background, Bridgen probably knows even more than what he is saying in the interview, as if that was not quite sufficient, and given the leak from the US general, his back is covered in case of official backlash or public disbelief.


Best of the Web: Ex-UK govt advisor Dominic Cummings: "The corrupt Ukrainian mafia state has conned us all and we're going to get f**ked"

Former Brexit campaign chief says the West is 'getting f**ked' by supporting Ukraine.
dominic cummings
"It's all gone wrong!"
Boris Johnson's former top adviser Dominic Cummings launched a sweary attack on Western support for Ukraine Thursday.

In an interview with the i newspaper, Cummings — who led Britain's Vote Leave Brexit campaign and spectacularly fell out with Johnson in 2020 — declared that the West "should have never got into the whole stupid situation" and claimed sanctions against Russia have had a greater impact on European politics than in Moscow.

The former adviser was scathing of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and comparisons with World War II.

Comment: A rare moment of insight in the otherwise brain-dead corridors of Western power.


Best of the Web: Medicine shortages in England 'beyond critical', patients at immediate risk of harm and even death, pharmacists warn

medicine shortage canada
© THE CANADIAN PRESS/Joe O'ConnalFILE: Empty shelves of children's pain relief medicine are seen at a Toronto pharmacy, Wednesday, August 17, 2022.
Drug shortages in England are now at such critical levels that patients are at risk of immediate harm and even death, pharmacists have warned.

The situation is so serious that pharmacists increasingly have to issue "owings" to patients - telling someone that only part of their prescription can be dispensed and asking them to come back for the rest of it later, once the pharmacist has sourced the remainder.

Hundreds of different drugs have become hard or impossible to obtain, according to Community Pharmacy England (CPE), which published the report. Widespread and often long-lasting shortages posed "immediate risks to patient health and wellbeing" and caused distress, it said.

Comment: It seems that the lockdowns exacerbated what was clearly a burgeoning issue, and, since then, the shortages have mostly worsened, and will continue to do so because little is being done to remedy it.

It's probably no coincidence that many of the same countries suffering these shortages are also seeing a surge in crime and rapidly crumbling economies - that hasn't, however, stopped them mobilising their governments and their raiding the taxpayer to give tens of billions of euros and dollars to Ukraine and Israel for warmongering and genocide.

It's rather telling that these same organisations were eager and able to mobilise their forces to roll out an experimental covid injection, but they're apparently unable to do the same for proven medications that people need to live. And this at a time when the health of a significant proportion of the population is compromised, and there are threats of food shortages:


Best of the Web: Geopolitical paradigm shifts and coping with psychopaths: An Interview with Professor Sergei A. Karaganov

Tariq Marzbaan and Nora Hoppe interview Professor Karaganov from Russia's leading public foreign policy organisation, conversing with him on an array of issues, including Western escalation against Russia, the war in Ukraine, colonialism, and the genocide in Gaza.
It is clear that the Anglo-Saxon industrial-military-media complex, with the help of its vassals, intends to preserve its global hegemony and its colonialist conquests at all costs. The Hegemon cannot accept the paradigm shift of an emerging Multipolar World. Any discussion of peace, diplomacy, or negotiations regarding the wars it has started is out of the question. Western populations, whose minds are contaminated with neoliberalism and Russophobia, are currently terrified of an "imminent Russian invasion"... Mass delirium is preventing REASON from returning to the West. How can the rest of the world cope with this madness? And what can the rest of the world hope for?

We turn to Professor Sergei A. Karaganov* - Honorary Chairman of the Council for Foreign and Defence Policy (Russia's leading public foreign policy organisation) and academic supervisor of the Faculty of World Economics and World Politics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics in Moscow - as he has long been offering insightful views on such topics as the use of nuclear deterrence as a wake-up call to the West to restore common sense and Russia's needed pivot away from the West and to the East.

* * *

Comment: For original insight into political ponerology, see: And check out SOTT radio's:

There are some rare voices of sanity in the political class:


Best of the Web: "Severe Geomagnetic Storm" hits Earth, NOAA warning in effect all weekend

Update — May 10, 2024 at 7:31 PM EDT

NOAA Warning: Seven Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are racing towards Earth

NOAA scientists have witnessed severe (G4) geomagnetic storm conditions today. Several additional Earth-directed Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are in transit to Earth's outer atmosphere, making it highly likely that geomagnetic storming will persist through the weekend.

A large, complex sunspot cluster (NOAA Region 3664), which has now grown to 17 times the diameter of Earth, has been the primary source of this activity. Experts still expect additional activity from this Region.

Since the current solar cycle began in December 2019, observers have only witnessed three Severe geomagnetic storms.

Comment: Related: Northern lights captured in timelapse footage across Europe and US


Best of the Web: King Bibi's Land Grab

gaza building
If you've ever taken a lifesaving course, you know there's a real possibility that a drowning person will drag you under and you'll both die. It's a lesson that should be kept in mind when discussing America's relationship with Israel. (adapted from)@LarryBoorstein
On Monday, Israel intensified its airstrikes on Rafah, bombing more than 50 sites in the heart of the city. Video footage on Twitter showed plumes of smoke rising from the makeshift encampments and residential buildings where more than 1.4 million refugees are presently huddled in the most densely populated place on earth. Israel's air campaign was accompanied by a sizable ground-offensive that deployed tanks and armored vehicles to the southern border where Israeli troops quickly seized the Rafah Crossing without resistance.

The sudden uptick in violence has triggered widespread panic among the Palestinians many of who have already gathered their families and belongings onto carts and buses and fled northward to safety. The opening assault on the civilian enclave is reminiscent of earlier attacks on Gaza City and Khan Younis both of which followed a similar pattern. The launching of random bombings is designed to amplify feelings of terror within the population while the humanitarian blockade tightens the stranglehold on critical food and medical supplies. The objective here is not to kill as many Palestinians as possible, but to force them into sprawling tent cities where they will languish amid the rubble until the international community finds a way to spirit them out of the country. For Israel, the endgame has always been ethnic cleansing, a comprehensive erasure of the native population. The ground invasion of Rafah represents the final phase of that maniacal strategy. This is from an article at the World Socialist Web Site:

Comment: The following speech, by a Jewish Holocaust survivor, is likely one of the most insightful we've heard on this subject and what a man of True conscience sounds like:


Best of the Web: Tyson Foods dumps 87 BILLION gallons of toxic waste, including cyanide, blood and feces into US rivers and lakes in just 4 years

tyson food waste pollution
The sheer scale of the poison flowing into the country's rivers and waterways is starting to emerge after scientists took a look at one of America's biggest meat processors.

Tyson Foods released 87 billion gallons contaminated with cancer-causing cyanide, nitrates, chloride, phosphorous and oil directly from 41 plants into public waters across 17 states between 2018 and 2022.

The toxic water would cover 165 square kilometers to a depth of two meters and fill three Olympic-sized swimming pools every hour.

But the study by the Union of Concerned Scientists looked at just two percent of meat processing plants nationwide leaving the total figure terrifyingly uncertain.

Comment: We see a similar disaster in the making over in the UK, which, in just the last few years, changed the laws so that industrial waste can be discharged at ever more deplorable levels. This has already resulted not only in the contamination and ruin of waterways and coastlines, but raw sewage levels have, increasingly, been so excessive that it's poisoning swimmers.

It's rather odd that these same governments, that are fearmongering about viral outbreaks - such as bird flu, but also TB, and blue tongue - and that are culling birds by the tens of millions, enforcing ever stringent biological restrictions, and concocting more questionable mRNA injections, have also, basically, made it legal to knowingly contaminate water supplies.

This, despite there already being good reason to believe that the bird flu that was recently detected in US cattle may have been because the cows were being fed the excreta and waste dredged together as 'fodder' for them from bird farms:


Best of the Web: AstraZeneca says it will withdraw Covid-19 vaccine globally... BECAUSE IT CAUSES BLOOD CLOTS

Comment: We told you so...

AstraZeneca on Tuesday announced that it has started the global withdrawal of its Covid-19 vaccine, days after the UK pharmaceutical company admitted that its vaccine has the potential to cause a rare side effect called Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS).

Comment: That's blood clots, by the way, which is why people learned to call these shots 'the clotshot'.

The company said the withdrawal was due to a "surplus of available updated vaccines" since the pandemic.

According to media reports, the Anglo-Swedish drugmaker had previously admitted in court documents that the vaccine causes side effects such as blood clots and low blood platelet counts.

The company also said its decision to remove the vaccine Vaxzevria's marketing authorizations within Europe, noting that this oversupply has resulted in a decrease in demand for Vaxzevria, which is no longer being produced or distributed.

Comment: Seems the world is catching up with the fact that the Covid vaccines have been (and will continue to) wreak havoc on the health of many millions of individuals.

The reason for pulling the clot-shot: a "surplus of available updated vaccines" - sounds like a lot of BS amid fears that greater awareness of vaccine injury, and the ensuing lawsuits, will continue to mount.

Stock Down

Best of the Web: Drowning in debt: The paralysis at the heart of the US fiscal crisis

us government debt
Washington is doing nothing about its deteriorating finances because there is nothing it can do without risking major upheaval

It can appear puzzling why at certain times in history a government facing a looming crisis simply does not address it. The problems accumulate in plain view while little is done to actually solve them. The human imagination being what it is, this inaction is inevitably attributed to some mix of corruption, malfeasance, and incompetence. And certainly the road to any system-level crisis is strewn with missteps and short-sighted policies. But there comes a point when the horizon of possibility has closed and there is simply nothing a government can do without unleashing forces that could easily overwhelm it.

In the strange and torpid final years of Tsarist rule in Russia, the unfolding crisis that would eventually result in the Russian Revolution seemed immobilized in a state of suspension as the country's major actors recoiled from taking decisive actions for fear of detonating the very cataclysm they had sought to avoid. Much has been made of the weakness and indecision of Nicholas II, but by those fateful last years the anachronistic Romanoff dynasty was collapsing and little could be done to stop it.