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"You get America out of Iraq and Israel out of Palestine and you'll stop the terrorism." - Cindy Sheehan

P I C T U R E   O F  T H E  D A Y
©Pierre-Paul Feyte

Donald Hunt
November 14, 2005
The dollar closed at 0.8531 euros on Friday, up 0.8% from 0.8464 on the previous Friday. That put the euro at 1.1722 dollars, compared to $1.1815 the week before. Gold rebounded, closing at 470.00 dollars an ounce, up 2.6% from $458.00 at the previous week’s close. Gold in euros broke the 400 barrier, closing at 400.96 euros an ounce, up 3.4% from 387.64 the Friday before. Oil closed at 57.53 dollars a barrel, down 5.3% from $60.58 the week before. Oil in euros would be 49.08 euros a barrel at Friday’s close, down 4.5% compared to 51.27 for the previous week. The gold/oil ratio closed at 8.17 up 8.1% from 7.56 the week before. In the U.S stock market, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 10,686.04, up 1.5% from 10,530.76 at the previous Friday’s close. The NASDAQ closed at 2,202.47, up 1.5% 2,169.43. The yield on the ten-year U.S. Treasury note closed at 4.57%, down nine basis points from 4.66 the week before.

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Monday, November 14, 2005
There are all kinds of problems with the Official Story of the Jordanian bombings.

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Friday, November 11, 2005
There is an excellent summary of some peculiarities in the Jordan bombings in Xiaodong People, tying it to warnings given to Israelis in other recent 'terrorist' attacks (we might add the Odigo 9-11 warnings).

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November 13, 2005
Radio Mayak, Moscow, original in Russian. BBC Monitoring - 2005-11-11
Speakers in a Russian radio discussion have discerned an "Israeli connection" in the recent Amman bomb attacks and accused the USA of being behind the murder of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq al-Hariri. Member of the State Duma International Affairs Committee Shamil Sultanov said the bombs furthered the chances of Muhammad Dahlan to replace Mahmud Abbas as leader of the Palestinian National Authority. Middle East expert Vladimir Akhmedov said the Americans had targeted al-Hariri to get at Syrian President Bashar al-Asad and French President Jacques Chirac. The following is an excerpt from the programme in the "Panorama" series broadcast by Russian Mayak radio on 11 November. The subheadings have been added editorially:

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Thursday November 10th 2005, 9:06 pm
Kurt Nimmo
It’s amazing the way the corporate media simply passes along unsubstantiated claims and outright Bushcon propaganda as fact—for instance, over at the Chicago Tribune, it is said an “al-Qaida offshoot” is “spearheading the anti-U.S. insurgency in Iraq,” in other words, according to Joel Greenberg of the Tribune, the al-Zarqawi black op designed to discredit Iraqis who are attempting to end the illegal occupation of their country are terrorists who blow up hotels in neighboring countries. No doubt Greenberg is paid well to make up such fairy tales—or rather pass along the lies and distortions contrived by his editors and the Bushcons.

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Comment: Which brings to mind the other old chestnut, "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public". Before writing in with irate comments that "Not all Americans are like that!"... we know. Unfortunately, enough are like that to guarantee Fox News, CNN, and even the New York Times, year after profitable year.

And, yes, there are enough people in other countries like that to ensure the situation is dire the world over. In fact, it is their world, the world of those who accept unthinkingly the news they get from the authorities. They seem to be missing some important wiring in their brains that enable them to think critically, to be able to digest the information they receive, rather than simply react to it in a mechanical way.

We're the outcasts and strangers. Who is this "We"? Those who sense that there must be something more to life than fame, money, and sex. Unfortunately, there is no easy way out. Just feeling like a misfit won't do the trick because we are all mechanical and unaware most of the day, even when we are howling that we don't belong in this crazy world where the most horrible crimes are accepted are normal "because it has always been that way" or because "it's just human nature", and as long as we are mechanical and unaware, we fit here perfectly.

Maybe it is their "human nature", but it is not ours, or, rather, it doesn't have to be; some people can attain a contact with their higher nature, their conscience, even if much of the time we have such a feable contact with it that we can often act in ways that are contrary to its warning voice.

Quite the conundrum.

12.11.2005 at 04:39
by: socialdemocracynow
Al-Qaeda's sudden co-operativeness in helping the investigation speed towards a predetermined conclusion is as deeply suspicious as its solicitude for the Israeli Jews staying at the Radisson, who were escorted to safety several hours before the attacks.

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Comment: They must really think people are stupid to try and pass this one off...

Donald Way
Why would any of these suicide bombers — all Iraqis, we are told — choose to participate in an attack on Jordan when their own country is currently suffering under a military occupation? This attack only creates division amongst Arabs and the continued destabilization of the region but even more important, it's an opportunity for a paper like The New York Times to villify Muslims and paint them all as terrorists.

Qui bono?

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Nov 13
Associated Press Writer
Jordanian security forces on Sunday arrested the woman, whose husband is suspected of blowing up the Radisson SAS hotel, after being tipped off by an al-Qaida claim that a husband-and-wife team participated in Wednesday's attacks at three hotels that killed 57 other people.

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Comment: Wonder what they offered her or threatened her with to get her to play this ridiculous role? Let's watch this one morph...

By Kurt Nimmo
On the day of the bombing (November 9), Reuters reported that the bombs at the Radisson were “placed in a false ceiling”. Sneaking explosives into a hotel that caters to affluent foreigners would have been, to say the least, difficult without government complicity and all but impossible for rag-tag Iraqi resistance fighters). In an effort to tighten the story and make it sound more plausible for the al-Zarqawi suicide angle, “police sources” (most likely Jordanian police spokesman Captain Bashir al-Da’jeh) dismissed the ceiling story and introduced the more acceptable suicide bomber explanation later in the day on November 9. Now we are told the ceiling simply “caved in” as a result of “al-Qaeda in Iraq” suicide bombers.

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Donald Macintyre in Jerusalem
14 November 2005
UK Independent
Gaza is in danger of becoming a "giant prison" after Israeli withdrawal unless there is swift agreement on freeing the passage of goods and people through border crossings.

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November 13, 2005
Abul Taher
The Sunday Times UK
The Sunday Times - a major disinfo rag - has obtained the full 27-minute video, which is circulating on secure jihadist websites in the Middle East used to recruit and inflame prospective terrorists. In Britain it has been posted by Muhammad al-Massari, the London-based Saudi extremist, on his website Tajdeed.

The video also contains inflammatory material from Mohammad Sidique Khan, alleged ringleader of the London bombings which killed 52 commuters. He is urging Muslims to take part in jihad and seek martyrdom. Never mind that the evidence suggests that the London bombings were NOT carried out by Muslim Jihadists.

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Comment: We are supposed to believe this drivel? Well, we should have expected it a week after Prince Charles, the Queen's son, went to the U.S. to defend Islam and promote understanding among the Bush neocons. You'd think that they would be less obvious in their attempts to pull the wool over the eyes of the public!

By Andrew Alderson
October 31, 2005
"I find the language and rhetoric coming from America too confrontational," the prince said, according to one leader at the meeting.

It is understood that Prince Charles did not -- and does not -- believe that the actions of 19 hijackers should tarnish the reputation of hundreds of millions of law-abiding Muslims around the world.

"His criticism of America was a general one of the Americans not having the appreciation we have for Islam and its culture," said Khalid Mahmood, a Labor Party member of Parliament who attended the meeting.

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Comment: Make no mistake about it, this is the REAL reason that the CIA created al Qaeda is now alleged to declare the Queen an "enemy of Islam." Sheesh! Do these guys really think that people are that stupid?

Published: Monday, November 14, 2005
Bylined to: Bob Chapman
THE INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER editor Bob Chapman writes: We reported on the large contingent of Israelis and Mossad personnel in Colombia a couple of months ago ... they are there in the thousands.

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Jon, I know you're not dumb, and I'd like to think you're not hypocritical, so maybe you just really have missed the boat on this one. Therefore, in thanks for all the great laughs you've given us, I'd like to help you out a bit and invite you to join us on our next trip to the West Bank and Gaza. That way you can learn about things. The trip's on us, and the humus is great.

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TEL AVIV, Israel, Nov. 13 (UPI) -- U.S. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton is in Israel on a visit intended to put to rest any lingering doubts about her support for Israel.

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by James Ridgeway
November 7th, 2005
The Village Voice
On Monday, the Washington Post said Vice President Dick Cheney has kept right on pushing for a free hand in dealing with detainees, even as the UN is asking European officials to look into the secret holding facilities.

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November 11, 2005
Bush and his zealots have succeeded in bringing Iraq ever closer to becoming a theocratic regime closely allied with Iran -- Bush Washington's worst enemy on the planet apart, possibly, from North Korea. And when the oil weapon becomes serious, there won't be a drop for America from two of the world's biggest producers, because Bush has destroyed the trust and admiration for his country that so many people in the region used to have.

Think about that, Cheney, you nauseating blot, because this is where your malevolent scheming has led your country.

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Nat Hentoff
November 11th, 2005
The Village Voice
Vice president exposed as being above the law, just like the commander in chief.

"Vice President Cheney is aggressively pursuing an initiative that may be unprecedented for an elected official of the executive branch: He is proposing that Congress legally authorize human rights abuses by Americans. . . . He will be remembered as the vice president who campaigned for torture."

Vice President Cheney is the man who unleashed torture and promoted it within our military and our intelligence service. —Scott Horton, chairman, Inter-national Law Committee, Association of the Bar of the City of New York

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By Michael Ratner and Sara Miles
November 10, 2005
Inside the Pentagon, officials are arguing with Vice President Dick Cheney about a new set of US Defense Department guidelines for interrogating suspected terrorists. The debate over an anti-torture bill is a sad moment for a country that once stood for human rights.

This administration is now openly and baldly saying that it claims the right to torture, at its discretion. All the fictions that sustained the war on terror -- that abuses were one-time mistakes by low-level grunts; that the rules about human rights weren't clear; that soldiers didn't understand the parameters when they beat and humiliated and tortured prisoners -- have been replaced by a clear declaration: The United States is going to torture people as it sees fit, to subject them to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment wherever and whenever it decides to.

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Nov 13, 2005
With the video from Jordan showing a woman making shocking accusations, it is worth recalling the last time when a woman was shown on TV making shocking accusations.

The day after Iraq invaded Kuwait, the Kuwaitis living in the US hired the public relations firm Hill and Knowlton - a job worth $1 million a month. This was the biggest ever contract in the history of public relations to improve the image of their corrupt, oil-rich regime.

The story of how Iraqi troops, in the first days of the invasion, went into Al-Adan hospital, tore the sick babies from incubators and left them on the cold floor to die was graphically told to Congress on November 1990 before the crucial vote to send US troops (passed by about 5 votes).

What the audience didn't know however was that the 15-year old girl who made the moving, tearful testimony was none other than Niyirah al-Sabah - daughter of the US Ambassador to Kuwait. She had allegedly worked as a volunteer in the maternity ward of the hospital. But nurses who live in the two story white building opposite the hospital in Kuwait City claimed that they had never seen the girl before in their life.

The entire move towards the Gulf War had thus been motivated by a blatant lie. The girl had been "trained" by Hill and Knowlton. The renowned international human rights group Amnesty International took out full-page newspaper spreads to publicise the babies incident. It had unwittingly (and not for the first time) transformed itself from a charity to a propaganda tool. Andrew Whitley of Middle East Watch described the story as a fabrication but it took months for the truth to come out. President Bush mentioned the incubator incident in five of his speeches and seven senators referred to them in speeches backing a pro-war resolution.

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12 November 2005 news service
Paul Marks

"Tasers are suffering from mission creep," says Nick Lewer, who studies conflict resolution at the University of Bradford in the UK. "From being an alternative to lethal firearms they are now becoming an indiscriminate compliance tool."

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By Paul Craig Roberts
In England the power to arrest people and to hold them indefinitely without charges was taken away from kings centuries ago. Bush apparently thinks he is the reincarnation of an absolute monarch.

The Labour Party–dominated British Parliament will not allow 90 days detention without charges, but the Republican-controlled US Congress favors indefinite detention without charges of whomever Bush wants to detain.

Nothing more effectively undercuts the image that Bush paints of America as the land of freedom, liberty and democracy than the Republican Party’s destruction of habeas corpus.

It is heartbreaking to watch the Republican Party overthrow the very foundation of democracy in the name of democracy.

What a hypocritical spectacle the Bush administration and the Republican Party have made of America. They boast of "freedom and democracy" while they destroy habeas corpus and practice torture.

Americans must recognize the Bush administration and the Republican Party for what they are. They are tyrants. They are bringing evil to the world and tyranny to America.

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New York Times
Comment: A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider god-fearing and pious. On the other hand, they
do less easily move against him, believing that he has the gods on his side: Aristotle

AFP, AP, Reuters
11/12/05 "The Australian"
Senator McCain said in Washington that bowing to calls by anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan and Democratic senator John Kerry respectively for an immediate or gradual withdrawal from Iraq would be a "fatal mistake" for the US.

He said the result would be civil war in Iraq, which would become a haven for terrorist groups to size up the US for future attacks in the vein of the September 11 strikes.

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November 11, 2005
The Boston Globe
Sheehan sez: Government officials who don't have family serving in the Iraq war "have nothing at stake."

"So it is no problem for them to say we need to wait for the next election, for a better time..." to end the war,

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November 12, 2005
"President Bush has consistently refused to provide enough" money for veterans' health care.

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By Mike Whitney
Information Clearing House
New evidence that bombs are being planted by British Commandos. The primary aim of the Pentagon's "Strategic Information" program is to distort the truth in a way that controls the storyline created by the media.

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Saturday, November 12, 2005
By Stephen Edward Seadler
It was the worst of times. The world was going up in flames of hate, driven by the whirlwinds of bigotry, racism, and other malignant ideologies. It was the Era of the Thrd Reich, of Naziism in the heart of Christendom, of Stalin’s Terror savaging the Soviet Union, of Fascism in Italy driving its aggressions in Africa, of Fascism in Spain driving brutal civil war, of Shinto-Tanakaism driving Japan as it slashed, slaughtered and raped its way through Asia, of pandemic bigotry, racism, cross-burnings and lynching in the United States, and of a Second World War.

We Westerners of the late 20th century -- for all our modernity -- are still a Bronze Age people.

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Stephen Edward Seadler is a member of: American Physical Society, New York Academy of Sciences, Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers, Foreign Policy Association, Academy of Political Science, West Point Society of New Jersey, Union of Concerned Scientists, American Physical Society Forum On Physics & Society, Naval Intelligence Professionals, Wisdom Hall of Fame.and is listed in: Marquis Who's Who in the World, Who's Who in America, Who's Who in Science & Engineering, Who's Who in Finance & Business Who's Who in American Education. Others in the UK, Europe & Asia.

by Michael Nolan
November 12, 2005
If we, the people, allow government leaders to commit unnamed, unaccounted-for tortures upon those we hold in far-flung gulags – in “support” of a war that these leaders can’t explain to the American people or the world – it won’t be surprising when, in the event of domestic chaos at home, they visit like horrors upon their own citizens. Since Katrina, the mention of martial law is trendy in government circles and in the media. The trouble is: it’s a short conceptual leap from the pushing of a recalcitrant homeowner out of a hurricane zone at the end of a federal bayonet, to the violent dispersal of angry crowds gathered to voice disapproval of a fascist state.

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Michael Nolan [send him mail] is a freelance writer from Taunton, MA. His work recently appeared in Common Dreams and His fiction has appeared in the Dublin Writers Workshop Electric Acorn. He is currently finishing a novel.

Sidney Blumenthal
11 - 11 - 2005
When I Lewis “Scooter” Libby enters the courtroom on perjury charges, the behaviour of his former patron, United States vice-president Dick Cheney, will also be on trial, says Sidney Blumenthal.

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Sidney Blumenthal is a former assistant and senior advisor to President Clinton. He is the author of The Clinton Wars (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2003) and writes a column for Salon and the Guardian.

By Marc Perelman
"The Forward"
In July 2003, USA Today reported the existence of the NSC memo, which examined the level of troops in peacekeeping operations and concluded that some 500,000 troops would need to be deployed to Iraq. USA Today raised doubts as to whether the president saw the memo. However, Wilkerson's assertion seemed to take the matter a step further, suggesting that aides - Condoleezza Rice or her deputy, Stephen Hadley - who supported the war intentionally kept the president in the dark.

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November 13, 2005
The New York Times
The paper that brought Judy Miller and Plamegate
The documents,[on the stolen laptop] the Americans acknowledged from the start, do not prove that Iran has an atomic bomb. They presented them as the strongest evidence yet...

Nonetheless, doubts about the intelligence persist among some foreign analysts. In part, that is because American officials, citing the need to protect their source, have largely refused to provide details of the origins of the laptop computer beyond saying that they obtained it in mid-2004 from a longtime contact in Iran. Moreover, this chapter in the confrontation with Iran is infused with the memory of the faulty intelligence on Iraq's unconventional arms. In this atmosphere,... few are willing to accept the United States' weapons intelligence without question.

"I can fabricate that data," a senior European diplomat said of the documents. "It looks beautiful, but is open to doubt."

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Comment: Is it any wonder that no one takes the word of the US anymore? Lord help us if there ever is a REAL threat.

Dave Johnson
November 12, 2005
We cannot trust Bush again, and many here and around the world will never be able to trust the United States again. This is especially serious because there are countries and people who might really be preparing to attack. Because of what Bush has done America can no longer sound the alarm. Who would believe? Who could be sure it isn't just another mistake - or trick? This is a dangerous situation.

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SUN NOV 13 2005
Matt Drudge
HONEYWELL is developing a micro flying spy drone -- that would be used for civilian law enforcement!

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by Paul Von Ward (11/11/05)
On Veterans' Day, as a Vietnam-era vet, I always ponder why Johnson and Nixon believed they were right to issue orders that killed and maimed so many of my brothers and sisters, and the sons and daughters of other nations. Today, why does George Bush think he's right, while most everyone thinks he's wrong? Why do Benedict, Sistani, and Robertson believe they speak for the same God?

And, why do I believe I have a right to challenge their interpretation of reality?

Humans appear to have a psychological need to deceive themselves. We pretend to have answers about the most fundamental issues - the nature of reality - where there are only unanswered questions. We depend on delusions.

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Comment: Indeed there are many "worldviews" or "mindsets." It also seems that there is a primary division based on creativity and entropy. Listen to Saturday's podcast for a discussion of this issue. Just to give an example of how bizarre these different worldviews can be, here is what a reader, Dennis, writes:

November 13, 2005 - I was watching the News a couple days ago and The Secretary General of the United Nations was talking about the bombing of three Jordanian hotels by suicide bombers. "There is no cause which justifies the taking of innocent lives," he stated passionately.

During that same newscast there was an interview with an American soldier regarding some Iraqi women and children that were killed during an American attack on insurgents. "Well, we regret these innocent deaths, but this is war," he said.


Fitzgerald Should Counter Any Pre-trial Talk of a Pardon for Libby with an Obstruction of Justice Charge

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David Smith
Sunday November 13, 2005
The Observer

The uncensored memoirs of the PM's bodyguard were found in a farm loft

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November 14, 2005
An overnight curfew was still in force in 40 municipalities and authorities in the southeastern city of Lyon banned public gatherings in order to head off a repeat of clashes in the historic centre.

Police said no incident was reported in France's third-largest city Sunday afternoon but 15 cars were set ablaze during the day and three people who were carrying gasoline (petrol) were detained for questioning.

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by David Ng
November 10th, 2005
The Paris riots weren't that bad—and the French government handled it well

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14 November 2005
Bruce Anderson
UK Independent
Confidence in the Prime Minister is ebbing away - this has emboldened his own MPs to vote against him. The PM's authority cannot recover. For the rest of his time in No 10, as Norman Lamont said of John Major, he will be in office, not in power. A Prime Minister who is unable to command respect for his views on crucial security questions is incapable of discharging his most important duty. Far from being the guardian of national security, he has become a threat to national security.

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Comment: Bush is also a threat to national security. He needs to go.

14 November 2005
David Eimer
UK Independent
His song was the anthem for a generation of protesters. He played Tiananmen Square in May 1989, just before Deng Xiaoping sent in thetanks. David Eimer talks to Cui Jian, Beijing's answer to Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen, about his rehabilitation

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Jerome Taylor
Published: 14 November 2005
UK Independent
Her decision to marry a commoner has forced her to leave the royal household, which does not allow marriages to commoners. Her children will not be eligible to inherit the throne. Her departure from the royal household has contributed to a succession crisis which has cast a shadow over the dynasty, which claims an unbroken lineage of 2,600 years. The royal family has been desperate to produce a male successor to Emperor Akihito because, although there have been eight temporary empresses since the 8th century, current succession rules state that only a man can occupy the throne.

No one from the family has produced a son since 1965.

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Nov 13, 2005
A warp-speed news culture leaves lumbering dailies behind and scandals over flawed reporting taint heavyweight titles

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Comment: Since the newspaper circulation drops have occurred in concert with the after-9-11 reporting, you'd think that the editors and publishers would be able to make the connection. There's really only one way out for the newspaper industry and it's surprising that they haven't thought of it: start printing the TRUTH! Stop firing good investigative journalists for daring to speak out, and start sending them out to dig up the real stories that the alternative news and blogs cover. That will get your readers back! The people are speaking loud and clear with their wallets: We AIN'T PAYING FOR LIES!

Tess Koppelman
Fox 4 News
"In the last 5 years there's been a dramatic and disturbing and radical change in the values of this country," Carter said. For example, he says peace is an American value, not pre-emptive war. He says another American value is human rights. For decades the US has supported the Geneva convention saying we won't torture prisoners, but he says now "our senators are voting to keep torture. It's inconceivable this would happen in the United States of America."

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Nov. 12
A total of 58 percent of those surveyed by today's Newsweek poll said they disapprove of how Bush is handling his job...

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November 10, 2005
"Since the number of deaths among the cattle is so huge, it is very difficult to discharge their bodies. Stray dogs have also died after eating the dead cattle. Maybe some dangerous epidemic has struck the village,"

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by Jorge Martin
Paranoia Magazine
Many of the unidentified objects and luminous anomalous phenomena originate in a zone south of the island of Vieques, coming out from or entering the sea.

The object was sucking water from the sea, and the water was swirling like in a blender. A column of bright green light, similar to that of a powerful spotlight, was coming out from under the object.

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By Tom Anderson
Published: 13 November 2005
UK Independent
It had killed 126 Himalayan villagers - until a lone Briton came stalking it

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05 November 2005
From New Scientist Print Edition
David Wolman
Christman's findings suggest that strong and mixed-handers should show differences in areas such as belief in improbable events, memory and accident-proneness. "The common thread is that for cognitive tasks requiring activity in both hemispheres, mixed-handers perform better," Christman says. The same should be true when strong-handers perform tasks requiring more shielding between the hemispheres. ...he found that mixed-handers' childhood memories date back further than those of strong-handers... one of Christman's protégés, Chris Niebauer, who now teaches at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, claims that handedness is correlated in a more general way to people's attitudes. Niebauer has collected results that he says suggest that mixed-handers are less likely to believe in creationism or be homophobic and more likely to be hypochondriac. He explains this by drawing on renowned neurologist V.S. Ramachandran's view that the left hemisphere controls rational thought, while the right is the world-view challenger, updating beliefs when contradictory information becomes overwhelming. Niebauer argues that in mixed-handers, a larger corpus callosum helps the right hemisphere revise its beliefs more frequently, updating the person's overall belief system and washing away entrenched ideas...

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David Wolman is a left-handed writer in Portland, Oregon. His new book, A Left-Hand Turn Around the World: Chasing the mystery and meaning of all things southpaw, is published this week by Da Capo Press at £14.50/$23.95

05 November 2005
New Scientist Print Edition
Has anybody heard about this poor guy stuck on the space station due to bureaucracy?

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05 November 2005
New Scientist Print Edition
Some researchers believe the US government has used the case to frighten scientists...

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11 Nov 2005
News From Norway
Somali pirates attacked five ships in the past week in a sharp rise of banditry apparently directed from a mysterious "mother ship" prowling the busy Indian Ocean corridor, shipping experts said on Friday.

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By Justin Huggler in Bagh, Kashmir
Published: 13 November 2005
UK Independent
Thousands have no shelter with the first snows of winter only days away

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November 14, 2005
Peter Weekes
As chairman of a British company, the former US vice-president still has global warming and long-term consequences on his mind, writes Peter Weekes.

"What changed in the US with hurricane Katrina was a feeling that we have entered a period of consequences and that bitter cup will be offered to us again and again until we exert our moral authority and respond appropriately," he says. "I don't want to diminish the threat of terrorism at all, it is extremely serious, but on a long-term global basis, global warming is the most serious problem we are facing."

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Comment: He's right, of course, and for more reasons than the mainstream media mentions. More than that, the "War Without End" launched by the Neocons contributes enormously to the problems of global pollution and ecological disruption. I think that we can say that the so-called "Global War on Terror" is quite similar to Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy.

"Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy (MSP) is a parenting disorder where parents, usually the mother, fabricate symptoms in their children, thus subjecting the child to unnecessary medical tests and/or surgical procedures. In some cases, the parents also inflict injury and can kill their children in the process."

November 14, 2005
"It certainly sends a message that's consistent with what we've seen in the last few years -- that climate over Australia and indeed over the world as a whole is getting warmer..."

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Monday 14th November, 2005
Big News
No reason to be shocked... The whole planet has gone to Hell since Bush stole the first election.

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Martin Wainwright
Monday November 14, 2005
The Guardian
The latest experiment reinforces theories that existing, latent infection can be activated when parts of the body, particularly the feet and nose, get wet and cold.

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Hugh Muir and James Meikle
Monday November 14, 2005
The Guardian
A spokeswoman said: "I can confirm that he has a positive and a negative test. I can't confirm that he's shaken it off, that he's been cured. Disclosures in his case arose not from medical research or peer review but from legal correspondence relating to an action Mr Stimpson was pursuing against the health trust. He had feared the positive results might have been wrong and had sought compensation. The trust's contention that both sets of blood tests were accurate emerged as it tried to defend itself from litigation.

Experts stress that the complexities of HIV make any one of a number of scenarios possible in this case. Tests usually indicate antibodies rather than the virus. They are usually accurate but one of the number of tests he has undergone may have been wrong. In any event a test for the virus itself is more conclusive.

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Amelia Hill and Gaby Hinsliff
Sunday November 13, 2005
The Observer
· Nearly every child affected by 'culture of violence' · Shock predictions follow brutal school stabbing

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By David Randall
Published: 13 November 2005
UK Independent
Revealed: the real story behind the great Iraq Museum thefts

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by Nat Hentoff
November 7th, 2005
A PBS documentary names U.S. torture commanders

Laws, like the spiders' webs, catch the small flies and let the large ones go free. — Balzac La Maison Nucingen

At the end of the day, you can't become your enemy in the name of defeating your enemy.— Republican senator Lindsey Graham, a former Air Force lawyer, in "The Torture Question," Frontline

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by James Ridgeway
November 8th, 2005
The Village Voice
Alito, Plamegate—there's even no escape in South America for Bush

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Associated Press Writer
Nov 11, 2005
"This was a lied-into war that is a quagmire now," the 50-year-old Rowley recently told a group of rural Democrats in a garage in this small town south of the Twin Cities. "It could be worse than Vietnam. The truth is we can't win, and there's still an ongoing deception."

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NEW! 9/11: The Ultimate Truth is Now Available!

On the fourth anniversary of the September 11th attacks, Laura Knight-Jadczyk announced the availability of her latest book:

In the years since the 9/11 attacks, dozens of books have sought to explore the truth behind the official version of events that day - yet to date, none of these publications has provided a satisfactory answer as to WHY the attacks occurred and who was ultimately responsible for carrying them out.

Taking a broad, millennia-long perspective, Laura Knight-Jadczyk's 9/11: The Ultimate Truth uncovers the true nature of the ruling elite on our planet and presents new and ground-breaking insights into just how the 9/11 attacks played out.

9/11: The Ultimate Truth makes a strong case for the idea that September 11, 2001 marked the moment when our planet entered the final phase of a diabolical plan that has been many, many years in the making. It is a plan developed and nurtured by successive generations of ruthless individuals who relentlessly exploit the negative aspects of basic human nature to entrap humanity as a whole in endless wars and suffering in order to keep us confused and distracted to the reality of the man behind the curtain.

Drawing on historical and genealogical sources, Knight-Jadczyk eloquently links the 9/11 event to the modern-day Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She also cites the clear evidence that our planet undergoes periodic natural cataclysms, a cycle that has arguably brought humanity to the brink of destruction in the present day.

For its no nonsense style in cutting to the core of the issue and its sheer audacity in refusing to be swayed or distracted by the morass of disinformation that has been employed by the Powers that Be to cover their tracks, 9/11: The Ultimate Truth can rightly claim to be THE definitive book on 9/11 - and what that fateful day's true implications are for the future of mankind.

Published by Red Pill Press

Order the book today at our bookstore.

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