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"You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism." - Cindy Sheehan
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Mission in Progress


12 Jan 06
Samuel Alito, the US Supreme Court nominee, has faced more aggressive questioning from Democrats at his Senate confirmation hearing.

At Wednesday's hearing, they accused him of evasive answers and challenged his stand on abortion and past membership in a conservative Ivy League alumni group.

Shortly before the hearing recessed for the day, Lindsey Graham, a Republican senator from South Carolina, chided Democrats for their tactics and Alito's wife, Martha-Ann, tearfully left the hearing room, returning about an hour later to a seat behind her husband.

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Comment: So Alito is not a bigot, or so he claims. The definition of bigot is:
"One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ."
Even back in 1984 Alito was a member of the political elite, so do you think that his comment during that same year that:
"top officials should not be subject to lawsuits in any circumstances, including when they knowingly violated the law."

could be reasonably construed as "strong partiality to one's own group, religion, race, or politics"?

If so, then Alito is most definitely a bigot and has been for at least 20 years. Interestingly enough, the above quote comes from the final article of recently suicided New York Times retiree journalist, David Rosenbaum.

Just about every mainstream news oulet is reporting the fact that Alito's wife left the hearing room in tears, which, we suppose, is evidence of just how hard the Democrats were pushing her husband, and how unfair all those accusations are. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and if the picture of Alito below and his "distressed" wife leaving the hearing tells us anything, it's that the ploy seems to have worked.

Mission Accomplished

Mission Accomplished

Sidney Blumenthal
Thursday January 12, 2006
The Guardian
The career of the latest supreme court nominee has been marked by his hatred of liberalism

"If the president deems that he's got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person's child, there is no law that can stop him?" "No treaty," replied John Yoo, the former justice department official who wrote the crucial memos justifying President Bush's policies on torture, detainees and domestic surveillance without warrants.

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Comment: A poster to our forum wrote a nice piece on the word "liberal." Since we can't improve on it, we'll just quote it:

I notice that the word "liberal" is used by some here almost as though it were a bad word - a nasty "label." I also notice that the word "nazi" has been flung at the SOtT staff. This is truly bizarre when you consider the fact that the real Nazis were rabidly "anti-liberal." They, too, used the term "liberal" as if it were a bad word.

People often wonder how the Nazis actually came to power in a civilized and modern country when you consider that the Nazi regime was among the most criminal, barbarous and immoral that the world has ever witnessed. The fact is that the Nazis made huge efforts to present themselves as the defenders of conventional social and moral values. They presented themselves as guarantors of public decency and law and order. The Nazis suppressed homosexuals and pornography just as Bush and his coterie of Christocrats seek to do.

The daily reality of the Third Reich was a complex mixture of fear and bribery, terror and concessions, barbarism and appeals to conventional moral values which were employed in order to gain and maintain a grip on German society. Does that sound familiar?

Nazi activists gloried in violence and hate. Thousands of opponents of the Nazis were, indeed, rounded up and hanged as one poster has suggested ought to happen to the SOtT staff. Long before Germany was officially declared a one-party state, open political dissent had come to an end by virtue of the attacks of such individuals who had the power and support of the Nazis behind them.

Another interesting thing about Nazis was their extreme hatred of Communists. The communists of Germany tried to protest the intensification of the Fascist dictatorship in the city of Breslau (now Wroclaw, Poland) one morning. No sooner had the peaceful protesters assembled than about 500 Nazi Storm Troopers marched through the square. They tried to provoke the protesters to violence in ways similar to what the New York Police recently did to the anti-war protesters during the RNC. In Breslau, violence did erupt when the police began firing on the protesters, and this was used as a reason to ban the Communists and all rallies as a "threat to public order."

That evening, the Nazis celebrated their victory over the Communists by staging a huge demonstration of their own. Over 50,000 people took part in the center of Breslau. The square of the largest city in Eastern Germany became a sea of swastika flags and marching columns of brown-shirted storm troopers.

The Nazis didn't, at first, use direct state violence against their opponents. They used propaganda and [ordinary] people who later got a pat on the head and maybe a nice cushy position as a Storm Trooper - about the only place left where people had work and food.

The term "Liberal" could be used to describe both the Leftists and the Communists of Germany.

The Leftists of Germany were known as "Social Democrats." These were largely trade unions, worker's organizations and so on.

There was encouragement by the government for the violence against the "Left." Leading members of the left-wing parties were arrested as the various police forces and Nazi formations began to coordinate their activities. Attempts by the Social Democrats or Communists to hold election rallies were broken up with growing frequency. The left-wing press was suppressed, and by the time of the elections in Germany, violence from such individuals as Brian and his ilk (in the guise of Brown Shirts, Storm Troopers), as well as police repression, had combined to drive the Left from public view.

After the election, the Nazis turned their attention to rooting out and destroying the supporters of the now underground Left and Liberal parties. The once impressive supports of German Social Democracy, which had withstood Bismarck's attacks for fifty years, were destroyed piecemeal.

The campaign against the Left and Liberals was all the more effective because of its ambiguous nature. There was no single, decisive confrontation. It was carried out both within and outside of the existing legal structure just as we see happening in the U.S. today. The Leftists and Liberals essentially faced what were "spontaneous" attacks from "marauding bands" of Nazis just as marauding bands of Bushistas roam the internet and the streets of the U.S. These types of attack are quite effective because, essentially, the power of the State stands behind them.

Analysts suggest today that even if the Left and the Communists had been united, they would not have prevailed because once the Nazis and their conservatives controlled the State organs of power, as do Bush and his gang at present, the police and the army were used effectively to eliminate opposition.

If the history of the Nazi seizure of power teaches us anything, it is that there is little the Liberals can do to stop a powerful Right Wing movement that has mass support, allies in powerful places (such as the media), and control of the repression apparatus of the State [including the judiciary].

Of course, the Liberals were not the only targets of the Nazis: there were the Jews. The assault of Germany's Jews took second place behind the attacks on the Left.

The Third Reich was only able to establish and maintain itself by being in a perpetual state of emergency. And mostly, they targeted "Liberals." It seems that a liberal then and now is anyone who values human life even if that human is different.

So, when you start flaming Liberals, Communists and the "Left," the only conclusion that can be drawn is that you are a Fascist - a Nazi.

By Rupert Cornwell in Washington
11 January 2006
Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee accused President Bush's latest Supreme Court nominee of being far too deferential to executive power and invariably favouring the state over the rights of the individual.

Edward Kennedy, the party's liberal standard bearer, told Judge Samuel Alito as the committee got down to serious questioning yesterday: "Your record shows you believe in the supremacy of the executive branch and an almost all-powerful presidency."

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Comment: If Alito "believes in the supremacy of the executive branch and an almost all-powerful presidency", then he is joining the right team. Bush needs all the ass-kissers he can find at the present moment.

Associated Press
12 Jan 2006
WASHINGTON - Long hours of Senate questioning seem to have done little to alter Samuel Alito's prospects for a seat on the Supreme Court, with Republicans confident that the conservative jurist is well-suited for the job while skeptical Democrats warn that President Bush's nominee could help overturn abortion rights.

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by Andy Ostroy
12 Jan 06
The eventual overturning of Roe v. Wade is more a reality than not if Samuel J. Alito Jr. is confirmed to the Supreme Court of the United States. President Bush, and hordes of drooling right-wing religious fanatics, will finally have their dream come true, and we as a nation will sadly see a reversal of over 30 years of social progress.

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Comments: Ladies! Gentlemen! Get on the phone, get on the computer, dial up the FAX machine. Contact your representatives and demand a filibuster and an investigation of the criminal acts of George W. Bush!

By John Nichols
The Capital Times
No member of the Senate who takes seriously the oath they have sworn to defend the Constitution will vote to confirm judicial activist Samuel Alito's nomination to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.

To a greater extent than any nominee for the high court in recent memory, and very possibly in the long history of the country, Alito has placed himself clearly and unequivocally at odds with the original intent of the authors of the Constitution and the incontrovertible language of the document.

Alito is consistently on record as favoring steps by the White House to in his words "increase the power of the executive to shape the law." Twenty years ago, as a member of the Reagan administration, Alito was in the forefront of efforts to legitimize executive power grabs designed to allow presidents to take dramatic actions, sometimes in secret, without the advice and consent of Congress.

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The Pen
9 Jan 06
Bush is now completely and certifiably out of control. But to remove the last restraint on the creation of a new American dictatorship they must install one more lock down vote on the Supreme Court, in the person of Sam Alito.

Despite Alito's extreme right wing voting record and lifelong ideological agenda, nobody expects him to show up at his hearing sporting a tail and horns wearing a red suit. Instead he will lie and evade like some Wal-Mart smiley face, just as he did when in his confirmation for the Court of Appeals he promised to recuse himself from cases involving his own investments. Then he fought to
do precisely otherwise.

He will make absolutely any misrepresentation of his views and his agenda to try to sneak past public accountability yet again, while his record shouts otherwise. And only
your voices speaking out now can turn the tide against this judicial coup.

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Comment: To help us get as close as possible to 100% submission yield on this question we have made many improvements on the Desktop Action program since its initial release last week. With this program you can speak out directly from your desktop with just one click!

Download it today!

The Pen is mightier than the sword!

12 Jan 06
President George W. Bush insisted he had the legal right to authorize a domestic eavesdropping program that has sparked outrage among civil liberty groups.

"I have the right as a commander-in-chief in a time of war to take action necessary to protect the American people," Bush said during a discussion on the "war on terror" with citizens in Louisville, Kentucky.

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Comment: What a liar! We are at war because of a "terrorist attack" in which Bush and his regime were complicit, and the war in Iraq is an illegal war, a war CRIME, in fact.

"What no one seemed to notice was the ever widening gap between the government and the people. And it became always wider.....the whole process of its coming into being, was above all diverting, it provided an excuse not to think.... for people who did not want to think anyway gave us some dreadful, fundamental things to think about.....and kept us so busy with continuous changes and 'crises' and so fascinated..... by the machinations of the 'national enemies,' without and within, that we had no time to think about these dreadful things that were growing, little by little, all around us.....

"Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, 'regretted,' that unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these 'little measures'..... must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing..... Each act is worse than the last, but only a little worse. You wait for the next and the next. "You wait for one great shocking occasion, thinking that others, when such a shock comes, will join you in resisting somehow. You don't want to act, or even talk, alone ... you don't want to 'go out of your way to make trouble.' But the one great shocking occasion, when tens or hundreds or thousands will join with you, never comes.

"That's the difficulty. The forms are all there, all untouched, all reassuring, the houses, the shops, the jobs, the mealtimes, the visits, the concerts, the cinema, the holidays. But the spirit, which you never noticed because you made the lifelong mistake of identifying it with the forms, is changed. Now you live in a world of hate and fear, and the people who hate and fear do not even know it themselves, when everyone is transformed, no one is transformed. "You have accepted things you would not have accepted five years ago, a year ago, things your father .....could never have imagined."

Milton Mayer, They Thought They Were Free, The Germans, 1938-45 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1955)

Sidney Blumenthal
The Guardian
Thursday April 28, 2005

"The Bolton confirmation hearings have revealed his constant efforts to undermine Powell on Iran and Iraq, Syria and North Korea. They have also exposed a most curious incident that has triggered the administration's stonewall reflex. The foreign relations committee has discovered that Bolton made a highly unusual request and gained access to 10 intercepts by the National Security Agency, which monitors worldwide communications, of conversations involving past and present government officials. Whose conversations did Bolton secretly secure and why?

Staff members on the committee believe that Bolton was probably spying on Powell, his senior advisers and other officials reporting to him on diplomatic initiatives that Bolton opposed."

Click below to read the entire article...

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Comment: It really is wonderful when we get a little peek at the paranoia and infighting that dominates the world of organised psychopathic politcs.

Wednesday January 11th 2006, 9:46 am
Kurt Nimmo
As further evidence the Bushcons are not interested in snooping “al-Qaeda,” and in fact there is no “al-Qaeda” threat in America, consider revelations that the NSA snooped the Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore, a Quaker peace group. “The National Security Agency has been spying on a Baltimore anti-war group, according to documents released during litigation, going so far as to document the inflating of protesters’ balloons, and intended to deploy units trained to detect weapons of mass destruction,” reports the Raw Story. “According to the documents, the Pledge of Resistance-Baltimore, a Quaker-linked peace group, has been monitored by the NSA working with the Baltimore Intelligence Unit of the Baltimore City Police Department.” Of course, it is completely absurd that the NSA and the Baltimore police would actually believe a small group of Quakers have weapons of mass destruction, that is unless they believe the Bill of Rights is a weapon of mass destruction.

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International Herald Tribune
PARIS, Jan. 11 - Switzerland is conducting criminal investigations to track down the source of a leak to the Zurich-based newspaper SonntagsBlick of what it reported was a secret document citing clandestine C.I.A. prisons in Eastern Europe.

The Sunday weekly published what it reported was a summary of a fax in November from Egypt's Foreign Ministry to its London embassy that said the United States had held 23 Iraqi and Afghan prisoners at a base in Romania. It also referred to similar detention centers in Bulgaria, Kosovo, Macedonia and Ukraine.

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Comment: Yet again it is the issue of who leaked that is to be investigated NOT the existence of illegal prisons or the illegal detention of kidnap victims and their torture at the hands of the US and its lackeys. This certainly helps to show the singular nature of the New World Order. What sort of world is it when detention and torture are blithely accepted and the leaking of such criminal activity is attacked?

by Anthony Wade
January 11, 2006
It never ceases to amaze me how incredibly stupid George Bush thinks America is. I am seemingly never surprised anymore by the utter contempt he shows for the collective intelligence of this country he would be king over.

The past five years has been replete with fake news, fake interviews, fake reporters, and fake questions to a man who cannot put a coherent sentence together with two hands and a thesaurus.

Time and time again these staged events are further proof that this president simply cannot handle a real question. It does not even have to be a tough question per se, just a real question that does not start with the “average American” praising Bush before asking his “tough question.”

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9 Jan 2006
There are now eight members of Congress who have put their names to a bill calling for a special committee of the House to investigate impeachable crimes by the Bush administration. To date, all of them are Democrats.

So far, you'd be hard-pressed to know about any of this--including the very fact that Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.), the ranking minority member of the House Judiciary Committee, had even submitted such a bill--as well as two companion bills calling for censure of both Bush and Cheney for abuse of power.

Apparently in the editorial cloisters of our official Fourth Estate, where decisions as to what it is safe or appropriate for us in the public to know, it has been determined that we do not need to know that the notion of impeachment of the president is starting to grow.

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11 Jan 06
President George W. Bush has destroyed America's economy along with America's reputation as a truthful, compassionate, peace-loving nation that values civil liberties and human rights.

Nobel prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz and Harvard University budget expert Linda Bilmes have calculated the cost to Americans of Bush's Iraq war to be between one and two trillion dollars. This figure is 5 to 10 times higher than the $200 billion that Bush's economic adviser, Larry Lindsey, estimated. Lindsey was fired by Bush, because Lindsey's estimate was three times higher than the $70 billion figure that the Bush administration used to mislead Congress and the American voters about the burden of the war. You can't work in the Bush administration unless you are willing to lie for dub-ya.

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Robert Tait in Tehran
Thursday January 12, 2006
The Guardian
The heavy snowfall yesterday, compounding the thick blanket of pollution that habitually engulfs Tehran in the dead of winter, seemed emblematic of the confusion many Iranians now have over their government's decision to resume nuclear research activities in the face of fierce criticism from the west.

The White House yesterday stepped up diplomatic pressure by saying that Iran had made a "serious miscalculation" by clearing the way to resume uranium enrichment, and that intensive diplomacy with European allies and others was starting over what to do next. In London, Tony Blair said it was likely that the US and Europe would agree to refer Iran to the UN security council.

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Comment: Key to this issue is the following comment from the above article:
"Iran wants rewards for not turning its nuclear programme into a weapons programme. The Russians are saying, come and do uranium enrichment on our soil, but there's no reward for that. The regime is saying, if you want us to work with the Russians, there's a price - which is lifting the sanctions, security guarantees, economic incentives and recognition of Iran's role in the region."

The most important point is "Iran's role in the region". For many years Western nations (primarily the US in recent decades) in concert with Israel, have been carefully moulding several Middle Eastern countries to serve as the bogeymen, or "rogue states" that would facilitate American and Israeli expansionist plans. The plan involved the deliberate driving of a political, cultural and economic wedge between Western nations and the Middle East and in doing so, preventing the development of Middle Eastern countries.

At the same time, through the use of the mainstream media, a decidely negative impression of Middle Eastern countries and their inhabitants was developed in the minds of western populations. The leaders of the Middle Eastern countries in question were and are well aware of this tactic and have frequently made demands similar to those of the current Iranian president - to be allowed back into the fold, as it were.

It is entirely illogical to believe that there is any reason why the leaders of Middle Eastern nations (or any world nation) would want to ostracise themselves and their countries from the West. The simple fact is that leaders the world over crave personal power and wealth, and for many years now, governments of Western nations have been leading the field in terms of being the most corrupt and power hungry. Small wonder then that the Iranian leader, like so many others, is demanding that he be allowed the chance to have a piece of the action.

Some might suggest that the fact that certain Middle Eastern political groups and individuals have embraced fundamentalist Islam and that this is the real source of the schism between Western and Middle Eastern nations. Nothing could be further from the truth.

At the top level in the world of global politics (and religion) it is clearly understood that religion is a tool that is used to control the masses - the controllers themselves are not influenced by it in the way that it is used to deceive the people.

The interesting thing about the Middle East is that Western governments and intelligence agencies have spent decades and billions of dollars trying to graft fundamentalism onto the Middle East region in general. As already mentioned, their goal in doing so is to create the reality of the Middle East as a rogue region dominated by dangerous Islamic fundamentalists and provide justification for wars that are, in reality, entirely unjustified.

Wednesday January 11th 2006
Kurt Nimmo
In an effort to scare the pants off the misinformed and a largely dim-witted television-gazing public, the prosecution in the trial in Britain of Abu Hamza al-Masri (formerly Mustafa Kamel Mustafa) told the court the Egyptian cleric at the Finsbury Park mosque “had a 10-volume terrorism manual at his home which was dedicated to Osama bin Laden and featured a list of targets including Big Ben, skyscrapers, airports and football stadiums,” even “large congregations at Christmas” would not be spared, according to the UK Telegraph. Prosecutor David Perry and the British government told the court Hamza’s home contained a veritable treasure trove of stereotypical Muslim hate materials, including “more than 2,700 audio tapes and 570 video tapes, some of them labelled ‘Jihad’… [and] boxes piled with blank tapes and others labelled ‘master’, suggesting they were being prepared for distribution.”

It would appear Hamza was attempting to out-do the phantom al-Zarqawi in straight up psychopathic viciousness. In order to understand how far the Brits will go to portray radical Islam as a religion of serial murder and wanton butchery, it is best to quote the UK Telegraph article at length:
Britain and Western nations were “100 per cent anti-Islam”, [Hamza] said in another tape, calling on his followers to spread Islam “by the sword” and adding: “European leaders only respect those that are strong.”

He said: “Killing the kafir for any reason is OK, killing the kafir for no reason is OK,” and he specifically singled out those that granted licences for “wine shops”.

Hamza added: “We like blood and are addicted to it. When they say they love Allah they must ask themselves how much fafir blood they have spilt for Allah.”

Describing non-believers as “germs and viruses” in another tape he added: “There is no drop of liquid loved by Allah more than blood of Serbs, Jews or any other enemy of Allah.”

In a speech about a terrorist attack in Egypt, which killed 58 people in November 1997, Hamza told his audience the tourist industry should be Islamised and added: “While children should not be killed directly, their killing is permissible if they are in the target area.”

Asked if suicide bombing was permissible he said: “People call it suicide to put people off. It is not called suicide, it is called martyrdom.”

The court heard Hamza was calling for a worldwide “caliphate” of Muslim Shariah law and for a Muslim ruler in the White House.

Hamza claimed Jews were “blasphemous, traitors and dirty” and added that “Hitler was sent to torture and humiliate Jews”, the court was told.
In short, Hamza was portrayed as the Charlie Manson of Islam.

However, it should be remembered that MI6 and the CIA spent a lot of time and billions of dollars a few short years ago looking under rocks high and low for Charlie Manson-like Muslim nut jobs such as Abu Hamza for operations in Afghanistan and later in Kosovo and elsewhere.

Hamza was associated with al-Muhajiroun, an offshoot of Hizb ut-Tahrir, a militant Islamic organization that draws its “middle leaders and lieutenants are from the old Muslim Brotherhood,” according to Misha Pozhininsky of Sobaka. It is well known that the Muslim Brotherhood was penetrated and co-opted by the CIA in the 1950s and 1960s (John Loftus, a former Justice Department prosecutor, believes British intelligence sponsored the Brotherhood even earlier, at the close of the Second World War and relocated many of its members from Egypt to Saudi Arabia in the 1950s). According to the Washington Post, “State Department and CIA officials have met with Brotherhood activists in Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, the Palestinian territories and elsewhere to track currents within Islamic politics.” Moreover, according to Loftus, “back in the late 1990s, the leaders [of al-Muhajiroun] all worked for British intelligence in Kosovo. Believe it or not, British intelligence actually hired some Al-Qaeda guys to help defend the Muslim rights in Albania and in Kosovo. That’s when Al-Muhajiroun got started.”

One of Hamza’s associates, Haroon Rashid Aswat, pegged as the July 7 London bombing “mastermind,” was a British intelligence asset. Of course, considering British intelligence hired out (for the tidy sum of £100,000) an “al-Qaeda” cell in a botched effort to kill Libya’s Qaddafi, this sort of revelation should come as no surprise (the allegation was made by former MI-5 officer David Shayler and corroborated by French intelligence). One look at Aswat and it is obvious he is little more than a mastermind at tying his shoes in the morning.

It stands to reason the CIA and MI6 would naturally recruit the most vicious and demented of patsy terrorists for the long-term plan to discredit and slander Islam, as well as attempt to take out enemies such as Qaddafi and Slobodan Milosevic (and, as well, stir up trouble in Russia’s troubled Muslim republics, a scheme dreamed up by Zbigniew Brzezinski), thus the accusations against the misanthropic hatemonger Abu Hamza al-Masri are no surprise. No doubt MI6 went out of their way to find a dim bulb such as Hamza, one who could be easily and credibly associated with rooms full of hate material (obviously, a person residing in England or America with even the slightest lick of intelligence would not be associated with such material in the wake of nine eleven).

As a set-up patsy, Hamza will now take a long and hard fall, providing the British government, the American Straussian neocons, and the Zionist master planners in Israel with even more grist for their total war mill. In the interim, we will be subjected to even more lurid details about Hamza and his confederates, details that fulfill the most rabid and hateful fantasies of the Muslim hating neocons, a small group of depraved sociopaths determined to spread chaos, suffering, and murder in the Middle East.

12 Jan 06
Western opposition to Iran's nuclear programme is rooted in a "colonial mentality" and the Islamic republic will not back down to mounting pressure, top cleric Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said.

Quoted by the official news agency IRNA, the former president said Iran had decided to resume sensitive nuclear work and "break the colonial taboos regarding our peaceful nuclear energy (programme) since the West's opposition to our peaceful nuclear energy is rooted in their colonial mentality."

"They want to deprive Islamic nations of having nuclear energy knowledge and always keep them backwards," said Rafsanjani on Thursday, who served as Iran's president from 1989 to 1997 and now heads the Expediency Council, a top political arbitration body.

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12 Jan 06
World powers threatened Iran with UN Security Council action, but a defiant Tehran vowed to press ahead with sensitive nuclear research.

The British, French and German foreign ministers were to hold a meeting Thursday in Berlin to discuss a response. British Prime Minister Tony Blair said Iran would "likely" be refered to the UN Security Council for possible sanctions.

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Comment: What is most interesting about the world's response to Iran and its nuclear program is that Israel has LOTS of nukes - and is out of compliance - and nobody is demanding resolutions to disarm Israel in order to stabilise the Middle East!

By Dafna Linzer
Washington Post Staff Writer
12 Jan 06
The Bush administration, working intensely to galvanize international pressure on Iran, has secured a guarantee from Russia that it will not block U.S. efforts to take Tehran's nuclear case to the U.N. Security Council, American and European officials said yesterday.

The commitment, made in a Tuesday night phone call between Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, will likely help the United States and its European allies win support from key countries weighing a tougher line in response to Iran's resumption of sensitive nuclear work.

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12 Jan 06
Britain, France and Germany are to discuss calling an emergency meeting of the UN's nuclear watchdog at crisis talks in Berlin after Iran resumed sensitive nuclear activities, British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said.

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Comment: We seem to recall that most of Europe looked favorably on Iran's nuclear power aspirations BEFORE the Iranian president declared that Israel ought to be "wiped off the map" and that Europe ought to give land to Jews since Europe was guilty of the Holocaust. Since those remarks, however, Europe has taken a harder line...

By Claude Salhani
11 Jan 2006
WASHINGTON, DC -- Just a few days before Iran announced it was removing U.N. seals on its uranium enrichment equipment and resuming nuclear research, Israel`s Chief of General Staff Lt.Gen. Dan Halutz said Iran`s nuclear program 'can be destroyed.' He made the comments during a conference at Tel Aviv University, Israeli Army Radio reported.

Halutz, however, stated Iran`s continued nuclear program 'it is not only Israel`s problem,' but said the ball was in Iran`s court.

'There is no doubt the Iranians are taking this to the brink,' he said.

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Larisa Alexandrovna
Raw Story
January 11, 2006
Update: Retired Paris CIA station chief Bill Murray confirms and corrects.

Several U.S. and foreign intelligence sources, along with investigators, say an Iranian exile with ties to Iran-Contra peddled a bizarre tale of stolen uranium to governments on both sides of the Atlantic in the spring and summer of 2003.

The story that was peddled -- which detailed how an Iranian intelligence team infiltrated Iraq prior to the start of the war in March of 2003, and stole enriched uranium to use in their own nuclear weapons program -- was part of an attempt to implicate both countries in a WMD plot. It later emerged that the Iranian exile was trying to collect money for his tales, sources say.

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12 Jan 06
Israel's right-wing Likud party will face fresh turmoil before the forthcoming general election as cabinet ministers plan to rebel against an order from their leader, Benjamin Netanyahu, to quit the country's coalition government.

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Wed Jan 11, 6:25 PM ET
JERUSALEM - Ariel Sharon's chief surgeon said the Israeli leader had appeared aware of his younger son at his bedside, and expressed astonishment at his powers of recovery after a massive stroke.
The 77-year-old prime minister, whose fate is crucial to
Israel and the wider Middle East, remains in intensive care but doctors said they had been able to all but stop the drugs that had been keeping him in an artificial coma.
His chief surgeon Felix Umansky told AFP it could take months to assess the full extent of the damage Sharon has suffered.

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11 Jan 2006
On the morning of the day Ariel Sharon had his stroke last week, Ha'aretz ran an analysis -- aptly titled "Eating Palestine for Breakfast" -- that captured the real Ariel Sharon. It may be the last honest analysis ever to see the light of day in the mainstream media, now that Sharon is being lionized so widely as a heroic peacemaker, a man "who could deliver real peace," and other such absurdities.

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12 Jan 06
Israel has suspended contact with evangelist Pat Robertson for suggesting Ariel Sharon's stroke was divine punishment for withdrawing from the Gaza Strip, according to an Israeli minister.

The decision, announced on Wednesday by Israeli officials, would only affect Robertson's Christian group and not other US missionaries, who are growing in ties in supporting the state of Israel.

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Comment: For the scoop on these strange bedfellows, read Laura Knight-Jadczyk's The Most Dangerous Cult in The World.

John Kaminski
Thu, 12 Jan 2006
Famous author/researcher says, "Israel actually plans to exterminate the entire Arab Muslim population in the world ..." and now he’s missing!

Friends, associates, and admirers of renowned conspiracy author Eustace Mullins have gone into full panic mode over his mysterious disappearance. Mullins, 82, has been missing for seven days (as of 1/12/06) from his Staunton, Virginia home, where his cars are still parked and his mail and newspapers are piling up on the front porch.

Local police say there's nothing they can do and are notoriously vague and nonchalant about his welfare or whereabouts, according to friends who have called them to express alarm over his sudden disappearance.

Mullins, author of "Secrets of the Federal Reserve" and more than a dozen other well-researched tomes about who runs the world from behind the scenes, was scheduled to appear on an Internet radio show, Hesham Tillawi's Current Issues (, on Thursday, Jan 5, but did not appear.

Filmmaker Randy Atkins, who was scheduled to appear with Mullins and did actually participate in the show with Tillawi, has no idea where Eustace is, but noted it was very unlike the affable and professional Mullins to miss a scheduled appointment.

Atkins recently created a new film about Mullins' perspective on world events, titled "Neo-Zionist Order: Who Rules Your Rulers." This DVD is available at (a site named for an earlier Atkins film about the U.S. space weapons program that featured Noam Chomsky). Both Mullins and Atkins recently participated in a European talk show in which the methods of the international bankers who run the world from behind the scenes were extensively discussed.

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Richard Norton-Taylor and Jamie Wilson in Washington
Thursday January 12, 2006
The Guardian
A senior British officer has criticised the US army for its conduct in Iraq, accusing it of institutional racism, moral righteousness, misplaced optimism, and of being ill-suited to engage in counter-insurgency operations.

The blistering critique, by Brigadier Nigel Aylwin-Foster, who was the second most senior officer responsible for training Iraqi security forces, reflects criticism and frustration voiced by British commanders of American military tactics.

What is startling is the severity of his comments - and the decision by Military Review, a US army magazine, to publish them.

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12 Jan 06
Quaero is billed as Europe's answer to Google, but it has a lot to live up to.

The awkward word - which means "to search" in Latin - is unlikely to flash across the continent's computer screens anytime soon.

So far Quaero is just a scattering of top tech minds in labs across France and Germany, working on what they hope will be the world's most advanced multimedia search engine.

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20 June 2004
Every once in a while in America’s consumer society, a company, product or service rises above its mere utility to achieve iconic status in the culture. Its very novelty, innovation, or just manufactured “cool” allow it to enter the daily American lexicon. As nouns, brands like Kleenex (facial tissues), Rollerblade (in-line skates), or Coke (any soft drink south of the Mason Dixon Line) are equated with an entire product category, eclipsing all competitors. Others achieve the even loftier status of verbs, as in “to Xerox.”

Google has joined this elite group of culture-changing brands. Starting with excellent technology, the company nurtured a cult following into dominance of web searching, a daily task now common to most Americans. Its IPO has become one of the dominant business – and social – news stories of the year.

Far more important to American society, Google's pervasiveness has given it a unique and privileged role as the information gatekeeper of the 21st century. “To Google” someone or something has become synonymous with using the Internet to find information, images or news. The New York Times has detailed the emergence of Google as an alternative to the traditional library for research. As individuals, businesses and publishers leverage its search, email and advertising tools to reach readers, sell products and assemble communities, Google is on the verge of becoming the Internet arbiter of the First Amendment.

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Terry Macalister
Thursday January 12, 2006
The Guardian
BP has taken a billion-dollar battering from US hurricanes in the fourth quarter but is still on track to announce annual profits of over $21bn (£12bn) next month - the biggest in British corporate history.

The oil and gas group disclosed yesterday that it would take a $400m charge at its Texas City refinery alone but its 2005 profits would still be around a quarter better than in 2004, on the back of soaring oil prices. BP's profits in total could pay off a third of Britain's latest budget deficit and would be equal to the entire gross domestic product of Iraq in the latter days of Saddam Hussein.

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12 Jan 06
Lima and Caracas engaged in a renewed war of words after Peru's President Alejandro Toledo accused his Venezuelan counterpart Hugo Chavez of "destabilizing Latin America."

Toledo revived last week's accusations that Chavez was interfering in Peru's internal affairs ahead of its April 9 presidential elections, and Caracas promptly responded by calling the Lima government a "huge failure."

The angry exchange came barely one week after Peru withdrew its ambassador from Venezuela to protest what it considered expressions of support by Chavez for one of the presidential hopefuls.

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12 Jan 06
A Chilean court stripped former dictator Augusto Pinochet of legal immunity in a human rights case, but also ruled that he could be released on bail from house arrest pending trial in another case.

Pinochet, 90, can now be put on trial for responsibility in two murders by the "Caravan of Death," a band of soldiers who conducted extrajudicial killings in the months after the 1973 coup that brought him to power.

In 2002 the Supreme Court dropped an earlier attempt to try Pinochet on the "Caravan of Death" case, arguing that mild dementia hindered his ability to defend himself.

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12 Jan 06
A Georgian man accused of attempting to kill George Bush by lobbing a hand grenade towards him at an outdoor rally in the ex-Soviet republic of Georgia last May has been sentenced to life in prison.

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12 Jan 06
Mehmet Ali Agca, the Turk who attempted to kill pope John Paul II in 1981, was freed after almost 25 years in Turkish and Italian prisons to reactions of both protest and joy.

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12 Jan 06
The retrial of a self-confessed cannibal began in Germany as prosecutors sought a murder conviction for the man who killed and ate an apparently willing victim he met on the Internet.

In a lurid case that shocked the country, Armin Meiwes is being retried after a federal judge threw out a January 2004 manslaughter conviction on the grounds it was too lenient, despite the victim's purported "death wish".

Cannibalism in itself is not outlawed in Germany but if it can be proven Meiwes killed to fulfill sexual desire or in order to commit another crime, in this case "disturbing the peace of the dead", he could face life in prison.

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By Chris Hogg
BBC News, Hong Kong
12 Jan 06
Scientists in Taiwan say they have bred three pigs that glow in the dark.

They claim that while other researchers have bred partly fluorescent pigs, theirs are the only pigs in the world which are green through and through.

The pigs are transgenic, created by adding genetic material from jellyfish into a normal pig embryo.

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Comment: It should not be lost on the reader that the name of the author of this article is "Hogg."

By Sara Kehaulani Goo
Washington Post
January 11, 2006
The federal government said yesterday that it has solved the three-year-old mystery of a small plane crash in Alabama that, at least initially, appeared to have been the result of an in-flight collision with an unexplained object.

The nighttime crash in October 2002 of the single-engine Cessna cargo plane killed the pilot, the plane's only occupant, and launched UFO and government-conspiracy theories on Web sites, pondering what it might have collided with. Red scuff marks were found on pieces of the wreckage after it was pulled from a swamp.

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BBC News
12 Jan 06
More than 100 Muslim pilgrims have been killed in a crush in the stone-throwing ritual during the Hajj pilgrimage in Saudi Arabia, officials say. A BBC correspondent at the scene in Mina saw dozens of bodies lined up on the ground. Doctors warned that the death toll could reach 300.

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9 Jan 06
In 1990 the Devil came to Rochdale.

Families woke up to every parent's worst nightmare when, with no warning, police and social services came to take their children away.

Social services believed that they had uncovered evidence that the children were being forced to take part in ritual devil worship.

It was the most notorious of a series of similar claims made against families across the country.

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Alok Jha, science correspondent
Thursday January 12, 2006
The Guardian
They have long been thought of as the antidote to harmful greenhouse gases, sufferers of, rather than contributors to, the effects of global warming. But in a startling discovery, scientists have realised that plants are part of the problem.

According to a study published today, living plants may emit almost a third of the methane entering the Earth's atmosphere.

The result has come as a shock to climate scientists.

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By Steve Connor, Science Editor
12 January 2006
Global warming has triggered the decline of hundreds of species of frogs and toads by helping a deadly skin infection to spread across the world.

Scientists believe they have found the first clear proof that global warming has caused outbreaks of an infectious disease that is wiping out entire populations of amphibians.

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12 Jan 06
Some of the world's worst polluting nations pledged new tactics to fight global warming, but said they would not sacrifice economic growth while trying to cut back on greenhouse gases.

The strategy was outlined at the end of a two-day conference here bringing ministers from the United States, Australia, Japan, China, India and South Korea together with more than 100 top executives from big business.

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By Steve Connor, Science Editor
12 January 2006
Norway has revealed a plan to build a "doomsday vault" hewn out of an Arctic mountain to store two million crop seeds in the event of a global disaster.

The store is designed to hold all the seeds representing the world's crops and is being built to safeguard future food supplies in the event of widespread environmental collapse.

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Associated Press
11 January 2006
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - A volcano on an uninhabited island erupted early Wednesday, spewing ash about five miles into the sky and prompting air traffic authorities to warn planes to steer clear of the cloud.

The ash from Augustine Volcano was not expected to reach Anchorage, the state's most populous city nearly 200 miles to the northeast, meteorologists said.

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By Michael McCarthy, Environment Editor
12 January 2006
This year, the Japanese intend to kill 935 minke whales and 10 endangered fin whales, despite the international moratorium on commercial whaling which has been in force for 20 years. The Japanese hunt is carried out under the guise of "scientific research" - but the resulting whale meat ends up on sale to consumers.

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By M.L. Johnson
Associated Press
10 January 2006
PROVIDENCE, R.I.--Brown University's library boasts an anatomy book that combines form and function in macabre fashion. Its cover--tanned and polished to a smooth golden brown, like fine leather--is made of human skin.

In fact, a number of the nation's finest libraries, including Harvard's, have such books in their collections. The practice of binding books in human skin was not uncommon in centuries past, even if it was not always discussed in polite society.

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Associated Press
11 Jan 2006
Thin is still in, but apparently fat is nowhere near as out as it used to be.

A survey finds America's attitudes toward overweight people are shifting from rejection toward acceptance. Over a 20-year period, the percentage of Americans who said they find overweight people less attractive steadily dropped from 55 percent to 24 percent, the market research firm NPD Group found.

With about two-thirds of U.S. adults overweight, Americans seem more accepting of heavier body types, researchers say. The NPD survey of 1,900 people representative of the U.S. population also found other more relaxed attitudes about weight and diet.

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Comment: Necessity is the mother of invention, but so is acceptance it seems. After all it's harder to take some care over what we put into our bodies than to simply pretend that everything is fine, god is in his heaven and our government leaders would never deliberately "spike" our food to make us ill.

The Epoch Times
9 Jan 2006
On January 6, 2006, Henan Province's Dahe Daily newspaper reported that the local police department was unable to take an ID photo of Ye Xiangting from Yelou Village in the Yangzhuang Township of Wugang City, Henan Province. No image of Ye Xiangting showed up in the computer photos, and there is still no clear explanation for the result.

Ye Xiangting told the reporter about his recent visit to the Yangzhuang police station to get a photo taken for a new ID card. He sat in front of the camera, but no image of him would show up in the photo. The staff checked the camera very carefully, but found no problems. He retook photos of Ye Xiangting, but no photos of Ye Xiangting was found on the computer images.

The staff had Ye Xiangting carefully check his clothes to be sure he did not carry anything that would interfere with the equipment. Finally, Ye sat in front of the camera and was photographed from every angle. The staff still failed to get any images of him.

The staff could not find a reason. They took images of Ye Xiangting with other people. They were stunned when the other people showed up in the computer images, but not Ye. Ye Xiangting seemed to have "disappeared" from the photos. In the end, the staff had to give up. Ye Xiangting said that he has never encountered this kind of problem before. Normally, he could be photographed.

The police station chief told the reporter they have encountered two similar cases. They are unclear about the cause and hope the experts can offer an explanation.

January 12, 2006



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