February 2006


SOTT Editorials and Features

What Can You Do?
We get many emails from readers asking what they can do. They see the dire situation facing the United States and feel helpless. Many say that before finding our site, they wondered if they were crazy or if they were the only one that saw what was happening to their country. If you have benefited from our work, then there is likely to be someone else out there who could, too. But how do we reach them?

The Real Enemy and What YOU Can Do
Last week I wrote an editorial to kick off our Semi-annual Fundraiser. In that editorial I quoted a popular political action group's fund-raising report that informs us that, from 6,613 contributors, they were able to raise $389,900 in a single DAY. That averages out to $58.00 per person. Not a big expenditure for everyone, but the total is what is amazing. That total is a result of the large base of supporters they have which they have as a result of early advertising and very public and prominent activities where they make a big splash but actually accomplish zilch. They added that "This generosity gives us a great deal of hope." I, on the other hand, did not express much hope at all that pursuing change via political action within the existing system would accomplish a thing.

The Daily Battle Against Subjectivity
If the world is the expression of those who inhabit it, the mirror of ourselves and our ways of interacting with each other, then surely the only way for the world to evolve is for its inhabitants to evolve.

In a perfect world
A good society is a means to a good life for those who compose it; not something having a kind of excellence on its own account. — Bertrand Russell .  In a perfect world, there would be no soldiers, no police, no crime, no hatred, no oil spills. A ritually stabilized world population, structured so each person connected with an actualized family unit, would have behaviorally internalized integrity and civility and this was reflected in friendly social behavior and totally amiable international relations.

Big Oil and Bigger Profits - Fleecing the Sheeple
Today, Oil company Royal Dutch Shell reported a record annual profit for a UK-listed company of $22.94bn. This comes on top of similarly outrageous profits previously posted by other major oil exploration companies. Exxon Mobil for example made a staggering $36.1 billion in 2005. Where do these vast sums of money come from? Check your bank balance, that might give you a clue.

Listen Up, America: It's Now or Never
Lately, I find myself in a bit of a funk. It all started with Patrick Fitzgerald riding in on his white horse and dishing out indictments left and right - at least, that's what everyone thought he would do. But that's not what happened.

Abortion, Psychopaths and Mother Love
The other day a most interesting post was made to our modest little guestbook/forum as follows:
First of all, congratulations on your site – your work is admirable. Lately I have found on it one more piece of a puzzle I have been trying to put together for years. The basic question goes like this: why does it seem necessary for the powers of the week to put down women to such an extent? An urgent sub-question is: why is George W. Bush so hellbent on taking away not only women's rights generally, especially reproductive rights?Now, we already know some of the rather self-evident answers: a state oriented towards war and domination NEEDS babies, most of all babies born from poor and uneducated families, in order to have a) people willing to enlist in the army and b) cheap wage workers – it will be very important to have a lot of them when comes the time to remove unions and worker's rights. And you cannot get a high birth rate in a society where women are free to choose not to have babies. But then, that explanation is not enough.
Preparing the World For Another 9/11
What are we to make of the "furore" surrounding the publishing of anti-Islam cartoons by Dutch and French daily papers? The intent seems clear enough - to portray Islam, and therefore all Muslims as fanatic terrorists, and to provoke Muslim groups to confirm for the world that this portrayal is accurate - which is exactly what has happened. Flag and effigy burning has already ensued in Pakistan, Indonesia, and the Palestine territories. In Iran, hundreds of thousands of worshippers staged a protest demonstration against the insulting cartoons, shouting "Death to America," "Death to Israel" and "this insult will not remain unanswered."

Burning Down Danish Embassies: More Straussian Psychological Warfare?
Amidst the corporate media feeding frenzy over the publication of caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in September and subsequently reprinted in European media and New Zealand in the past week, one important element has apparently slipped under the wire—the complicity of Danish imams who “circulated the images to brethren in Muslim countries,” according to Charles Moore, writing for the UK Telegraph. “When they did so, they included in their package three other, much more offensive cartoons which had not appeared in Jyllands-Posten but were lumped together so that many thought they had.”

Reaping The Genetic Whirlwinds
For hundreds of years, the New World was the dumping ground for the misfits and criminals of Europe. The indigenous peoples of the Americas were their first victims. Will those who once cast off their rejects now stand up and face the consequences?

Hillary Clinton and the Neolib Gender Game
According to CBS, Americans don’t care what gender their neolib rulers are. “As has been the case for a number of years, nearly all Americans say they would vote for a woman for president from their own political party if she were qualified,” reports the corporate propaganda division of Westinghouse (a former death merchant industry). Not unexpectedly, CBS sports an image of the Grand Madame of Globalism—Hillary Clinton—on the page with the poll results, thus revealing who they imagine the next president should be, that is if the easily and repeatedly hoodwinked masses decide 2008 is high tide for a female ruler. No doubt millions of Americans will feel a tad better—at least in the short term—about taking their marching orders down the thorny road toward slavery from a woman.

Flemming Rose and the Straussian Art of Provocation
As suspected, and claimed on this blog over the weekend, the inflammatory anti-Muslim cartoons published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten were a deliberate provocation designed to outrage and incite Muslims and thus engender support in Europe and America for the manufactured “clash of civilizations” engineered by the Straussian neocons. As Christopher Bollyn writes for the American Free Press, the neocon operative behind the cartoon scheme is Flemming Rose, cultural editor of Jyllands-Posten, who has “has clear ties to the Zionist Neo-Cons.” Rose “traveled to Philadelphia in October 2004 to visit Daniel Pipes, the Neo-Con ideologue who says the only path to Middle East peace will come through a total Israeli military victory. Rose then penned a positive article about Pipes, who compares ‘militant Islam’ with fascism and communism,” Bollyn reveals.

Iraqi voices are drowned out in a blizzard of occupiers' spin
The deception that launched the invasion of Iraq now increasingly shapes media coverage of the occupation Three years after invading Iraq, George Bush and Tony Blair are still dipping into the trough of deception and disinformation that launched the war: hailing non-existent progress, declaring sanctimonious satisfaction with sectarian elections and holding out the mirage of early withdrawal. In reality, the occupation and divide-and-rule tactics have spawned death squads, torture, kidnappings, chemical attacks, polluted water, depleted uranium, bombardment of civilians, probably more than 100,000 people dead and a relentless deterioration in Iraqis' daily lives.

Jeff Rense: Crypto-Jew or Holocaust Denier?
It’s a crazy, polarized world. On the one hand, we have former GCN radio show host Daryl Bradford Smith declaring fellow radio talk show host and website proprietor Jeff Rense a Zionist stooge, and on the other hand we have a reactionary Horowitzite and Israeli settler Steve Plaut, calling him a “Holocaust Denier, a Neo-Nazi, and a UFO nut.”

Wake Up And Smell The Cordite
al-Badawi. Do you recognise that name? Didn't think so. He's one of the people that the US government alleges carried out a suicide bomb attack on the USS Cole as it sat at a Yemeni harbor in 2000.

What Can You Do?
We get many emails from readers asking what they can do. They see the dire situation facing the United States and feel helpless. Many say that before finding our site, they wondered if they were crazy or if they were the only one that saw what was happening to their country. If you have benefited from our work, then there is likely to be someone else out there who could, too. But how do we reach them?

When the going gets tough, the president talks terror, terror, terror. Does this man have any credibility? Only with those who think that Osama and Saddam are one and the same and, of course, the people who still believe that Iraq attacked us on September 11, 2001. Yes, that's the answer. Oh, and the scared. Actually, I don't buy this foiled plot Bush announced today--that al Qaeda planned to fly a plane into the Library Tower. And one of the many reasons is because he had to read it to us. If there were any truth to his success at preventing a disaster, he would have been capable of telling it.

Bush Recycles Terror Plot Disinfo in the Nick of Time
Naturally, this whole sketchy and uncorroborated affair is simply a transparent effort to deflect attention away from congressional intelligence committee hearings supposedly empanelled to uncover details about Straussian neocon criminal behavior vis-à-vis snooping on millions of Americans. It is also intended to offer up an excuse for continued snooping and the deliberate trashing for the Bill of Rights as the Straussian neocons behind the Bush administration make steady progress in reducing America to a nightmarish Panopticon.

Commentary on the Cointelpro War
Magus, a friend of Signs of the Times and former 60s activist in the United States, looks back finds some answers to questions that have been haunting him for three decades.

Secularist Stupidity & Religious Wars
"What hypocrisy. When it comes to what Germans are most sensitive about, Hitler and the Holocaust, they are ruthless censors. British historian David Irving has spent three months in a Viennese prison awaiting trial on Feb. 20 for speeches he made 15 years ago in Austria. Skeptics and deniers of the Holocaust are prosecuted, fined and imprisoned in Europe with the enthusiastic endorsement of the European press."

They Thought They Were Free - The Germans, 1933-45
"To live in this process is absolutely not to be able to notice it — please try to believe me — unless one has a much greater degree of political awareness, acuity, than most of us had ever had occasion to develop. Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, ‘regretted,’ that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these ‘little measures’ that no ‘patriotic German’ could resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head.

The President Who Cried Wolf
In the past, the lies that have come out of the White House have at least been potentially almost kind of a little bit true. Now we’ve reached a new low. Today our President told the country that his illegal wiretapping allowed the US government to foil a terrorist plot four years ago to hijack an airplane using shoe-bombs and fly it into the US Bank Tower in Los Angeles. Bullshit.

The Real Enemy and What YOU Can Do
Last week I wrote an editorial to kick off our Semi-annual Fundraiser. In that editorial I quoted a popular political action group's fund-raising report that informs us that, from 6,613 contributors, they were able to raise $389,900 in a single DAY. That averages out to $58.00 per person. Not a big expenditure for everyone, but the total is what is amazing. That total is a result of the large base of supporters they have which they have as a result of early advertising and very public and prominent activities where they make a big splash but actually accomplish zilch. They added that "This generosity gives us a great deal of hope." I, on the other hand, did not express much hope at all that pursuing change via political action within the existing system would accomplish a thing.

More Evidence Nuking Iran is on Schedule
As former CIA intelligence analyst Philip Giraldi told the American Conservative last July, the United States plans to nuke the be-jesus out of Iran. “The Pentagon, acting under instructions from Vice President Dick Cheney’s office, has tasked the United States Strategic Command (STRATCOM) with drawing up a contingency plan to be employed in response to another 9/11-type terrorist attack on the United States. The plan includes a large-scale air assault on Iran employing both conventional and tactical nuclear weapons.”

Censorship in Modern 'Democratic' America
More than likely, you missed the display of public opinion on Bush's illegal wiretapping at Georgetown University, Washington, a few weeks ago. The reason you missed it is the same reason we missed it: the mainstream media more or less ignored it. Don't bother trying to find the story with a google news search either, it simply isn't there. Such is the state of censorship in modern-day America.

NSA Snoop Fiasco: Democrats Sell the Constitution Down the River
If we are to believe the corporate media, Bush’s “secret eavesdropping program” is useless and “out-dated” because a shrewd “al-Qaeda” has “undoubtedly has changed its means of communication to avoid Washington’s monitoring,” according to the Associated Press.

Blair's Anti-Terrorism Law - Throttling The Truth
The race between Tony Blair and George Bush (and their NeoCon backers) to become the first modern Western "Democracy" to transform itself into a de facto dictatorship is heating up.

Daniel Pipes and the Danish Cartoon "Conspiracy"
“There’s a conspiracy theory developing about myself and Flemming Rose, the Jyllands-Posten cultural editor who published the famous twelve cartoons of the Muslim prophet,” Straussian neocon and Islamophobe ne plus ultra Daniel Pipes informs us on his blog.

Land of the Puppet People
From Valenzuela's Veritas
American Heroin
It oftentimes boggles the mind to try and understand the ease with which the Establishment can manipulate the American citizenry into another warmongering escapade, this time an ominous foray into the Persian lands of Iran, a nation rich in history, culture, location and most importantly to the Evil Empire, oil and gas.

Gaza as the Warsaw Ghetto 
From Kurt Nimmo's blog 
Ehud Olmert, acting like Governor-General Hans Frank, has decided to turn the Gaza Strip into the Warsaw Ghetto. Frank was of course Governor-General of occupied Poland and Olmert is the acting PM of Israel, also known as occupied Palestine (ministerial powers were transferred to Olmert after the war criminal Ariel Sharon suffered a severe hemorrhagic stroke).

The British Government: Long-Time Sponsor of Islamic Terror
You want the news behind the news? You want to know just how far from reality the official truth is? Consider the following story from today's UK Guardian:

The Protocols of the Pathocrats
In this week's podcast we discuss what we have identified as the very first problem that must be solved in order for positive changes to be undertaken in America and elsewhere in the world: the Media. Knowledge is power. Those who control information can control the masses; it's that simple. As we researched the subject of the media, we came across The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. As everyone knows, this is a vicious anti-Semitic hoax. We agree. We do not for a minute think that this represents Judaism or ordinary Jewish people. What was shocking for us was our realization that the Protocols is being implemented almost line by line by many of the members of the Bush Administration and the various government 'think-tanks' that formulate their policy. In other words, the Protocols is not a hoax because it is nonsense, but rather it is only a hoax because it was attributed to Jews. Here, we present the text of Protocol 12 from which several excerpts were read on the podcast and which we jokingly referred to as "The Gospel According to Karl Rove." Read it and understand that this is, indeed, the number one issue that America must deal with before they can do a single other thing.

7862 Iraqi Prisoners Murdered In U.S. Custody
Two days ago, online magazine announced that they had obtained files and other electronic documents from an internal Army investigation into the Abu Ghraib prisoner-abuse scandal.

Slow Murder of the Fourth Amendment
Another Day In The Empire
Earlier today, I called Jack Blood’s radio show on GCN and complained loudly and mightily about how the PATRIOT Act was rubber stamped by the Senate yesterday, paving the way for all manner of continued and increasing malfeasance against the people and the now jackboot trampled and seriously bruised (if not comatose) Bill of Rights.

How long do you have?
Will you wait to be killed, or ID the real perpetrators? How do you talk to your neighbor when he's right in the middle of killing someone? What if all your neighbors are doing it, what do you do then? Do you also start killing?

I am no longer willing to be cheerful and friendly with these failures of democracy, these losers who have sold out our precious freedoms so they can, even if it's at a subconscious level, feel more manly, more tough, by buying into Bush's war, his pseudo tough, stupid, cowboy talk about evildooers, swamps and caves. These men ARE the swamp and cave dwellers, and they are actively helping to send the US into a third world era.

Crisis of the Republic
Many people in the United States see that their country is in the midst of the greatest crisis it has ever faced. However, as long as they remain blind to the fact that their government was complicit in the attacks of 9/11, they will remain impotent to confront their adversary, underestimating its deviousness and malicious character.

Trans-Generational Terrorism
There can be little doubt that the very same Western powers that created the modern-day Middle East are now in the process of destroying it. Yet it is a constant source of amazement to us how a Middle East plan that began with then British Secretary for War Winston Churchill employing chemical weapons to 'placate' the indigenous Arab tribal population of then Mesopotamia, can have continued on so seamlessly for almost 100 years of the history of the political elite, until today, when Churchill's heir finds himself slavishly devoted to the same destructive impulse. What mechanism exists that can ensure the success of such a nefarious generation-spanning agenda?

Correcting the Record on My Stint Writing for Counterpunch
Occasionally I will take note of the lunatic wanderings of the Israeli settler Steven Plaut, a so-called economics professor in Israel (no doubt teaching his Jabotinsky-inspired brood how to steal land from Palestinians), if only to correct his lies and counter his slanderous remarks about your humble blogger. For instance, since the demise of David Horowitz’s Moonbat Central blog (probably retired because the reactionaries posting there often engaged in slander and outrageous if not transparent lies instead of making actual logical arguments, thus opening Horowitz and his CIA-connected meal ticket Richard Mellon Scaife to lawsuits), Plaut has since wandered about, “guest” posting on the blog of another dispossessed Horowitzite, Rocco DiPippo. In one such recent post, Plaut claims I was “fired” from Counterpunch.

Saddam Tapes Tainted by Cherney Foundation
All of a sudden Saddam, or one of his groomed doubles, is talking on tape. Bush was right all along about Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, or at least partially right, and there is a new shine of legitimacy on the invasion of Iraq and the murder of thousands of Iraqis who probably should have known better than to live in a country with such a perfidious dictator, a guy who messed around with weapons of mass destruction behind the back of the United Nations and the Greatest Darn Country on Earth.

Baghdad bomb kills 22 - But Who Is to Blame?
In what has tragically become a commonplace event, today yet another car bomb exploded in Baghdad. The UK Guardian reports:

Jack Straw Protests Too Much
Yesterday, during his whistlestop tour of Iraq, British Foreign Minister Jack Straw made a couple of very interesting admissions, although undoubtedly he would not see them as such.

The Chomsky/Blankfort Polemic
The anti-war movement has failed"

Tel-Aviv and Washington are linked in the Middle East. That's a fact. But the importance of this link in Washington's colonial politics is being debated in the anti-imperialist movment. For the US Jewish, anti-Zionist journalist Jeffrey Blankfort, Israeli influence is central to US policy and the anti-war movement has failed because of their inability to understand the importance of this lobby. Having developed a radical approach to this question, going so far as to deny the energy factor in the war in Iraq, Mr. Blankfort nonetheless opens interesting paths on Zionist influence in the United States. We reproduce an interview he gave to journalist Silvia Cattori.

Check Your Conscience at the Door: We're Building an Empire
Blaring its typical jarringly cacophonous morning radio jabber, the suddenly welcome sound of my alarm rescued me from the maelstrom of a nightmarish Neocon world spawned within my unconscious mind. As consciousness flooded my being, I had an epiphany. My breed of human being is a pariah in the American Empire.

Bush Neocons: Going After Fifth Columnists
David Horowitz, on the paycheck of the reactionary Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation and CIA collaborator Richard Scaife's foundation, ranted and raved back at the outset of the Iraqi invasion in early 2003, issuing shrill warnings about a "Fifth Column … preparing to move into action to attempt to defeat America in its war against Saddam." According to Horowitz, the incipient "peace movement is not about peace" but is instead "a fifth column communist movement" determined "to destroy America and give victory to our totalitarian enemies."

More On The Shrine Bombing
At least 120 people have now been killed as a direct result of the bombing of the Shia shrine in Iraq. Fifty bullet-riddled bodies were found in Baghdad overnight and 47 factory workers were killed at a roadblock on the outskirts of the capital.

Israeli Defense Minister Declares Palestine "Axis of Evil"
Call it déjà vu but Israeli television reports are branding Mahmoud Abbas as irrelevant in a move identical to their position toward the late Palestinian president Yasser Arafat. And though Hamas has largely honored the truce established last year, not only has Israel broken that truce over 24,000 times resulting in nearly 200 Palestinians deaths, Shin Bet has rejected an extended truce with Hamas.

Testimonies of two eyewitnesses near the bombed Dome
As with so many other events of global significance in recent years, the official story about the bombing of the Shia shrine in Iraq two days ago has very quickly started to stink and reveal many inconsistencies...

Pentagon-Controlled Iraqi National Guard Implicated in Samarra Mosque Bombing
As the "non-partisan" Council on Foreign Relations assures us, Iraqi National Guard troops are trained and fully "vetted" by the Pentagon. "National guard troops receive three weeks of formal training and then on-the-job training by working with U.S. forces," a CFR backgrounder explains. "The National Guard has replaced the Iraqi Civil Defense Corps as the largest security force in Iraq," reports the World Tribune. "The 45,000-member force has been trained and equipped by the United States, with help from Britain and Jordan." In short, the Iraqi National Guard is a subsidiary of the Pentagon, organized and trained to do the bidding of the Anglo-American occupation forces and their installed minions. Thus it should come as no surprise the Iraqi National Guard may play an important role in the recent bombing of the Golden Dome mosque in Samarra, according to locals.

There used to be very little sectarianism in Iraq
A reader writes to the UK Herald:
Iraq is a land replete with many wonders, not least of which is/was the al-Askari shrine in Samarra. Twenty years ago I was on my way to al-Hatra, a fifth-century Greek settlement (near Mosul), when I first saw the Golden Mosque in Samarra. We also climbed the famous tower with its perilously open-spiral staircase. This venerated shrine has now been detroyed, its flanking minarets still forlornly standing, thus only underlining the loss of the famous dome itself.

Hezbollah and Condi's Double Standard
"Lebanon has refused to extradite to the United States four suspected Shia Hezbollah members believed to have carried out attacks against Americans in Beirut during the 1980s, judicial sources said on Saturday," reports the Khaleej Times. "Local media said that during her visit to Beirut earlier this week US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had made the demand to Prime Minister Foaud Seniora." It is interesting Condi would make such a demand, but then Straussian neocons know no bounds, ethically or legally, especially when it comes to pushing around small countries.

The Caricatures in Middle East Politics
The centerpiece of the current explosive confrontation between Islamic and Arab protestors, political leaders and governments and the US and Western European regimes and publishers is rooted in Israeli efforts to polarize the world in its favor and to promote isolation, economic sanctions and/or a military attack on Iran. There are several key questions, which almost all commentators and analysts have failed to address. These include: Why did the "cartoons" get published in Denmark?

Starving Palestinians to Death
Another Day In The Empire It should now be obvious Israel fully intends to starve as many Palestinians to death as possible.

When Americans No Longer Own America The Dubai Ports World deal is waking Americans up to a painful reality: So-called "conservatives" and "flat world" globalists have bankrupted our nation for their own bag of silver, and in the process are selling off America.

Glimpses Of Truth

The corporate plunder of Iraq
The neo-liberal transformation of Iraq is portrayed as a humanitarian venture. Western corporations and occupying governments now talk of the liberation of Iraq from the “tyranny of Saddam’s planned economy”. On the day that major hostilities were declared over, Tony Blair told the Iraqi people, “Saddam Hussein and his regime plundered your nation’s wealth. While many of you live in poverty, they have the lives of luxury. The money from Iraqi oil will be yours – to be used to build prosperity for you and your families.” This has turned out to be another shameless lie. Saddam’s regime was undoubtedly corrupt, in the sense that he established a system of patronage and rewards for the elite that remained closest to him. But the scale and intensity of the corruption and fraud perpetrated by the occupation is unprecedented in modern history.

Congressman Hinchey says Bush didn’t want to capture Bin Laden

When the US didn’t capture Osama Bin Laden in Afghanistan, it wasn’t by mistake, Congressman Maurice Hinchey of Hurley theorized. Instead, Hinchey said the Administration had a motive for not capturing him. “Why did we do that? The only logical answer that comes to mind is they didn’t want to capture Bin Laden because if they captured Bin Laden and wiped out the Taliban, which they could have done at that moment, there would have been no justification for going to war in Iraq, and they wanted to use that as a justification for attacking Iraq,” he said. Hinchey is a critic of the war in Iraq and the Bush administration, who he says lied about the reasons for going into Iraq.

White House Can't Sweep Aside Abramoff

The scandal surrounding disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff has shaken up Capitol Hill. But it still poses significant problems for the Bush White House.
A court hearing scheduled later this month may bring fresh attention to the case of former White House aide David Safavian, who is charged with lying in connection with a golf trip Mr. Abramoff arranged. Justice Department officials haven't closed their review of actions by former Interior Department official J. Steven Griles, who disputes claims that he favored Abramoff clients, such as Native American tribes involved in casinos. Calls for the White House to release photos of Mr. Abramoff with the president -- and details of his contacts with presidential aides including Karl Rove -- haven't abated.

Ex-FEMA chief: I may tell all about Katrina

 Former disaster agency chief Michael Brown is indicating he is ready to reveal his correspondence with President Bush and other officials during Hurricane Katrina unless the White House forbids it and offers legal support.
Brown's stance, in a letter obtained Wednesday by The Associated Press, follows senators' complaints that the White House is refusing to answer questions or release documents about advice given to Bush concerning the August 29 storm. Brown quit as director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency days after Katrina struck. He left the federal payroll November 2.

Paul Bremer - New Canaan's Pontius Pilate

His work was precisely laid out in Washington and he performed it with quiet ferocity. His first task was to turn over Iraq’s traditional publicly owned enterprises to foreign investors. He started with electricity. (In California, this was analogous to deregulation.) Next to go was the public water supply, and soon the telephone system. New Canaan can identify with this sort of privatization. Then came the banks, followed shortly by the insurance companies, all quickly gobbled up by outside money. Now even farmers are not allowed to plant their own seeds, but must buy genetically modified models from Monsanto, Cargill, or the like.

Iraqi voices are drowned out in a blizzard of occupiers' spin

Three years after invading Iraq, George Bush and Tony Blair are still dipping into the trough of deception and disinformation that launched the war: hailing non-existent progress, declaring sanctimonious satisfaction with sectarian elections and holding out the mirage of early withdrawal. In reality, the occupation and divide-and-rule tactics have spawned death squads, torture, kidnappings, chemical attacks, polluted water, depleted uranium, bombardment of civilians, probably more than 100,000 people dead and a relentless deterioration in Iraqis' daily lives.

What Is Plan B?

Eradicate poverty, reforest the earth, restore fisheries, eliminate overgrazing, protect biological diversity, stabilize climate -- Lester Brown says it's all possible.

Following Orders Is No Excuse

If Powell had refused three years ago to deliver the Speech of Lies, we would not now be watching an identical duplicity being rolled out against Iran. The ultimate cost of the deception being practiced on the American people will dwarf the terrible price that has already been paid. Why didn’t Powell do the right thing? His own reputation would have been forever secure as a man of integrity. Why did he sacrifice his integrity to the crooked scheme of his commander in chief?

The Neocons' Grand Plan: Oil, Israel, Military Bases
There is hardly anyone now who believes that George W. Bush invaded the country of Iraq, in March 2003, to prevent the development of weapons of mass destruction, or to combat Islamist terrorism. Even that 'democracy' thing was an add-on after the fact and only served as a cover when the official reasons for war fell apart. In any case, international law does not permit a country to attack another one in order to change its political regime. Only fascist and totalitarian countries do that, i.e. Hitler's Germany and Brezhnev 's Soviet Union.

America's masterplan is to force GM food on the world

There is little the WTO, the EC or the US can do in face of this coalition of the unwilling. If the US again tries to impose its GM products on Europe - as it did in the 90s, sparking the whole debacle - the attempt will backfire. Europe's biotech industry may now try to force the EC to use the WTO judgment to get the six countries with import bans to repeal anti-GM laws, but it will meet an even broader, more determined movement.

Hidden history of US germ testing
In the 1950s, the Seventh-day Adventist Church struck an extraordinary deal with the US Army. It would provide test subjects for experiments on biological weapons at the Fort Detrick research centre near Washington DC. The volunteers were conscientious objectors who agreed to be infected with debilitating pathogens. In return, they were exempted from frontline warfare.

Conservatives Endorse the Fuhrer Principle - Our leader über alles
Last week's annual Conservative Political Action Conference signaled the transformation of American conservatism into brownshirtism. A former Justice Department official named Viet Dinh got a standing ovation when he told the CPAC audience that the rule of law mustn't get in the way of President Bush protecting Americans from Osama bin Laden. Former Republican congressman Bob Barr, who led the House impeachment of President Bill Clinton, reminded the CPAC audience that our first loyalty is to the U.S. Constitution, not to a leader. The question, Barr said, is not one of disloyalty to Bush, but whether America "will remain a nation subject to, and governed by, the rule of law or the whim of men." The CPAC audience answered that they preferred to be governed by Bush. According to Dana Milbank, a member of the CPAC audience named Richard Sorcinelli loudly booed Barr, declaring: "I can't believe I'm in a conservative hall listening to him say Bush is off course trying to defend the United States." A woman in the audience told Barr that the Constitution placed Bush above the law and above non-elected federal judges. These statements gallop beyond the merely partisan. They express the sentiments of brownshirtism. Our leader über alles.

14 Defining Characteristics of Fascism - Flash
Flash to share with family and friends.

Bush May Be Crossing the Rubicon From Republic To Dictatorship

Through the justifications it has put forth for warrentless wiretapping, the Bush administration is almost literally crossing the Rubicon, beginning the process of transforming the United States from a republic into to a presidential dictatorship. The warrantless wiretapping is dangerous, illegal and unconstitutional by itself. These are criminal acts by the President, and in and of themselves warrant impeachment and removal from office (whether or not impeachment is politically practical under a Republican Congress.) But the Administration's feeble rationales justifying this program are even more dangerous. Bush and his surrogates claim that the President has the constitutional right, as part of his inherent powers as Commander-In-Chief during a time of war (an endless war in this case) to do anything he chooses to do if he believes it protects national security. In short, Bush claims the power of a dictator.

Traitorous bitches and bastards
Yes, freedom died this week and just about every one of the bitches and bastards who "serve" in Congress should take a long, hard look at the blood on their hands. They stand guilty of high crimes and treason against the United States of America. They are traitors and should be treated as such.

Silence the War Drums
Congressman Ron Paul
Before the US House of Representatives, February 16, 2006
-- Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong opposition to this very dangerous legislation. My colleagues would do well to understand that this legislation is leading us toward war against Iran.

U.S. Army stretched to breaking
The Marines may be the most celebrated of the American armed forces, but it's the Army that does most of the heavy lifting, as it is doing in Afghanistan and Iraq. In the process, the Army is being battered and shattered in the same way that it was in Vietnam. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld says that isn't the case; everything's fine. But a recent authoritative study says he is wrong. Commissioned by the Pentagon, the study was done by Andrew Krepinevich of the independent Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. He's a West Point graduate who served in a variety of Army roles, including a stint on the strategic plans and policy division, before retiring. He holds a doctorate from Harvard University.

Neoconservatism has evolved into something I can no longer support
The US needs to reframe its foreign policy not as a military campaign but as a political contest for hearts and minds. As we approach the third anniversary of the onset of the Iraq war, it seems unlikely that history will judge the intervention or the ideas animating it kindly. More than any other group, it was the neoconservatives inside and outside the Bush administration who pushed for democratising Iraq and the Middle East. They are widely credited (or blamed) for being the decisive voices promoting regime change in Iraq, and yet it is their idealistic agenda that, in the coming months and years, will be the most directly threatened.

Slicing Away Liberty: 1933 Germany, 2006 America
I must confess that I'm utterly baffled by the lack of sustained, organized outrage and opposition from Democratic officials and ordinary citizens at the Bush Administration's never-ending scandals, corruptions, war-initiations, and the amassing of more and more police-state power into their hands.
And so, facing little effective opposition, the Bush juggernaut continues on its rampage. How to explain this? Certainly, one could point to a deficient mass-media, to the soporific drug of TV, to having to work so hard that for many there's no time for activism, to education aimed at taking tests and not how to think, to the residual fear-fallout from 9/11, to a penchant for fantasy over reality, to the timid and unimaginative Democratic leadership, to scandal-fatigue, etc. But I would suggest that even more disturbing answers can be found by examining recent history.

It's Munich In America. There Will Be No Normandy.
This is it, folks. This is the scenario our Founders lost sleep over. This is the day they prepared us for. Outside the Philadelphia convention Benjamin Franklin was asked what sort of government he and his colleagues were crafting. His reply? "A republic. If you can keep it." And that is just the question at issue today. Can we keep it? Sure, it can sound melodramatic to use the f-word (no, not the one Churlish Cheney hurled at Patrick Leahy), and I have mostly avoided doing so for just that reason. Especially where the politically less informed are concerned, arguing that America is slipping into fascism can be the first and last point they'll hear you make.

They Thought They Were Free - The Germans, 1933-45
By Milton Mayer Excerpt from pages 166-73 of "They Thought They Were Free" First published in 1955
"To live in this process is absolutely not to be able to notice it — please try to believe me — unless one has a much greater degree of political awareness, acuity, than most of us had ever had occasion to develop. Each step was so small, so inconsequential, so well explained or, on occasion, ‘regretted,’ that, unless one were detached from the whole process from the beginning, unless one understood what the whole thing was in principle, what all these ‘little measures’ that no ‘patriotic German’ could resent must some day lead to, one no more saw it developing from day to day than a farmer in his field sees the corn growing. One day it is over his head.

Victims of War Are Not To Be Seen Or Heard Or Mentioned

"The greatest dignity and respect you can give [victims of war] is to show the horror they suffered, the absolute gruesome horror."
-War Photographer David Lesson

Joseph Bonham was an American soldier. He lost both of his arms and legs and all of his face to an artillery shell. He could not see or hear or speak. Other than that he was healthy and lucid. That was Joe's nightmare. He could be kept alive a long time. Joe remained an anonymous torso until his head tapping was recognized as Morse code. When his message was finally understood, it was assumed he'd gone insane. Joe asked to be put on exhibit so that children and parents and teachers and politicians and preachers and patriots of every stripe could have a close-up look at war's leavings. It was the only way he could give his nightmare meaning. Joseph Bonham's request was denied. It was not in the best interest of the country to foist him on an unsuspecting public. He died an "unknown soldier."

After 40 Years, the First National Security Whistleblower Still Seeks Justice

Kennedy's "Plan for a Coup in Cuba" and the Secret Service agent who knew too much
After an outstanding career in law enforcement, Abraham Bolden was appointed by John F. Kennedy to be the first African American presidential Secret Service agent, where he served with distinction. But you haven't heard about Abraham Bolden during Black History month, because after helping to prevent JFK's assassination in the weeks before Dallas, Bolden was arrested on the very day he went to Washington to tell the Warren Commission about those attempts. Caught in a maze of National Security concerns that only became clear after four million pages of JFK files were released in the 1990s, Bolden was sentenced to six years in prison, becoming America's first National Security Whistleblower.

Bush's Mysterious 'New Programs'
Is the Pentagon building U.S.-based prison camps for Muslim immigrants? Evidence points to the possibility.
Not that George W. Bush needs much encouragement, but Sen. Lindsey Graham suggested to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales a new target for the administration's domestic operations -- Fifth Columnists, supposedly disloyal Americans who sympathize and collaborate with the enemy.
"The administration has not only the right, but the duty, in my opinion, to pursue Fifth Column movements," Graham, R-S.C., told Gonzales during Senate Judiciary Committee hearings on Feb. 6. "I stand by this president's ability, inherent to being commander in chief, to find out about Fifth Column movements, and I don't think you need a warrant to do that," Graham added, volunteering to work with the administration to draft guidelines for how best to neutralize this alleged threat. "Senator," a smiling Gonzales responded, "the president already said we'd be happy to listen to your ideas."

Taste of the Future

"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself." The acidulous wisdom of Mark Twain speaks to us across the ages, and never more than this week during the great congressional mobilization to save America's ports from the dreaded hand of Dubai. The furor over Dubai is misplaced on so many levels, but let's start with the supposed terrorist threat. Military and CIA officials will tell you privately that the United Arab Emirates is among the most effective intelligence partners the United States has today in the Arab world. Its operatives are risking their lives to help gather information about al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups. They don't advertise it, and when an operation goes bad -- such as the U-2 spy plane that crashed last June returning from Afghanistan to al-Dhafra air base -- they keep their mouths shut.

Defeat is victory. Death is life
Everyone in the Middle East rewrites history, but never before have we had a US administration so wilfully, dishonestly and ruthlessly reinterpreting tragedy as success, defeat as victory, death as life - helped, I have to add, by the compliant American press. I'm reminded not so much of Vietnam as of the British and French commanders of the First World War who repeatedly lied about military victory over the Kaiser as they pushed hundreds of thousands of their men through the butchers' shops of the Somme, Verdun and Gallipoli. The only difference now is that we are pushing hundreds of thousands of Arabs though the butchers' shops - and don't even care.

War in Error

Sending a general to do a sheriff's job.
Small events sometimes reveal large truths. Last month's U.S. missile strike in the remote Bajaur district of Pakistan was such an event. Aimed at taking out Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Laden's chief deputy, the strike missed its intended target and killed as many as 18 residents of the small village of Damadola. But the episode did not end there: outraged Pakistanis rose up in protest; days of highly publicized anti-American demonstrations followed. In effect, the United States had handed Muslims around the world another grievance to hold against Americans.

Wounded in Iraq: Survivors
They left under a wave of support - red, white and blue bunting and flags and cheers - and headed to a war half a world away in Iraq. It was their duty, their calling, their patriotic responsibility. They returned missing . . . one his arm, the other his ability to walk. Their lives shaken and futures uncertain, two soldiers from Utah are now at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C. They have few regrets.
'We're soldiers; that's our job,' Utahn says. Cpl. Braxton McCoy's uniform had pockets on both sleeves. On the right, he carried a folded flag. On the left, he packed his checkbook. That's meaningful, he's sure, because the bullet from the AK-47 ripped through the checks, not through the Stars and Stripes. Sitting in his electric wheelchair, the bones in his legs cracked and shattered from a suicide bomber, McCoy isn't outwardly emotional as he recounts the tale of when ball bearings ripped through his hand, his legs and his face. He'll walk again, he vows. But the 20-year-old member of the Utah National Guard's 222nd who wears his cowboy hat like it's required, won't be riding bulls anymore or shoeing any horses for a while.
"I've always wanted to serve," McCoy says, as he struggles to attach footrests to his wheelchair with his one unbandaged hand. "Being in the Army wasn't enough; as a soldier you don't feel like you've done your duty unless you've gone to war. "It's sad we had to go over, but we're soldiers; that's our job." McCoy's future paid a price when he did his job. Now his new daily routine isn't feeding horses or cattle or moving the sprinklers on the alfalfa as a ranch hand near Scipio. He's waking to the sounds of a hospital in Washington, D.C., and struggling to get out of bed and into his wheelchair for physical therapy.

From Superpower to Tinhorn Dictatorship
America is headed for a soft dictatorship by the end of Bush's second term. Whether any American has civil rights will be decided by the discretionary power of federal officials. The public in general will tolerate the soft dictatorship as its discretionary powers will mainly be felt by those few who challenge it.

Signs Comment: Some might argue that it already is a tinhorn dictatorship. Given the control of the vote, do we really think there is any chance of a Democratic win in November? Didn't the exit polls in November 2004 give Kerry the vote? But even...what if the Democrats got control of Congress? What difference would that really make, other than to reassure wishful thinkers that "something was done"?

Graduates versus Oligarchs
What we're seeing isn't the rise of a fairly broad class of knowledge workers. Instead, we're seeing the rise of a narrow oligarchy: income and wealth are becoming increasingly concentrated in the hands of a small, privileged elite.

Speak for Yourself
While we were camping out in hot and humid Crawford, Texas last August, trying to meet with George Bush and trying to end the war, a right-wing organization called Move America Forward (to oblivion?) started a bus tour called: Cindy, You Don't Speak for Me. Move America Forward does some nice things, like sending coffee to our troops. It is unfortunate for the families of the almost 2300 killed troops that the organization doesn't send non-defective body armor, GPS devices, or IED jammers to save the lives of the troops that have been put in harm's way for the politicians' lies and cowardice and corporate greed. I think these things would be a little more useful than coffee.

Bush And His Cronies

Bush: U.S. Must Get Free of Mideast Oil
WASHINGTON - A politically weakened President Bush declared Tuesday night that America must break its long dependence on Mideast oil and rebuked critics of his stay-the-course strategy for the unpopular war in Iraq.
"America is addicted to oil, which is often imported from unstable parts of the world," Bush said as he sought to drive the election-year agenda in his annual State of the Union address.

Signs Comment: This speech leaves us ... well, speechless. We seem to remember, not too long ago, the Neocon Congress was offering tax cuts to those who purchased big, gas guzzling SUVs. Now, all of a sudden, everybody who has one of these polluting plants is "addicted to oil." No doubt.

Bush: 'L'etat, c'est moi'
WASHINGTON -- We are now learning what President Bush considers to be the limits of his power -- nothing.
In public appearances this week, Bush defended his program of domestic spying without court approval, citing the inherent war powers of the presidency under the U.S. Constitution. [...] It all smacks of France's Louis XIV's famous dictum: "L'etat, c'est moi"-- "I am the state."

Bush says only US can secure world peace
President George Bush insisted last night that, despite its difficulties in Iraq, America would not retreat from the world, arguing that US leadership " is the only way to secure the peace". Isolationism and protectionism, he warned in his annual State of the Union address, led ultimately only " to danger and decline."

Signs Comment: Sorry Dubya, you're a day late and a dollar short. You've made the US so unpleasant that all the brains with any sense have left by now...

President aims to rally America after dismal year
After the worst year of his presidency and with a desperate need to regain the political initiative, George Bush will seek tonight to rally Republicans and persuade all Americans that progress is being made on the most crucial issues confronting the nation. [...] He will argue that progress is being made in Iraq as well as in the so-called war on terror. He is also likely to draw attention to the challenge presented by the stand-off with Iran while stressing his administration has no quarrel with the Iranian people.

Angry, skeptical Americans unimpressed with State of the Union speech
"The man is a crook," she said. "He belongs in jail, not the White House." Seems to be the general concensus.

State of the Union: When Bush Talks Straight
Speaking before Congress on September 20, 2001, President Bush directly addressed the people of Afghanistan:

"I also want to speak tonight directly to Muslims throughout the world. We respect your faith. It's practiced freely by many millions of Americans, and by millions more in countries that America counts as friends. Its teachings are good and peaceful, and those who commit evil in the name of Allah blaspheme the name of Allah. The terrorists are traitors to their own faith, trying, in effect, to hijack Islam itself. The enemy of America is not our many Muslim friends; it is not our many Arab friends. Our enemy is a radical network of terrorists, and every government that supports them. "Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end there. It will not end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped and defeated." [...]
State of the Union: Why Those Terrorists Got Away - Bush skips uncomfortable details on wiretap program
In his State of the Union address Tuesday night, President Bush defended his NSA domestic spy program, citing the failure to catch two of the 9-11 hijackers who had been placing international calls to al Qaeda leadership in the days before the attacks. But as James Ridgeway wrote in December, the problem wasn't that no U.S. intelligence agents knews of the hijackers, but rather that no one did anything with the information the U.S. had.

Empty Rhetoric from a Vacuous Presidency
It is not that the emperor has no clothes; just that he has no credibility left. It often gets so disheartening to cut through the plethora of misdirection and subterfuge in the speeches of George W. Bush. This State of the Union contained more of the same from Bush that we have heard over the past years. Unfortunately, most of his rhetoric does not match his record. You must understand as citizens that it is time to hold this president to his record, not his word. The Rule of Law – President Bush tonight looked America in the eye, and lied. There is no other way to state his ridiculous position on the NSA spying scandal.

State of the Union: Agitated
``Fellow citizens, we have been called to leadership in a period of consequence. We have entered a great ideological conflict we did nothing to invite,'' Bush said. ``We see great changes in science and commerce that will influence all our lives. And sometimes it can seem that history is turning a wide arc, toward an unknown shore.'' The problem for Bush is that few of these troubles are new. He's had four years to ease people's pain.

Signs Comment: The problem with these kinds of analyses is that they don't take into account the pathology of a man like Bush. If he wasn't born a psychopath, he was certainly made one by his psychopathic mother, "Sergeant Barbara."

Arianna on S.O.T.U.
Let's take some of these gems as they come...
17 mentions of "freedom" from the guy obsessed with assaulting it here at home. Did you notice the president had on a purple tie tonight? Very subtle. He could have come up with a purple finger or maybe covered head-to-toe in purple paint.
We also heard him mention "weapons of mass murder". WMM. That's apparently the new WMD. The president also brought back that old chestnut, the line item veto. This from a man who has yet to veto a single bill. In over five years in office. I guess the line item veto was this year's voyage to Mars. One of the most heart-warming moments came when Joe Lieberman kissed W. even longer than he did at last year's speech. A salute to "Brokeback Mountain," I guess.

Open Letter to the Neocons: We Can See You Squirming
The neocons and their 'mouthpiece,' George W, Bush are in quite a bind over what to do about Iran. In this open letter from a former Pakistan Air Force Officer, America's options in confronting Iran are examined, and with some relish, the author outlines why the neocons are 'squirming' over what to do next.

Dear Neocons,

It is showtime over Iran. You are in a bind of your own making and, boy, am I glad to see it!

Allow me to explain.

Doctoring the past - Wiki style
We are all Alastair Campbells now. Spin doctors' antennae whirred around this week when the volunteers who run Wikipedia discovered that staff of US senators and congressmen had been busy burnishing their bosses' entries in the internet encyclopedia.
Millions of people turn to the reference site to look up facts - and change them. The non-profit making project to build an internet encyclopedia is the 19th most-visited site in the world. Three per cent of all webpages visited are Wikipedia pages. Its guiding, and democratic, principle: anyone can anonymously edit it. Increasingly, it seems, politicians and their staff are among the most dedicated editors.

Cheney Spearheaded Effort to Discredit Wilson
Vice President Dick Cheney and then-Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley led a campaign beginning in March 2003 to discredit former Ambassador Joseph Wilson for publicly criticizing the Bush administration's intelligence on Iraq, according to current and former administration officials. The officials work or had worked in the State Department, the CIA and the National Security Council in a senior capacity and had direct knowledge of the Vice President's campaign to discredit Wilson.

Libby claims Cheney approved classified media leaks

Indicted former top White House aide I. Lewis 'Scooter' Libby will argue that Vice President Dick Cheney authorized him to leak classified information in 2003 to bolster the case for the US-led war against Iraq, US news media reports. Libby, who has been charged in a federal investigation into the outing of a CIA agent, will in part base his defense on the claim that Cheney had encouraged him to share classified information with reporters, NBC television news said, citing sources familiar with the case.

Spurious George On His Own
Bush's latest lie, however, is different. "I don't know Abramoff" marks a new phase for our disingenuous president. It's almost as if he is lying about sex, given the "who cares" factor, massive evidence to the contrary, and the sheer stupidity of the denial. This Bush lie cannot be explained away by the incompetence of the CIA, or fabrications of his war-hungry neoconservative advisors, or even the verbal screwups his defenders find so charming. Year Six of Our President, George may be emerging from his shell, coming into his own as a liar.

Three More Lawmakers Linked to Abramoff

Two of the elected officials referred to in Friday's filings have been identified in published reports as Reps. Steven LaTourette, R-Ohio, and Don Young, R-Alaska. According to Roll Call, a Capitol Hill newspaper, the two representatives wrote to the GSA in September 2002, urging the agency to give preferential treatment to groups such as Indian tribes when evaluating development proposals for the Old Post Office.

Cheney Complains "National Security Leaks Are Endangering America. Unless, Of Course, He's Doing The Leaking"...
Vice President Dick Cheney bitterly complains that national security leaks are endangering America. Unless, of course, he's doing the leaking, tapping Scooter Libby to reveal national security information to punish a political critic. President Bush says he will not talk about specific security threats to America. Unless, of course, he needs to talk about a specific threat to Los Angeles to confuse the public and gain some cheap political advantage. [...]

Whistleblowers Are Not Protected, Mr. Goss

Sir, as you must very well know after your years in Congress as a representative and as a member of the intelligence committee, there are no meaningful legal protections for whistleblowers. What is troubling is that while you are well aware of the fact that there are no meaningful or enforceable laws that provide protection to national security whistleblowers, you nevertheless state that such workers are covered by existing laws. That is simply false.

The Shoe (Bomb) on the Other Foot

Poor Porter Goss. First, the longtime Florida congressman leaves his safe seat to become director of the CIA, only to find that he’s been neutered by a new bureaucratic setup where he reports to John Negroponte, the director of national intelligence. Then he writes an op-ed piece decrying intelligence leaks in The New York Times on Friday, the exact same day as a story appears identifying today’s biggest leaker of antiterrorism secrets in Washington—President George W. Bush.

Senators: Cheney Should Be Probed in Leak

Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald should investigate Vice President Dick Cheney and others in the
CIA leak probe if they authorized an aide to give secret information to reporters, Democratic and Republican senators said Sunday.

U.S. newspaper publishes photo showing Bush and indicted lobbyist

The New York Times on Sunday published a photo showing U.S. President George W. Bush and the now indicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff at a gathering in May 2001.
In the picture, the authenticity of which the newspaper said had been confirmed by the White House, Bush was shaking hands with Raul Garza, chief of the Kickapoo Indian tribe in Texas, and a small, partly obscured image of Abramoff was looking on from the background. The White House has declined to release pictures of Bush and Abramoff, a leading Republican fund-raiser who helped raise more than 100,000 U.S. dollars for the president's re-election campaign.

White House says Bush-Abramoff photo is authentic Previously Denied Meeting

The White House on Sunday acknowledged the authenticity of the first photograph made public that shows President Bush and embattled lobbyist Jack Abramoff, while stressing it does not mean the two had a personal relationship.
Originally, the White House said it had no record of Abramoff's attendance at the meeting.

Cheney Shoots Fellow Hunter in Texas Accident Companion in Intensive Care With Upper-Body Wounds
Vice President Cheney accidentally sprayed a companion with birdshot while hunting quail on a private Texas ranch, injuring the man in the face, neck and chest, the vice president's office confirmed yesterday after a Texas newspaper reported the incident.


The entire Cheney hunting accident story stinks. The delay in announcing it is suspicious, obviously. I'll bet Cheney had a few beers in him, but I'm not sure that is illegal in Texas (drinking and hunting is illegal in most states, but I couldn't find out if that includes Texas). But a few other points that may be worth noting...

Trying to Sort Out the Discrepancies in Cheney Shooting Story

The scoop on the shooting accident involving Vice President Cheney belongs to the political reporter at the Corpus Christi Caller-Times who "had built up a strong source relationship" with the owner of the ranch where the shooting occured, according to Editor & Publisher. The reporter, Jaime Powell, then confirmed the report with Cheney's office in Washington. E&P notes: "The Cheney spokesman Powell spoke with, Lea Anne McBride, would not comment on whether the White House would have ever released the information had the Caller-Times not contacted them."

Hey There, You With the Sun In Your Eyes

Washington is abuzz with the speculation that the GOP will use this little caged birdie shoot-a-thon-gone-wrong as an excuse to get rid of Dick Cheney. It sounds entirely plausible, especially since George Allen was on Fox News Sunday morning calling for investigation into the declassification of the NIE. The GOP obviously knew the shooting had happened and after putting so much energy into spreading the meme that Cheney had the absolute right to have Scooter do what he did they wouldn't allow Allen off the reservation like that without some sort of larger purpose. Maybe it was only a trial balloon, but still.

Cheney steps up war on lawyers U.S. Vice-President accidentally shoots hunting buddy

Mr. Cheney's past escapades have raised the ire of both animal activists and political watchdog groups. In December, 2003, he visited a game farm in Pennsylvania. When gamekeepers released 500 pen-reared pheasants, he shot 70 and ordered them plucked and vacuum-packed. The Humane Society of the United States exposed Mr. Cheney's "canned hunt." Another trip a few week later raised allegations of conflict of interest. In early 2004, it was revealed Mr. Cheney had gone on a duck hunt in southern Louisiana with Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, an old friend. The trip took place in January, 2004, three weeks after the high court agreed to hear a controversial case involving the Vice-President. "Vice-President Cheney continues to demonstrate terrible misjudgment with his hunting behaviour," Wayne Pacelle, president of the Humane Society of the United States, said in an interview last night. Mr. Pacelle said Mr. Cheney's hunts represent the worst aspects of the sport -- the "good-ol'-boy network," the use of an "unethical" hunting facility, as well as harming a companion. "Now he's shot a hunting partner. We really don't understand what his obsession with shooting animals is. Certainly he has plenty of other things to keep him busy."

Cheney might have had better aim if he'd served in Vietnam
The White House didn't even report the shooting for 24 hours (and forbid Texas officials from talking about it) and then Scott McClellan told reporters, "These kind of...accidents happen from time to time." McClellan might as well have been talking about the administration's casual attitude about the death toll in Iraq. Yes, 16,600 Americans and upward of 200,000 Iraqis have been wounded, but hey, "accidents happen from time to time." We're still winning the war, right?

More Questions Raised About Delay in Reporting Cheney Misfire

The more than 18-hour delay in news emerging that the vice president of the United States had shot a man, sending him to an intensive care unit with his wounds, grew even more curious Monday with word from the White House that President Bush had been informed of the incident Saturday but not immediately about Dick Cheney's role.

Accidents will happen

I've lived in this town for thirty years, and to no one I'm a stranger And I put new bullets in my gun, chamber upon chamber - Nick Cave.  I hate the sense that TranceFormation of America makes. I've referenced the book several times here, notably with respect to Dick Cheney's endowment, Bill Bennett's sado-masochism and the ubiquity of Oz programming, and each time I've apologized for doing so. Cathy O'Brien's account of her decades of torture and mind control is a fittingly dissociative jumble of contaminated memory, fantasy and truth, and if the rationality of these times were any less attenuated I'd be inclined to not bother trying to separate the parts:

Man Cheney Shot Suffers "Heart Attack"

Despite the heart problem of the man wounded by Vice President Dick Cheney, doctors say removing the shotgun pellet from his chest probably won't be necessary — and digging it out could do more harm than good.
It's not unusual to live with shrapnel or other foreign objects in the body, even the heart, and specialists said it's likely the pellet will scar over rapidly without causing further problems for Texas lawyer Harry Whittington. Hospital officials in Corpus Christi announced Tuesday that Whittington had suffered a "minor heart attack" and was returned to the intensive care unit.

White House Livid About Handling Of Cheney Incident -CBS

A source described as close to the Bush administration said people inside the White House are "livid" about the way Vice President Dick Cheney's office has handled the hunting accident he was involved in over the weekend, CBS News reported Tuesday.
According to CBS News, the source said the issue was no longer Cheney's view of press management but rather about Iraq, Hurricane Katrina and a range of other issues that play into the public's view of the administration's arrogance.

Cheney and shooting victim were hunting illegally, officials say

Vice President Dick Cheney was hunting illegally - without the required $7 stamp on his license for quail - when he accidentally shot one of his hunting partners, Texas Parks and Wildlife officials said Monday.
And so was Harry Whittington, 78, who was recovering Monday from a shotgun blast to the face, neck and chest. In its report, the state agency that oversees hunting and fishing said it found that neither Cheney nor Whittington had purchased the game bird stamp required to hunt quail in Texas, although both had valid hunting licenses. Both will get warning citations, and there will be no fine or other penalty.

Fellow Hunter Shot by Cheney Suffers Setback - CHENEY FACES GRAND JURY INVESTIGATION IF MAN DIES...

The 78-year-old lawyer shot by Vice President Dick Cheney in a hunting accident over the weekend suffered a minor heart attack early Tuesday caused by birdshot lodged in his heart, hospital officials in Texas said. The lawyer, Harry M. Whittington, was moved back into the intensive care unit at Christus Spohn Hospital in Corpus Christi, Tex., to be monitored for up to a week in case the birdshot shifted or additional pellets in his body moved into other organs, the officials said at a televised news conference. Dr. David Blanchard, the emergency room chief, estimated that Mr. Whittington had more than 5 but "probably less than 150 to 200" pellets lodged in his body.

Secret Service stalls and delays for Cheney Cover-up in progress and Shotgun ballistics don’t match-up!

It seems clear that this is a cover-up in progress. The hospital where Whittington was taken after the shooting is a heavily guarded facility where he is being operated upon and monitored by doctors and surgeons close to the President and Vice President. These highly skilled medical professionals would have known instantly by a simple X-Ray if he had suffered from a shot to the heart. These doctors, loyal to the the Bush-Cheney cabal are clearly colluding to conceal information about Whittington's actual condition for their masters.

Cheney's Chappaquiddick II: The Real Story Emerges
The real story is already emerging, if you're willing to do a little digging. Cheney and Whittington went hunting with two women (not their wives), there was some drinking, and Whittington wound up shot. Armstrong didn't see the incident but claimed she had, Cheney refused to be questioned by the Sheriff until the next morning, and a born-again evangelical physician has been downplaying Whittington's injuries since they occurrred. Neither the press nor law enforcement seems inclined to investigate.

Cheney's hunting host lobbied White House - Ranch owner who divulged accident earned $160,000 for work in 2004

Katharine Armstrong, who's family owns the ranch where Vice President Dick Cheney accidentally shot a hunting partner, is a registered lobbyist who has been paid to lobby the White House, according to records.

Cheney's Got A Gun

Jon has some advice, "Don't let your kids go hunting with the Vice President. I don't care what kind of lucrative contracts they're trying to land or-energy regulations they're trying to get lifted. He'll shoot them in the face." Rob Corddry added, "Jon, tonight the Vice President is standing by his decision to shoot Harry Whittington. Now according to the best intelligence available, there were quail hidden in the brush. Everyone believed at the time-there-were-quail in the brush. And while the quail turned out to be the 78 year old man. Even knowing that today, Mr. Cheney insists-he still would have shot Mr. Whittington in the face.

What Cheney's blast revealed: A new White House lobbying scandal

'I'm going to have lunch with Secretary of State Rice, talk a little business; Mrs. Bush, talk a little business; we've got a friend from South Texas here, named Katharine Armstrong; take a little nap. I'm reading an Elmore Leonard book right now, knock off a little Elmore Leonard this afternoon; go fishing with my man, Barney; a light dinner and head to the ballgame. I get to bed about 9:30 p.m., wake up about 5 a.m. So it's a perfect day.'' -- President George W. Bush, as quoted in the Aug. 22, 2005, New York Times.

Cheney Says He Has Power to Declassify Info
But in an interview on Fox News Channel, Cheney said there is an executive order that gives the vice president, along with the president, the authority to declassify information. "I have certainly advocated declassification. I have participated in declassification decisions," Cheney said. Asked for details, he said, "I don't want to get into that. There's an executive order that specifies who has classification authority, and obviously it focuses first and foremost on the president, but also includes the vice president." Cheney added a ringing endorsement of Libby. "Scooter is entitled to the presumption of innocence," said Cheney.

Signs Comment: What about all the alleged "enemy combatents" that have been rendered for torture, or locked up in Guantanamo? Aren't they entitled to the "presumption of innocence"? We need to focus on the issue here: even if, as Cheney claims, he has the "power to declassify" information, his choice of information to declassify did enormous damage to the intelligence gathering community of the USA. For that, he and Libby both ought to be charged with treason.

Cheney says he may be witness in CIA leak case
Court papers released last week show that Libby was authorized to disclose classified information to news reporters by "his superiors," in an effort to counteract diplomat Joe Wilson's charge that the Bush administration twisted intelligence on Iraq's nuclear weapons to justify the 2003 invasion.

Signs Comment: Now, get this, Cheney says he has the power to "declassify information." It just happens that the information he chose to "declassify" was designed to destroy the reputation of an individual who had exposed the lies of Cheney and pals. It also destroyed the career of his wife, not to mention putting many other career intelligence personnel at risk. If that isn't treason, I don't know what is.

Critics slam Cheney's interview choice

"Now that he feels forced to talk, he wants to restrict the discussion to a friendly news outlet, guaranteeing no hard questions from the press corps," Sen. Frank Lautenberg, D-N.J., said in a statement. On CNN, commentator Jack Cafferty called the interview "a little bit like Bonnie interviewing Clyde. ... I mean, running over there to the Fox network -- talk about seeking a safe haven."

Text of Dick Cheney's Interview on Fox

Transcript of Vice President Dick Cheney's interview Wednesday with Brit Hume of Fox News Channel, as released by the White House. Cheney addresses his shooting Saturday of a hunting companion, 78-year-old Harry Whittington of Austin, Texas, at a ranch owned by Katharine Armstrong about 60 miles south of Corpus Christi, Texas:

Specter calls for probe of his office to clear doubt on $48 million directed to groups that employed an aide's husband.
Sen. Arlen Specter said yesterday that he would ask the Senate ethics committee to investigate whether any rules were violated when he directed almost $50 million to companies and institutions that employed the husband of one of his top aides as a lobbyist. Specter (R., Pa.) told reporters that he did not believe that he or anyone in his office had done anything wrong. He acknowledged that he had not sorted out all the actions of his aide in the approval of the spending. His office later issued a statement saying the senator was asking for the ethics investigation "to satisfy all conceivable concern."

Smoking banned in DC, but not in Congress
WHEN the citywide smoking ban takes effect here next month, at least one workplace in town will be spared: Congress, the beneficiary of a kind of diplomatic immunity for federal lawmakers. That is excellent news for John A. Boehner of Ohio, the new Republican majority leader, who regularly smokes cigarettes between votes in the House. And for Barney Frank, the Massachusetts Democrat, who sits and smokes cigars while reading the newspaper in the speaker's lobby. And for Sherwood Boehlert, the New York Republican, who is struggling to quit but can be seen inhaling in weaker moments during the workday. Because while the rest of the country has turned against smoking with great zeal, Congress has stubbornly — some would say proudly — refused to bend.

Signs Comment: In what is perhaps yet another indication that certain senior political leaders know more than they are letting on regarding the fate awaiting the rest of the world, Congress has exempted itself from the citywide DC smoking ban recently enacted. Thanks to Signs Forum Member, John, for this one!

The Shootist - What is Dick Cheney Covering Up?
Talking to the media doesn't come naturally to a vice president who hasn't held a press conference for the last three and a half years, but what about the White House PR machine? Why did they wait so long to let the news out? Attorney Alan Dershowitz speculates that Cheney may have stalled to cover up drunkenness. "One possibility is that it takes approximately that period of time for alcohol to dissipate in the body and no longer be subject to accurate testing," Dershowitz writes. "It is fairly common for people involved in alcohol-related accidents to delay reporting them until the alcohol has left the body." Cheney has a history of public intoxication, having been twice convicted of DUI.

Shoot First, Avoid Questions Later

The White House's secretive response to Cheney's misfire cannot be understood apart from the society of Texas royalty. In the original account authorized by Vice President Dick Cheney of his shooting of Harry Whittington, given by Katharine Armstrong, heiress and hunting companion, to the Corpus Christi Caller-Times and later elaborated on to other news outlets, the 11 members of the hunting party set off on the morning of Feb. 11 in two trucks for the wilds of the 50,000-acre Armstrong Ranch in search of quails. After lunch, whose menu was described as antelope, jicama salad, bread and Dr Pepper, the hunters divided into two groups. Cheney went off with Armstrong; Pamela Pitzer Willeford, the U.S. ambassador to Switzerland and Liechtenstein; and Whittington.

Why It's Still Cheney's Chappaquiddick

After trying to get me to say that Cheney and Pamela Willeford had an affair (which I wouldn't - I stick with what I know), Tucker Carlson confronted me on "The Situation" tonight* about the fact that Willeford's husband was apparently on the ranch at the time of the incident. It seems that he and others think that my comparison of the Whittington shooting and Chappaquiddick must be all about sex. That, and the fact that my opening paragraph reciting the facts (as we knew them yesterday morning) included the fact that Cheney and Whittington were with two women to whom they're not married.

Cheney's wayward aim: A guide to Quailgate

When the Vice-President of America shot a hunting companion in the face and chest, it was at first just seen as an unfortunate accident. However, because of poor news management and some questionable recounting of events, the story has become a political scandal, a chance to bash the Republicans, and a wealthy source of humour for many comedians. Here's why...

In the Woods With Dick Cheney and a Gun - The master of mass destruction for a hunting buddy

And then Dick Cheney shot someone. It was Saturday, February 11. He didn't do it on purpose. He thought he was shooting at quail. But there wasn't any quail, there was just a 78-year-old lawyer in a bright orange vest. Dick Cheney shot him in the face.

Hit Refresh? Why Bush may be thinking about replacing Cheney.

The Dick Cheney shooting incident will, in a way, go away. And, in a way, not--ever. Some things stick. Gerry Ford had physically stumbled only once or twice in public when he became, officially, The Stumbler. Mr. Ford's stumbles seemed to underscore a certain lack of sure-footedness in his early policies and other decisions. The same with Jimmy Carter and the Killer Rabbit. At the time Mr. Carter told the story of a wild rabbit attacking his boat he had already come to be seen by half the country as weak and unlucky. Even bunnies took him on. Same with Dick Cheney. He's been painted as the dark force of the administration, and now there's a mental picture to go with the reputation. Pull! Sorry, Harry! Pull!

Scooter Libby’s Home Page
Should we ever appear on Celebrity Jeopardy, we have our charity all picked out: The Scooter Libby Legal Defense Trust, sure to be topping everyone's year-end lists of Least Important Causes. Here, you can learn all about America's favorite former senior administration official - it's everything you need to know about Scooter, besides the unimportant matter of why he actually needs a legal defense trust. And check out the Advisory Committee - a veritable who's who of Washington's indicted, formerly-indicted, and soon-to-be-indicted set. The only person missing is that guy who's automatically your friend when you sign up on Myspace! While you're there, see what others are saying about our friend with the poor penmanship:
World Bank President and Former Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz: "He is a kind of perfectionist…I find him extremely valuable. If everybody else is running off to a conclusion, he'll say, 'Wait a minute, have you thought of this?'"
"Of course! 'The British Government has learned…'! Scooter, you're a genius!"

GOP Achievers Want to Compile $5 Million for Libby Defense

A Who's Who of Republican heavy hitters and Bush administration supporters are lending their names to help raise $5 million for the defense of Vice President Cheney's former top aide in his criminal trial. Led by Florida real estate magnate and former ambassador Mel Sembler, the group seeking to help I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby avoid jail time includes 26 notable names, many of whom could also be described as "Friends of George and Dick."

This article deals with an article by one of Noam Chomsky's cronies, Norman Finkelstein, but in every other way it is the continuation of the treachery of Noam Chomsky himself. Norman Finkelstein, like his mentor, is a zionist in disguise. This feature of Norman Finkelstein is more conspicuous, of course, because unlike his mentor's cover-up protection by dishonest pretences as "guru of the Left", he has never been considered such a guru.

US leader crashed by trying to 'pedal, wave and speak at same time'
HE MAY be the most powerful man in the world, but proof has emerged that President George Bush cannot ride a bike, wave and speak at the same time. Scotland on Sunday has obtained remarkable details of one of the most memorably bizarre episodes of the Bush presidency: the day he crashed into a Scottish police constable while cycling in the grounds of Gleneagles Hotel.

Police reveal how Bush can't wave and pedal at same time
The police report describes him as a "falling object" who lost control of his bicycle after trying to pedal and wave at the same time. So ends the mystery of how President George Bush collided with a police officer while cycling at Gleneagles on the first day of the G8 summit last year.

Signs Comment: Not a surprise, he can't think and talk at the same time either.

Poll: Bush Ratings At All-Time Low

The latest CBS News poll finds President Bush's approval rating has fallen to an all-time low of 34 percent, while pessimism about the Iraq war has risen to a new high. Americans are also overwhelmingly opposed to the Bush-backed deal giving a Dubai-owned company operational control over six major U.S. ports. Seven in 10 Americans, including 58 percent of Republicans, say they're opposed to the agreement. CBS News senior White House correspondent Jim Axelrod reports that now it turns out the Coast Guard had concerns about the ports deal, a disclosure that is no doubt troubling to a president who assured Americans there was no security risk from the deal. The troubling results for the Bush administration come amid reminders about the devastating impact of Hurricane Katrina and negative assessments of how the government and the president have handled it for six months.

Blair Approval Rating Falls to 28% in Britain

Few adults in Britain are content with Tony Blair, according to a poll by Ipsos-MORI published in The Sun. 28 per cent of respondents are satisfied with their prime minister's performance, down nine points since November. In May 2005, British voters renewed the House of Commons. The governing Labour party secured 356 seats, followed by the Conservatives with 197 and the Liberal Democrats with 62. Blair has served as prime minister since 1997. In October 2004, Blair announced that he would retire at the end of his third term. Current chancellor of the exchequer Gordon Brown has been mentioned as a possible replacement for Blair. Yesterday, Dennis Healey-a former chancellor of the exchequer considered as one of the Labour party's elder statesmen-suggested that Blair should step down soon, saying, "I think Tony's showing he is losing his grip, and the sooner Gordon takes over the better." 31 per cent of respondents are satisfied with the current government, down two points in three months. The next election must be held on or before Jun. 3, 2010. Sitting prime ministers can dissolve Parliament and call an early ballot at their discretion.

Bush is hemorrhaging support of the big boys - The Con, the (former) neo-con, the Con-man and the 'end of neoconservatism.'
In the past week, the Bush administration and the neocons have been hemorrhaging bigtime supporters so badly you'd be forgiven for assuming there's another Cheney hunting party in the works. First, in an upcoming book, Project for a New American Century signatory Francis "the End of History" Fukuyama declares that neoconservatism "should be discarded on to history\'s pile of discredited ideologies." Wow. The Alex Massie article also notes that "Mr Fukuyama now thinks the war in Iraq is the wrong sort of war, in the wrong place, at the wrong time." Strike one.

Pit Boss: Blair's Dark Kingdom
Britain's New Statesman magazine has put together a powerful package of stories detailing how the government of George W. Bush's beloved disciple, Tony Blair, is "persecuting innocent people, tearing up our freedoms and undermining the judiciary." The basis of the stories is a new, blistering report from Amnesty International on the degraded state of civil liberties in the UK today.

When the ingrates met the hypocrites - Inept American self-interest and Conservative toadying in Washington make an unedifying mixture
TONY BLAIR only recently learnt something that his critics say should have been obvious to him for years: gratitude is not a virtue that George W. Bush has in abundance. The Prime Minister decided to fight shoulder-to-shoulder with America in Iraq because he believes it was in Britain's interests to do so: Saddam Hussein was a threat to Britain's security and to world order, and nurturing the special relationship with America is essential to the preservation of Britain 's influence in world affairs. He also believes that Western democracies bear a special burden. Long before Bush signed on to the aggressive foreign policy developed by America's neoconservatives, Blair had pushed for just such a forward thrusting approach to the spread of democracy.

From Cash to Yachts, Convicted Congressman Set Bribery Rates
Prosecutors call it a corruption case with no parallel in the long history of the U.S. Congress. And it keeps getting worse. Convicted Rep. Randall "Duke" Cunningham actually priced the illegal services he provided. Prices came in the form of a "bribe menu" that detailed how much it would cost contractors to essentially order multimillion-dollar government contracts, according to documents submitted by federal prosecutors for Cunningham's sentencing hearing this Friday. "The length, breadth and depth of Cunningham's crimes," the sentencing memorandum states, "are unprecedented for a sitting member of Congress."

Signs Comment: We don't think Cunningham's crimes are "unprecedented," he's just one that got caught...

The World That Dick Built

This is the guy who pulled the trigger of the gun that fired the round that hit his friend that ruined the hunt and shed some light on the world that Dick built...

It's Usually About Money

Conflicts are often about money. One factor that might account for the Bush administration's hostility toward Iran is Iran's plan to open a bourse – an oil exchange – in March in which Iranian oil will be sold for euros, not dollars.

U.S. Foreign Policy Including Iraq And Iran

Calls grow to 'impeach' Blair as 99th soldier dies in Iraq (100 now)
The soldier's death intensified pressure at Westminster for an inquiry by a committee of seven Privy Councillors into the Prime Minister's handling of the Iraq war and the use of intelligence reports to boost public support for the invasion. Leaders of a cross-party group calling for Mr Blair to be impeached will meet tonight at Westminster to discuss their tactics.

Margaret Hassan killed after '$US10m ransom' refused
THE kidnappers of Margaret Hassan, the British aid worker murdered in Iraq in 2004, demanded a ransom of $US10million to spare her life, according to a leaked Italian police report. The main suspect named in the report, Sheik Abdel Salam al-Qubaisi, is a senior official in the ulema, a Sunni hardline clerical group known in English as the Association of Muslim Scholars.

US soldiers shoot at Canadian ambassador's car in Baghdad
The US military shot at the Canadian ambassador's car in Baghdad but no-one was hurt in the "unfortunate incident," a US State department official said. "There was an incident involving the (US) military and the Canadian ambassador's car today," a State Department official told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity. "They shot on it."

Soldiers sue over out-of-pocket costs
Members of the Massachusetts National Guard file what is thought to be a first-of-its-kind lawsuit.

Japan to leave Iraq in May
Japan will withdraw its ground troops from southern Iraq by the end of May along with pullouts by the British and Australian forces from the area, Japanese media outlets have reported citing sources in the Japanese Government.

Iraq 'death squad caught in act'

Iraq has launched an investigation into claims by the US military that an Iraqi interior ministry "death squad" has been targeting Sunni Arab Iraqis. The probe comes after a US general revealed the arrest of 22 policemen allegedly on a mission to kill a Sunni. "We have found one of the death squads. They are part of the police force," US Maj Gen Joseph Peterson said. Sunnis have long accused Iraqi forces of operating death squads - but the claims have never been substantiated. Iraqi deputy interior minister Maj Gen Hussein Kamal said his ministry had set up an inquiry.

Iraq calls on US to hand over Iraqi detainees
Iraq’s human rights minister called on US-led forces on Thursday to hand over all Iraqi inmates at US-run prisons to the Iraqi government, following more footage of prisoners being abused.
“We are very worried about the Iraqi detainees in Abu Ghraib. The multinational forces and the British forces should hand them over to the (Iraqi) government,” Zuhair al-Chalabi told Reuters. “This is a very dangerous issue that the Iraqi government should review,” he said. “The Iraqi government should move immediately to have the prisons and the prisoners delivered to the ministry of justice.” In an interview, Chalabi condemned the previously unpublished images as “major human rights violations” and compared them to abuses committed under dictatorships. The footage was broadcast on Wednesday by an Australian television station. “These are major (human rights) violations that turned to crimes. When you torture and hit in this brutal way it doesn’t make any difference from the dictators’ systems.” US forces are holding about 14,000 detainees in Iraq.

The Basra video should lay to rest a scurrilous lie
Although I and numerous members of my family suffered personally, physically and otherwise at the hands of the Saddam Hussein regime, and dreamed for many years of the day he would be gone, I always opposed the invasion and occupation of our country. Subsequent events have made me even more convinced of the fallacy and immorality of the military campaign that Britain and the US have pursued in Iraq. The biggest indictment of the war and occupation is surely that more and more Iraqis are speaking publicly of how life was far better when Saddam was in power - an achievement most Iraqis never imagined possible.

The Forgotten Terrorist Attack
Those inside the bomb shelter died horrific deaths. First, a 2,000-pound bomb crashed through the shelter creating a massive tunnel in which the second 2,000-pound bomb then came. Both blew up leaving a huge hole and killing more than 400 people. Only seven humans survived the attack. Those who died actually saw the first bomb and had a few seconds of life left before the second burrowed its way into the shelter. Such an attack transcends the barbarity of a bombing in which the people die immediately.

Sunni Insurgents Seen as Increasingly Unified

"Today, the prospect of an outright victory and a swift withdrawal of foreign forces has crystallised, bolstered by the U.S.' perceived loss of legitimacy and apparent vacillation, its periodic announcement of troops redeployments, the precipitous decline in domestic support for the war and heightened calls by prominent politicians for a rapid withdrawal," the report states.

The Iraq war's defining weapon

The threat posed by Iraq's reported possession of weapons of mass destruction was the excuse US President George W Bush gave for his invasion of Iraq in 2003, but it is the simplest of technologies - the roadside bomb - that has emerged as the biggest nightmare for US occupation forces in Iraq.
The improvised explosive device (IED), which is the insurgents' weapon of choice in Iraq, has accounted for more than half of all US injuries and deaths in combat since March 2003 - by far the single greatest cause of death for US service members.

Radical cleric's influence grows in Iraq

BAGHDAD Late Saturday night, on the eve of a crucial vote to choose Iraq's next prime minister, a senior Iraqi politician's cellphone rang. A supporter of the Shiite cleric Moktada al-Sadr was on the line with a threat. "He said that there's going to be a civil war among the Shia" if Sadr's preferred candidate was not confirmed, the politician said. Less than 12 hours later, and after many similar calls to top Shiite leaders, Sadr got his wish. The widely favored candidate lost by one vote, and Ibrahim al-Jaafari, the interim prime minister, was anointed as Iraq's next leader. "Everyone was stunned; it was a coup d'état," said the politician, a senior member of the main Shiite political coalition, the United Iraqi Alliance.

U.S. Risks Reporter's Life to Strike Tough Pose
The George W. Bush administration went well beyond refusing to negotiate with terrorists in its handling of the threat by freelance journalist Jill Carroll's abductors to kill her if all female detainees were not released from U.S.-run prisons in Iraq.
According to Iraqi officials, U.S. officials delayed the scheduled release of six female prisoners whom they knew had already been found innocent because of the kidnappers' demand for their release. Then they refused to speed up the review of the files of the five remaining female prisoners, in violation of a policy of giving priority to females in the review of detainee files for release.

Al Qaeda establish 'Islamic state' in Pak province

After taking "virtual control" of the entire North Waziristan province of Pakistan, Taliban and Al Qaeda have recently "declared" the establishment of an 'Islamic State' in the area and gained a major base for their operations against the US-led forces in Afghanistan, media reports said.
"The Taliban recently declared the establishment of an 'Islamic State' in North Waziristan, and they now, through the brutal elimination of criminal elements who previously held sway, in effect rule in the rugged territory," a latest report in 'Asia Times' magazine said.

Can You Say "Permanent Bases"? - The American Press Can't
We're in a new period in the war in Iraq -- one that brings to mind the Nixonian era of "Vietnamization": A President presiding over an increasingly unpopular war that won't end; an election bearing down; the need to placate a restive American public; and an army under so much strain that it seems to be running off the rails. So it's not surprising that the media is now reporting on administration plans for, or "speculation" about, or "signs of," or "hints" of "major draw-downs" or withdrawals of American troops. The figure regularly cited these days is less than 100,000 troops in Iraq by the end of 2006. With about 136,000 American troops there now, that figure would represent just over one-quarter of all in-country U.S. forces, which means, of course, that the term "major" certainly rests in the eye of the beholder.

Iraq Attacks Increase

The US military has warned that rebel attacks across Iraq have increased 30 percent over the past few weeks, the statement coming as attacks across the country Thursday wounded 30 people and killed at least eleven.

Japan plans Iraq troop withdrawal

Japan will start withdrawing its troops from Iraq in late March, around the same time Britain will begin its pullout, the Yomiuri Shimbun said Friday.

Bush Administration's War Spending Nears Half-Trillion Dollars - President Asks Taxpayers for Another $65 Billion for Iraq and Afghanistan
In a single year, it is difficult to measure overall progress in the war on terror. But ABC News has learned today that President Bush will ask Congress for an additional $65.3 billion for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. It brings the total funds requested this year to more than $110 billion for those operations. This is the fourth time in three years that the Bush administration has asked for additional funds for Iraq and Afghanistan, and the $65 billion request is $2 billion higher than expected.

Veteran reporter says 3,000-4,000 Iraqis killed every month
MADRID - Between 3,000 and 4,000 Iraqis are killed every month, rendering "ridiculous" US President George W. Bush's estimate of about 30,000 civilian casualties since the start of the war, veteran British journalist Robert Fisk said Wednesday.

Surface-to-Air Missile Downed U.S. Chopper in Iraq
[...] Pentagon officials tell ABC News they believe Iraqi insurgents used a Russian-made SA-7 surface-to-air missile to shoot down a U.S. military helicopter on Monday. The AH-64 Apache crashed north of Baghdad, killing the two crew members. It was the third American chopper to go down in 10 days. It's a troubling new development because there are hundreds — and by some estimates thousands — of SA-7 missiles that are unaccounted for in Iraq.
Signs Comment: Well, all we can say is this is a fine fix Dubya has gotten us all into. The whole damn planet is a powder keg just waiting for a spark.

Near simultaneous bombings on central Baghdad street kill at least 23
BAGHDAD (AP) - A suicide attacker detonated an explosive vest in a crowded downtown coffee shop Thursday and another bomb exploded seconds later under a nearby car, killing at least 23 people and wounding 26, police and hospital officials said.

Iraq detainees to be freed early
Iraq's ministry of justice has told the BBC that six of the eight women being held by coalition forces in Iraq are to be released early. The six will be freed because there is insufficient evidence to charge them, a justice ministry spokesman said.

Italy to withdraw troops from Iraq by end of year
Italy will withdraw its remaining military force from Iraq by the end of 2006, Defence Minister Antonio Martino announced, in the first such declaration by a major US ally in Iraq.

Rome prosecutors to charge U.S. soldier with murdering Italian agent in Iraq
ROME -- Italian prosecutors investigating the killing of an Italian secret service agent at a checkpoint in Iraq plan to charge a U.S. soldier with murder and attempted murder, Italian media reported Tuesday.

Iraq and the Democratic Empire
This talk was delivered to the Auburn University Libertarians on February 16, 2006. As all students today know, Iraq is the country that the US invaded with the attempt to convert the state and the people from enemy to friend. On the face of it, this sounds rather implausible, of course. Good fences make good neighbors. Friendship and peace are not usually the result of insults, sanctions, invasions, bombings, killings, puppet governments, censorship, economic controls, and occupations. If this generation learns anything from this period, that would be a good start.

George Bush’s War Without End
Now that the cakewalk that was to be our invasion of Iraq is nearing its third anniversary and the roses that were to be thrown at us have turned into improvised explosive devices, it has become official — we are engaged in a long war. Make that “The Long War.”

Iraq Bombings Kill 24 People
The U.S. ambassador to Iraq warned Iraqi politicians Monday they risk a loss of American support if they do not establish a genuine national unity government, saying the United States will not invest its resources in institutions run by sectarians.
Meanwhile, at least 24 people, including an American soldier, were killed by bombings in Baghdad and elsewhere. Two Macedonian contractors were freed by kidnappers four days after they were abducted in Basra, a British official said without giving further details.

British troops executed unarmed Iraqi
AN UNARMED Iraqi shot dead in one of the most controversial incidents of the Iraq war is suspected to have been the victim of an execution by British soldiers angry at the death of their sergeant.

Basra cuts co-operation with British over beating video
The municipal government of a southern Iraqi city has suspended co-operation with British forces because of a video that appears to show British soldiers abusing Iraqi civilians. The council in Basra announced its decision on Sunday, a week after a newspaper released the video and published photographs that seem to show British soldiers beating youths with batons in southern Iraq in 2004. Another council in the area has made a similar move, which means British troops can expect little official co-operation in most of the parts of southern Iraq that they are supposed to monitor.

Bombing of Baghdad 'linked to UK radiation rise'
THE "shock and awe" bombing campaign in Iraq caused radiation levels in Britain to rocket, according to a controversial report by a Liverpool University academic. Chris Busby claims "uranium aerosols" from the Middle East were blown across Europe, contaminating populations thousands of miles away.

Navy Counsel Issued Warning On Torture
The Navy's general counsel warned Pentagon officials two years before the Abu Ghraib prison scandal that circumventing international agreements on torture and detainees' treatment would invite abuse, according to a published report. Legal theories granting the president the right to authorize abuse despite the Geneva Conventions were unlawful, dangerous and erroneous, then-General Counsel Alberto J. Mora advised officials in a secret memo. The 22-page document was obtained by the New Yorker for an article in its Feb. 27 issue.

What if Cheney had Apologized for Iraq?

Satire alert for the humorless. What would it have looked like if Vice President Richard Bruce Cheney had apologized for Iraq the way he apologized for shooting a hunting buddy? [Imaginary] Transcript of Vice President Dick Cheney's interview Wednesday with Brit Hume of Fox News Channel, as released by the White House. Cheney addresses his illegal invasion of Iraq on false pretences, resulting in tens of thousands of dead. Question: Mr. Vice President, how are the Iraqis? Answer: Well, the good news is they are doing very well today. I talked to their leaders yesterday after they discovered how many we had killed and tortured . . . But we've stopped the very worst torture, so the reporting today is very good.

Former U.S. Official in Iraq to Plead Guilty to Corruption
A former American occupation official in Iraq is expected to plead guilty to bribery, conspiracy, money laundering and other charges in federal court on Thursday for his actions in a scheme to use sexual favors, jewelry and millions of dollars in cash to steer reconstruction work to a corrupt contractor, according to papers filed with the court.

White House eyes billions for Iraq maintenance
The Bush administration is considering asking Congress later this year for at least $2 billion in new reconstruction money, primarily for maintaining completed Iraqi facilities.

Signs Comment: Now, let us get this straight: they want the American people to pay to destroy the place, and then they want the American people to pay to build it again???

The Future of American Children: Iraq's Babies will soon be America's Babies
The photographs posted on this website were provided by Dr. Siegwart Horst-Gunther, author of "URANIUM PROJECTILES - SEVERELY MAIMED SOLDIERS, DEFORMED BABIES, DYING CHILDREN" (ISBN: 3-89484-805-7). The book is a documentary record of the depleted uranium ammunition effects on Iraqi babies that were taken between 1993 and 1995. It also includes images of the children born to soldiers that have returned from Iraq after being exposed to Depleted Uranium. The book has (not surprisingly) been censored in the USA. Dr. Gunther also has in his possesion additional photographs from his unpublished collection which feature mainly the birth deformities being experienced by USA Iraqi war veterans' children. Now, look at these images and KNOW that this is coming to America thanks to George W. Bush and the neocons. These babies will soon be America's babies. Will one of them be yours?

Rebels kill dozens as Bush seeks emergency funds for Iraq
Iraqi forces maintained a tight grip on security as Shiites continued to observe the 10-day holy festival of Ashura, a day after rebels left a trail of blood killing at least 30 people.
US President George W. Bush, meanwhile, sought 70 billion dollars in emergency funds for further military operations in Iraq.

Washington's Iraq Blindness
The Iraq that exists in President Bush’s imagination and the real Iraq, the one in which 160,000 U.S. troops occupy a nation sliding into civil war, have never seemed further apart. [...]
Iraqi minister blows whistle on bribes
THERE is honour among thieves, but what about between people stealing from the UN oil-for-food program? Can they trust each other? The answer, it seems, is no. The Australian has learned that Australia's wheat exporter, AWB, was dobbed in to UN investigators by the Iraqi minister who ordered the company to pay bribes.

US drone makes emergency landing in Baghdad
An unmanned U.S. drone made an emergency landing on Tuesday night in the Shiite's Sadr neighborhood in eastern Baghdad, the U.S. military said on Wednesday.

IRAQ: Children's mental health affected by insecurity, say specialists
The Association of Psychologists of Iraq (API) has released a report stating that the US-led invasion and occupation of the country have greatly affected the psychological development of many Iraqi children. "Children in Iraq are seriously suffering psychologically with all the insecurity, especially with the fear of kidnapping and explosions," said API spokesman Maruan Abdullah. "In some cases, they're found to be suffering extreme stress." More than 1,000 children were interviewed countrywide over the past four months for the study, the findings of which were released on 5 February.

Signs Comment: Remember Madeleine Albright's remark about how the death of over 500,000 Iraqi's, mostly children, was "worth it"? Well, if you can't kill 'em, then drive them nuts. Turn them into the crazy people your media has already convinced the public they are. Then when they start going off, like the crazies in the US, you can say, "look, I told you, they are animals".

Report Says Number of Attacks by Insurgents in Iraq Increases
Sweeping statistics on insurgent violence in Iraq that were declassified for a Senate hearing on Wednesday appear to portray a rebellion whose ability to mount attacks has steadily grown in the nearly three years since the invasion.

Iraq Coalition Shrinking
The Ukrainians are long gone. So are the Norwegians. The Italians and South Koreans are getting ready to leave, and the Britons and Japanese could begin packing their bags later this year. Slowly but steadily, America's allies in Iraq are drawing down or pulling out as Iraqi forces take more responsibility for securing the country. By year's end, officials say, the coalition - now 25 nations supporting a dwindling U.S. contingent of 138,000 - may shrink noticeably.

Signs Comment: There is a strange disconnect between this report and the recently declassified report (published by the NY Times) that says "Sweeping statistics on insurgent violence in Iraq that were declassified for a Senate hearing on Wednesday appear to portray a rebellion whose ability to mount attacks has steadily grown in the nearly three years since the invasion."  Now, how can it be both that the "Coalition" is withdrawing as the "Iraqi" forces get better, AND that the insurgency is getting worse? Something doesn't compute here. Notice the last paragraph which very well may reveal the truth: "Reid, the British defense secretary, denied "we've got sneaky plans to cut and run," though he acknowledged meeting with Japan's defense minister last month and that Britain's military has "planned for all contingencies."

Iraq rebuilding costs 'much higher' than $56B
Iraq will need more money to rebuild than the $56 billion forecast by the World Bank and the United Nations in 2003, two government watchdogs said.
"That number in fact will be much higher," Stuart Bowen, the special inspector general for Iraq reconstruction, told a congressional panel Wednesday. He didn't cite a new estimate.

Iraq's basic services are worse now than before war began
 Virtually every measure of the performance of Iraq's oil, electricity, water and sewerage sectors has fallen below pre-invasion values, even though $16 billion of U.S. taxpayer money has already been disbursed in the Iraq reconstruction program, several government witnesses have told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Gasoline Crisis in Iraq
Contract mismanagement and possible corruption in the Iraqi government are fueling a crisis over international gasoline delivery into Iraq. Citing a mountain of unpaid bills, the governments of Turkey and Saudi Arabia have shut off gasoline exports to Iraq. With its options dwindling and beleaguered Iraqis demanding fuel, Baghdad has begun to negotiate with former arch-rival, Iran. Meanwhile, hundreds of irate Iraqi security guards, who work for the gasoline delivery companies, are threatening to protest along the Kuwait border to demand payment. Government officials in Baghdad and Washington claim that the cause of the gasoline shortage is "insurgent" or "terrorist" activity but the trucking companies say that the problem is often corruption and common criminal activity.

Bush waged Iraq war by "cherry-picking" intelligence: former CIA official
A former CIA official who coordinated US intelligence on the Middle East has accused the Bush administration of "cherry-picking" intelligence on Iraq to justify a decision it had already reached to go to war, The Washington Post reports. The newspaper said Paul Pillar, who was the national intelligence officer for the Near East and South Asia from 2000 to 2005, also accused the administration of ignoring warnings that the country could easily fall into violence and chaos after an invasion to overthrow Saddam Hussein. "Official intelligence on Iraqi weapons programs was flawed, but even with its flaws, it was not what led to the war," Pillar wrote in the upcoming issue of the journal Foreign Affairs. Instead, he asserted, the administration "went to war without requesting -- and evidently without being influenced by -- any strategic-level intelligence assessments on any aspect of Iraq."

Bush ignored CIA advice on Iraq, says former spy

The CIA official in charge of intelligence on the Middle East until last year has accused the Bush administration of ignoring assessments that sanctions and weapons inspections were the best way to deal with Saddam Hussein, and that an invasion would have a "messy aftermath". In an article in the next edition of the bimonthly journal, Foreign Affairs, Paul Pillar, has become the highest-ranking CIA official from the prewar period to accuse the White House of manipulating the intelligence on Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction. The allegations contradict the findings of two official inquiries into the intelligence debacle, which have largely blamed the CIA and absolved the administration. They also emerged on the day it was reported that Lewis Libby, a former aide to Vice-President Dick Cheney, had told a grand jury that he had been "ordered" by "his superiors" to leak classified WMD information to the press to bolster the case for going to war.

British troops videoed 'beating Iraqi Teens'
Details emerged last night of a shocking video which appears to show a group of British soldiers brutally beating and kicking defenceless Iraqi teenagers in an army compound. The footage is said to show eight soldiers pulling four teenagers off the street following a riot and dragging them into their army base, before beating them with batons, as well as punching and kicking them.
An urgent Military Police investigation was under way last night into the events shown in the video. The Ministry of Defence issued the following statement: 'We are aware of these very serious allegations and can confirm that they are the subject of an urgent Royal Military Police investigation. We condemn all acts of abuse and treat any allegation of wrongdoing extremely seriously.'

Army fears reprisals as Blair orders abuse video inquiry
Military commanders yesterday stepped up security for British troops in Iraq and Afghanistan in the wake of a video apparently showing soldiers brutally attacking defenceless Iraqi teenagers. The video was shown on TV channels in the Arab world just as ministers and Muslim leaders are trying to dampen the row over the publication of cartoons depicting the prophet Muhammad, and when thousands of British troops are preparing to be deployed to the hostile environment of southern Afghanistan.

Still Cherry-Picking the Facts on Iraq
Recent revelations about the Bush administration's selective use of prewar intelligence may have finally awakened the U.S. media, but the public is too distracted to notice.

Iraqis Remain Starved of Electricity
Abbas Mutlaq and Thaer al-Mufti live at opposite ends of Iraq, but both have given up on the government to supply electricity, turning instead to private generators to keep the lights on. And both say the power supply situation has worsened since the 2003 overthrow of Saddam Hussein despite the billions of dollars set aside by the Bush administration for reconstruction.

Signs Comment:
Iraqis often ask why a superpower that can send thousands of soldiers, tanks and Humvees to fight a war half a world away cannot guarantee that the lights work.
Here's an idea: US leaders simply don't care. While ordinary Iraqis have struggled for years now without electricity, clean water, and a problematic sewage system, companies like Halliburton have raked in extraordinary profits. And don't forget about the profitable private security contractor companies that are tightly linked to the Bush family! No, the Bush administration never planned on making life better for Iraqis. The gang in Washington figured they'd make a buck or two million while feeding the public all sorts of lies about what was really happening in Iraq.

A Permanent Basis for Withdrawal? Can You Say "Permanent Bases"?

We're in a new period in the war in Iraq -- one that brings to mind the Nixonian era of "Vietnamization": A President presiding over an increasingly unpopular war that won't end; an election bearing down; the need to placate a restive American public; and an army under so much strain that it seems to be running off the rails. So it's not surprising that the media is now reporting on administration plans for, or "speculation" about, or "signs of," or "hints" of "major draw-downs" or withdrawals of American troops. The figure regularly cited these days is less than 100,000 troops in Iraq by the end of 2006. With about 136,000 American troops there now, that figure would represent just over one-quarter of all in-country U.S. forces, which means, of course, that the term "major" certainly rests in the eye of the beholder.

Army of Iraq war veterans 'suffering brain damage'

THE hardest part of Jason Poole’s day is his early morning confrontation with the face staring back at him from his bathroom mirror. In the past 18 months, plastic surgeons have rebuilt it five times. “I used to be handsome, you know,” says the 23-year-old US Marine, who was on foot patrol in western Iraq in June 2004 when he suffered terrible injuries in a roadside bomb blast. He adds: “But hey, c’est la vie.”

Jafari wins by one vote to become Iraqi PM

The narrow election of Ibrahim Jafari, a Shiite doctor, as Iraqi prime minister is worrying some Iraqis and U.S. officials because of his ties to Iran.

Baghdad Embassy Bonanza - Kuwait Company’s Secret Contract & Low-Wage Labor

A controversial Kuwait-based construction firm accused of exploiting employees and coercing low-paid laborers to work in war-town Iraq is now building the new $592-million U.S. embassy in Baghdad. Once completed, the compound will likely be the biggest, most fortified diplomatic compound in the world. Some 900 workers live and work for First Kuwaiti General Trading & Contracting (FKTC) on the construction site of the massive project. Undoubtedly, they have been largely pulled from ranks of low-paid laborers flooding into Iraq from Asia's poorest countries to work under U.S. military and reconstruction projects. 

White House to withdraw funding for rebuilding Iraq
The US government is not planning to continue funding reconstruction projects in Iraq, in what appears to be a major climbdown from the White House's one-time pledge to build the best infrastructure in the region. According to officials cited in yesterday's Washington Post, the Bush administration will not be adding construction funds to the $18.4bn (£10.7bn) it has allocated since the 2003 invasion. In future it will be up to other foreign donors and the Iraqi government to do what it can to complete even basic tasks such as supplying reliable electricity and water to the country's 26 million people.

The Basra video should lay to rest a scurrilous lie

Since April 2003, the people of Basra have consistently been bemused by reports that they and their city enjoy a state of calm and stability under the command of the British forces, in contrast to the north of Iraq and the so-called Sunni triangle. As someone born and bred in Basra, I hope that the recent images of British troops beating young Basra boys to within an inch of their lives will allow such claims to be laid to rest and show a fraction of the reality that has made life throughout Iraq a living hell.

Iraq “exit strategy?”

Fairness dictates admitting that one of the harshest criticisms leveled against the Bush/Cheney administration may be unwarranted and even unadvisable. I’m speaking of the charge that this Iraq war was waged without sufficient planning for what was going to take place after the “major hostilities” had ended. Without a viable “exit strategy”. How many times have you heard that? They didn’t have an exit strategy. Their worst error.

Who Will Possess Iraq’s Oilfields?

In Crude Designs, a report published by the UK-based non-governmental organisation Platform and the US’s Global Policy Institute, oil analyst Greg Muttitt says if current plans are approved, Iraqi’s will "lose control of more than 85 percent of their oil resources to foreign multinationals."

Telegraph concedes to Galloway

The Daily Telegraph has backed down in its libel battle with George Galloway and could face a huge legal bill. The newspaper has decided not to appeal to the House of Lords to overturn a £150,000 libel award to the Respect MP. Mr Galloway successfully sued the paper for suggesting he had received money from Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq.

Little Testimony Ties Saddam to Crackdown
Nearly Four Months Into His Trial, Little Links Saddam to Bloody 1982 Crackdown

British sergeant 'killed in bomb ambush by rogue Iraqi police'
A BRITISH army sergeant killed by a roadside bomb in Iraq four months ago may have been the victim of a rogue Iraqi police attack, an investigation into his death has discovered. New evidence on the killing of Sergeant Chris Hickey, of the 1st Battalion Coldstream Guards, last October emerged yesterday, as it was revealed that two British soldiers were facing possible murder charges for allegedly shooting an Iraqi in the head.

Signs Comment: For more on the rise of death squads in Iraq and who is behind them, see our article Trans-Generational Tyranny.

U.S. Warns Iraq It Won't Support Sectarian Goals
The American ambassador to Iraq issued an unusually strong warning on Monday about the need for Iraq's political factions to come together, hinting for the first time that the United States would not be willing to support crucial public institutions plagued by sectarian agendas.

Signs Comment: So let's get this straight. US policy since the beginning of its occupation of Iraq has been to set Sunni against Shi'ite, and Sunni and Shi'ite against Kurd. This policy, drawn up in Israel, has led to the balkanisation of the country.  And this end of conflict between different groups of Iraqis was the conscious purpose of said policy. Now, the US ambassador has the gall to tell these same Iraqis that they are "sectarian". His words certainly aren't directed at the Iraqi audience. They are directed at the readers of the New York Times, those people in the US who need to be reassured that their country is in Iraq to fight sectarianism, regardless of the facts. But when the NYT is capable of offering with a straight face the words of members of the Bush regime telling us that the resistance is in its last throes, and that is why it is more and more violent in Iraq, we shouldn't expect anything different.

Iraqi Province Cuts Off U.S. Forces

The governing council of Karbala province said Monday it was suspending contact with U.S. forces over the behavior of soldiers during a visit to the governor's office two days ago.
The decision followed similar moves by leaders of Maysan and Basra provinces, which have frozen ties with British forces in southern Iraq.

Would Someone Please Interfere in Our Elections?

President Bush's Middle East policy is without rhyme or reason.
According to Bush and his neoconservatives, the only way to make America safe from terrorists is to force democracy upon the Middle East. Only ideologues completely ignorant of the Middle East could come to that conclusion.

Over 120 shot dead in Iraq sectarian bloodshed
Gunmen have killed at least 127 people in Iraq in sectarian violence that flared after the bombing of a revered Shiite shrine and reprisal attacks on Sunni mosques.
Amid warnings that sectarian violence could spiral further out of control, Iraqi political leaders went into an emergency meeting with President Jalal Talabani. The bloodshed is likely to complicate the task of Shiite and Sunni political leaders who have pledged to set up a government of national unity in the wake of the December elections which illustrated a deep sectarian split in Iraq.

Iraq fury sparks wave of killings

Police in Baghdad have recovered the bullet-ridden bodies of 50 people as tensions run high following the bombing of a Shia shrine in Samarra.
A curfew has been called in the Iraqi capital and dozens of Sunni mosques have been attacked across the county. Three Iraqi journalists working for al-Arabiya TV have been killed near Samarra where they had gone to report on the attack on the shrine. Iraq's leaders are warning publicly about the dangers of a civil war.

Shock over Iraqi reporter's death
The killing of Atwar Bahjat, who rose to fame reporting from Iraq for both main Arabic satellite news networks, has shocked Arab journalistic circles. Gunmen kidnapped and killed her and two members of her crew near Samarra where they had gone to cover reaction to Wednesday's shrine bombing.

Bomb attack on Iraq army patrol kills 11

A bomb targeting an Iraqi army patrol killed 11 people and wounded 21 in the city of Baquba, northeast of Baghdad, on Thursday, an army source said.
Civilians and troops were among the casualties in the blast in the city center. It was not clear what type of bomb was used.

US military denies Iraq on brink of civil war

The US military rejected the idea of a brewing civil war in Iraq, saying the number of confirmed major attacks on mosques across the country were only seven.

Iran: U.S., Israel Destroyed Iraqi Shrine

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad blamed the United States and Israel on Thursday for the destruction of a Shiite shrine's golden dome in Iraq, saying it was the work of "defeated Zionists and occupiers."

Bulgaria returns troops to Iraq
Bulgaria's parliament has approved a government decision to send troops back to Iraq for non-combat duties. The unit, made up of 120 soldiers and 34 support staff, will guard the Ashraf refugee camp north of Baghdad from the middle of next month.


Things are not good in Baghdad.
There was an explosion this morning in a mosque in Samarra, a largely Sunni town. While the mosque is sacred to both Sunnis and Shia, it is considered one of the most important Shia visiting places in Iraq. Samarra is considered a sacred city by many Muslims and historians because it was made the capital of the Abassid Empire, after Baghdad, by the Abassid Caliph Al-Mu'tasim.

Iraq Implements Curfew to Stem Violence

Gunmen killed dozens of civilians Thursday and dumped their bodies in a ditch, as the government ordered a tough daytime curfew of Baghdad and three provinces to stem the sectarian violence that has left at least 114 dead since the bombing of a Shiite shrine.

Shrine attack deals blow to anti-US unity
Spring is only a month away, and preparations for Nauroz (the Persian new year) are well under way. In Iran this year, however, Nauroz was due to come with a deadly dimension: the start of a new phase of a broad-based anti-US resistance movement stretching from Afghanistan to Jerusalem.
Wednesday's attack on a revered shrine in Iraq could change all this.

O'Reilly: U.S. should leave Iraq "as fast as humanly possible" because "there are so many nuts in the country"
Summary: Bill O'Reilly suggested that the United States "hand over everything to the Iraqis as fast as humanly possible" because "[t]here are so many nuts in the country -- so many crazies -- that we can't control them." O'Reilly has previously called those advocating immediate withdrawal from Iraq "pinheads" and compared them to Hitler appeasers.

Analysis: Whose Bombs Were They?
There's no telling who was behind the bombing of the al-Askariya Mosque. There were no security cameras at the site and it's doubtful that the police will be able to perform a thorough forensic investigation. That's too bad; the bomb-residue would probably provide clear evidence of who engineered the attack. So far, there's little more to go on than the early reports of four men (three who were dressed in black, one in a police uniform) who overtook security guards at the mosque and placed the bombs in broad daylight.

Pushcart bomb kills 16 Iraqis northeast of Baghdad
A pushcart bomb blew up near an Iraqi army foot patrol in a popular market in Baquba, some 65 km northeast of Baghdad, on Thursday, killing 16 people, an Interior Ministry source told Xinhua.
"A pushcart packed with explosives detonated near an Iraqi army foot patrol while it was passing through a busy popular market in Baquba, killing 16 people, including eight soldiers," the source said on condition of anonymity. The blast wounded 20 others, he added. Insurgents frequently mount attacks on U.S. troops and Iraqi forces in an attempt to cripple the U.S.-backed political process in the violence-torn country.

Japan to Discuss Troop Deployments in Iraq
Japanese defense and foreign affairs officials were to meet with their U.S., British and Australian counterparts in London on Friday to discuss troop deployments in Iraq, a Japanese Defense Agency official said.
Mainichi newspaper reported on Friday that the group would discuss the logistics, but the agency spokeswoman refused to reveal further details of the talks, saying only that no announcement was expected to emerge.

Whose side are we on?

The AP has reported that the number of Iraqi army units that are able to stand alone, without our soldier's help, has dropped from one to zero.
But, the report states, the number of Iraqi battalions capable of leading the battle, with U.S. troops in a support role, has grown by nearly 50%, from 36 to 53, and the number engaged in combat has increased 11%, from 88 to 98.

On the Brink in Iraq

With Iraq perched at the very precipice of an ethnic and sectarian holocaust, the utter failure of the Bush administration's policy is revealed with starkest clarity. Iraq may or may not fall into the abyss in the next few days and weeks, but what is no longer in doubt is who is to blame: If Iraq is engulfed in civil war then Americans, Iraqis and the international community must hold President Bush and Vice President Cheney responsible for the destruction of Iraq.

Iraq's death squads: On the brink of civil war

Most of the corpses in Baghdad's mortuary show signs of torture and execution. And the Interior Ministry is being blamed. By Hundreds of Iraqis are being tortured to death or summarily executed every month in Baghdad alone by death squads working from the Ministry of the Interior, the United Nations' outgoing human rights chief in Iraq has revealed.

Wounded in Iraq: Survivors

They left under a wave of support - red, white and blue bunting and flags and cheers - and headed to a war half a world away in Iraq. It was their duty, their calling, their patriotic responsibility. They returned missing . . . one his arm, the other his ability to walk. Their lives shaken and futures uncertain, two soldiers from Utah are now at Walter Reed Medical Center in Washington, D.C. They have few regrets.

'We're soldiers; that's our job,' Utahn says
Cpl. Braxton McCoy's uniform had pockets on both sleeves. On the right, he carried a folded flag. On the left, he packed his checkbook. That's meaningful, he's sure, because the bullet from the AK-47 ripped through the checks, not through the Stars and Stripes.
Sitting in his electric wheelchair, the bones in his legs cracked and shattered from a suicide bomber, McCoy isn't outwardly emotional as he recounts the tale of when ball bearings ripped through his hand, his legs and his face.
He'll walk again, he vows. But the 20-year-old member of the Utah National Guard's 222nd who wears his cowboy hat like it's required, won't be riding bulls anymore or shoeing any horses for a while.
"I've always wanted to serve," McCoy says, as he struggles to attach footrests to his wheelchair with his one unbandaged hand. "Being in the Army wasn't enough; as a soldier you don't feel like you've done your duty unless you've gone to war.
"It's sad we had to go over, but we're soldiers; that's our job." McCoy's future paid a price when he did his job. Now his new daily routine isn't feeding horses or cattle or moving the sprinklers on the alfalfa as a ranch hand near Scipio. He's waking to the sounds of a hospital in Washington, D.C., and struggling to get out of bed and into his wheelchair for physical therapy.

Many Americans Urge for Immediate Iraq Withdrawal

Many adults in the United States believe the coalition effort should end soon, according to a poll by the Sacred Heart University Polling Institute. 47.8 per cent of respondents think the U.S. should pull out of Iraq now, while 44.1 per cent disagree.

Iraq makes terror 'more likely'

A global poll for the BBC suggests people believe the Iraq war has increased the likelihood of terrorist attacks.

Iraqi Official Says U.S. Reporter Is Alive

The Iraqi Interior Minister believes that kidnapped American journalist Jill Carroll remains alive, his office said on Monday, one day after the deadline set by her captors for killing her....

German Intelligence Gave U.S. Saddam's Defense Plan, Report Says

In providing the document, German officials offered more significant help to the U.S. than their government has publicly admitted. WASHINGTON - Two German intelligence agents in Baghdad obtained a copy of Saddam Hussein's plan to defend the Iraqi capital, which a German official passed on to American commanders a month before the invasion, according to a classified study by the United States military.

And Now Come the Death Squads

Hundreds of Iraqis are being tortured to death or summarily executed every month in Baghdad alone by death squads working from the Ministry of the Interior, the United Nations' outgoing human rights chief in Iraq has revealed. John Pace, who left Baghdad two weeks ago, told us on Sunday that up to three-quarters of the corpses stacked in the city's mortuary show evidence of gunshot wounds to the head or injuries caused by drill-bits or burning cigarettes. Much of the killing, he said, was carried out by Shia Muslim groups under the control of the Ministry of the Interior.

Prosecutors: Saddam OK'd Shiite Executions

Prosecutors at Saddam Hussein's trial presented a document Tuesday they said was signed by the former leader approving the executions of more than 140 Shiites in southern Iraq after an assassination attempt in the 1980s....

'Execution order' presented at Saddam trial

Iraqi prosecutors submitted to the court trying Saddam Hussein what they said was an execution order signed by the former Iraqi dictator, as his lawyers once again stormed out of the tribunal.

Why the U.S. Probably Won't Attack Iran
Jimmy Carter presented Iran with 52 hostages. George Bush has done a lot better, sending 130,000 Americans across the ocean as guarantees of his administration's good behavior toward the Islamic Republic. Last week, Tehran reminded us of its ability to make life unpleasant for US forces in Iraq by hosting Moqtada al Sadr for a high profile visit, in the course of which he obligingly pledged that his militia, the Mahdi army, would retaliate for any American attack on Iran. His spokesman quoted him as telling his hosts "If any Islamic state, especially the Islamic Republic of Iran, is attacked, the Mahdi Army would fight inside and outside Iraq."

Iran's Ahmadinejad says Bush should face 'people's tribunal'
Iran's hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad labelled George W. Bush a warmonger who should be dragged before a "people's tribunal", the day after the US president called for a "free and democratic Iran".

Iran warns of diplomacy end
IRAN warned today that the referral of a long-running dispute over its nuclear program to the UN Security Council will bring "an end to diplomacy," saying the move had no legal justification.

Is Iran Building Nukes? An Analysis

President Bush declared on June 25 that "we will not tolerate" a nuclear armed Iran. His words are empty. The physical evidence for a nuclear weapons program in Iran simply does not exist.

Signs Comment: More "WMDs"... more LIES, more American Boys dying. Will it be YOUR son? Your husband? Father? Someone you know? If that is possible, you need to act now to stop this madness.

Nuclear Iran is not a threat
Paris: Why is all this pressure being mounted against Iran when both Washington and Jerusalem unofficially concede that there is nothing to be done to prevent Iran’s government from continuing along its present course of nuclear development?

Big companies pulling out of Iran
WASHINGTON - Some major finance and energy companies are cutting commercial ties with Iran as US authorities step up enforcement of existing sanctions and international diplomatic pressure builds over Tehran's nuclear ambitions, a US newspaper reported on Tuesday.

U.S. Instigated Iran's Nuclear Program 30 Years Ago
White House staff members, who are trying to prevent Iran from developing its own nuclear energy capacity and who refuse to take military action against Iran "off the table," have conveniently forgotten that the United States was the midwife to the Iranian nuclear program 30 years ago.

Russia Warns U.S. Against Striking Iran

With tension mounting over Iran's nuclear programs, Gen. Yuri Baluyevsky, the chief of Russia's general staff, warned the United States against attacking Iran. "This may stir the whole world, and it is crucial to prevent anything like that," Baluyevsky was quoted as saying.

France steps up rhetoric on Iran
France has for the first time explicitly accused Iran of using its nuclear programme as a cover for clandestine military nuclear activity. Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy told French TV no civilian programme could explain Iran's activity. Iran says it resumed small-scale uranium enrichment work last week, after the UN nuclear watchdog reported it to the Security Council. But Tehran insists the programme is solely for peaceful purposes.
Signs Comment: It's really interesting to note that most of Europe was behind Iran until Iran's president suggested that Europe should take back all the Jews to expiate their guilt for the Holocaust. After he said that, nearly all of Europe joined with the U.S. in the War Chant.

Bush plans huge propaganda campaign in Iran

The Bush administration made an emergency request to Congress yesterday for a seven-fold increase in funding to mount the biggest ever propaganda campaign against the Tehran government, in a further sign of the worsening crisis between Iran and the west. Condoleezza Rice, the US secretary of state, said the $75m (£43m) in extra funds, on top of $10m already allocated for later this year, would be used to broadcast US radio and television programmes into Iran, help pay for Iranians to study in America and support pro-democracy groups inside the country.

Iran's Nuclear Development Approved By US In 1970s
Every aspect of Iran's current nuclear development was approved and encouraged by Washington in the 1970s. President Gerald Ford offered Iran a full nuclear cycle in 1976. Moreover, the only Iranian reactor currently about to become operative -- the reactor in Bushire (also known as Bushehr) -- was started before the Iranian revolution with U.S. approval, and cannot produce weapons-grade plutonium. The Bushire reactor, a "light-water" reactor, produces Pu240, Pu241, and Pu242. Although these isotopes could theoretically be weaponized, the process is extremely long and complicated, and untried. To date, no nuclear weapon has ever been produced with plutonium produced with the kind of reactor at Bushire. Moreover, the plant must be completely shut down in order for the fuel rods to be extracted -- making the process immediately open to inspection and detection. Other possible reactors in Iran are far in the future. . .

Iran has the U.S.’s number
I have been asked “why people are so reluctant to consider” the validity of “Holocaust” revisionism. I shall try to answer that, showing the relationship to Iranian President Ahmadinejad. The principal obstacle to the propagation of revisionism is, simply, fear. At present, the entrenched legend is protected by a system of legal and extra-legal prohibitions (“taboos”). Nobody could dispute the truth of that statement in Europe, where laws in most countries specifically proscribe the expression of revisionist ideas as criminal offenses. For me, the most painful instance of that intellectual terror is the incarceration of my chemist friend Germar Rudolf, presently being held in solitary confinement in a maximum security prison near Stuttgart.

Signs Comment: Yes, the hypocrisy of the Western countries is astonishing. Questioning the figures of the number of Jewish victims of the holocaust can put you in jail. It certainly appears as if certain people use the holocaust to raise Jewish victimhood to a unique status among those who have suffered genocide. However, to get bogged down in debates over figures is pointless. Whether it was 6 million or less than that, the numbers and the facts of the camps are horrifying. Unfortunately, they are typical of the way we have been set one against another throughout history, chained to ideologies and religions that demand obedience to bloodthirsty political leaders or bloodthirsty deities. The real crime of the holocaust is that it is used as the justification to wipe out the Palestinians. In other words, there was no true moral lesson learned from this horrific experience. For all the claims of Israel as a Jewish state, that is, s state that is supposedly based upon a religious teaching, we see no true lesson of conscience. How can a people who have been subject to such injustice turn around and inflict that same injustice on another?

China Rushes to Complete $100B Deal With Iran
China is hastening to complete a deal worth as much as $100 billion that would allow a Chinese state-owned energy firm to take a leading role in developing a vast oil field in Iran, complicating the Bush administration's efforts to isolate the Middle Eastern nation and roll back its nuclear development plans, according to published reports.
Signs Comment: Whoops! There goes the Neocon plan to take over the world. The reactions in Washington ought to entertaining!

War Whore Rice: Iran is global terror 'banker'

The Iranian government is a "central banker" for global terrorism and working with Syria to destablise the Middle East, the US Secretary of State has said. Speaking in testimony to the US Senate on Thursday, Condoleeza Rice signaled the US intention to step up the diplomatic offensive against Iran, saying the threat it posed went beyond its controversial nuclear programme. "It's not just Iran's nuclear programme but also their support for terrorism around the world. They are, in effect, the central banker for terrorism," she told the Senate Budget Committee.

Iran Seeks Allies In Latin America For Nuclear Program

Iran is reaching out to Latin American countries from Venezuela to Uruguay, seeking to line up diplomatic allies as it faces increasing scrutiny of its nuclear program.
Touring the region, Iranian lawmakers have turned to Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and Cuban President Fidel Castro as key partners against what they call an imperialist U.S. government.

Why Iran Can Afford to Be Insane

Although Iran can’t stop the flow of oil, it can reduce the volume of oil flowing onto the global market if it chooses. And any such restriction in oil flow would yield dire results for the economies of America, Europe and Asia—directly affecting transportation, manufacturing, industry, agriculture and the military, with indirect ramifications for every other economic sector. Even a couple of million fewer barrels of oil per day on the market would likely create economic chaos, which would precipitate political crisis.

Iran calls on UK troops to pull out of Basra

Prime Minister Tony Blair swiftly rebuffed Tehran, saying British soldiers were in Iraq under a United Nations mandate and warned Iran not to try to divert attention from international concern over its nuclear programme.

Putin: Iran Hasn't Ruled Out Uranium Enrichment In Russia
MOSCOW -- Russian President Vladimir Putin said Monday that Iran hasn't excluded the possibility of conducting its uranium enrichment in Russia - a proposal that could be a way out of escalating tensions over Iran's nuclear program.

Israel Sends Diplomatic Team to Persuade Moscow to Give Up Iran
Israel dispatched a diplomatic team to Russia on Tuesday in an effort to persuade Moscow that Iran should be referred to the United Nations Security Council, reports quoted by CNSNews website said.

Signs Comment: "Acting Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Tuesday that Israel could not allow “anyone with these kinds of malicious designs against us, to have control of weapons of destruction that can threaten our existence." Never mind that Israel, with malicious designs against the Palestinians, Iraqis, and Iranians DOES have control of WMDs which DO threaten the existence of millions, if not billions, of people.

Iran Has an 'Inalienable Right' to Nuclear Energy - Is Iran's plan for an oil exchange trading in Euros the real issue? Or is it Israel?

Iran has an "inalienable right" to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes such as the production of electric energy, and the enrichment of uranium for its nuclear reactors. Could it be that Iran's plan for an oil exchange trading in Euros is the real issue? Or is it Israel?

Iran shows the limits of US power
It is, of course, utterly hypocritical for George Bush and Tony Blair, both commanding vast nuclear arsenals, to denounce Iran for deciding to restart its uranium enrichment programme. I heard one US neo-con, Frank Gaffney, ranting and raving on the radio the other day about how uniquely evil the Islamic regime in Iran is. Certainly Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, is a reactionary bigot who denies the reality of the Nazi Holocaust. But then the Austrian government, which has just taken over the presidency of the European Union, includes fascists with very similar views on this subject. [...]
Signs Comment: For further reading on all things apocalyptic and how Christianity, Islam and Judaism are being used to engineer the "end of the world", see Laura Knight-Jadczyk's article: The Most Dangerous Cult in the World

Iran crisis talks expose west's split with China

Differences between the west and Russia and China were exposed yesterday during a meeting in London to discuss strategy for tackling the crisis over Iran's suspected nuclear weapons programme.

Iran faces 'destruction' - Israel warns
HERZLIYA, Israel -- Israeli Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz warned the Iranian people Saturday that they faced "destruction" unless they managed to restrain their new President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

‘US will help Israel in case of war with Iran’

[...] Cheney was asked if Washington would come to the military assistance of Israel if Iran or any of the terrorist groups it allegedly sponsors attacked Israel. “I don’t think there’s any question but what we would support Israel under those circumstances. I think any administration would,” said Cheney.

By Greg Szymanski
A high-ranking military officer has come forward saying “a real danger exists” of a large-scale terrorist attack in the United States in the near future, adding Vice President Dick Cheney has become consumed with the thought of U.S. nuclear retaliation in the Middle East if an attack on American soil occurs.

Signs Comment: What they don't mention is the fact that if such a "terrorist attack" happens "on demand," as in "just in time to launch a war on Iran before the Oil Bourse in March, it will very likely be "manufactured" by the very people who want a reason to attack Iran. Now, who might that be???

Iran says Israeli threats are a 'childish game'

Iran on Sunday said Israel would be making a "fatal mistake" should it resort to military action against Tehran's nuclear program and dismissed veiled threats from the Jewish state as a "childish game."

What Kind of War Doesn't Allow for a Truce? Victory in the War on Terror
We're told that a new Osama Bin Laden audiotape has emerged, and America's Most Wanted said he would like to strike a deal with the US: Let's stop fighting. You leave us alone, we'll leave you alone. The Bush Administration rejected the offer out of hand. "We don't negotiate with terrorists," Vice President Cheney said. Instead, we have to "destroy them."

Signs Comment: Of course Bush is going to refuse. After all the work the CIA and NSA and whoever else did to produce a fake tape of a dead man talking, do you think he's going to get hooked by logic???

Annexing Khuzestan; battle-plans for Iran

In less than 24 hours the Bush administration has won impressive victories on both domestic and foreign policy fronts. At home, the far-right Federalist Society alum, Sam Alito, has overcome the feeble resistance from Democratic senators; ensuring his confirmation to the Supreme Court. Equally astonishing, the administration has coerced both Russia and China into bringing Iran before the United Nations Security Council although (as Mohamed ElBaradei says) “There’s no evidence of a nuclear weapons program.” The surprising capitulation of Russia and China has forced Iran to abandon its efforts for further negotiations; cutting off dialogue that might diffuse the volatile situation.

War Pimping by UPI: Iran building secret nuke tunnel: claim

Iran is building a secret tunnel in Tehran for nuclear weapons research and development, an Iranian dissident has claimed.
[...], Alireza Jafarzadeh, president of Strategic Policy Consulting, Inc. told a meeting at the National Press Club in Washington Tuesday. Jafarzadeh has made similar allegations before. It has not been possible to independently verify all of them.

War Pimps: British lawmakers rally behind Iran dissidents
London, – An array of British parliamentarians and distinguished jurists called on the British government to cease its “policy of appeasement” towards the government of hard-line Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and remove the proscription of Iran’s main opposition group as a terrorist organisation. Several dozen speakers addressed a conference organised by the British Parliamentary Committee for Iran Freedom, entitled “Responding to Iran’s Nuclear and Terrorist Threat”, asking the government of Tony Blair to support “democratic regime change in Iran”.

Signs Comment: Haven't we seen this before? The "Iraqis against Saddam" supporting "regime change" because, as we later learned, they were being paid off by the Neocons? How stupid do they think we are?

Iran Incapable of Building Nuclear Bomb — Russian Expert

Iran is not capable of building its own nuclear weapons, the former head of a nuclear power plant and current regional leader in southern Russia said Wednesday. “In reality, the U.S. is provoking Iran, accusing it of aiming, along with the implementation of its peaceful nuclear programs, to create its own nuclear weapons,” Governor of the Saratov Region Pavel Ipatov was quoted by RIA Novosti as saying.

Iran vows 'crushing response' if its nuclear facilities are attacked

[...]  ''Any attack against Iran's peaceful nuclear facilities will meet a swift and crushing response from the armed forces,'' the agency quoted Najjar as saying.

Iran's president lashes out at Bush
Iran's president lashed out Wednesday at the United States and vowed to resist the pressure of "bully countries" as European nations circulated a draft resolution urging that Tehran be brought before the U.N. Security Council for its nuclear activities.

Signs Comment: All of this is SO familiar. Weren't there "shouting matches" and "food fights" between Bush and Hussein leading up to the quagmire in Iraq? Looks the same to us. Do you suppose that it is all a set-up to keep the peasants distracted? A high drama to cover up the impending collapse of the global economy? An excuse to kill millions, or billions, of people before global warming set's in? A drama designed to justify locking the peasants down?

Russian Minister sez: Russia, China Have Same Views On Iran

[...] Speaking to Russian reporters in London after meeting with his Chinese counterpart, Lavrov said Moscow and Beijing shared the same approach in handling Tehran's ongoing nuclear activities.

Russia-China visit to Iran no form of pressure

The Wednesday visit of high-ranking Russia and Chinese diplomats to Tehran cannot be viewed as a form of pressure on Iran over its controversial nuclear programs, a spokesman for the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

Uranium enrichment in Russia to cover Iran nuclear needs

A senior Russian diplomat said Thursday that uranium enrichment in Russia for Iran's nuclear power plants would cover the Islamic Republic's atomic energy needs, as the UN's nuclear watchdog convened in Vienna for an emergency session to discuss the brewing crisis.

Iran poised to retaliate as nuclear standoff worsens
Iran was poised to retaliate against the expected reporting of its nuclear programme to the UN Security Council, with the hardline regime vowing to quickly limit international inspections and kick-start sensitive fuel work.

Iran and the jaws of a trap
Judging from the rather frantic behind-the-scenes efforts of Russia and China in Iran, they seem to appreciate that the Iranian leadership is in for a big and probably deadly surprise. The Bush administration has not only handled its Iran dossier much more skillfully than Iraq, but also managed to set up Iran for a war it can neither win nor fight to a draw.

Signs Comment: This piece strikes us as blatant disinformation. It seems to us far more likely that France, Germany and Britain are hoping the U.S. will go to its own destruction... But then, maybe that's the point of this particular agenda?

U.S. Intel Chief Doubts Iran Has Nukes

National Intelligence Director John Negroponte told Congress on Thursday that Iran probably does not yet have nuclear weapons, nor has it obtained the material central to producing them.

Iran has no bomb but it will hit back, US told
IRAN'S clerical regime is supremely confident, has a firm grip on power and is ready to retaliate against attacks by the US or Israel with missiles or by activating terrorist allies, the latest American intelligence assessment says. The National Intelligence Director, John Negroponte, delivered an implied rebuke to those in Washington hoping the West can engineer regime change in Tehran. In Tuesday's State of the Union address, President George Bush issued a veiled call for the Iranian people to rise up against the mullahs.

Signs Comment: Quite a few people have been issuing not-so-veiled calls for the American people to rise up against the Neocons. That might be a better option.

Former weapons inspector warns of US-Iran war

Former United Nations weapons inspector and ex-marine intelligence officer Scott Ritter told a crowd of about 500 gathered at the West Hartford Town Hall that, "...the Bush administration is fixing intelligence around policy on Iran," and that it could lead to a new US war in the Middle East.

Russian MP: US-Israeli anti-Iranian moves, premeditated assassination of Iranian nation

Russian Duma representative Alexi Mitrafanov Friday called the harmonized plot hatched by some EU members, United States, and Israel against Iran's nuclear program "premeditated assassination" of the Iranian nation."

China's UN Envoy: Won't Support Sanctions Against Iran

China would never support sanctions against Iran as a "matter of principle," the Chinese ambassador to the U.N. said Friday, adding that his nation still prefers a low-key approach in confronting Tehran's nuclear ambitions.

FBI Probes AIPAC Leak of Iran Docs to NYT
The FBI is probing an effort by two former employees of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) to disclose classified information to the New York Times. This appears to have been part of an effort to cultivate Times reporters in order to selectively leak classified Iran WMD documents.

Iran is world's top sponsor of terrorism: Rumsfeld
[...] "The Iranian regime is today the world's leading state sponsor of terrorism," Rumsfeld told an annual security conference in Munich where talk of Iran's nuclear program was at the top of the agenda. "The world does not want, and must work together to prevent, a nuclear Iran," he said.

Comment: Rumsfeld is a liar. He said the same things about Iraq in full knowledge that they were not true. Believe him at your peril.

Iran ends co-operation with UN nuclear agency, open to Russian proposal
Iran did an about-face Sunday on its previous rejection of a Moscow proposal to shift its uranium enrichment to Russian territory and said it remains open to negotiations even as it ended voluntary cooperation with the UN nuclear watchdog agency.

Iran Ends Voluntary Cooperation With IAEA
Iran said Sunday it has ended all voluntary cooperation with the U.N. nuclear watchdog but would still hold talks with Moscow on a proposal to enrich Iranian uranium in Russia, reversing an earlier decision to abandon those talks.

Iran bans oil tankers'' Gulf passage if oil exports sanctioned -- MP

 Iran will ban passage of oil tankers in the Gulf if its oil experts are sanctioned, said a senior official Saturday.
"If a ban is imposed on our oil exports, we will not allow oil tankers to sail in the Gulf waters," Mehr news agency quoted Sulaiman Jaafar Zadeh, member of the national committee for security and foreign policy in the Shura council, as saying.

Will Iran's 'petroeuro' threat lead to war?

Beginning in 2003, Iran began demanding oil payment in euros, not dollars, although the oil itself was still priced in U.S. currency. Now, Iran is seriously considering establishing an Iranian Oil Bourse, with the goal of competing with the New York Mercantile Exchange, NYMEX, and London's International Petroleum Exchange, IPE.

War Pimp: Frist says military action a posssibility against Iran

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said Saturday night that the United States must be prepared to take military action against Iran if nonviolent means don't deter the country from building nuclear weapons.

Iran nuclear file a non-NPT issue, says Veteran UK politician

The Iran issue has nothing to do with the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and it is about US President George W Bush and towing away British Premier Tony Blair, said Tony Benn a former minister in the labour administration. "But I do not know why other countries have gone along with the US," said the active leftist in Britain's ruling party.

Israel predicts Iran will pay 'heavy price' for nuclear defiance
Acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert voiced confidence on Sunday that Iran would pay "a very heavy price" by resuming full-scale uranium enrichment after being reported to the UN Security Council over its nuclear program.

War Pimp McCain urges Iran sanctions, outside UN if needed

Senator John McCain, a top member of President George W. Bush's Republican Party, urged the world on Saturday to impose economic and other sanctions on Iran, bypassing the United Nations if needed.

The hidden stakes in the Iran crisis
At the end of this operation, Washington should have complete control over the world’s main hydrocarbon production and reserves. It will control the world economy without the need to share power. It will then be The Empire of The Beast, the New World Order.

War Pimp Perle: Iraq errors show West must act fast on Iran
Richard Perle, a key architect of the U.S.-led war against Iraq, said on Saturday the West should not make the mistake of waiting too long to use military force if Iran comes close to getting an atomic weapon.

The Trail of Illegal Weapons Sold To Iran And Iraq Starts In Washington And London
The devil's playground in the Arab sand over the last 25 years has provided crooked politicians on both sides of the Atlantic a handsome profit. While hundreds of thousands of innocents have died a bloody death, the "masters of evil" in the illegal arms trade continue to sell their "dirty toys" under the cover of darkness and through a system of secret companies hidden from public scrutiny.

Iran and the jaws of a trap

Judging from the rather frantic behind-the-scenes efforts of Russia and China in Iran, they seem to appreciate that the Iranian leadership is in for a big and probably deadly surprise. The Bush administration has not only handled its Iran dossier much more skillfully than Iraq, but also managed to set up Iran for a war it can neither win nor fight to a draw.

Iran to pay "heavy price" for nuclear weapon ambition: Israel
Israeli acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said on Sunday that Iran would pay "a very heavy price" if the Islamic Republic defiantly resumes full-scale uranium enrichment to build nuclear weapons. "At the end of the day, it shows that Iran will pay a very heavy price if it continues with its plans to try and enrich its fuel in order to be able to use it as an option to make non-conventional weapons," said Olmert at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting. He also said that Israel had played an important role in what he described as an intensive and stormy diplomatic effort leading to Iran's referral to the UN Security Council.

Signs Comment: As we have stated many times, the promise of 'mutually ensured destruction' from nuclear war between nuclear warhead-equipped nations has successfully prevented any nuclear conflagrations from occurring up until now. So why would we think that this same preventative mechanism would not apply to any future confrontation between a nuclear-equipped Iran Vs Israel. Israel's real problem with Iran is that if Iran were to join the big boys's club, Israel would be dethroned as the singular dominant force in the Middle East, a position that has permitted people like Sharon and Netanyahu to disregard the rights of Israel's Arab neighbors and essentially threaten them into submission and acceptance of Israel's expansionist policies. Of course, publicly, Israel cannot go to war on such an rationale, hence the lies and propaganda that are currently issuing from Israel and the US.

Strong Leads and Dead Ends in Nuclear Case Against Iran
Iranian engineers have completed sophisticated drawings of a deep subterranean shaft, according to officials who have examined classified documents in the hands of U.S. intelligence for more than 20 months. Complete with remote-controlled sensors to measure pressure and heat, the plans for the 400-meter tunnel appear designed for an underground atomic test that might one day announce Tehran's arrival as a nuclear power, the officials said.

Iran: the next war

Has Tony Blair, our minuscule Caesar, finally crossed his Rubicon? Having subverted the laws of the civilised world and brought carnage to a defenceless people and bloodshed to his own, having lied and lied and used the death of a hundredth British soldier in Iraq to indulge his profane self-pity, is he about to collude in one more crime before he goes?

U.S. shield blunts Israeli military option on Iran
Israel has long pursued a policy of preemptive attack as its preferred form of defence.
But when it comes to tackling arch-foe Iran, that option may have been put on hold under a protective "umbrella" on offer from the United States. After years of speculation on whether Israel could launch unilateral strikes on the Iranian nuclear programme, some experts now see a major shift in the Jewish state's strategy. At the core of the change was a vow by U.S. President George W. Bush, in a Reuters interview last week, to "rise to Israel's defence" in the face of increasingly tough talk from Tehran.

Iran poised to retaliate against UN referral

Iran said Wednesday it was poised to retaliate against the reporting of its disputed nuclear programme to the Security Council by kick-starting sensitive fuel work and blocking UN inspections. In a barrage of threats that raise the stakes in the long-running dispute, firebrand President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad also vowed his country would "continue on the road to victory" and labelled US President George W. Bush a warmonger who should be put on trial.

Iran dismisses US threat over nukes
Iran dismissed as "tough words" the United States' refusal to rule out using military force against the Islamic republic over its controversial nuclear programme. "We are not afraid of attacks by the United States or by other countries on Iran's nuclear installations because we have nothing to hide, we have no installations to produce nuclear weapons," Iranian Vice President Esfandyar Rahim Mashaee said here after meeting with his Indonesian counterpart. US Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said this week Washington would not rule out using military force against Iran to prevent it from obtaining nuclear weapons.

Russia confirms missile defence contract with Iran

Amid the escalating crisis around Iran's nuclear programme, Russia said on Thursday that it will still arm Tehran with missiles that can secure nuclear facilities from attacks.

Parallels Between Iran and Pre-War Iraq

Iran is not Iraq, and the year 2006 is not the same as year 2003 for George Bush; but one cannot stop wondering about the uncanny similarities between Iraq at the verge of war, and the present state of affairs in Iran.

China says welcomes Iran-Russia nuclear talks

China said on Thursday it welcomed talks between Iran and Russia next week on plans to defuse the crisis over Tehran's atomic programme, but refused to say whether it would join the meeting.
"We hope that this Russian invitation to Iran to hold talks on the 16th about participating in an international uranium enrichment centre will help break, or encourage a break, in the current stalemate over the Iranian nuclear issue," Foreign Ministry spokesman Kong Quan told a regular news conference. The deputy head of Iran's National Security Council would lead Tehran's delegation to the talks in Moscow next week, Russia's Itar-Tass news agency reported earlier.

War Pimp Gore: Iran 'danger for world'
Former US vice president and defeated presidential hopeful Al Gore lashed out at
Iran's clerical regime, denouncing it as a threat "for the future of the world." "Iran is ruled by corrupt politicians and clerics," the Democrat said in an address to the Jeddah Economic Forum in Saudi Arabia.

US prepares military blitz against Iran's nuclear sites

Strategists at the Pentagon are drawing up plans for devastating bombing raids backed by submarine-launched ballistic missile attacks against Iran's nuclear sites as a "last resort" to block Teheran's efforts to develop an atomic bomb.

'10,000 would die' in A-plant attack on Iran

A major American attack on Iran's nuclear sites would kill up to 10,000 people and lead to war in the Middle East, a report says today. Hundreds of scientists and technicians would be targets in the opening salvos as the attacks focused on eliminating further nuclear development, the Oxford Research Group says in Iran: Consequences of a War. The research coincides with reports that strategists at the Pentagon are drawing up plans for "a last resort" strike if diplomacy fails. Plans for an assault have taken on "greater urgency" in recent months, The Sunday Telegraph said.

Iran is prepared to retaliate, experts warn

Iran is prepared to launch attacks using long-range missiles, secret commando units, and terrorist allies planted around the globe in retaliation for any strike on the country's nuclear facilities, according to new US intelligence assessments and military specialists.


This briefing paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the likely nature of US or Israeli military action that would be intended to disable Iran’s nuclear capabilities. It outlines both the immediate consequences in terms of loss of human life, facilities and infrastructure, and also the likely Iranian responses, which would be extensive. An attack on Iranian nuclear infrastructure would signal the start of a protracted military confrontation that would probably grow to involve Iraq, Israel and Lebanon, as well as the USA and Iran. The report concludes that a military response to the current crisis in relations with Iran is a particularly dangerous option and should not be considered further. Alternative approaches must be sought, however difficult these may be.

Iran resumes enrichment work

Tehran, Feb 13 Iran has started putting uranium feedstock gas into centrifuges, the first step in manufacturing what can be either nuclear reactor fuel or material for an atom bomb, diplomats told a news agency on Monday. Earlier Iran announced it would resume uranium enrichment even before the UN atomic watchdog meets next month.

Sanction the IAEA Board, not Iran

You probably heard that – as a result of extreme pressure brought by the Bush-Cheney administration – a "special" meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors was convened last week to discuss what to do about the "gravest" threat to develop to "our" national security since the end of the Cold War. The "threat"? The announced resumption of certain IAEA Safeguarded programs, voluntarily and temporarily suspended by Iran more than two years ago.

Outed CIA officer Plame was working on Iran, intelligence sources say
The unmasking of covert CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson by White House officials in 2003 caused significant damage to U.S. national security and its ability to counter nuclear proliferation abroad, RAW STORY has learned. According to current and former intelligence officials, Plame Wilson, who worked on the clandestine side of the CIA in the Directorate of Operations as a non-official cover (NOC) officer, was part of an operation tracking distribution and acquisition of weapons of mass destruction technology to and from Iran. Speaking under strict confidentiality, intelligence officials revealed heretofore unreported elements of Plame's work. Their accounts suggest that Plame's outing was more serious than has previously been reported and carries grave implications for U.S. national security and its ability to monitor Iran's burgeoning nuclear program.

US Sides With Iran on UN vote against gays
The Bush administration's support for Iran's proposal to bar two gay rights groups from a voice at the United Nations sparked a demand from U.S. legislators on Tuesday that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice repudiate the action.

War Pimp Hurd: Iran may need force
Former Foreign Secretary Lord Hurd has said Britain cannot "realistically" rule out using military force against Iran over its nuclear programme. But any such action would involve "huge dangers" and governments must show "patient strength", he told peers.

The hidden stakes in the Iran crisis
The confrontation between the big powers over Iran continues with antagonisms hidden from view. Since December 2002, the USA has accused Iran of seeking nuclear arms in violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)

Americans think Iran may use nukes
A USA Today-CNN-Gallup Poll says Americans not only think Iran will develop nuclear weapons but also use them against the United States. The poll done over the last weekend also says Americans fear the Bush administration will be "too quick" to order military action against Iran, USA Today reported Tuesday.

Signs Comment: The poll shows that the manipûlation of he US public is proceeding apace, that their better instincts are being drowned out by disinfo and propaganda. Look at the figures reported about opinion on the famous cartoon manipulation. 6 out of 10 recognise the newpapers acted irresponsibly, but then they turn around and blame Muslim intolerance for the furor, which was the whole point of the operation: to portray the Muslims as fanatical crazies. How many Muslim rmies are occupying Western countries?

Who Will Blow the Whistle Before We Attack Iran?

The question looms large against the backdrop of the hearing on whistle blowing scheduled for the afternoon of Feb. 14 by Christopher Shays, chair of the House Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations. Among those testifying are Russell Tice, one of the sources who exposed illegal eavesdropping by the National Security Agency, and Army Sgt. Sam Provance, who told his superiors of the torture he witnessed at Abu Graib, got no satisfaction, and felt it his duty to go public. It will not be your usual hearing.

War Pimp! Iran crosses 'red line' in nuclear stand-off

Iran has started to inject uranium feedstock gas into centrifuges at its Natanz nuclear facility, crossing an internationally agreed "red line" on the path to producing the material for atomic weapons. A senior diplomat from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed that researchers at the republic's pilot enrichment plant in central Iran had taken the crucial step, signalling a major escalation in the long-running face-off between Tehran and the West.

Iran says enrichment-related nuclear activity resumed

Iran Tuesday said it had resumed enrichment-related activity at a nuclear plant even as the foreign minister admitted that Tehran intended to produce nuclear fuel.
"We have started the preliminary phase and related activities of uranium enrichment in Natanz right after the order by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad earlier this month," Javad Vaeidi, international deputy of the Iranian National Security Council, told reporters. Denying press reports that Iran had begun full-scale uranium enrichment, he clarified that only enrichment-related activities had begun at the Natanz plant in central Iran.

Iran sets new date for atomic talks with Russia

Iran announced on Tuesday it was deferring until next week talks with Russia on its nuclear plans, but gave no sign it was ready to stop enriching uranium on its own soil -- the key element in Moscow's plan.
However, a senior Iranian official said no actual uranium enrichment had yet taken place at the Natanz facility where Iran had halted work during negotiations with the European Union. "No work has been done on the centrifuges and no gas has been injected yet," said the official, asking not to be named.

Bush wants extra $75 mln to spur Iran democracy
U.S. President George W. Bush wants $75 million to try to spur democracy in its adversary Iran, expanding a program that skeptics say can have little effect in the Islamic republic. "The United States will actively confront the aggressive policies of the Iranian regime. At the same time, we will work to support the aspirations of the Iranian people for freedom and democracy in their country," Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told a congressional budget hearing.

Signs Comment: See comments in article text.

War Pimping: Rice asks for $75M to foster democracy in Iran
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice asked Congress on Wednesday for $75 million this year to build democracy in Iran, saying the U.S. must support Iranians who are seeking freedoms under what she called a radical regime.
The money, to be included in an emergency 2006 budget request the White House is expected to send to Congress as early as this week, will be used for radio and satellite television broadcasting and for programs to help Iranians study abroad.

Signs Comment: In other words, it has nothing to do with supporting democracy and everything to do with paying for propaganda. Can we say Goebbels?

Rice Says Iran Is Openly Defying The World
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said today that Iran is openly defying the international community by resuming the enrichment of uranium for nuclear fuel and warned that the United States could impose fresh, unilateral sanctions.

Signs Comment:
No, Iran is just defying the U.S. and Israel and the U.S. and Israel are blackmailing the leaders of many European countries to back them up.

Iran has secret military nuclear program: France

 French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy said on Thursday Iran was pursuing a clandestine military nuclear program.
"No civilian nuclear program can explain the Iranian nuclear program. So it is a clandestine Iranian military nuclear program," Douste-Blazy told France 2 television.

Iran rejects French nuclear charges

Iran has insisted that it was not seeking a nuclear weapon, rejecting accusations by France that its atomic drive was "clandestine" and "military" in nature. The allegations from French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy were the first time a top European official has made such explicit claims against Tehran and highlighted increasing EU exasperation over Tehran's nuclear programme. "Contrary to all the propaganda against us, we are not seeking a nuclear bomb, since we are a signatory to (the nuclear) Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT)," chief nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani said Thursday.

War Pimp Mofaz: Iran combining radical platform with nuclear weapons - danger for Israel

Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz, speaking in Tel Aviv, addressed the threat posed by Hamas. He emphasized however the "main threat to Israel, the Iranian threat." "The combination of a radical platform, calling for the destruction of Israel, and Holocaust denial, together with long-range missiles and nuclear weapons, represents a serious threat to Israel." (Avi Cohen)

War Pimp IDF Intelligence Chief: Iran Implementing Concrete Plan to Destroy Israel
Head of Army Intelligence Brig.-Gen. Amos Yadlin told the Knesset Defense Committee Tuesday that he shares the assessment that Iran presents an existential threat to Israel.
In what was his first appearance before the committee, Yadlin stressed that Israel must regard with complete seriousness the declarations of Iran's president regarding his intention to destroy Israel. According to the IDF's assessments, the matter is beyond mere statements, but consists of a decisive and serious plan being carried out by Iran.

Russian Political Expert Predicts US Missile Attack on Iran in Early Summer
U.S. will launch a missile attack against Iran this summer, says Russian political expert Mikhail Delyagin. “Lately the demand of U.S. military actions against Iran has become really obvious,” Delyagin was quoted by RIA Novosti as saying at a press conference in Moscow Tuesday. Delyagin said the current situation was in many ways similar to the situation in 1999 that preceded NATO attack on Yugoslavia, and that of 2003 before the Coalition forces invasion in Iraq. “I think that today’s statements, the propaganda and the actions allow us to say quite clearly that the missile attack on Iran is a question of time,” he said. “Judging by the pre-elections motivation, the attack must take place late spring or late summer,” Delyagin added the attacks will only target nuclear objects. “It will be a pinpoint, surgical operation. Iran has a limited capacity to response,” he said.

Russia voices strong opposition to sanctions against Iran

Russian Foreign Minister voiced here Wednesday his country's strong opposition to any possible sanctions against Iran. Sergei Lavrov who is in Austrian Capital for talks with the European Troika -France, Britain and Germany- said in a press conference that sanctions have never resolved any row. "On the contrary sanctions have always been an impetus for intensifying disagreements," He added.

US threatens Iran with new sanctions
Threatening new sanctions, the United States accused Iran on Wednesday of defying the world by resuming uranium enrichment for nuclear fuel without resolving suspicions it secretly wants to build atomic bombs.
Russia urged Iran to change course to allow a compromise. It said Iran had to regain international trust before Moscow would back Tehran's declared right to enrich uranium on its own soil.

Iran can progress despite enemies, president says

Iranian President Ahmadinejad, 49, had just given a long, fiery speech to a large crowd in Tehran to commemorate the 27th anniversary of Iran's Islamic revolution. He smiled at the beginning of the interview when the reporter greeted him in the Persian language, but otherwise made little eye contact. He seemed tired and spoke quietly. The interview was conducted in a receiving room in an ornate building that once belonged to the family of the deposed shah, whose overthrow in 1979 helped provoke the rupture between Iran and the United States that persists to this day. The son of a blacksmith, Ahmadinejad ran a populist campaign and scored an upset victory in a runoff election last July against Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, one of Iran's richest men.

Iran to pursue atomic research despite Russian plan

Iran vowed on Monday to pursue its nuclear research even if talks in Moscow produce agreement on a Russian compromise aimed at keeping bomb-grade enriched uranium out of the Islamic Republic's hands.

Iran to accept Russian proposal

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said here on Sunday that Iran would accept a Russian compromise proposal aimed to defuse the current Iranian nuclear tension after it was amended into a comprehensive offer. "Russia's nuclear proposal will serve Iran's interests if it turns into a comprehensive offer by holding talks and including complimentary terms and conditions," Mottaki was quoted by the official IRNA news agency as saying.

Iran's nuclear power

When I've written in the recent past about Iran, I haven't had the slightest hesitation to say that Iran has the right to develop nuclear power or nuclear weapons. But I admit I didn't fully understand why they were so keen on nuclear power. This article is extremely enlightening on that point. Here's a sentence which describes what I probably thought of as their main motive: "Iranians view the development of nuclear energy as a hallmark of modernization and national pride." But the truth is, there are more concrete reasons as well:

Georgia denies bases option for U.S. operation against Iran

Georgia's top military officer denied a media report Monday that the United States was considering using military bases in Georgia for a possible attack on Iran. "This is utterly absurd," said Levan Nikoleishvili, the chief of the General Staff.

Iran calls for end to Mohammed cartoon protests
Iran's foreign minister called yesterday for an end to the violent protests over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed that have left dozens dead in several Muslim countries.
"We should try to cool down the situation," Manouchehr Mottaki said in Brussels. "We do not support any violence."

Signs Comment: These comments by the Iranian foreign Minister stand in stark contrast to the scurrilous allegations by Rice that Iran was in fact inciting violence over the cartoons. More evidence that Rice is a bare-faced liar and manipulator? You bet.

U.S. Envoy in Iraq Accuses Iran Of Assisting Militias, Insurgents
The U.S. ambassador to Iraq accused Iran on Monday of providing weapons, training and support to Iraqi militia and insurgent groups responsible for the country's continuing violence and instability.

Signs Comment: Of course, it's all Iran's fault!

Iran-Russian nuclear talks close
Iranian and Russian officials have ended two days of talks on a Russian plan to enrich uranium on its territory for use in Iran's reactors. It is not clear what the talks may have achieved as the Iranian delegation prepared to leave Moscow on Tuesday. A senior Iranian official described the talks as "positive and constructive" and said they would continue. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said it was too early to declare the talks a failure.

US Asks Georgia to Use Bases and Airfields for Attacks on Iran — Paper

American officials are probing whether Georgia, situated just northwest of Iran, will allow Washington to use its military bases and airfields in the event of a military conflict with Teheran, The Jerusalem Post reported Monday citing an unnamed Georgian official.

Russia's Putin is optimistic after talks with Iran
President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday Russia was counting on being able to reach a positive result over the Iranian nuclear issue.
"The negotiations are not easy but we are counting on reaching a positive result," Putin said in the Azerbaijan capital Baku. "We are not losing optimism."

March madness

Gholamali Haddadadel, "speaker" of Iran's Parliament – in Cuba last week –dismissed the possibility of a U.S. pre-emptive attack against Iran, finding it "impossible" to 'believe" that the U.S. would want "to repeat the experience of Iraq." "We hope the United States is not so stupid," he said. Presumably, Haddadadel meant to say, "We hope that President Bush, his vice president, his secretary of state and his ambassador to the United Nations are not so stupid." Now, some or all of the above may be stupid. But their stupidity is not what Haddadadel and the rest of the world need to concern themselves with. It's their sanity.

Iran was not referred to the Security Council for Noncompliance
How powerful is the corporate information-system we call the mainstream media? Is it powerful enough, for example, to mislead the public into believing that Iran has been "referred" to the United Nations Security Council for violations to the NPT, thus paving the way for another war on the back of false information? The IAEA DID NOT report on Iran's "noncompliance" to the Security Council, because there is no evidence that Iran has done anything wrong. In fact, as nuclear physicist Gordon Prather points out in his recent article, "March Madness", "THE BOARD DIDN'T REPORT ANYTHING."

China supports talks between Russia, Iran on nuke issue
China supports the negotiations on the Iran nuclear issue between Russia and Iran and hopes for a positive outcome, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Jianchao said here on Tuesday.

Iran Has No WMD - Russia's Intelligence Chief
Iran has no weapons of mass destruction or material for constructing them, a deputy head of Russia's Foreign Intelligence Service Vladimir Zavershinsky said in an interview with Krasnaya Zvezda daily. "We have no data that Iran has any nuclear warheads or sufficient amount of plutonium for constructing them," he said

Signs Comment: What!? You mean the Bushites and Israel are LYING! Please! Say it ain't so!

Iran nuclear crisis can be resolved, says China

China, strengthening relations with Iran through trade and energy deals, said there was still room to defuse the international standoff over Tehran's nuclear ambitions through negotiation.
Chinese Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing appealed to the international community to be calm, restrained and patient and to show flexibility for a resumption of negotiations between Europe and Iran, Xinhua news agency said in an overnight report. "The days before the March 6 meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) are crucial," Li was quoted as saying after meeting visiting German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier.

Iran leader faces Holocaust case

An Israeli lawyer, Ervin Shahar, says he has asked Germany to charge Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad with denying the Holocaust.
Mr Ahmadinejad was widely criticised when he said last year that the Holocaust was a "myth" and that Israel should be "wiped off the map".
Germany passed a law in 1993 forbidding Holocaust denial. It is punishable by up to five years in prison.

US Plotting Coup in Iran?
The intelligence wing of the US marines has launched a probe into Iran's ethnic minorities at a time of heightened tensions along the border with Iraq and friction between capitals. Iranian activists involved in a classified research project for the marines told the FT the Pentagon was examining the depth and nature of grievances against the Islamic government, and appeared to be studying whether Iran would be prone to a violent fragmentation along the same kind of fault lines that are splitting Iraq.

Signs Comment: Note the comment at the beginning of the above article that:

"Iranian activists involved in a classified research project for the marines told the FT the Pentagon was examining the depth and nature of grievances against the Islamic government, and appeared to be studying whether Iran would be prone to a violent fragmentation along the same kind of fault lines that are splitting Iraq."

Which seems to be suggesting that the violent fragmentation of Iraq is not the result of long-standing or 'natural' ethnic rivalries among Iraqi religious factions, but rather part of a deliberately orchestrated campaign by Pentagon "thinktanks". Then again, we already knew that.

How Neo-Cons Sabotaged Iran's Help on al Qaeda

The United States and Iran were on a course to work closely together on the war against al Qaeda and its Taliban sponsors in Afghanistan in late 2001 and early 2002 -- until Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld stepped in to scuttle that cooperation, according to officials who were involved at the time.

Russia and the 'war of civilizations'

Russia has demonstrated a renewed activism in the Middle East and larger Muslim world. Aside from ambitious economic projects and weapons sales to India, Iran, Syria and Palestine, the Kremlin has proposed two wide-ranging and much-debated initiatives. The first seeks to address growing suspicions of Iran's intent to obtain a nuclear bomb and to encourage Tehran to send its spent nuclear fuel to Russia. The second initiative is to open political dialogue with leaders of Hamas, who won the recent Palestinian elections but continue to refuse to renounce violence against Israel or recognize its right to exist as an independent state. Although Russia has had regular relations with Muslim nations and even sought to join the Organization of Islamic Conferences, the Kremlin's initiatives are bold new developments.

Iran nuclear chief says 'basic agreement' reached on Russian enrichment plan

Iran's nuclear chief said an agreement was reached with Moscow on Sunday to set up a joint uranium enrichment facility on Russian soil, a deal that could assuage global concerns that Tehran wants to build atomic bombs.
The plan proposed by Russia is backed by the United States and European Union. The agreement was announced after a meeting between Russian nuclear chief Sergei Kiriyenko and Gholamreza Aghazadeh, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and the country's vice president.

Iran And "The International Community "

Here we go again! Now it's Iran. Bush, again mumbling something about Iran's being a threat to the world, the same crap as about Iraq. But this time, the west European countries (the "traditional" allies) are at it, too.

Two bombs hit Iranian oil cities, 6 wounded
TEHRAN - Two bombs exploded in the southern Iranian cities of Dezful and Abadan on Monday wounding at least six people, officials said. The bombs were planted in the governor's office in both cities, which lie in the province of Khuzestan, the heartland of Iran's oil industry, that has seen tensions between Iranian authorities and the Arab minority over the last year.

Signs Comment:
"Foreign elements aim to exploit the situation by fanning ethnic differences and separatist tendencies."
Gee, to whom might the Iranians be referring??

Iran sticks to tough line for crunch nuclear talks in Moscow
Iran insisted on its right to nuclear technology, sticking to a tough line ahead of 11th-hour talks in Moscow aimed at heading off fears that the Islamic republic is seeking atomic weapons.

'The vilification of Iran'
. . . Preschoolers are taught not to exclude others (whom they don't like) from their play group. Uncle Sam could learn a lesson here. In the vilification of Iran that is now going on (recall the vilification of Iraq before we started bombing), I see no reference to the fact that the nuclear weapons non-proliferation treaty consists of mutual promises: Non-nuclear nations agree to forego developing nuclear weapons in exchange for the nuclear powers' agreement to disarm their nukes. The U.S. has a long way to go before all of our nukes are destroyed. As a charter member of the nuclear weapons club, the U.S. can't say to Iran, "You can't play," particularly when Pakistan, India, North Korea and Israel all have nukes.

War Pimp U.S. senator: Iranian nuclear threat is biggest since Cold War

"The Iranian threat to the world is the biggest since the Cold War," Senator John Mccain told ABC television on Sunday. Mccain said the United States is preoccupied with the UAE ports deal while ignoring the most worrying issue of Iran's nuclear ambitions.

Tehran fails to dispel IAEA 'concern'

Iran has failed to dispel suspicions that it is secretly trying to develop nuclear weapons grade material, and its atomic programme remains "a matter of concern", according to a long-awaited report.

War Pimping: IAEA: Iran appears determined to expand uranium enrichment program

The U.N. atomic watchdog agency said Monday that Iran appears determined to expand its uranium enrichment program – a key international concern because of fears it could use the activity to make nuclear weapons.

Propaganda Alert! Iran enrichment underway

The UN says Iran has begun using nuclear enrichment machines and is failing to co-operate with inspectors.

23 killed in Afghan fighting, coalition planes called in
US-led coalition planes bombed an area of southern Afghanistan where a fierce battle had erupted between Taliban-linked militants and police, leaving about 23 dead.

Taleban say attacks will increase, US “helpless”

Afghanistan’s Taleban guerrillas are gaining strength and will step up attacks against government and foreign troops when spring comes next month, a Taleban commander said on Tuesday.
The Taleban claimed responsibility for a blast on Monday that the US military said killed four troops. The Taleban said nine Americans were killed and US forces were helpless in the face of such attacks.

Padilla Defense Challenges Evidence as Possible Fraud

The jihadist training form that accused terrorist operative Jose Padilla allegedly filled out before heading to an Afghanistan camp may be a fake and requires fingerprint analysis, his defense attorneys say. In an appeal of a pretrial detention order denying bond, the defense tries to debunk several pieces of prosecution evidence against Padilla and lay out some of its case for the so-called "dirty bomber."

Australia to send 200 more troops to Afghanistan
Australia will send an additional 200 troops to Afghanistan to work with Dutch-led reconstruction teams to help rebuild the war-torn nation, Prime Minister John Howard said.

Renewed Afghan Drug Trade
WMR can now report further on the mysterious aircraft sighted on remote runways in Afghanistan and engaged, according to U.S. intelligence sources, in flying around Afghan tribal leaders and warlords and questionable "cargo." Afghan and U.S. intelligence sources report that opium production is at an all time high in Afghanistan and that President Hamid Karzai, the U.S. viceroy for Afghanistan, who has nor real political power outside of Kabul, is handsomely profiting from the heroin trade. The plane in question is a Beech 200, Model 65-A90-1, Serial number LM-64. Although the tail number (ends in 8A) is new, its former tail number was N70766 and the owner was Pactec (still seen on the plane's tail in the photo below), a California-based non-governmental organization that claims to help humanitarian groups install satellite terminals and other high-tech communications systems in remote locations like Afghanistan and Pakistan. The history of the plane shows that it was exported from the United States to Mali and then re-exported to Afghanistan. At the present time, however, the Beech 200 shown below as well as another similar plane, are operated by Air Serv International. The planes are based in Kabul but the one pictured below reportedly belongs to Pactec.

VENEZUELA: World Social Forum - Chavez calls for 'socialism or death'
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez proclaimed “socialism or death” in finishing his rousing speech to a rally of around 10,000 people at the Polihedro Stadium on January 27. The rally was a feature of the Latin American section of the Sixth World Social Forum held in Caracas on January 24-29.

Chavez says Venezuelan agents "infiltrate" US spy group
CARACAS, Jan. 30 (Xinhuanet) -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez said on Monday that Venezuela's intelligence agencies have "infiltrated" a group of military officials at the U.S. embassy who were allegedly involved in spying.

Chavez Threatens to Imprison U.S. Officials for Spying
U.S. officials have connections to Venezuelan military officers suspected of spying for the Pentagon, and those officials will be locked up if caught. According to this article from Venezuela's Union Radio, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez also denounced plans by the "most vicious, murderous, genocidal, immoral, and brazen" government in the world [America] to put Venezuela on its list of State-sponsors of terror.

Venezuela expels US naval 'spy'

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says he is expelling a US official accused of spying with Venezuelan officers. The naval attache at the US embassy, John Correa, would be forced to "leave immediately", Mr Chavez said in a speech to mark seven years in power.

Chavez aims to repel US 'invasion'

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez extended his verbal war with Washington, likening US President George Bush to Hitler while saying he was considering buying enough rifles to arm one million Venezuelans ready to repel a possible US invasion.

Venezuela coup linked to Bush team
The failed coup in Venezuela was closely tied to senior officials in the US government, The Observer has established. They have long histories in the 'dirty wars' of the 1980s, and links to death squads working in Central America at that time.

Let Rumsfeld bark, says Chavez
The president of Venezuela has hit back at the US defence secretary for comparing him to Adolf Hitler, calling him a "dog of the empire" who is right to be concerned by Latin America's tilt to the left which is threatening the "weakening" US "empire". Hugo Chavez made his remarks in Havana on Friday where he received a UN prize handed over by Fidel Castro, the president of Cuba.

Chávez tells Blair to go to hell
When Tony Blair left the Commons chamber after question time, he probably thought David Cameron's accusation that he was "flip-flopping" over school reform was the worst verbal jab he would face this week. Hugo Chávez, the Venezuelan president, had other ideas. In a characteristically forthright tirade, he described the prime minister as "a pawn of imperialism" and told him to "go right to hell".

Venezuela hopes to increase oil exports to China
Venezuela hopes to nearly double its oil exports to China in the near future, Venezuelan Oil and Energy Minister Rafael Ramirez said here on Wednesday.

U.S. threats to Venezuela’s revolution escalate
Aggressive maneuvers against Venezuela from the Bush government have reached new heights. Here are some indicators. That a coup against Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez was under way when opposition parties opted out of Venezuela’s December parliamentary elections was not obvious. But at the time Vice President José Vicente Rangel alleged that the U.S. Embassy was “extremely active” behind the scenes. During the elections, explosions went off, an oil pipeline was blown up and electric substations were burned. Almost 100,000 soldiers were deployed to protect polling places. Authorities unearthed caches of weapons and ammunition. Two U.S. warships were cruising off the Venezuelan coast. In fact Venezuelan authorities already knew of a coup planning meeting in Bogotá, Colombia, attended by a U.S. government official named “Thomas,” plus dissident Venezuelan military figures and Colombian intelligence officers. Some 500 Colombian paramilitary troops crossed the Colombian-Venezuelan border prior to the elections....

Chavez says Exxon Mobil did not meet requirements for project
Exxon Mobil has been resisting tax increases and contract changes that are part of a so-called "re-nationalization" of Venezuela's oil industry. In 2004 Exxon Mobil was the only firm to publicly speak against a royalty increase on extra-heavy oil production in the Orinoco river basin.

Signs Comment: God forbid that the oil companies should share some of their OBSCENE profits with the citizens countries from which they take the oil! Meanwhile, Bush is ranting for "permanent tax cuts" for the Rich in the U.S., and American citizens are going down the tubes with no services...

Chávez hits back in war of words with Washington

President Hugo Chávez extended his verbal war with Washington, likening George Bush to Adolf Hitler in an obvious rebuff to the US defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, who last week compared Mr Chávez himself to Hitler. Speaking at a mass rally on Saturday commemorating a failed 1992 coup he led as a lieutenant colonel, Mr Chávez warned that Washington was considering invading Venezuela and the country needed more weapons to defend itself. The president said he was considering buying enough rifles to arm a million Venezuelans to repel a possible US invasion.

Chavez to Rice: 'Don't Mess With Me'
President Hugo Chavez warned Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Sunday "not to mess" with him and said her diplomatic efforts to turn Latin American nations against Venezuela would fail. Chavez said Washington opposes his government because Venezuela — the world's fifth largest oil exporter — was broadening petroleum and natural gas development projects with fellow Latin American countries rather than the United States. "We are breaking the imperialist chains that bound us," Chavez said during his weekly television and radio program.

Signs Comment: Yeah, the country that elected its leader, survived a coup attempt financed by the US, and then a referendum, once again financed by the US, is a threat to democracy! This from the country that doesn't want to recognise the democratically elected government of Hamas! Aren't things a little...obvious? But the US media, the lapdogs of the Bush regime, don't say a word. For more on the glorious freedom of the press in the United Snakes of America, check out last weekend's podcast.

Hand back Falklands, Venezuela tells Blair
Downing Street today refused to be drawn into a fresh war of words with Venezuela's president after he called on Britain to hand over the Falklands to Argentina. Hugo Chavez said the islands belonged to Argentina and demanded Prime Minister Tony Blair give them back. Mr Blair infuriated Mr Chavez earlier this week when he said he should respect the rules of the international community. The Prime Minister also said he would prefer to see Venezuela's ally Cuba function as a true democracy. Mr Chavez responded to Mr Blair's comments by branding him "a pawn of imperialism" and "the main ally of Hitler" - a reference to US President George Bush.

Cuba’s war against terrorism
The UN General Assembly has condemned the United States embargo on Cuba 14 times. The US also supports various illicit acts committed against Cuba in contravention of international law. This has been made explicit by the trial of five Cubans in Florida.

Castro invites Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Cuba
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has accepted an invitation to visit Cuba from President Fidel Castro, in gratitude for Cuba's support of Iran's nuclear program, the official Granma newspaper said on Tuesday. Ahmadinejad accepted the invitation in Tehran from Cuban Ambassador Felipe Perez Roque. During his visit, the Iranian leader will attend the September 11-16 Non-Aligned Summit in Havana, the daily said.

Posada’s presence epitomizes the double standard
The logic of the terrorism war game led me to conclude (Progreso Weekly September 22, 2005) that Osama bin Laden had engaged an attention-starved, geriatric Cuban exile named Luis Posada Carriles to help him undermine the credibility of George W. Bush. Recent events surrounding the possible release of Posada affirm my assessment.

Rumsfeld Likens Chavez's Rise to Hitler
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld likened Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to Adolf Hitler, reflecting continuing tension in relations between the United States and the Latin American government.

Signs Comment: If anybody resembles that smarmy little puppet, Adolf Hitler, it is George Bush, with vicious monsters like Rumsfeld in the background pulling his strings.

Rumsfeld and Negroponte Amp Up Attacks on Chavez
During an appearance today at the National Press Club in Washington, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld compared Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez to Hitler, declaring, "We've got Chavez in Venezuela with a lot of oil money. He's a person who was elected legally, just as Adolf Hitler was elected legally, and then consolidated power, and now is of course working closely with [Cuban leader] Fidel Castro and Mr. Morales [Bolivian President Evo Morales] and others. It concerns me."

Signs Comment: Typical psychopathic ploy, accuse others of what you do, or intend to do, yourself. Blame the victim...

US says has "inoculation" strategy to curb Chavez
Washington wants to curb Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's anti-American influence by lobbying allies to try to expose any anti-democratic policies, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Thursday. The United States has tried different strategies to counter Chavez, ranging from confronting him to ducking a fight. In what she termed an "inoculation" strategy, Rice said she had sought support from Europe and other Latin American nations to highlight U.S. charges that the populist Chavez abuses his power to target political opponents and business leaders.

Signs Comment: Want to know what is really happening in Venezuela and WHY Condi is so annoyed?

Good Things Happening in Venezuela
Monday, Apr 04, 2005
Michael Parenti

Even before I arrived in Venezuela for a recent visit, I encountered the great class divide that besets that country. On my connecting flight from Miami to Caracas, I found myself seated next to an attractive, exquisitely dressed Venezuelan woman. Judging from her prosperous aspect, I anticipated that she would take the first opportunity to hold forth against President Hugo Chavez. Unfortunately, I was right.

Our conversation moved along famously until we got to the political struggle going on in Venezuela. "Chavez," she hissed, "is terrible, terrible." He is "a liar"; he "fools the people" and is "ruining the country." She herself owns an upscale women's fashion company with links to prominent firms in the United States.

When I asked how Chavez has hurt her business, she said, "Not at all." But many other businesses, she quickly added, have been irreparably damaged as has the whole economy. She went on denouncing Chavez in sweeping terms, warning me of the national disaster to come if this demon continued to have his way.

Other critics I encountered in Venezuela shared this same mode of attack: weak on specifics but strong in venom, voiced with all the ferocity of those who fear that their birthrights (that is, their class advantages) are under siege because others below them on the social ladder are getting a slightly larger slice of the pie.

In Venezuela over 80 percent live below the poverty level. Before Chavez, most of the poor had never seen a doctor or dentist. Their children never went to school, since they could not afford the annual fees. The neoliberal market "adjustments" of the 1980s and 1990s only made things worse, cutting social spending and eliminating subsidies in consumer goods.

Successive administrations did nothing about the rampant corruption and nothing about the growing gap between rich and poor, the growing malnutrition and desperation. Far from ruining the country, here are some of the good things the Chavez government has accomplished:

- A land reform program designed to assist small farmers and the landless poor has been instituted. Just this month (March 2005) a large landed estate owned by a British beef company was occupied by agrarian workers for farming purposes.

- Education is now free (right through to university level), causing a dramatic increase in grade school enrollment.

- The government has set up a marine conservation program, and is taking steps to protect the land and fishing rights of indigenous peoples.

- Special banks now assist small enterprises, worker cooperatives, and farmers.

- Attempts to further privatize the state-run oil industry - 80 percent of which is still publicly owned---have been halted, and limits have been placed on foreign capital penetration.

- Chavez kicked out the U.S. military advisors and prohibited overflights by U.S. military aircraft engaged in counterinsurgency in Colombia.

- "Bolivarian Circles" have been organized throughout the nation, neighborhood committees designed to activate citizens at the community level to assist in literacy, education, vaccination campaigns, and other public services.

- The government hires unemployed men, on a temporary basis, to repair streets and neglected drainage and water systems in poor neighborhoods.

Then there is the health program. I visited a dental clinic in Chavez's home state of Barinas. The staff consisted of four dentists, two of whom were young Venezuelan women. The other two were Cuban men who were there on a one-year program.

The Venezuelan dentists noted that in earlier times dentists did not have enough work. There were millions of people who needed treatment, but care was severely rationed by the private market, that is, by one's ability to pay. Dental care was distributed like any other commodity, not to everyone who needed it but only to those who could afford it.

When the free clinic in Barinas first opened it was flooded with people seeking dental care. No one was turned away. Even opponents of the Chavez government availed themselves of the free service, temporarily putting aside their political aversions.

Many of the doctors and dentists who work in the barrio clinics (along with some of the clinical supplies and pharmaceuticals) come from Cuba. Chavez has also put Venezuelan military doctors and dentists to work in the free clinics.

Meanwhile, much of the Venezuelan medical establishment is vehemently opposed to the free-clinic program, seeing it as a Cuban communist campaign to undermine medical standards and physicians' earnings. That low-income people are receiving medical and dental care for the first time in their lives does not seem to be a consideration that carries much weight among the more "professionally minded" practitioners.

I visited one of the government-supported community food stores that are located around the country, mostly in low income areas. These modest establishments sell canned goods, pasta, beans, rice, and some produce and fruits at well below the market price, a blessing in a society with widespread malnutrition.

Popular food markets have eliminated the layers of middlemen and made staples more affordable for residents. Most of these markets are run by women. The government also created a state-financed bank whose function is to provide low-income women with funds to start cooperatives in their communities.

There is a growing number of worker cooperatives. One in Caracas was started by turning a waste dump into a shoe factory and a T-shirt factory. Financed with money from the Petroleum Ministry, the coop has put about a thousand people to work. The workers seem enthusiastic and hopeful.

Surprisingly, many Venezuelans know relatively little about the worker cooperatives. Or perhaps it's not surprising, given the near monopoly that private capital has over the print and broadcast media. The wealthy media moguls, all vehemently anti-Chavez, own four of the five television stations and all the major newspapers.

The man most responsible for Venezuela's revolutionary developments, Hugo Chavez, has been accorded the usual ad hominem treatment in the U.S. news media. An article in the San Francisco Chronicle (12 September 2004) described him as "Venezuela's pugnacious president." An earlier Chronicle report (30 November 2001) quotes a political opponent who calls Chavez "a psychopath, a terribly aggressive guy."

The London Financial Times (12 January 2002) sees him as "increasingly autocratic" and presiding over something called a "rogue democracy."

In the Nation (6 May 2002), Marc Cooper---one of those Cold War liberals who nowadays regularly defends the U.S. empire - writes that the democratically-elected Chavez speaks "often as a thug," who "flirts with megalomania." Chavez's behavior, Cooper rattles on, "borders on the paranoiac," is "ham-fisted demagogy" acted out with an "increasingly autocratic style." Like so many critics, Cooper downplays Chavez's accomplishments, and uses name-calling in place of informed analysis.

Other media mouthpieces have labeled Chavez "mercurial," "besieged," "heavy-handed," "incompetent," and "dictatorial," a "barracks populist," a "strongman," a "firebrand," and, above all, a "leftist." It is never explained what "leftist" means.

A leftist is someone who advocates a more equitable distribution of social resources and human services, and who supports the kinds of programs that the Chavez government is putting in place. (Likewise a rightist is someone who opposes such programs and seeks to advance the insatiable privileges of private capital and the wealthy few.)

The term "leftist" is frequently bandied about in the U.S. media but seldom defined. The power of the label is in its remaining undefined, allowing it to have an abstracted built-in demonizing impact which precludes rational examination of its political content.

The leftist Hugo Chavez whose public talks I attended on three occasions proved to be an educated, articulate, remarkably well-informed and well-read individual. Of big heart, deep human feeling, and keen intellect, he manifests a sincere dedication to effecting some salutary changes for the great mass of his people, a man who in every aspect seems worthy of the decent and peaceful democratic revolution he is leading.

Millions of his compatriots widely and correctly perceive him as being the only president who has ever paid attention to the nation's poorest areas. No wonder he is the target of calumny and coup from the upper echelons in his own country and from ruling circles up north.

Chavez charges that the United States government is plotting to assassinate him. I can believe it.

Michael Parenti's recent books include Superpatriotism (City Lights) and The Assassination of Julius Caesar (New Press) which was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize. His forthcoming book, The Culture Struggle will be published by Seven Stories Press in the fall of 2005. For more information on Parenti, visit his website:

Chavez Warns U.S. on Oil Exports
Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez warned on Friday he could cut off oil exports to the United States if Washington goes "over the line" in what he has said are attempts to destabilize his left-leaning government.
Chavez made his threat a day after Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said that the Venezuelan government posed "one of the biggest problems" in the region and that its ties to Cuba were "particularly dangerous" to democracy in Latin America. "The government of the United States should know that if they go over the line, they are not going to have Venezuelan oil," Chavez said.

MEDIA: The Op-Ed Assassination Of Hugo Chávez
After televangelist Pat Robertson first publicly called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez Frias (700 Club, 8/22/05), the editors of several major U.S. newspapers were quick to denounce his outrageous incitement to violence. However, in criticizing the conservative televangelist, the U.S. prestige press overlooked its own highly antagonistic treatment of Venezuela's president, which has surely contributed to the heated political climate in which Robertson makes such threats.

Venezuela oil offer puts heat on a U.S. governor
Should Gov. M. Jodi Rell accept deeply discounted heating oil for Connecticut's poor if it comes – via a gubernatorial rival – from the government of Venezuela's socialist president, Hugo Chávez? It is a delicate question that Rell must soon answer thanks to a deal arranged by one of her Democratic opponents, New Haven Mayor John DeStefano Jr.

Signs Comment: Of course, if Bush and the Neocons were doing anything to help the poor and middle classes, such opportunities would not exist for Chavez...

The Long War: Rumsfeld Releases 20-Year Plan
The United States is engaged in what could be a generational conflict akin to the Cold War, the kind of struggle that might last decades as allies work to root out terrorists across the globe and battle extremists who want to rule the world, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld said yesterday.

Signs Comment: Sounds exactly what the Catholic Church said and did at the beginning of the crusades, including the crusades against the Cathars, their own "heretic" countrymen.

How Do They Know Who Is a Terrorist?

The Bush administration says it only intercepts calls from terrorists. OK, how does the Bush administration know that somebody in Europe or the Middle East is a terrorist? Terrorists don't walk around the street with little name tags identifying them and their organization. They don't call people and say: "Hi, al-Qaeda calling. Can I interest you in a bomb-making kit?"

War Pimp: Later than we think
The only reason an article from that Fascist Rag, The Washington Times, is even on SOTT is so that our readers can have real, live examples of propaganda to examine.

An Open Letter to Bubba
Iraq Veterans Against the War
You say that I am not supporting the troops when I say that they should come home. But I am, because I know that there was no threat to our nation from Saddam Hussein, I know that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction, and I know that we were not welcomed in Iraq as liberators. I know that the Iraq war was not worth fighting. I know, because I fought there. You say I’m confused. But what do you know about Iraq? You’ve never been there.

We'd better learn to empathize with the enemy
This past Christmas, my son gave me a CD entitled The Fog Of War, a documentary about former U.S. Secretary of Defense during the Vietnam War, Robert McNamara. In this must-see documentary, the 85-year-old gives us 11 lessons of war, none more important then the first: empathize with the enemy.

Judge rules CIA contractor can argue duty

A federal judge says David Passaro will be allowed to present evidence at trial that he was following orders when he interrogated an Afghan detainee who later died.

US Senator Calls for Boycott of G8 Summit in Russia
A U.S. Senator John McCain has called upon world leaders to boycott the G8 summit in Russia in July, questioning Moscow’s commitment to democracy, AFP reported.

Germany, France split on NATO's proper role

Germany urged NATO Saturday to take on a more wide-ranging role in battling new global threats but France and the United States disagreed over the future of the transatlantic alliance.

Hawks have warplanes ready if the nuclear diplomacy fails
It is the option of last resort with consequences too hideous to contemplate. And yet, with diplomacy nearly exhausted, the use of military force to destroy Iran's nuclear programme is being actively considered by those grappling with one of the world's most pressing security problems. For five years the West has used every diplomatic device at its disposal to entice Iran into complying with strict conditions that would prevent its nuclear programme being diverted to produce an atomic bomb. Those efforts, however, are now faltering. US leaders are openly discussing the looming conflict. A recent poll showed that 57 per cent of Americans favoured military intervention to stop Iran building a bomb. [...]

Signs Comment: Hmmm... and what exactly is the nature of these diplomatic efforts that have been made over the past 5 years?...

Russian MP Says US To Attack Iran Late March - Muslim riots a US psyop aimed at getting EU support for war
A top Russian parliamentary leader has told Ekho Moskvy radio station that an attack on Iran is inevitable and that it will occur on March 28th. The leader of the Liberal Democrats Vladimir Zhirinovsky also believes that the Muslim riots were orchestrated by the US to garner European backing for the military strike. Rhetoric has heated significantly in the past week with Donald Rumsfeld yesterday warning that a military option was on the table, echoing the comments of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist who said that the US was prepared to take military action. Also, Israeli acting Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stated that Iran would pay "a very heavy price" if the Islamic Republic defiantly resumes full-scale uranium enrichment to build nuclear weapons. Zhirinovsky told the Russian radio station that, "The war is inevitable because the Americans want this war. Any country claiming a leading position in the world will need to wage wars. Otherwise it will simply not be able to retain its leading position." "The date for the strike is already known — it is the election day in Israel (March 28). It is also known how much that war will cost,” said Zhirinovsky.

Beware the Ides of March - The Next Act
Wars, most wars at least, run not evenly but in fits and starts, settling down into sputtering Sitzkrieg for long intervals, then suddenly shooting out wildly in wholly unpredicted directions. The war in Iraq has fallen into a set pattern for long enough that we should be expecting something new. I can identify three factors ­ there may be more ­ which could lead to some dramatic changes, soon

US slammed for playing up "China military threat"
China has expressed firm opposition to a U.S. defence review to play up the "China military threat." [...]
Quadrennial Defence Review (QDR), issued by the U.S. Department of Defence on Feb. 3, irrationally criticized China's normal defence construction. The move "interfered in China's internal affairs" and could "mislead public opinion," Kong said.

Europeans Cover Up for the CIA
European leaders can no longer feign ignorance about covert CIA flights to and from Europe. According to this op-ed article from Canada's Le Devoir, the latest report by Swiss Senator and Council of Europe investigator Dick Marty makes clear that European countries have engaged in a cover-up of their own.

Bush head of 'pack of killers'say Indian leftists
The US envoy to India has become embroiled in a new row after he objected to a communist leader calling President George W. Bush the leader of a "pack of killers," a report says. Ambassador David Mulford, already under attack from India's powerful leftists over recent remarks, drew fresh fire after writing a protest letter to the head of Marxist-ruled West Bengal state about his comments on Bush, The Indian Express said. West Bengal's chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee riposted with a "strong letter" to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, saying the envoy breached protocol by writing directly to a state government, the newspaper said.

Thousands to protect Bush in India

About 5,000 personnel including snipers, commandos and U.S. marines using helicopters, bomb detectors and electronic jammers will protect President George W. Bush during his visit to India this week, officials said on Monday.

Bush Humiliated in India: Just Not Welcome

On his triumphalist tour of India and Pakistan, where he hopes to wave imperiously at people he considers potential subjects, President Bush has an itinerary that\'s getting curiouser and curiouser. For Bush\'s March 2 pit stop in New Delhi, the Indian government tried very hard to have him address our parliament. A not inconsequential number of MPs threatened to heckle him, so Plan One was hastily shelved. Plan Two was to have Bush address the masses from the ramparts of the magnificent Red Fort, where the Indian prime minister traditionally delivers his Independence Day address. But the Red Fort, surrounded as it is by the predominantly Muslim population of Old Delhi, was considered a security nightmare. So now we\'re into Plan Three: President George Bush speaks from Purana Qila, the Old Fort. Ironic, isn\'t it, that the only safe public space for a man who has recently been so enthusiastic about India\'s modernity should be a crumbling medieval fort?

Army Effort to Enlist Hispanics Draws Recruits, and Criticism
As Sgt. First Class Gavino Barron, dressed in a crisp Army uniform, trawls the Wal-Mart here for recruits, past stacks of pillows and towers of detergent, he is zeroing-in on one of the Army's "special missions": to increase the number of Hispanic enlisted soldiers.

He approaches a couple of sheepish looking teenage boys in the automotive aisle and seamlessly slides into Spanish, letting loose his pitch: "Have you ever thought about joining the Army?" "Did you know you can get up to $40,000 in bonuses?" "I'm from Mexico, too. Michoacán." In Denver and other cities where the Hispanic population is growing, recruiting Latinos has become one of the Army's top priorities. From 2001 to 2005, the number of Latino enlistments in the Army rose 26 percent, and in the military as a whole, the increase was 18 percent.

Guilty! Guilty! Guilty! Guilty!

Craig Murray, the British ambassador to Uzbekistan... testified that his government and the American government were OK with receiving intelligence reports that had been obtained by torture in Uzbekistan. His superiors in the British foreign service said to him that, "we don't mind as long as we didn't ask them to do that. We can still receive this information." Murray then added, "After I heard that, I understood how some clerk could sign off on these cattle cars that were going to Auschwitz." That's really what is at stake, Judge Jabara pointed out. "The use of this torture, the beginning of all these black sites — all of these things are the road to Auschwitz."

House Committee Squashes Torture Queries - US "On the Road to Auschwitz"
Republicans easily defeated three resolutions seeking information about the Bush administration's policies on torture after a heated committee hearing. Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill., chairman of the House International Relations Committee, said Democrats who submitted the resolutions should "at least silently confess to themselves that their actions pose real dangers to our country."

Signs Comment: And so will everything else go... There is no possibility whatsoever of defeating The Beast the the United States has become by political means. Remember that the Neocons own the press, the military, the judiciary, and the voting machines. Yes, it really IS that bad.
See HERE for what YOU Can Do.

Revealed: the terror prison US is helping build in Morocco
THE United States is helping Morocco to build a new interrogation and detention facility for Al-Qaeda suspects near its capital, Rabat, according to western intelligence sources. The sources confirmed last week that building was under way at Ain Aouda, above a wooded gorge south of Rabat’s diplomatic district. Locals said they had often seen American vehicles with diplomatic plates in the area. The construction of the new compound, run by the Direction de la Securité du Territoire (DST), the Moroccan secret police, adds to a substantial body of evidence that Morocco is one of America’s principal partners in the secret “rendition” programme in which the CIA flies prisoners to third countries for interrogation.

Signs Comment: Time for humanistic Europeans, especially the French, to boycott Morocco as a tourist destination...

Rumsfeld's first strike vision

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is developing an ambitious and highly controversial new preemptive strategy to try and counter the increasingly formidable measures that nations around the world are taking to protect their missiles from the U.S. ballistic missile defense systems now coming on line.
The new strategy is multi-pronged and is being developed by two of Rumsfeld's most favored and heavily funded institutions: U.S. Air Force Space Command and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Curiously, while the concept has received major coverage in British defense publications this week, so far it has not attracted any significant attention in the U.S. media.

US Interests and Israel/Palestine

Although it is not often reported by the press, a large proportion of American diplomatic and military experts have long held that U.S. support of Israel is often contrary to and, in fact, extremely damaging to U.S. interests.

Out of Sight, Out of Mind

If one watches corporate media or listens to Cheney Administration propaganda, one is either not getting information about Iraq at all, or hearing that things are looking up as the U.S. approaches another “phase” in the occupation. Just taking a brief look at the “security incidents” reported by Reuters for today, 12 February, gives a little clue as to how the occupation of Iraq, aside from being immoral and unjust, is a dismal failure.

Another Witness Testifies with Perjury into Assassination of Hariri
The witness Ibrahim Michel Jarjoura said he was forced to offer a false and fabricated testimony against Syria at the international investigation committee into the assassination of former Lebanese Premier Rafik al-Hariri because he was under threats and pressures to do so.

Kyrgyzstan gives US new conditions for keeping airbase
Kyrgyzstan said it has given the United States new conditions, including a sharp hike in fees, for maintaining an airbase supporting US troops in Afghanistan, officials said. ...

Bush to visit India, Pakistan in March
US President George W. Bush said he will travel to India and Pakistan in March, as visiting Pakistan Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz urged "closer communication and coordination" against terrorism.

US unhappy over bid to end Manila security treaty
MANILA - Washington is not pleased with a plan by some Philippine lawmakers to scrap a treaty that they believe gives undue protection to visiting U.S. troops who break the law, a Philippine official said on Wednesday.

Haiti: the forgotten occupation
‘We are going to intervene in the coming days. I think there will be collateral damage but we have to impose our force, there is no other way.” These words could very easily come from a US general in Iraq announcing an attack on an insurgent stronghold. They certainly carry the same tone of callous disregard for innocent lives. They were, however, spoken by Juan Gabriel Valdes, head of the United Nations (UN) mission to Haiti, referring to the slum of Cité Soleil on the northern outskirts of the capital Port-au-Prince.

We turned our back on Haiti - Canada is complicit in region's troubles
The truth is ugly, is it not? But I make no apologies for bringing it to you alongside whatever celebrity news we have on the other pages. In fact, the only thing I regret is not doing so sooner. Canadians, and the Canadian media in general and in particular, including those who have no trouble bashing the Bushies for their intervention in Iraq, have had this collective see-no-evil, hear-no-evil, speak-no-evil, hands-over-eyes and ears la! la! la! I can't hear you attitude towards our role in the hellhole that is Haiti.

Haiti to review election results
Haiti’s interim government has ordered a review of election results amid accusations of electoral fraud, the country’s interior minister said Tuesday.
“The government wants to make sure that everything with the process is correct,” interim interior minister Paul Magloire said. “We’re going to review the results because we want to make sure what we have is right.” Earlier Tuesday, leading presidential candidate Rene Preval claimed that “gross errors” and likely fraud marred the vote that could see him fall just short of a first-round victory, and he said he would contest the results.

Preval declared Haiti poll winner
Rene Preval has been declared president of Haiti, following last week's vote marred by claims of irregularities. He gained 51% of the vote after the authorities reached a last-minute deal to remove thousands of blank ballot papers from the count. The 7 February vote triggered big rallies by Mr Preval's supporters, who had alleged widespread vote-rigging. Jubilant crowds have poured into the streets of the capital, Port-au-Prince, to celebrate Mr Preval's victory.

World divided over referring Iran to UNSC
Key European countries on Tuesday decided to move ahead with plans to refer Tehran to the UN Security Council despite an offer by Iran for resumption of talks, while Russia and China urged further negotiations to end the deadlock.

What noncompliance? How the US Creates Nuclear Powered Enemies

North Korea, Iran and Iraq were signatories to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and had their nuclear materials, facilities and activities subject to IAEA periodic inspection. As for North Korea, under the so-called Agreed Framework, all existing "nuclear" activities had been "frozen" – under IAEA lock and seal – in return for a promise by the United States of alternative energy supplies.

Revealed: ambassador tried to kill US hunt for AWB bribes
THE Australian ambassador to the United States lobbied Congress to drop an investigation into allegations that Australia's wheat exporter paid kickbacks to Saddam Hussein's Iraqi regime. The Federal Government confirmed last night that the then ambassador, Michael Thawley, met the chairman of a US Senate investigations committee in late 2004 to head off the planned inquiry.

China's domestic oil, gas supplies grow steadily
BEIJING, Jan. 31 (Xinhuanet) -- China has experienced a stable growth in its domestic oil and gas supplies over the last five years, according to the National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC).

Petrodollar Warfare
Interview With William R. Clark, Author "Petrodollar Warfare: Oil, Iraq and the Future of the Dollar"
The notion that Iraq was invaded to prevent the development of weapons of mass destruction, or to combat terrorism, has long been discredited. But a growing consensus believes that Iraq's oil was surely a prime reason for US actions. However, author William Clark argues convincingly in Petrodollar Warfare that the rationale for intervening was not just for control of the oil fields, but also for control of the means by which oil is traded in global markets.

Signs Comment: Click on the link in the title to listen to the interview on Information Clearing House.

U.S. Embassy Ready To Evacuate As Nepal's King Plan For Exile
NEPAL remains tense as the 7-Party agitation against the Monarchy gains strength and the Maoist continue to have success on the battle-field.Sources within the Palace report the King and his family are preparing for exile.

Washington hopes to improve ties with Venezuela: envoy

The United States has indicated itis willing to improve ties with Venezuela after the two countries expelled diplomats this month in a dispute over charges that a U.S. naval attache was spying, a U.S. diplomat said on Wednesday.

Analysis: Spain defies U.S. -- again

Last week, not for the first time since he left office, Spain's former Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar had lunch with President George W. Bush at the White House. He's doing a lot better than his socialist successor Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero at staying in touch with the Bush administration. After two years in office Zapatero has yet to meet formally with the American president.

US deal said to let India expand nuclear arms
A landmark new U.S.-India nuclear agreement would enable New Delhi to expand atomic weapons production and encourage Pakistan and China to do likewise, according to critics of the controversial deal.

Signs Comment: But oh, no! Not Iran!!

Commercial photos show Chinese nuke buildup
Commercial satellite photos made public recently provide a new look at China's nuclear forces and bases -- images that include the first view of a secret underwater submarine tunnel. A Pentagon official said the photograph of the tunnel entrance reveals for the first time a key element of China's hidden military buildup. Similar but more detailed intelligence photos of the entrance are highly classified within the U.S. government, the official said.

The New Geopolitics
The war in Iraq has reconfigured the global geopolitical landscape in many ways, some of which may not be apparent for years or even decades to come. It has certainly altered the U.S. relationship with Europe and the Middle East. But its impact goes well beyond this. More than anything else, the war reveals that the new central pivot of world competition is the south-central area of Eurasia.

The US has become a rogue nation

The state of the nation has never been worse. The Great Depression was an accident caused by the incompetence of the Federal Reserve, which was still new at its job. The new American job depression is the result of free trade ideology. The new job depression is creating a reserve army of the unemployed to serve as desperate recruits for neoconservative military adventures. Perhaps that explains the Bush administration's enthusiasm for globalization.

An Interview With William Blum, Author "Rogue State"
William Blum, "Rogue State," on the author’s 2000 book, which was recently cited by Osama bin Laden as one Americans should read. First broadcast - C-Span - 28/01/06 - 40 Minutes Below: This is a chapter from the book Rogue State: A Guide to
the World's Only Superpower
, by William Blum

Signs Comment: If you wake up in the morning and you have no power to your house and no gas to your stove and the bridge you take to work is down and will be lying in the river for the next 20 years, I think you begin to ask, "Hey, Dubya, what's this all about? How much more of this do we have to withstand?"

Resistance grows to US assumption of primacy

Stressing the indispensability of American global leadership is standard fare in State of the Union addresses, and George Bush's speech last night was no exception. But a string of foreign policy setbacks has highlighted growing flaws in Washington's long cherished assumption of international primacy.

State of the War? U.S. Support Fades
President Bush is under fire over his Iraq policies, as a majority of likely voters nationwide say they are not pleased with his handling of the war there, a new Zogby Interactive survey shows.

Bush's whitewashing address

The annual address of the U.S. President to the nation is entitled "State of the Union Address." But the fifth address delivered by President George W. Bush on Tuesday January 31 seemed like an attempt to whitewash his administration's actions.

Bush hits the road to take a green message to his nation of oil addicts
[...] The proposal, in an otherwise unremarkable speech, was welcomed as a positive step by American environmentalists. But some pointed to the fine print underlying the proposal and warned that it might not prove to be as far-reaching as it appeared. Particular scrutiny was applied to the relatively detailed pledge to make "cellulosic ethanol" - derived from agricultural waste such as woodchips, switch grass (a tall marsh plant) and stalks from grain crops - a competitive and practical car fuel within six years.

Signs Comment: Considering the fact that Bush has single-handedly done more to damage the environment than any other single president in American History, I don't think we can trust this about face for one minute.

U.S. fired on Canadian diplomats without warning, envoy says
Canadian officials dispute the U.S. version of an event in Iraq and insist that American soldiers fired without warning on a consular vehicle carrying four Canadian diplomats, CBC News has learned.

Signs Comment: Remember the story of Giuliana Sgrena and Nicola Calipari? Mr. Calipari wasn't so lucky. He was killed by US army fire on their vehicle. Sgrena was badly wounded. The US conducted an iquiry exhonerating its soldiers. Italy complained, but Berlusconi shut up. Will Harper do the same?

Whatever happened to what's-his-name?
'Scourge of Western civilisation', 'leader of the insurgency', 'al-Queda in Iraq', 'Usama's right-hand man', the Scarlet Pimpernel of 'Islamic fundamentalism', Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. For the past couple of years we were bombarded by the mythical man's dastardly deeds, then all of a sudden-he disappeared from the headlines.

German spy scandal heats up

[...] Joschka Fischer, traveled to Ankara, Turkey, and met with two agents of Germany's Foreign Intelligence Service, BND, to discuss ongoing operational cooperation with the CIA, though Berlin was publicly opposed to the U.S.-led conflict and considered the military option illegal.
Fischer acknowledged the meeting recently as part of an unfolding controversy surrounding the BND's role in aiding the U.S. war effort.

Turkey will construct own nuclear power plant with US support

On February 9, during a visit of Turkish Energy and Natural Resources Minister Hilmi Guler in the US, he will discuss participation of American companies in construction of a nuclear power plant in Turkey. [...] Turkey needs more and more energy. In 2005, annual amount of energy consumption in the country increased by 8%. In the next 10 years Ankara plans to provide industry and citizens with 40 thousand megawatt of energy.

Georgia denies US 'putting out feelers'

Following the Post's report that the US was considering using military bases in Georgia as a platform for a possible attack on Iran, the Georgian chief of General Staff denied the claims. "This is utterly absurd," Levan Nikoleishvili, the Georgian chief of the General Staff told Russian news agency Novosti following the Monday morning report.

U.S. Army stretched to breaking
The Marines may be the most celebrated of the American armed forces, but it's the Army that does most of the heavy lifting, as it is doing in Afghanistan and Iraq. In the process, the Army is being battered and shattered in the same way that it was in Vietnam. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld says that isn't the case; everything's fine. But a recent authoritative study says he is wrong. Commissioned by the Pentagon, the study was done by Andrew Krepinevich of the independent Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments. He's a West Point graduate who served in a variety of Army roles, including a stint on the strategic plans and policy division, before retiring. He holds a doctorate from Harvard University.

Bush calls for nuclear construction by 2010
US President George W. Bush warned that US dependency on oil left the country "hostage" to countries that may be hostile and urged new nuclear plant construction by 2010.

Signs Comment: Bush wants to replace 75% of oil imports by 2025?? Obviously, the prez is simply on a PR campaign.

Pakistan Tests Hatf Missile Again
The Pakistani Army announced on Sunday that it has successfully tested a new nuclear-capable short-range missile. In an official statement the Army said its new surface-to-surface Hatf 2/Abdali missile had a range of 120 miles and was capable of carrying nuclear warheads. It said the missile had been successfully tested but did not reveal the location of the test. The successful test was announced as Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf began a five-day state visit to China, the Anadolu News Agency reported from Islamabad. Pakistan previously tested the Hatf II in March 2005, when it announced the missile's range was a slightly shorter 108 miles.

Aristide, in Exile, Suggests a Speedy Return to Haiti

Former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide said in a television interview on Tuesday that he hoped to return to Haiti from exile in South Africa "as soon as possible," joining his onetime protégé, René Préval, who was officially declared the country's new president last week.
In an interview on SABC, South African television, his first since Mr. Préval's election, Mr. Aristide gave little indication of when he might return or what role he might play, except to say that he "will continue to invest in education." While in exile, Mr. Aristide has lectured at the University of South Africa in Pretoria and given frequent speeches.

When Uncle Sam comes marching in

SULU, Philippines - About 5,500 US soldiers are coming to the Philippines this month, the latest and reportedly the largest batch in the continuing and uninterrupted deployment of US troops to the country since the "global war on terror" was launched after September 11, 2001. About 250 of them will join an undetermined number of US troops already in Sulu, an island in the southern Philippines where the Abu Sayyaf group supposedly fled after being driven out of neighboring Basilan island, where US troops were also previously deployed. If official pronouncements are to be believed, US troops are coming only to train Filipino soldiers, give away medicine, build schools and even give veterinary services.

U.S. Domestic Policies And Creeping Totalitarianism

Perplexed and Angry: Polls Left Alito Filibuster Wide Open to Democrats
We have watched in dismay over the weekend as too many Democrats remained unwilling to heed Senator John Kerry’s call to filibuster the Samuel Alito Supreme Court nomination. And we know that such political cowardice certainly can’t be the fear of going up against George W. Bush and what the public-relations hit might be from doing that. A Los Angeles Times/Bloomberg poll released Friday shows Bush’s national approval rating still in the cellar at 43 percent and no amount of the president saying “war on terror” and “September 11” over and over seems to be changing that. Bush doesn’t look to me like someone the opposition party should be afraid to mess with. So I decided to look at some polling numbers on the Alito nomination and the Supreme Court, hoping that the exercise might shed some light on why many Democrats won’t show any spine in blocking Bush’s ultraconservative nominee. What I found left me even more perplexed and angry.

Signs Comment: We think a lot of people are perplexed and angry, but is it really because standing up for what is right is too damn much trouble? We don't think so. We find it fascinating to note that even the venerable Robert Byrd, total enemy of the Neocons, sold out at the last minute.Why? What could make such a staunch Constitutionalist as Byrd flop over the fence?Well, either they know something VERY serious that the rest of us don't know, or somebody knows something about THEM that the rest of us don't know, and they are all willing to toe the line to keep those secrets.

Justice Alito casts his first vote
The Supreme Court's newest justice cast his first vote Wednesday, then was sworn in ceremonially at the White House.

US supreme court nears crucial abortion ruling
The US supreme court moved a step closer yesterday to taking up its first case on abortion since the appointment of two judges of President George Bush's choosing, after two federal appeals courts ruled that a ban on a termination procedure was unconstitutional.

Senate target: Bush's war powers
[...] The Senate, especially, is gearing up to make the case that power between the executive and legislative branches is unbalanced. Next week, the Senate begins the first hearings on the president's authorization of eavesdropping without a warrant.

Bush's 'Addicted' Nation Will Find Withdrawal Painful
President Bush's push to break America's oil habit 'has come years too late,' both for America's auto companies and especially consumers. According to this editorial from NRC Handelsblad of The Netherlands, kicking the habit now 'is going to be very painful.'

Bush Has No Intention of Tackling America's Oil Addiction

Rather than suggesting ways for Americans to 'kick the habit,' President Bush has plans to reduce his nation's dependence on Middle East oil, not oil in general. But given the reality of America's profligate energy use, this editorial from the Trouw newspaper of The Netherlands suggests that, 'the energy addict participates in the global detoxification program: The Kyoto Treaty.'

Wounded Soldiers Told They Owe Money to Army It was one of the thousands of roadside bombs in Iraq that paralyzed Staff Sgt. Eugene Simpson. "My first instinct was to jump farther back into the Humvee, you know, for protection," Simpson said. "But in doing that, I opened my back up to all the scrap metal and debris, which hit my spine and severed my spine, paralyzing me." He was soon on a plane home. Fast-working, skilled Army doctors saved his life, as they have so many. Slow, bumbling Army bureaucrats would make his life miserable, as they have so many. "And the military basically is, like, they turn their back on you, you kind of feel that you've just been used," Simpson said.

Signs Comment: So, they only decided to do something when they "saw it on television"? How long are the American people going to put up with this kind of crap? Bottom line, young man or woman, do NOT join the military! They'll use you up (if they don't kill you) and toss you aside like a tissue.

Out of jail, into the Army
Facing an enlistment crisis, the Army is granting "waivers" to an increasingly high percentage of recruits with criminal records -- and trying to hide it. "We're transforming our military. The things I look for are the following: morale, retention, and recruitment. And retention is high, recruitment is meeting goals, and people are feeling strong about the mission."
-- George W. Bush, in a Jan. 26 press conference

Custodians Of Chaos
In this exclusive extract from his forthcoming memoirs, Kurt Vonnegut is horrified by the hypocrisy in contemporary US politics. "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you." A lot of people think Jesus said that, because it is so much the sort of thing Jesus liked to say. But it was actually said by Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, five hundred years before there was that greatest and most humane of human beings, named Jesus Christ.

Signs Comment: Vonnegut is on the money here. He is one of the few public figures that has nailed the reality of the Pathocracy under which Americans, and many others around the world, live, and he has done it simply by observing the situation and calling it as he sees it. Vonnegut references Hervey Cleckley's Mask fo Sanity. You can download the book from our website here, permission has been obtained from the estate of Hervey Cleckley to do this. Our latest exposé on the world of the psychopath - Political Ponerology by Andrew Lobaczewski - takes the study of the psychopath to all new levels and provides evidence to suggest that the international political arena has been dominated by such types for many decades. See here for more on "Political Ponerology"m it is ESSENTIAL reading.

The Pestilent Presidency

The continued dismantling of America’s very essence, the decimation of its founding core and its evolving surface, has been a product of both purposeful malevolence as well as incompetent ignorance. While the lives of hundreds of millions of Americans continue to deteriorate, each day losing more knowledge, freedom, democracy and economic survivability – though with many remaining ignorant or blinded to their actual plight – the other America, that of the elite and the corporate world, has risen in exponential fashion to take the complete reigns of power away from the rest of us. As a result, the America of times past, where the People still ruled, has given way to the America of tomorrow, a corporatist ruled land where citizens are pawns and corporations kings.

Astounding Hypocrisy

Few in the Middle East will have heard George W. Bush’s State of the Union address without feeling exasperation and anger that this belligerent president appears to have no idea of how US policy in the region is riddled with double standards. It is now clear that this astonishingly ill-informed administration had not the slightest inkling that Hamas would win the Palestinian elections — let alone win so decisively. Coming as it did on the eve of his big set piece speech to the American people, the election was a problem for President Bush. Here was a free and fair democratic election, a model of the political process that he has supposedly committed himself to promoting throughout the region, and it produced winners who were not what Washington would have liked or chosen.

What Bush Did Not Say

The 'rise of authoritarianism,' the 'diminishment of liberties and fundamental rights,' the 'systematic use of torture' the 'widespread corruption' and the 'deterioration of influence in South America' are a few of the items Bush left out of his State of the Union speech. According to this op-ed article from Mexico's La Jornada, Bush has constructed a country that doesn't exist except in his speeches, where he can 'take refuge and forget his distressing political situation.'

Bush Warns of Frightening New Enemy

President Bush has now officially progressed beyond simple lies and deception and has graduated to much more complex psychobabble. During his State of the DisUnion address Tuesday, the commander-in-chief warned of a frightening new enemy that could infiltrate American society if left unchecked. The new terrorists. Yes, I'm talking about the dreaded Human-Animal-Hybrid. A beast so threatening it'll make BigFoot seem like Barney. Our president fears scientists almost as much as he fears Al Qaeda. ...

Bush Urges Confidence in His Leadership

President Bush said Wednesday he understands why the nation he has led for five years has become more anxious, and he urged people to have confidence in him [while totally missing the point that a LEADER inspires confidence, a leader does not have to URGE it].

7 US Reps Want Bush Impeachment Probe 20 Now Want Impeachment, Resignation, or Probe
The number of Members of US Congress supporting US Rep. John ConyersÂ’s (D-MI) H. Res 635 has now jumped to 17, including Mr. Conyers. The US House bill would create a Select Committee to investigate the grounds for impeaching President Bush.

The President is a dolt – so how can America be such a success story?
The more widely reported was President Bush’s State of the Union address, a weak and defensive speech even by his undemanding standards. At the other end of Washington, meanwhile, Alan Greenspan, the retiring chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, was bidding farewell to the institution whose skilful management of US monetary policy made him the dominant figure in the world economy for the past 18 years. What connects these two events is a paradox that has baffled many people, especially in Europe, ever since George W. Bush became President.

Customs 'camps' cause for concern
The story showed up in Tuesday's Press-Telegram, as I was reading "Night," Elie Wiesel's horrifying autobiography of a teenager in Buchenwald and Auschwitz. Appearing on page A5, the story said the federal government had awarded a $385 million contract for the construction of "temporary detention facilities." These would be used, the story said, in the event of an "immigration emergency."

The killing has got to stop

[...] How many more Americans and Iraqis must perish or be maimed until the "stay-the-course" approach is discredited?

Cindy Sheehan terrorizes Bush and his trained clapping seals at the State of Disunion speech

Diabolic… Cindy Sheehan armed with a concealed T-shirt boldly snuck into Bush’s State of Disunion Speech.

Revolutionary Movements and Leadership

"Too long have the workers of the world waited for some Moses to lead them out of bondage. I would not lead you out if I could; for if you could be lead out, you could be led back again. I would have you make up your minds there is nothing that you cannot do for yourselves." --Eugene Victor Debs - December 18, 1905

Judge Orders Padilla's Shackles Removed

U.S. officials who want terror suspect Jose Padilla to wear handcuffs and ankle chains during open court appearances must first show he poses a direct safety threat, a federal judge said Friday. 

USA Patriot Act extended through March 10
The U.S. Congress has given the USA Patriot Act, portions of which were set to expire Friday, an additional five weeks of legislative life. The Senate, in a 95-1 vote Thursday, extended the Patriot Act until March 10.

U.S. officials warn of greater threats from terrorists
"The enemy — while weakened and under pressure — is still capable of global reach and still possesses the determination to kill more Americans, and to do so with the world's most dangerous weapons," Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said at the National Press Club. "There is a tendency to underestimate the threat they pose," he said.

Signs Comment: Of course they pose a threat... NOW. Now that the Neocon gang have really gone out there and made serious enemies for America after creating a fake terrorist attack on 9/11. We really DO need to be afraid, VERY afraid.

Homeland Security campaign schools kids in preparedness
"Preparedness is not just a government challenge," Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff said during a visit to Andrew Jackson Language Academy, an elementary school in Chicago. "We all have to learn how to plan for the unexpected."

Signs Comment: Oh lord, not again! In short, they are going to teach them how to get under the desk, bend over and think nice thoughts while the nukes fall. The nukes, we should add, that have been aimed at us thanks to Bush and the Neocons.

Pentagon Database Leaves No Child Alone

All over the country, organized citizens are fighting to restrict the military’s presence in schools. But having recruiters troll high schools cafeterias is just one way the Pentagon inundates our youngsters with messages to “Go Army!”

New Details Revealed on C.I.A. Leak Case: Cheney?

Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff told prosecutors that Mr. Cheney had informed him "in an off sort of curiosity sort of fashion" in mid-June 2003 about the identity of the C.I.A. officer at the heart of the leak case, according to a formerly secret legal opinion, parts of which were made public on Friday.

Domestic Agencies Face Cuts in Bush Budget
Domestic priorities like federal aid to schools and health research are squeezed under President Bush's proposed budget for next year, but funding for the Pentagon, the war in Iraq and anti-terrorism efforts get impressive increases.

Bush slashing foster care aid

A bill awaiting President Bush's signature includes provisions to cut off federal foster care benefits for hundreds of California children living with low-income relatives after being removed from the homes of abusive or neglectful parents.

Bush's budget bashed
President Bush, constrained by wars, hurricanes and exploding budget deficits, has sent Congress a 2007 spending plan that is garnering howls of pain from farmers, teachers, doctors and a wide array of other groups with special interests. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, D-N.Y., said Bush's budget was sending a clear message "that the most important thing to this administration are tax cuts being made permanent for the wealthiest of Americans."

How To Become a Dictator
SOTT Introduction: The current US Administration uses the term "liberal" to demonize their opponents. They also compare their enemies - generally "liberals" - to Adolf Hitler. We also notice that the word "nazi" gets a lot of play, such as when the new German Chancellor, Angela Merkel, recently referred to the "Iran threat" as being "as bad as the Nazis". This is truly bizarre when you consider the fact that the real Nazis were rabidly "anti-liberal." They, too, used the term "liberal" as if it were a bad word and generally, they applied it to communists, labor unions, or anybody who was in favor of the Power of the Citizens, the workers. [...]

"Just As 'Legal' As Hitler was in 1933"
Hitler was asked - In September 1931: "How do you imagine the setting up of a Third Reich?" His reply was, "We will enter the legal organizations and will make our Party a decisive factor in this way. But when we do possess constitutional rights then we will form the State in the manner which we consider to be the right one." Hitler was asked: "This too by constitutional means?" Hitler replied: "Yes." 

Echoes of Fascism: Rhetoric We've Heard Before
"My administration has focused the nation's resources on our highest priority - protecting our citizens and our homeland. Working with Congress, we have given our men and women on the front lines in the war on terror the funding they need to defeat the enemy and detect, disrupt and dismantle terrorist plots and operations." - George W. Bush

"An evil exists that threatens every man, woman and child of this great nation. We must take steps to ensure our domestic security and protect our homeland." -Adolph Hitler 

The Voice of the White House
Democracy, as a relative once said, is government of the mentally misfit by the mentally mediocre, tempered by the saving grace of snobbery. The latter is now a dead issue and we have creatures like George Bush and Tony Blair as beau ideals for the great mass of moral deadbeats that cover the surface of the earth like gnats.

The Effectiveness Thing
We are ruled by bunglers. Every major venture by the Bush administration, from the occupation of Iraq to the Medicare drug program, has turned into an epic saga of incompetence. In retrospect, the Clinton years look like a golden era of good government.
Given the Bush administration's evident inability to govern, Democratic electoral victories should be a sure thing. But they aren't. Why?

Signs Comment: "Why?" Paul Krugman asks. Why does Dubya fill all the top government posts with incompetent cronies? Well, this is NOT a new thing, Paul. It's history. Andrew Lobaczewski even studied it and wrote about it:
Pathocracy at the summit of governmental organization also does not constitute the entire picture of the “mature phenomenon”. Such a system of government has nowhere to go but down. Any leadership position - down to village headman and community cooperative mangers, not to mention the directors of police units, and special-services police personnel, and activists in the pathocratic party - must be filled by individuals whose feeling of linkage to such a regime is conditioned by corresponding psychological deviations, which are inherited as a rule. However, such people become more valuable because they constitute a very small percentage of the population. Their intellectual level or professional skills cannot be taken into account, since people representing superior abilities with the requisite psychological deviations - are even harder to find. After such a system has lasted several years, one hundred percent of all the cases of essential psychopathy are involved in pathocratic activity; they are considered the most loyal, even though some of them were formerly involved on the other side in some way. Under such conditions, no area of social life can develop normally, whether in economics, culture, science, technology, administration, etc. Pathocracy progressively paralyzes everything. [...] The following question thus suggests itself: what happens if the network of understandings among psychopaths achieves power in leadership positions with international exposure? This can happen, especially during the later phases of the phenomenon. Goaded by their character, such people thirst for just that even though it would conflict with their own life interest… They do not understand that a catastrophe would ensue. Germs are not aware that they will be burned alive or buried deep in the ground along with the human body whose death they are causing. If the many managerial positions of a government are assumed by individuals deprived of sufficient abilities to feel and understand most other people and who also have deficiencies as regards technical imagination and practical skills - faculties indispensable for governing economic and political matters - this must result in an exceptionally serious crisis in all areas, both within the country in question and with regard to international relations. Within, the situation shall become unbearable even for those citizens who were able to feather their nest into a relatively comfortable “modus vivendi”. Outside, other societies start to feel the pathological quality of the phenomenon quite distinctly. Such a state of affairs cannot last long.
No, there is no possibility of winning a battle against a gang of fascists that control all the major organs of state AND the media, and who do not hesitate to fix elections. As Stalin said: "It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes." What he actually said was "Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything," but it's the same thing. That's what we are up against and anybody who can't see it doesn't have their eyes open.

The Secret World of Stephen Cambone
Rumsfeld's Enforcer  The grave fellow in the business suit sitting between two uniformed generals at the witness table during the senate hearings about the abuse of Iraqi prisoners of war at Abu Ghraib was Dr. Stephen Cambone, the undersecretary of defense for intelligence, known throughout the Pentagon as Donald Rumsfeld's "chief henchman". In his testimony before the committee, Cambone was unapologetic and almost as dismissive as the ridiculous Sen. James Inhofe about the global disgust which erupted over the abuse and murder of Iraqi prisoners of war. Cambone, an apex neo-con and veteran of the Project for the New American Century, evinced disdain not only for the senatorial inquiry but also at a squeamish Lieutenant General Antonio Taguba, who sat next him, looking as if he suspected that he might well be the next one leashed to Cambone's bureaucratic pillory.

Tomgram: Bushwhacked in Bushworld - "Beam Me Up, Scottie!"
Just in case you hadn't noticed, we're in a Bushworld too absurd for words. But that hasn't stopped this administration from yakking its collective head off.  Over the last week: The President came out for an ethanol-powered globe -- that's corn on the cob to you, buddy -- while his Defense Secretary Don Rumsfeld announced that our poor planet had somehow gotten more terroristically dangerous since George took the helm. (No fault of his, natch.)

Rothbard on the Fall and Rise and Fall of Liberty
George Orwell wrote in 1984 that those who control the present control the past. It would be difficult to prove Orwell wrong, for surely it is not a mere coincidence that the dim picture of history taught in the government schools and the even more vague history repeated incessantly by the public intellectuals, just happen to create a worldview in which governments through the centuries have made possible everything that is good and decent in the world today.

Signs Comment: "Yes, we did produce a near perfect Republic. But will they keep it, or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction."
- Thomas Jefferson

Deluded Believers in Government

On paper, people are a lot richer than they were 20 or 50 years ago, but it doesn't seem as though the money has done them much good. Maybe our memory is giving out, but we don't ever remember the area looking so shabby, so crowded, or so disagreeable.

US Capitol nerve agent scare a false alarm
Washington authorities said a nerve agent scare, which forced the evacuation of a Senate office building, was a "false alarm" after white powder found in the building was found benign. Scores of senators and Senate staffers were rushed from their offices after a sensor in the building's attic set off an alarm indicating the suspected presence of a dangerous nerve agent in the building, said Capitol Police sergeant Kimberly Schneider.

Signs Comment: US Congressmen fleeing for their lives... and they don't even stop to think that they have created the world where this humiliating behavior is accepted.

The terror of President Bush - How one word granted one man so much power and control

[...] Where would George Bush be today without the word "terror," by the way? That single word, it seems, is solely responsible for Bush's continued popularity among simple-minded Americans. Without the word "terror," Bush would have no war, no foreign policy, no justification for decimating the Constitution, and nothing to talk about in his speeches. His entire presidency since 9/11, a few observant people are realizing, is really based on just two things: terror and tyranny. And he's using the former to achieve the latter.

Do Bush supporters hate their country?
Sometimes the people who still fervently support George W. Bush seem just plain stupid, and other times it seems they must be dishonest and even malevolent, harboring a hatred for their country that allows them to support misguided ideas and private agendas over the public good. In more reasonable moods, I want to believe that the Bush supporters are just like me in simply wanting what is best for the country safety, security, fairness and a commitment to a government that observes the principles upon which our nation was founded. When I'm thinking that way, I assume we don't disagree on goals and objectives, just on the most effective way to achieve those goals and objectives.

The Otherguy Syndrome

Blame Saddam for not telling us he didn't have WMDs, thus forcing us to invade. Blame the Democrats for not stopping that invasion when they had the chance.

Blame the deficit on the lack of permanent tax cuts for the rich.

Blame those who articulated Coretta Scott King's philosophy at her own funeral for having the bad manners to do so.

Blame the wiretapped for having been swept up in data mining.

Blame Brownie for not telling the White House about the breach of the levees, even after it turns out, he did. Blame the press for playing "the blame game" when they ask about it.

Blame Joe Wilson's wife for sending her husband to Niger. Blame Joe Wilson for not having found anything there. Blame the CIA for letting Cheney know he didn't find anything there.

Blame John Kerry for not being enough of a war hero. Blame Jack Murtha for his "cut and run" cowardice.

Blame NASA scientists for speaking out on science without using the word "theory."

Blame anyone in the press who dares call Abramoff partisan.

Blame the Senate Judiciary Committee Democrats for making Alito's wife cry.

And oh, while you're at it -- Blame a 78-year-old man in a bright orange vest for getting in the way of Dick Cheney's shotgun.

Rumsfeld and Cheney Revive Their 70's Terror Playbook
Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney are at it again. Last week, Rumsfeld told the press we should be preparing for "the Long War," saying of the war this administration has stirred up with its attack on Iraq that, "Just as the Cold War lasted a long time, this war is something that is not going to go away." The last time Rumsfeld talked like this was in the 1970s, in response to the danger of peace presented by Richard Nixon.

Rumsfeld's Hitler Analogy
The only real surprise is that it took this long. On Thursday, February 2, the U.S. government's senior hawk, Donald Rumsfeld, stooped to the Hitler 'analogy' in a show of his administration's increasing desperation at the consolidation of the Bolivarian Revolution and the rise of the Left in Latin America. The Secretary of Defense delivered the clumsy slur against the (repeatedly) democratically elected president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez: "We've got Chavez in Venezuela with a lot of oil money. He's a person who was elected legally, just as Adolf Hitler was elected legally, and then consolidated power, and now is, of course, working closely with Fidel Castro and Mr. [Evo] Morales and others. It concerns me (1)."

Signs Comment: Ah, yes... the psychopath will always accuse others of what he himself is guilty. If you were to ask people from around the world who they thought was the biggest threat to world peace, somehow we doubt that "Hugo Chavez" would be the popular answer...

Congress to unveil blistering report on 'national failure' after Katrina
The US Congress is due to release a blistering assessment of the Bush administration's response to Hurricane Katrina, which flattened a large swathe of the US Gulf Coast. The 600-page report by a select committee of Republican lawmakers in the House of Representatives concludes that emergency planners failed to act on warnings before Katrina laid waste to New Orleans and the surrounding region last August, leaving some 1,300 people dead.
Signs Comment: Oh goodie! Another "independent commission" might be formed to bury the truth once and for all.

Senators hear 'shocking examples' of FEMA waste
FEMA has let nearly 11,000 unused manufactured homes deteriorate on old runways and open fields in Arkansas, and the agency spent $416,000 per person to house a few hundred Hurricane Katrina evacuees for a short time in Alabama last fall, government investigators told the Senate on Monday. The allegations that the Federal Emergency Management Agency has wasted hundreds of millions of dollars on a host of bungled efforts to help evacuees were in a pair of reports to senators investigating the government's response to the disaster.

Hurricane Katrina; “National Failure” or Criminal Negligence

“I don’t think anyone anticipated the breach in the levees.” -- George Bush
The senate investigation of Hurricane Katrina is turning out to be another White House whitewash. The senate strategy has been to characterize the Bush administration’s response as “a national failure” or “bureaucratic bungling” when in fact the evidence proves that the top officials in the administration, including George Bush himself, are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of New Orleans residents.

Turf Wars in the Delta

It was a thing marvelous to behold: the future in full color, projected onto twin screens in a hotel convention room where an overflow crowd packed four deep against the walls. Flashing before them was three months of work by the best and brightest in urban design, led by the superstar national planning firm Wallace Roberts & Todd, which resurrected the dying Baltimore waterfront and laid out a master plan for the national Capitol grounds way back in 1983.
What the crowd saw put the "new"back in New Orleans. Canals covered and converted into leafy bicycle and pedestrian paths crisscrossing the city. A gleaming $4.8 billion transit and infrastructure system, including rail links to the airport, Baton Rouge, and the Gulf Coast. For every neighborhood: a school, a park, and a retail zone. But the dreamy PowerPoint presentation by the Urban Planning Committee of Mayor Ray Nagin's Bring New Orleans Back Commission ended in a cold splash of harsh reality.

White House Issues Its Own Katrina Report
A White House report concluded Thursday that inexperienced disaster response managers and a lack of planning, discipline and leadership contributed to vast federal failures during Hurricane Katrina. The 228-page report by White House homeland security adviser Frances Fragos Townsend urges changes in 11 key areas - mainly in better disaster relief coordination among federal agencies - before the next hurricane season begins June 1. It also found "significant flaws" in the national response plan issued last year by the Homeland Security Department.

Signs Comment: Not surprisingly, Townsend's report doesn't seem to make any mention of how Bush screwed up. Bush can say he "accepts responsibility" for the Katrina fiasco, but if his administration simply points the finger elsewhere, has he really accepted any responsibility?

Women Hold Fewer State Govt Posts Than Men
Women hold fewer than a quarter of the top jobs in state governments and have made little progress increasing their representation in the last eight years, a new study found.
From 1998 to 2005, the percentage of women in state government leadership positions rose from 23.1 percent to 24.7 percent, the report by the Center for Women in Government & Civil Society at the University at Albany found.


The former GOP fund-raiser was accompanied by his sister and brother-in-law and said nothing during the six-minute hearing.

Abramoff Said to Claim Close Ties to Rove

Three former associates of Jack Abramoff say the now-convicted lobbyist frequently told them he had strong ties to the White House through presidential confidant Karl Rove.
The White House said Monday night that Rove remembers meeting Abramoff at a 1990s political meeting and considered the lobbyist a "casual acquaintance" since President Bush took office in 2001. New questions have arisen about Abramoff's ties to the White House since a photo emerged over the weekend showing Abramoff with Bush. The White House would not release the photo or any others that Bush had taken with Abramoff. Also surfacing were the contents of an e-mail from Abramoff to Washingtonian magazine claiming he had met briefly with the president nearly a dozen times and that Bush knew him well enough to make joking references to Abramoff's family.

Popular Ohio Democrat Drops Out of Race, and Perhaps Politics

Paul Hackett, an Iraq war veteran and popular Democratic candidate in Ohio's closely watched Senate contest, said yesterday that he was dropping out of the race and leaving politics altogether as a result of pressure from party leaders. Mr. Hackett said Senators Charles E. Schumer of New York and Harry Reid of Nevada, the same party leaders who he said persuaded him last August to enter the Senate race, had pushed him to step aside so that Representative Sherrod Brown, a longtime member of Congress, could take on Senator Mike DeWine, the Republican incumbent.

Patriot Act Moves Ahead Despite Opposition
The USA Patriot Act is headed toward renewal with broad Senate support for a White House-brokered compromise that adds modest new civil liberties protections to the terror-fighting law. "The outcome here is absolutely predetermined," Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., said late Wednesday. "It's going to pass with overwhelming support."

The Backstabbers

Here's yet another story that is sadly characteristic of the Bush Imperium: the complete and utter breakdown in backbone of the so-called "opposition" party. We'll skip the polite headline use by the New York Times and title the story according to its truth: Democratic Leaders Force Democrat Who Actually Talks Like a Democrat to Quit Race Due to Lack of Deference and Decorum Toward the Dear Leader and Insufficient Sucking Up to Corporate Elites.

Mark Crispin Miller says Bush stole the White House, twice.
The GNN interview with the Fooled Again author.
Editor’s note: If you asked everyone in the U.S. whom they thought won Florida in 2000, half the country (or more) would most likely tell you Al Gore, including Al Gore. But pose the question, who won Ohio in November 2004? and it’s an entirely different story. For most Americans, George Bush earned a commanding mandate on November 2, 2004. The race in Ohio, officially decided by 118,000 votes, was close, but was no Florida. There were no hanging chads or Jews for Buchanan. Democracy worked and the guy with the most votes won. But for a small contingent of left-wing activists and progressive Democrats, Ohio was Florida Redux – a ruthless Republican coup orchestrated under the absent gaze of the lapdog media. In GNN’s new documentary American Blackout, we detail some of the more egregious examples of voter suppression. As the Conyers Report documents, there is substantial evidence that heavily Democratic (and African-American) precincts in Ohio didn’t have enough voting machines, voters were intimidated and valid votes were discarded. Yet for most on the left, it’s still an open question whether Republican shenanigans actually added up to a Kerry win. What does Kerry think? In his new book, American Vertigo, Bernard-Henri Lévy writes he met up with a “haggard, ghostly” Kerry a few weeks after his loss. According to Lévy, the defeated candidate faintly whispered in his ear, “If you hear anything about those 50,000 votes in Ohio, let me know.”

25 US Reps Want Bush Impeachment Inquiry
25 US Representatives–including two members of the Georgia delegation–have now signed on as co-sponsors of H. Res 635, demanding a probe which could recommend Bush’s impeachment, including the initial sponsor, US Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), Atlanta Progressive News has learned.
If the Democratic Party is able to retake the US House of Representatives, Rep. Conyers would become Chairman Conyers of the House Judiciary Committee, whereas he is currently minority leader on the Committee. If not acted on this session, the bill would have to be reintroduced next session. It is possible that a new bill could include new language regarding NSA domestic wiretapping.

Signs Comment: More smokescreen to give the masses the illusion of democracy. This won't go anywhere just like the probe into the illegal spying went nowhere, just like, in the face of massive popular opposition, Alito was confirmed to the supreme court.

Voter Fraud: Coulter votes in wrong precinct

She may be smart enough to earn millions from her acidic political barbs, but when it comes to something as simple as voting in her tiny hometown, hard-core conservative pundit Ann Coulter is a tad confused. Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections records show Coulter voted last week in Palm Beach's council election. Problem is: She cast her ballot in a precinct 4 miles north of the precinct where she owns a home — and that could be a big no-no.

Iraq: the forgotten victims - Military under fire for 'abandoning' more than 1,000 veterans with mental problems
Dramatic figures have been released revealing that at least 1,333 servicemen and women - almost 1.5 per cent of those who served in the Iraq war - have returned from the Middle East with serious psychiatric problems. The official statistics, which have been passed to The Independent, identify those who were diagnosed with mental health problems while on duty. Many Iraq veterans are now receiving little or no treatment for a variety of mental health problems. Questions have also been raised about the level of care being given to regular soldiers, reservists and members of the TA, some of whose symptoms emerged after ending active service. Many are not included in the figure of 1,333. Many claim they have been abandoned by the military establishment.

Lawmakers Deride Assurances on Arab Port Firm
U.S. terms for approving an Arab company's takeover of operations at six major American ports are insufficient to guard against terrorist infiltration, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee said yesterday. "I'm aware of the conditions, and they relate entirely to how the company carries out its procedures, but it doesn't go to who they hire, or how they hire people," said Rep. Peter T. King (R-N.Y.).

Signs Comment: So when are they going to get worried about Israeli companies handling security at US airports or tracking every phone call made in the US?  Oh, that's right. They won't. US lawmakers hostile to Israel are mostly likely being blackmailed into submission with the info gleaned from those monitored phone calls!

GOP Governors Threaten to Block Port Deal

Two Republican governors are threatening legal action to block an Arab company from taking over operations in major U.S. ports and some GOP lawmakers say the deal should be closely examined.
In the uneasy climate after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, the Bush administration decision to allow the transaction is threatening to develop a major political headache for the White House.

Bush faces split with key allies over UAE port deal
US President George W. Bush faced a split with key congressional allies after he backed a deal that will put an Arab company in charge of operations at six major US ports and threatened to veto congressional measure threatening it.

Bush Shrugs Off Objections to Port Deal

Brushing aside objections from Republicans and Democrats alike, President Bush endorsed the takeover of shipping operations at six major U.S. seaports by a state-owned business in the United Arab Emirates. He pledged to veto any bill Congress might approve to block the agreement.

The president on Tuesday defended his administration's earlier approval of the sale of London-based Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co. to Dubai Ports World, despite concerns in Congress it could increase the possibility of terrorism at American ports.

Arab Americans see bigotry behind ports uproar

Arab-Americans contended on Tuesday that bias and bigotry, not security concerns, lay behind the uproar over a deal that would place commercial operations at six U.S. ports in the hands of an Arab company.

Arab Co., White House Had Secret Agreement

The Bush administration secretly required a company in the United Arab Emirates to cooperate with future U.S. investigations before approving its takeover of operations at six American ports, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press. It chose not to impose other, routine restrictions.
As part of the $6.8 billion purchase, state-owned Dubai Ports World agreed to reveal records on demand about "foreign operational direction" of its business at U.S. ports, the documents said. Those records broadly include details about the design, maintenance or operation of ports and equipment.

US Coast Guard warned about ports

The US Coast Guard aired security concerns over an Arab firm trying to take over six key ports, the Senate hears.

Gregoire: Port security, not ownership, is troubling

Gov. Chris Gregoire, Democratic governor of one of America's leading port states, said Monday she's more concerned about overall port security than the furor over foreign operators....

Talking to Bush Republicans: Don't Expect Any Smart Answers

While sitting in the waiting room of our doctor's clinic, an old friend arrived, accompanied by her daughter, and we began to chat since we had not seen each other for a while. The daughter inquired as to whether we had "signed up" for the new prescription drug progam. I answered in the negative, explaining that it is so complicated that I had not yet had time to figure it out. I had worked on it, figuring the amounts that will be "deductibles and co-payments", those amounts that would fall within the "donut hole", and adding in the projected price of the premiums which, we are given to understand, are neither stable nor predictable and may be raised by the insurance companies at any time. On the whole. with my preliminary figures, it would add to our medications expense and appears to be, in my opinion, "just another Bush boondoggle" The response was icey! "I take it that you do not like George Bush, then!" "I do not like his policies and I do not approve of the Iraq War," I stated. "I do not like his tax breaks for the rich and his attempted tampering with the Social Security system." "Well," she interjected, "I just love him! He is so cute!"

No Child Left Un-recruited

The U.S. Army isn't exactly recruiting me and I wouldn't say that I spend time thinking of ways to avoid their courtship (despite the fact that we all know they're in dire need of a female soldier who can't even reach plates off the top shelf in her kitchen). But as I searched through the small stack of papers that arrived in the mail a few weeks before the start of my senior year at Shaker Heights High School (outside of Cleveland, Ohio), I recognized that I was witnessing something fishier than the outcome of the 2000 election. It was a form addressed to students and their families that caught my eye, and being the investigative journalist that I am, I quickly realized the form gave me the option of prohibiting the government from obtaining my personal information through the school in accordance with a provision of the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB) of 2001.

Supreme Court Plunges Into Abortion Debate
The Supreme Court said Tuesday it will consider the constitutionality of banning a type of late-term abortion, teeing up a contentious issue for a newly-constituted court already in a state of flux over privacy rights.
The Bush administration has pressed the high court to reinstate the federal law, passed in 2003 but never put in effect because it was struck down by judges in California, Nebraska and New York. The outcome will likely rest with the two men that President Bush has recently installed on the court. Justices had been split 5-4 in 2000 in striking down a state law, barring what critics call partial birth abortion because it lacked an exception to protect the health of the mother.

Abortion Case to Test New Justices

The Supreme Court agreed yesterday to decide whether a 2003 federal ban on the procedure that critics call "partial birth" abortion is constitutional, setting the stage for its most significant ruling on abortion rights in almost 15 years. Without comment or recorded dissent, the court granted the Bush administration's request to review a lower court's ruling striking down the law, which passed Congress overwhelmingly but has yet to be enforced.

South Dakota passes abortion ban
South Dakota's state senate voted on Wednesday for an abortion ban aimed at giving the conservative-tilting Supreme Court an opening to overturn rulings granting women the right to the procedure. Only an unlikely veto by Republican Gov. Michael Rounds could prevent the legislation from becoming law, people on both sides of the issue said. "We hope (Rounds) recognizes this for what it is: a political tool and not about the health and safety of the women of South Dakota," said Kate Looby of Planned Parenthood, which operates the sole clinic providing abortions in South Dakota.

Signs Comment: Isn't it curious that South Dakota - which apparently has only ONE clinic in the entire state that provides abortions - has become the battleground for overturning Roe v. Wade? With Alito now on the Supreme Court, the abortion law's days may be numbered. The fundamental problem with a state ban on abortion is that it is a de facto statement by the state that citizens are incapable of making choices about their own bodies - which, of course, the state is only too happy to do. See today's story on mandatory child vaccination for more evidence of this pernicious idea.

Now running for office: an army of Iraq war vets
They call themselves the Band of Brothers, about 50 men - and a few women - all Democrats, all opposed to the Bush administration's handling of Iraq, and all military veterans. One more thing: They're all running for Congress this year. Not since 1946 have so many vets from one party come together in a political campaign, they claim. Their wildest dream is to give the Democratic Party the extra edge it needs - by boosting its weak image on defense and patriotism - to end Republican control of the House.

What The US Ambassador Taught Nepalis
Recently, the United States has been anxiously trying to pre-empt every possible uncomfortable situation in South Asia. Its ambassadors are actively intervening in internal political debates in South Asian countries. Of course, it is nothing new for the US, but in order to understand specific implications of this activism in specific contexts, the peeping tom has to be caught red-handed at the site of the crime and interrogated. The ambassador in India was recently in the dock for threatening Indians to behave well on the Iran issue. Now it is the turn of the ambassador in Nepal, James F. Moriarty. However, for our convenience, Moriarty has been too explicit in his conduct.

US military planes criss-cross Europe posing as civilian flights

The American military have been operating flights across Europe using a call sign assigned to a civilian airline that they have no legal right to use. Not only is the call sign bogus -- according to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) -- so, it appears, are some of the aircraft details the Americans have filed with the air traffic control authorities. In at least one case, a plane identified with the CIA practice of "extraordinary rendition" -- transporting terrorist suspects -- left a US air base just after the arrival of an aircraft using the bogus call sign.

Struggling for Recruits, Army Relaxes Its Rules
Chicopee - Generation XL is having a hard time squeezing into its military fatigues. Just ask Kyle Kimball. The 18-year-old dreamed of following in his father's footsteps and serving with the Marines. But between his sophomore and senior years at Haverhill High School, Kimball packed on 80 pounds, ballooning up to 250. The cutoff for a 5-foot-10 Marine recruit: 215."There was just no way I was ever going to see that again," said Kimball, who works for his father's scrap-metal business. But Kimball has another option. Earlier this month, he drove to Westover Joint Air Reserve Base in Chicopee and became one of New England's first would-be soldiers to take a fitness test for overweight recruits. His goal is to gain entrance into his second choice, the US Army.

Anti-war activists visit schools to counter military recruiters' pitch
Since last spring, Elizabeth Frank has carried her anti-war crusade to the hallways of several northwest suburban high schools. Once a month she sets up a table in the commons stacked with pamphlets and decorated with a shocking pink sign that reads: "Do You Know Enough to Enlist?"
So far, Frank's effort to educate students on the perils of joining the military mostly has been met by a wall of teenage indifference -- few students seem interested in having a serious conversation about the consequences of war.

Signs Comment: Isn't it kind of nuts that anyone would be "wary" of being in the presence of a peace activist? Everyone - well, almost everyone - wants peace, right? Perhaps part of the problem is that so many "anti-war" movements have been infiltrated by COINTELPRO operations over the years to render them ineffective. That does not mean, however, that intelligent, rational, and truly peaceful anti-war activists don't exist.

World science body slams tougher U.S. visa rules
A leading world science body denounced tougher U.S. visa policies on Thursday after its Indian-born president said he failed to get permission to enter the country on charges he was hiding information that could be used for chemical weapons. Professor Goverdhan Mehta, 62, an internationally recognized organic chemist invited to a conference by the University of Florida, has denied the charges and said he was rejected because he could not recall details of research he did 40 years ago.

American Government: Heading Toward Disintegration and Collapse
In several of his writings and interviews, former U. S. President Jimmy Carter stated that he is very much concerned at the direction the United States is moving. He said emphatically that this is not the United States he always knew. Many are increasingly beginning to convince themselves that the present United States government could be viewed as the worst in the history of the American nation. Democracy has ceased to exist for all practical purposes and we have a situation today where the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.
Government Deterioration: Several scholars and organizations are becoming increasingly worried as they see their government deteriorating from day to day. They feel upset as they watch the American government openly spying on the public, especially on those with peaceful reputation. Besides, they are taken by surprise to see the great curtailing of free speech and the increasing of censorship of the news media covering the radio, press and television. Peaceful dissenters are being punished and at times put in jail, even if they were religious women and clergymen.

Spying On Americans

Gonzales Is Challenged on Wiretaps - Feingold Says Attorney General Misled Senators in Hearings
Sen. Russell Feingold (D-Wis.) charged yesterday that Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales misled the Senate during his confirmation hearing a year ago when he appeared to try to avoid answering a question about whether the president could authorize warrantless wiretapping of U.S. citizens.

Signs Comment: What do you mean, "misled?" Can we say "LIED"?

Activist Cindy Sheehan Arrested at Capitol for wearing Anti-Bush Tee Shirt
Police Sgt. Kimberly Schneider said the charge was unlawful conduct. Schneider said Sheehan had worn a T-shirt with an anti-war slogan to the speech and covered it up until she took her seat. Police warned her that such displays were not allowed, but she did not respond, the spokeswoman said.

Signs Comment: If anybody doesn't think we are living in a police state, think again.

George Bush and Cheney have committed high crimes including treason...
THE INTERNATIONAL FORECASTER editor Bob Chapman writes: Mssrs. Bush and Cheney have committed the following high crimes including treason:

Feds' wiretapping rules challenged in court
Universities, libraries and technology companies are asking a federal court to block controversial wiretap rules designed to facilitate police surveillance of the Internet. In a 71-page brief sent to the U.S. Court of Appeals in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, they ask the judges to overturn a wiretap ruling from the Federal Communications Commission that applies to "any type of broadband Internet access service" and many Internet phone services.

AT&T sued over NSA spy program
[...] The lawsuit, filed Tuesday in San Francisco's federal district court, charges that AT&T has opened its telecommunications facilities up to the NSA and continues to "to assist the government in its secret surveillance of millions of ordinary Americans."

Bush Broke the Law
[...]  The reason it is important for the American people to know is because the president appears to have violated both the law and the Constitution. A recent Zogby poll revealed that 52 percent of Americans think that if this is proven to be true, then the president should be impeached. This is a most serious issue.

Fox follows Bush's lead, renames domestic spying program as "terrorist surveillance program"
Fox News has adopted the Bush administration's terminology for its warrantless domestic spying program, calling it the "terrorist surveillance program."

ACLU Chief Calls on President to Shut Down Illegal Spying on Americans
If the president does not call an immediate end to this illegal spying, Congress must hold thorough hearings. The Justice Department must also appoint a special counsel to investigate the breadth and legality of the NSA spying program.

Official: Army Has Authority to Spy on Americans
"Contrary to popular belief, there is no absolute ban on [military] intelligence components collecting U.S. person information," the U.S.Army’s top intelligence officer said in a 2001 memo that surfaced Tuesday. Not only that, military intelligence agencies are permitted to "receive" domestic intelligence information, even though they cannot legally "collect" it," according to the Nov. 5, 2001, memo issued by Lt. Gen. Robert W. Noonan Jr., the deputy chief of staff for intelligence.
ProgressTV: No-Spy Video
If you have found little to laugh about over President Bush's domestic spying program, well, it's your lucky day. We here at ProgressTV decided to have some fun. So, we produced a little video for your enjoyment.

Senate Panel Denied Documents on U.S. Spying

The Bush administration is rebuffing requests from members of the Senate Judiciary Committee for its classified legal opinions on President Bush's domestic spying program, setting up a confrontation in advance of a hearing scheduled for next week, administration and Congressional officials said Wednesday.

Court filings shed more light on CIA leak investigation

[...] A series of striking revelations have emerged after the release of dozens of pages of court files in the CIA leak investigation that have gone unnoticed by the mainstream media, RAW STORY has found.

Fitzgerald Hints White House Records Lost
Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald is raising the possibility that records sought in the CIA leak investigation could be missing because of an e-mail archiving problem at the White House.

Signs Comment: "Highly irregular" and "invites suspicion"??? How about criminal malfeasance as in erase, delete, reformat?

Sen. Roberts Backs Domestic Spying
WASHINGTON - Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Pat Roberts on Friday strongly endorsed the Bush administration's argument that the president has the authority to conduct warrantless electronic surveillance in the U.S. in pursuit of terrorists.

Signs Comment: In other words, Pat Roberts has dirty laundry that he doesn't want the Neocons to publish... that's what they have been doing for the past year, gathering blackmail info on every judge, congressman, journalist, or any other person who might oppose them.

Docs: Similar Wiretap Debate 30 Years Ago: Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld involved

An intense debate erupted during the Ford administration over the president's powers to eavesdrop without warrants to gather foreign intelligence, according to newly disclosed government documents. George H.W. Bush, Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney are cited in the documents.

Can the President Order a Killing on U.S. Soil?
In the latest twist in the debate over presidential powers, a Justice Department official suggested that in certain circumstances, the president might have the power to order the killing of terrorist suspects inside the United States.

Friends Raise $2 Million for Libby Defense

Friends and supporters of former White House aide I. Lewis ``Scooter'' Libby have raised $2 million to help him pay his legal bills.

Some confessions the government alleges it got from Jose Padilla

Some admissions made by accused terror operative Jose Padilla during his 3 1/2 years of military custody that are not included in the criminal indictment against him, according to Defense Department and Justice Department documents.

Specter Believes Spy Program Violates Law

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' explanations so far for the Bush administration's failure to obtain warrants for its domestic surveillance program are "strained" and "unrealistic," the Senate Judiciary Committee chairman said Sunday.
Sen. Arlen Specter (news, bio, voting record), whose committee has scheduled hearings Monday on the National Security Agency program, said he believes the administration violated a 1978 law specifically calling for a secretive court to consider and approve such monitoring.

Spying Controversy Recalls Nixon

In 1975, a Senate committee led by Senator Frank Church of Idaho revealed that the N.S.A. had intercepted the phone calls and telegrams of Americans. Then, as now, intelligence officials insisted that only international communications of people linked to dangerous activities were the targets, and that the spying was authorized under the president's constitutional powers. Then, as now, some Republicans complained that the government's most sensitive secrets were being splashed on the front pages of newspapers, while Democrats emphasized the danger to civil liberties.

Wiretap Debate Déjà Vu

Documents show Ford White House embraced wiretap law instead of claiming "inherent" Presidential authority in 1976 despite objections from Rumsfeld, G.H.W. Bush, Kissinger

When Two Worlds Collide: Why Karl Rove will eventually fall before Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald

For Karl Rove, no news from the Plame case -- Special Counsel Patrick Fitzgerald's grand jury investigation into the outing of Valerie Plame Wilson's identity as a CIA agent -- is definitely not good news. Seismic activity is notoriously silent, so we may not be hearing any rumblings at the moment. But speaking as a former prosecutor, I believe it highly likely that, just below the surface, the worlds of Karl Rove and Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald, shifting like tectonic plates, are about to collide.

More Allegations of Libby Lies Revealed

The special prosecutor in the CIA leak case alleged that Vice President Cheney's former chief of staff was engaged in a broader web of deception than was previously known and repeatedly lied to conceal that he had been a key source for reporters about undercover operative Valerie Plame, according to court records released yesterday.

Gonzales Tells Senators Spying Program Needed to Fight Terror

[...] In prepared testimony for the Senate Judiciary Committee, Gonzales defended the legality of the domestic spying without discussing its classified operational details. The committee's Republican chairman, Arlen Specter, and Democratic members have said the wiretapping may violate federal law.

Fascist Pimp Gonzales says domestic spying legal and necessary
US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales insisted to skeptical lawmakers that monitoring Americans' phone calls and email messages without a warrant was a necessary part of the US "war on terror". The secret government program has provoked a storm of opposition, but Gonzales refused to tell the Senate Judiciary Committee whether the eavesdropping had led to charges or other results.
Signs Comment: Of course it is necessary to the Neocon "war on terror." As Andrew Lobczewski writes:
The actions of [pathocracy] affect an entire society, starting with the leaders and infiltrating every town, business, and institution. The pathological social structure gradually covers the entire country creating a “new class” within that nation.

This privileged class [of pathocrats] feels permanently threatened by the “others”, i.e. by the majority of normal people. Neither do the pathocrats entertain any illusions about their personal fate should there be a return to the system of normal man. [Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Ph.D. (psychology); Political Ponerology: A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes]
In other words, WE the PEOPLE are the terrorists to Pathocrats.

Plamegate: A Credibility 'Gap'
Bush critics worry that the White House may have deleted Plame-related emails during a 12-hour head start in the CIA leak probe. The delay is worse than they think. On the evening of Monday, Sept. 29, 2003, then-White House Chief Counsel Alberto Gonzales had a choice. He had just received formal notice from the Department of Justice that the White House was the subject of a criminal investigation as a result of White House officials' leaking the identity of an undercover CIA agent, Valerie Plame, as part of an effort to discredit her husband, former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV. Gonzales did not immediately alert the White House staff to the investigation, explaining the need to safeguard germane documents. Instead, he asked Justice Department lawyers if he could notify the staff in the morning. Because the call came in after 8:00 p.m. on a weekday, and most of the personnel had left the building, the attorneys agreed. Gonzales, before wrapping up his day, called White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card to notify him of the start of the probe. Twelve hours later, Gonzales informed his colleagues that they must "preserve all materials" relevant to the investigation.

Signs Comment: Sounds like the gap in the Nixon Tapes - only worse. Gonzales has clearly committed a criminal act and ought to be arrested immediately and taken away in handcuffs as the slimey criminal and traitor to the American People that he is.

Illegal Spying: In Limelight at Wiretap Hearing: 2 Laws, but Which Should Rule?

[...] Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales made the case to the Senate Judiciary Committee yesterday that two potentially contradictory Congressional actions — one a 1978 law forbidding domestic surveillance without a court's permission, the other a 2001 resolution giving the president authority to use force to combat Al Qaeda — together mean that the executive branch is free to decide on its own to spy on communications between people in the United States and those abroad.

The Bushies' Game of Hide-and-Conceal

Cartoon: click link to chuckle.

Is George Bush Opening Your Mail? - Asked directly by the U.S. Senate, Alberto Gonzales won't say

The subject of opening mail came up in this exchange between Gonzales and Democratic senator of Vermont this morning when the senator asked whether Bush believes his supposed authorization would be enough to allow the government to open people's mail. "There is all kinds of wild speculation out there about what the president has authorized and what we're actually doing," Gonzales said. "You're not answering my question," Leahy retorted.

Bush Eavesdropping - How's it Done
In December, The New York Times revealed that the Bush Administration, has been eavesdropping on our phone calls, without a court order. Although the exact nature of this surveillance is highly classified, it appears that the White House has gone on a massive “fishing trip;” one that invades the privacy of thousands of ordinary Americans and violates the Federal Intelligence Surveillance Act. This is the first of three articles about Administration eavesdropping – here, I dust off my techie skills and suggest how it’s being done.

Signs Comment: These speculations are based on the idea that the Neocons are spying on ordinary Americans all day long. Give it a REST! Do you actually think that Bush and Gang actually would spend their time listening in on conversations between Junior and his granny in Pakistan? Get real! Do you think Karl Rove is stupid? Do you think he - or ANY of them - really think that there are "terrorists" in America? Of course not. They know that the whole "terrorist threat" is manufactured. They aren't going to waste their time looking for something that they created in their sick imaginations. So, WHO are they REALLY spying on? And why did they out themselves as they did? Obviously, they outed themselves because they had to. They had intell that Risen's book was going to spill the beans. How did they get that info? Why, by spying on him of course! Sure, we read: "President George W. Bush was so desperate to stop The New York Times' secret spy program story he summoned Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and Executive Editor Bill Keller to the Oval Office to try to talk them out of running it, Newsweek reported on its Web site on Monday." That smacks of smokescreen. Do you really believe that if the President wanted the Times to keep quiet that there would be a problem? After Judy Miller? Get real. So, what other journalists, congressmen, judges, various other government officials are they REALLY spying on? After all, considering the nature of these creatures that have taken over the U.S., you have to know that they are only going to expend their energy on things that will bring them the biggest rewards of money and power. The hoopla about spying on innocent Americans to ferret out terrorists is just a smokescreen. Get a clue, folks!

x-President Carter: Eavesdropping Illegal

Former President Jimmy Carter criticized the Bush administration's domestic eavesdropping program Monday and said he believes the president has broken the law. "Under the Bush administration, there's been a disgraceful and illegal decision - we're not going to the let the judges or the Congress or anyone else know that we're spying on the American people," Carter told reporters. "And no one knows how many innocent Americans have had their privacy violated under this secret act."

Signs Comment: The object of the illegal spying wasn't really to target innocent Americans as the Neocons would like us all to think: it was, purely and simply, to spy on political opponents, journalists, and to obtain material for blackmail so as to completely control the political process. As Paul Craig Roberts has written:
We have reached a point where the Bush administration is determined to totally eclipse the people. Bewitched by neoconservatives and lustful for power, the Bush administration and the Republican Party are aligning themselves firmly against the American people. Their first victims, of course, were the true conservatives. Having eliminated internal opposition, the Bush administration is now using blackmail obtained through illegal spying on American citizens to silence the media and the opposition party.

Before flinching at my assertion of blackmail, ask yourself why President Bush refuses to obey the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The purpose of the FISA court is to ensure that administrations do not spy for partisan political reasons. The warrant requirement is to ensure that a panel of independent federal judges hears a legitimate reason for the spying, thus protecting a president from the temptation to abuse the powers of government. The only reason for the Bush administration to evade the court is that the Bush administration had no legitimate reasons for its spying. This should be obvious even to a naif.[...]

The years of illegal spying have given the Bush administration power over the media and the opposition. Journalists and Democratic politicians don't want to have their adulterous affairs broadcast over television or to see their favorite online porn sites revealed in headlines in the local press with their names attached. Only people willing to risk such disclosures can stand up for the country.
Dissent isn't terrorism - Public should know whether Pentagon is spying on peaceful Brevard protesters
How does spying on a Brevard mom pushing a baby stroller, or an 85-year-old retiree or a woman in a wheelchair mesh with President Bush's claim he needs expanded surveillance powers to protect the nation from terrorists? It doesn't. But that didn't stop the Melbourne Police Department from videotaping those peaceful anti-Bush demonstrators on Inauguration Day last year, or the Brevard Sheriff's Office from creating dossiers on them.

Republican Who Oversees N.S.A. Calls for Wiretap Inquiry
A House Republican whose subcommittee oversees the National Security Agency broke ranks with the White House on Tuesday and called for a full Congressional inquiry into the Bush administration's domestic eavesdropping program. The lawmaker, Representative Heather A. Wilson of New Mexico, chairwoman of the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Technical and Tactical Intelligence, said in an interview that she had "serious concerns" about the surveillance program. By withholding information about its operations from many lawmakers, she said, the administration has deepened her apprehension about whom the agency is monitoring and why.

Signs Comment: She oughta be worried. As we wrote yesterday, the object of the illegal spying wasn't really to target innocent Americans as the Neocons would like us all to think. Does anyone actually think that Bush and Gang would spend their time listening in on conversations between Junior and his granny in Pakistan? Does anyone seriously think that the arrogant Karl Rove is going to waste his time “average Americans?” Do you think he - or ANY of them - really think that there are "terrorists" in America? Of course not. They know that the whole "terrorist threat" is manufactured. They aren't going to waste their time looking for something that they created in their sick imaginations. So, WHO are they REALLY spying on? And why did they out themselves as Bush did just before Christmas? Sure, we read that it was done because the NY Times was going to publish a story that they had withheld for over a year. "President George W. Bush was so desperate to stop The New York Times' secret spy program story he summoned Publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. and Executive Editor Bill Keller to the Oval Office to try to talk them out of running it, Newsweek reported on its Web site on Monday." That smacks of smokescreen. Does anyone really believe that if the President wanted the NY Times to keep quiet that there would be a problem? After Judy Miller? Not a chance. The whole thing stinks of a smokescreen. So, what are they trying to hide? What are they trying to distract attention away from? As Paul Craig Roberts has written:
We have reached a point where the Bush administration is determined to totally eclipse the people. Bewitched by neoconservatives and lustful for power, the Bush administration and the Republican Party are aligning themselves firmly against the American people. Their first victims, of course, were the true conservatives. Having eliminated internal opposition, the Bush administration is now using blackmail obtained through illegal spying on American citizens to silence the media and the opposition party.

Before flinching at my assertion of blackmail, ask yourself why President Bush refuses to obey the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. The purpose of the FISA court is to ensure that administrations do not spy for partisan political reasons. The warrant requirement is to ensure that a panel of independent federal judges hears a legitimate reason for the spying, thus protecting a president from the temptation to abuse the powers of government. The only reason for the Bush administration to evade the court is that the Bush administration had no legitimate reasons for its spying. This should be obvious even to a naif.[...]

The years of illegal spying have given the Bush administration power over the media and the opposition. Journalists and Democratic politicians don't want to have their adulterous affairs broadcast over television or to see their favorite online porn sites revealed in headlines in the local press with their names attached. Only people willing to risk such disclosures can stand up for the country.
So, what other journalists, congressmen, judges, various other government officials are they REALLY spying on? After all, considering the nature of these creatures that have taken over the U.S., you have to know that they are only going to expend their energy on things that will bring them the biggest rewards of money and power. The hoopla about spying on innocent Americans to ferret out terrorists is just a smokescreen; it was, purely and simply, to spy on political opponents, journalists, and to obtain material for blackmail so as to completely control the political process.
And that means that all those hundreds of thousands of dollars, millions of dollars even, that are flowing into the coffers of various “Political Action” groups are all going to waste. It’s all for nothing. Nothing will change. They will spend your money, make a big show, make a good living off of it, and nothing, NOTHING, will change.

Helen Thomas hits McClellan on taps: 'You know what happened to Nixon when he broke the law'

White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan got in a heated row with a White House correspondent at Monday's press briefing over President Bush's warrantless domestic spying program, RAW STORY has learned. The questioner, outspoken liberal columnist Helen Thomas, has been covering the White House since President John F. Kennedy, asks McClellan if Bush should obey the law. The relevant part of transcript follows. RAW STORY has confirmed the questioner was Helen Thomas. Crooks and Liars has the video.

Congress Has Lost Its Way, If It Doesn't Hold Bush Accountable

Bush's Warrantless Wiretapping Program is Illegal and Unconstitutional
Last week the President of the United States gave his State of the Union address, where he spoke of America's leadership in the world, and called on all of us to "lead this world toward freedom." Again and again, he invoked the principle of freedom, and how it can transform nations, and empower people around the world. But, almost in the same breath, the President openly acknowledged that he has ordered the government to spy on Americans, on American soil, without the warrants required by law.

Some companies helped the NSA, but which?

Under federal law, any person or company who helps someone "intercept any wire, oral, or electronic communication"-- unless specifically authorized by law-- could face criminal charges. Even if cooperation is found to be legal, however, it could be embarrassing to acknowledge opening up customers' communications to a spy agency.

Bush to say terrorist attack thwarted

US President George W. Bush was to say in a speech that international cooperation helped thwart a terrorist attack on the US west coast, according to White House spokesman Scott McClellan.

Reversing course, White House provides details of surveillance to Congress
The White House has provided details of a controversial domestic eavesdropping program to members of the US Congress, reversing its earlier adamant refusal to do so, legislative officials said. The decision came as US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Deputy Director of National Intelligence General Michael Hayden held a closed-door briefing for members of the House Intelligence Committee about its secret program to intercept domestic communications without court approval.

Signs Comment: Notice that the decision came after a "closed door briefing." In other words, they mapped out a strategy so they would appear to be "investigating" and "cooperating," but nothing significant will ever be revealed.

Secret Court's Judges Were Warned About NSA Spy Data

Twice in the past four years, a top Justice Department lawyer warned the presiding judge of a secret surveillance court that information overheard in President Bush's eavesdropping program may have been improperly used to obtain wiretap warrants in the court, according to two sources with knowledge of those events. The revelations infuriated U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly -- who, like her predecessor, Royce C. Lamberth, had expressed serious doubts about whether the warrantless monitoring of phone calls and e-mails ordered by Bush was legal. Both judges had insisted that no information obtained this way be used to gain warrants from their court, according to government sources, and both had been assured by administration officials it would never happen.

Do You Know What They Know?
Signs Comment: Herbert sez, "The most logical reason for not getting a warrant is that the president's intelligence acolytes, who behave as though they graduated from the Laurel and Hardy school of data mining, have not been able to demonstrate that the people being spied upon are connected to Al Qaeda or any other terror organization."  Do not for a moment fall into the trap of thinking that the Neocons are Laurel and Hardy. Fact is, the most logical reason for not getting a warrant is that the individual being spied upon is a member of congress, the military, the judiciary, or the media, and that that the reason for spying is not to discover terrorists, but to blackmail political opponents, thus gaining total control over the political process.

The president, the stripper and the attorney general
The extraordinary legal defence of George Bush's domestic spying reads like a blend of Kafka, Le Carré and Mel Brooks .  In 1996, Governor George W Bush received a summons to serve on a jury, which would have required his admission that 20 years earlier he had been arrested for drunk driving. Already planning his presidential campaign, he did not want this information made public. His lawyer made the novel argument to the judge that Bush should not have to serve because "he would not, as governor, be able to pardon the defendant in the future". (The defendant was a stripper accused of drunk driving.) The judge agreed, and it was not until the closing days of the 2000 campaign that Bush's record surfaced. On Monday, the same lawyer, Alberto Gonzales - now attorney general - appeared before the senate judiciary committee to defend "the client", as he called the president.

A terrorist on every corner?

PRESIDENT BUSH and Atty. Gen. Alberto Gonzales insist that the National Security Agency's warrantless wiretapping of American citizens is a necessary "terrorist surveillance program." And polls show that most Americans support permitting the government to tap the phone calls and e-mails of those considered "suspicious." But what exactly does that mean? A close look suggests that the feds' definition of a "suspected terrorist" may not meet the laugh test.

US plans massive data sweep - Little-known data-collection system could troll news, blogs, even e-mails. Will it go too far?

The US government is developing a massive computer system that can collect huge amounts of data and, by linking far-flung information from blogs and e-mail to government records and intelligence reports, search for patterns of terrorist activity. The system - parts of which are operational, parts of which are still under development - is already credited with helping to foil some plots. It is the federal government's latest attempt to use broad data-collection and powerful analysis in the fight against terrorism. But by delving deeply into the digital minutiae of American life, the program is also raising concerns that the government is intruding too deeply into citizens' privacy.

Bush faces Republican revolt over spying
Congressional Republicans are threatening to force a legal showdown with President George W. Bush over his claim that he has the constitutional power to order domestic surveillance of Americans in the name of national security. Arlen Specter, Republican chairman of the Senate judiciary committee, said on Wednesday he was drafting legislation that would require the administration to seek a ruling from a special US intelligence court on whether the spying programme was legal.

Signs Comment: We aren't holding our breath. We see what happened to the motion to demand information on the Torture Scandal.

The War on Privacy - Rumsfeld warns that the enemy can succeed in changing our way of life. It already has.
"There was, of course, no way of knowing whether you were being watched at any given moment. How often, or on what system the Thought Police plugged in on any individual wire was guesswork. . . . But at any rate they would plug in your wire whenever they wanted to. You had to live—did live, from habit that became instinct—in the assumption that every sound you made was overheard, and except in darkness, every movement scrutinized. "George Orwel

Every move you make ... they'll be watching you

Ever get the feeling that someone's eyeballing you? You're probably right. These days, between the news that the National Security Agency has been eavesdropping without warrants and that the Justice Department wants to know what searches have been conducted on Google and elsewhere, it's no wonder you feel under watch. The real surprise, though, may be how so much of what you do on an everyday basis already gets screened, monitored, tracked, scanned and observed - often without your ever knowing it.

Bush Pimp Democrats Say Spying Necessary

Two key Democrats yesterday called the NSA domestic surveillance program necessary for fighting terrorism but questioned whether President Bush had the legal authority to order it done without getting congressional approval. Rep. Jane Harman (Calif.), ranking Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and former Senate majority leader Thomas A. Daschle (S.D.) said Republicans are trying to create a political issue over Democrats' concern on the constitutional questions raised by the spying program. At the same time, the Republican chairmen of the Senate and House intelligence committees -- Sen. Pat Roberts (Kan.) and Rep. Peter Hoekstra (Mich.), who attended secret National Security Agency briefings -- said they supported Bush's right to undertake the program without new congressional authorization. They added that Democrats briefed on the program, who included Harman and Daschle, could have taken steps if they believed the program was illegal. All four appeared on NBC's "Meet the Press."

Cheney Authorized Libby to Disclose Classified Documents

Once upon a time, a former agent of Italian military intelligence named Rocco Martino, who had had some experience in the African country of Niger, came into possession of some forged, fraudulent documents. These alleged Iraqi purchases of yellowcake uranium in 1999. In fact, the signatures were of Nigerien officials who had been in power a decade earlier, in the late 1980s. So they were clumsy forgeries. Martino passed them on to the Italian magazine Panorama, which passed them to the US embassy. Tantalizingly, President George W. Bush's chief political adviser, Karl Rove, has an indirect connection to Italian intelligence.

Fifth of Americans think calls have been monitored
About a fifth of Americans think federal agents have listened in on their phone calls, a CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll released Tuesday suggests.

Congressional Probe of NSA Spying Is in Doubt - White House Sways Some GOP Lawmakers
Congress appeared ready to launch an investigation into the Bush administration's warrantless domestic surveillance program last week, but an all-out White House lobbying campaign has dramatically slowed the effort and may kill it, key Republican and Democratic sources said yesterday. The Senate intelligence committee is scheduled to vote tomorrow on a Democratic-sponsored motion to start an inquiry into the recently revealed program in which the National Security Agency eavesdrops on an undisclosed number of phone calls and e-mails involving U.S. residents without obtaining warrants from a secret court. Two committee Democrats said the panel -- made up of eight Republicans and seven Democrats -- was clearly leaning in favor of the motion last week but now is closely divided and possibly inclined against it.

Signs Comment: Did anyone seriously think there was going to be a probe? Of course not! Especially since the spying was for the purpose of gathering information on government officials so as to completely control the political process. You see it happening right here, in real time. And, since the government ALSO has control of google, ya'll better be bookmarking this page and sharing the link by word of mouth because we are going to disappear rather soon.

Whistleblower says NSA violations bigger

A former NSA employee said Tuesday there is another ongoing top-secret surveillance program that might have violated millions of Americans' Constitutional rights. Russell D. Tice told the House Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations he has concerns about a "special access" electronic surveillance program that he characterized as far more wide-ranging than the warrentless wiretapping recently exposed by the New York Times but he is forbidden from discussing the program with Congress.

National security whistle-blowers allege retaliation

Military and intelligence officers told spellbound lawmakers Tuesday that their careers had been ruined by superiors because they refused to lie about Able Danger, Abu Ghraib and other national security controversies.
Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, wearing a crisp olive Army uniform with the Bronze Star and other awards, delivered his first public testimony about his central role in Able Danger, a Pentagon computer data-mining program set up long before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to infiltrate the al-Qaeda terrorist network.

US Justice Department launches probe into domestic wiretaps
In his letter made public Wednesday, Jarrett wrote that the investigation would focus on "the Department of Justice's role in authorizing, approving and auditing" the NSA's surveillance activities "and whether such activities are permissible under existing law."
Signs Comment: Read this one carefully and note that it does NOT say that Bush is being investigated. It says "The US Justice Department has launched an investigation into how its lawyers handled requests for warrantless wiretap authority." In other words, instead of dealing with the real issue, they are going to drown us with paperwork nit-picking. So, don't get your hopes up for any justice. Ain't gonna happen... until more people wake up. And they won't wake up until they are miserable enough to start asking questions. And things have to get a whole lot worse before that happens.

Another, More Secret, Wiretapping Program

Apparently soooo secret none of us should know about it.
Russell D. Tice told the House Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations he has concerns about a “special access” electronic surveillance program that he characterized as far more wide-ranging than the warrentless wiretapping recently exposed by the New York Times but he is forbidden from discussing the program with Congress.
I’m done. I’m just gonna go buy two coffee cans and a unlimited supply of string. It’s way to low-tech for them to tap into a network of Maxwell House cans.

Whistleblower says NSA violations bigger
A former NSA employee said Tuesday there is another ongoing top-secret surveillance program that might have violated millions of Americans' Constitutional rights.
Russell D. Tice told the House Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations he has concerns about a "special access" electronic surveillance program that he characterized as far more wide-ranging than the warrentless wiretapping recently exposed by the New York Times but he is forbidden from discussing the program with Congress. Tice said he believes it violates the Constitution's protection against unlawful search and seizures but has no way of sharing the information without breaking classification laws. He is not even allowed to tell the congressional intelligence committees - members or their staff - because they lack high enough clearance.

Feds Mistakenly Turned Over Secret Papers
Federal prosecutors and investigators in Dallas acknowledged in court documents that they mistakenly gave defense lawyers information about the inner-workings of secretive counterterrorism investigations. It took federal officials four months to discover that in April they had turned over secret court applications for wiretaps, which often have sensitive information from U.S. and foreign intelligence agencies, according to court papers that were unsealed this week. The materials were given to lawyers for the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development and seven of its senior officers, who have been indicted on charges they illegally funneled millions of dollars to support the Hamas militant group. The U.S. government designated Hamas as a terrorist organization in 1995.
Signs Comment: What about the groups that funnel support to Israeli terrorist organizations that are set up to promote the destruction of the Dome of the Rock in an effort to precipitate and Holy War? What about the groups that support the terrorist, genocidal policies of Israel against the Palestinians? No need to answer, it's just a rhetorical question.

Gonzales Withholding Plame Emails

Sources close to the investigation into the leak of covert CIA agent Valerie Plame Wilson have revealed this week that Attorney General Alberto Gonzales has not turned over emails to the special prosecutor's office that may incriminate Vice President Dick Cheney, his aides, and other White House officials who allegedly played an active role in unmasking Plame Wilson's identity to reporters. Moreover, these sources said that, in early 2004, Cheney was interviewed by federal prosecutors investigating the Plame Wilson leak and testified that neither he nor any of his senior aides were involved in unmasking her undercover CIA status to reporters and that no one in the vice president's office had attempted to discredit her husband, a vocal critic of the administration's pre-war Iraq intelligence. Cheney did not testify under oath or under penalty of perjury when he was interviewed by federal prosecutors.

Secrecy over security: Libby revelation puts things in perspective
When it comes to keeping secrets, the Bush administration has what might be called a two-handed approach. On one hand, the administration will do and has done all kinds of gymnastics to avoid giving Congress information about intelligence programs. On the other, the administration is willing to reveal classified information selectively when doing so suits its political aims. Actions here speak louder than words.

Signs Comment: Do the ending paragraphs of this piece, those after the passage hilighted above, strike you as something of a non-sequitor? We have he admission that Libby was told to break the law by his superiors, and his superiors happen to be the president and vice-president of the US, and the focus is on how badly those superiors are treating congress, not their criminal actions. Coincidence? We think not.

Judge Orders Action on Spying Documents

A federal judge dealt a setback to the Bush administration on its warrantless surveillance program, ordering the Justice Department on Thursday to release documents about the highly classified effort within 20 days or compile a list of what it is withholding. U.S. District Judge Henry Kennedy said a private group will suffer irreparable harm if the documents it has been seeking since December are not processed promptly under the Freedom of Information Act.

Senate Chairman Splits With Bush on Spy Program
The chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Friday that he wanted the Bush administration's domestic eavesdropping program brought under the authority of a special intelligence court, a move President Bush has argued is not necessary. The chairman, Senator Pat Roberts, Republican of Kansas, said he had some concerns that the court could not issue warrants quickly enough to keep up with the needs of the eavesdropping program. But he said he would like to see those details worked out.

Signs Comment: It's all show, people. They are just pretending to debate the issue to make you think America is still a democracy.

A game of chicken on Capitol Hill - Backing away from illegal spying

Under White House pressure, the Senate Intelligence Committee flinched and backed away from an investigation of the Bush administration's warrantless eavesdropping program. In return, the committee got not much from the White House other than a vague commitment to provide greater disclosure and to cooperate on legislation affecting the wiretapping, which the White House insists isn't needed in any case.

Espionage and the First Amendment Spycraft, free speech, and the AIPAC espionage case

Is there a First Amendment right to steal and transmit vital U.S. secrets to a foreign power? Viet Dinh, the intellectual author of the PATRIOT Act – and a rising star among the neoconservative legal theorists who have commandeeredpresidential omnipotence – thinks so. the Justice Department in the service of. In the latest development in the AIPAC spy case, in which two longtime employees of one of the most powerfulIsraeli officials, Dinh has submitted a legal brief [.pdf] that, in so many words, asserts exactly that. lobbies in the Washington are charged with passing classified information to

White House Working to Avoid Wiretap Probe
At two key moments in recent days, White House officials contacted congressional leaders just ahead of intelligence committee meetings that could have stirred demands for a deeper review of the administration's warrantless-surveillance program, according to House and Senate sources. In both cases, the administration was spared the outcome it most feared, and it won praise in some circles for showing more openness to congressional oversight.
Signs Comment: Brings to mind that great song by Roy Orbison, "Spying". "Spy-ay-ay-ay-ing, over you!"

The FBI and the Myth of Fingerprints: A "100 Per Cent Certainty"

Few law enforcement institutions have been so thoroughly discredited in recent years as the FBI's forensic lab. In 1997 the Bureau's inspector general of the time issued a devastating report, stigmatizing one instance after another of mishandled and contaminated evidence, inept technicians, and outright fabrication. The IG concluded that there were "serious and credible allegations of incompetence" and perjured courtroom testimony. CounterPunch's view is that taken as a whole, forensic evidence as used by prosecutors is inherently untrustworthy. For example, for years many people went to prison on the basis of the claims of a North Carolina anthropologist, Louise Robbins. She helped send people to prison or to Death Row with her self-proclaimed power to identify criminals through shoe prints. As an excellent recent Chicago Tribune series on forensic humbug recalled, on occasion she even said she could use the method to determine a person's height, sex and race. Robbins died in 1987, her memory compromised by the conclusion of many Appeals Courts that her methodology was bosh. There have been similarly hollow claims for lip prints and ear prints, all of (added "of") them invoked by their supporters as "100 per cent reliable" and believed by juries too easily impressed by passionate invocations to 100 per cent reliable scientific data. Of course the apex forensic hero of prosecutors, long promoted as the bottom line in reliability--at least until the arrival of DNA matching--has been the fingerprint.

House Democrat says White House nixed NSA briefing
A top intelligence official was prepared to brief the House of Representatives intelligence committee about President George W. Bush's domestic spying program last December but was stopped by White House Chief of Staff Andy Card, a leading House Democrat said on Tuesday.

Former Bush advisor defends White House spying powers
A controversial constitutional expert defended the White House's powers to authorize warrantless spying on Americans.
Korean-American legal expert John Yoo said that fighting Al-Qaeda type stateless terrorist networks justified an expansive view of presidential powers, including bypassing a special court which regulates domestic surveillance by the National Security Agency.

Taking Spying to Higher Level, Agencies Look for More Ways to Mine Data
A small group of National Security Agency officials slipped into Silicon Valley on one of the agency's periodic technology shopping expeditions this month. On the wish list, according to several venture capitalists who met with the officials, were an array of technologies that underlie the fierce debate over the Bush administration's anti-terrorist eavesdropping program: computerized systems that reveal connections between seemingly innocuous and unrelated pieces of information.

Signs Comment: Whenever you read an "expert" telling you that the US surveillence technology and attitudes are out-dated, or that they "are fighting the last intellignce war", you can bet it is disinfo. The fact that you read Signs of the Times is being noted. If you contribute to our forums, or other alternative news forums, you're being noted. The list is being checked. Big brother knows if you've been naughty or nice. Count on it.

White House Arrogantly Rejects Special Counsel to Investigate Bush's Illegal Spying
The White House on Monday rejected the call by more than a dozen House Democrats for a special counsel to investigate the Bush administration's eavesdropping program. President Bush's spokesman Scott McClellan said those Democrats should instead spend their time investigating the source of the unauthorized disclosure of the classified program, which "has given the enemy some of our playbook." "I really don't think there's any basis for a special counsel," McClellan also said.

Signs Comment: NO ONE may question any decision, any act, of the Bush-Neocon Adminsitration. Don\'t you people get it yet? You\'re going to have to do better than that!

Total Information Awareness Lives On Inside the National Security Agency

More than two years ago Congress halted plans for a controversial plan called Total Information Awareness to create the world's largest surveillance database to track your phone calls, purchases, Internet usage, reading material, banking transactions. The National Journal has now revealed the program has quietly continued inside the NSA.

Rising Chaos/Anarchy/Psychopathy

Gunmen kill mother, two infants

Slavery in Our Time
Historians will look back in puzzlement at the way our 21st century world tolerates the slavery of more than a million children in brothels around the world.

Man Jumps to Death From Empire State Bldg.
 A 21-year-old man jumped to his death from the Empire State Building in an apparent suicide, police said Thursday.

Armed Teen at Mass. Gay Bar Injures Three
A young man dressed all in black went on a rampage at a gay bar with a hatchet and a gun Thursday, wounding three patrons in what police said appeared to be a hate crime. One victim was in critical condition.
Police searched for 18-year-old Jacob D. Robida, who was wanted on charges of attempted murder, assault and civil-rights violations.

Dozens Dead After Egyptian Ship Disaster

An Egyptian ferry carrying about 1,300 people sank in the Red Sea overnight during bad weather, and rescue ships and helicopters pulled dozens of bodies from the water Friday, an official said. About 100 survivors in lifeboats were rescued.

Chicago Archdiocese to Remove More Priests

The leader of Chicago's Roman Catholic archdiocese vowed to revise a molestation investigation process that "wasn't adequate," saying he should have removed a priest charged with abusing three boys much sooner. Cardinal Francis George indicated Thursday the archdiocese will announce changes as early as next week to remove priests immediately after allegations are made. Under the current policy, allegations are investigated before priests can be removed.

Katrina’s Paper Trail
How early did the White House know about the levee damage in New Orleans? A look at the documents detailing the timeline—and why the government says it got ‘confusing’ information.

Mayor: New Orleans will seek aid from other nations
NEW ORLEANS - Shortcomings in aid from the U.S. government are making New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin look to other nations for help in rebuilding his hurricane-damaged city. Nagin, who has hosted a steady stream of foreign dignitaries since Hurricane Katrina hit in late August, says he may seek international assistance because U.S. aid has not been sufficient to get the city back on its feet.

Signs Comment: Now that is so totally pathetic we are rendered speechless. Not only are the Neocon Thugs fleecing the American people to pay their cronies for more and better bombs and WMDs, they have exposed America to this embarrassment: they can't even help their own. Somebody find us a sickbag.

Records show White House knew of New Orleans levee break but failed to act

The earliest official report of a New Orleans levee breach came at 8:30 a.m., hours after Hurricane Katrina roared ashore. Word of the possible breach surfaced at the White House less than three hours later, at 11:13 a.m. In all, 28 federal, state and local agencies reported levee failures on Aug. 29, according to a timeline of e-mails, situation updates and weather reports that Senate Democrats say raise questions about whether the government moved quickly enough to rescue storm victims from massive flooding. The documents were released in advance of a Senate hearing Friday at which Michael Brown, the former head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, was set to testify.

Brown: 'I warned White House about Katrina'
Top White House officials were warned that Hurricane Katrina would be "our worst nightmare" the day the storm roared ashore, former federal disaster chief Michael Brown says. An assertive Brown told senators Friday that he described levee failures and massive flooding last Aug. 29 to chief of staff Andrew Card, deputy chief of staff Joe Hagin and others in the White House.

'Buy us back Chirac!': appeal from New Orleans
New Orleans' first parade since Hurricane Katrina rolled through chilly French Quarter streets Saturday night, greeted warmly by cheering crowds embracing the spirit of Carnival in a flood-damaged city. Powered by brass bands and mule-drawn floats, costumed members of the Krewe du Vieux parade organization tossed beads and toys to spectators, drinking cold beer or hot coffee. Locally renown for its adult humour and biting satire, the "krewe's" brightly lighted floats poked fun at the government's handling of the worst natural disaster in US history. "Buy us back, Chirac!" begged the sign on one float, which featured a man costumed as a French artist trying to "escape" from a tall plastic case.

Satanic Cult members jailed for killings
FIVE Satanic cult members received heavy prison sentences today for killing the singer of their amateur rock band and two other women in brutal ritual murders that shocked Italy.

Signs Comment: There are a number of these dangerous kinds of cults in the US that practice "Satanism" under different names such as "Ophanic Mysteries," or "Golden Dawn Magick", "Aethyrea" and so on.

Dead violent man puzzles public
An 18-years-old US man was shot dead early Sunday by officers who chased him for 20 miles at speeds up to 90 mph after he had killed an officer named Jim Sell, 63. [...]
Robida's death left several unresolved questions about the mutiple violence he had committed. ...

Record Sales of Sleeping Pills Are Causing Worries
Americans are taking sleeping pills like never before, fueled by frenetic workdays that do not go gently into a great night's sleep, and lulled by a surge of consumer advertising that promises safe slumber with minimal side effects.

The Most Dangerous Professor in America? - Making and Unmaking History with General Myers
Retired Air Force General Richard B. Myers -- who was Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 2001 to 2005 -- has joined the faculty of Kansas State University as a professor of military history. According to press reports, Myers will continue to live in Virgina and visit the KSU campus three to four times each semester for visits of three to four days. His salary: $100,000 annually.

CIA Patsy Gets Help in Prison Escape
Be afraid of Jamal al-Badawi, al-CIA-duh "mastermind" terrorist - or interchangeably, dim bulb Muslim patsy - who supposedly dug a tunnel out of "a heavily guarded" Yemeni prison and made his escape, thus posing a "clear and present danger to all countries." As it turns out, al-Badawi received the equivalent of a cake with a metal file from Yemeni intelligence officers, according to the Associated Press.

Suppression and Liberty
"President Wilson in World War I authorized the military to intercept each and every cable, telephone and telegraph communication going into or out of the United States."- Attorney General Gonzales before the Judiciary committee 2/6
It's in keeping with the regressive character of this administration that they would have the gall to throw Wilson's repudiated actions against Americans during WWI at the wall of opposition to their own warrantless spying on Americans, hoping the revisionism would stick.

Who's Hormonal? Hillary or Dick?
The Republicans succeed because they keep it simple, ruthless and mythic. In 2000 and 2004, G.O.P. gunslingers played into the Western myth and mined images of manliness, feminizing Al Gore as a Beta Tree-Hugger, John Kerry as a Waffling War Wimp With a Hectoring Wife and John Edwards as his true bride, the Breck Girl. Now, in the distaff version of Swift-boating, they are casting Hillary Clinton as an Angry Woman, a she-monster melding images of Medea, the Furies, harpies, a knife-wielding Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction" and a snarling Scarlett Johansson in "Match Point." 

Why We Fight
Ike knew a thing or two about war, American government, and our nascent military-industrial complex. Eisenhower worried, but we weren’t paying attention – at least in 1961. When asked why he made the film, Jarecki said, “Americans [today] have a visceral sense that something is rotten, but no-one can seem to connect the dots…. I wanted to make this film because we need what Eisenhower called an ‘alert and knowledgeable citizenry’ to compel change, to improve the public’s ability to monitor those in power ”

Violent Crime Rising Sharply in Some Cities
One woman here killed a friend after they argued over a brown silk dress. A man killed a neighbor whose 10-year-old son had mistakenly used his dish soap. Two men argued over a cellphone, and pulling out their guns, the police say, killed a 13-year-old girl in the crossfire.

9 Inmates Hurt in Latest L.A. Jail Riot

The latest outbreak of racially charged rioting at a Southern California jail sent eight inmates to the hospital Saturday with minor injuries, officials said. A ninth inmate was treated at the scene.

Woman, 3 Kids Found Dead in Western Ohio

A woman and her three children were found shot to death Saturday in their western Ohio home, officials said.
A handgun was found in the neat and orderly home, and investigators were interviewing the woman's boyfriend, who had recently moved out, Montgomery Sheriff's Maj. Ed Copher said.

6 Inmates Escape Illinois Jail, All are Captured

Six inmates who escaped from jail were back in custody after the final two fugitives surrendered early Monday, ending a standoff at an apartment where they sought refuge with a woman and five children. No one was injured.
Their escape late Saturday - which began when an inmate threw hot, soapy water in the face of a lone guard at a jail shower - was the second in two days at the Cook County Jail, which officials said was short-staffed.

Political whodunit takes an eerie twist
More than five years ago, Rod Spraggins made a sensational charge at a candidate forum, publicly accusing a political opponent of murder with nothing to back up the allegation except, it turns out, a vision.
Now police say Spraggins was right.

'Snow rage' leads to baseball bat attack
A Massachusetts man enraged by last weekend's massive nor'easter snowfall is being held on charges he swung a baseball bat at a neighbor.

A&E nurse 'harmed patients to feel thrill of reviving them'

A nurse killed two patients by deliberately administering fatal overdoses of drugs so he could feel the "thrill" of trying to revive them, a court heard yesterday. Two people died and 16 were nearly killed by drug-induced respiratory problems while Benjamin Geen was a staff nurse at the accident and emergency unit of Horton general hospital in Banbury, Oxfordshire, the prosecution said.

Afghan TV screens gruesome Taleban video
Disturbing video footage of beheaded bodies being paraded through the streets of southern Pakistan, in front of powerless police, has been broadcast today in Afghanistan. Tolo TV, a private Afghan network, said that the men were killed a month ago in the tribal district of South Waziristan as a punishment for their opposition to the Taleban and al-Qaeda militias. It would not reveal the source of the footage, whose authenticity has not been verified.

Fire razes Shell oil well As death toll in gunship attack on bunkerers rises to 30

AN oil well operated by Shell 30 kilometres south of Port Harcourt caught fire yesterday 24 hours after militant youths threatened revenge against it for making its facility available for an attack on an Ijaw community in Delta State.
Ijaw leaders said yesterday that the death toll in Wednesday’s helicopter gunship attack on Perezouweikore-gbene had risen to 30, and asked the Federal Government to call the Joint Task Force in the Niger Delta to order.

Nigeria oil 'total war' warning

A Nigerian militant commander in the oil-rich southern Niger Delta has told the BBC his group is declaring "total war" on all foreign oil interests.
The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta has given oil companies and their employees until midnight on Friday night to leave the region. It recently blew up two oil pipelines, held four foreign oil workers hostage and sabotaged two major oilfields. The group wants greater control of the oil wealth produced on their land.

Search on for 10 missing crew after US choppers crash off Djibouti

The CH-53 helicopters went down around 5:30 pm (1430 GMT) Friday in the waters of the Gulf of Aden near Ras Siyuan in northern Djibouti while on a two-hour training mission around the Godoria mountain range. The military said the weather at the time of the crashes was partly cloudy with light to variable winds and "unlimited visibility."

Actress charged in TV show scheme
A sometime actress has been charged in connection with an alleged scam to take $5.5 million US from investors for a show about the Department of Homeland Security that never existed.

Ohio Men Accused of Plot to Kill Troops in Iraq
The Justice Department accused three Ohio men yesterday of plotting to kill U.S. and coalition troops in Iraq, allegedly by seeking to set up a Middle Eastern terrorism camp where insurgents would be trained and equipped. One of the men was also charged with threatening to kill or hurt President Bush. It is not clear, however, how close the trio came to carrying out any of their alleged plans or whether they intended to fight in Iraq themselves.

Is the Bush Administration Planning a Nuclear Holocaust?

"We have discovered the most terrible bomb in the history of the world. It may be the fire destruction prophesied in the Euphrates Valley Era, after Noah and his fabulous Ark.... This weapon is to be used against Japan ... [We] will use it so that military objectives and soldiers and sailors are the target and not women and children. Even if the Japs are savages, ruthless, merciless and fanatic, we as the leader of the world for the common welfare cannot drop that terrible bomb on the old capital or the new. ... The target will be a purely military one... It seems to be the most terrible thing ever discovered, but it can be made the most useful."

(President Harry S. Truman, Diary, July 25, 1945)

"The World will note that the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima a military base. That was because we wished in this first attack to avoid, insofar as possible, the killing of civilians.." (President Harry S. Truman in a radio speech to the Nation, August 9, 1945).

[Note: the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945; the Second on Nagsaki, on August 9, on the same day as Truman's radio speech to the Nation] (Listen to Excerpt of his speech, Hiroshima audio video)
At no point since the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6th, 1945, has humanity been closer to the unthinkable, a nuclear holocaust which could potentially spread, in terms of radioactive fallout, over a large part of the Middle East.

Iraq Vet Accused of Stabbing Wife 71 Times
Army officials have recommended a court-martial for a Purple Heart recipient accused of stabbing his young wife 71 times with knives and a meat cleaver.
Spc. Brandon Bare, 19, of Wilkesboro, N.C., was charged with premeditated murder and indecent acts related to the mutilation of his wife's remains.

NYC Dance Troupe Leader Exposed to Anthrax

A dance troupe leader who makes drums with animal hides was in a Pennsylvania hospital after apparently being exposed to anthrax spores, prompting officials in both states to reassure residents that it was a rare accident unrelated to terrorism.
"We have every reason to believe that this infection is an isolated, accidentally and naturally transmitted case," Mayor Michael Bloomberg said Wednesday during a news conference from City Hall.

Moscow market collapse kills at least 31

The snow-laden roof of a Moscow food market collapsed before dawn as traders toiled inside, killing at least 31 people, injuring 25 and trapping others in the wreckage.
The roof fell in at about 5:00 a.m. (0200 GMT) on a national holiday and before the market was open to the public.

Man raped his dying stepdaughter

A man who raped his unconscious teenage stepdaughter as she lay dying from a head injury has been jailed for nine years at the High Court in Glasgow. Sentencing Judge Lord Philip told George McKee, 50, he had committed an "appalling crime" which filled members of the public with "horror".

Marines Arrested in Military Gear Thefts
Several Marines have been arrested on charges of working with a group that stole ballistic vests and other gear from Camp Pendleton and sold it on the Internet, authorities revealed Wednesday. The investigation unfolded amid widespread criticism that U.S. troops in war zones lacked body armor.

Signs Comment: Unfortunately for the Bush gang, the amount of hardware these people were selling pales in comparison to the amount required to properly equip all the US troops in Iraq, so it would be awfully hard to use this story to deflect blame away from Bush and his Washington pals.

Phoenix Hostage Standoff Ends Peacefully
A man accused of holding nine people hostage at gunpoint inside a National Labor Relations Board office was in FBI custody early Friday, after a seven-hour standoff ended peacefully when he released his captives unharmed, police said.

Teen Is Shot Four Times at Ore. School

A teenager shot and wounded another student at school Thursday, then fled to a restaurant, where he put the gun to his head before surrendering, police said.
The shooter, who police said was a 14-year-old freshman, was arrested shortly after the attack at Roseburg High.

'Demon-tormented' school calms down

THE emotional turmoil at the Mumbwenge Combined School in the North, where children claimed to be terrorised by demons last year, seems to have simmered down. Regional Education Director Josia Udjombala told The Namibian that the situation might return to normal with the help of psychologists from the Oshakati State Hospital.

Australian treasurer calls for Muslim hardliners to lose citizenship
Australian Treasurer Peter Costello, favourite to become the country's next leader, has called for Muslim extremists to be stripped of their citizenship while denouncing multiculturalism as "mushy and misguided". The comments from Prime Minister John Howard's anointed successor have outraged Australia's Islamic minority, with leaders saying it is the latest in a stream of unfair criticism from a conservative government out to marginalise their community.

Philippine president declares state of emergency over attempt coup
Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo Friday declared a state of emergency following an alleged coup attempt against her administration.
Presidential spokesman Ignacio Bunye said Arroyo signed Proclamation No. 1017 for the declaration of a State of National Emergency.

Signs Comment: Coups are indeed threatening to any government, but they can be put down. Volcanoes, however, are less easily extinguished and also lead to a state of emergency being declared...

UPDATE: Tests Show Powder Found in Dorm NOT Ricin
The FBI determined a powdery substance found in a roll of quarters at a University of Texas dormitory was not ricin after initial state tests had indicated it was the potentially deadly poison, a spokesman said Sunday. The FBI tests did not identify the substance, but they came back negative for the poison that is extracted from castor beans, said San Antonio FBI spokesman Rene Salinas. "There were no proteins in there to indicate it was in fact ricin," Salinas said. He said was unlikely further testing would be done.

Signs Comment: So, Texas health officials did a "quick test" that didn't even check for ricin, and yet the story was plastered all over the mainstream media! Now the FBI says it's unlikely further testing will be conducted. Obviously, they got the mileage they needed out of the story. Are you terrified yet?

Shooting in Detroit Church Kills Woman

A man opened fire inside a church Sunday, killing an 18-year-old woman and wounding her child before shooting another man outside, according to police and broadcast reports.
Second Deputy Police Chief James Tate confirmed that three people were shot at Zion Hope Missionary Baptist Church but declined to provide details. The child did not have life-threatening injuries, WWJ-AM reported. The station said the third victim was in critical condition. Police were searching for the shooter.

China's Hu warns Taiwan it is taking 'dangerous step'

 Chinese President Hu Jintao warned Taiwan that it was taking a "dangerous step" by abolishing an advisory council on unification with the mainland.

China warns Taiwan of 'disaster'

China warns Taiwan that its decision to scrap a council on reunification with the mainland may bring disaster.

Thai protesters issue ultimatum

Leaders of a campaign to oust Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinwatra demand that he resigns by Sunday.

Egypt's bubbling cauldron

The US drive for democracy in the Middle East is likely to boost political Islam, writes Ian Pannell in Cairo.

Should Cuba Bomb the United States?

The United States appears to spare no effort in its "war against terrorism." It has even violated the territory of Pakistan, one of its most faithful allies, and killed its people.

Theft accusation cited in killing of three in Tacoma

Four people have pleaded innocent in the execution-style killing of three people at a house about two blocks from the University of Puget Sound, shootings that police say stemmed from an accusation of theft....

Police State and Propaganda

Police Apologize, Drop Charge Vs. Sheehan
Capitol Police dropped a charge of unlawful conduct against antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan on Wednesday and apologized for ejecting her and a congressman's wife from President Bush's State of the Union address for wearing T-shirts with war messages.

Stealing A President's Spotlight - The eviction of two women from Bush's speech echoes a spirited protest by suffragists.
Muzzling dissent has a surprisingly long history in a nation that presses commitment to freedom of expression. But that history also teaches us that the government cannot keep silent forever a message whose time has come. The real lesson may be that of another nonviolent protester, Mohandas Gandhi, when he described the course of movements for social justice: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

Munich: Movie Review
Directed by Steven Spielberg
Written by Eric Roth and Tony Kushner
164 minutes, Rated R
"The script by Eric Roth (Forrest Gump) and Tony Kushner (Angels in America) maintains an Israeli point of view, and the shadow of the Holocaust is never far from reach as the "root cause" for the mission. The Munich murders are horrifyingly real, in both archival news footage and Spielberg's recreations, rendered in flashbacks that continue through to the film's final moments. If the viewer begins to question the seemingly endless murders the Mossad commits in retribution, one more shot of Black September on-the-rampage in Munich will shove you back (as it is meant to) into total support for the "terrible necessity" of Israeli violence."

Are You Buying Into It? How the Dimocrats are Gaming You

Are you buying into the confirmation vote record of Alito as evidence of the Dimocrat Congress being staunch, firm, fierce, and loyal? Yes? Congratulations, you just got hosed. That little caper, wherein it was made to seem that only four were Party traitors, was merely a mild form of PsyOps (Pyschological Operations). Do you remember what came just before that? That’s right: a 72-to-25 Senate vote to end debate, bring cloture, and vote to confirm Samuel Alito. That was what guaranteed Alito his passage: all those joyously delivered Dimocratic cloture votes. Now, all you have to do is sit back and listen to the machinery endlessly bleating (because the quisling Congressionals will never say it with their own mouths) about “the poor, brave, hard-fighting, disconsolate Dims worrying about re-election chances in Red States”...hence their outrageous ballot-casting.

[...] There are 19 senators elected as Democrats who will NOT fight for the people, no matter how we plead, and no matter in what numbers. It is not the job of the resource which sends these alerts to endorse or not endorse any candidate. However, if YOU feel strongly that these senators need to be replaced as soon as possible with candidates more loyal and true, the way to do that is through primary election challenges.

Signs Comment: That's assuming that there are free elections, which may be a big stretch in the good ole US of A these days. But heck, why not give it a try? Nothing ventured, nothing gained! No guts, no glory!

Airline CEO Latest Victim Of Airport Gestapo
[...] Let's brush aside for the moment the fact that Margaret Jackson is the CEO of a major world airline company and judge whether her appearance would set alarm bells ringing. A blonde haired bespeckled Australian women in her 50's. About as far away from Mohammed Atta as you can possibly imagine. Yet when the TSA rifled through her bag last year at Los Angeles Airport, their discovery of aircraft diagrams got them salivating. "Why have you got all this this?" one asked. "'I'm the chairman of an airline. I'm the chairman of Qantas," replied Margaret. "But you're a woman," replied the TSA goon. And so along with pregnant white women, senators and 4-year-old boys, Margaret, a woman who has officially opened airport runways (pictured) became the latest airline terror threat to America.

Snappers to defy police ban
POLICE directives about what could and could not be photographed were an abuse of power and should be ignored, Liberty Victoria has said. The civil liberties body made the statement after a report in a Melbourne newspaper said a member of the Geelong Camera Club received a visit from police after he photographed gas storage cylinders at the city's Shell oil refinery.

R.I. School Essay Brings in Secret Service

The Secret Service is investigating a seventh-grader who wrote a school essay that authorities say advocated violence against President Bush, talk show host Oprah Winfrey and others.

Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid: Is History Repeating Itself? - Excerpt from "They Thought They Were Free"

"What happened here was the gradual habituation of the people, little by little, to being governed by surprise; to receiving decisions deliberated in secret; to believing that the situation was so complicated that the government had to act on information which the people could not understand, or so dangerous that, even if he people could understand it, it could not be released because of national security. And their sense of identification with _____, their trust in him, made it easier to widen this gap and reassured those who would otherwise have worried about it.
"This separation of government from people, this widening of the gap, took place so gradually and so insensibly, each step disguised (perhaps not even intentionally) as a temporary emergency measure or associated with true patriotic allegiance or with real social purposes. And all the crises and reforms (real reforms, too) so occupied the people that they did not see the slow motion underneath, of the whole process of government growing remoter and remoter."

The Panopticon Singularity
The 18th century utopian philosopher Jeremy Bentham's panopticon was a prison; a circle of cells with windows facing inwards, towards a tower, wherein jailers could look out and inspect the prisoners at any time, unseen by their subjects.Though originally proposed as a humane experiment in penal reform in 1785, Bentham's idea has eerie resonances today. One of the risks of the technologies that may give rise to a singularity is that they may also permit the construction of a Panopticon society -- a police state characterised by omniscient surveillance and mechanical law enforcement.

Signs Comment: Funny how the concept of the Panopticon was readily accepted in the USA: “His design never really caught on in Europe, several prototype prisons were built, but only in America were any panopticon like prisons built” [Green_Manalishi, Signs Forum Member]

Tape suggests deputy shot airman despite his compliance

A videotape released Tuesday shows a sheriff's deputy shooting an unarmed Air Force policeman who recently returned from Iraq as he appeared to obey an order to get up off the ground.[...] 
Senior Airman Elio Carrion, 21, was listed in good condition at Arrowhead Regional Medical Center in Colton. He was shot three times in the chest, ribs and leg, his father-in-law, Ernesto Paz, told KTLA-TV

Rumsfeld and Orwell
Recently Donald Rumsfeld gave a speech at the National Press Club. It was so Orwellian it made my head spin. [...] The bizarre thing about his speech was that the plan he attributes to Osama Bin Laden for creating an Islamic empire to govern the world, is the same plan that the United States supports via the United Nations. It is a plan for global governance. In order to reach a point of global governance, nation-states must be dissolved and the power centers have to become regions - like the North American continent via FTAA and like the European Union. The WTO and so-called ‘free trade’ which is actually centrally managed trade is the means by which the economies of nation-states are being destroyed and the meaning and value of citizenship are being devalued. Osama Bin Laden had nothing to do with that. Reagan, George Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, The Chimp and minions like Robert Zoellick have done that.
Signs Comment: It's beyond gall for Rumsfeld to quote Eisenhower since Dwight was talking about people like Rumsfeld: The Military-Industrial Complex and their ideology.

Cameraman in Calif. Airman Shooting Arrested
The man who videotaped a sheriff's deputy shooting an unarmed Air Force security officer was arrested Friday for an alleged assault in Florida, officials said. Meanwhile, the wounded airman's family gathered outside sheriff's headquarters and demanded the deputy's arrest. Amateur cameraman Jose Luis Valdez was taken into custody by Pomona police on a Dade County, Fla., warrant alleging he used a weapon to assault an elderly woman in Miami, said two federal immigration officials.

Signs Comment: Folks, this is how a Police State operates. Now, if anyone else EVER witnesses the police or other authorities shooting anyone, beating them, stealing their property, or any other violation of human rights, they will turn their heads and slink away and hope no one notices that they saw. It is coercion by demonstration. Expect more of it. Unless, of course, you decide to stand up against them...

Hundreds of Mentally Ill to Be Executed in America: Amnesty

Amnesty International is asking that hundreds of mentally ill people facing the death penalty in American prisons have their sentences commuted. Ten percent of the first 1,000 people executed in the United States since 1977 suffered from illnesses ranging from schizophrenia to post-traumatic stress disorder and brain damage, the leading rights watchdog and opponent of capital punishment said in a report released Tuesday. 

The State of the Union's Mystery Suspect
An anti-war activist and a congressman's wife weren't the only ones detained by the Capitol Police


One of the greatest hypocrisies of our time is the claim by the Right to stand up for "rugged individualists" whose life, liberty, and property are constantly under assault by "big government" of the Left. Putting aside for a moment the fact that the federal government has grown under the current Republican president while it shrunk under his Democratic predecessor, the Right purporting to be champions of "libertarian" ideals is a bit like the Confederacy purporting to be guardians of "states rights" — it depends on whose liberties and whose states we're talking about: the powers-that-be or those over whom they wield power.

Brutalized & Arrested in Cleveland for Posting "Bush Step Down" Posters

The following is a first-hand account of police harrassment and brutality against a World Can't Wait organizer in Cleveland. If anything like this happens to you, let us know asap! Contact

Abramoff Pal Ralph Reed's First Try for Office Falters

For a while, former Christian Coalition leader Ralph Reed looked almost unstoppable in his bid for lieutenant governor of Georgia. Then he got tripped up by the Jack Abramoff scandal.

Bush’s Tyranny for a Bankrupt Nation

President Bush has consistently defended his massive $500 billion tax cuts. He has insisted that deficit spending be a “permanent” part of the national budget. His economic plan has eroded the confidence of central banks around the world and increased the federal debt by a whopping $3 trillion. Still, he persists in his claim that deficits should be an enduring function of government.
Doesn’t this confirm that bankrupting the country is an integral part of the Bush grand strategy? What more proof do we need?

The Failure of Citizenship

The Bush State of the Union address the other evening offered the same mediocrity we have come to expect from this illegitimate regime. It was nothing less than fascism incarnate and it was palpably evil. Consider it a heaping helping of dung soup served on a silver platter. It was cloaked in language to create the illusion of substance and truth. Its message was received by corporate America, by the fat cats on Wall Street, and the congressional millionaires club with applause. The remaining eighty to ninety percent of the population—those of us left out in the cold and exploited—listened with disdain and incredulity to the sickening miasma that oozed through our speakers.

A nation blind to their disgrace

A Four Minute Video Produced by Music by James Blunt

A more democratic world rejects Bush's globalism

THE GOOD NEWS: Democracy is breaking out all over. The awkward news: The more that people freely vote, the more fervently they reject the global designs of George W. Bush and the America he projects.

Can Justice Be Trusted?

Now that Jack Abramoff's dealings with members of Congress have drawn criminal indictments, the disgraced lobbyist's ties to the Bush Administration are starting to get attention. Reporters are peppering press secretary Scott McClellan with questions about "staff-level meetings" with Abramoff in the White House. Photographs of him with President Bush and other high-level officials are surfacing.

Army Charges GI for Being Wounded
The last time 1st Lt. William "Eddie" Rebrook IV saw his body armor, he was lying on a stretcher in Iraq, his arm shattered and covered in blood. Now he is forced to pay for the "missing" body armor. The army charges soldiers for missing equipment. When medics rushed to save Rebrook's life, they neglected to keep track of the bloody and destroyed body armor. "I last saw the [body armor] when it was pulled off my bleeding body while I was being evacuated in a helicopter," Rebrook said. "They took it off me and burned it." Rebrook decided to leave the army because of his injuries. But he was informed that he could not be discharged until he paid $700 for his "missing" armor. Rebrook scrounged up the cash from his Army buddies and returned home last Friday. I wonder if we will hear anything on this from the "Support Our Troops" crowd.

Whose Life is it Anyway? - Roe v. Wade
Benedictine nun, Sister Joan Chittister, is succinct in her appraisal of our “moral dilemma”. Clearly, she states, “I’m opposed to abortion. But I do not believe that just because you're opposed to abortion that that makes you pro-life. In fact, I think in many cases, your morality is deeply lacking. If all you want is a child born but not a child fed, not a child educated, not a child housed and why would I think that you don't? Because you don't want any tax money to go there. That's not pro-life. That's pro-birth. We need a much broader conversation on what the morality of pro-life is.”

Bush squirms as policies denounced at King funeral
President George Bush led a crowd of 10,000 mourners at yesterday's funeral for Coretta Scott King, one of the icons of the civil rights movement, only to squirm in his seat as one speaker after another invoked Mrs King's spirit to lambast his administration on everything from the Iraq war to the response to last year's Hurricane Katrina.

31/01/2006 - 12:49:00
Coretta Scott King, the widow of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, has died, former mayor Andrew Young told NBC today. She was 78. Young, who also was a civil rights activist and was close to the King family, broke the news during a phone call he made to the Today show. Asked how he found out about her death, Young said: “I understand she was asleep last night and her daughter tried to wake her up.” King turned a life shattered by the 1968 assassination of her husband into one devoted to enshrining his legacy of human rights and equality.

Signs Comment: You may remember that Coretta Scott King and Martin Luther King were honored at the White House in 2002. You may remember that King's wife presented a portrait of her late husband to President Bush. You may also remember Bush's opening remarks included a "joke". You can read and listen to the transcript here. This was a ceremony to honor Martin Luther King, a man who spent a good part of his life in the attempt to combat years of discrimination by the US government and targetted lynchings by so-called 'white supremist' groups of the black community. What might you think the opening line of Bush's speech should be at such an occasion? Here's what Bush said after the portrait was unveiled:
THE PRESIDENT: Well, thank you all very much for coming. Mrs. King, thanks for this beautiful portrait. I can't wait to hang it. (Laughter.)
Go to the above link and listen to Bush's remarks yourself to get an idea of the nature of this man. If you are not absolutely shocked and disgusted then you are missing the point. Bush made a joke about "hanging" the portrait of King that was a clear reference to hanging in terms of hanging a human being. Given the occasion, to call this "joke" tasteless would be a massive understatement. Did Bush REALISE what he was saying?? Or is it simply more evidence that Bush is completely unable to empathise with another human being?

They came to praise King and bury Bush
Bush tried his usual plastic smile but his body language clearly showed discomfort as speaker after speaker zeroed in on the hypocrisy of his Presidency – one that talks unity but practices division.

Bush at the Funeral: Trapped Like a Rat
The central tenet of the civil rights movement has, is and will always be one simple truth: one must speak truth to power in order to affect change. This was the maxim by which Coretta Scott King lived her life, and the maxim by which her husband lived and ultimately died by. Had her funeral not involved speaking truth to power, the ceremony would have been incomplete. George W. Bush heard on Tuesday some hard truths that his fanatical insulation has to date spared him from. It may have been the healthiest moment this republic has absorbed in years.

Election officials fear '06 season of the glitch
More than 30 million Americans will be looking at new and unfamiliar voting machines when they cast their ballots this year, perhaps the most rapid changeover of voting equipment in history. With that change comes an increased risk of errors and confusion, election officials say.

Signs Comment: They are preparing the ground to defraud the American people again with a stolen election.

Dr. Evil Rove counting heads on the Senate Judiciary Committee
The White House has been twisting arms to ensure that no Republican member votes against President Bush in the Senate Judiciary Committee’s investigation of the administration's unauthorized wiretapping. Congressional sources said Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove has threatened to blacklist any Republican who votes against the president. The sources said the blacklist would mean a halt in any White House political or financial support of senators running for re-election in November.

Signs Comment: We don't think Rove is JUST threatening to "blacklist" anyone who votes against Bush's powers as dictator... We think that the illegal wiretapping that has been going on for over a year now was done for the express purpose of BLACKMAILING congressional reps, journalists, and anyone else who would stand against the Neocon Power Grab. Yes indeedy, it's hardball all the way!

DeLay Lands Coveted Appropriations Spot
Indicted Rep. Tom DeLay, forced to step down as the No. 2 Republican in the House, scored a soft landing Wednesday as GOP leaders rewarded him with a coveted seat on the Appropriations Committee. DeLay, R-Texas, also claimed a seat on the subcommittee overseeing the Justice Department, which is currently investigating an influence-peddling scandal involving disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his dealings with lawmakers. The subcommittee also has responsibility over NASA _ a top priority for DeLay, since the Johnson Space Center is located in his Houston-area district. "Allowing Tom DeLay to sit on a committee in charge of giving out money is like putting Michael Brown back in charge of FEMA _ Republicans in Congress just can't seem to resist standing by their man," said Bill Burton, spokesman for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Signs Comment: We are, indeed, living in Bizarro World.

Life in the USA
The political system has not been corrupted. It is working effectively, like always. The backbone is the patronage system. Politicians have wonderful memories. They know who they owe. Prostitution is a profession, allegorically the oldest one. Politics is a business. At one time it was popular to think that if someone rich enough were to get elected, he (at that time it would surely be a he) would be immune, but who can owe as much as the rich?

U.S. steps up force-feeding at Guantánamo Bay
United States military authorities have taken tougher measures to force-feed detainees engaged in hunger strikes at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, after concluding that some were determined to commit suicide to protest their indefinite confinement, military officials have said. In recent weeks, the officials said, guards have begun strapping recalcitrant detainees into "restraint chairs," sometimes for hours a day, to feed them through tubes and prevent them from deliberately vomiting afterward. Detainees who refuse to eat have also been placed in isolation for extended periods in what the officials said was an effort to keep them from being encouraged by other hunger strikers.

Signs Comment: Notice the "reason" given:

"Some officials said the new actions reflected concern at Guantánamo and the Pentagon that the protests were becoming difficult to control and that the death of one or more prisoners could intensify international criticism of the detention center."

In other words, they are mainly concerned about being "criticised." But isn't that the point of legitimate protest? To draw attention to something that is fundamentally wrong to begin with? In short, this is nothing more or less than a particularly violent suppression of protest.

Government without Representation: A Call to Action

There are events in human history that galvanize a people into action. Such events are so profoundly wrong and troubling that they can no longer be ignored by the great majority of the citizenry. Instinct tells us that we are nearing a crossroads in the history of our nation, when we must decide upon a course of action. In this momentous decision there can be no neutrality. It is understood that there can be no reconciliation with corrupt power and authority. Either we stay the course and witness the systematic destruction of not only our own nation, but perhaps the entire world; or we refuse our allegiance to this system of inequity called capitalism and operate upon a new premise, or paradigm.

Hastert, Frist rigged bill for drug firms - Frist denies protection was added in secret

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist and House Speaker Dennis Hastert engineered a backroom legislative maneuver to protect pharmaceutical companies from lawsuits, say witnesses to the pre-Christmas power play. The language was tucked into a Defense Department appropriations bill at the last minute without the approval of members of a House-Senate conference committee, say several witnesses, including a top Republican staff member.

When Corporations Rule the World - Race to the Bottom

While competition is being weakened at the core, it is intensifying among smaller businesses, workers, and localities at the periphery as they become pitted against one another in a desperate struggle for survival. What the corporate libertarians call "becoming more globally competitive" is more accurately described as a race to the bottom. With each passing day it becomes more difficult to obtain contracts from one of the mega-retailers without hiring child labor, cheating workers on overtime pay, imposing merciless quotas, and operating unsafe facilities.

Tale Of A Connecticut Donkey

"Every senator in this chamber is partly responsible for sending 50,000 young Americans to an early grave. This chamber reeks of blood...It does not take any courage at all for a congressman, or a senator, or a president to wrap himself in the flag and say we are staying in Vietnam, because it is not our blood that is being shed. But we are responsible for those young men and their lives and their hopes." ~~Senator George McGovern, Sept 1, 1970

Return oil profits to American people

It's nearly impossible for the average citizen to grasp the scale of ExxonMobil Corp.'s huge profits.
In the quarter ended Dec. 31, the giant company made $10.7 billion, the equivalent of more than $115 million for every one of its 92 days, nearly $5 million each hour, more than $80,000 every minute, nearly $1,350 each second. ExxonMobil's overall 2005 revenues of $371 billion amounted to more than $1 billion a day! The total was larger than the entire economies of all but 16 of the 184 countries ranked by the World Bank. It was 40 percent greater than the gross national product of Indonesia, a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries with a population of 242 million.

Educators face blowback for protesting Iraq war in schools

Just over three years ago, as the nation readied for war with Iraq, elementary school teacher Deb Mayer stood in front of her class and uttered the word that would get her blacklisted from her profession. It was a word that got her deemed “unpatriotic” by an angry parent. A word that led to her termination from the Bloomington, Indiana school district. A word that got her labeled as a potential sex offender and ruined her chances of finding work elsewhere. That word was “peace.”

A Dangerous Professor Speaks

In an "urgent" email last week, right-wing activist David Horowitz hyped his latest book about threats to America's youth from leftist professors. The ad for "The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America" describes me as: "Texas Journalism Professor Robert Jensen, who rabidly hates the United States and recently told his students, 'The United States has lost the war in Iraq, and that's a good thing.'" I'm glad Horowitz got my name right (people often misspell it "Jenson"). But everything else is distortion, and that one sentence teaches much about the reactionary right's disingenuous rhetorical strategy.

The Man Who Terrorized America For Five Years

The film Good Night and Good Luck contains many striking performances - by George Clooney, Frank Langella, Jeff Daniels, Robert Downey Jnr and especially the lean-faced, perma-smoking David Strathairn as crusading TV news anchor Ed Murrow. But one performance doesn't quite fit with the others. It's simply a face, mouthing lazy threats from a TV screen, but what a face - a boxer's mug, hostile and pugnacious, the eyes deep-set and hooded, a witch's peak of hair arrowing across a pasty brow. The performance failed to impress some of the preview "test" audiences. They thought the actor was, they said, overacting. What they didn't realise was, this was real. They'd been looking at a real-life broadcast, taken from archive footage, by Senator Joe McCarthy, the man who terrorised America for five years.

The Pentagon’s War on the Internet
The Pentagon has developed a comprehensive strategy for taking over the internet and controlling the free flow of information. The plan appears in a recently declassified document, “The Information Operations Roadmap”, which was provided under the FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) and revealed in an article by the BBC. The Pentagon sees the internet in terms of a military adversary that poses a vital threat to its stated mission of global domination. This explains the confrontational language in the document which speaks of “fighting the net”; implying that the internet is the equivalent of “an enemy weapons system."

TONY Blair yesterday refused to rule out a British military invasion of Iran. He told MPs the rogue Middle Eastern state was helping to spread the "virus" of Muslim fanaticism across the world. It was a problem which needed "sorting", the Prime Minister said.

War Pimping: Iran Greatest Threat, Most Americans Think

A new poll finds Americans now think Iran is the biggest threat to the U.S. As recently as October, Iraq, China, and North Korea ranked as the most threatening. The Pew Research Center for the People and the Press, which did the poll, says among people who've been following recent news about Iran, there's even greater concern.

War Pimps: Iran's missile tech suppliers named

Two German businessmen, a former Russian military officer and North Korea are among those helping Iran develop missiles that the West fears could one day carry nuclear warheads, diplomats and intelligence officials say. Last month German federal prosecutors formally charged two German citizens with espionage for helping a foreign intelligence agency acquire dual-use "delivery system" technology. The prosecutors announced the charge of espionage last week but did not name the country involved.

War Pimp Diplomats: Suspected drawings of nuclear test site found in Iran

Iran has design drawings for building a 400-metre (more than 1,300 feet) deep shaft that is clearly for underground, possibly nuclear, weapons testing, diplomats told AFP.
But the diplomats said there were no indications that Iran, which experts believe is years away from being able to build an atomic bomb, has constructed or plans to build such a site. The document was part of US intelligence which has been made available to the UN nuclear watchdog and which has been presented to Iran, said a diplomat, who asked not to be identified due to the sensitivity of the issue.

Disinfo Alert! FBI 'gave prior warning to Britain about 7/7 bomber'
FURTHER evidence suggesting that British security forces were alerted in advance to the danger posed by the leader of the London suicide bombers emerged yesterday. Reports in the United States indicated American law enforcement officers had raised concerns with their British counterparts over Mohammad Sidique Khan, believed to have led the 7 July attacks.

Signs Comment: They would certainly like us all to believe that MI5 was not behind the bombing designed to terrorize the British public into accepting draconian legal maneuvers.

Disinfo Alert! Saudi Arabia alerted Britain of terror attack prior to London bombings
According to US intelligence sources, British officials received a credible warning months before the July 2005 London bombings, which killed 52 people.  An article in the February 5 Observer cites senior White House sources confirming that very specific information issued by Saudi intelligence authorities in early 2005 was passed on to Britain. Saudi intelligence reported that there was a bomb plot involving four Islamic militants, some of whom would be British citizens. The bombers could target the London Underground within the next six months.

Signs Comment: Right away we notice the "source" of the intell... Need we say more?

US blames Syria, Iran as prophet cartoons row rages on

The United States hardened its stance in the international uproar over the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, while four more deaths were reported in related violence. Washington accused Syria and Iran of using the row to incite anti-West sentiment and violence for their own purposes.

Disinfo Alert! Fanning the flames
Wars have been started this way. A group gets riled up over a perceived slight (often religious in nature). Violence breaks out. Alliances are called into play. Reason departs. People die. To us in America, used to seeing our president portrayed with huge ears, our flag burned, our religious leaders apologize on TV for their transgressions, freedom itself is more important than what some people choose to do with it. But not in some countries.

Signs Comment: This woman hasn't got a clue.

Bush "sexes up" story about al-Qaida plot to fly jet into tallest building in Los Angeles
President George Bush, on the defensive over controversial measures in the war on terror, yesterday gave new details of a foiled al-Qaida plot to use Asian recruits and shoebombs to hijack an airliner and fly it into the tallest building on America's west coast.
In a speech to the National Guard Association in Washington, Mr Bush claimed that the conspiracy was evidence of al-Qaida's determination to launch a new attack on US soil. "We cannot let the fact that America hadn't been attacked in four-and-a-half years since September 11, lull us into an illusion that threats to our nation have disappeared," he said.

Intel pros say Bush is lying about foiling 2002 terror attack

Outraged intelligence professionals say President George W. Bush is "cheapening" and "politicizing" their work with claims the United States foiled a planned terrorist attack against Los Angeles in 2002. "The President has cheapened the entire intelligence community by dragging us into his fantasy world," says a longtime field operative of the Central Intelligence Agency. "He is basing this absurd claim on the same discredited informant who told us Al Qaeda would attack selected financial institutions in New York and Washington." Within hours of the President’s speech Thursday claiming his administration had prevented a major attack, sources who said they were current and retired intelligence pros from the CIA, NSA, FBI and military contacted Capitol Hill Blue with angry comments disputing the President’s remarks. “He’s full of shit,” said one sharply-worded email.

LA skyscraper plot never got beyond talk say analysts

Bush said that instead of using Arab hijackers, as in the attacks on the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, the plot called for "young men from Southeast Asia whom he believed would not arouse as much suspicion." "I think he is gilding the lily a little," said Clive Williams, adjunct professor at the Strategic and Defence Studies Centre of the Australian National University.

Propaganda Alert! Malaysia holding LA attack plotters
ISLAMABAD - Malaysia is holding several members of an al Qaeda suicide cell that U.S. President George W. Bush says planned to launch a September 11-style attack on Los Angeles, a security official familiar with the case told Reuters. The plot to hijack a plane and fly it into Los Angeles' tallest building was set in motion a month after the 2001 attacks on New York and Washington, and was thwarted in early 2002, according to Bush. A Southeast Asian intelligence official said at least three members of a Southeast Asian cell earmarked to carry out the attack on the West Coast were being held in Malaysia under the Internal Security Act, which allows detention without trial. "One guy was given money to go for pilot training," said the official, who has proven reliable in the past.

Signs Comment: This is what your tax dollars are paying for. A nice example of the Pentagon's "info wars" propaganda.

Propaganda Alert! Surveillance Program Gains Support
President Bush's monthlong campaign to convince the public that the government's eavesdropping program is an essential anti-terrorism tool appears to have made an impact, a new AP-Ipsos poll suggests.

Signs Comment: This is the most typical and blatant kind of propaganda. The "poll" is supposed to convince the average American that all his friends and neighbors think it is okey, so if he is thinking otherwise, then there must be something wrong with him. So, if you want an example of the kind of writing that the Pentagon is paying for in its expansive "information wars" program, this is a good one.

Propaganda Alert! Israel uses Hamas-Chechen link
[Israeli] Government officials are circulating a document showing Hamas's links to Chechen terrorists in an attempt to influence Russian public opinion against President Vladimir Putin's overtures to Hamas. The pamphlet, put out by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies, an information project sponsored by an NGO set up in memory of fallen members of the Israeli intelligence community, opens by stating that "Hamas support for the Chechen separatists and their terrorist tactics did not prevent it from immediately accepting" Putin's recent invitation to visit Moscow.

MPs vote for blanket smoking ban next year
A total ban on smoking inside offices, pubs, restaurants and "virtually every enclosed public place and workplace" throughout England will come into force in the summer of 2007 after a resounding cross-party majority of MPs yesterday rejected last minute compromises designed to exempt some pubs and private clubs. Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and the health secretary Patricia Hewitt went with the flow of expert, public and backbench opinion, changed their positions during the day and voted to abandon Labour's manifesto position of less than a year ago.

The propaganda we pass off as news around the world

A British government-funded fake TV news service allows mild criticism of the US - all the better to support it

Compulsory ID cards for UK citizens within five years - Critics warn UK is "sleepwalking towards a surveillance state"

UK citizens will be forced to register for biometric ID cards when applying for a new passport within two years after MPs voted on Monday night to make the controversial scheme compulsory and to not put the costs under independent scrutiny. In the end Prime Minister Tony Blair's enforced absence from the ID cards vote due to a faulty plane in South Africa didn't matter as the government comfortably defeated a threatened backbench Labour rebellion, albeit with a reduced majority.

325,000 Names on Terrorism List

The National Counterterrorism Center maintains a central repository of 325,000 names of international terrorism suspects or people who allegedly aid them, a number that has more than quadrupled since the fall of 2003, according to counterterrorism officials. The list kept by the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) -- created in 2004 to be the primary U.S. terrorism intelligence agency -- contains a far greater number of international terrorism suspects and associated names in a single government database than has previously been disclosed. Because the same person may appear under different spellings or aliases, the true number of people is estimated to be more than 200,000, according to NCTC officials.

The American Turkey Is Dead

That's right, Buster, I said dead. Our national symbol of peace, prosperity, and plentitude has been slaughtered, cooked and the multi-national ghouls are fighting for the rights to pick its bones! When the rank-and-file American voter rubs the propaganda-induced sleep from his eyes, he will realize that his freedoms are gone, his patriotism is misplaced, and the two buzzards, Democrat and Republican, are picking the lint from his empty pockets. After bellying up to the bar, buying rounds for our Fearless Leaders, and cheering as our children marched off to their death and dismemberment, we are awaking to find that we have been duped, raped, rolled, and left for dead by both political parties in an act of shameful betrayal that will equal the Fall of Rome in its historical aspect.

PNAC: Rebuilding America's Defenses - A Biopsy on Imperialism
Index Research
PART I: Operation Imperialism: The Enduring Mission
1. Blueprint for Imperialism
2. Operation Imperialism, The ‘Enduring’ Mission
3. Appendix: Signatories to Rebuilding America’s Defenses

The propaganda we pass off as news around the world - A British government-funded fake TV news service allows mild criticism of the US - all the better to support it

A succession of scandals in the US has revealed widespread government funding of PR agencies to produce "fake news". Actors take the place of journalists and the "news" is broadcast as if it were genuine. The same practice has been adopted in Iraq, where newspapers have been paid to insert copy. These stories have raised the usual eyebrows in the UK about the pitiful quality of US democracy. Things are better here, we imply. We have a prime minister who claimed in 2004 that "the values that drive our actions abroad are the same values of progress and justice that drive us at home". Yet in 2002 the government launched a littleknown television propaganda service that seems to mimic the US government's deceptive approach to fake news.

Signs Comment: Duuh! We've been saying all along that this is what is happening. Not only that, the pretended adversarial attitude between google and the US gov is also phoney.

Quick Rise for Purveyors of Propaganda in Iraq
Two years ago, Christian Bailey and Paige Craig were living in a half-renovated Washington group house, with a string of failed startup companies behind them.
Mr. Bailey, a boyish-looking Briton, and Mr. Craig, a chain-smoking former Marine sergeant, then began winning multimillion-dollar contracts with the United States military to produce propaganda in Iraq. Now their company, Lincoln Group, works out of elegant offices along Pennsylvania Avenue and sponsors polo matches in Virginia horse country. Mr. Bailey recently bought a million-dollar Georgetown row house. Mr. Craig drives a Jaguar and shows up for interviews accompanied by his "director of security," a beefy bodyguard.

By Andrew Buncombe
17 December 2005
UK Independent
A 30-year-old Oxford graduate with no public relations experience was the recipient of a $100m (£56m) contract from Donald Rumsfeld's Department of Defence for buying space in Iraqi newspapers to place deliberately one-sided stories written by US "psy-ops" troops, at a time when the chaos of Iraq makes genuine journalism all but impossible and when journalists risk their lives on a daily basis to report the truth.

Flashback: Godalming geek made millions running the Pentagon's propaganda war in Iraq
The Times
December 24, 2005
By Patrick Foster and Tim Reid in Washington
IT WAS astounding enough for Washington’s political elite: last month they discovered that the man at the heart of a scandal over the planting of US propaganda in Iraqi newspapers was a dapper but unknown 30-year-old Oxford graduate who had somehow managed to land a $100 million Pentagon contract.

What is even more remarkable however, after an investigation by The Times, is that just ten years ago Christian Bailey, whose US company is under investigation for planting fake news stories in Iraqi newspapers, was a nerdy, socially awkward English school-leaver called Jozefowicz.

Flashback: Jack Idema Case: Shredding Propaganda: Mariah Blake/Tin Soldier
cao's blog
I have read this over numerous times and I just have to laugh at what passes for "journalism" these days. I thought I'd start picking apart the inflammatory lies of "Tin Soldier" by Mariah Blake from Columbia Journalism Review–you know, just for kicks. Again, her piece is going to be in bold type because I’ll be quoting from other articles and sources to punctuate certain points.

Flashback: COINTELPRO Updates: Above Top Secret Forum
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
07 January 2006
One thing that is abundantly clear is that is COINTELPRO, pure and simple. Perhaps many of the members and even moderators are unaware of this, and are sincere seekers of truth. It is for such individuals, unaware and unused to the wiles of the pathocracy that the previous posts have been written. In conclusion, even though much of what I have conjectured is unprovable, and we note that the Guardian article comments on the "lack of paper trail" left by Bailey, the few data bits I have found, along with the timeline and "knowing the nature of the beast," I reckon I'll put my money on Christian Bailey and his gang being the "Simon Gray" behind "".

Flashback: Abovetopsecret: Ethics and Google Bombs
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
24 January 2006
Despite its claims about ETHICS, the bottom line is that is its own Google Bomb. ATS is an example of everything self-serving in our current reality - it is a microcosm of the Free market system, of corrupt government, democracy, business, almost everything that is wrong with this reality; all this is expressed in how operates.

If the site is not directly handled by COINTELPRO, if the "Amigos" are not conscious COINTELPRO agents, then they are by default; it serves the same purpose because the infection of pathological elements reigns supreme there.

The 3 Amigos (Owners) manipulate everything about this site. They have figured out a way to manipulate google (that is why they put a thread link called "CoIntelPro" in the banner of every thread page, to push any search results for cointelpro and abovetopsecret deep into the google search pages behind them).

They do much behind closed doors but they show their arrogance freely throughout the site. They push their rules right and left, but they, as owners and moderators break them freely and regularly, seemingly as they please.

In short, it is all one giant marketing manipulation and the owners do not give a flip about the members or what is actually produced as a public consumable, so as long as it serves what is obviously their targeted purpose : To suck in more members to post which creates more indexed pages, to attract more readers, to vector their thinking and make money, and around and around it goes. It is rather amazing how the entire thing is designed and how most posters there haven't got a clue.

Flashback: Iraqi clerics are paid to spin for US
By Andrew Buncombe in Washington
03 January 2006
A company headed by a young British businessman at the centre of a controversy over the Pentagon's information war in Iraq has been making payments to Islamic clerics in exchange for advice on how to target Sunnis with pro-American propaganda.

Moving On: 2006 - No possibility of a fair election
According to Project Censored, one of the troubling aspects of the 2004 election is the discrepancy "between exit poll data and the actual vote count" that "was not scrutinized in the mainstream media." ... Mark Crispin Miller writes in Harper's Magazine, August 2005, "None Dare Call It Stolen": "It was as if they [media] were reporting from inside a forest fire without acknowledging the fire, except to keep insisting that there was no fire." Moreover, competent university statisticians Steven Freeman, Jonathan Simon and Dr. Ron Baiman (two of whom have books coming out soon on their research) have calculated that the odds of the discrepancy being due to random error are statistically impossible. Furthermore, it's odd that the Bush administration considered the 2005 Ukrainian presidential election's exit polls correct, but not the U.S.'s exit polls.
Signs Comment: We've said it before and we'll say it again, there is NO possibility of stopping the Fascist takeover of America; it's already a done deal. Bush was not elected twice already, and now, with the illegal spying on government officials, the Neocons OWN the country, lock, stock and barrel.

Land of the Puppet People
American Heroin
It oftentimes boggles the mind to try and understand the ease with which the Establishment can manipulate the American citizenry into another warmongering escapade, this time an ominous foray into the Persian lands of Iran, a nation rich in history, culture, location and most importantly to the Evil Empire, oil and gas. Yet upon further inspection it is easy to comprehend this phenomenon, for we live, as Gore Vidal has labeled it, inside the United States of Amnesia, a country where all semblance of the yesterday becomes but a haze of blatant forgetfulness and convenient whitewash, a black hole of Alzheimer’s-like darkness from where no recollection of past lessons, mistakes, errors or history can be seen or touched.

More Proof of Prewar Intelligence Manipulation by the Bush Administration

Pillar's firsthand proof of intelligence manipulation appears to be unassailable: The Bush administration "went to war without requesting - and evidently without being influenced by - any strategic-level intelligence assessments on any aspect of Iraq… As the national intelligence officer for the Middle East, I was in charge of coordinating all of the intelligence community's assessments regarding Iraq; the first request I received from any administration policymaker for any such assessment was not until a year into the war."

The Anti-Empire Report - How I spent my 15 minutes of fame

"If I were the president, I could stop terrorist attacks against the United States in a few days. Permanently. I would first apologize -- very publicly and very sincerely -- to all the widows and the orphans, the impoverished and the tortured, and all the many millions of other victims of American imperialism. I would then announce that America’s global interventions -- including the awful bombings -- have come to an end. And I would inform Israel that it is no longer the 51st state of the union but -– oddly enough -– a foreign country. I would then reduce the military budget by at least 90% and use the savings to pay reparations to the victims and repair the damage from the many American bombings and invasions. There would be more than enough money. Do you know what one year of the US military budget is equal to? One year. It’s equal to more than $20,000 per hour for every hour since Jesus Christ was born. "That’s what I’d do on my first three days in the White House. On the fourth day, I’d be assassinated."

The politics of fear - or how Tony Blair misled us over the war on terror

The Government has persistently failed to tell the truth either to itself or to the British public about the terror threat in Britain. These failures of diagnosis have led to failures of response. An example is the Prime Minister's denial that there is a connection between the Iraq war and domestic terrorism. That denial is not merely false. It also inhibits the kind of deep understanding of the motives of Muslim terrorists which the Prime Minister presumably wants.

Global Eye - Flamethrowers

The kindling has been piled high, stuffed with tinder and doused with gasoline. The match has been lit. All it will take is the slightest flick of the wrist to set off the conflagration. We are now living in the interval, the few heartbeats left before the great flame ignites. The heap of kindling has been a long time building, but in recent weeks, the work has intensified to a fever pitch. With relentless urgency, the American people are being habituated to the prospect of several interrelated upheavals -- new war, new terror attacks -- and the predetermined result of these events: the final, open establishment of presidential tyranny, a militarized "commander state" where executive power is beyond the law, and endless war endlessly prolongs the "emergency measures" of the authoritarian regime.

"If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator"
-- G.W. Bush 12/18/2000
Dictators do not appear overnight. They must gradually assume more and more power over time so that the population does not realize what is going on, or does not feel it is worthwhile to object. But to maintain control, dictators "seduce" their population into greater and greater atrocities, over time. There is more than simply acclimating the population involved to the dictator's agenda. By tricking the population into acceptance of greater and greater atrocities, the dictator will eventually reach a position where the people will be too afraid to examine what they themselves have become. Trapped by the fear of examining themselves, such people turn into the most fanatical of the dictator's supporters. They dare not look at the dictator's evil for to do so is to look at their own. Once the dictator can trick his people past that point, they are his slaves. Hitler used this tactic. So did Stalin. The people of the United States stand at that point right now. That the US Government is using torture on POWs (just as Hitler did) is beyond argument. One can either stand up and denounce that torture and demand the firing of all who took part in it (and the end of the war), or one is by default complicit, an accessory after the fact, seen by all to condone such barbarism.
Anyone who steps across that line is trapped. Unable to look at what they themselves have become they will refuse to look at what the government has become, indeed will create or accept any justification, no matter how thin and transparent, rather than question that government. And indeed this web site gets email from people who have already crossed that point, and are trying to explain why torture is really necessary "this time". So, you are down to a choice. There is no more being neutral, or sitting on the fence. As Bush himself said, you are either with him or against him, and unless you are actively against him and his war machine, then he wins by default. Unless you stop them now, sooner or later, Bush and the NeoCons will succeed in turning this nation into the 21st century version of Nazi Germany, powered by fanatics so afraid to look in a mirror that they will inflict any pain on any people, rather than do so. Time to decide.

An Arrogance of Power
When critics question the legality of the administration's actions, Bush and Cheney assert the commander in chief's power under Article II of the Constitution. When Congress passes a law forbidding torture, the White House appends a signing statement insisting that Article II -- the power of the commander in chief -- trumps everything else. When the administration's Republican friends suggest amending the wiretapping law to make its program legal, the administration refuses. Let's say it plainly: This is the arrogance of power, and it has gone too far in the Bush White House.

Dictatorship in America?
Don't look now, but something big is happening in the United States. A major constitutional crisis is brewing, with President George W. Bush's push to concentrate absolute power in his hands, whenever he decides to do so in 'times of war'. Just remember that the United States had, in 2000, its first non-elected president.

Civil liberties fear as US terror suspect list rises to 325,000
Civil liberties organisations expressed outrage yesterday after it was reported that the database of terrorist suspects kept by the US authorities now holds 325,000 names, a fourfold increase in two and a half years. The list, maintained by the National Counterterrorism Centre (NCTC), includes different spellings of the same person's names as well as aliases, but the Washington Post quoted NCTC officials as saying that at least 200,000 individuals are on it. They said that "only a very, very small fraction" of that number were US citizens, but that insistence did little to defuse the reaction.

U.S. Money Aids World’s Worst Dictators
Parade magazine recently ranked the twenty worst dictators currently in power. Many names are familiar—Fidel Castro, Muammar Qaddafi, Kim Jong-Il, Robert Mugabe and others. They are all guilty of human rights violations and in some cases have committed outright genocide. But there’s another trait common to all twenty leaders—every single one has received foreign aid from wealthy Western countries. Popular Washington, D.C., rhetoric says that development aid should be dispensed to corruption-free countries with laws and policies conducive to supporting sustained economic growth. President Bush created Millennium Challenge Accounts to funnel aid to such countries. However, few countries have qualified for the program and little money has actually been disbursed. Instead, we find that both the U.S. and its partner countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), have contributed a great deal of aid to these oppressive regimes.

Documents show Maryland held election, primary on uncertified, illegal Diebold voting machines
The Maryland State Board of Elections allowed Diebold Election Systems to operate its touch-screen voting machines during the state's 2002 gubernatorial election and the 2004 presidential primaries before the state agency actually certified the controversial machines, according to recently disclosed documents. That is a violation of state law, according to Linda Schade, executive director of, an election integrity group. Schade discovered the document among thousands of others she recently acquired through a lawsuit filed against the Maryland State Board of Elections in 2004. After almost two years of public records requests and attorney wrangling, she received four boxes filled with e-mail conversations, faxes and contracts between the elections office and Diebold.

Signs Comment: It really doesn't make any difference, you know. The Neocons OWN the U.S. They control Congress via blackmail (illegal surveillance), they own the military, they own the intelligence services, they own the judiciary. And even before that, they owned the people who count the votes. Nothing is going to happen to change anything until more people wake up. They aren't going to wake up until they become a lot more miserable. That will take time.

Despotism & Democracy
Producer: Encyclopaedia Britannica Films - 1946
Measures how a society ranks on a spectrum stretching from democracy to despotism. Explains how societies and nations can be measured by the degree that power is concentrated and respect for the individual is restricted. Where does your community, state and nation stand on these scales?

The Little-Noticed Order That Gave Dick Cheney New Power
In addition to discussing his hunting accident, Vice President Dick Cheney, in his interview on the Fox News Channel Wednesday, also pointed to a little-known but enormously consequential expansion of vice-presidential power that has come about as a result of the Bush administration's war on terror.

Partisan political pukes
Republicans are corrupt. So are Democrats. Republicans abuse power. So do Democrats. Republicans put their own narrow-focus, special-interest fed agenda ahead of the welfare of America. Got a newsflash for you. So do Democrats.

Last week's annual Conservative Political Action Conference signaled the transformation of American conservatism into brownshirtism. A former Justice Department official named Viet Dinh got a standing ovation when he told the CPAC audience that the rule of law mustn't get in the way of President Bush protecting Americans from Osama bin Laden.

Churchill, Hitler and Newt
You can always tell when the War Party wants a new war. They will invariably trot out the Argumentum ad Hitlerum. Before the 1991 Gulf War, Saddam had become "the Hitler of Arabia," though he had only conquered a sandbox half the size of Denmark. Milosevic then became the "Hitler of the Balkans," though he had lost Slovenia, Croatia and Macedonia, was struggling to hold Bosnia and Kosovo, and had defeated no one.
Comes now the new Hitler.

The New American Police State
"When I saw that the neoconservative response to 9/11 was to turn a stateless war against terrorism into military attacks on Muslim states, I realized that the Bush administration was committing a strategic blunder with open-ended disastrous consequences for the United States that, in the end, would destroy Bush, the Republican Party and the conservative movement." I agree with that, but I didn't write it. No liberal did.
Signs Comment: The most interesting thing about this article was where we found it: Yahoo! News' Most Popular Stories page in the editorial section. We didn't have to dig for it at all. It's funny how mainstream media outlets are starting to run the kind of news stories and opinion pieces that we've been running and commenting about on the Signs page since before 9/11. All of a sudden, those "crazy conspiracy theorists" aren't looking so crazy after all! The only problem we can see at this point is that even if 99.9% of all Americans are favorable of the article written by Roberts, what difference will it make if no one peacefully stands up for themselves and their families? People like Roberts can serve to let the people know that they are not alone, but they can also serve as a tranquilizer: "Well, I'm not gonna worry about it. Bush will be voted out soon, and that Roberts guy is kickin' butt, so we'll just let somebody else take care of things. Everything will be fine." The only problem is that Bush was never "voted in" to begin with, and the Democrats and Republicans are just two sides of the same coin. What America really needs is a "new currency", and the psychopaths in Washington certainly aren't gonna do it themselves. Why would anyone who naturally seeks power do anything to diminish that authority??

Crime Of Compassion

On October 27, 2005, after being detained 31 months and being denied access to his own records, Dr. Rafil Dhafir, an oncologist from Upstate New York, was sentenced to 22 years in Federal prison.[1] A man of Iraqi descent and Muslim faith, he lived in the U.S. since 1974 and has been an American citizen for almost 30 years. As a direct response to the humanitarian catastrophe created by the Gulf War and U.S. sanctions Dhafir founded the charity Help the Needy (HTN). Despite many difficulties, including the U.S. embargo and a brutal dictatorship in Iraq, HTN got food and medicines to millions of starving Iraqis for 13 years.[2] Without HTN aid the UN statistic of 5,200 preventable deaths per month of children under the age of five would undoubtedly have been much higher.

U.S. Reclassifies Many Documents in Secret Review
In a seven-year-old secret program at the National Archives, intelligence agencies have been removing from public access thousands of historical documents that were available for years, including some already published by the State Department and others photocopied years ago by private historians.

The Life and Death of Public Records

Sometimes it's the small abuses scurrying below radar that reveal how profoundly the Bush administration has changed America in the name of national security. Buried within the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 is a regulation that bars most public access to birth and death certificates for 70 to 100 years. In much of the country, these records have long been invaluable tools for activists, lawyers and reporters to uncover patterns of illness and pollution that officials miss or ignore. In These Times has obtained a draft of the proposed regulations now causing widespread concern among state officials. It reveals plans to create a vast database of vital records to be centralized in Washington and details measures that states must implement -- and pay millions for -- before next year's scheduled implementation.

I confessed to escape Guantanamo torture

[...] He claims, he was subjected to systematic torture. He told his lawyer that he would be "hung on the door for two hours and then allowed to sit for half an hour but never allowed to sleep. This would go on for 48 hours in a row". After this, he claims, he would be taken for interrogation for two hours at a time. "I had to kneel on the cold concrete throughout the interrogations with my cuffed hands above my head," he said. "The only way out, I was told, was to confess. I heard and saw other torture - banging, screaming, cries, barking dogs and a dead guy who had tried to escape. One of the MPs [military police] said: 'Who's next?' So I confessed to be left alone."

Report: Pentagon warned on torture, abuse

The Navy's former general counsel warned Pentagon officials two years before the Abu Ghraib prison scandal that circumventing international agreements on torture and detainees' treatment would invite abuse, according to a published report.

US style of human rights based on torture: Iran

Iran's Minister of Defense and Logistics of Armed Forces Brigadier General Mostafa Mohammad Najjar said that the human rights favored by US President George Bush are based on clandestine cells, torture, terror, wire tapping of American civilians, sacrilege to religious sanctities, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and attack on civilians.

White House Civil Liberties Board Has Never Met

A year after its creation, the White House civil liberties board has yet to do a single day of work.
For Americans troubled by the prospect of federal agents eavesdropping on their phone conversations or combing through their Internet records, there is good news: A little-known board exists in the White House whose purpose is to ensure that privacy and civil liberties are protected in the fight against terrorism. Someday, it might actually meet.

Privacy Guardian Is Still a Paper Tiger

For Americans troubled by the prospect of federal agents eavesdropping on their phone conversations or combing through their Internet records, there is good news: A little-known board exists in the White House whose purpose is to ensure that privacy and civil liberties are protected in the fight against terrorism.
Someday, it might actually meet.

Wiretap negotiations in full bloom
After two months of insisting that President George W. Bush did not need court approval to authorize wiretapping of calls between the United States and suspected terrorists abroad, the administration is trying to resist pressure for judicial review while pushing for retroactive congressional approval of the program.

Germany Weighs if It Played Role in Seizure by U.S.

For more than a year, the German government has criticized the United States for its role in the abduction of a German man who was taken to an American prison in Kabul, Afghanistan, where he said he was held and tortured for five months after being mistaken for a terrorism suspect.

German officials said they knew nothing about the man's abduction and have repeatedly pressed Washington for information about the case, which has set off outrage here. At a meeting in Berlin last December, Chancellor Angela Merkel demanded an explanation from Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice over the incident.

Bush 'butcher of freedom': bin Laden
Osama bin Laden accused US forces of "barbaric" acts in Iraq comparable to those committed by Saddam Hussein, according to an audio tape first broadcast in January and posted on the internet in full today. "The (US) criminality has gone as far as raping women and holding them hostage before their husbands ... as for the torture of men it has now come to the use of burning chemical acids and electric drills in their joints," he said in the tape posted with an English-language voice over.

Signs Comment: Old Osama is an astute political commentator it seems.

U.S. Counterinsurgency Academy Giving Officers a New Mind-Set
If the U.S. effort in Iraq ultimately is successful, one reason may be the small school started recently on a military base here by Army Gen. George W. Casey Jr., the U.S. commander in Iraq.

Signs Comment: Col. Short says: "I think we're going to be in more of these wars." That would likely be because so much of the world hates the freedoms and democracy of the US?

BT bans smoking in vans
Telecoms giant BT announced today it will ban its workers from smoking in its offices and vans from March, in a move which could set new standards across British industry. The company is introducing the ban on March 26, as legislation outlawing smoking in the workplace comes into effect in Scotland, but more than a year before it comes into force in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Justices May Hear Detainee's Appeal
The Supreme Court refused yesterday to dismiss a case that challenges the legality of military trials for terrorism suspects, declining to immediately accept the Bush administration's argument that a new law has stripped the court of its ability to consider the matter. The justices instead decided to consider whether they have the authority to hear an appeal by Salim Ahmed Hamdan, the alleged driver and bodyguard for Osama bin Laden, at the same time that they hear oral arguments about the constitutionality of the "military commission" trial that Hamdan is slated to face. Those arguments are scheduled for March 28.

Who "Them" are: You can't tell the players without a scorecard

I expect that all of us dissenters have had the unpleasant occasion to be challenged by some nitwit to specify exactly who we are referring to when we use the pronoun "them" or "they" in some accusatory way. Good news:
Peter Phillips, Bridget Thornton and Celeste Vogler, of Sacramento State University's Sociology Department have produced a wonderful academic study of just who exactly "they" are. It is entitled "The Global Dominance Group: 9/11 Pre-Warnings & Election Irregularities in Context," and it is available at the university's Project Censored web site as a pdf file.

Reading a Book = Terrorist Threat
US rocker and writer Henry Rollins was reported to the National Security hotline during his recent Australian tour because of a book he was reading on flight to Brisbane. A furious Rollins was informed he was "nominated as a possible threat" for reading Jihad: The Rise Of Militant Islam In Central Asia. The incident happened on a flight from Auckland on the recent Big Day Out tour. Rollins told Australian fans during his tour that he received a letter from a "nice woman" who worked "in one of those government areas that deals with anti-terrorism matters." He posted the letter on his website. "Please tell your Government and everyone in your office to go f... themselves. Baghdad's safer than my hometown and your PM is a sissy," he wrote.

Signs Comment: Does anyone need any further proof of just how ridiculous the world has become since 9/11 and just how farcical the war on terror really is? Didn't think so. Of course, there is also the fact that calling someone a terrorist for reading a book in Militant Islam evokes memories of Nazi Germany.

Pentagon papers offer insight into al-Qa'eda's hidden world of terror
It could be any employment contract setting out salary, paid holidays, home leave and grievance procedures - except in this case the employer is al-Qa'eda and the recruit's job is "carrying out jihad". By signing the contract, the recruit commits himself to al-Qa'eda's objectives: "Support God's religion, establishment of Islamic rule, and restoration of the Islamic Caliphate, God willing."

Signs Comment: The only insight this phony paper, that was drafted by Pentagon employees, offers is an insight into how pathetic and desperate the architects of the "war on terror" have become. We really had a good laugh at this one.

Man's shirt erupts in flames after he is shot with Taser
 Dennis Crouch had already slashed himself. And when he refused to drop his knife, Daytona Beach police Officer Betsy Cassidy decided she had no choice.
"Taser! Taser!" Cassidy shouted as she sent a two-pronged wire, packing 50,000 volts, at Crouch's chest. What happened next stunned everyone. A Taser probe pierced the pocket of his khaki shirt -- and ignited the butane lighter inside. Cassidy's pocket exploded in flames. "The subject," recounted Sgt. Al Tolley in a subsequent report, "immediately dropped the knife."

A War of Words: 'Declare' vs. 'Make' and Its Allies

For generations, civics students have learned that the Constitution gives Congress the power to declare war. Yesterday, the man who built the legal underpinnings of the Bush administration's terrorism strategy revised the curriculum. John Yoo, the former Justice Department official whose writings justified the administration's treatment of military prisoners and the National Security Agency eavesdropping program, announced that Congress's warmaking powers are just a figment of the "popular imagination."


UPI - Most U.S. adults feel law enforcement is using its expanded surveillance powers in a proper way, although many express concern over civil liberty erosion. The Harris telephone poll of 1,016 U.S. adults found 57 percent of adults feel U.S. law enforcement is using its expanded surveillance powers in a proper way, while 40 percent feel they are not being used in a proper way. The survey also found that 66 percent think that it is very or somewhat likely that there will be a major terrorist attack in the next 12 months -- up from the 55 percent who felt that way in June 2005. Sixty-six percent U.S. adults feel that the government's anti-terrorist programs have taken only a little or none of their own personal privacy away. However, 14 percent feel the programs have taken away quite a lot or a great deal of their own personal privacy. Eighty-four percent of adults favor stronger document and physical security checks for travelers, 82 percent favor expanded undercover activity to penetrate groups under suspicion and 67 favor expanded camera surveillance on streets and in public places.

Why Is Halliburton Building Internment Camps?
On January 24th it was announced [1] that a subsidiary of Halliburton KBR was awarded a $385 million contract by the Department of Homeland Security to build detention centers in the U.S. These centers might be used for immigration, or for disaster relief, or vaguely "... to support the rapid development of new programs."

U.S. Defends Detentions at Airports

Foreign citizens who change planes at airports in the United States can legally be seized, detained without charges, deprived of access to a lawyer or the courts, and even denied basic necessities like food, lawyers for the government said in Brooklyn federal court yesterday. The assertion came in oral arguments over a federal lawsuit by Maher Arar, a naturalized Canadian citizen who charges that United States officials plucked him from Kennedy International Airport when he was on the way home on Sept. 26, 2002, held him in solitary confinement in a Brooklyn detention center and then shipped him to his native Syria to be interrogated under torture because officials suspected that he was a member of Al Qaeda.

America: Utopia Lost - Fifty years ago, America\'s future was limitless. So what happened to optimism?
"Utopianism" is often used as a pejorative, but our nation was built on - and flourished on - utopian dreams. We need them now more than ever.

Avian Virus Invades Washington, D.C.

An on-going investigation series examines the real life "core story" of alien contact, shared by a group of intelligence and military government insiders, and the man that best selling author Jon Ronson inquired about in his book, "The Men Who Stare at Goats."

From Superpower to Tinhorn Dictatorship
America is headed for a soft dictatorship by the end of Bush's second term. Whether any American has civil rights will be decided by the discretionary power of federal officials. The public in general will tolerate the soft dictatorship as its discretionary powers will mainly be felt by those few who challenge it.

Signs Comment: Fact is, there is NO chance of reaffirming the separation of powers or recovering our civil liberties in the upcoming election. Dr. Roberts should know this since, as he pointed out, the only reason Bush is spying illegally is to gain control of the political process by spying on members of congress and other government officials. Why? Congress COULD have gotten rid of the voting system that Bush already controls... But not anymore.

War Corporatism: The New Fascism:

An animated look at the dogs of War Corporatism unleashed upon the world by Bush and the PNAC as stated in the September 2000 document Rebuilding America's Defenses.

Irving expands on Holocaust views
Historian David Irving, who was jailed for denying the Holocaust occurred, repeats the claim in a BBC interview. Jailed British historian David Irving has again said he does not believe Hitler presided over a systematic attempt to exterminate Jews in Europe. During his trial in Austria, Irving said he had changed his mind over claims the Holocaust did not happen. But, speaking from his cell later, he told BBC News the numbers killed at Auschwitz were smaller than claimed. He is appealing for a reduction in the three-year jail term. Prosecutors are seeking for it to be lengthened. The Austrian state prosecutor's office said it believed Irving's sentence for Holocaust denial was too lenient in light of a possible sentence of up to 10 years.

Signs Comment: Not only is the fact that Irving has been arrested for a thought crime giving prominence to his view, it is making anybody who supports such Police State tactics targets of anger and resentment. Israel has sown the wind...

Brainwashing! Australia mulls car smoking ban

A parliamentary inquiry in the Australian state of New South Wales is to consider a ban on smoking in cars.

The Economy

Signs Economic Commentary
With gold down substantially, oil down even more and the dollar up a bit against the euro, it looks like a good week for the imperial economy.

Signs Economic Commentary
Gold was up again last week closing at 571.90 dollars an ounce, up 2.3% from $558.90 the week before and up 13% since Christmas when it was at $505.90.

Signs Economic Commentary
February 20, 2006
There was much optimism about the U.S. economy from mainstream analysts last week, buoyed by rising stocks and falling oil prices (down 3.3%) and, for a while, falling gold prices (gold actually ended up a bit). The hope is that fresh quarterly earnings reports from major retailers this week will keep the U.S. stock market rising...

Signs Economic Commentary
February 27, 2006
The mainstream media's economic news was particularly positive until the end of last week, when no one could hide the bad news for the U.S. empire. The shocks on Thursday and Friday drove the price of gold and oil up and made even optimists uneasy.

What The Price Of Gold May Be Telling Us
Markets are often the best forecasters since their direction supposedly represents the collective wisdom of the smartest people moving them - the professionals, not the public that just goes along for the ride where they're taken. The way the dominant "players" view the future is how they decide where they want to place their financial bets. Now, however, the financial markets (stocks, bonds and other money instruments) are in a tug-of-war with the price of gold, which is typically seen as a safe haven in times of uncertainty and in the past has moved inversely with the price of equities.

Google shares plunge as earnings disappoint
A sudden chill fell on Google's red-hot share price on Tuesday as the stock market's latest internet darling unveiled earnings that for the first time failed to far exceed Wall Street expectations. The search engine company's shares slumped by more than 16 per cent in after-hours trading, wiping more than $20bn from its stock market value.

Kraft Foods to Eliminate 8,000 Jobs
CHICAGO - Kraft Foods Inc., the nation's largest food manufacturer, said Monday it would eliminate 8,000 more jobs, or about 8 percent of its work force, and close up to 20 production plants as it broadens an ongoing restructuring effort.

Primary care about to collapse, physicians warn
WASHINGTON - Primary care -- the basic medical care that people get when they visit their doctors for routine physicals and minor problems -- could fall apart in the United States without immediate reforms, the American College of Physicians said on Monday.

Oil execs refuse to testify to Senate - How they Jacked Up Oil Prices for Record Profits while Average Americans Go Down the Tubes
WASHINGTON - Officials from six major oil companies have refused to testify this week at a Senate hearing looking into whether oil industry mergers in recent years have made gasoline more expensive at the pump.

Ford to cut 25,000 jobs
Ford Motor, the US car manufacturer, will eliminate 25,000 to 30,000 jobs and close 14 plants in North America to try to stem big losses in its operations.

Dollar nosedives versus ruble to late 2000 level
MOSCOW, January 24 (RIA Novosti, Yelena Orekhova) - The U.S. dollar nose-dived against the ruble on the Moscow Inter-Bank Currency Exchange Tuesday to the level registered in late 2000.

Housing industry set for soft year
The housing industry is set for a weaker year with new figures showing a slump in approvals, led by Victoria and Queensland. The Australian Bureau of Statistics today reported the building sector has slumped in December, recording a 3.5 per cent fall in approvals for dwelling units. In the year to December, building approvals fell 8.9 per cent. The number of private sector homes approved during the month dropped 3.3 per cent to 8,258 and other private sector dwellings approved fell 0.6 per cent, to 3,728. Housing Industry Association chief economist Harley Dale said while the figures were down, 2006 was looking more like a "softer year than a savage year".

Signs Comment: Read between the lines of this one. Note how they are trying to spin it as "close to bottoming" and "soft, not savage". Methinks it's still got quite a bit to fall yet. [Ryan, Signs Forum Member]

Huge rise in repossession

THE number of properties repossessed by banks was higher last year than after the recession of the early 1990s, as a growing number of overstretched investors were burned by Sydney's house-price slump.

Jobless rate drops to 4-1/2 year low
U.S. employers added a smaller-than-forecast 193,000 new jobs in January but job growth in each of the five prior months was revised upwards and last month's unemployment rate fell to a 4-1/2-year low of 4.7 percent, the government reported on Friday.

Maytag posts wider loss, may sell Hoover unit
Appliance maker Maytag Corp., which has agreed to be acquired by larger rival Whirlpool Corp., on Friday reported a wider quarterly loss on weak demand for its Hoover vacuum cleaners.

Inflation pressures rise in Jan: survey

The Economic Cycle Research Institute's U.S. Future Inflation Gauge, or USFIG, which is designed to anticipate cyclical swings in the rate of inflation, rose to 122.9 from 121.3 in December.

Stocks fall after jobs data boosts rate fears

U.S. stocks fell on Friday after the government said more jobs were added late last year than previously reported and the unemployment rate fell to its lowest in 4 1/2 years, feeding concerns that the Federal Reserve would extend its interest-rate hike campaign.

Bush Request Would Push War Total to $440B

The Bush administration said Thursday it will ask Congress for $120 billion more for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and $18 billion more for hurricane relief this year.

America and the World Are Victims of Greenspan's Success

On February 1 after 19 years in the driver's seat of the world's largest economy, Alan Greenspan just stepped down as chairman of the Federal Reserve. During his term, he steered the U.S. economy into unprecedented prosperity. But 'every rose has its thorn.' According to this analysis by French newspaper Le Figaro, an economic crisis is approaching that is a direct result of Greenspan's impressive success.

The Tyranny that follows Economic Collapse
Dick Cheney recently opined, “Reagan proved that deficits don’t mean anything.” Liar. In fact, Cheney was part of the Reagan administration when ReaganÂ’s tax cuts produced monstrous $200 billion deficits, up 75% from 1980. The effects were devastating. Unemployment jumped to 10%, the 30 year mortgage skyrocketed to 15%, the economy ground to a standstill, and the nation plunged into the deepest recession since the 1930s.

Why The Economy Is (NOT) A Lot Stronger Than You Think
You read this magazine religiously, watch CNBC while dressing for work, scan the Web for economic reports. You've heard, over and over, about the underlying problems with the U.S. economy -- the paltry investment rate, the yawning current account deficit, the pathetic amount Americans salt away. And you know what the experts are saying: that the U.S. faces a perilous economic future unless we cut back on spending and change our profligate ways. But what if we told you that the doomsayers, while not definitively wrong, aren't seeing the whole picture? What if we told you that businesses are investing about $1 trillion a year more than the official numbers show? Or that the savings rate, far from being negative, is actually positive? Or, for that matter, that our deficit with the rest of the world is much smaller than advertised, and that gross domestic product may be growing faster than the latest gloomy numbers show? You'd be pretty surprised, wouldn't you?
Signs Comment: Surprised? Not at all. Remember during the tech boom in the US when there was all the talk of the "new economy", and how the old rules didn't apply? Remember how that turned out? Well, now they're trying to tell us that we are moving into a "knowledge-based economy", and all the rules are different again! The fact remains that historically, whenever a nation has had an economy that is in a state similar to that of the US economy - and there are many indications that the US economy is one of the worse ever - the Powers that Be have always let the house of cards come tumbling down to bankrupt the masses and enrich themselves. Sure, they might change their tactics a bit this time around, but let's face it: an economic collapse in the US would be a prime opportunity to clamp down and assert even more control over the country, while simultaneously negatively affecting pretty much every other nation on the planet.

Cost of wars soars to $440bn for US

The Bush administration has said it is planning to spend $120bn (£68bn) on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars this year, bringing their total cost so far to $440bn. The spending request, which will soon be presented to Congress, marks a 20% increase over last year, [...]

Iraq war is costing $100,000 per minute

The White House said Thursday that it plans to ask Congress for an additional $70 billion to pay for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, driving the cost of military operations in the two countries to $120 billion this year, the highest ever.

19-year-olds among record numbers filing for bankruptcy - expected to get worse

Record numbers of consumers - some as young as 19 - gave up the struggle last year to pay off debts amassed as a result of credit-driven spending sprees and filed for bankruptcy or voluntary insolvency, the government said yesterday.

China's urban income gap widens to alarming level
The State Development and Reform Commission (SDRC) said in a report issued on Sunday that China's urban income gap between rich and poor has widened to an alarming and unreasonable level.

Bush seeks to slash public broadcast funds
President George W. Bush took a swipe at Big Bird and his ilk Monday as he proposed slashing funds to public broadcasting by more than $150 million. In the president's 2007 budget request, funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting will be cut by $53.5 million in 2007 and $50 million more in 2008. Those cuts don't reflect others made in funding at the Education and Commerce departments and the elimination of specific programs for digital TV conversion and satellite delivery system. Public broadcasting officials estimate that the entire budget cuts run $157 million over the two-year period.

Signs Comment: From a recent article on the Signs page:

What’s coming

When all fascisms exhibit the same social and political agendas (the 14 points listed by Britt), then it is not hard to predict where a new fascist uprising will lead. The actions of fascists and the social and political effects of fascism and fundamentalism are clear and sobering. Here is some of what’s coming, what will be happening in our country in the next few years:
- The theft of all social security funds, to be transferred to those who control money, and the increasing destitution of all those dependent on social security and social welfare programs.

- Rising numbers of uninsured people in this country that already has the highest percentage of citizens without health insurance in the developed world.

- Increased loss of funding for public education combined with increased support for vouchers, urging Americans to entrust their children’s education to Christian schools.

- More restrictions on civil liberties as America is turned into the police state necessary for fascism to work.

- Withdrawal of virtually all funding for National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting System. At their best, these media sometimes encourage critical questioning, so they are correctly seen as enemies of the state’s official stories. [...]
See full article below.

Davidson Loehr
7 November 2004
First UU Church of Austin
You may wonder why anyone would try to use the word “fascism” in a serious discussion of where America is today. It sounds like cheap name-calling, or melodramatic allusion to a slew of old war movies. But I am serious. I don’t mean it as name-calling at all. I mean to persuade you that the style of governing into which America has slid is most accurately described as fascism, and that the necessary implications of this fact are rightly regarded as terrifying. That’s what I am about here. And even if I don’t persuade you, I hope to raise the level of your thinking about who and where we are now, to add some nuance and perhaps some useful insights.

The Bush budget is a trillion little pieces of fantasy
WE will be out of Iraq and, for that matter, Afghanistan, by the end of the next fiscal year. No troops, no economic support of any kind. The alternative minimum tax, that secret tax system ensnaring more and more middle-class families, will vanish without costing the government a dime in lost revenue. The tax cuts that have saved some of the wealthiest among us hundreds of dollars a year will continue indefinitely. This, too, will cost the government nothing. That spiffy alternative energy technology that President Bush said in his State of the Union speech last week will help end our oil addiction? It can be funded on a shoestring. Those are just a few of the twisted fantasies you have to embrace if you want to follow the president down the rabbit hole of his latest budget proposal. We have been here before.

Signs Comment: And if Bush and the people that pull his strings are aware that in a certain sense "there is no future"? What if they are aware that in ten years the world may be unrecognisable due to climate change and cosmic bombardment, war and "population reduction"?  Time is running out, but maybe not for the reasons that most people belive.

China may eradicate poverty by 2050: report
In 2050, 1.3 billion Chinese will live in a moderately developed society, with a minimum monthly income of 1,300 U.S. dollars, an average life-expectancy of more than 80 years and social services available to all, according to a new report.

Signs Comment: Excuse us if we throw cold water on such a rosy scenario. Earthquakes, volcanoes, meteorites, and pandemics, anyone? Not to mention the "Peak Oil" manipulation that will justify cuts in oil production as well as "population reduction".

WTO says EU broke trade rules by stopping genetically modified food imports

The WTO has ruled that the EU broke international trade rules by stopping imports of genetically modified foods, officials said Tuesday.
The preliminary judgment by a World Trade Organization panel concluded that the European Union had an effective ban on biotech foods for six years from 1998, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because it is a confidential report.

Group of Eight powers warn of energy threat to world economy
Oil prices and energy security dominated Russia's first hosting of G8 policymakers from Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United States.

Renminbi Yuan rises to new high vs dollar

China's currency strengthened to its highest level against the U.S. dollar on Monday since its July 21 revaluation.
The China Foreign Exchange Trade System announced that the central parity rate for the dollar was 8.0472 yuan -- less than 8.05 yuan for the first time. The Chinese currency has gained an accumulated 2.77 percent against the dollar from its before-revaluation value.

China to cut dependence on oil

The central government is working on a long-term plan to increase the use of alternative fuels to reduce the dependence on oil.

Coal gas and renewable energy sources such as biomass and solar power are expected to become "major alternatives," according to the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC). Wu Yin, a senior energy official with NDRC, said at a weekend meeting that the recommendations of a national leading group from several cabinet departments are part of an "oil alternative strategy."

Syria switches to euro amid confrontation with US
Syria has switched all of the state's foreign currency transactions to euros from dollars amid a political confrontation with the United States, the head of state-owned Commercial Bank of Syria said on Monday. "This is a precaution. We are talking about billions of dollars," Duraid Durgham told Reuters. The bank, which still dominates the Syrian market although private banks have been allowed to set up in the last few years, has also stopped dealing with dollars in the international foreign exchange flows of private clients. The United States has been at the forefront of international pressure on Syria for its alleged role in the assassination of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik al-Hariri a year ago. Damascus denies involvement in the killing. "It looks like a kind of pre-emptive action aimed at making their foreign assets safer, preventing them from getting frozen in case of any conflict," said a Middle East economist who requested anonymity. © Reuters 2006

Forget Iran, Americans Should be Hysterical About This - Nuking the Economy

Last week the Bureau of Labor Statistics re-benchmarked the payroll jobs data back to 2000. Thanks to Charles McMillion of MBG Information Services, I have the adjusted data from January 2001 through January 2006. If you are worried about terrorists, you don’t know what worry is. ... Polls indicate that the Bush administration is succeeding in whipping up fear and hysteria about Iran. The secretary of defense is promising Americans decades-long war. Is death in battle Bush’s solution to the job depression? Will Asians finance a decades-long war for a bankrupt country?

Bush Admin Spent Over $1.6 Billion on Ads and PR Contracts Since 2003

"No amount of money will successfully sell the Bush Administration's failed policies, from the war in Iraq, to its disastrous energy policy, to its confusing Medicare prescription drug benefits," said House Democratic Leader Pelosi. "The American people know the Bush Administration is on the wrong track and the White House PR machine won't change that fact."

Government may waive near $7 bln in oil, gas royalties: report
The government may waive up to $7 billion in royalty payments from companies pumping oil and natural gas on federal territory in the next five years, the New York Times reported on Tuesday, citing administration officials and budget documents. The royalty relief would amount to one of the biggest giveaways of oil and gas in U.S. history, even though the administration assumes oil prices will remain above $50 a barrel throughout that period, the Times report said.
Signs Comment: In other words, oil companies will make even more immense profits.

U.S. Dollar Hits 6-Week High Against Euro
The dollar hit a six-week high against the euro Tuesday after new information showed American consumers spent freely in January because of warmer weather and gift cards they received in December.

Signs Comment: Meanwhile, the DOW soared past 11,000. So, it looks like there's nothing to worry about when it comes to the US economy, right...?

Oil Falls Below $60, Gasoline Plunges on Supply-Growth Forecast
Crude oil fell below $60 a barrel for the first time in 2006 and gasoline futures dropped to the lowest in almost a year as a warm winter cut fuel needs, leaving inventories plentiful.

Oil? America's addicted to everything!
And our denial is sabotaging the economy and markets
 Addicted to oil? Just oil? You're joking? No, we're a "nation of addicts," doing what addicts do best: Denying reality. In denial the brain can rationalize anything. The more self-destructive an addict's behavior, the stronger their denial, louder their protests, arrogance, bravado, even optimism: "I'm fine, everything's under control!" So when a Texas oilman admits 295 million Americans are addicted to oil, as President Bush did in his State of the Union address, that's historic!

Signs Comment: See comments in article text.

Senate Kills Fund for Asbestos Victims

The bill would have created a $140-billion compensation trust financed by companies and insurers. It met bipartisan opposition.

Budget axes public health projects

 President Bush has requested billions more to prepare for potential disasters such as a biological attack or an influenza epidemic, but his proposed budget for next year would zero out popular health projects that supporters say target more mundane, but more certain, killers.

U.S. Has Royalty Plan to Give Windfall to Oil Companies
The federal government is on the verge of one of the biggest giveaways of oil and gas in American history, worth an estimated $7 billion over five years. New projections, buried in the Interior Department's just-published budget plan, anticipate that the government will let companies pump about $65 billion worth of oil and natural gas from federal territory over the next five years without paying any royalties to the government. Based on the administration figures, the government will give up more than $7 billion in payments between now and 2011. The companies are expected to get the largess, known as royalty relief, even though the administration assumes that oil prices will remain above $50 a barrel throughout that period.

Signs Comment: But nothing for the sick and the poor and the elderly but more cuts and more suffering

Debt and Denial

Denial takes a more systematic form within the federal government, where Dick Cheney is doing to budget analysis what he did to intelligence on Iraq. Last week Mr. Cheney announced that a newly created division within the Treasury Department would show that tax cuts increase, not reduce, federal revenue. That's the Bush-Cheney way: decide on your conclusions first, then demand that analysts produce evidence supporting those conclusions.

Our hollow prosperity

When NAFTA was up for a vote in 1993, the Clintonites and their GOP fellow-travelers said it would grow our trade surplus, raise Mexico's standard of living and reduce illegal immigration. None of this happened. Indeed, the opposite occurred. Mexico's standard of living is lower than it was in 1993, the U.S. trade surplus has vanished, and America is being invaded. Mexico is now the primary source of narcotics entering the United States.

"Even Jobs at McDonald's Aren't Safe"
Who can forget the neocons’ claim that under their leadership America creates its own reality? Remember the neocons’ Iraq reality--a “cakewalk” war? After three years of combat, thousands of casualties, and cost estimated at over $1 trillion, real reality must still compete with the White House spin machine. One might think that the Iraq experience would restore sober judgement to policymakers. Alas, neocon reality has spread everywhere. It has infected the media and the new Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, who just gave Congress an upbeat report on the economy. The robust economy, he declared, could soon lead to inflation and higher interest rates. Consumers deeper in debt and fresh from their first negative savings rate since the Great Depression show high consumer confidence. It is as if the entire country is on an acid trip or a cocaine trip or whatever it is that lets people create realities for themselves that bear no relation to real reality.

What if the Cassandras are right?
Cassandra had a curse put on her to make sure no one would believe her predictions. Two people who know how she must have felt are the economics professors Paul Krugman of Princeton and Wynne Godley of Cambridge. The two have been predicting the demise of the the US and UK economies respectively (and in Professor Godley's case, both) for years without, as yet, their predictions coming true.

The End of Dollar Hegemony
Before the U.S. House of Representatives
February 15, 2006
A hundred years ago it was called “dollar diplomacy.” After World War II, and especially after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1989, that policy evolved into “dollar hegemony.” But after all these many years of great success, our dollar dominance is coming to an end.

It has been said, rightly, that he who holds the gold makes the rules. In earlier times it was readily accepted that fair and honest trade required an exchange for something of real value.

First it was simply barter of goods. Then it was discovered that gold held a universal attraction, and was a convenient substitute for more cumbersome barter transactions. Not only did gold facilitate exchange of goods and services, it served as a store of value for those who wanted to save for a rainy day.

Though money developed naturally in the marketplace, as governments grew in power they assumed monopoly control over money. Sometimes governments succeeded in guaranteeing the quality and purity of gold, but in time governments learned to outspend their revenues. New or higher taxes always incurred the disapproval of the people, so it wasn’t long before Kings and Caesars learned how to inflate their currencies by reducing the amount of gold in each coin-- always hoping their subjects wouldn’t discover the fraud. But the people always did, and they strenuously objected.

This helped pressure leaders to seek more gold by conquering other nations. The people became accustomed to living beyond their means, and enjoyed the circuses and bread. Financing extravagances by conquering foreign lands seemed a logical alternative to working harder and producing more. Besides, conquering nations not only brought home gold, they brought home slaves as well. Taxing the people in conquered territories also provided an incentive to build empires. This system of government worked well for a while, but the moral decline of the people led to an unwillingness to produce for themselves. There was a limit to the number of countries that could be sacked for their wealth, and this always brought empires to an end. When gold no longer could be obtained, their military might crumbled. In those days those who held the gold truly wrote the rules and lived well.

That general rule has held fast throughout the ages. When gold was used, and the rules protected honest commerce, productive nations thrived. Whenever wealthy nations-- those with powerful armies and gold-- strived only for empire and easy fortunes to support welfare at home, those nations failed.

Today the principles are the same, but the process is quite different. Gold no longer is the currency of the realm; paper is. The truth now is: “He who prints the money makes the rules”-- at least for the time being. Although gold is not used, the goals are the same: compel foreign countries to produce and subsidize the country with military superiority and control over the monetary printing presses.

PEAK OIL: Oil Buckles Street and Damages Building

They struck oil Monday at an apartment house in downtown Los Angeles. But residents were not in a celebratory mood. The black, tar-like substance that oozed into the basement of the three-story Iris Apartments forced authorities to red-tag the 99-year-old building and evacuate its 130 occupants.

Average British home more than $350,000

The average price of a home in Britain reached nearly $353,000 in February, up 2.7 percent from January's $343,000, the highest jump in two years.
The real estate Web site Rightmove says the price is being driven by a shortage of sellers and rising demand from buyers, reports the Telegraph. The report said every region of England and Wales has seen house prices rise in February for the first time in 20 months. The most expensive houses were in Greater London, where the average asking price was nearly $517,000.

'Trade with US at your own risk'

A City businessman who will today learn if he is to be extradited across the Atlantic to face Enron-related fraud charges, is warning British executives to avoid dealing with the US. David Bermingham, one of the "NatWest Three" executives, says that "the potential for disaster is enormous", and "may not be of your making". Mr Bermingham blames the current extradition laws amid deepening concern that US prosecutors are using 2003 Extradition Act to extradite an increasing number of business people for alleged white collar crime, rather than making it easier to send suspected terrorists across the Atlantic for trial.

Bush: U.S. on Verge of Energy Breakthrough
Saying the nation is on the verge of technological breakthroughs that would "startle" most Americans, President Bush on Monday outlined his energy proposals to help wean the country off foreign oil.

Signs Comment: Later, Bush elaborated on the "startling breakthroughs" that Americans can expect in the years to come. Our trusty roving reporter Ignacius O'Reilly was there to record Bush's remarks:
"Mah fellow Americans, we rely too much on foreign energy, energy terrorists use to keep us hostage, energy that helps Americans feed their food. And so my administration has worked together with top American executives and engineers and scientists and manufacturing facilities in China to perfectificate a new technolodgy that I'm excited about lots.

Now, see this? (holds up a square of shiny material) It looks like a solar panel. It's not. This gadget will save our country. And it doesn't need light. It transforms lies and BS into pure, clean electricity, and without harmful waste. My administration will line all the walls of the White House and all government buildings with this amazing space-age product.

So, go ahead evildoers, terrorists, and Cindy Sheehan - call me a liar. My lies and the lies of this administration will save this great country from economic ruin. And we'll put these panels in the homes of ordinary Americans, too. The more we all lie, the more energy we have, and the greater America becomes.

My mother, former First Lady Barbara Bush, is very excited about this technology. She said that those dirty lying colored folks will finally do this country some good! (he chuckles)

And so, mah fellow Americans - even the colored ones - this is a new age for our great nation. God bless you, and god bless the United States of America."
Central bank: yuan to remain stable in 2006
China's central bank on Tuesday said yuan will stay stable in 2006, while American manufacturers allege the Chinese currency is "undervalued" by as much as 40 percent.
The value of the Chinese currency will stand at a reasonable and balanced level, the People's Bank of China (PBoC) reiterated in a report.

For Minorities, Signs of Trouble in Foreclosures

Catrina V. Roberts, a single mother of four, joined a new, growing class of minority homeowners when she moved from her subsidized apartment to a two-story house in 1999.
Catrina Roberts, left, with her daughter Sanautica, 12, and granddaughter Neakia, 4. Ms. Roberts's home in Cleveland is in foreclosure and she has declared bankruptcy. But Ms. Roberts fell behind on her payments and declared bankruptcy last year. Now, as she loses her modest home to foreclosure, Ms. Roberts may represent the vanguard of a worrying trend of retreat.

Scandal-hit Vatican banker dies

Archbishop Paul Marcinkus, who was involved in one of the biggest financial scandals to hit the Vatican, has died, church officials say. The 84-year-old American had been living in Sun City, Arizona. Marcinkus was head of the Vatican Bank at the time of the fraudulent collapse of Banco Ambrosiano in 1982, with which it had close ties. He denied any wrongdoing. Although he was sought for questioning, he was granted immunity as a Vatican employee.

Inflation pickup worries Fed
Inflation may not be running out of control, but it's hot enough that the Federal Reserve's campaign of interest-rate hikes may end later rather than sooner. It's a difficult call. The prevailing expectation in financial markets, largely unchanged by new inflation numbers Wednesday, is that the Fed is nearly done with its current cycle of tightening monetary policy.

Americans work more, seem to accomplish less
Most U.S. workers say they feel rushed on the job, but they are getting less accomplished than a decade ago, according to newly released research. Workers completed two-thirds of their work in an average day last year, down from about three-quarters in a 1994 study, according to research conducted for Day-Timers Inc., an East Texas, Pennsylvania-based maker of organizational products.

Could Americans afford health care in next decade?

Health-care spending is outpacing the growth of the American economy and will consume 20 percent of U.S. GDP by 2015, the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) said on Wednesday.

Mauritania poised to produce first oil
Mauritania will produce its first barrel of oil later on Friday as its offshore Chinguetti field, operated by Australia's Woodside Petroleum, comes on stream, a senior state oil executive said.

A new survey shows that median incomes fell for householders under 45, even as they rose for older ones, between 2001 and 2004. Income fell 8 percent, adjusted for inflation, for those under 35 and 9 percent for those aged 35 to 44. . .

IRS Finds Sharp Increase in Illegal Political Activity
The IRS said yesterday that it saw a sharp increase in prohibited political activity by charities and churches in the last election cycle, a trend that it aims to reverse as the country heads into the midterm elections. The tax agency found problems at three-quarters of the 82 organizations it examined after having received complaints about their political activities, according to a report the Internal Revenue Service released. The infractions included distributing materials that encouraged people to vote for particular candidates and giving cash to campaigns.

Surprise! Bankruptcy filers really are broke
In what will undoubtedly be the first of many ''I told you so" reports, the National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys has found that, overwhelmingly, people who file for bankruptcy protection aren't deadbeats who went on shopping sprees with the intention of shirking their debts.

Vietnam: Rise of the new fast food nation
As Vietnam enjoys unprecedented economic growth, its people have discovered a taste for high-calorie, high-fat, Westernised food - and are beginning to suffer the consequences. Outside the Rex hotel in the centre of Saigon - the name by which most residents still refer to Ho Chi Minh City - the evening rush hour is a scene of motorised pandemonium. Tens of thousands of scooters sweep along the six- lane highways, blithely ignoring the rules of the road, like herds of migrating wildebeest across the Serengeti plains. As darkness falls, clusters of tiny plastic tables and stools spread across the pavements - improvised street-side restaurants to feed the armies of office workers. The acrid smell of pigs' trotters seared over charcoal braziers beside pans of meat bubbling on spirit burners fills the humid night air.

Setting sail away from America: The world finds it's too hard to do business with the US
Across the world, friends and free traders are concerned about the course set by the US. They say that while its motives are diverse - national security, energy supply concerns, the protection of investors - there is a single conclusion: it has become riskier, costlier and harder to do business with the US and, unless that changes, fewer people will want to.

Bush Rips Off America Again: Veterans May Face Health Care Cuts in 2008
At least tens of thousands of veterans with non-critical medical issues could suffer delayed or even denied care in coming years to enable President Bush to meet his promise of cutting the deficit in half - if the White House is serious about its proposed budget.
After an increase for next year, the Bush budget would turn current trends on their head. Even though the cost of providing medical care to veterans has been growing by leaps and bounds, White House budget documents assume a cutback in 2008 and further cuts thereafter. In fact, the proposed cuts are so draconian that it seems to some that the White House is simply making them up to make its long-term deficit figures look better. More realistic numbers, however, would raise doubts as to whether Bush can keep his promise to wrestle the deficit under control by the time he leaves office.

Propaganda Alert! US economy set to roar back
The US economy is set for a strong rebound in the first quarter of 2006, shaking off the hurricane-related weakness of the fourth quarter, a survey of business economists showed.

Signs Comment: Believe this? We have some nice oceanfront property in Arizona for sale...

Number of Unsold Homes Hits Record High
The backlog of unsold new homes reached a record level last month, as sales slipped despite the warmest January in more than 100 years. The Commerce Department reported Monday that sales of new single-family homes dropped by 5 percent to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 1.233 million units last month. That was the slowest pace since January 2005 and left the number of unsold homes at a record high of 528,000.
Analysts viewed the new data as further evidence that the nation's red-hot housing market, which hit record sales levels for five straight years, has definitely started to cool.

Signs Comment: But don't forget the propaganda that the US economy is set to "roar back!" Yeah, right.

Global credit ocean dries up - The cash machine that sustained a world boom is about to close, and it\'s going to get ugly

One by one, the eurozone, the Swedes, the Swiss and now even the Japanese, are turning off the tap of ultra-cheap credit that has flushed the global system for the past year, keeping the ageing asset boom alive.

EU commissioner frowns on Gas de France-Suez merger

The vice president of the European Commission criticised a plan by France for state-run Gaz de France to take over French energy group Suez, saying it violated the spirit of the Europe-wide competition. Acquires Fashion Retailer Inc. said Monday it has acquired privately held fashion retailer, and plans to continue to run the site separately....

Media Matters

Some US troops question Woodruff coverage
The American media stood up and took notice when an improvised explosive device grievously injured an ABC News crew Sunday. In Iraq, and throughout the military, there is sympathy and concern for anchor Bob Woodruff and cameraman Doug Vogt, but there is also this question:
"Why do you think this is such a huge story?" wrote an officer stationed in Baqubah, Iraq, Monday via e-mail. "It's a bit stunning to us over here how absolutely dominant the story is on every network and front page. I mean, you'd think we lost the entire 1st Marine Division or something.

Signs Comment: "The point that is currently being made (is that) that press folks are more important than mere military folks," a senior military officer told UPI Tuesday.

Yes, that's the point. The question is "Why?" Well, because the press can use the injury of a newsman to show how evil the Iraqis, but they do NOT want to talk about the offical count of 2,242 troops that have died in Iraq since the war's start, 1,753 of them killed in action, and the other 16,000 that have been injured because that will tend to make the American people upset with Bush. After all, he sent all those guys out there to die based on LIES.

Galloway wins libel award battle
The Daily Telegraph has lost its appeal to overturn a £150,000 libel award to the Respect MP George Galloway. He successfully sued the paper for suggesting he had received money from Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq.

Journalist who exposed London Police Shooting of Brazilian arrested
A journalist who helped expose a series of police errors in the shooting of a Brazilian man mistaken for a suicide bomber has been arrested on suspicion of theft, a newspaper said. ...

Google Agrees to Censor Results in China
SAN FRANCISCO - Online search engine leader Google Inc. has agreed to censor its results in China, adhering to the country's free-speech restrictions in return for better access in the Internet's fastest growing market.

Signs Comment: Of course we understand that if google has the capability to censor search results for China, they must have been testing such programming already... like in the U.S.

Leaked MI5 London Bombing report may be disinfo
[...] A supposed leaked MI5 report suggests that the intelligence agencies have no leads and know very little about who was behind the July 7 attacks.

Iran's president lets CNN back in after network apologises
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has allowed CNN to resume operating in the country after the American cable news network apologised for mistakenly quoting him saying Tehran was seeking nuclear weapons, state radio reported. During CNN's live translation of a press conference by Ahmadinejad Saturday, the president was quoted as saying that "we believe all nations are allowed to have nuclear weapons" and that the West should not "deprive us to have nuclear weapons". The president was, however, using a Farsi word that meant "technology" and not "weapons".

Newspaper error reveals readers' credit card data
The Boston Globe and the Worcester Telegram & Gazette have admitted slips containing the names and credit card numbers of 240,000 subscribers were accidentally delivered with bundles of papers last weekend. Officials of the papers, both owned by the New York Times, said they were notifying customers. The Telegram & Gazette said the slips also contained information for 1,100 customers who pay by cheque. The financial data was on the back of paper that had been recycled and used for distribution slips in bundles of the Sunday Telegram & Gazette.

Fear of an American Internet
France is hoping to protect Europe from the growing influence of US Internet companies like Google by creating a rival state-backed search engine. But they're not getting much support from anyone else. Will cyber-dirigisme work?

The End of the Internet?

The nation's largest telephone and cable companies are crafting an alarming set of strategies that would transform the free, open and nondiscriminatory Internet of today to a privately run and branded service that would charge a fee for virtually everything we do online.

Pentagon document outlines plan to take down global communications

A newly declassified document gives a fascinating glimpse into the US military's plans for "information operations" -- from psychological operations, to attacks on hostile computer networks. Bloggers beware.

Rewriting history under the dome

The staff of U.S. Rep Marty Meehan wiped out references to his broken term-limits pledge as well as information about his huge campaign war chest in an independent biography of the Lowell Democrat on a Web site that bills itself as the "world's largest encyclopedia," The Sun has learned.

US media at 'all-time low'

[...] The US media reached an "all-time low" in failing to reflect public opinion and Americans' desire for trusted information, instead acting as a "cheerleader" for war, said Amy Goodman, the executive producer and host of US TV and radio news show Democracy Now!, at a news forum organised by al-Jazeera.

Chinese professor hits out at Google
[...]  "It's one thing for China to block the site but another for Google to help block the site. Smart internet users [in China] have a way to get to the [uncensored] site. There was no reason for Google to help [censor]," said Professor Chan, of the Journalism and Media Studies Centre in Hong Kong, and the Cheung Kong School of Journalism and Communication at Shantou University.

Increasingly, Internet's Data Trail Leads to Court
Who is sending threatening e-mail to a teenager? Who is saying disparaging things about a company on an Internet message board? Who is communicating online with a suspected drug dealer? [...] In short, just as technology is prompting Internet companies to collect more information and keep it longer than before, prosecutors and civil lawyers are more readily using that information.

Study Notes Decline in Internet Spyware
A new study details the extent and seriousness of potentially destructive spyware on the Internet, finding that it is still prevalent but declined significantly.

Many Unaware Browser Choice Affects Security

Malicious software often targets a specific type of browser, and generally those that are the most widely used. The poll said that 49 percent of those asked did not know that their choice of browser can make a difference, including 17 percent who thought it had no effect.

BMW falls foul of Google ‘web spam’ rules

The German website of BMW, the carmaker, has been removed from Google’s search results as part of the web company’s crack down on the manipulation of its search engine. Google confirmed on Monday that had been removed from all search engine results. A spokeswoman said the company could not comment on specific cases but said: “We cannot tolerate websites trying to manipulate search results as we aim to provide users with the relevant and objective search results”. The website used “doorway” pages, which can be employed to trick search engines into leading their users to websites that are not directly related to the search terms.

Signs Comment: Very interesting! As Laura has noted in her blog, the sprawling website does exactly that:
Recently, in early January, ATS turned on a new feature they call member tags. Member tags immediately added 37,000 pages to Google.

Coincidentally, this was right after the publication of Joe Quinn's article on SOTT, Dec. 31st.

What we notice about these 37,000 pages is that they are worthless as far as I can tell. No content. All the tag pages are basically just another form of indexing and advertising thread names. So they added 37,000 pages to Google with thousands of words, all pointing just to a set of intermediate pages listing thread names in categorizations (whether meaningful or not).

It looks as if they may have hundreds of thousands of pages in Google that all they are different presentations of index pages whose endpoint are all the same threads and posts. They self-reference voluminously. They may have ten pages or more all pointing to the same thread link, each one just sorted a different way. And the members think it is all real cool, but they haven't got a clue (most of them anyway). The owners currently are rewarding points for creating new member tags all the time.
Interesting that google hasn't yet removed ATS from the search engine returns for this blatant manipulation of results.

European Media Provokes Muslims To Inflame Zionist "Clash Of Civilizations"
[...] The fact that the editors behind the anti-Islamic images claim to be exercising free speech while refusing to address Europe's strict censorship laws regarding discussion of the Holocaust and the ongoing imprisonment of historical revisionists reveals the existence of a more sinister agenda behind the provocative cartoons. "Agents of certain persuasion" are behind the egregious affront to Islam in order to provoke Muslims, Professor Mikael Rothstein of the University of Copenhagen told the BBC. The key "agent" is Flemming Rose, the cultural editor of JP, who commissioned cartoonists to produce the blasphemous images and then published them in Denmark's leading morning paper last September.

Chirac slams media 'provocation' in printing Mohammed cartoons
[...] "Anything that can hurt the convictions of another, particularly religious convictions, must be avoided. Freedom of expression must be exercised in a spirit of responsibility," Chirac told his cabinet, according to a government spokesman on Wednesday. "I condemn all manifest provocation that might dangerously fan passions," he said.

Yahoo accused in jailing of 2nd China Internet user
Yahoo Inc. provided evidence to Chinese authorities that led to the imprisonment of an Internet writer, lawyers and activists said on Thursday, the second such case involving the U.S. Internet giant.
The latest storm over Western Internet companies in China comes just weeks after Web search giant Google Inc. came under fire for saying it would block politically sensitive terms on its new China site, bowing to conditions set by Beijing.

Bush Plays Terror Card With Bogus LA Attack Plot - Bootlicking news networks follow suit with dramatic images of Library Tower being destroyed
In an orchestrated set-up, George W. Bush announced that a plan to fly a plane into the LA Library Tower was thwarted in 2002 and within minutes news networks were showing footage of the same building being destroyed in the movie Independence Day. Bush stated that the attack was prevented only with the help of NSA surveillance of communications, an attempt to shut up critics of the spying scandal in a move about as sophisticated as a 300lb Pittsburgh Steelers fan after a heavy drinking session. The mayor of Los Angeles, Antonio Villaraigosa, immediately went public with comments of his absolute bewilderment concerning the alleged plot. "I'm amazed that the president would make this (announcement) on national TV and not inform us of these details through the appropriate channels," the mayor said in an interview with The Associated Press. "I don't expect a call from the president — but somebody." Within minutes of the President's speech, news networks were showing images from the movie Independence Day (pictured), where the Library Tower is destroyed as part of the alien invasion.

Internet fuels epidemic of group suicides among young Japanese
Young Japanese people are still joining group-suicide pacts in record numbers despite efforts to crack down on the bizarre internet-led phenomenon. Japanese police said yesterday that a record 91 people had committed suicide together after meeting via the web in 2005, up from 55 people the previous year. The figure has tripled since the police began keeping records in 2003. Most of the victims were in their teens, twenties and thirties and sought each other out via websites that allow the suicidal to swap e-mail addresses, share stories and offer advice on the surest, least painful ways to die.

Denmark and Jyllands-Posten: The background to a provocation
The basic lie in the controversy over the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad published by Danish and European newspapers is the claim that the conflict is between free speech and religious censorship, or between Western enlightenment and Islamic bigotry.
The taz newspaper, which has close links to the German Greens, declared the conflict was about reducing the influence of all religions, including Christianity, “to a tolerable measure.” In, Henryk M. Broder condemned the halfhearted apology made by the publishers of the Danish daily Jyllands-Posten, which unleashed the caricature controversy, as an “example of how democratic public opinion capitulates to a totalitarian standpoint.” An examination of the prevailing political conditions in Denmark reveals how bogus such arguments are. One would be hard pressed to find another European country where political changes over the past few years have found such a clear—and repellent—expression.

U.S. newspaper publishes photo showing Bush and indicted lobbyist
The New York Times on Sunday published a photo showing U.S. President George W. Bush and the now indicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff at a gathering in May 2001.
In the picture, the authenticity of which the newspaper said had been confirmed by the White House, Bush was shaking hands with Raul Garza, chief of the Kickapoo Indian tribe in Texas, and a small, partly obscured image of Abramoff was looking on from the background. The White House has declined to release pictures of Bush and Abramoff, a leading Republican fund-raiser who helped raise more than 100,000 U.S. dollars for the president's re-election campaign.

White House says Bush-Abramoff photo is authentic Previously Denied Meeting

The White House on Sunday acknowledged the authenticity of the first photograph made public that shows President Bush and embattled lobbyist Jack Abramoff, while stressing it does not mean the two had a personal relationship.
Originally, the White House said it had no record of Abramoff's attendance at the meeting.

Turkish rush to embrace anti-US film
It is rabidly anti-American, and it is the biggest draw in town. With a budget of $10m (£5.7m), Valley of the Wolves Iraq is the most expensive film ever made in Turkey - and it is pulling record crowds. At one of Istanbul's biggest multiplex cinemas the blockbuster is showing on five separate screens and nearly all the seats are sold out. It's the same story across the country. "I'm back to see it for the second time already," says one student, waiting impatiently outside Screen 10. "It is anti-American, but we already know what they've done in Iraq. That's the reality. Now we can see it on screen."

Ex-CIA official rips war case - Says Iraq data distorted to sway public
The former CIA official charged with managing the U.S. government's secret intelligence assessments on Iraq says the Bush administration chose war first and then misleadingly used raw data to assemble a public case for its decision to invade.

Paul Pillar, who was the CIA's national intelligence officer for the Middle East and South Asia from 2000 to 2005, said the Bush administration also played on the nation's fears in the wake of the 2001 terrorist attacks, falsely linking Al Qaeda to Saddam Hussein's regime even though intelligence agencies had not produced a single analysis supporting "the notion of an alliance" between the two.

The Number One Problem In America - Imbalanced News Coverage - Can Jack Cafferty Save America?
Jack Cafferty can change America. The number one problem in the country right now isn't the Iraq War, the grotesque budget deficits, the NSA Warrantless Spying Scandal or even the rampant corruption running roughshod through Congress. It is the lack of balance on cable news. I'll tell you why. CNN, MSNBC and Fox News Channel are watched by a tiny amount of the population -- the audience of the worst rated nightly news program on the networks (CBS) triples the audience of the best rated primetime program on cable news (The O'Reilly Factor). Despite this glaring fact, the cable news stations have an inordinate influence on the country. Why? Because they are broadcast 24/7 in every other news organization in the country. Every newspaper, magazine, local television news and radio station in America is tuned into these three stations every single minute of the day.

Signs Comment: Cenk is dreaming. The only possibility of getting the truth out there is to come up with a new plan, a cooperative network, and to get funding. That's exactly what Laura's editorial was about yesterday.

Frog-marching the Media to the Gallows
When America’s war of terror finally concludes, the international community will have to determine the culpability of the media in abetting the vast devastation, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. No one should be surprised if the first group frog-marched to the gallows is the editorial staff of the New York Times. Their guilt was already established long before Iran.


Writing in the Guardian last month, Timothy Garton Ash observed: “Now we face the next big test of the west: after Iraq, Iran.”
Garton Ash thus blithely ignored the fact that every last scrap of evidence coming out of Iraq has pointed to only one conclusion - that Iraq’s “big test” was in fact the West’s big lie. Iraq was offering a threat to precisely no one outside its own borders.
Nevertheless, Garton Ash warned: “we in Europe and the United States have to respond. But how?” (Timothy Garton Ash, ‘Let's make sure we do better with Iran than we did with Iraq,’ The Guardian, January 12, 2006)

Yahoo makes plea over censorship
Internet giant Yahoo says it is "deeply concerned" over government efforts to impose censorship. The firm has been pilloried over accusations it has provided information to the Chinese government that led to the jailing of two dissidents. Ahead of a US Congress hearing on Wednesday to discuss the issue, Yahoo said firms could promote openness. In a written statement that did not refer to China, it said it was committed to an unrestricted internet.

Signs Comment: It's all BS and smokescreen designed to give the illusion that google is good and you really do have freedom. Google is already a well managed tool of the Neocon Elitists.

Editorial: Jew Gotta' Friend At Google - Hate speech claim laughable, but there's a more serious issue

Well, last night an un-named member of The Google Team offered an explanation for the most recent removal of OfficialWire from Google News. Hate Speech. The Google Team member wrote: "We do not allow articles and sources expressly promoting hate speech viewpoints in Google News". Hate speech? I had to read it a couple times before it sunk in... I mean, I'm a Jew, for Christ's sake! I am fairly confident that I have never written what might be considered "Hate Speech". Hate Speech? The Google message continued... "For example, a number of the complaints we looked at on your site were found to be holocaust negationism [sic] (a form of hate speech)

UK holds Microsoft security talks
UK officials are talking to Microsoft over fears the new version of Windows could make it harder for police to read suspects' computer files.

Paramount unit to tell Gore's 'Truth'

LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Paramount's new specialty division has acquired worldwide rights to Participant Prods.' global-warming documentary "An Inconvenient Truth," featuring Al Gore. Helmed by Davis Guggenheim ("Deadwood," "The First Year"), the film, which had its world premiere at last month's Sundance Film Festival, weaves the science behind the issue of global warming with the former vice president's personal history and longtime commitment to communicating the pressing need to reverse the effects of global climate change.

Tipping Toward High Crimes - Terror and Deception as Affairs of State and the Complicity of the Media
When I asked a former high-level U.S. intelligence official about Bush's comment, he agreed that Bush had overstated the intelligence.” When were we going to see that corrective splattered on the front pages, the way Bush’s original story was earlier this month? Not in this universe—not with media willing to be stenographers to presidential deceptions first, truth seekers and investigators last.

The secret to soap opera addiction

WE REMEMBER juicy gossip about our friends and acquaintances far more readily than more mundane details about their lives - which may explain why people become so addicted to gossipy media such as soap operas.

The Making of a Zombie Culture

It is difficult to know what the public thinks when they watch the major media networks. My mother is a devotee of the CBS evening news that was anchored by Dan Rather. I do not know who anchors the program now. If my mother does not hear about something on the CBS evening news, she does not believe it. On the other hand, I get none of my news from the televised media, because I know they are not telling us the truth either by content or by omission. When I discuss the issues with my mother she is often incredulous about what I tell her, doubting my authenticity. Like millions of other Americans, my mother fails to grasp the extent of the propaganda that is used to manipulate and misshape her views.

Reference Tool On Web Finds Fans, Censors

When access to Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that anyone can edit, was disrupted across China last October, a lanky chemical engineer named Shi Zhao called his Internet service provider to complain. A technician confirmed what Shi already suspected: Someone in the government had ordered the site blocked again.
Who and why were mysteries, Shi recalled, but the technician promised to pass his complaint on to higher authorities if he put it in writing.

MEDIA: The Op-Ed Assassination Of Hugo Chávez
After televangelist Pat Robertson first publicly called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez Frias (700 Club, 8/22/05), the editors of several major U.S. newspapers were quick to denounce his outrageous incitement to violence. However, in criticizing the conservative televangelist, the U.S. prestige press overlooked its own highly antagonistic treatment of Venezuela's president, which has surely contributed to the heated political climate in which Robertson makes such threats.

U.S. Reclassifies Many Documents in Secret Review
In a seven-year-old secret program at the National Archives, intelligence agencies have been removing from public access thousands of historical documents that were available for years, including some already published by the State Department and others photocopied years ago by private historians.

The Life and Death of Public Records

Sometimes it's the small abuses scurrying below radar that reveal how profoundly the Bush administration has changed America in the name of national security. Buried within the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 is a regulation that bars most public access to birth and death certificates for 70 to 100 years. In much of the country, these records have long been invaluable tools for activists, lawyers and reporters to uncover patterns of illness and pollution that officials miss or ignore. In These Times has obtained a draft of the proposed regulations now causing widespread concern among state officials. It reveals plans to create a vast database of vital records to be centralized in Washington and details measures that states must implement -- and pay millions for -- before next year's scheduled implementation.

A question of anti-trust
A new front opened in the six-year war between Microsoft and the European commission last week. The endgame is uncertain, as regards both timing and outcome, but the enormous scale of the stakes are clearer: Brussels is challenging the entire basis of the group's business strategy and model. It is determined to change them. With the US department of justice (almost) out of the picture following its 2002 settlement and most of Microsoft's once-litigious rivals either out of business or bought off, the commission sees itself as a lonely David fighting Goliath, aiming its sling at the group's quasi-monopoly. It wants to force it to face genuinely free competition.

Second Virus Attacks Mac OS X

Security firms say Mac is likely to become a bigger hacker
Security researchers said Friday they have found a second virus that affects Apple computers running the Mac OS X operating system, further eroding the long-held belief that Mac machines are more impervious to attacks than Microsoft’s Windows-based personal computers. Symantec said it has identified a new worm, “Inqtana,” that spreads through a vulnerability in the operating system. The worm has not affected any users thus far and is considered to be a “proof of concept” or a prototype that can be developed to launch more malicious versions.

Signs Comment: You can imagine a basement at Microsoft full of people working on trying to infect the Mac OS.

U.S. Still Planting Stories in Iraq Media
Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld was mistaken when he said last week that the U.S. military had stopped the controversial practice of paying to plant stories in the Iraqi news media, a Pentagon spokesman said Tuesday. Bryan Whitman, a senior spokesman, said Rumsfeld had been incorrect in saying during an TV interview Friday that the practice had been halted in the wake of negative publicity in the United States. Rumsfeld made a similar assertion during a speech at the Council on Foreign Relations that same day. Whitman noted that Gen. George Casey, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, has said he saw no reason to stop the practice.

Rumsfeld Declares War on Bad Press

Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld has signaled that he plans to intensify a campaign to influence global media coverage of the United States, a move that is likely to heighten the debate over press freedom and propaganda-free reporting.
Speaking at the Council on Foreign Relations in New York last week, Rumsfeld said that Washington will launch a new drive to spread and defend U.S. views, especially in the so-called war on terror.

US media drops Abu Ghraib torture issue

Horrifying images of systematic US military abuse of Iraqi detainees at Abu Ghraib prison were aired last week on Australian television and also published at The images of prisoners, naked, strapped to apparatuses on the floor, hanging upside down, wounded, threatened by snarling dogs, masturbating for their abusers, draped in women's underwear, forced to sodomize themselves, arranged in the most degrading and painful positions, as well as photographs of dead bodies and blood-smeared cells, have been in the possession of the US military for several years and have been systematically suppressed. The Pentagon has resisted efforts to have the photographs and videos made available to the public. And for good reason. The Abu Ghraib images demonstrate, in the first place, the depraved and sadistic character of US treatment of detainees. More than that, they help give the lie to the propaganda of the Bush administration and the media about the motives for the Iraq war and occupation and its essential character. How could such barbarism be associated with the effort to spread 'democracy' in the Middle East, to 'liberate' the Iraqi people? The conduct by the US military prison guards is a telltale sign of a brutal, colonial occupation. The occupying power resorts to terror and criminality to suppress a population that opposes and despises its presence.

An Upside-Down Media

The gravest indictment of the American news media is that George W. Bush has gutted the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Geneva Conventions and the United Nations Charter – yet this extraordinary story does not lead the nation's newspapers and the evening news every day.

Press Can Be Prosecuted for Having Secret Files, U.S. Says
The Bush administration said that journalists can be prosecuted under current espionage laws for receiving and publishing classified information but that such a step "would raise legitimate and serious issues and would not be undertaken lightly," according to a court filing made public this week. "There plainly is no exemption in the statutes for the press, let alone lobbyists like the defendants," Justice Department lawyers wrote in response to a motion filed last month seeking to dismiss charges against Steven J. Rosen and Keith Weissman, former lobbyists for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

Signs Comment: Remember the Judy Miller case at the New York Times? Miller had been used by the neo-cons, and she is herself a neo-con, to funnel out fake info about Saddam and his weapons of mass invisibility. She was becoming a disgrace when her antics became public. Then, last summer, she was ressurected as a hero for refusing to give her sources in the Valerie Plame leak case. She heroically did her time until "Scooter" Libby admitted that he was her source. Here we have a case of Israeli spying on the US, something that goes on regularly and consistently. We see the attempt to pull the same switcheroo in a way to white wash Israel's spying on the US. The Bush regime will attempt to use the case to clamp down yet again on the rights of US citizens while those interested in the freedom of information will be manuevered into supporting the spies!

We are moving ever closer to the era of mind control
The military interest in new brain-scanning technology is beginning to show a sinister side
Brain scientists are on a roll. Concern about rising levels of mental distress have resulted in unprecedented levels of funding in the US and Europe. And a range of new technologies, from genetics to brain imaging, are offering extraordinary insights into the molecular and cellular processes underlying how we see, how we remember, why we become emotional. Brain imaging has become familiar. Scanners, known by their initials - CAT, PET, MRI - began as clinical tools, enabling surgeons to identify potential tumours, the damage following a stroke or the diagnostic signs of incipient dementia. But neuroscientists quickly seized on their wider potential. The images of regions of the brain 'lighting up' when a person is thinking of their lover, imagining travelling from home to the shops, or solving a mathematical problem, have captured the imagination of researchers and public alike. What if they could do more?

Signs Comment:
Such trends may be relatively innocuous, but the increasing state interest in what the images might reveal is less so. Specifically, what if brain imaging could predict future behaviour, or indicate guilt or innocence of a crime? There are claims, for example, that it could reveal potential 'psychopathy', that the brains of men convicted of brutal murders show significantly abnormal patterns.

In the current legislative climate, where there have been attempts to introduce pre-emptive detention for 'psychopaths' who have not yet been convicted of any crime, such claims need to be addressed critically. They are and will be resisted by the judiciary, but recent developments suggest that this may be a frail defence against an increasingly authoritarian state.
The real problem is that if those in power are psychopaths, they're not going to be pushing technologies that could be used to incriminate them. They would do the exact opposite.

Chinese Media Assail Google
A state-run newspaper reported Tuesday that Google Inc. is under investigation for operating without a proper license in China and quoted an unnamed government official as saying the Internet giant needs to cooperate further with the authorities in blocking "harmful information" from its search results.
The report, in the Beijing News, was published the same day that another state newspaper ran a harshly worded editorial about Google. The paper accused the firm of sneaking into China like an "uninvited guest" and then making a fuss about being required to follow Chinese law and cooperate in censoring search results such as pornography.

Shock over Iraqi reporter's death
The killing of Atwar Bahjat, who rose to fame reporting from Iraq for both main Arabic satellite news networks, has shocked Arab journalistic circles. Gunmen kidnapped and killed her and two members of her crew near Samarra where they had gone to cover reaction to Wednesday's shrine bombing.

O'Reilly: U.S. should leave Iraq "as fast as humanly possible" because "there are so many nuts in the country" Summary: Bill O'Reilly suggested that the United States "hand over everything to the Iraqis as fast as humanly possible" because "[t]here are so many nuts in the country -- so many crazies -- that we can't control them." O'Reilly has previously called those advocating immediate withdrawal from Iraq "pinheads" and compared them to Hitler appeasers.

The Unreal Death of Journalism
Death is always in the news. From local car crashes to catastrophes in faraway places, deadly events are grist for the media mill. The coverage is ongoing -- and almost always superficial. It may be unfair to blame journalists for failing to meet standards that commonly elude artists. For centuries, on the subject of death, countless poets have strived to put the ineffable into words. It's only easy when done badly.

Blogger bares Rumsfeld's post 9/11 orders
Hours after a commercial plane struck the Pentagon on September 11 2001 the US defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, was issuing rapid orders to his aides to look for evidence of Iraqi involvement, according to notes taken by one of them. "Hard to get good case. Need to move swiftly," the notes say. "Near term target needs - go massive - sweep it all up, things related and not."

Signs Comment: Let's get real here, Baghdad was in the Pentagon's ( and more importantly, Israel's) sights long before 9/11. How much longer do we have to watch the mainstream press dither over the patently obvious? 9/11 was carried out by Israel with the complicity of the Bush government in order to facilitate the invasion of Iraq, and everything else that is yet to come.

The Olympics We Missed
Too bad NBC has botched the Winter Olympics, because there's been enough drama to satisfy even a nation of reality TV
The Winter Olympics have been to NBC what icebergs were to the Titanic. With the exception of the prime-time figure skating competition Tuesday, ratings have been subterranean, as the Torino Games have been routinely trounced by everything from American Idol to the Home Shopping Network. Thus far the network's $613 million investment looks like it would have been better spent on Betamax stock. A question worth asking is why? The answers speak to everything that's wrong with the arrogance of television networks and the hypocrisy and jingoism at the heart of the games. Let's go through it point by point.

If It's Sunday, It's Conservative

A new report nails down what we knew all along: If you're a guest on a TV talk show, you're probably a conservative.
Last week, Media Matters released a study demonstrating empirically what we all knew from experience: the Sunday politics shows -- Meet the Press, This Week with George Stephanopoulos and Face the Nation -- skewed heavily towards right-wing guests. The Sunday gasbag fests influence the conventional wisdom far more than their audience -- about 10 million people per week -- would suggest. They shape the way our media frames the news, and determine who is and who is not a credible voice. Pols, reporters and other shows follow their lead.

Science Fiction Writer Octavia Butler Dies
Octavia E. Butler, considered the first black woman to gain national prominence as a science fiction writer, has died, a close friend said Sunday. She was 58. Butler fell and struck her head on the cobbled walkway outside her home, said Leslie Howle, a longtime friend and employee at the Science Fiction Museum and Hall of Fame in Seattle. The writer, who suffered from high blood pressure and heart trouble and could only take a few steps without stopping for breath, was found outside her home in the north Seattle suburb of Lake Forest Park and died Friday, Howle said.

Signs Comment: In a Democracy Now! interview, we find the following:

Science Fiction Writer Octavia Butler on Race, Global Warming and Religion
Friday, November 11th, 2005

AMY GOODMAN: Octavia Butler, could you read a little from Parable of the Talents.

OCTAVIA BUTLER: I'm going to read a verse or two. And keep in mind these were written early in the 1990s. But I think they apply forever, actually. This first one, I have a character in the books who is, well, someone who is taking the country fascist and who manages to get elected President and, who oddly enough, comes from Texas. And here is one of the things that my character is inspired to write about, this sort of situation. She says:
"Choose your leaders with wisdom and forethought. To be led by a coward is to be controlled by all that the coward fears. To be led by a fool is to be led by the opportunists who control the fool. To be led by a thief is to offer up your most precious treasures to be stolen. To be led by a liar is to ask to be lied to. To be led by a tyrant is to sell yourself and those you love into slavery."
And there's one other that I thought I should read, because I see it happening so much. I got the idea for it when I heard someone answer a political question with a political slogan. And he didn't seem to realize that he was quoting somebody. He seemed to have thought that he had a creative thought there. And I wrote this verse:
"Beware, all too often we say what we hear others say. We think what we are told that we think. We see what we are permitted to see. Worse, we see what we are told that we see. Repetition and pride are the keys to this. To hear and to see even an obvious lie again and again and again, maybe to say it almost by reflex, and then to defend it because we have said it, and at last to embrace it because we've defended it."
AMY GOODMAN: On that note we'll have to leave it there, but we'll continue it online at Octavia Butler.

British court battle over 'The Da Vinci Code'

The author of the blockbuster novel "The Da Vinci Code" faces an English High Court challenge Monday from two men who claim he stole their ideas. Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh are suing their own publishers, Random House, claiming Dan Brown's book draws heavily on their 1982 bestseller "Holy Blood, Holy Grail".

Rival writers start last chapter in war of words over Da Vinci Code
Da Vinci Code: 'THIS is without doubt, the silliest, most inaccurate, ill-informed, stereotype-driven, cloth-eared, cardboard-cutout-populated piece of pulp fiction that I have read. And that's saying something. "It would be bad enough that Brown has gone into New Age overdrive by trying to draw together the Grail, Mary Magdalene, the Knights Templar, the Priory of Sion, Rosicrucianism, Fibonacci numbers, the Isis cult and the Age of Aquarius. But he's done it so sloppily.'

'MySpace' Parody Launches Film Career

Amateur filmmaker David Lehre first screened his short film "MySpace: The Movie" about a month ago at his 21st birthday party....

The media, politicians, and academics do NOT understand who bloggers, and what blogs, are
The problem the media, politicians and pundits make when calling the left side of the blogosphere "extreme" or "far left" is that they confuse anger and activism with a particular wing of politics. They're not the same thing. And in today's Democratic party, or rather, in today's America, to be angry at the way the country is heading, to think President Bush is a failure as a president, is not the same thing as having a particular political affiliation, let alone one to the "extreme."

Diverse Groups Team Up to Fight E-Mail Fee
A variety of interest groups have joined forces to fight a proposed bulk e-mailing fee they claim strikes at the heart of online communication - a level playing field for rich and poor....

Survey: Rural Broadband Users Closing Gap

The use of high-speed Internet services is growing fast in rural America, partly closing the gap between country and city, a survey shows....

AOL Sues Groups Under Anti-Phishing Law

America Online is taking advantage of a first-of-its-kind anti-"phishing" law in Virginia to sue three international groups that allegedly stole information from unsuspecting AOL users by sending e-mail that appeared to be legitimate messages from the company....

'Virtual' Visits Pushed in Several States

Divorce put David List and his 2-year-old daughter on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean, and he worried that she would soon forget him....

Ask Bouncing Butler in Ambitious Makeover

After spending the last decade building its brand around a cartoon character named Jeeves, wants everyone to forget the dainty butler and remember its long-overlooked Internet search engine as the next best thing to Google....

New World Order

Fears raised on ministers' power
Ministers have denied fears measures intended to cut red tape could give them wide-ranging powers to change laws without needing Parliament's approval. Cambridge University law experts say the Legislative and Regulatory Reform Bill would give ministers the power to do things such as scrap jury trials. For the Tories Ken Clarke said it could "sweep away parliamentary procedure and debate on an astonishing scale".

Signs Comment: Gotta stay competitive in the new fascist economy.
We thought that the UK had been doing a good job so far. What with the MI5 organized bombings in London in July, our seasoned race-track afficionado, Ignacious O'Reilly, had put Tony Blair's team in a strong second place behind front-runner George W. and the neo-cons. While other European countries had been reworking their game-plans to move up, and possibly overtake Team Blair, the London bombings certainly certainly gave the Brits a hard-to-overcome lead. With this new legislation, the Blairites seemed to be giving the death-knell to any hopes of other European countries catching up or overtaking them. O'Reilly cautions the Brits, however, to not get too uppity with their lead because the French may well change captains next year, and if front-runner Nick Sarkozy gets the nod, the playing field will change radically.

Global credit ocean dries up - The cash machine that sustained a world boom is about to close, and it\'s going to get ugly
One by one, the eurozone, the Swedes, the Swiss and now even the Japanese, are turning off the tap of ultra-cheap credit that has flushed the global system for the past year, keeping the ageing asset boom alive.

Israel, Palestine and Zionism

Hamas: Victory for Jabotinsky Likudites
[...] Since Israel will never loosen its grip on the so-called occupied territories, a Hamas “victory” in an election designed to allow the Palestinians to pretend they are a sovereign nation (and actually choose the “authority” that will rule over them at the behest of the Likudites), the “election” of Hamas is a custom-made excuse for Israel to harden its apartheid policies, continue to bombard Gaza mercilessly, and never allow the Palestinians to set up their own state.

Israeli army kills militants in post-election clash
JENIN, West Bank - Israeli troops killed two Islamic Jihad militants on Tuesday in the first deadly clash since a shock victory by Hamas in a Palestinian election that has thrown Middle East peacemaking into turmoil. Islamic Jihad said its West Bank military commander Nidal Abu Sadi was one of those killed.

Putin urges Hamas to renounce violence, recognize Israel
MOSCOW, (Xinhuanet) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday urged the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) to renounce violence and recognize the state of Israel, but he warned against cutting aid to the Palestinians.

Tearful kidnapped US journalist pleads for life
BAGHDAD - Kidnapped US reporter Jill Carroll tearfully pleaded for her life in the latest video released by her captors as Saddam Hussein's defense team was set to boycott the next hearing of his rocky trial on Wednesday. In stark contrast to her earlier appeal, Carroll appeared in a bulky white headscarf weeping on the video which was broadcast by Arab satellite television Al-Jazeera on Monday night without any sound.

Signs Comment:
"The latest video was widely reported in the United States, but television stations refused to broadcast more than a few seconds of it, calling it too disturbing."
If showing a kidnapped US reporter on the mainstream news is "too disturbing", just imagine what else they refuse to show!

Israeli troops kill Palestinian boy
Israeli soldiers shot dead a Palestinian boy as they opened fire on two people seen placing a "suspicious object" on a road in the West Bank. Israel's Zaka rescue service, which monitors army communications in the occupied West Bank, said the dead child was aged nine.

Doctors conceal Sharon's health condition: paper
JERUSALEM, (Xinhuanet) -- Doctors treating Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon have concealed his real health condition following his first stroke, local newspaper Ha'aretz reported on Tuesday.

Palestinians vote in key election
Palestinians are voting in their first parliamentary election for a decade, with the governing Fatah party facing a strong challenge. The militant Islamic group Hamas is fielding candidates for the first time, and polls suggest they could do well.

Netanyahu willing to make concession
Likud chairman Binyamin Netanyahu promised the Palestinians on Sunday night that if he will be elected prime minister, he will be willing to make compromises and offer them concessions without sacrificing Israel's security.
Speaking at the Herzliya Conference, Netanyahu said that he would begin by removing settlement outposts and then gradually remove IDF checkpoints to allow unhindered Palestinian travel. He said that a Likud-led government would not be in favor of reoccupying or annexing Palestinian populated areas of Judea and Samaria.

Signs Comment: So, sounds great, right? Peace in our time! From the man who, with his rhetoric, has been making Sharon look like a peacemaker.So what is he offering? To give back a few outposts while grabbing the Jordan Valley, the Golan Heights, Judean desert, an undivided Jerusalem, settlement blocs in Judea and Samaria, and the hilltops overlooking Ben-Gurion Airport, the Gush Dan region and Road 443. Some deal, isn't it?Moreover, he'll reroute the apartheid wall according to Israeli law, which was well inside the green line, rather than accepting the International Court's decision that it had to stick to the green line. He wants to change israeli law to give him the power to do what he wants with the wall. Sound familiar?

Choreographed Chaos?
Norwegian nationals, heeding s strong request from their government, left the Gaza Strip under the protection of the Palestinian security forces on Monday, 30 January. Over the weekend, the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade, the armed wing of the defeated Fatah party, distributed a leaflet in Gaza City demanding that all Norwegians, Swedes, and Danes leave Gaza within 48 hours, pending an apology from the governments of Denmark and Norway for cartoons insulting the Prophet Mohammed published late in 2005.

Netanyahu compares Hamas election win to rise of Hitler
While stumping in Netanya on Sunday, Likud Chairman MK Benjamin Netanyahu compared Hamas' victory in Palestinian parliamentary elections last week to the rise of the Nazis in Germany in the 1930s.
Signs Comment: Now THAT is rich! If anything, the coup d'etat managed by Bush and the Neocons in the US is EXACTLY like the "Rise of Hitler." Helped by the Zionists, we should add.

U.S. Congress moves to legislate against Hamas-led PA
WASHINGTON - Republican Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, from Florida, submitted on Tuesday the first legislative response to Hamas' landslide victory in Palestinian elections last week. The bill, co-sponsored by Democratic Congressman Tom Lantos, from California, includes a number of extremely harsh measures against the radical Islamic movement.

Signs Comment: How about a little paraphrase of Fosella's legislation that might go a lot further toward getting the US out of the mess it is currently in:

"Not one dollar of taxpayer money should go to this terrorist organization," Fossella said. "The Israeli people have every right to elect a terrorist organization to control their government - and the United States has every right to eliminate any financial assistance for it."

In fact, an even better version would be that not one dollar of taxpayer money should go to the current terrorist Neocon Administration.

Putin's Comments on Hamas Spark Row Between Russia, Israel — Paper

Commenting on Hamas recent victory at the Palestinian legislative elections at a press conference Tuesday, Putin said Russia never declared Hamas a terrorist organization, although it never supported its actions. The West should not cut financial aid because of the Hamas’s victory in the elections, he added.

Hamas as the mirror of Palestinian democracy
[...] Hamas's victory spells out the demise of the American policy of spreading democracy in the Middle East as an alternative to the proliferation of politicized Islam. Western political formulas provided a breeding ground for aggressive radicals who are taking control of regional countries in democratic elections.
Signs Comment: Satanovsky's remarks: "Western political formulas provided a breeding ground for aggressive radicals who are taking control of regional countries in democratic elections. ... It is no use trying to keep predators on a vegetable diet. It is likewise useless to hope that killers and terrorists will change their ways after they come to power." apply equally to the United States. It is unfortunate, but true, that those who are the capable of the greatest deceit and aggression against their opponents are the ones that manage to gain the sympathy of an ignorant populace. When Satanovsky further states: "Hamas's victory spells out the demise of the American policy of spreading democracy in the Middle East as an alternative to the proliferation of politicized Islam" He is twisting the reality of the situation. Hamas' victory is in fact the realisation of the American and Israeli policy of spreading politicized Islam throughout the Middle East, or at least the appearance of politicized Islam

Punished for Democracy: Israel halts Palestinians' tax payments

Israel has halted monthly tax payments to the cash-strapped Palestinian Authority one week after the election victory of Hamas, but the militant group said it has been promised financial support from the Arab world. The customs revenue collected by Israel on behalf of the Palestinians is the main source of funding for their budget and is used to pay an estimated 140,000 government workers.

Saudis, Qatar Pledge $33M to Palestinians

Saudi Arabia promised $20 million and Qatar pledged $13 million in quick aid to help the Palestinian Authority pay January salaries to 137,000 employees, a senior Palestinian official said. He spoke on condition of anonymity because the deal has not been finalized.

EU extends aid to Palestinians in bid to prevent 'mini Iran'

EU foreign ministers meeting on Monday (30 January) agreed to continue aid to the Palestinian Authority under strict conditions put to election winner Hamas, fearing a complete cut-off of funding will create room for Iran to step in.

'Israel is trying to push us out of Jordan Valley'

[...] "Israel has been systematically making life difficult in the Jordan Valley in order to reduce the number of Palestinians living there," Ghassan Khateeb, Minister of Planning of the Palestinian Authority, told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday.

Israel: Democracy of lords and masters
[...] The actions of the Border Police, as well as other units that operate in the service of the settlements, have long been known. For over 25 years, from the Karp Report to the recently issued Sasson Report, everyone knows the law is not enforced in the territories, and therefore the police are not required to make an effort to deal with violators. There is no longer talk of basic norms of universal morality: In a colonial society, there are different types of human beings, and therefore, different rights and different values, as well.

Signs Comment: Israel seems to be a psychopath magnet, just like the Old West was in the U.S. The difference is that Israel runs a very good risk of being obliterated in a nuclear war... hmmm...

Israel considers protesting BBC show on `secret weapons'

[...]  The program allegedly claims the army used some form of unidentified chemical weapons against Palestinians in February 2001. It focuses on efforts made by Israel to cover up its development of unconventional weapons, among other things referring to Mordechai Vanunu, serving an 18-year term for passing information about Israel's nuclear program in Dimona to a British newspaper...

Abbas may postpone Palestinian elections
[...] The announcement comes after top members of his Fatah party pressured him to delay the election because of a fierce challenge from the Islamic group Hamas. They are worried Hamas will have a strong showing at the polls.

Signs Comment: And why should Israel have any say in who votes and who does not in a Palestinian election?

A Glossary of Dispossession

During 2005 the Israelis and most main media trumpeted the "disengagement" from Gaza, and claimed that bold steps had been taken to resolve the conflict. Despite these claims, the reality is that more Palestinian land has been stolen, many have been dispossessed, and ethnic cleansing has been exacerbated especially in Jerusalem. Meanwhile Israelis are orchestrating a propaganda campaign to hide this latest sordid chapter of dispossession. The main feature of this campaign is its invisibility: Israel and its media surrogates are effectively diverting attention from what is happening on the ground. There are virtually no reports about the progress of the construction of the wall and the effect it is having on those caught in its path. Furthermore, it is evident that events have been stage-managed and over hyped to divert media attention elsewhere, e.g., the hoopla surrounding the eviction of the settlers in Gaza [1]. The third feature is the adoption of propaganda-tainted words; these are a subtle means of altering the perception of the Palestinian condition and the nature of Israeli actions -- and these are the focus of this article.

Israel detains Palestinian candidate in East Jerusalem

 Israeli police detained a campaigning Palestinian candidate in East Jerusalem on Tuesday, Palestinian sources and witnesses said.

Palestinians Tortured by Israelis Awarded NIS 2.4 Million

The Defense Ministry a few days ago gave NIS 2.4 million to 28 Palestinians who were tortured by the Israel Defense Forces and the Shin Bet security service. The payment was made after an out-of-court settlement was reached with the plaintiffs, who agreed that suits brought to the Tel Aviv Magistrate and District courts would be turned down.

Journalist questions Israel's decision on ex-Yukos owner

TEL AVIV - An Israeli journalist appealed Thursday to the highest judicial authority in the country to investigate the legality of granting Israeli citizenship to an exiled Russian tycoon and Israel's refusal to extradite him to Russia.

Jewish Riots fail to stop settlement demolition

Five thousand police and soldiers sent to demolish an illegal Jewish outpost on a West Bank hilltop yesterday faced thousands of young Israeli settlers who had promised a battle over Amona.

The Core of Zionism
Editors' Note: This month CounterPunch Books publishes Michael Neumann's The Case Against Israel, a bracing and tightly argued counterblast to the nonsense peddled by Alan Dershowitz in The Case For Israel. What follows is Neumann's core thesis. We strongly encourage CounterPunchers to order this book, either through this site or you can Call Becky Grant or Deva Wheeler at 800-840-3683 or email us. AC/JSC.

Hamas and America's Erroneous Grasp of Middle East Reality

Washington's reaction to the victory of Hamas in the Palestinian election demonstrates once again America's ignorance of the reality on the Arab street. According to this op-ed article from Egypt's Al-Gomhoria, it is the Zionist-influenced American attempt to stop Hamas that has chiefly led to its meteoric rise in popularity.

Rocket hits house in southern Israel
A rocket struck a house in southern Israel on Friday, injuring three and causing extensive damage, rescue services said.
Israel blamed Palestinian militants from Gaza for the attack on Kibbutz Karmia. There was no immediate claim of responsibility from militants.

Confirmed: Israelis kill 15-year-old inside Lebanon
Lebanon and the United Nations confirmed Thursday Israeli troops killed a 15-year-old shepherd inside Lebanon, after investigations were carried out by peacekeeping forces along the Lebanese-Israeli border.

Israel releases payment to Palestinians
Israel has agreed to make an overdue payment to the Palestinian Authority, but future transfers will be halted once the Islamic militant group Hamas forms the next Palestinian government.

Worlds apart
Israelis have always been horrified at the idea of parallels between their country, a democracy risen from the ashes of genocide, and the racist system that ruled the old South Africa. Yet even within Israel itself, accusations persist that the web of controls affecting every aspect of Palestinian life bears a disturbing resemblance to apartheid. After four years reporting from Jerusalem and more than a decade from Johannesburg before that, the Guardian's award-winning Middle East correspondent Chris McGreal is exceptionally well placed to assess this explosive comparison. Here we publish the first part of his two-day special report

USS Cole bomber in Yemeni jail break
The man who planned the bombing of the USS Cole in 2000 has tunnelled out of a Yemeni jail along with at least 13 other convicted al-Qa'ida militants, prompting Interpol to issue a global security alert.

Official: Hamas Won't Recognize Israel

A top Hamas official said the militant group will not recognize Israel but will abide, for now, by past agreements Palestinian leaders made with the Jewish state. He also lashed out at the more moderate Fatah party for refusing to participate in a national unity Palestinian government.

Sharon unlikely to regain consciousness: doctors

There has been no sign that Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, who has been in hospital since a Jan. 4 severe stroke, isn't likely to regain consciousness, doctors said on Monday.

The problem is Israel, not Hamas

[...] Virtually all observers had predicted that Hamas would make significant gains and might even have a slight lead over Fatah, the governing party of the Palestinian Authority (PA). None -- and probably few within Hamas itself -- expected that the movement would take 74 seats out of the 132 contested seats.

'Iran is world's most serious threat since WWII'
Israel's Ambassador to the United States Danny Ayalon said on Tuesday morning that Iran is the biggest problem facing the world since World War II.

The Passion of the Texans: Jewish Criminal Influence Peddlers In The Spotlight
As the law moves in on a pair of Texans — ex-Enron boss Ken Lay and ex-House majority leader Tom DeLay — now would be a good time for anybody who has anxiety over negative stories about Jews to start squirming. ...

Holocaust Survivor Memoir Exposed as Fraud

Although he claims to have been born in Latvia in 1939, and to have arrived in Switzerland in 1947 or 1948, Swiss legal records show that he was actually born in Switzerland in February 1941, the son of an unwed woman, Yvette Grosjean. The infant was then adopted and raised by the Doessekkers, a middle-class Zurich couple. Jewish author Daniel Ganzfried, writing in the Swiss weekly Weltwoche, also reports that he has found a 1946 photo of the young Bruno Doessekker (Wilkomirski) in the garden of his adoptive parents.

Despite Gaza pullout, illegal Israeli settler population grows by 12,000

Despite Israel's evacuation of more than 9,000 Jewish settlers from the Gaza Strip and a small area in the northern West Bank, the number of settlers in the occupied territories has risen by 12,000 people, the Israeli Peace N! ow movement said Monday. At the end of December 2005, the number of Jewish settlers living in the West Bank reached 250,000, the movement said.

Brothers in arms - Israel's secret pact with Pretoria
During the second world war the future South African prime minister John Vorster was interned as a Nazi sympathiser. Three decades later he was being feted in Jerusalem. In the second part of his remarkable special report, Chris McGreal investigates the clandestine alliance between Israel and the apartheid regime, cemented with the ultimate gift of friendship - A-bomb technology

Signs Comment: Another point of cooperation between Israel and the racist South African state was the development of ethnic specific weapons, that is, arms that could target victims by their DNA.

Israel unveils plan to encircle Palestinian state
The acting Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, said yesterday that he plans to annex the Jordan Valley and major Jewish settlement blocks to Israel in drawing new borders, according to a television station that recorded an interview with him yesterday.
In Mr Olmert's first policy statement since he succeeded Ariel Sharon last month, Channel 2 television said that he made clear he intends to carry through his predecessor's vision of creating an emasculated Palestinian state on Israel's terms.

Protest Against Israel: Church votes to sell off shares in Caterpillar

The Church of England's general synod - including the Archbishop of Canterbury - voted last night to disinvest church funds from companies profiting from Israel's illegal occupation of Palestinian territory.

Masked Israeli settlers stone Palestinian infants

Four masked men at an Israeli settlement were caught throwing stones at young Palestinian children on the weekend. Israel Radio reported the incident Tuesday saying it took place at the Ma'on settlement near Mt. Hebron. According to the report the children, aged between 6 and eight, were stoned by the men as they were making their way home from school. Israel Radio said the men, who wore masks, pelted the children from close range until an Israeli Army jeep showed up, and soldiers attempted to restrain them. The men resisted the soldiers and called them "nazis," the radio report said.

Israel plans to build 'museum of tolerance' on Muslim graves
Skeletons are being removed from the site of an ancient Muslim cemetery in Jerusalem to make way for a $150m (£86m) "museum of tolerance" being built for the Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Centre. Palestinians have launched a legal battle to stop the work at what was the city's main Muslim cemetery. The work is to prepare for the construction of a museum which seeks the promotion of "unity and respect among Jews and between people of all faiths". Israeli archaeologists and developers have continued excavating the remains of people buried at the site - which was a cemetery for at least 1,000 years - despite a temporary ban on work granted by the Islamic Court, a division of Israel's justice system. Police have been taking legal advice on whether the order is legally binding. The Israeli High Court is to hear a separate case brought by the Al Aqsa Association of the Islamic Movement in Israel next week.

Signs Comment: Now puhleeeeze! Can you imagine what would happen if Muslims - or ANYBODY - started digging up Jewish bones? Yes, we here at SOTT think that cemetaries are a waste of space, a representation of the fantasy of immortal physical life. But for many people who are not yet able to let go of their idealization of the material world, they are memorials of love and devotion. Those feelings are valuable and can lead a person to higher thought and emotion. To destroy such a connection, to violate those feelings is, we are afraid, a grievous wrong. It strikes that it is a "sin" against those less fortunate. For the fundies, Jesus did have something to say about that:

Luke 16:19 - 17:2 There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores, 16:21 And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores.

And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried; And in hell he lifted up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.

But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented.

And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence.

Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.

Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. [An obvious reference to the Jews]

And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent.

And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!

It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

Israel, Russia clash over moves on Hamas

Israel on Friday protested a plan by Russia to have talks in Moscow with Hamas, the Islamist militant group that swept recent Palestinian elections and whose charter calls for Israel's destruction.
But Russia stood its ground and predicted other countries would follow its lead in dealing with Hamas.

Israel 'may rue Saddam overthrow'

The head of Israel's domestic security agency, Shin Bet, has said his country may come to regret the overthrow of former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Yuval Diskin said a strong dictatorship would be preferable to the present "chaos" in Iraq, in a speech to teenage Jewish settlers in the West Bank.

U.S. Jews block conference set to include anti-Israel professors

Pressure exerted by Jewish organizations in the United States has succeeded in preventing an American Association of University Professors (AAUP) conference, in which a number of supporters of an academic boycott on Israel were scheduled to take part. The AAUP announced Thursday that it was indefinitely postponing the conference, which was scheduled to take place in Italy next week.
Some twenty professors were invited to take part in the conference, less than half of whom openly oppose an academic boycott of Israel. Ahead of the conference, the AAUP distributed a collection of articles, which included an article that had been published in Barnes Review, a publication that denies the Holocaust.

Yuri Lutsenko, Ukraine Minister, Israeli Citizen!

The story is in Russian, but the gist of it is:
A rabid fighter against the regime of Kuchma, the "Orange" minister of Interior Affairs of Ukraine, Yuri Lutsenko, has been revealed to be a citizen of Israel. Go HERE to see the Document.
Notice that it was issued on 7 June 2004.
Do you suppose that Lutsenko expects to have to flee to Israel at some point, from where he cannot be extradited?

mignews (Israeli propaganda rag pretending to be Russian)
9 March 2005
The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine - Mr. Yuri Lutzenko is convinced that the former chief of the ministry - Yuri Kravchenko had committed suicide. "The investigation is being held by the General Procuracy, though in my view that was the suicide”, - told the Minister in the interview to the journalists. - Although it is well-known to many that no person is likely to shoot him/herself twice, the references on criminology state such cases". Answering the question about the requests on the part of VIP officials, particularly ex-president of Ukraine - Leonid Kuchma, for the additional security, Mr. Lutzenko underscored that he was not addressed in this matter.

Architects threaten to boycott Israel over 'apartheid' barrier

A group including some of Britain's most prominent architects is considering calling for an economic boycott of Israel's construction industry in protest at the building of Israeli settlements and the separation barrier in the Occupied Territories. Architects and Planners for Justice in Palestine, whose members include Richard Rogers and the architectural critic Charles Jenckes, met for the first time last week in secret at the London headquarters of Lord Rogers' practice. He introduced the meeting, and the 60 attendees went on to condemn the illegal annexation of Palestinian land and the construction of the vast fence and concrete separation barrier running through the West Bank and Jerusalem.

Sharon critical after 40 days in coma
 Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon remains critically ill in hospital, the day after undergoing emergency surgery to remove part of his intestines as he entered his 40th day in a coma.
Officials at Jerusalem's Hadassah hospital said Sharon's life was not in danger following the four-hour stomach surgery needed to repair damage to his digestive system which doctors said was indicative of a wider systemic collapse in the 77-year-old patient.

Today Canadian Christians who publicly criticize homosexuality or blame Jewish leaders for the crucifixion are likely to be indicted as "hate criminals." But in 1971 when B'nai B'rith Canada and the Canadian Jewish Congress persuaded Parliament to enact their national anti-hate law, these Jewish organizations were wary of alarming Christians. Instead, they began anti-hate law enforcement by going after those least likely to be defended by society: Holocaust reductionists - those who reduce the six million figure of Jewish Holocaust dead. During the following 30 years, the Canadian public watched passively as Malcolm Ross, Doug Collins, Ernst Zundel, etc., were pilloried by the press and financially exhausted by the courts for the "hate crime" of inquiring whether the number of Jewish Holocaust dead might be less than six million. Then, around the turn of the century, B'nai B'rith's hate crimes gestapo turned on Christians. More cases have now been prosecuted against Christians (primarily critics of homosexuality) in the last five years than of Holocaust reductionists in the previous 30.


Remember all the frothy praise of Viktor Yuschenko and what a great democrat he was -- back when he was the leader of the so-called Orange Revolution that toppled Kuchma the corrupt Ukrainian regime of President Leonid Kuchma -- from George Bush, the neocons, Freedom House, and the Western press in general? Well, this week a little-noticed dispatch from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (the worldwide Jewish news service founded in 1917) related how now-President Yushchenko has just awarded Ukraine's highest honor -- the "Hero of Ukraine" medal -- to a notorious anti-Semite, Ivan Spodarenko. But not a word of this outrage has appeared in the major U.S. dailies.

Israel pushes urgency of UN Iran review
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni urged German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier Monday to support discussing the Iranian nuclear issue at the United Nations Security Council immediately, part of an Israeli diplomatic drive that could be characterized as "To the Security Council Now." This push took on more urgency Monday amid reports that Teheran postponed talks with Moscow scheduled for Thursday on a plan to enrich its uranium in Russia, and that Teheran has already begun the small-scale enrichment of uranium.

Why Hamas won, why Fatah lost: the steps to take in the coming months
The Hamas victory in this election is not only a victory of democracy, but it is also a victory of the determination of the Palestinian people to continue the resistance against Israeli occupation. The Palestinians have rewarded the political and social steadfastness of Hamas. And they have put in a state of crisis the plans of the neo-cons of the USA Administration for the new Greater Middle East, already put in serious difficulty in Iraq.

Propaganda Alert! Israel uses Hamas-Chechen link

[Israeli] Government officials are circulating a document showing Hamas's links to Chechen terrorists in an attempt to influence Russian public opinion against President Vladimir Putin's overtures to Hamas. The pamphlet, put out by the Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center at the Center for Special Studies, an information project sponsored by an NGO set up in memory of fallen members of the Israeli intelligence community, opens by stating that "Hamas support for the Chechen separatists and their terrorist tactics did not prevent it from immediately accepting" Putin's recent invitation to visit Moscow.

Hamas cries foul over Abbas powers

The outgoing Palestinian parliament has given new sweeping powers to Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, even as Hamas refused to identify the new prime minister. At its final session on Monday, the Palestinian parliament empowered Abbas to appoint a new, nine-judge constitutional court that would have the authority to resolve any dispute between him and the incoming Hamas-dominated parliament or cabinet. Hamas reacted vehemently to the decision, calling it "a bloodless coup".

By such little things is a man betrayed - On 14 February, the anniversary of his assassination, I remember Hariri and the promises we made

A year ago, I watched an old friend burning on the pavement beside me. No, let us be true, many millions of Lebanese regarded Rafiq Hariri as an old friend. But he was a friend to me, calling me after I was badly beaten on the Afghan border in 2001, offering to fly me home to Beirut on his private jet - "Musharraf is my friend," he had shouted, accurately if somewhat slyly - over the phone line to Quetta. And, of course, I turned him down; journalists should not take gifts from prime ministers. And so again, this 14 February, on the anniversary of his assassination - along with 21 others on the Corniche not far from my Beirut home - I remember the man and all the solemn promises we made to tell the truth about his murder.

Settlers defile Palestinian mosque

Jewish settlers have daubed graffiti insulting Prophet Muhammad on a mosque in a Palestinian village in the occupied West Bank, an Israeli military source and local residents said. After news of Sunday's incident, Palestinians threw stones at Israeli cars driving to nearby Jewish settlements, slightly hurting one woman and sparking clashes with Israeli soldiers who fired tear gas and shot bullets into the air.

Israel cuts Jordan Rift from rest of West Bank

While the international community busied itself with the disengagement from the Gaza Strip last summer, Israel completed another cut-off process, which went unnoticed; In 2005, Israel completed a process of sealing off the eastern sector of the West Bank, including the Jordan Rift Valley, from the remainder of the West Bank. Some 2,000,000 Palestinians, residents of the West Bank, are prohibited from entering the area, which constitutes around one-third of the West Bank, and includes the Jordan Rift, the area of the Dead Sea shoreline and the eastern slopes of the West Bank mountains. Military sources told Haaretz that the moves have been "security measures" adopted by the Israel Defense Forces and have no connection to any political intentions whatsoever.

U.S. support has allowed Israel to violate Palestinian rights repeatedly
The existence of settlers, the settlements, and the confiscation of resources are all illegal under international law, namely the Fourth Geneva Convention and U.N. resolutions. The United States, however, has refused to pressure Israel to remove the settlements. Financial, military and diplomatic support from the United States has enabled Israel to grossly violate the human rights of Palestinian Muslims and Christians.

Israel, U.S. Jews lobby Oscar panel against use of 'Palestine'

Israel and U.S. Jewish groups have lobbied organizers of next month's Academy Awards not to present a nominated film about Palestinian suicide bombers as coming from "Palestine," an Israeli diplomat said yesterday. With Israeli-Palestinian tensions running high, the provenance of "Paradise Now" is as combustible an issue as its plot in the run-up to the March 5 ceremony, which will be watched by millions worldwide. A drama about two West Bank men recruited to blow themselves up in Tel Aviv, "Paradise Now" is a contender for the Oscar in the "best foreign film" category.

Israeli soldiers kill disabled Palestinian teen who had toy gun
Israeli soldiers on Wednesday shot dead a mentally disabled 15-year-old Palestinian boy who was carrying a toy gun, Palestinian security forces said.

U.S. and Israelis Are Said to Talk of Hamas Ouster

The United States and Israel are discussing ways to destabilize the Palestinian government so that newly elected Hamas officials will fail and elections will be called again, according to Israeli officials and Western diplomats.
The intention is to starve the Palestinian Authority of money and international connections to the point where, some months from now, its president, Mahmoud Abbas, is compelled to call a new election. The hope is that Palestinians will be so unhappy with life under Hamas that they will return to office a reformed and chastened Fatah movement.

Sharon son jailed for nine months over finance probe

Omri Sharon, the disgraced son of
Israel's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, has been sentenced to nine months in prison on corruption charges over financing his father's party leadership campaign. The 41-year-old Omri, the first Israeli politician to be jailed for breaking strict party campaign laws, was handed an additional nine-month suspended sentence and fined 300,000 shekels (65,000 dollars) by magistrates in Tel Aviv.

Israeli Ultimatums

Israel's acting prime minister, Ehud Olmert, declared last week that his country plans to "separate" from "most of the Palestinian population that lives in the West Bank.” He indicated that Israel will absorb the main settlement blocs in the West Bank and retain all of Jerusalem as well as control over the Jordan valley. "The direction is clear," Olmert concluded. "We are moving toward separation from the Palestinians, toward setting Israel's permanent border." Of course, Olmert was trying to make it seem that this is a new policy, determined in part by Hamas’s victory in the recent Palestinian elections and the consequent absence of what Israel calls “a partner for peace.” And, of course, he was being disingenuous.

Israeli soldiers shoot student in face

Muhammed Ahmed Al Jabiry, 17, was sitting in his school bus, on his way to school Tuesday morning, when he was shot in the face by an Israeli soldier. [...] The bus was bringing kids from their homes in Al Arroub Refugee Camp to Beit Amir High School was stopped by Israeli soldiers Tuesday morning for a search. The students were forced to get off the bus and searched one by one, a common occurrence in occupied Palestine, even for small children under the age of 10. Palestinian youth are used to being searched on a daily basis by Israeli soldiers, searches that, while humiliating and degrading, rarely turn deadly.

Israel threatens to sever all ties with Palestinians

Israel has ratcheted up the pressure on the Palestinian Authority by threatening to cut all ties if a prime minister affiliated to Hamas is chosen after parliament is sworn in this weekend.
But the leader of the militant Islamist movement, which won a landslide victory in last month's general election, said resistance would continue unless Israel ceased "aggression" toward Palestinian territory.

Hamas Assails U.S., Israeli 'interference'
Hamas protested "interference" by the United States and Israel following reports Tuesday the nations were exploring ways to topple the militants' incoming government unless they renounced their violent ideology and recognized Israel's right to exist.
In Washington, the White House and the Israeli ambassador to the United States denied such a plot. The State Department said it was reviewing U.S. aid to the Palestinians and would make a decision within two weeks.

Judge: Israeli citizens who marry Palestinians can go live in Jenin

During a final debate Tuesday before the High Court was to issue its ruling on a petition calling for the cancellation of an amendment to the Citizenship Law, Justice Mishael Cheshin said Israeli citizens who marry Palestinians should go live in Jenin. [...]
The amendment to the law would prevent the unification of mixed families via the granting of Israeli citizenship to Palestinians married to Israelis. The petition was filed in 2003 by the Association for Civil Rights in Israel, The Adalah Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel and other bodies.

Former Israeli Foreign Minister Shlomo Ben Ami Debates Outspoken Professor Norman Finkelstein on Israel, the Palestinians, and the Peace Process

What happens when a former Israeli Foreign Minister debates a scholar known as one of the world's foremost critics of Israeli policy? The answer is not what you may expect. We spend the hour with Shlomo Ben Ami, author of "Scars of War, Wounds of Peace," and Norman Finkelstein, author of "Beyond Chutzpah". They joined us in our firehouse studio for a wide-ranging exchange. We discussed the origins of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, to the Oslo Peace Process, right up to the present.

Clearing the Jordan Valley of Palestinians - Down the Explusion Highway

Someone who apparently had an especially sarcastic sense of humor decided to officially name the Jordan Valley Road, Route 90, the "Gandhi Road." The reference is not to Mahatma Gandhi, but to Rehavam Ze'evi, who advocated "transfer"--the expulsion of the Palestinians from their land. Perhaps he understood that this was indeed the appropriate name for the eastern road. For not only on this road, but throughout the enormous and beautiful expanse of the Jordan Valley and the eastern slopes of the hills, there is an oppressive sense of absence, loss, and emptiness.

Israel to bar Gaza goods, workers

Israel will bar Gazan workers and goods from entering Israeli territory and impose other harsh economic sanctions after a Hamas-dominated parliament is sworn in this weekend, security officials have said.

U.S. backs Israel on aid for humanitarian groups, not Hamas
Israel will try to delegitimize the new Palestinian Hamas government by insisting that international aid be given to humanitarian organizations and not the PA authorities.

US Congress to vote on withholding Palestinian aid
The House of Representatives is to consider a resolution today on withholding US assistance from the Palestinian Authority unless Hamas revokes its call for the destruction of Israel.
The measure states that "no United States assistance should be provided directly to the Palestinian Authority if any representative political party holding a majority of parliamentary seats within the Palestinian Authority maintains a position calling for the destruction of Israel."

Finkelstein's Boycott: A Meta-Narrative on the Ills of 'Liberal-Zionism'
In her book Gyn/Ecology: The Metaethics of Radical Feminism, Mary Daly discusses an insidious intellectual phenomenon she calls ‘semantic sleight of hand.’ Depicted in the abstract, sleight of hand involves presenting a contentious claim in such a way as to make it seem a matter of accepted fact, a fact established either empirically or by force of argument, when in reality, neither is the case. With some careful engineering, sleight of hand can be transmuted into a wide variety of different forms, each one as damaging to the prospect of open and informed debate as the next. It begins with something as simple as inventing a euphemism to linguistically sanitize and obscure the horror and brutality of things as they actually are in real world (the classic example here is ‘collateral damage,’ a term used to describe the tortuous evisceration of innocent people using ‘smart bombs’ and other tools of the ‘legitimate’ state).

'Collective Punishment', Cries Hamas
Incoming Hamas legislator Mushir Al-Masri said Thursday that Israel’s tough response to its new role as majority party in the Palestinian Authority is tantamount to "collective punishment".
Israel plans to carry out sanctions against the new Palestinian Authority after the terrorist organization is sworn into the new PA government on Feb. 18th . The tough new stance comes in response to Hamas’ ongoing refusal to lay down its arms and recognize Israel’s right to exist. Al-Masri added that Fatah leader Mahmoud Abbas, current Chairman of the PA, will not be able to force Hamas to reverse its stand.

Hamas to rely on Muslim funds

Ismail Haniya, set to be named Palestinian prime minister, has said that a Hamas government would rely on help from the Muslim world if the West acts on threats to axe funds once it takes office. In an interview with AFP at his home in Gaza City's Shaati refugee camp, Haniya also said Hamas, set to form their first government after a landslide election win last month, would work constructively with Mahmud Abbas, the Palestinian president, and address the pervading financial and security chaos. The victory by Hamas, the resistance movement behind dozens of attacks against Israel in a five-year intifada (uprising), has led both the European Union and United States to warn of a cut in funding unless it renounces violence and recognises the Jewish state.

Russia to get Israeli consent on arms shipment to Palestinians

Russian military equipment will only be supplied to the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) with Israeli agreement, Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov said on Friday.
"All equipment supplies to Palestine might be carried out only with Israeli consent and through its territory," Ivanov was quoted by the Interfax news agency as saying. "This issue is under preliminary consideration," he said.

Israelis shoot unarmed Palestinian

Israeli occupation forces have shot an unarmed, mentally impaired Palestinian man at close range near the Gaza border fence, Palestinian and Israeli sources say. Also on Wednesday, in the West Bank, Israeli soldiers shot and killed Mujahid Samadi, a mentally disabled 15-year-old Palestinian boy, who was carrying a toy gun in the village of Qabatiya, south of Jenin. On 27 January, an eight-year-old girl, Aya al-Astal, was killed after being shot four times - twice in the neck - by Israeli soldiers stationed just outside the border. Israeli forces told that distinguishing unarmed Palestinian woman and children from attackers was difficult.

IDF bars Palestinians from some West Bank crossings
A military order that took effect last week bars Palestinians in the West Bank from entering Israel via the roads that Israelis use, even if they are transported by Israelis. Instead, Palestinians must use one of 11 crossing points earmarked for them. The military order refers to Palestinians with valid permits to enter Israel. Until now, Israelis could ferry Palestinians with valid entry permits without going through one of these special crossings.

Bush Faces Big Choices as Hamas Takes Reins
On the eve of Hamas' takeover of the Palestinian parliament, the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush still appears uncertain about how hard a line to take with the movement it has long considered a terrorist organisation.

U.S. asks Palestinians to return $50 million in aid
The United States has asked the Palestinian Authority to return $50 million in U.S. aid because Washington does not want a Hamas-led government to have the funds, the State Department said on Friday.
The money is being demanded as part of a review of all U.S. aid for the Palestinians which began soon after the militant group Hamas' surprise win in elections last month. The State Department expects to finish the review in the next few weeks. State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said the caretaker government of PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas had agreed to return the $50 million, which was given to the PA last year for infrastructure projects after Israel's withdrawal from Gaza and parts of the West Bank.

Don't punish Palestinians for electing Hamas: Abbas
Palestinian leader Mahmud Abbas told the new Hamas-dominated parliament that he would continue working towards a negotiated Middle East peace agreement while urging the international community and Israel not to "punish" voters for electing the radical Islamists.

U.S. Blocks Accounts Of Ohio Islamic Charity
The Treasury Department ordered U.S. banks to freeze assets of an Ohio-based group that the government says funnels money to the militant organization Hamas. The organization, KindHearts of Toledo, was connected with the Hamas-affiliated Holy Land Foundation and the al Qaeda-affiliated Global Relief Foundation, the Treasury Department said yesterday. The government took similar action against those groups in late 2001. Under the government action, U.S. citizens are barred from doing business with KindHearts.

Israel halts payments to Palestinians, rules out contact with Hamas
Israel branded the Palestinian government a "terrorist authority" Sunday and halted the transfer of hundreds of millions of dollars in tax money after Hamas took control of the Palestinian parliament.
But the Israeli government held off on adopting even more drastic measures recommended by security officials, mindful of possible international reaction.

Signs Comment: Gee, aren't they just wonderful!!!

'Palestinians Will Get a Lot Thinner'
The team, headed by the prime minister's advisor Dov Weissglas and including the Israel Defense Forces chief of staff, the director of the Shin Bet and senior generals and officials, convened for a discussion with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni on ways to respond to the Hamas election victory. Everyone agreed on the need to impose an economic siege on the Palestinian Authority, and Weissglas, as usual, provided the punch line: "It's like an appointment with a dietician. The Palestinians will get a lot thinner, but won't die," the advisor joked, and the participants reportedly rolled with laughter.
Signs Comment: There can be little doubt that Israel is shaping up to do to the Palestinians what Hitler did to Jews 60 years ago. But we suspect that the abovementioned Israeli politicians would just laugh at that too.

Abbas warns of financial 'crisis' after Israel cracks down
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas says the organization is facing a "real financial crisis," hours after the Israeli cabinet approved tough sanctions against the Palestinian government. On Sunday morning, Israel's government decided to withhold millions of dollars in tax revenue from the Palestinian Authority. It also adopted other strict measures a day after the swearing in of a Palestinian government dominated by Hamas, which has a charter provision calling for the destruction of Israel.
Signs Comment: Last week we ran articles describing discussions between the US and Israel on bringing down the new Palestinian government through economic suffocation. These reports were immediately denied. Now this. As the final line in this report says, "We are a free people. We've had democratic elections". But the United States and Israel are not interested in democracy. While Yasser Arafat remained alive, Sharon insisted that they couldn't negotiate with a "terrorist", never mind Sharon's own violent past. Nothing changed after Arafat's assassination. The election of Hamas was a godsend for Israel because now it can continue denouncing the Palestinians as "terrorists" and continue to refuse any compromise or negoiation. All the while, they will continue on with their genocide and theft of Palestinian land while the world watches and does nothing.

Why is Israel against Russia's meeting with Hamas leaders?
The Arab world welcomed Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision to invite Hamas leaders to Moscow. But Israeli politicians say the Russian initiative "aims to give international legitimacy to a terrorist group." Israel's negative reaction was predictable. But what stands behind it? Is it honest indignation or what?

The Zionist-Evangelical Alliance
Evangelical support for Israel is a danger to all...even Israel.
War makes for bad bedfellows. When the Nazis were allied with the government of Japan, they knew after the Axis took over the world, Germany would put its target on Japan and other nations. The U.S. supported terrorists and rogue states during the Cold War with whom it is now at war. Israel gets support from the Evangelical Christian right, which believes that after the coming of Christ, the unconverted Jews will be tossed into the pit of fire. The Christian right supports Israel because they believe there is a Biblical prophecy that says the faithful must guide the Jews back to Israel in order to bring on the Rapture (i.e. the end of the world). Many right-wing Jews have taken advantage of that belief to rally financial support from Evangelical Christians for Israel and to lobby for pro-Israel policies in the Congress and White House. But other Jewish leaders are not as quick to team up with the Christian right. They fear the Evangelical Christian right’s domestic agenda threatens both their religious and political convictions.

Signs Comment:
"Belief in Rapture seems to me anti-Semitic," said Chomsky. "What happens to the Jews?"
We couldn't have said it better ourselves.

Israel vows to stem flow of funds to Hamas
ISRAEL has declared the Palestinian Authority a "terrorist body" following the election victory by the Islamic militant group Hamas and has launched an international campaign to starve it of funds and contacts. The US Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, is expected to add her support to the boycott today, when she is due to arrive in Egypt to press the Arab League to drop plans to make good the loss in funding.

Israel's policies are feeding the cancer of anti-semitism
It is a lie that to reject Zionism as it is practised today is to be the inheritor of Hitler's racism.

If Hamas must renounce violence, so should Israel, says
"We are stumped by the failure of our democratic concepts to gain a foothold in the Arab world," wrote Michael Bell, a former Canadian ambassador to Israel, in the Globe and Mail last week. I wonder which "democratic concepts" Bell had in mind — apparently not the concept that people are free to elect the government they choose.

UN faults Israel for halt in funds to Palestinians
The U.N. envoy to the Middle East raised objections on Monday to Israel's decision to withhold tax funds from the cash-strapped Palestinian Authority after a Hamas-led parliament was sworn in. Special Envoy Alvaro de Soto called the decision unhelpful and premature. Israel has long regarded the U.N. as a minor player in the Middle East peace process compared to the United States, which gave a low-key response to Israel's move.

Three Palestinians wounded by Israeli gunfire

Israeli troops shot and wounded three Palestinians, one of them seriously, and blew up what they said was a bomb-making factory during an ongoing operation in the Nablus refugee camp of Balata, medics and security sources said.

Unmanned planes to monitor traffic in Israel
Drivers tempted to ignore a no-entry sign or cross a continuous white line in order to overtake another vehicle when the police don't seem to be around may need to be more cautious in the future. This is because the police are considering deploying a system of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) that allows them to spot traffic violations from the air and fine or prosecute offenders.

Top Secret American Military Installations in Israel

"Code Names," by William M. Arkin, exposes information about at least five US Army bases at secret locations throughout the Jewish State, including one at Ben Gurion Airport and another in Herzliya Pituah. The book also provides a long list of code names describing joint military operations between Israel and America.

Jews split on jail term for Irving, Holocaust denier
JEWISH leaders and historians have welcomed the conviction of the British historian, David Irving, on charges of denying the Holocaust, although some believe his three-year jail sentence is too harsh and could turn him into a martyr for the right. Irving began his sentence yesterday after admitting a criminal charge of denying that the Nazis sent millions of Jews to the gas chambers.

The Anne Frank Diary Fraud
When Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin, she did so prompted by the highest of motives. Yet she, herself, relates the incident that when she first met Abraham Lincoln in 1863, he commented "So you are the little woman who wrote the book that made this great war!"

Iran Offers Aid for Palestinian Authority
Iran on Wednesday offered to help finance a
Palestinian Authority run by the Hamas militant group, state radio reported. The secretary of Iran's Supreme National Security Council, Ali Larijani, announced the offer after a meeting with Khaled Mashaal, the political leader of Hamas, the report said.

Rice, on Tour, Finds Egypt Unreceptive to Hamas Aid Cutoff
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Tuesday began a four-day visit to the Middle East, where she hoped to persuade Arab leaders to cut off financial aid to Hamas. But she ran into trouble on her very first stop.
Ahmed Aboul Gheit, Egypt's foreign minister, told her that Egypt believed funds to the Palestinian government should continue for an indefinite period, to give Hamas "time to develop their own ideas." Egypt gives little if any money to the Palestinians. Still, Washington considers Cairo's view to be influential, one reason Ms. Rice stopped here first.

Israeli military blocks Palestinian emergency medical aid
Since the incursion in Balata refugee camp started on 1:00 am February 19, medical emergency work has been made impossible by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF). At this moment all entrances to Balata refugee camp are blocked. There is only one ambulance left inside the camp. It will bring wounded only to the edge of the camp, out of fear of not being allowed back in. Wounded individuals are carried on stretchers to the entrance of the camp and transported to Nablus hospitals. Normal ambulance traffic has come to a complete halt. IWPS volunteers are working with ambulance personnel to transport wounded to an emergency field clinic inside the camp and to hospitals in Nablus and other cities. They witnessed all following incidents or heard of them from ambulance personnel of the United Palestinian Medical Relief Committees (UMPRC) and the Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS). One man, shot in the neck which resulted in a life-threatening tear in his vein, was arrested from an ambulance and was taken to Huwarra detention center for questioning. Afterwards a Palestinian ambulance was called to bring him to the hospital in Nablus, where he underwent two operations. He is still in unstable condition.

Brutal murder was anti-Semitic crime, says Sarkozy
The French interior minister, Nicolas Sarkozy, yesterday described the abduction, torture and killing of a young Jewish man as an anti-Semitic crime, amid growing anger at the brutal murder. Mr Sarkozy told the French parliament that the gang sought for the murder of Ilan Halimi, 23, whose naked body was found by railway tracks eight days ago, three weeks after he had disappeared, had also tried to kidnap other Jews. The police, who found literature linking some of the suspects to Palestinian and Muslim groups, have insisted the murder was motivated by greed - the gang had demanded a ransom - and not religious motives.

Signs Comment: It is strange how certain politicians go to great lengths to promote the idea that anti-semitism is on the rise. Such efforts simply serve to protect Israel from any condemnation for it's brutal policies in Palestine not to mention the illegal war in Iraq (and soon to be Iran and Syria) that is being waged at Israel's behest.

Israeli army kills 2 Palestinians in W. Bank
Israeli soldiers shot dead two Palestinians on Thursday during confrontations in the
West Bank city of Nablus, where the army began an operation against militants five days ago, Palestinian medics said. Their deaths raised to five the number of Palestinians killed in the Israeli sweep, the army's biggest in the occupied West Bank since the militant Hamas group won a Palestinian election on January 25.

Israeli general in Jordan apology
An Israeli general has apologised to Jordanian King Abdullah for saying he might be the last of the Hashemite dynasty to rule Jordan. Jordan insisted Maj Gen Yair Naveh be reprimanded after he said the king risked being toppled by an "Islamist axis" stretching from Iran to Gaza. The Israeli government has distanced itself from Gen Naveh's comments.

They just wanted to go home together

R. had a work meeting in Ramallah. She planned to return home, to East Jerusalem, with M., her partner, who works in Ramallah. They reached the Hizma checkpoint, east of the Pisgat Ze'ev settlement, where there is a permanent Israel Defense Forces post that checks all travelers heading to Jerusalem. You are forbidden to take this route, said the soldiers. Only your husband is allowed. Take the Qalandiyah checkpoint route
R. and M. have been married for about 10 years. He is a Palestinian, born in East Jerusalem, an Israeli resident. She has an ID card from the territories. She has a permit to be in Jerusalem, at home, with her children and spouse.

Hariri probe head meets Syrian FM
The head of the UN investigation into the killing of former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri has met Syria's foreign minister in Damascus, Syria's news agency says. Talks between Serge Brammertz and Walid al-Muallim on "the means to advance the mission of the commission of inquiry" yielded "positive results", Sana said. The inquiry has implicated Syrian and Lebanese officials in the killing.

Signs Comment: While the report supposedly "implicated Syrian and Lebanese officials in the killing", it did so without offering any evidence or proof, kinda like Saddam's weapons of mass cestruction, or even all the "proof" the US has promised but never delivered about Osama's involvement in 9/11.

Last update - 08:47 19/02/2006
By Gideon Levy
The Hamas team had not laughed so much in a long time. The team, headed by the prime minister's advisor Dov Weissglas and including the Israel Defense Forces chief of staff, the director of the Shin Bet and senior generals and officials, convened for a discussion with Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni on ways to respond to the Hamas election victory. Everyone agreed on the need to impose an economic siege on the Palestinian Authority, and Weissglas, as usual, provided the punch line: "It's like an appointment with a dietician. The Palestinians will get a lot thinner, but won't die," the advisor joked, and the participants reportedly rolled with laughter. And, indeed, why not break into laughter and relax when hearing such a successful joke? If Weissglas tells the joke to his friend Condoleezza Rice, she would surely laugh too.

Signs Comment: All I gotta say is, any country on this planet, any government on this planet, any people on this planet, that does NOT rise up in protest against the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians, the genocide of the Palestinians, they then demonstrate clearly that they do NOT have a soul and they deserve whatever Global Warming is going to bring them.

Israeli Forces Shoot Dead Five Palestinians
Since the army sweep of Balata began Monday, eight Palestinians have been killed by army fire, including the five shot dead yesterday.

Israel claims al Qaeda plans mega-attack
Israeli security officials assess that 2006 is the "target year" set by the global al-Qaeda network to carry out a mega-attack in the country, Israel's leading newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported Thursday. bin laden According to the report, Israeli intelligence authorities detected two years ago the shift in priorities of al Qaeda towards Israel, which has been "upgraded" to the rank of a major target. Recently, al Qaeda chief in Iraq Abu Musab al-Zarqawi declared his intentions to carry out an attack in Israel. The report added Syria has been identified as a transfer point for al Qaeda members planning to carry out attacks in Jordan and Israel. It should be mentioned that on Wednesday Israeli Deputy Chief of Staff Moshe Kaplinski said that "global Jihad forces" maintain regular bases in Lebanon and Jordan.

Signs Comment: Now that the scene has been set, all that is left to do is make the attack happen.

The Caricatures in Middle East Politics
The center piece of the current explosive confrontation between Islamic and Arab protestors, political leaders and governments and the US and Western European regimes and publishers is rooted in Israeli efforts to polarize the world in its favor and to promote isolation, economic sanctions and/or a military attack on Iran.  There are several key questions, which almost all commentators and analysts have failed to address.  These include:

In Defense of Free Thought
I think as I please
And this gives me pleasure.
My conscience decrees,
This right I must treasure.
My thoughts will not cater
To duke or dictator,
No man can deny
- Die gedanken sind frei.
(Sixteenth-century German peasant song revived
as a protest anthem against the Nazi regime)

The news on Monday that an Austrian court has sentenced crackpot British historian David Irving to three years' imprisonment for having denied the Holocaust seventeen years ago should have alarmed free speech advocates -- particularly at a time when Muslim fundamentalists are being lectured as to the freedom of expression that should be afforded cartoonists. In the event, however, a lack of noticeable outcry has exposed a longstanding double standard in the West about who is entitled to free speech and why.

Signs Comment: It is clear why the holocaust is the one issue that cannot be discussed. The media in many parts of the world is controlled by pathocratic supporters of Israel. This time around, it is the Muslim world that is being viciously attacked, not the Jews. But by playing the holocaust card over and over again - that is, the pity card, the hallmark of psychopathy - attention is diverted from the real victims today.

IDF officer cancels UK study leave for fear of arrest

The IDF commander of the Gaza division, Brigadier General Aviv Kochavi, has cancelled plans to study in the U.K. after warnings from the military that he could be arrested for war crimes.

Abbas is "irrelevant": Israeli FM
Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni said on Sunday evening that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas was "irrelevant" because of Hamas' victory in last month's Palestinian legislative elections and the militant group's subsequent takeover of the Palestinianparliament. Livni said that the Hamas-led Palestinian government must decide on Israel's demands for recognition and renunciation of violence, adding that Abbas "in this regard is not relevant.""Abu Mazen (Abbas) cannot serve as a fig leaf to a terrorist authority. He cannot be the pretty face of the ugly terror hiding behind him," Livni told the Israel Radio.

Mansour: Israel's Aggression Violates International Law
The Permanent Observer Mission of Palestine to the United Nations, Reyad Mansour confirmed that the latest Israeli aggressions included the killing extra-judicially five residents in Nablus and two others in the Gaza Strip were violations against the principles of international law.

Six hurt in blast at Israeli arms development centre
An explosion went off today during a test at an Israeli arms development centre, injuring at least six people. The loud blast at Rafael, the weapons development arm of Israel's Defence Ministry, was heard across Haifa Bay in northern Israel. Moshe Weizman, a regional police spokesman, said: "We are not talking about a suicide attack. "It is a work accident. We don't know exactly what, a chemical that blew up in a bottle," he told Israel Army Radio. Officials at Rafael declined to comment. Rafael makes sophisticated weapons, including missiles, tank armour and electronic warfare systems. Local fire officials said there had not been an accident at the site in the past 20 years.


This video of an Israeli Massacre of Palestinian & Lebanese civilians in April of 96 is very graphic and should only be viewed by a mature audience.

The Independent
5 June 96
Qana: It is a soldier's videotape, recorded -- at the start at least -- as just another incident to remember back home by a United Nations trooper after his six months' tour of duty in southern Lebanon are over.

Indeed, when the camera first records the Israeli shells tearing into the UN base at Qana, the other soldiers who appear in the film, most of them Norwegians in the UN's Force Mobile Reserve opposite Qana, seem unaware of its implications. One of them makes a joke, another looks gawkily into the camera even as it tapes the clouds of smoke obscuring Qana. The camera pans through barbed wire as more brown puffs of smoke emerge from the white-painted buildings of the UN's Fijian battalion headquarters.

Hamas "ready to recognise" Israel on conditions
Palestinian Prime Minister designate Ismail Haniyeh said on Saturday Hamas is "ready to recognise" Israel if it gives the Palestinians their full rights and a state on lands occupied since 1967, including the West Bank and East Jerusalem.
"If Israel declares that it will give the Palestinian people a state and give them back all their rights, then we are ready to recognise them," Haniyeh told the Washington Post in an interview posted on its web site. Haniyeh did not say which form the recognition would take.

Hamas lists Israel recognition terms
The Palestinian prime minister-designate says Hamas is ready to recognise Israel if it gives the Palestinian people their full rights and a state in lands occupied since 1967, including the West Bank and East Jerusalem.

Propaganda Alert! Hamas leaders reject negotiations with Israel
Top Hamas figures Mahmoud Zahar and Saed Siyam rejected on Sunday any possible peace negotiations with Israel. Speaking in Amman, Jordan before parliament members from all over the Arab world, Zahar said that Israel was an enemy, and thus not a partner for negotiations, Israel Radio reported. He added that Hamas did not plan to renew the failed diplomatic talks with Israel.

Hamas accuses US media of misinterpreting Haneya's statements
The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) on Sunday accused The Washington Post of misinterpreting statements made by Hamas leader Ismael Haneya, who is tasked with forming the next cabinet.
Hamas spokesman in the Palestinian Legislative Council (PLC)Salah al-Bardaweil denied that Haneya had told the Post that Hamas could recognize Israel under a future deal on condition that Israel withdraws to the pre-1967 borders. Haneya didn't say that Hamas would recognize the state of Israel as it was reported by the Post, the spokesman said, adding that "we have the recorded interview and it doesn't include any of the statements published by the daily." Haneya told the Post that if Israel withdraws to the pre-1967 borders, allows the refugees to return to the Palestinian territories and releases Palestinian prisoners, then the issue will be discussed, al-Bardaweil said. The spokesman asserted that Hamas is still keeping its positions and will never recognize Israel's occupation and abandon the Palestinian national struggle.

Incoming Palestinian premier says Hamas wants long-term truce

The Palestinians' incoming prime
minister says Hamas is interested in a long-term truce with Israel. But, he says, it has no intention of seeking a formal peace agreement that would recognize the Jewish state. Ismail Haniyeh -- the incoming Palestinian premier -- denies a Washington Post report saying Hamas would consider peace with Israel under certain conditions. Haniyeh told reporters his comments had been misunderstood. He said he was not referring to a peace agreement, only a "political truce.'' Israel and the U.S. consider Hamas, the winner of January's
Palestinian elections, a terror group. Hamas does not recognize the existence of a Jewish state in the Middle East and has sent dozens of suicide bombers into Israel, killing hundreds. Copyright 2006 Associated Press,

Palestinians hail EU aid deal
An EU aid package worth 120m euros is hailed by Palestinians and the US but condemned by Israel.

Palestinian cash crisis bites as EU pays utility bills
US envoy says that the Palestinian Authority is facing financial collapse within weeks unless funding crisis is sorted

Stop scaring us!
The State of Israel is the strongest state in the region - militarily, economically, scientifically and culturally. It enjoys broad support from the United States and European countries. It has peaceful relations with Egypt and Jordan. We could even have built a peace arrangement with Lebanon and Syria, if we had wanted to, but certainly no threat is hovering over Israel from that direction. But Benjamin Netanyahu is threatening us that they will throw us into the sea. Who? The Palestinians? Let's say they want to - can they? Netanyahu and his supporters on the right and the extreme right need to scare us so that they can continue eating away at the Palestinians' lands, just as long as everything is ours. This is the right and its doctrine.

Signs Comment: Of course these other states are no threat to Israel. Israel just wants the excuse to commit genocide and grab more land, and they know that if they do, these other countries just MIGHT band together against them...

Bush and his money can go to hell
Bush and his money can go to hell. The Palestinian people will not give up their homeland and their rights for a monetary bribe from its tormentors. We will not give up our inalienable right to freedom and justice in return for some financial inducements. A free woman would rather starve to death rather than sell her body to an evil blackmailer. And America and Israel are the evil blackmailers of our times.

Religious Matters

Boycotts Against Denmark Spread
Boycotts and outrage towards Denmark continue to increase after the Danish government announced it would not apologize for the publication of satirical cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed in Danish newspaper, Jyllands Posten. The scandal has been costly for Denmark and the international dimension of the incident has begun to increase.

Cartoon controversy spreads throughout Muslim world
Governments across Europe, the Middle East and Asia were reluctantly sucked into the Danish cartoon row yesterday as hundreds of thousands of Muslims took to the streets to protest.  The dispute spread to London for the first time. More than 500 people, led by the extremist group al-Ghuraba, formerly al-Mujahiroun, marched to the Danish embassy in Knightsbridge carrying banners calling on Muslims to "massacre" those who insult Islam and chanting: "Britain, you will pay, 7/7 on its way."
Signs Comment: This is truly a tempest in a teacup being driven all out of proportion by someone... Indeed, it is very bad taste to make fun of any group, but particularly when that group has been targeted by the US and Israel for Genocide.

Cartoons: Don't be fooled, this isn't an issue of Islam versus secularism

'The Koran does not forbid images of the Prophet but millions of Muslims do' ...more than a decade ago, a film called The Last Temptation of Christ showed Jesus making love to a woman. In Paris, someone set fire to the cinema showing the movie, killing a young man. Had that cartoon of the Prophet shown instead a chief rabbi with a bomb-shaped hat, we would have had "anti-Semitism" screamed into our ears - and rightly so... The problem is that these cartoons portrayed Mohamed as a bin Laden-type image of violence. They portrayed Islam as a violent religion. It is not. Or do we want to make it so?

Iran says Palestine is center of Islam, fight against arrogance

President Ahmadinejad said Friday Palestine is the center of the final stages of the battle between Islam and arrogance, saying the Palestinian Intifada is progressing. The plots hatched by enemies against Palestine should not be overlooked even for a moment, Ahmadinejad noted in a meeting with leaders of the Palestinian resistance movements in Damascus, Syria.

Alito and Opus Dei: Jackboots of the Church
Is Judge Samuel Alito a member of Opus Dei? If so, does it matter? If it matters, why? A Senate staffer confirmed that the Judiciary Committee received numerous "notes and letters" stating that Judge Samuel Alito is a member of Opus Dei. A controversial Catholic organization*, Opus Dei is now widely known from the bestseller, The Da Vinci Code, a novel by American author Dan Brown, soon to be a major film starring Tom Hanks that will premiere at the Cannes Film Festival in May.

Catholic Group Says of 'Da Vinci Code' Film: It's Just Fiction
When "The Da Vinci Code" became a publishing sensation, leaders of the Roman Catholic organization Opus Dei realized they had an image problem on their hands. The assassin in the best-selling thriller is an albino Opus Dei monk named Silas, and the group is depicted as a powerful but secretive cult whose members practice ritualistic self-torture. In a preface titled "Fact," the author, Dan Brown, said his book was more than mere fiction. When plans were revealed for a movie based on the book, Opus Dei leaders say they tried to persuade Sony Pictures to excise any mention of their group, sending a letter last year saying the book was "a gross distortion and a grave injustice." Their effort failed.

Signs Comment: Hmmm... "their effort failed." A lot has been made recently about the fact that Samuel Alito is a member of Opus Dei or has the support of same. Now WHO is more powerful than Opus Dei in government? Nevertheless, they are right: The DaVinci Code IS fiction, and bad fiction at that. The problem is, it also touches on mysteries that ARE "secrets of the church." At least they used to be. Now they are just forgotten. The REAL solution to the DaVinci Code is The Secret History of The World. No one who has read it yet has disagreed with this claim - except the agents of COINTELPRO, of course.

Magazine shuts down after controversy
An economics magazine will be shut down after running an anti-Semitic article. The promise to shut down Global Agenda was made in a Feb. 3 letter from the head of the World Economic Forum, Professor Klaus Schwab, to the head of the American Jewish Committee, David Harris. Schwab said the article, which called for an international boycott of Israel, was “inflammatory and venomous.” It will be replaced in the reprinted Global Agenda with an editorial by Schwab about the values of the forum. He added that it will be the last issue of the magazine.

British police to investigate extremist protesters
The Metropolitan Police is to investigate protesters in London who urged violence against Westerners over the publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammad. The force is considering its options following calls from members of Parliament to prosecute those who threatened suicide bombings and incited murder during the demonstrations over the weekend, the Guardian reported on Monday.

Signs Comment: For an analysis of how the Danish cartoon affair is being used to vilify Islam and set up Muslems, see our editorial Preparing the World For Another 9/11.

When Freedom of Expression Becomes a Weapon
[...] Like children following the Pied-Piper, many of us now lock-step behind the tune “Freedom of Expression,” deaf to the fact that there was precious little of the “RAGE, FURORE, VIOLENCE, DEATH THREATS” shouting from the headlines of mainstream news sources during the first two days of those stories. Given the virtual real-world absence of actual expressions of outrage, the mainstream media’s handling of this story plays like propaganda aimed at deepening the divide between “Us and Them.”

What Would Jesus Do?
Picture this: A cartoon of Jesus, with his pants down, smiling, raping a little boy. The caption above it reads “Got Catholicism?” Or how about a picture of a Rabbi with blood dripping from his mouth after bludgeoning a small Palestinian boy with a knife shaped like the Star of David—the caption reads “The Devil’s Chosen Ones.” I wonder if people around the world would just consider this free speech?

Protesters killed as global furore over cartoons escalates
Global protests over cartoons of the Islamic prophet Mohammed have escalated, with two demonstrators killed in Afghanistan and Lebanon and warning shots fired outside a US consulate in Indonesia.

Roman Catholic priest shot dead in Turkey
A Roman Catholic priest was shot dead Sunday in the courtyard of a church in Turkey, raising fears the murder could be linked to the Muslim uproar over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed published in Europe.

No. 10 criticises 'unacceptable' cartoon protesters
[...] No. 10 said the police would have the government's full support in any actions they wished to take as a result of the demonstrations outside the Danish embassy over the publication of cartoons of the prophet Muhammad in a Danish newspaper.

Signs Comment: Let's not forget that if the cartoons had been about the Jews and the Holocaust, the government would be arresting the cartoonists and publishers and they would be roundly condemned globally.

Cartoon conflicts

In Copenhagen last October, as demonstrations provoked by the Danish satirical cartoons about Islam were starting, a reporter from the newspaper that published them told me how intensely the editorial staff had debated whether to go ahead, how uncomfortable many of them had been about the whole issue and, at the same time, how surprised they had been by the strong reaction from Muslims and the Arab embassies. At the time, however, the tension seemed likely to remain within Danish borders.

Robertson again calls for Chavez's assassination: "Not now, but one day"

On Hannity & Colmes, Pat Robertson once again called for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, "Not now, but one day, one day."

An ungodly business at a Paris dinner

What should you think of there being at this moment in France a set of people who, in our nineteenth century improving upon their predecessors of the great revolution, would put the existence of the Supreme Being to the vote?

Muslim cartoon fury claims lives
At least five people have been killed in Afghanistan as protests against European cartoons mocking the Prophet Muhammad swept across the country. Two people died when protesters turned on the US airbase at Bagram - although the US has had no involvement with the images, which originated in Denmark. Meanwhile in Somalia, a teenage boy died after protesters attacked police.

Signs Comment: "Newspapers across Europe republished the pictures last week, saying they were defending freedom of expression."

As we have mentioned, making jokes about Muslims and their religion while they are being subjected to genocide is exactly the same as all the Jewish jokes and anti-Jewish cartoons and propaganda of WW II. If the European press is claiming "freedom of expression," then they have a problem.

For example: Ernst Zundel. He was born in 1939, in Germany, he immigrated to Canada at the age of 19, and started a career as a graphic artist. In the 1980’s, he published a book called “Did Six Million Really Die?“which asked serious questions about the prestidigitaion of facts about the Jewish version of the Holocaust.

And that reminds me: even if 6 million DID die, that was only one tenth of the total number of deaths of people in World War II. How come we don’t hear about the Russian Holocaust? The Polish genocide? The FORTY to SIXTY MILLION other people killed during that period???

What I mean here is this: there is NO escaping the horror of that time. It was horrible beyond imagining. And I don’t even want to quibble over whether it was 6 million or 4 million or 2 million Jews that died in the Global Holocaust that was WW II. What I DO find extremely offensive is that a law can be passed to make it a doctrine. That amounts to legally mandating what a person must BELIEVE.

Now, whether you are aware of it or not, there are still people that believe that the earth is Hollow and that there is a whole population of people living inside even with their own “sun.” How weird is that? There are MILLIONS of people who believe that they get abducted by aliens almost every night. (Maybe that’s not so weird, IMHO.)

So, the point is: nobody has made it a legal mandate that people must stop believing that the earth is hollow or that people must stop believing in aliens.

Okay, I acknowledge that it’s not quite the same thing. We are talking about the difference between beliefs about things that aren’t related to a horrible human tragedy and those that are about this unspeakably dark period in our history. But the essence of the issue is the same nevertheless. If somebody believes that the earth is hollow, he is allowed to say so, to publish books about it, to try to sell those books to other people, to have his ideas examined and scrutinized. People may laugh at him and call him a kook because, obviously, he isn’t going to have any serious evidence. He will be judged by the court of public opinion.

And maybe that’s the difference. Maybe that’s why they have to legally mandate belief in the Holocaust...

In 1985, Canada charged Ernst Zundel with “publishing false news”. He brought in gas chamber experts, other historians, and also cross-examined a number of Jewish survivors, who apparently fell apart under oath.

He moved from Canada to the United States, where he was arrested in 2002, deported to Canada, and finally to Germany in 2005.

Then, there is Germar Rudolf. He is a German-trained chemist, who re-examined Auschwitz, Birkenau, and other installations and buildings, testing rocks, soil, and other physical samples for traces of Zyklon B. As a scientist, he found the “gassing” claims to be scientifically untenable and, therefore, "absurd." He was sentenced by Germany to 14 months, and then fled to the US. He was arrested on November 18, 2005 in Chicago, and extradited to Germany.

So, that’s TWO, so far, in 2005.

It gets even weirder.

David Irving is a 65 year-old guy, a Brit, an author and historian, who has written 36 books, and is a recognized authority on Hitler and World War II. Although he skirted around the Holocaust and concentrated on the WW2 battles, he testified at Zundel’s trial. He was arrested in Vienna, Austria on November 14, 2005.

Thats THREE in 2005.

What is UP with that?

It gets stranger still: Siegfried Verbeke was charged with denying the holocaust. He is an historian and, publisher involved with Castle Hill Publishers who say that it is their goal to “scientifically investigate historical events, particularly those of the 20th century, without limitations imposed by dogmas or axioms.”

He was arrested in August of 2005 in Amsterdam. On October 6th, the Netherlands agreed to extradite him to Germany, where he faces 14 months in prison.

Now, either I’m losing my marbles, or something serious is up with all of this coming down in a single year.

Anyway, while I was reading up on Siegfried, I came across something that really startled me: the idea that the Diary of Anne Frank - that famous book that about every American school kid has read - is a fraud!

Yup, that's what they are saying: that it's a hoax perpetrated by her father who was a psychopathic philanderer, a collaborator with the Nazis, and also possibly an incestuous pedophile.

Now, don’t take my word for it! These people really believe this: READ IT YOURSELF! And especially check out the handwriting issues.

In any event, on closer examination, we see that the European press has really missed the boat on this one. Where were they when these legitimate researchers were arrested for expressing their views? Why do we, again and again, see a double standard biased toward Zionists?

Danish paper rejected Jesus cartoons
Jyllands-Posten, the Danish newspaper that first published the cartoons of the prophet Muhammad that have caused a storm of protest throughout the Islamic world, refused to run drawings lampooning Jesus Christ, it has emerged today.

Iran to publish Holocaust cartoons
IRAN'S largest selling newspaper announced today it was holding a contest on cartoons of the Holocaust in response to the publishing in European papers of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammed.

Ministers use cartoons anger to renew calls for 'glorification of terrorism' law
A team of detectives is to investigate Muslim extremists who took part in demonstrations outside the Danish embassy in London as the Government tried to use the row to re-ignite support for an offence of glorifying terrorism.

Signs Comment: Clearly, these cartoons were deliberate provocation for just such purposes...

Cartoons that started riots- What's The Big Deal

European writers claim desecrating Mohammed is free speech, while questioning the holocaust is a crime resulting in prison.

Who is behind cartoon-provoked violence?

The wave of demonstrations against the controversial cartoon images of Prophet Mohammed began in Palestine, or at least the demonstrations held there were the first to cause repercussions. The events took place barely a week after the radical Hamas movement won the parliamentary election there. It is strange that this wave of Muslim indignation has risen only now, as the cartoons were first published in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten in late September 2005. At that time, officials and organizations, such as ambassadors of Muslim countries, the Organization of the Islamic Conference, etc., demanded apologies. But Western journalists rejected the demand as an infringement on the freedom of the press.

No calm in sight as more die in cartoon furor
Appeals for calm in the furor over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed went unheeded as police shot dead four more protestors during rioting in Afghanistan, bringing the worldwide death toll to 13.

Thousands of Lebanese Shi'ites protest cartoons
Hundreds of thousands of Shi'ite Muslims in Lebanon turned a religious ceremony on Thursday into a peaceful protest against a series of cartoons in the Western media lampooning the Prophet Mohammad.

Denmark closes embassy, Pakistan recalls envoy over cartoons

Denmark temporarily shut its embassy in Islamabad and Pakistan recalled its envoy from Copenhagen as fresh protests against cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed sparked a diplomatic row. An Islamic cleric added fuel to the fire on Friday by offering a one-million-dollar reward and a car for anyone who killed the cartoonists behind the drawings, first published in a Danish newspaper in September.

10,000 protest in London against cartoons

More than 10,000 people joined an angry but peaceful protest in central London today against the Prophet Muhammad cartoons that have infuriated many in the Muslim world. "Free speech = cheap insults," read some placards. "How dare you insult the blessed Prophet Muhammad?" asked another. Buses brought participants from cities around Britain to gather in Trafalgar Square, and they later marched through central London toward Hyde Park. Speakers shouted from the podium and the crowd yelled back as the demonstration grew increasingly angry. Police said about 10,000 people were present, and there were no reports of violence or arrests.

Enlightened values - Comment on Cartoon Debacle

I have a cartoon at home that I think might win a prize. It shows a hook-nosed man, hands dripping with blood and the world in his grasp. The caption is "Le Peril Juif". It might do well in the Holocaust cartoon competition, launched by Iran's bestselling newspaper, Hamshahri. This sinister-looking caricature bears a striking resemblance to some of the images in the cartoons published in September by the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten. While some seem benign, others appear designed to stereotype Muslims as (literally) sabre-rattling terrorists. Any serious debate about religious belief or doctrine is entirely absent.

Volgograd journalists resist closing paper after cartoon scandal
The Gorodskye Vesti newspaper in Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad, the site the largest battle of WWII), carried an article entitled: "No room for racists in power". The article was accompanied by an illustration depicting Jesus Christ, Moses, Buddha and Mohammed in front of a television showing two groups of people about to start a fight. The caption read "We didn't teach you this."

Libya suspends interior minister after cartoon riots
Libya's parliamentary secretariat today suspended the interior minister and referred him for investigation over yesterday's riots that resulted in the deaths of at least 10 people. Meanwhile, the Italian cabinet minister blamed for sparking the riots is reported to have resigned. "We condemn the excessive use of force and the inappropriate way that went beyond the limits of carrying out the duties of the police," said the Libyan statement announcing the suspension of Nasr al-Mabrouk.

Europe's contempt for other cultures can't be sustained

A continent that inflicted colonial brutality all over the globe for 200 years has little claim to the superiority of its values. Old attitudes of superiority and disdain - dressed up in terms of free speech, progress or whatever - are still very powerful. Nor - as many liberals like to think - are they necessarily in decline. On the contrary, racial bigotry is on the rise, even in countries that have previously been regarded as tolerant. The Danish government depends for its rule on a racist, far-right party that gained 13% of the seats in the last election. The decision of Jyllands-Posten to publish the cartoons - and papers in France, Germany, Italy and elsewhere to reprint them - lay not so much in the tradition of free speech but in European contempt for other cultures and religions: it was a deliberate, calculated insult to the beliefs of others, in this case Muslims.

Kill Them All, God will Know His Own

Historian R. I. Moore has noted that the years around 1200 were a turning point that led to the “formation of a persecuting society. Choices were made then that are still reverberating in human society. It is clear what choice was made then. We are facing a similar choice today... When the Corporatist Church and Nobility went after the Democratic Cathars, the people of the Languedoc did not go down without a fight. But, as it is in all times, those who fight for the rights of free will for all are hindered by their very humanity; they are unable to achieve the single-minded rapacity that denies humanity to others so as to be able to mercilessly destroy them.

Cartoon Protesters Direct Anger at U.S.

Police killed four people Wednesday as Afghans enraged over drawings of the Prophet Muhammad marched on a U.S. military base in a volatile southern province, directing their anger not against Europe but America.
The U.S. base was targeted because the United States "is the leader of Europe and the leading infidel in the world," said Sher Mohammed, a 40-year-old farmer who suffered a gunshot wound while taking part in the demonstration in the city of Qalat.

Bin Laden as Christ
But the writer had big problems with a painting by Harlem artist "Tafa". It depicts an upside down Christ-like figure with a face strongly resembling Osama Bin Laden. The email read in part, "This is outrageous. This is an attack against my religion. How can an artist go so low? Most people are outraged, most Christians."

Signs Comment: Seems that its okay to depict Mohammed as a Terrorist, but it is not okay to depict bin Laden as a savior.

Jesus Christ in Court
An Italian judge heard arguments Friday on whether a small-town parish priest should stand trial for asserting that Jesus Christ existed.
The priest's atheist accuser, Luigi Cascioli, says the Roman Catholic Church has been deceiving people for 2,000 years with a fable that Christ existed, and that the Rev. Enrico Righi violated two Italian laws by reasserting the claim.

Secularist Stupidity & Religious Wars
"What hypocrisy. When it comes to what Germans are most sensitive about, Hitler and the Holocaust, they are ruthless censors. British historian David Irving has spent three months in a Viennese prison awaiting trial on Feb. 20 for speeches he made 15 years ago in Austria. Skeptics and deniers of the Holocaust are prosecuted, fined and imprisoned in Europe with the enthusiastic endorsement of the European press."

All cartoon politics are local
Muslim touchiness about Western insults to the prophet Mohammed must be understood in historical context. Most Muslim societies have spent the past two centuries either under European rule or heavy European influence, and most colonial masters and their helpmeets among the missionaries were not shy about letting local people know exactly how barbaric they thought the Muslim faith was. The colonized still smart from the notorious signs outside European clubs in the colonial era, such as the one in Calcutta that said, "Dogs and Indians not allowed."

Signs Comment: "How Barbaric they thought the Muslim Faith was." Hmmm, now let me get this straight. Judaism and Christianity are based on myths and, as far as anyone has been able to prove, there is no historical evidence for the existence of either Moses or Jesus. Islam, acknowledges Judaism and Christianity as its close kin, but relies on the interpretation and further revelation of a REAL historical figure. So, whose faith is really Barbaric?

An American Indian's View of the Cartoons - Such Depictions Have Been Used as a Weapon Against Oppressed Peoples for Centuries

Ethnically hostile and abusive reporting by mainstream media was what helped to kill more than 60 American Indians and assault hundreds more during the federal governments reign of terror that occurred between 1973 and 1975 on the Pine Ridge Oglala Lakota reservation. The old adage that was popularized in Hollywood westerns," White man speaks with forked tongue" had a special meaning. It denoted the deceit of European settlers who often lied to North American Indian people as they stole coveted lands and nearly decimated them as a people. The recent split tongue approach used in defending Danish racist cartoons as freedom of speech must be loudly condemned as just more attacks on the rights of Muslims to defend their lands, culture and self determination.

Asian Muslims vent anger over cartoons
Muslims across Asia have vented their anger over satirical cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, as a leading politician blamed Western nations for a "huge chasm" between the West and Islam. The protests on Friday over the drawings first published in a Danish newspaper showed no sign of easing, but there was no repeat of the violence that has so far left 13 people dead worldwide in rallies against the cartoons.

Hamas joins call for calm in cartoon row
The Palestinian group Hamas has joined calls for calm amid international furore sparked by cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, as a Taliban commander in Afghanistan said 100 suicide bombers had volunteered. Hamas "is prepared to play a role in calming the situation between the Islamic world and Western countries on condition that these countries commit themselves to putting an end to attacks against the feelings of Muslims," the organisation's leader Khaled Meshaal told a news conference Thursday. His conciliatory tone came a day after he warned the Western press was "playing with fire" by publishing the cartoons which have led to riots around the world.

How a meeting of leaders in Mecca set off the cartoon wars around the world
A summit of Muslim nations held in Mecca in December may have played a key role in stoking outraged protests across the Islamic world against a series of caricatures of the Prophet Mohamed. A dossier of the cartoons, which was compiled by Danish Muslims, was handed around the sidelines of the meeting, attended by 57 Islamic nations including leaders such as Iran's president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and the Saudi King, Abdullah.

Muslims rally in Europe as worldwide cartoon protests rage on
Muslims are set to rally across Europe to vent their anger over satirical images of the Prophet Mohammed, a day after Denmark's ambassador to Syria temporarily left the country over security fears. In the west German city of Duesseldorf several hundred Muslims joined a protest march to the Danish consulate but police did not expect any violence. Protest rallies were also planned in Berlin and other German cities; Paris and Strasbourg in France, and in Amsterdam.

C.O.M.B.A.T. 4 Christ

I would like to take a moment of your time to introduce you to a ministry that the Lord has laid upon our heart. Seasoned in prayer and coupled with many hours of preparation, there has evolved a training course for Christian Youth and Young Adults.

Spiritual healer steals $1 million, police say - Allegedly promised lottery winnings via numbers pulled from boiled eggs
A self-proclaimed spiritual healer bilked at least $1 million from 20 San Francisco Bay area residents then fled without fulfilling his promises to give out winning lottery numbers and heal their ailments, police said.
The man, who called himself Iqbal, ran radio ads targeting South Asian clients on Radio Humsafar. He was described by police as an Indian man in his mid-30s who limped and recited passages from the Quran during healing sessions. He also claimed to practice black magic. Victims were told they would win $1 million in the California lottery for every $10,000 they gave him, said Lt. Jim Bizieff. The scam involved a magic trick in which Iqbal said he would pull winning lottery numbers from boiled eggs. At least 20 people gave him between $10,000 and $200,000 each, but the scam artist never delivered any winning numbers and left his rented Union City house in January.

Settlers defile Palestinian mosque
Jewish settlers have daubed graffiti insulting Prophet Muhammad on a mosque in a Palestinian village in the occupied West Bank, an Israeli military source and local residents said. After news of Sunday's incident, Palestinians threw stones at Israeli cars driving to nearby Jewish settlements, slightly hurting one woman and sparking clashes with Israeli soldiers who fired tear gas and shot bullets into the air.

This is the real outrage - Amid the cartoon furore, Danish imams ignore the tragedies suffered by Muslims across the world

The latest round of culture wars does neither side any good. The western civilisational fundamentalists insist on seeing Muslims as the other - different, alien and morally evil. Jyllands-Posten published the cartoons in bad faith. Their aim was not to engage in debate but to provoke, and they succeeded. The same newspaper declined to print caricatures of Jesus. I am an atheist and do not know the meaning of the "religious pain" that is felt by believers of every cast when what they believe in is insulted. I am not insulted by billions of Christians, Muslims and Jews believing there is a God and praying to this nonexistent deity on a regular basis.

Europeans' arrogance the cause of Muslim anger
The whole world has been surprised by the scope and intensity of angry crowds throughout the Islamic realm that are demonstrating against the offensive cartoons about the prophet Muhammad that were published last year in a small, right-wing Danish newspaper. It is perhaps time that we stopped being surprised by a phenomenon that has become routine: the affirmation of Islamic identity as the dominant form of national self-assertion in developing societies whose citizens suffer major grievances against the quality of their own statehood and governance as well as against Western and Israeli policies.

The Slippery Slope of Self-Censorship
As the violence over the cartoons expands, we are no closer to defining the boundaries of free speech in an age of growing religious fundamentalism.

Protesters Rampage in 2 Pakistani Cities
Thousands of protesters rampaged through two cities Tuesday, storming into a diplomatic district and torching Western businesses and a provincial assembly in Pakistan's worst violence against the Prophet Muhammad drawings, officials said. At least two people were killed and 11 injured. Security forces fired into the air as they struggled to contain the unrest in the eastern city of Lahore, where protesters burned down four buildings housing a hotel, two banks, a KFC restaurant and the office of a Norwegian cell phone company, Telenor.

Signs Comment:
"The violence is spiraling out of control."
Yup. Guess what's coming next??

Cartoon Protesters Rampage in Pakistan

Thousands rampaged through two cities Tuesday in Pakistan's worst violence against Prophet Muhammad caricatures, burning buildings housing a hotel, banks and a KFC, vandalizing a Citibank and breaking windows at a Holiday Inn and a Pizza Hut.
At least two people were killed in Lahore, where intelligence officials suspected outlawed Islamic militant groups incited the violence to undermine President Gen. Pervez Musharraf's U.S.-allied government.

Daniel Pipes and the Danish Editor
Let me tell you a few things about blasphemy. Been there, done it. Got expelled from high school for it. That was a few decades ago, and for those seeking titillation, I’ll give you the details at the end of this screed. First I have to tell you about a massive propaganda coup. You’ve been had by some of the most bigoted people in the world -- and I’m not talking about Muslim fundamentalists.

Dangerous Hypocrisy: World Reactions to the Danish Cartoons
Westerners are agonizing about whether the twelve Danish cartoons of Mohammed showed unforgivable prejudice against Islam. Enraged Muslims in Europe, the Middle East and Asia are rampaging in protest against the cartoons, demanding apologies, boycotts, blood and even beheadings. But in all this, the real outrage is overlooked: the sheer hypocrisy of these reactions.

One does not know whether to laugh or to cry. The inflammatory and racist cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed originally published by a sensation-seeking Danish newspaper have turned into a cause célèbre and are producing a firestorm of hysteria and racism around the world. Mobs of enraged Muslims have rioted from Morocco to Indonesia and burned Danish and Norwegian embassies. Editors of other European newspapers that foolishly ran the offensive cartoons piously insist they did so to defend the sacred right of free speech. This writer detests any form of censorship, including so-called `hate laws’ that are really modern forms of heresy and blasphemy statutes. But free speech, as the great American jurist Felix Frankfurter said, does not include the right to scream `fire’ in a crowded movie theater. And that’s just what the European newspapers did. They were trying to boost circulation and pander to anti-immigrant right wingers by attacking Islam.

Protesters Ravage Two Pakistani Cities
Thousands of protesters rampaged through two cities Tuesday, storming into a diplomatic district and torching Western businesses and a provincial assembly in Pakistan's worst violence against the Prophet Muhammad drawings, officials said. At least two people were killed and 11 injured. Security forces fired into the air as they struggled to contain the unrest in the eastern city of Lahore, where protesters burned down four buildings housing a hotel, two banks, a KFC restaurant and the office of a Norwegian cell phone company, Telenor. U.S. and British embassy staffers were confined to their compounds until police dispersed the protesters, some of whom chanted, "Death to America!"

The Cartoons and the Neocon - Daniel Pipes and the Danish Editor
Let me tell you a few things about blasphemy. Been there, done it. Got expelled from high school for it. That was a few decades ago, and for those seeking titillation, I’ll give you the details at the end of this screed. First I have to tell you about a massive propaganda coup. You’ve been had by some of the most bigoted people in the world -- and I’m not talking about Muslim fundamentalists. The big news about blasphemy today is in the Muslim world. A Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten, in September published 12 cartoons mocking the prophet Muhammad. It took four months for that fuse to reach the powder keg of religious sensibilities -- the flame was relentlessly pushed along by the right-wing, neo-conservative press until it exploded. The dumbed-down media depiction was free speech versus intolerant Muslim fanatics. That’s not entirely wrong, just very incomplete. Ultimately, crowds erupted in protests in Muslim cities. The picture of the burning Danish consulate in Beirut is the icon of the day.

Russian Foreign Minister Says Split Between Muslims and Christians Worse than Cold War

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has warned of a danger of a split between Christians and Muslims, the RIA-Novosti news agency reported on Wednesday. “The threat of a split between civilizations could be even more terrible than what we went through in the years of the Cold War,” the minister said while visiting the St Nicholas Cathedral in Vienna. Lavrov noted that certain problems were now arising between Christianity and Islam. He said he was certain that the Russian Orthodox Church could make a significant contribution to preventing a split between civilizations.

Born Believers? UA Researcher Examines Biological Bases for Religious Belief

Jesse Bering, a cognitive psychologist in the J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Arkansas, has created one of the first experimental programs in the world that brings together three previously unconnected areas: cognitive science, evolutionary theory and existential psychology.
His most recent research will soon be published in the American Psychology Association's flagship journal, Developmental Psychology. Another more general article on Bering's work, "The Cognitive Psychology of Belief in the Supernatural," has just been published in the March-April issue of American Scientist. Numerous media have cited Bering's research, including The London Times and Science & Theology News. In fall 2005, he served as an international fellow of the newly formed Institute of Cognition and Culture at Queen's University, Belfast, Ireland, a research center with a strong focus on cognition and religion. In his research, Bering is studying the natural psychological bases for religious belief. He examines the fundamental question "Is God all in your head?" from an evolutionary perspective.

Japanese cult guru judged fit for appeal

The former leader of a Japanese doomsday cult has been judged mentally fit to continue his appeal of a death sentence for masterminding a deadly nerve-gas attack on Tokyo's subway, state television said on Monday.

Births out of wedlock 'pass 40%'
The proportion of children born outside marriage in the UK has leapt from 12% in 1980 to 42% in 2004, according to the Office for National Statistics. In contrast, 15 other EU countries had an estimated average of 33%, the annual ONS' Social Trends report said. The average UK household size fell from 2.9 to 2.4 people from 1971 to 2005. This was due to more single-parent families, smaller families and an increase in households of just one person, the ONS said.
Signs Comment: Religion is one of the most important control structures, and marriage has certainly been one of the most important institutions in it. Coupled with unrealistic notions of love -- that is, mistaking a chemical reaction in the body for love -- tying oneself to a contract that is difficult to break, and whose end carries with it notions of sin or angering God, has certainly done a lot to attack the mental health of many, many individuals. And then factor in psychopathy and other pathologies... what a mess! The increase of people choosing to cohabit without tying the knot is an important indicator of social change. But that alone is not enough as the increase in single parent families also indicates. As long as individuals continue to mate based upon sexual attraction alone, losing the rational factor of responsibility and the deep emotional bonding of love in a momentary surge of chemicals, the consequences will continue to push to an ever-increasing atomisation of society. Obviously, such change can only come one person at a time, as people turn away from the destructive habits that are our social currency and take control over themselves.

Mother Says God Told Her to Cut Baby

A woman accused of killing her 10-month-old daughter felt that God was commanding her to cut off the baby's arms as well as her own limbs, a state psychiatrist testified Monday. Dena Schlosser saw a TV news story about a boy being mauled by a lion and thought it was a sign of the apocalypse, a delusion that led her to sever the arms of her baby, David Self said.

Behind the Curtain

I'd like to address a Frequently Asked Question I get from regular column critics. Why do you almost exclusively focus your critique on conservatives, especially Christian conservatives? Because that's who's in power.

Death toll from Nigerian religious riots hits 138
At least 138 Nigerians died in five days of rioting by Muslims and Christians across Africa's most populous nation, where uncertainty over the political future is exacerbating ethnic and religious tensions. In mainly Christian Onitsha in the southeast, at least 85 people were killed in two days of mob violence, human rights group the Civil Liberties Organization (CLO) said on Thursday.

Signs Comment: The NeoCon orchestrated "clash of civilizations" is progressing well it seems.

German court convicts man for insulting Islam

A German court on Thursday convicted a businessman of insulting Islam by printing the word "Koran" on toilet paper and offering it to mosques.

The 61-year-old man, identified only as Manfred van H., was given a one-year jail sentence, suspended for five years, and ordered to complete 300 hours of community service, a district court in the western German town of Luedinghausen ruled.

Vatican to Muslims: practice what you preach
After backing calls by Muslims for respect for their religion in the Mohammad cartoons row, the Vatican is now urging Islamic countries to reciprocate by showing more tolerance toward their Christian minorities. Roman Catholic leaders at first said Muslims were right to be outraged when Western newspapers reprinted Danish caricatures of the Prophet, including one with a bomb in his turban. Most Muslims consider any images of Mohammad to be blasphemous. After criticizing both the cartoons and the violent protests in Muslim countries that followed, the Vatican this week linked the issue to its long-standing concern that the rights of other faiths are limited, sometimes severely, in Muslim countries.

Signs Comment: Well, we can't really say we're surprised to learn that one of the reasons the Vatican spoke out against the Muslim cartoon row was because it could demand better treatment for Christians in Muslim countries in return. And how about this Monsignor Velasio De Paolis: "Enough now with this turning the other cheek! It's our duty to protect ourselves!" Shouldn't the Vatican also practice what it preaches?

'Demon-tormented' school calms down
THE emotional turmoil at the Mumbwenge Combined School in the North, where children claimed to be terrorised by demons last year, seems to have simmered down. Regional Education Director Josia Udjombala told The Namibian that the situation might return to normal with the help of psychologists from the Oshakati State Hospital.

Delusion Shrouds Christian Coalition Leader

There's no doubt that Georgia's Christian Coalition has had an impact on state politics, using litmus tests, fundraising and politicizing pulpits in an attempt to enforce theocratic orthodoxy among elected officials and judges. And keep in mind that we're not talking about Christianity in a general sense, but one narrow interpretation of the faith that is hostile to Jesus' message of compassion and advocacy for the downtrodden.

U.S. Christian Leaders Apologise For Iraq War

Christian leaders from the United States lamented the war in Iraq and apologised for their government's current foreign policy during the 9th Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Porto Alegre, Brazil, which ended Thursday.
"We lament with special anguish the war in Iraq, launched in deception and violating global norms of justice and human rights," the Very Rev. Leonid Kishkovsky, the moderator of the U.S. Conference for the WCC, told fellow delegates from around the world.

Moscow synagogue suspect on trial
A man held after an attack on Jewish worshippers goes on trial accused of attempted murder.

Pakistani Kids Rally Over Prophet Cartoons

About 5,000 children chanting "Hang those who insulted the prophet" rallied in Pakistan's largest city on Tuesday in the latest protest in the Islamic nation against the publication of cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad....

False Flag Operations/PsyOps

USS 'Cole' bombers tunnel out of Yemeni jail
A major international hunt is under way for 23 al-Qa'ida activists who escaped from their prison in Yemen by digging a 460ft tunnel to emerge in the woman's section of a mosque.

Interpol has issued a global security alert warning that the escapers - including men who had carried out attacks on the American warship USS Cole and the French oil tanker Limburg - were a "clear and present danger to all countries".

Signs Comment: This should bring some interesting developments since many "connected" people have been saying for some time that Al-Qaida was not involved, that it was Israel's MOSSAD that pulled off the USS Cole attack to blame it on Muslim extremists.

29 Sept 04
A Yemeni court has sentenced two men to death over the bomb attack on the USS Cole, which killed 17 people in 2000. Suspected ringleader Abd al-Rahim al-Nashiri, who is currently in US custody, and Jamal Mohammed al-Badawi, were both given the death penalty. Four others were given between five and 10 years in jail for the attack, blamed on Osama Bin Laden's al-Qaeda network.

Flashback: The USS Cole bombing against the backdrop of Israeli "Black Propaganda" Operations
by Michael Gillespie
Many in the Arab and Muslim communities in the United States are inclined to suppose that Israel may be responsible for the terror-bombing of the USS Cole in the Yemen port city of Aden on October 13. Although few Americans would suspect Israel, a trusted U.S. ally, of such a dastardly act, they may well be wrong while better informed and more experienced Arab and Muslim observers may be correct.

The Israeli intelligence agencies have a long history of carrying out what have been called "black propaganda" operations. Such covert actions are designed to create suspicion and inflame animosity between Israel's perceived enemies in the Middle East and Americans.

While Israel's deadly surprise attack on the USS Liberty on June 6, 1967, is now widely viewed as having been carried out for the purpose of keeping the USS Liberty's electronic monitoring capabilities from uncovering and reporting to Washington on the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)'s military preparations in advance of the attack on the Golan Heights, which would have allowed the Johnson administration to apply diplomatic pressure to forestall the IDF's aggression against Syria, there are many other clear examples of Israeli intelligence agencies engaging in "black propaganda" for the purpose of damaging the public image of Arabs and Arab states and organizations and fomenting trouble between Arabs and Arab states and organizations and the U.S. government.
Signs Comment: The final paragraph, written before 9-11, is quite interesting for a number of reasons:
Let us all hope that the president-elect of the United States, George W. Bush, has not forgotten that renegade Mossad officers cooked up a crack-pot plan to assassinate a former U.S. president--his own father--in 1991 at the Madrid peace conference after the senior Bush was courageous enough to try to pressure the government of Israel to end the establishment of illegal settlements on Palestinian lands by withholding approval of $10 billion dollars worth of loan guarantees for Israel. It is widely reported that the Bush family places a premium on loyalty. Perhaps the new president will have noted that Israel has been anything but a loyal ally of the United States of America and will be able to make some appropriate and long overdue adjustments in U.S. Middle East foreign policy, regardless of what domestic political pressures may demand in the way of a public facade.
Signs Comment: So much for that hope. It has since become abundantly clear that the son is NOT the father, and if MOSSAD thought that there was any chance of Dubya changing the rules, they sure got him over the barrel on 9-11. Read Laura's new book: 9-11: The Ultimate Truth for the scoop.

Julian Borger in Washington
The Guardian
Thursday October 19, 2000
Vincent Cannistraro, the CIA's former head of counter-terrorist operations and a respected expert on Middle Eastern terrorism, said the timing, location and method of the attack - the sophistication of the bomb - an estimated 272kg of high explosive shaped and placed within a metal container to channel the blast and penetrate the armoured hull of the USS Cole - suggested the involvement of a state.

Flashback: USS Cole Attack: Practice run for the coming Iran 'False Flag'
To start the war on Iran, Israel will probably stage a 'False Flag' attack on the US fleet in the Persian Gulf. After the initial attack, the war will quickly escalate. This website attempts to explain the technique used to attack the USS Cole, and how it was a 'Test Run' for a possible upcoming attack on a carrier that is based in Bahrain.

Signs Comment: Notice the remarks about "shape charges" and think a minute. If you go to the page linked to view the graphics, you will see the damage done to the USS Cole. Where else have we seen damage of that shape and size???

A nice, deep hole about 13/14 feet in diameter... Penetrated through a steel hull Navy ship... Take your time...


The Official Story

'Witnesses' say the ship caught fire minutes after leaving port, but the Captain sailed on for two hours as the fire blazed. Other anonymous witnesses say the Captain commandeered the first lifeboat, as women and children stood by. The ferry sailed on for two hours listing to the side. Then it just went onto its side, and within five minutes it had sunk.

The Story Is Too Convoluted To Be Believed

The ship caught fire within minutes of leaving Duba, but the Captain sailed on. When the fire got out of control, the Captain commandeered a lifeboat, and the ship developed a mysterious list, and quickly rolled over. This is set in the same tone as Egyptair 990, where NY newspapers said a pilot went insane, and dove a Boeing 767 into the ocean, as he screamed "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar" (God is great).

Weldon: 'Able Danger' ID'd 9/11 Ringleader
Pre-Sept. 11 intelligence conducted by a secret military unit identified terrorist ringleader Mohamed Atta 13 different times, a congressman said Tuesday. During a Capitol Hill news conference, Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa., said the unit - code-named "Able Danger" - also identified "a problem" in Yemen two weeks before the attack on the USS Cole. It knew the problem was tied into the port of Aden and involved a U.S. platform, but the ship commander was not made aware of it, Weldon said.

Signs Comment: See the following flashbacks for more on the USS Cole bombing...

by Michael Gillespie
Many in the Arab and Muslim communities in the United States are inclined to suppose that Israel may be responsible for the terror-bombing of the USS Cole in the Yemen port city of Aden on October 13. Although few Americans would suspect Israel, a trusted U.S. ally, of such a dastardly act, they may well be wrong while better informed and more experienced Arab and Muslim observers may be correct.

The Israeli intelligence agencies have a long history of carrying out what have been called "black propaganda" operations. Such covert actions are designed to create suspicion and inflame animosity between Israel's perceived enemies in the Middle East and Americans.

While Israel's deadly surprise attack on the USS Liberty on June 6, 1967, is now widely viewed as having been carried out for the purpose of keeping the USS Liberty's electronic monitoring capabilities from uncovering and reporting to Washington on the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)'s military preparations in advance of the attack on the Golan Heights, which would have allowed the Johnson administration to apply diplomatic pressure to forestall the IDF's aggression against Syria, there are many other clear examples of Israeli intelligence agencies engaging in "black propaganda" for the purpose of damaging the public image of Arabs and Arab states and organizations and fomenting trouble between Arabs and Arab states and organizations and the U.S. government.
Signs Comment: The final paragraph, written before 9-11, is quite interesting for a number of reasons:
Let us all hope that the president-elect of the United States, George W. Bush, has not forgotten that renegade Mossad officers cooked up a crack-pot plan to assassinate a former U.S. president--his own father--in 1991 at the Madrid peace conference after the senior Bush was courageous enough to try to pressure the government of Israel to end the establishment of illegal settlements on Palestinian lands by withholding approval of $10 billion dollars worth of loan guarantees for Israel. It is widely reported that the Bush family places a premium on loyalty. Perhaps the new president will have noted that Israel has been anything but a loyal ally of the United States of America and will be able to make some appropriate and long overdue adjustments in U.S. Middle East foreign policy, regardless of what domestic political pressures may demand in the way of a public facade.
Signs Comment: So much for that hope. It has since become abundantly clear that the son is NOT the father, and if MOSSAD thought that there was any chance of Dubya changing the rules, they sure got him over the barrel on 9-11. Read Laura's new book: 9-11: The Ultimate Truth for the scoop.

To start the war on Iran, Israel will probably stage a 'False Flag' attack on the US fleet in the Persian Gulf. After the initial attack, the war will quickly escalate.

This website attempts to explain the technique used to attack the USS Cole, and how it was a 'Test Run' for a possible upcoming attack on a carrier that is based in Bahrain.

Signs Comment: Notice the remarks about "shape charges" and think a minute. If you go to the page linked to view the graphics, you will see the damage done to the USS Cole. Where else have we seen damage of that shape and size??? A nice, deep hole about 13/14 feet in diameter...
Penetrated through a steel hull Navy ship... Take your time...

Survivors Say Egyptian Ferry Was on Fire Before Sinking: Fire was impossible to extinguish!

Ahmed, the maintenance crewman, said he fought fire with sea water pumped into the ship through hoses. The fire would go out and revive, Ahmed said. "We couldn't figure out the cause," he added in a low murmur. The long battle against inextinguishable flames had a fatal consequence, Ahmed concluded: "The water wasn't draining. Pumps weren't working right."

Intel Expert Says 9-11 Looks Like A Hollywood Show

European Spooks Say Mideast Terrorists Needed State Support. “European intelligence experts dismiss the Bush ‘war on terrorism’ as deception and reveal the realpolitik behind the bombing of Afghanistan.” BERLIN — In Germany, where war plans for Afghanistan were already being discussed in July [2001] and where several of the “Arab hijackers” lived and studied, intelligence experts say the terror attacks of Sept. 11 could not have been carried out without the support of a state secret service. Eckehardt Werthebach, former president of Germany’s domestic intelligence service, Verfassungsschutz, told American Free Press that “the deathly precision” and “the magnitude of planning” behind the attacks would have needed “years of planning.” Such a sophisticated operation, Werthebach said, would require the “fixed frame” of a state intelligence organization, something not found in a “loose group” of terrorists like the one allegedly led by Mohammed Atta while he studied in Hamburg.

Neo-cons use Denmark as their latest tool to bring about the "Clash of Civilizations"
Denmark is at the center of the ongoing neo-con plot to bring about a bloody military confrontation between the West and Islam. This "Clash of Civilizations" is a hallmark of the neo-con philosophy and is most exemplified in the writings of Prof. Samuel Huntington and Daniel Pipes. This follows a pattern of neo-con activity designed to ratchet up tensions. The latest example was the rapid spread of arson across France and Belgium involving neo-Nazis, skinheads, and false flag agents that was blamed entirely on Muslims upset about the deaths of two Muslim youths in a northern Paris suburb. French Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy stoked the flames with his rhetoric about Muslim "scum" just as Danish Prime Minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen defended the publication of cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohammed in an offensive manner in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten as a freedom of speech issue.

New Evidence Suggests Cartoon Riots Are Staged Psyop
As news breaks of four more demonstrators being shot dead in Kabul, fresh evidence has surfaced lending credibility to the assertion that the Muslim riots are a staged psyop or at the very least based on false pretenses. Yesterday leading Russian MP Vladimir Zhirinovsky said that the riots were a manufactured psychological operation on the part of the US in an attempt to enlist hardened EU support for a military strike against Iran. As first highlighted by this website and others, more evidence has come to light that confirms fake and misleading caricatures were bundled in with the more tame cartoons that were printed in Danish newspapers. Muslims were misled into believing that all the images were printed in newspapers when they were not. World Net Daily reports, "One of three especially inflammatory but undocumented Muhammad images distributed by a Danish imam as an example of an "anti-Muslim environment" in the European country turns out to be a poorly reproduced copy of an Associated Press photo taken at a French pig-squealing contest."

The British Government: Long-Time Sponsor of Islamic Terror
You want the news behind the news? You want to know just how far from reality the official truth is? Consider the following story from today's UK Guardian:

Iraqi blast damages Shia shrine
A bomb attack in Iraq has badly damaged one of the holiest sites in Shia Islam, sparking furious protests. Thousands of Iraqis have gathered at the al-Askari shrine in Samarra, north of Baghdad, where two men blew up the famous golden dome in a dawn raid.

Signs Comment: Ask yourself, who wants civil war in Iraq? This attack is very clearly the work of the black ops boys in the CIA, MI5 and Mossad. See yesterday's editorial for more on this aspect of the phony "war on terror".

Analysis: Whose Bombs Were They?
There's no telling who was behind the bombing of the al-Askariya Mosque. There were no security cameras at the site and it's doubtful that the police will be able to perform a thorough forensic investigation. That's too bad; the bomb-residue would probably provide clear evidence of who engineered the attack. So far, there's little more to go on than the early reports of four men (three who were dressed in black, one in a police uniform) who overtook security guards at the mosque and placed the bombs in broad daylight.

Israel claims al Qaeda plans mega-attack
Israeli security officials assess that 2006 is the "target year" set by the global al-Qaeda network to carry out a mega-attack in the country, Israel's leading newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported Thursday. bin laden According to the report, Israeli intelligence authorities detected two years ago the shift in priorities of al Qaeda towards Israel, which has been "upgraded" to the rank of a major target. Recently, al Qaeda chief in Iraq Abu Musab al-Zarqawi declared his intentions to carry out an attack in Israel. The report added Syria has been identified as a transfer point for al Qaeda members planning to carry out attacks in Jordan and Israel. It should be mentioned that on Wednesday Israeli Deputy Chief of Staff Moshe Kaplinski said that "global Jihad forces" maintain regular bases in Lebanon and Jordan.

Signs Comment: Now that the scene has been set, all that is left to do is make the attack happen.

The Smoking Gun - US-Israel behind Mosque Bombing
The AFP is reporting that the bombing of the Golden Domed Mosque "was the work of specialists" and that the "placing of explosives must have taken at least 12 hours." Construction Minister Jassem Mohammed Jaafar said, "Holes were dug into the mausoleum's four main pillars and packed with explosives. Then charges were connected together and linked to another charge placed just under the dome. The wires were then linked to a detonator which was triggered at a distance."

Torture In The 4th Reich

CIA chief sacked for opposing torture
The CIA’s top counter-terrorism official was fired last week because he opposed detaining Al-Qaeda suspects in secret prisons abroad, sending them to other countries for interrogation and using forms of torture such as “water boarding”, intelligence sources have claimed.
Robert Grenier, head of the CIA counter-terrorism centre, was relieved of his post after a year in the job. One intelligence official said he was “not quite as aggressive as he might have been” in pursuing Al-Qaeda leaders and networks.

Report: U.S. Is Torturing Captives

A draft United Nations report on the detainees at Guantanamo Bay concludes that the U.S. treatment of them violates their rights to physical and mental health and, in some cases, constitutes torture.

Homeland Security Contracts for Vast New Detention Camps
A little-known $385 million contract for Halliburton subsidiary KBR to build detention facilities for "an emergency influx of immigrants" is another step down the Bush administration's road toward martial law, the writer says.

America's Kremlin

Yes boys and girls, the US Government has been remodeled, trimmed down, made more efficient. Now there's the Executive branch, which runs the show – the whole show. Then comes the Judiciary branch, which has been turned into a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Executive branch. The Legislative branch has been reduced to a facade of democracy, a show, a dog and pony show -- often entertaining, but much sound and fury signifying nothing. If you doubt this you haven't been paying attention. 

Guantánamo: A life sentence of suffering and stigmatization
In a new report published today, Amnesty International revealed how the US detention centre at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba is condemning thousands across the world to a life of suffering, torment and stigmatization. [...] Five-hundred men from around 35 nationalities are detained in Guantánamo. Dozens are currently on hunger strike and there have been numerous suicide attempts. None of them have had the lawfulness of their detention reviewed in a court of law. Nine continue to be held despite no longer being defined by the US government as “enemy combatants”

US straps down Guantanamo hunger strikers: report

U.S. military officials at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, strapped hunger-striking prisoners into restraint chairs for hours to feed them through tubes and isolated them in cold cells, The New York Times said on Thursday.

'Free the forgotten prisoners'

Amnesty International called on Monday for the release of nine British residents it says are held prisoner by United States authorities in Guantanamo Bay.

Who Is at Guantanamo Bay?

As a result of the habeas corpus petitions filed by attorneys representing Guantanamo detainees, the Defense Department has had to file court documents on 132 of the enemy combatants, or just under a quarter of the prison's population. National Journal undertook a detailed review of the unclassified files to develop profiles of the 132 men. NJ separately reviewed transcripts for 314 prisoners who pleaded their cases before Combatant Status Review Tribunals at Guantanamo. Taken together, the information provides a picture of who, exactly, has been taken prisoner in the war on terror and is being held in an anomalous U.S. military prison on an island belonging to one of America's bitterest enemies.

Guantanamo: Empty Evidence

"If you think of the people down there, these are people, all of whom were captured on a battlefield. They're terrorists, trainers, bomb makers, recruiters, financiers, [Osama bin Laden's] bodyguards, would-be suicide bombers, probably the 20th 9/11 hijacker." -- Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, June 27, 2005. The lawyers representing Guantanamo prisoners say the evidence against their clients is weak, indirect, and often based on lies from other detainees. Defense Department documents suggest they are right.

Many Guantanamo detainees not tied to 'hostile acts'

[O]nly eight percent of the detainees were characterized in the documents as Al-Qaeda fighters, while 60 "are detained merely because they are 'associated with' a group or groups the (US) government asserts are terrorist organizations".

'Mistake' captives languish at Guantanamo

Five Chinese Muslims the U.S. military admits were captured by mistake want the U.S. Supreme Court`s help in getting out of the Guantanamo Bay military prison.
Their capture and detention in the Cuban facility for more than four years has created a legal dilemma for the Bush administration, which fears releasing them back to China where they could face torture, yet refuses to grant them asylum for fear of opening floodgates to others. 'These men have been adjudged by the military to be, essentially, mistakes. They are innocent men captured by mistake by U.S. forces abroad,' Neil McGaraghan, a Miami lawyer representing two of the detainees told the Christian Science Monitor. Besides the Uighur detainees, four other non-enemy combatants are being held at Guantanamo because of human rights concerns if they are returned to their home countries of Algeria, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Uzbekistan, the newspaper said. Copyright 2006 by United Press International

Reports Find Dubious Terror Ties at Guantanamo
Last June, U.S. Defence Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told reporters, "If you think of the people down there (at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba), these are people, all of whom were captured on a battlefield. They're terrorists, trainers, bomb makers, recruiters, financiers, (Osama bin Laden's) bodyguards, would-be suicide bombers, probably the 20th 9/11 hijacker." Yet two recent reports, based on the Defence Department's own documentation, reach conclusions that are dramatically different than Rumsfeld's. And amid the millions of words journalists have written about Guantanamo Bay during the past few years, the mainstream press has largely ignored these new reports.

Signs Comment: WHAT?! You mean Rumsfeld was lying!? Say it ain't so!!

Australia channel says pictures show Abu Ghraib abuse
Australian public broadcaster SBS has released a handful of what it says are previously unpublished photographs of the abuse of prisoners in Iraq's notorious Abu Ghraib jail by US soldiers. The pictures seen by AFP -- which include a man with his throat slit, another with massive head injuries and a third covered in what could be faeces -- were among what SBS said would be dozens shown later Wednesday. Their release comes amid fury in the Muslim world, where anti-Western sentiment is raging over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed, and follows earlier pictures of abuse by US forces at the Baghdad prison.

Signs Comment: The timing of the release of these photos couldn't have been better if the Powers that Be want to pull off another false flag terrorist attack or provoke certain nations to start a war...

Two more held over Iraq 'abuse' video

Military police today arrested two more soldiers in connection with the video showing the apparent abuse of Iraqi civilians by British troops. The arrests - which bring the number detained up to three - came as the fallout from the footage saw the provincial council in Basra suspend relations with the British. The video, filmed in the restive town of Amara in the Maysan province, just north of Basra, in January 2004 appeared to show defenceless young Iraqis being kicked and attacked with batons, to the apparent amusement of the cameraman.

The photos America doesn't want seen

MORE photographs have been leaked of Iraqi citizens tortured by US soldiers at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison on the outskirts of Baghdad. Tonight the SBS Dateline program plans to broadcast about 60 previously unpublished photographs that the US Government has been fighting to keep secret in a court case with the American Civil Liberties Union.

For one Marine, torture came home

ABOUT A YEAR and a half ago, a 40-year-old former Marine sergeant named Jeffrey Lehner, recently returned from Afghanistan, phoned and asked to meet with me. Since his return he had been living with his father, a retired pharmacist, in the Santa Barbara home where he was raised. I first heard about Jeff from an acquaintance of mine who was dating him and who told me that he was deeply distressed about what he had seen on his tours in Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Middle East.


Australian network SBS broadcasts images of alleged abuse of what it says are prisoners at Abu Ghraib in Iraq. Previously unpublished images of abuse of Iraqi prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison near Baghdad were screened on SBS television's Dateline program. The footage shows still and video images of the wounds it says were inflicted on the Iraqis by their American captors. SBS alleges that the photos were taken at the same time as those of US soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners inside Abu Ghraib, which sparked international outrage after they were leaked in 2004. While some of the photographs are similar to the images made public two years ago, the latest photographs apparently reveal further abuse including new incidents of killing, torture and sexual humiliation. The program reports that some prisoners at Abu Ghraib were killed when U.S. soldiers ran out of rubber bullets trying to quell a riot at the jail and resorted to using live rounds. The images come at a tense time in relations between the West and Muslim countries after cartoons were published in Denmark which satirised the Prophet Mohammad.

Horrific New Torture Pictures Released - Mature Audience ONLY!
MORE photographs have been leaked of Iraqi citizens tortured by US soldiers at the notorious Abu Ghraib prison on the outskirts of Baghdad.

Abu Ghraib abuse against international law: ICRC

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) said on Thursday the latest images of abuse of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison showed clear violations of international humanitarian law.
However, the Swiss-based body, whose confidential reports have previously accused the U.S. military of using tactics "tantamount to torture" on inmates at the Baghdad jail, declined to say whether it would raise the issue again with Washington.

Signs Comment: Even the Red Cross has given up on Bush's America. It would be disastrous if Americans did the same.

Abu Ghraib: School for terrorists
American commanders in Iraq are expressing grave concerns that Abu Ghraib prison has become a breeding ground for extremist leaders and a school for terrorist foot soldiers, as the time in confinement allows detainees to forge relationships and exchange lessons of combat against the United States, its allies and the new Iraqi government. As a result, a number of officers said, they no longer automatically send every suspect rounded up in raids to the prison and instead release those who are thought not to be hardened fighters against the American troops and the Iraqi government.

Signs Comment: Geeze! What a novel idea! How come they didn't start using their brains sooner?

Out of sight - Can a film right the wrongs committed in Guantánamo?
Only a fool wants never to learn from his mistakes. Government should always have a process for this. When a train crashes, or a ferry capsizes, Britain traditionally holds a public inquiry to learn what went wrong. In America, a congressional committee sometimes plays this role, although most cases fall into the cauldron of civil litigation. While I often feel that the courtroom is pointlessly adversarial, it has been said that cross-examination "is the greatest engine for exposing truth known to human kind". Often, though, there will be no inquiry, and no lawsuit; there are some mistakes that our leaders would rather not expose to public criticism or debate. The iconic catastrophe of Guantánamo Bay falls into this category.

'Guantanamo' has fervent European bow
 Berliners' taste for movies with a strong political message was sated Tuesday with the world premiere of Michael Winterbottom's factual drama "The Road to Guantanamo," which came accompanied by a call for the U.S. detainee camp in Cuba to be shut down.
The competition title tells the story of three young Muslims from the English town of Tipton, who were picked up by U.S. forces in Afghanistan shortly after Sept. 11 and eventually flown to Guantanamo Bay in Cuba on suspicion of involvement in terrorism.

Iraqi government denounces Abu Ghraib abuse
U.S. officials have said the pictures and video should not have been released, with Defense Department spokesman Bryan Whitman telling The Associated Press their airing "could only further inflame and possibly incite unnecessary violence in the world." The newly broadcast images do not appear to show any new perpetrators. More than 25 people have been held accountable for criminal acts and other misconduct associated with prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib, according to the U.S. Defense Department's Web site.

Signs Comment: Unfortunately, the REAL criminals have not been held accountable and the torture DOES continue! Why else would the Bush administration reserve the right to torture? Why would the US Administration refuse to have relations with countries that do not sign an agreement to not prosecute Americans for War Crimes?

Yet more Abu Ghraib

Just click the link and see what America has become.

Outrage Spreads over New Images

New footage of British soldiers beating up young Iraqi men in Amarah city in 2003, and the release of more photographs of atrocities by U.S. soldiers against Iraqi detainees in Abu Ghraib prison has spread outrage across Iraq.
The timing of the new images is potent, in the wake of violence spreading through Iraq and much of the Muslim world over cartoons of Prophet Mohammed carried by a Danish newspaper and then other European publications. "We in Basra have decided not to cooperate in any way with the British troops," 43 year-old food merchant Ali Shehab Najim told IPS. "These occupiers of Basra are invaders and we will not sell them any of their requirements." Najim added, "None of us will work with them any longer either. My cousin used to work with them inside their base, but not any more. He refuses to go to work, and we have decided to show our contempt for them in every way possible."

CNN Blames the Photos,Not the Torture

CNN Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr should be given some kind of award for the most outrageously off-target reporting on the newly released photos and videos of U.S. torture and abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. In her numerous appearances during the morning news cycle on CNN after the images were first broadcast on Australia's SBS television, Starr described what she saw as the "root of the Abu Ghraib prison scandal" as such:
"Let's start by reminding everybody that under U.S. military law and practice, the only photographs that can be taken are official photographs for documentation purposes about the status of prisoners when they are in military detention. That's it. Anything else is not acceptable. And of course, that is what the Abu Ghraib prison scandal is all about." What? Here I thought the "scandal" was that the U.S. military was systematically abusing prisoners. These new photos, with their documentation of violently inflicted, open wounds, obliterate any notion that what occurred at Abu Ghraib was anything short of torture by all accepted definitions of the term. They reveal some horrifying scenes of naked, humiliated, bloodied prisoners, some with apparent gunshot wounds. In a video broadcast on Australia's SBS, naked, hooded prisoners were seen being forced to masturbate in front of the camera. But, according to CNN's Starr, the real transgression was that some soldiers documented the torture in violation of "U.S. military law and practice."

Flashback: Exhibitionistic Revenge at Abu Ghraib What is, perhaps, most horrific and incomprehensible about the Abu Ghraib photos are the photos themselves. Why would American prison guards take pictures of themselves smiling triumphantly and making fun of Iraqi prisoners as they humiliated, tortured, and in some instances, raped them? Was this a result of following orders in the dangerous, overcrowded, undisciplined prison milieu of Abu Ghraib, haphazardly trickling down from a chain of command that extended up to Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, as Seymour Hersch's New Yorker article suggests? Or was it due to some insidious psychological dynamic that not only affected these lower echelon prison guards, but also the Bush administration's approach to Iraq?

More Photos; More War Crimes

The photographs illustrate in excruciating detail the commitment to physical coercion that the Bush administration has vigorously defended in its legal memoranda and justified in terms of its war on terrorism. The battered faces and hooded victims of American brutality attest to the shocking inhumanity of the present campaign. This is the real face of the Bush’s global democratic crusade. The rest is just gibberish.

Salon exclusive: The Abu Ghraib files - Never-published photos, and an internal Army report, show more Iraqi prisoner abuse -- evidence the government is fighting to hide.

The DVD containing the material includes a June 6, 2004, CID investigation report written by Special Agent James E. Seigmund. That report includes the following summary of the material included: "A review of all the computer media submitted to this office revealed a total of 1,325 images of suspected detainee abuse, 93 video files of suspected detainee abuse, 660 images of adult pornography, 546 images of suspected dead Iraqi detainees, 29 images of soldiers in simulated sexual acts, 20 images of a soldier with a Swastika drawn between his eyes, 37 images of Military Working dogs being used in abuse of detainees and 125 images of questionable acts."

Abu Ghraib leaked report reveals full extent of abuse
· 1,325 images of suspected detainee abuse
· 93 video files of suspected detainee abuse
· 660 images of adult pornography
· 546 images of suspected dead Iraqi detainees
· 29 images of soldiers in simulated sexual acts
Nearly two years after the first pictures of naked and humiliated Iraqi detainees emerged from Abu Ghraib prison, the full extent of the abuse became known for the first time yesterday with a leaked report from the US army's internal investigation into the scandal.

Federal judge dismisses Canadian extraordinary rendition suit

US District Judge David G. Trager has granted the US Justice Department's request for dismissal of a civil rights lawsuit filed by Maher Arar, in what is believed to be the first suit filed challenging US extraordinary rendition practices.

The Human Cost of War

The whole world is watching a human drama that is both tragedy and travesty. As if the lessons of Vietnam had been presented to dull students and needed repeating, Americans and peoples of all nations watch as President George W. Bush's preemptive and unconstitutional war in Iraq continues. The cradle of civilization is being turned into its grave by a president whose undefined "noble cause" has thus far cost the lives of almost 3,000 American soldiers, wounded and maimed almost 20,000 more, and killed tens of thousands of Iraqis. The land that nourished the first written language and the roots of civilized political order has become a charnel house.

UN report blasts Guantanamo prison, says detainees should be tried or freed
The United States should shut down the prison for terror suspects at Guantanamo Bay and either release all detainees or put them on trial, the United Nations said in a report released Thursday. The world body also called on the United States to refrain from practices that "amount to torture." The White House rejected the recommendation to shut the prison. "These are dangerous terrorists that we're talking about that are there," spokesman Scott McClellan said. McClellan dismissed the report as a "rehash" of allegations previously made by lawyers for some detainees and said the military treats all prisoners humanely. "We know that al-Qaida terrorists are trained in trying to disseminate false allegations," McClellan said.

Signs Comment: Seems that the terrorists that are experts at desseminating false allegations are the Neocon Administration. If "Al-Qaeda" is good at it too, that's only because it was created by the Neocons.

Judge's anger at US torture
A high court judge yesterday delivered a stinging attack on America, saying its idea of what constituted torture was out of step with that of "most civilised nations". The criticism, directed at the Bush administration's approach to human rights, was made by Mr Justice Collins during a hearing over the refusal by ministers to request the release of three British residents held at Guantánamo Bay. The judge said: "America's idea of what is torture is not the same as ours and does not appear to coincide with that of most civilised nations." He made his comments, he said, after learning of the UN report that said Guantánamo should be shut down without delay because torture was still being carried out there.

Close Guantanamo, says Peter Hain

Pressure to close the US detention camp in Guantanamo Bay grew today after Northern Ireland Secretary Peter Hain backed its shutdown. His comments came after a United Nations report - backed by the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan - called for the immediate closure of the controversial site in Cuba. Mr Hain was believed to be the first Government minister explicitly to demand the closure. He also said he believed that Prime Minister Tony Blair shared his view.

The Americans are breaking international law... it is a society heading towards Animal Farm' - Archbishop Sentamu on Guantanamo
The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, has launched a passionate attack on President George Bush, saying his administration's refusal to close the notorious Guantanamo Bay camp reflected "a society that is heading towards George Orwell's Animal Farm". Dr Sentamu, the Church of England's second in command, urged the UN Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) to take legal action against the US - through the US courts or the International Court of Justice at The Hague - should it fail to respond to a report, by five UN inspectors, advising that Camp Delta at Guantanamo Bay should be shut immediately because prisoners there are being tortured.

Torture flights landed in UK, admit air controllers
CIA jets suspected of flying terrorist suspects to secret prisons for torture have landed at commercial British airports and received help from UK air traffic control, the authorities have admitted for the first time. National Air Traffic Services (Nats) confirmed that three planes with CIA tail numbers have travelled through Britain "on a number of occasions".

Signs Comment: A little 'rule of thumb' for genuine opposition politicians in the U.K. and U.S.: When members of the Bush and Blair governments say something, anything, you can generally safely assume that the truth is the exact opposite.

EU trio join UN call for closing Guantanamo camp
The British, French and German envoys to Washington, on Sunday joined the UN call for closing the unpopular U.S. detention camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. French Ambassador Jean-David Levitte told CNN: "Guantanamo is an embarrassment, and so it has to be solved one way or the other."

Signs Comment: Wow! What a strong condemnation!

France: "It's an embarrassment..."!
Germany: "The sooner it's closed, the better it will be for the image of the United States..."!
Uh, what about the prisoners being illegally held???? Will their "image" improve as well?
Britain: It's "An anomaly"!
With hard-hitting international condemnation like that, Bush and his cronies must be trembling in their leather and chains.

U.S.-German Flare-Up Over Vast Nazi Camp Archives
Tempers are flaring over a United States demand to open to scholars and researchers a huge repository of information about the Holocaust contained in the files of the International Tracing Service at Bad Arolsen, Germany. Based in part on documents gathered by Allied forces as they liberated Nazi concentration camps, the stock of files held by the organization stretches for about 15.5 miles, and holds information on 17.5 million people. It amounts to one of the largest closed archives anywhere. The collection is unique in its intimate personal detailing of a catastrophe, which is what makes the question of open access so delicate. The papers may reveal who was treated for lice at which camp, what ghoulish medical experiment was conducted on which prisoner and why, who was accused by the Nazis of homosexuality or murder or incest or pedophilia, which Jews collaborated and how they were induced to do so.

I confessed to escape Guantanamo torture
[...] He claims, he was subjected to systematic torture. He told his lawyer that he would be "hung on the door for two hours and then allowed to sit for half an hour but never allowed to sleep. This would go on for 48 hours in a row". After this, he claims, he would be taken for interrogation for two hours at a time. "I had to kneel on the cold concrete throughout the interrogations with my cuffed hands above my head," he said. "The only way out, I was told, was to confess. I heard and saw other torture - banging, screaming, cries, barking dogs and a dead guy who had tried to escape. One of the MPs [military police] said: 'Who's next?' So I confessed to be left alone."

Report: Pentagon warned on torture, abuse

The Navy's former general counsel warned Pentagon officials two years before the Abu Ghraib prison scandal that circumventing international agreements on torture and detainees' treatment would invite abuse, according to a published report.

US style of human rights based on torture: Iran

Iran's Minister of Defense and Logistics of Armed Forces Brigadier General Mostafa Mohammad Najjar said that the human rights favored by US President George Bush are based on clandestine cells, torture, terror, wire tapping of American civilians, sacrilege to religious sanctities, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and attack on civilians.

U.S. Concedes to Force-Feeding Detainees
The military commander responsible for the American detention center at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, confirmed Tuesday that officials there last month turned to more aggressive methods to deter prisoners who were carrying out long-term hunger strikes to protest their incarceration.

The commander, Gen. Bantz J. Craddock, head of the United States Southern Command, said soldiers at Guantánamo began strapping some of the detainees into "restraint chairs" to force-feed them and isolate them from one another after finding that some were deliberately vomiting or siphoning out the liquid they had been fed.

Pentagon will release Guantanamo names

A federal judge ordered the Pentagon on Thursday to release the identities of hundreds of detainees at Guantanamo Bay to The Associated Press.
The move would force the government to break its secrecy and reveal the most comprehensive list yet of those who have been imprisoned there. Some of the hundreds of detainees in the war on terror being held at the U.S. military base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have been held as long as four years. Only a handful have been officially identified.

Police Tied to Death Squads

A 1,500-member Iraqi police force with close ties to Shiite militia groups has emerged as a focus of investigations into suspected death squads working within the country's Interior Ministry.
Iraq's national highway patrol was established largely to stave off insurgent attacks on roadways. But U.S. military officials, interviewed over the last several days, say they suspect the patrol of being deeply involved in illegal detentions, torture and extrajudicial killings.

Kidnapped and tortured Canadian's lawsuit against U.S. dismissed by Federal Court

A U.S. federal court has dismissed a lawsuit against the Bush administration brought by Ottawa engineer Maher Arar, essentially giving Washington the green light to continue its practice of sending terrorist suspects to third countries where they could be tortured.
Brooklyn District Court Judge David Trager cited the need for national security and secrecy in making his decision, but also raised the possibility of Canadian complicity in the decision to send Arar, now 35, to Syria in 2002, where he was tortured for almost a year.

Nearly 100 dead in US custody in Iraq, Afghanistan: Rights group

Nearly 100 prisoners have died in US custody in
Iraq and Afghanistan since August 2002, the Human Rights First organisation said ahead of the publication of their report. At least 98 deaths occurred, with at least 34 of them suspected or confirmed homicides -- deliberate or reckless killing -- the group of US lawyers told BBC television Tuesday. Their dossier claims that 11 more deaths are deemed suspicious and that between eight and 12 prisoners were tortured to death.

US 'aware' of Iraq torture
The US is "aware" of torture taking place in Iraqi prisons, according to the outgoing Maltese UN human rights chief in Iraq. "Yes, torture is happening now, mainly in illegal detention places. Such centres are mostly being run by militia that have been absorbed by the police force," says John Pace, who retired last week as human rights chief for the UN assistance mission in Iraq.

Germans investigate CIA kidnap of innocent citizen

Munich state prosecutors have launched an investigation to determine whe-ther Germany secretly helped the CIA in the abduction of one of its citizens who was held and tortured in a US "renditions" jail in Afghanistan after being mistaken for a terrorist suspect. The investigation centres on 42-year-old Khaled al-Masri, a German of Leba-nese descent who was kidnapped in Macedonia by the CIA and flown to an American-run prison in Kabul where he was detained for five months and repeatedly beaten in early 2004.

Blair: no evidence of rendition flights in UK
Tony Blair insisted today there was "no evidence" that the 200 CIA flights that passed through Britain involved the "extraordinary rendition" of terror suspects to countries where they could face torture. At his monthly press conference the prime minister dismissed a call by a committee of MPs for the government to investigate whether CIA flights contained any terrorist prisoners. Mr Blair pointed out that there was a procedure, whereby the US had to ask permission to "render" terror suspects and that they had made it clear they would not send suspects to any country without a guarantee they would not be abused.

The CIA's Pain Project
[Editor's Note: This is an edited transcript of an interview between Amy Goodman and Alfred McCoy from Democracy Now!. It originally aired on February 17, and is available for download from]Amy Goodman: A new expose gives an account of the C.I.A.'s secret efforts to develop new forms of torture, spanning half a century. It reveals how the C.I.A. perfected its methods, distributing them across the world, from Vietnam to Iran to Central America, uncovering the roots of the Abu Ghraib and Guantánamo torture scandals.The book is called "A Question of Torture: C.I.A. Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror," and we're joined by its author, Alfred McCoy, professor of history at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. We welcome you to Democracy Now! I first learned of you with your first book "The Politics of Heroin: C.I.A. Complicity in the Global Drug Trade," for which you almost died. What happened then?

America's Shame: Torture in the Name of Freedom
The new pictures from Abu Ghraib provide the most recent evidence: America's moral bank account is empty -- and it has lost the image wars. The entire Muslim world no longer trusts the world's most powerful nation.

They are photos that make your blood run cold.
They take your breath away. They turn your stomach. They are photos that make you wonder what kinds of human beings would do these things to other human beings. They trigger anger, disgust and shame.

Torture blamed for detainee deaths

"People are dying in US custody and no one's being held to account," said Deborah Pearlstein, who heads the Human Rights First US law and security program. AT least eight detainees of the roughly 100 who have died in US military custody in Iraq and Afghanistan were tortured to death, human rights lawyers said in a report released today.

Bush and Blair have brilliantly done Bin Laden's work for him
Is Osama Bin Laden winning after all? Until recently I would have derided such a thought. How could a tinpot fanatic who is either dead or shut in some mountain hideout hold the world to ransom for five years? It would stretch the imagination of an Ian Fleming.

Signs Comment: Again, why beat around the Bush? All sane and logical observation and analysis of the actions of Bush and Blair over the "war on terror" suggest that they themselves are the architects of it. Can't we just come out and state it as such??

Tomdispatch Interview: Mark Danner on Bush's State of Exception
Danner is now an expert on the torture practices of the U.S. military, the CIA, and the Bush administration (and his primer on the subject, Torture and Truth: America, Abu Ghraib and the War on Terror, is a must for any bookshelf). A professor at the Graduate School of Journalism at the University of California, Berkeley, his cup of tea seems to be dicey American foreign-policy situations. His book-writing career began with a now-classic volume, The Massacre at El Mozote, in which he traveled to El Salvador for the exhumation of an infamous site where over 750 Salvadorans were massacred by U.S. trained troops during Ronald Reagan's first year in office. A new book of his recent writings, The Secret Way to War, is due out in April.

Hunger strikes in Guantanamo-sanitized?

This is a little bit scary.  How many causes have furthered themselves through hunger strikes?  Womens suffrage has, North Ireland has, and now Guantanamo suspects have.  It is a terrible thing to choose a slow suicide over imprisonment, but what we do to them under the sanitized name "force feeding" is ridiculous!

The CIA's 'Black Sites'

The CIA's top counterterrorism official [Robert Grenier] was fired last week because he opposed detaining Al Qaeda suspects in secret prisons abroad, sending them to other countries for interrogation, and using forms of torture such as "waterboarding," [making a prisoner believe he is about to be drowned] intelligence sources have claimed. The Sunday Times, London, February 12. For more than three years, I've been reporting on what has been increasingly, but fragmentarily, revealed about secret CIA prisons around the world. On September 17, 2001, the president, in a classified order, gave the CIA these "special powers" (as Attorney General Alberto Gonzales agreed during his confirmation hearings). These "black sites"-as they are called in CIA, White House, and Justice Department files- escaped attempted congressional oversight until December 2005. But in the National Defense Authorization Act, the Senate finally called for regular reports on where those prisons are, what plans there are for the ultimate release of their prisoners, and "a description of the interrogation procedures used." Ted Kennedy and John Kerry introduced the resolution.

Miscreants, Murderers, and Malefactors: Imperial Conquest, Torture, and a Little Matter of Genocide
Acting with impunity and wielding the moral authority of pedophiles, Bush and his fellow Neocons have decimated what was left of America\'s good name while severely crippling our nation's capacity for advancing and protecting human rights. Setting a sanguineous course in their reckless pursuit of wealth and power, they have afflicted humankind with their perverse agenda. With alarming consistency, these sociopaths have demonstrated their utter disregard for humanity and the well-being of our planet.

American gulag

THE AMERICAN PRISON CAMP at Guantanamo Bay is on the southeast corner of Cuba, a sliver of land the United States has occupied since 1903. Long ago, it was irrigated from lakes on the other side of the island, but Cuban President Fidel Castro cut off the water supply years ago. So today, Guantanamo produces its own water from a 30-year-old desalination plant. The water has a distinct yellow tint. All Americans drink bottled water imported by the planeload. Until recently, prisoners drank the yellow water.

"Worse" Than Guantanamo: U.S. Expands Secretive Prison Inside Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan

The U.S. is holding 500 at the base in wire cages at the Bagram Air Base, north of Kabul in Afghanistan. Some have been detained for up to three years. They have never been charged with crimes. They have no access to lawyers. They are barred from hearing the allegations against them. Officials describe the jail's conditions as primitive.

Mind Control

"Mind Control" is to be catalogued with space travel, wrist radios and ray-guns; yesterday’s fantasy becoming today’s reality. Certainly, it goes without saying, that "Mind Control" is more accurately addressed as "Behavior Control;" one leads to the other. Accommodating simplicity and common understanding, the term "Mind Control" will be used as a synonym for "Behavior Control." [...]


In order to understand the mystery of seemingly blind compliance to authority, there is perhaps no better sample of human nature than the 1961 experiments on "Obedience to Authority," conducted by Dr. Stanley Milgram, a psychologist at Yale University. His studies were spawned by the recent trial and execution of Adolph Eichmann. The results were posted in Milgram's "Obedience to Authority: An Experimental View" (1974). [...]


Stanford psychology Professor Philip Zimbardo, said to be a high school classmate of Milgram, took the issue of simple "authority" to the level of "power over others," in his 1971 "Experimental Prison" study. [...]


"Perception Control = Emotional Control = Mind Control"

"Control" is the operative term. Is information presented with frequent repetition and passion? Or; is information kept totally secret - or prejudicially enshrouded with shame ("A ‘good’ person wouldn’t go there")? [...]


Except for two aircraft hitting the WTC towers, try to think of a single officially claimed fact, or an ‘official’ position on 9-11 which has turned out to be true.[...]


"Perception Control = Emotional Control = Behavior Control."  WHY? Lord Acton probably answered that question in the most simple terms - "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts – absolutely!" The experienced attest that in "power" environments, there is a mysterious and overwhelming aura which seemingly 'posseses' the individual. [...]


The world was told that a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon on 9-11. Yet, the security tape video has a time-date stamp of almost a day and a half later. Nothing which resembles a B-757 is in the tape. While the security videotape fireball is nothing less than impressive, the photographs of the scene make an astute observer’s hair stand on end. [...]


The Transcendence of Brainwashing . Just when America least needs another round of psycho-babble, out pops the "psycho-technology" of "Coercive Persuasion." Okay, what is it? Coercive Persuasion is the methodical – often subtle or even clandestine - application of psychological manipulation. Coercive Persuasion coerces its targeted audience into "perceiving," "learning" and "adopting" a prescribed set of thoughts, beliefs, values, attitudes and/or behaviors.[...]


By definition, Coercive Persuasion embodies a ‘toxic’ intent and a careful methodology in the application of the techniques. Enticing someone to buy a set of encyclopedias is radically different than persuading them to buy street drugs. The casual or coincidental application of some of the Coercive Persuasion techniques does not constitute an organized or dynamic Coercive Persuasion program. However, the radical gap between Coercive Persuasion, versus the ‘traditional’ brainwashing methods - physical force, imprisonment, or threat of force - leaves Coercive Persuasion, and it's nearly unperceivable method of application, deceptively looking more like a form of simple persuasion. [...]


Mankind has always had to fight an oppressive political and religious system for all forms of freedom – including freedom of thought. In the USA, laws have been enacted to prohibit "hate crimes." ‘Hate’ is an emotion; we are no longer even free to feel.
Now the world is witnessing a re-visitation of the Nazi propaganda machinery, as well as the oppressive methodologies of the Gestapo. In a world, which thrives on technology, it is technology – and its managers - which is destined to be the most difficult adversary. [...]


In many Internet presentations, there is the strong suggestion of certain ‘personalities’ presenting information/positions in the format of being "disinformationists;" or "PSYOPS [Psychological Operations] Technicians." The logical question emerges: "How can you be sure – or suspect – that disinformation or PSYOPS are being conducted?" [...]


The term, "cyberspace" represents a dramatic shift in the thought processes of all major endeavors, but particularly when it comes to war. "War" is no longer limited to the physical realm, as its major means of expression. Once again, the modern psychological ‘victory’ formula is: "Perception Control = Emotional Control = Mind Control" [...]

13 MIND CONTROL IN THE 21st CENTURY The Battlefield of Information

In all regimes, Psychological Operations are an important instrument, used to implement the prescribed national security strategy. Not uncommonly, the "corporate" strategy seems to operate as a profitable parallel shadow to that national security strategy, employing its own version of Psychological Operations, independently. The elements of government Public Diplomacy, military Public Affairs and Psychological Operations play a key role in the endeavor of "information operations," ideally reinforcing each other. In theory, they are separate functions, with unique missions. [...]


9/11 ATTACKS: Avoiding the hard questions
[...]  It's a blot on the presumed sophistication of the people of the United States that any aspect of an event so dramatic and shocking should be kept from us. Perhaps it's true, to abuse the line from A Few Good Men yet again, that we can't handle the truth. But there cannot be genuine resolution as long as such critical information remains concealed.

Congressman subpoenaed for 9/11 trial

Attorneys for al Qaeda conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui have subpoenaed Pennsylvania Congressman Curt Weldon to testify at a trial that will determine whether Moussaoui should be executed. [...]
Weldon, a Republican, received the subpoena last week. It seeks testimony about issues related to Able Danger, a secret pre-9/11 intelligence operation conducted by the Department of Defense.

Blair-Bush deal before Iraq war revealed in secret memo

Tony Blair told President George Bush that he was "solidly" behind US plans to invade Iraq before he sought advice about the invasion's legality and despite the absence of a second UN resolution, according to a new account of the build-up to the war published today.

Revealed: Bush and Blair discussed using American Spyplane in UN colours to lure Saddam into war.
President Bush said: "The US was thinking of flying U2 reconnaissance aircraft with fighter cover over Iraq, painted in UN colours. If Saddam fired on them, he would be in breach." Speaking to Channel 4 News, Mr Sands said: "I think no one would be surprised at the idea that the use of spy-planes to review what is going on would be considered. What is surprising is the idea that they would be used painted in the colours of the United Nations in order to provoke an attack which could then be used to justify material breach. Now that plainly looks as if it is deception, and it raises some fundamental questions of legality, both in terms of domestic law and international law."

Signs Comment: Makes you think about another plane that was dummied up to look like a 757 and flew right into the Pentagon. Hmmm... what was it about said P3nt4gon Str!ke plane that made it necessary to hide the surveillance camera films?

A Treasonous Camarilla - AIPAC espionage case points to larger spy scandal
"Phase two" of the investigation by the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence into how we got it wrong on Iraq has been delayed for quite some time, initially because of Sen. Pat Roberts' outright blocking tactics, and now, apparently, due to a Pentagon internal investigation into the activities of former Deputy Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas J. Feith, who oversaw a key albeit little-known and highly secretive intelligence-gathering unit, the "Office of Special Plans." A central figure in Washington's neoconservative network, Feith resigned a year ago, just as suspicion was falling on him and his subordinates in a string of interconnected scandals: the WMD "intelligence" flap, Ahmed Chalabi's connections to Iranian intelligence, and the AIPAC spy case. Last May, I speculated that these matters might have something to do with Feith's sudden resignation, and now it looks like I was right. Raw Story is reporting that "phase two" of the SSCI investigation is being held up by the Pentagon's self-probe, while the senators await...

Iraq, Niger, And The CIA
Vice President Cheney and his then-Chief of Staff I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby were personally informed in June 2003 that the CIA no longer considered credible the allegations that Saddam Hussein had attempted to procure uranium from the African nation of Niger, according to government records and interviews with current and former officials. The new CIA assessment came just as Libby and other senior administration officials were embarking on an effort to discredit an administration critic who had also been saying that the allegations were untrue.

Powell's Former Chief of Staff Lawrence Wilkerson Calls Pre-War Intelligence a 'Hoax on the American People'
Colin Powell's former Chief of Staff Lawrence Wilkerson makes the startling claim that much of Powell's landmark speech to the United Nations laying out the Bush Administration's case for the Iraq war was false. "I participated in a hoax on the American people, the international community, and the United Nations Security Council," says Wilkerson, who helped prepare the address. "I recall vividly the Secretary of State walking into my office," Wilkerson tells NOW. "He said: 'I wonder what will happen if we put half a million troops on the ground in Iraq and comb the country from one end to the other and don't find a single weapon of mass destruction?'" In fact, no weapons of mass destruction were found in Iraq. 

World's first Sept 11 convict released in Germany
The first person to be convicted over the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States, Moroccan national Mounir El Motassadeq, was released from a German prison pending a ruling on an appeal, authorities said.

$2.5b aid for Israel in Bush 2007 budget
Washington -- In its 2007 budget proposal submitted to Congress, the Bush administration is asking for $2.46 billion in aid for Israel: $2.34 billion in military aid, and $120 million in civilian aid.

Fend for yourselves - Another Bush budget that mortgages the future

President Bush has dropped another limp and cowardly budget on the American public. Sure, the $2.77 trillion plan raises spending for defense, security and the Iraq war. But it continues the cuts in domestic programs that have become the hallmark of the Bush administration and the Republican Congress. In short, he wants to spend more on items that have been manipulated to play on people's fears and less on help to those who are vulnerable, powerless and silent -- a politically easy road to take.

Capitol Hill Cool to Some Bush Budget Cuts

Congressional Republicans on Wednesday shunned

President Bush's election-year call to cut Social Security benefits, and one committee chairman accused the administration of seeking to end "a pittance for widows and widowers."

Bush calls for sell-off of Western public land

President Bush wants to sell more public land across the West to raise money for schools, conservation and deficit reduction.
Bush's proposed 2007 federal budget, sent to Congress on Monday, calls for granting the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management new authority to sell off land. Those agencies together control hundreds of millions of acres in Western states.
Democrats and environmentalists compare the idea to recent proposals by Tom Tancredo and other Republicans in Congress to sell federal land to pay for hurricane relief and invigorate the mining industry.

Addicted to Empire, Not Middle Eastern Oil
Bush's supposed super-candid "addicted to oil" statement was more about deception than frankness. This is for two reasons. The first one is simple: the U.S. imports just 20 percent of its petroleum from the Middle East, the obvious geographic meaning (though he may also have had Venezuela in mind) of Bush's phrase "unstable parts of the world." The second reason is a bit more complex. When it comes to America, Iraq, oil, war, and world geography, the really honest and relevant point regarding U.S. policy is that Uncle Sam is addicted to global dominance and empire. That addiction and not any direct-use reliance on Persian Gulf petroleum is the real reason "we" are in Iraq (against the wishes of "our" own populace not to mention those of the Iraqis) and not likely to leave anytime soon.

Addicted to Oil?!! Get a Grip Mr. President!

No, Mr. President, we the American people are not addicted to oil. We are dependent on oil to run our cars and heat our homes because our government, (headed by you), has not taken a strong, clear initiative in pursuing and supporting alternative and less polluting sources of energy. The problem, Mr. Bush, is not that we are addicted to oil; it is that you are addicted to power and control and winning at all costs. How dare you turn this around. This reminds me of the drunk who spends the pay check at the bar and then berates the wife and kids for the bills not being paid or for needing food to eat.

9/11 Special - Dutch Television Documentary
“Was 9/11 more than just an attack? Could the Bush administration have had anything to gain from the attack? Two prominent European politicians, Michael Meacher and Andreas von Bülow, express their serious doubts about the official version of the 9/11 story.” Michael Meacher - MP - Former UK Government Minister. "The war on terror is bogus" Andreas Von Bulow, Former German Secretary Of Defense "The official story is so inadequate and far fetched that there must be a different one" . Click link to watch this fascinating special.

BYU’s Dr. Steven Jones Blows the Roof off a Utah Auditorium

On Wednesday, February 1, a quiet, “churchy-looking” gentleman in a white shirt and tie walked into a packed auditorium on the campus of Utah Valley State College and electrified the room like a rock star. The 150-seat auditorium was filled to capacity, with every seat occupied, and people sitting in the aisles from the stage floor to the back of the room. Video cameras on tripods lined the back row. Two documentary-film crews were in attendance, in addition to the school’s camera crew, and various independent journalists. Seven “spill-over” rooms, with seating for 40-50 each, were also filled to capacity. On this very conservative campus (in the most conservative county in the most conservative state in the union), where community leaders pulled out all the stops in 2004 to prevent Michael Moore from speaking as part of his anti-Bush, pro-Kerry “Slacker Uprising Tour,” Dr. Steven Jones, this pious professor from the Mormon Church-owned Brigham Young University, calmly, gently, gave a simple physics lesson on the collapse of the World Trade Center buildings, the implications of which awed the audience with a sense of world-historical significance, and implied an indictment of the present administration so utterly devastating that it made Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11 look like a Bush apologia.

Finding Unbiased Moussaoui Jury Not Easy
Prosecutors and defense lawyers in the death penalty trial of Zacarias Moussaoui are searching for the perfect jury, poring through hundreds of questionnaires from potential jurors and looking for clues to their perceptions of the case. Jury selection will be particularly difficult for the defense. The team must find an unbiased panel for a man who prosecutors say could have prevented the Sept. 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, just a few miles from the courthouse where the trial takes place.
Signs Comment: An unbiased jury?? With all the Bush regime's propaganda? Good luck!

9/11 Rescuer Saw Explosions Inside WTC 6 Lobby

In an exclusive Killtown interview, Ground Zero EMT Patricia Ondrovic talks about her harrowing day at the WTC on 9/11. Within minutes after the South Tower collapses, she witnessed the WTC 5 blowing up, cars exploding, and explosions inside the lobby of the WTC 6, all the while narrowly escaping with her own life. Patricia can be reached at:

Weldon: 'Able Danger' ID'd 9/11 ringleader
Pre-Sept. 11 intelligence conducted by a secret military unit identified terrorist ringleader Mohamed Atta 13 different times, a congressman said Tuesday. During a Capitol Hill news conference, Rep. Curt Weldon, R-Pa., said the unit - code-named "Able Danger" - also identified "a problem" in Yemen two weeks before the attack on the USS Cole. It knew the problem was tied into the port of Aden and involved a U.S. platform, but the ship commander was not made aware of it, Weldon said. The suicide bombing of the Cole killed 17 sailors on Oct. 12, 2000.
Signs Comment: Keep in mind that AlQaeda is a creation of the CIA and MOSSAD. It is far more likely that the bombing of the COLE was a false flag operation. See yesterday's Signs of The Times.

Better Late Than Never Dept:
A Half-Dozen Questions About 9/11 They Don't Want You to Ask
The events of September 11, 2001 evoke painful memories, tinged with a powerful nostalgia for the way of life before it happened. The immediate tragedy caused a disorientation sufficient to distort the critical faculties in the direction of retrospectively predictable responses: bureaucratic adaptation, opportunism, profiteering, kitsch sentiment, and mindless sloganeering. As 9/11, and the report of the commission charged to investigate it, fade into history like the Warren Commission that preceded it, the questions, gaps, and anomalies raised by the report have created an entire cottage industry of amateur speculation--as did the omissions and distortions of the Warren Report four decades ago. How could it not?
Signs Comment: Well, the folks at CounterPunch are finally asking some questions about what really happened on 9/11. About time. Mind you, they are going about it in what might be described as a careful way, surely designed not to shock their readership. They don't want to get bogged down in the forensic investigations. Will this turn into a snowball? Will the US left finally get its head out of its dogma and start looking at the facts, rather than their a priori assumptions about "conspiracy"? Stay tuned, folks!

In audiotape, Osama bin Laden vows never to be captured alive
Osama bin Laden promised never to be captured alive [...]

Blogger bares Rumsfeld's post 9/11 orders
Hours after a commercial plane struck the Pentagon on September 11 2001 the US defence secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, was issuing rapid orders to his aides to look for evidence of Iraqi involvement, according to notes taken by one of them. "Hard to get good case. Need to move swiftly," the notes say. "Near term target needs - go massive - sweep it all up, things related and not."

Signs Comment: Let's get real here, Baghdad was in the Pentagon's ( and more importantly, Israel's) sights long before 9/11. How much longer do we have to watch the mainstream press dither over the patently obvious? 9/11 was carried out by Israel with the complicity of the Bush government in order to facilitate the invasion of Iraq, and everything else that is yet to come.

U.S. Is Settling Detainee's Suit in 9/11 Sweep
The federal government has agreed to pay $300,000 to settle a lawsuit brought by an Egyptian who was among dozens of Muslim men swept up in the New York area after 9/11, held for months in a federal detention center in Brooklyn and deported after being cleared of links to terrorism.
The settlement, filed in federal court late yesterday, is the first the government has made in a number of lawsuits charging that noncitizens were abused and their constitutional rights violated in detentions after the terror attacks.
It removes one of two plaintiffs from a case in which a federal judge ruled last fall that former Attorney General John Ashcroft, the director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other top government officials must answer questions under oath. Government lawyers filed an appeal of that ruling on Friday.

Signs Comment: How come every time a case comes along that requires any member of the Neocon government to testify under oath, they always do everything they can to get out of it, even to settling out of court??? I mean, what is UP with that? Do you suppose that they can't lie under oath? Or that they know that if they get caught doing it, they will lose the support of the Christians who think swearing on the Bible is the most sacred thing...

Finnish Military Expert: Why the Towers of the World Trade Center collapsed

The airplanes did not a have true effect on the destruction of towers; they were needed to give an excuse for odd Orwellian wars at the same time when the USA is turned into a police nation, like the German Third Reich, to some extent. The towers took the impacts of crushing Boeing 767's. The towers were originally built to take impacts of Boeing 707's, which are approximately of the same size and was widely used in the 1970's. Fires that kindled from the fuel in the planes were too shortlasting and weak to be able to severely damage the structure of the skyscrapers. Even in the extreme situation, the heat from a kerosene fire cannot threat the durability of a steel trunk. With the temperature of carbohydrate fires that reaches only 825 °C (approx. 1517 °F) steel weakens at 800 °C (approx. 1470 °F) and melts at 1585 °C (approx. 2890 °F). In the skyscrapers of the WTC the surroundings were not at all ideal as there were far too many steel columns and they led heat away from the burning area. WTC 1 burned for 102 minutes and WTC 2 for 56 minutes only. A fire burning much longer, from 10 to 20 hours, could slowly increase the burning temperature up to perhaps 1100 °C (approx. 2010 °F). Provided there is more substance to burn, such a fire will damage concrete and irons, but not severely damage heavy steel constructions.

Propaganda Alert! Official Ties al-Qaida to Indonesia Terror
The al-Qaida terror network helped fund suicide bombings in Indonesia over the past four years through a courier system set up by the reputed mastermind behind the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States, a senior police official said Tuesday....

Fighting Back

What Can You Do?
We get many emails from readers asking what they can do. They see the dire situation facing the United States and feel helpless. Many say that before finding our site, they wondered if they were crazy or if they were the only one that saw what was happening to their country. If you have benefited from our work, then there is likely to be someone else out there who could, too. But how do we reach them?

Fargo or Bust
Another idea I've had for solving the corruption problem in Washington is to move the Senate, the House and the president and vice president to Fargo, N.D.

Experts Claim Official 9/11 Story is a Hoax - Scholars for 9/11 Truth call for verification and publication by an international consortium.
Duluth, MN -- A group of distinguished experts and scholars, including Robert M. Bowman, James H. Fetzer, Wayne Madsen, John McMurtry, Morgan Reynolds, and Andreas von Buelow, have concluded that senior government officials have covered up crucial facts about what really happened on 9/11. They have joined with others in common cause as members of "Scholars for 9/11 Truth" (S9/11T), because they are convinced, based on their own research, that the administration has been deceiving the nation about critical events in New York and Washington, D.C.

Signs Comment: QFG decided to have a little "fun" with the New York Times. Laura wrote a letter and included the above article. Her letter and the recipients are as follows:

From: Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Subject: An Idea Whose Time Has Come
Copies to:,,
Date sent: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 22:53:45 +0100

Dear New York Times,

I am an editor of an online "alternative" news page that received 3,441,731 Site Hits for January this year. Our staff created and published the "P3nt4gon Str!ke" video that has now been viewed by over 600,000,000 viewers. As you may know, the fact that it landed in the emailbox of the
Washington Post prompted them to interview me about it. Despite the Post's not-so-subtle attempts to depict our work as "conspiracy theory," I should mention that our readership is increasing by leaps and bounds while the well-known and formerly well-loved rags are losing readers in droves.


Because the people in the US are hungry for one thing and one thing only: the truth.

And if the truth is "conspiracy," which I believe it is, then that's what you have to publish to regain your readers and your somewhat tattered reputation (Judy Miller was a real disaster, eh?) [Talk about "conspiracy theory"!]

It's really that simple. Can you imagine it? An American Newspaper actually publishing the unvarnished truth in this day and age; sending real investigative journalists out to really dig up facts and un-tainted information and submit it to critical analysis? What a concept!

Yeah, I know, I won't hold my breath.

But in the meantime, consider this: whether you folks publish the truth or not, other people are. It's getting out there and the repercussions for you "Big Boys" could be serious. The readers will go where they find truth. You
can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but it's getting hard to fool all of them all of the time anymore.

What to do? How to break the ice? Well, I have a simple solution for you: why don't you publish the following article on your front page, with giant headlines and follow it up day after day with more scoops and cliffhangers?
I can guarantee that you will sell more newspapers than you ever dreamed possible. What's more, you could almost single handedly change history. Not a bad idea at present, now is it?

Well, it's up to you, but don't say you didn't receive good advice.


Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Maybe some of our readers will want to send the article to as many newspapers as you can. Just for the heck of it.

Supreme Court halts second Florida execution
The US Supreme Court stayed the execution of a second Florida convict following a new challenge on whether lethal injections are inhumane, officials said.

The Farcical Definition at the Heart of the War on Terrorism
A recent denunciation of U.S. government foreign policy offers insights into a paradox of the war of terrorism. On January 24, 2006, the East Timor Commission for Reception, Truth and Reconciliation denounced the U.S. government for backing the 1975 Indonesian invasion of East Timor. In the following decades, a quarter million East Timorese residents died as a result of this incursion. The commission declared that U.S. “political and military support were fundamental to the Indonesian invasion and occupation.”

Bush's failures are hurting us all on every front
Nothing is more costly or dangerous than a failed presidency. The powers of the office are without rival. The scope of responsibility spans the globe. When a presidency fails, we all pay the price -- no matter what our politics.

Cindy Sheehan: What Really Happened
As most of you have probably heard, I was arrested before the State of the Union address last night.
I am speechless with fury at what happened and with grief over what we have lost in our country.There have been lies from the police and distortions by the press (shocker). So this is what really happened:

The Battle of Athens, Tennessee As Recently As 1946, American Citizens Were Forced To Take Up Arms As A Last Resort Against Corrupt Government Officials.
Published in Guns & Ammo October 1995, pp. 50-51
On August 1-2, 1946, some Americans, brutalized by their county government, used armed force as a last resort to overturn it. These Americans wanted honest open elections. For years they had asked for state or federal election monitors to prevent vote fraud (forged ballots, secret ballot counts and intimidation by armed sheriff's deputies) by the local political boss. They got no help.

The Political Power of Truth - In recent years, failure and incompetence have been trounced by fear at the ballot box. But reality may be making a comeback.

- Strangely enough, we may look back on Thursday, Jan. 26, 2006, as the day America found its moral compass, long buried at the bottom of the national dirty-linen bag. To win the midterm elections in November, the Democrats, whose motto might as well be "So Lame for So Long," will need to make sure the country focuses on that compass. By "moral" I'm not talking just about the "culture of corruption" in Washington. I'm talking about restoring a reasonable respect for at least minimum standards of truth.

"At Some Point We Have to Take Seriously the Idea of Putting a Very Large Wrench Into the Gears of This War Machine"

On Wednesday, February 15, 2006, a group of war resisters began a 34 day liquids only fast in Washington, DC. The fast is sponsored by the Voices for Creative Nonviolence (VCNV)--a nonviolent action group made up of regular citizens who are fed up with the direction of the US government, especially as regards its foreign policy. The name VCNV has given the campaign that this fast is part of is the Winter of Our Discontent.

Losing our values in the war on terror

"I never imagined I would live to see the day... One cannot find strong enough words to condemn what Britain and the United States have accepted... habeas corpus is part of our freedom..." How humbling that it takes an African churchman from one of our former colonies, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, to warn that Britain is tearing up centuries of civil liberties and squandering its moral authority by the way it conducts the war on terror at home and abroad. Consider the events of a truly depressing week. Having failed so far in his attempt to tear up habeas corpus and jail suspects for 90 days without charge, Mr Blair is openly playing politics with terrorism.

Impeaching Bush Is 'Cause Worth Fighting for,' Actor Says
Richard Dreyfuss, the actor who starred in movies ranging from "Jaws" to "Mr. Holland's Opus," told an audience in Washington, D.C., on Thursday that "there are causes worth fighting for," and one of those is the impeachment of President George W. Bush.

Belafonte's absence at King funeral is noticeable
Where was Harry Belafonte? Where was the entertainer, civil rights activist and humanitarian last week when funeral services were held for Coretta Scott King? Why wasn't he present? Mrs. King's husband, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and Belafonte were very close before King was assassinated April 4, 1968 as he stood on the balcony of the Lorraine Motel in Memphis.

Who's Counting Bush's Mistakes?
Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best, "The louder he spoke of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons." And no administration in U.S. history has spoken louder, or as often, of its honor. So let us count our spoons.

Anti-war activists visit schools to counter military recruiters' pitch
Since last spring, Elizabeth Frank has carried her anti-war crusade to the hallways of several northwest suburban high schools. Once a month she sets up a table in the commons stacked with pamphlets and decorated with a shocking pink sign that reads: "Do You Know Enough to Enlist?"
So far, Frank's effort to educate students on the perils of joining the military mostly has been met by a wall of teenage indifference -- few students seem interested in having a serious conversation about the consequences of war.

Signs Comment: Isn't it kind of nuts that anyone would be "wary" of being in the presence of a peace activist? Everyone - well, almost everyone - wants peace, right? Perhaps part of the problem is that so many "anti-war" movements have been infiltrated by COINTELPRO operations over the years to render them ineffective. That does not mean, however, that intelligent, rational, and truly peaceful anti-war activists don't exist.

The Electoral College: A new approach to reform
Polls consistently show that a large majority of Americans favor electing the president through a national popular vote over our dysfunctional Electoral College. The current system makes most Americans irrelevant in presidential elections and is no more accurate for choosing a winner in close contests than a coin flip. No argument in its defense holds up to scrutiny. Indeed, Congress has considered more amendments to reform the Electoral College than any other subject. One house has given the necessary two-thirds majority for change several times, including in 1969, when more than 80% of House Members voted for direct election and backers included the NAACP, AFL-CIO, Chamber of Commerce, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon. But even at a time when the Electoral College causes more harm to the principles of equality, accountability and majority rule than ever before, civic and political leaders almost never talk about it. They've just given up, contributing to a shockingly limited debate about what the problem does to American democracy in the 21st century.

Signs Comment: Want a fair vote? Eliminate the electoral college completely - along with electronic voting machines.

Morrissey Quizzed by FBI
Singer Morrissey was quizzed by the FBI and British intelligence after speaking out against the American and British governments. The Brit is a famous critic of the US-led war in Iraq and has dubbed President Goerge W Bush a "terrorist" - but he was baffled to be hauled in by authorities.

Signs Comment:
"My view is that neither England or America are democratic societies. You can't really speak your mind and if you do you're investigated."
Well, it seems the authorities proved Morrissey's point quite nicely...

It's Munich In America. There Will Be No Normandy.
This is it, folks. This is the scenario our Founders lost sleep over. This is the day they prepared us for. Outside the Philadelphia convention Benjamin Franklin was asked what sort of government he and his colleagues were crafting. His reply? "A republic. If you can keep it." And that is just the question at issue today. Can we keep it? Sure, it can sound melodramatic to use the f-word (no, not the one Churlish Cheney hurled at Patrick Leahy), and I have mostly avoided doing so for just that reason. Especially where the politically less informed are concerned, arguing that America is slipping into fascism can be the first and last point they'll hear you make.

Lineup set for anti-war concert
Anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan will be the guest of honor at the "Bring 'Em Home" concert at New York's Hammerstein Ballroom.

World science body slams tougher U.S. visa rules
A leading world science body denounced tougher U.S. visa policies on Thursday after its Indian-born president said he failed to get permission to enter the country on charges he was hiding information that could be used for chemical weapons. Professor Goverdhan Mehta, 62, an internationally recognized organic chemist invited to a conference by the University of Florida, has denied the charges and said he was rejected because he could not recall details of research he did 40 years ago.

MI5 rebels expose Tube bomb cover-up
MI5 is facing an internal revolt by officers alarmed about intelligence failures and the lack of resources to fight Islamic terrorism. To illustrate their concern, agents have leaked more topsecret documents to The Sunday Times because they want a public inquiry into the "missed intelligence" leading up to the July attacks in London. They believe ministers have withheld information from the public about what the security services knew about the suspects before the bombing of July 7 and the abortive attacks of July 21.

Diana driver was secret informer

THE chauffeur of the car in which Diana, Princess of Wales died was working for the French secret service, the British team reinvestigating her death has been told. The inquiry - headed by Lord Stevens, the former Metropolitan police commissioner - into the Paris car crash that killed Diana is now trying to obtain the chauffeur's files from French intelligence but is being delayed by the reluctance of the authorities to hand them over.

Blueprint to give power to the people

A plan to revive Britain's dying democracy is launched today by an inquiry which warns that the parties are "killing" politics. The independent Power commission calls for sweeping changes to prevent a dangerous gulf between politicians and the people becoming even wider. Its ideas include allowing the public to initiate legislation and a shift of power back from the Government to Parliament, following criticism that Tony Blair has neutered it. The report will make uncomfortable reading for the Prime Minister, whose critics accuse him of eroding trust in politicians by going to war in Iraq on a false prospectus. But it could provide some of the key planks of a drive to re-engage people in politics already planned by Gordon Brown, his most likely successor.

The Case for Impeachment - Why we can no longer afford George W. Bush

A country is not only what it does-it is also what it puts up with, what it tolerates. -Kurt Tucholsky
"To take away the excuse," [Conyers] said, "that we didn't know." So that two or four or ten years from now, if somebody should ask, "Where were you, Conyers, and where was the United States Congress?" when the Bush Administration declared the Constitution inoperative and revoked the license of parliamentary government, none of the company now present can plead ignorance or temporary insanity, can say that "somehow it escaped our notice" that the President was setting himself up as a supreme leader exempt from the rule of law.

Speak for Yourself
While we were camping out in hot and humid Crawford, Texas last August, trying to meet with George Bush and trying to end the war, a right-wing organization called Move America Forward (to oblivion?) started a bus tour called: Cindy, You Don't Speak for Me. Move America Forward does some nice things, like sending coffee to our troops. It is unfortunate for the families of the almost 2300 killed troops that the organization doesn't send non-defective body armor, GPS devices, or IED jammers to save the lives of the troops that have been put in harm's way for the politicians' lies and cowardice and corporate greed. I think these things would be a little more useful than coffee.

Science and Technology

Cold Fusion: A Heated History
Bruce Gellerman continues his investigation into the future of fusion with a look at the latest research in the field of cold fusion, the science of creating a nuclear reaction at room temperature. Most scientists call sustained cold fusion reactions impossible, but others say their experiments are producing energy.

Advanced Technology on Display in Geneva

Companies at the Geneva auto show will be showing off new ways to use technology, like holographic brake lights, voice-controlled music systems and Web-based diagnostic services, to improve the driving experience....

Microsoft Plans New Windows Products

The most common consumer version of Microsoft Corp.'s new Windows operating system will include tools for things like recording and watching television, along with other functions aimed at using the PC for entertainment purposes....

Search engines challenged on ‘theft’
A group of newspaper, magazine and book publishers is accusing Google and other aggregators of online news stories of unfairly exploiting their content. They are demanding compensation from search engines.

Signs Comment:
An interesting story, and as of late, we have had less and less love for google; however I do firmly believe in freedom of information, and that those that try to horde information for monetary purposes are entropic.

News is the reporting, in essence the description, of an event that has occurred for parties other than the agent reporting them. Some argument can be made for the fact that a large part of reporting today is mostly fiction, or such a jaded interpretation as to be almost not what happened at all.

As long as news corporations bombast that they transmit un-biased cataloging of naturally occuring phenomena, then it would behoove us to protect our ability to access this information. Naturally occuring phenomena is here defined as: An event in which the observer cannot superficially be linked as a catalyst.

On the subject of editorials, or content that is opinion, and therefore the creative expression of an individual working for a news corporation, the legality should be handled differently, as this certainly falls under currently standing copyright laws.

However, fair use should remain in effect. No person should be permitted to restrict another entity from affirming, quoting, or building upon a stated or written opinion.

Here of course, an opinion would also include any creative worked based on information of any kind, but for which a metamorphosis takes place to the effect that the piece of expression can reasonably considered unique at the time of creation.

There has been a massive explosion of creativity online, and the mainstream sources that are quickly being replaced by the more open and tech savvy webmasters seem to be frantically fighting the expansion of expression. No domain will be left soon, with software patents of the ridiculous variety common, RIAA invading your homes to make sure you aren't stealing their music, and now, CNN will be sending you off to Gitmo for aggregating news.

The Universe: The new Axis of Evil
Ever since 1965, when two researchers at Bell Telephone Labs in New Jersey stumbled on it by accident, astronomers have known that the Universe is alive with the dim "afterglow" of the big bang fireball. Now, something unexpected has cropped up in that afterglow - a feature dubbed "the axis of evil". Some think it is being caused by the gravity of a tremendous concentration of 100,000 galaxies in our cosmic backyard. Others say it is telling us there is something wrong with our big bang picture of the Universe.

Signs Comment:

"The fact that they are aligned along the axis of evil leads Magueijo to suggest that maybe the assumptions behind the big bang models are wrong."

It is evident that they are wrong, why should they be right? And they are just now figuring this out?

Smoking out photo hoaxes with software
Dartmouth College professor Hany Farid is no fan of Josef Stalin, but he acknowledges that the photo retouching done during the Soviet era was top notch. [...] Farid's interest in photo retouching isn't just historical. The professor of computer science and applied mathematics runs the university's Image Science Group, which has emerged as one of the chief research centers in the U.S. for developing software to detect manipulation in digital photographs.

Mathematician defines beauty in new exhibition
To most people, getting emotional about mathematics makes about as much sense as being moved by a tax return. But to Justin Mullins, equations can contain a profound personal beauty. An exhibition of his "mathematical photography" opens in London today. According to Mr Mullins, what mathematicians traditionally call beauty is not visual but a conceptual elegance - for example, an equation that uses few assumptions or gives an original insight. And plenty of others seem to agree. His three-month-old website has already received nearly 2m hits.

Podcasting: Publishers and politicians want a word in your ear
Almost in a matter of months podcasting has become the "next big thing" in media, seized on by traditional publishers and broadcasters searching for new ways to attract and retain audiences in the digital age.

Mystery Photos: Sea Serpent or Plesiosaur? Name That Carcass!
One of our readers, CryptoInformant, sent in a link to a website with photos that may, or may not, be an unexplained marine animal. The title of the page is "Sea Serpent? Plesiosaur?" [...] What the heck is this thing???

Signs Comment: DO click the link and take a look at the photos!!!

New weapon could mean the end of collateral damage
The U.S. military has been developing a gunship that could literally obliterate enemy ground targets with a laser beam. The military plans to test the Advanced Tactical Laser, a laser weapon mounted on a C-130H air transport that could destroy any weapon system without collateral damage.

RFID subway pass? Sure, New York says
Citigroup is planning to pilot the use of contactless payment systems in the New York subway. Selected customers of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority will be able to pay for a train ride at the subway entrance by tapping or waving a payment card at a turnstile reader, much like London's Oyster card scheme allows for the Tube. MTA riders currently pay their fares by sliding credit card-like MetroCards.

Pentagon sets up robot unit to identify source of nuclear attacks
The Pentagon has set up a special unit complete with robots to conduct forensic tests in the event of a nuclear attack on the US, with the aim of identifying attackers for possible retaliation, a Pentagon official said yesterday. [...]

Signs Comment: Can you see it? Can you see it coming? Can you see the setup? The US government has already proven itself capable of attacking its own citizens in order to further political and personal goals. When such a government makes references to the likelihood of a nuclear attack on the US, everyone should be very, very worried.

Asteroids near Jupiter are really comets Observations indicate two orbiting bodies are mostly water ice
Two objects lurking near Jupiter and once considered rocky asteroids have turned out to be comets made up mostly of ice and dirt.
Using the Keck II Laser Telescope in Hawaii, astronomers found that the two objects, 617 Patroclus and its companion, Menoetius, had a density of only 0.8 grams per cubic centimeters — only a third that of rock. Most likely, the researchers say, Patroclus and Menoetius are comets, which are typically composed mainly of water ice and therefore much less dense than asteroids.

Signs Comment: A couple of things worth considering:

a) acknowledgement that comets are being 'captured' by the giants in our solar system, within the (generally speaking) MSM.

b) what caught my eye was that no mention of *when* these objects were first identified. A quick search led me to this site: List of Jupiter Trojans

Speaking strictly for myself, I had *no idea* that there were so many trojans captured by Jupiter. A quick extract of this table into Excel and some pivotable use leads to the following:

1) there are 1,889 Jupiter trojans listed on the Harvard University site.

2) of these 1,889 trojans, over 72 PERCENT have been identified since 1999.

Now, that doesn't mean that these items weren't there decades ago and were just recently found with some of the new, high powered telescopes being utilized. However, I would suggest that almost 1,400 trojans found since 1999 to be orbiting Jupiter -- some of which are now acknowledged to be captured comets -- is an awfully large number. [John, Signs Forum Member]

By Ker Than
Thursday, February 2, 2006
Scientists have long known that a major ingredient in comets is water ice, but they were unsure whether the ice was contained mainly inside or if it could be found on the surface as well. A new analysis of data from NASA's Deep Impact mission last year provides the first evidence that water ice can indeed exist on a comet's exterior.

Flashback: Author brings theory about a 'lost' star
Gazette-Times reporter
Cruttenden argues that the precession is not caused by a wobble in the Earth's rotation, as is commonly taught, but may actually be caused by a companion star to our sun, one which currently is far away from the Earth but which would eventually rotate closer to the sun. This binary companion would cause the sun's orbit to curve, and would explain the Precession of the Equinox by the way in which the Earth's rotation was affected by not one, but two stars.

Signs Comment: As Laura Knight-Jadczyk writes in The Secret History of the World:

Now, did you notice what these two authors have done here? ...they have resorted to Uniformitarianism to explain the great mystery of this worldwide myth of the “unhinging” of the Pole star. They, and many, many others, have followed this path, believing that all the clues from ancient monuments and myths have to do simply with measuring time, “World Ages,” in more or less “cultural” and historical terms. ... These more recent descriptions of “ages” directly contradict the ancient ideas of the Yugas and the decline of human morality. ...

I should also point out right here that if the Precession of the Zodiac was such a great way to measure time and world ages, there wouldnÂ’t be so many opinions about when one began and another ended. As a measure of time that is so “vastly elegant,” it ought to at least work, right? Well, it doesn’t. What is more, the zodiac has been created and altered within recorded history, having at various times ten signs, eleven, twelve and thirteen. So, whatÂ’s the point? From this perspective, there isnÂ’t one except for an attempt to deny the possibility that the ancients meant exactly what they said even if later interpreters have assured us that the tales were meant as allegories.

But still, using this Precession as a giant clock, with some fantastic perambulations through archaic lore, a dozen or more authors have produced as many different versions of what a “world age” is, and “when” they begin and end, and how. They then try to link these ages to all sorts of weird theories from the opening of “stargates” to galactic core explosions to “monuments to the end of time.”

The answer is a lot simpler than that. I think those things that point us to the idea that the pole comes “unhinged” do, indeed, point to the Precession. But the important thing about this Precession is that it points us to the fact that the Earth WOBBLES. And I think that the thing the ancients are trying most desperately to point out to us in these stories is that the Earth wobbles for a REASON, and we ought to notice this wobble and ask some questions about the “nine grim goddesses” who “turn the handle” and where and what that “handle” might be that increases friction to the point that fire is produced!

In Snorri’s Gylfaginning, there is a prediction for the future given in the Song of the Sybyl, followed by a dialogue between King Gylfi and the Aesir , disguised as men. King Gylfi asks: “What happens when the whole world has burned up, the gods are dead, and all of mankind is gone? You have said earlier that each human being would go on living in this or that world.” The answer is that there are several worlds for the good and the bad. Then Gylfi asks: “Shall any gods be alive, and shall there be something of earth and heaven?” And the answer is:
"The earth rises up from the sea again, and is green and beautiful and things grow without sowing. Vidar and Vali are alive, for neither the sea nor the flames of Surt have hurt them and they dwell on the Eddyfield, where once stood Asgard. There come also the sons of Thor, Modi, and Magni, and bring along his hammer. There come also Balder and Hoder from the other world. All sit down and converse together. They rehearse their runes and talk of events of old days. Then they find in the grass the golden tablets that the Aesir once played with. Two children of men will also be found safe from the great flames of Surt. Their names, Lif and Lifthrasir, and they feed on the morning dew and from this human pair will come a great population which will fill the earth. And strange to say, the sun, before being devoured by Fenrir, will have borne a daughter, no less beautiful and going the same ways as her mother.”
Again, the authors of Hamlet’s Mill take a prosaic view of these matters, pronouncing sagely that it is “just a metaphor.” And again, I have to disagree. I do not think that the point is to “measure time,” in the sense of “world ages” of culture, civilizations, or even “psychic” or occult influences, except in that they relate to something far more important: WHAT IS CAUSING THE WOBBLE AND WHAT CAN BE THE RESULT? And we have a clear answer in Snorri’s tale: The sun will have borne a daughter - which can only occur via a “mating” or Hieros Gamos. In this sense, the ancients might have supposed, and quite rightly, that if we ever noticed this fact, if we were pointed in this direction, if we were plainly told that there is a handle that turns the axis, that this handle gets hot, that the axis of the planet comes unhinged, that it started out spinning upright and then gradually wobbled out of place and finally FALLS OVER INTO THE SEA, that we would be clever enough to get it. The clue they are pointing out to us is that there is something OUT THERE that is the HANDLE and we ought to be able to figure out, by applying principles of physics to celestial mechanics, exactly what it is and what it does. The repeated references to the “dying and rebirth of the Sun,” in some sort of cosmic hierogamy, and the Sun giving birth to a daughter, or having a Celestial Twin, ought to be pretty plain clues to anybody who is paying attention to these things.

Cosmology News
Careful analysis has shown that the strange alignment of the broadest Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) fluctuations is real and significant at the 99% level. The alignment, together with the extreme weakness of those broad fluctuations, presents a real mystery whose resolution is not yet in sight. [...] The long-awaited second-, third- and fourth-year WMAP data, including the polarization data, still have not appeared. The WMAP team is analyzing these data with utmost care, leading one to speculate that exciting conclusions may follow.

Signs Comment: Or that the data and conclusions will be entirely suppressed.

Does Britain's new weapon break Geneva Convention?
Britain is to spend around £50m on a new shoulder-fired "bunker-buster" to bolster the infantry's street-fighting capability. The new weapon fires grenades able to punch through reinforced concrete from a distance of around 550 yards.

Lab officials excited by new H-bomb project
For the first time in more than 20 years, U.S. nuclear-weapons scientists are designing a new H-bomb, the first of probably several new nuclear explosives on the drawing boards. If they succeed, in perhaps 20 or 25 more years, the United States would have an entirely new nuclear arsenal, and a highly automated fac- tory capable of turning out more warheads as needed, as well as new kinds of warheads. "We are on the verge of an exciting time," the nation's top nuclear weapons executive, Linton Brooks, said last week at Lawrence Livermore weapons design laboratory.
Signs Comment: Now, that's just peachy! Truly a Science of Evil.

"What's that?"

"It's our brand new H-bomb."


"An H-bomb. You know, highest kill-ratios on the market!"

"I don't think that's a very good idea. You start using those things and other people are going to use theirs, and everybody could end up dead."

"What's wrong with you? Where have you been? You never wanted to be H-bombed? You, too, can be a Shiva, destroyer of Worlds! Amaze your friends, confound your enemies, hypnotize any woman from a distance by the power of your... H-BOMB!"

"Wow! Look at the size of his ... Bomb!"

Spotless Sun
The sunspot number has been zero for nine consecutive days--the longest stretch of blank suns since October 1996. This is a clear sign that solar minimum has arrived. Solar activity should remain low, although surprises are possible.

On Sept. 7th, 2005, a huge sunspot rounded the sun's eastern limb. As soon as it appeared, it exploded, producing one of the brightest x-ray solar flares of the Space Age. In the days that followed, the growing spot exploded eight more times. Each powerful "X-flare" caused a shortwave radio blackout on Earth and pumped new energy into a radiation storm around our planet. The blasts hurled magnetic clouds toward Earth, and when they hit, on Sept 10th and 11th, ruby-red auroras were seen as far south as Arizona.

Space rock re-opens Mars debate

A carbon-rich substance found filling tiny cracks within a Martian meteorite could boost the idea that life once existed on the Red Planet. The material resembles that found in fractures, or "veins", apparently etched by microbes in volcanic glass from the Earth's ocean floor. The evidence comes from a meteorite held in London's Natural History Museum that was cracked open by curators. All the processes of life on Earth are based on the element carbon.

State Department sees exodus of weapons experts
State Department officials appointed by President Bush have sidelined key career weapons experts and replaced them with less experienced political operatives who share the White House and Pentagon's distrust of international negotiations and treaties. The reorganization of the department's arms control and international security bureaus was intended to help it better deal with 21st-century threats. Instead, it's thrown the agency into turmoil and produced an exodus of experts with decades of experience in nuclear arms, chemical weapons and related matters, according to 11 current and former officials and documents obtained by Knight Ridder.

Signs Comment:  "Why?" Paul Krugman asks. Why does Dubya fill all the top government posts with incompetent cronies? Well, this is NOT a new thing, Paul. It's history. Andrew Lobaczewski even studied it and wrote about it:
Pathocracy at the summit of governmental organization also does not constitute the entire picture of the “mature phenomenon”. Such a system of government has nowhere to go but down.

Any leadership position - down to village headman and community cooperative mangers, not to mention the directors of police units, and special-services police personnel, and activists in the pathocratic party - must be filled by individuals whose feeling of linkage to such a regime is conditioned by corresponding psychological deviations, which are inherited as a rule.

However, such people become more valuable because they constitute a very small percentage of the population. Their intellectual level or professional skills cannot be taken into account, since people representing superior abilities with the requisite psychological deviations - are even harder to find.

After such a system has lasted several years, one hundred percent of all the cases of essential psychopathy are involved in pathocratic activity; they are considered the most loyal, even though some of them were formerly involved on the other side in some way. Under such conditions, no area of social life can develop normally, whether in economics, culture, science, technology, administration, etc.

Pathocracy progressively paralyzes everything. [...]

The following question thus suggests itself: what happens if the network of understandings among psychopaths achieves power in leadership positions with international exposure? This can happen, especially during the later phases of the phenomenon. Goaded by their character, such people thirst for just that even though it would conflict with their own life interest…

They do not understand that a catastrophe would ensue. Germs are not aware that they will be burned alive or buried deep in the ground along with the human body whose death they are causing.

If the many managerial positions of a government are assumed by individuals deprived of sufficient abilities to feel and understand most other people and who also have deficiencies as regards technical imagination and practical skills - faculties indispensable for governing economic and political matters - this must result in an exceptionally serious crisis in all areas, both within the country in question and with regard to international relations.

Within, the situation shall become unbearable even for those citizens who were able to feather their nest into a relatively comfortable “modus vivendi”. Outside, other societies start to feel the pathological quality of the phenomenon quite distinctly. Such a state of affairs cannot last long.
No, there is no possibility of winning a battle against a gang of fascists that control all the major organs of state AND the media, and who do not hesitate to fix elections. As Stalin said: "It's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes." What he actually said was "Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything," but it's the same thing. That's what we are up against and anybody who can't see it doesn't have their eyes open.

Archaeologists Find Massive Tomb in Greece
Archaeologists have unearthed a massive tomb in the northern Greek town of Pella, capital of the ancient kingdom of Macedonia and birthplace of Alexander the Great.
The eight-chambered tomb dates to the Hellenistic Age between the fourth and second century B.C., and is the largest of its kind ever found in Greece. The biggest multichambered tombs until now contained three chambers.

Moscow's Remote-Controlled Heart Attacks
The American military may want to attack the nervous system, with pain rays and laser plasma pulses. But they're not the only ones. The Russians have long studied such systems, too -- including one weapon that could, in theory, remotely trigger heart attacks.

Signs Comment: Ah, those Russians. From reading this story, you'd think the Americans, the Brits, and Israelis don't have such weapons in the field. But let's think back to last summer when Robin Cook had a "heart attack" while out walking.

Truthseeker News Brief
Last updated 08/08/2005
Former Foreign Secretary Robin Cook, who quit government over the Iraq war, has collapsed on a Scottish mountainside.
Thereafter he was flown by coastguard helicopter to Raigmore Hospital in Inverness, where he died on Saturday evening, police said. However, the idea is already being mooted that he was, like Dr David Kelly, 'taken out' by covert assassination.

Flashback: Post mortem tests over Cook death
Aug 8 2005
A post mortem examination is expected to be carried out to determine the cause of the death of former Foreign Secretary Robin Cook. Mr Cook, 59, collapsed while on a walking holiday with wife Gaynor in northern Scotland on Saturday and was pronounced dead after being airlifted to hospital some 90 minutes later. It is thought that the Livingston MP may have collapsed with a heart attack and then injured himself as he fell.

Air Force Plan: Hack Your Nervous System

The brain has always been a battlefield. New weapons might be able to hack directly into your nervous system. "
Controlled Effects" (see image, right) is one of the Air Force’s ambitious long-term challenges. It starts with better and more accurate bombs, but moves on to discuss devices that "make selected adversaries think or act according to our needs... By studying and modeling the human brain and nervous system, the ability to mentally influence or confuse personnel is also possible."

Britain has new weapon against loitering youths -- Sonic Teenager Deterrent
Shopkeepers in central England have been trying out a new device that emits an uncomfortable high-pitched noise designed to disperse young loiterers outside their stores without bothering adults. Police carrying out the pilot project in Staffordshire say some of those who have tested the "Sonic Teenager Deterrent," nicknamed the mosquito, have talked of buying one of their own. The device which costs 622 pounds (908 euros, 1,081 dollars) "doesn't cause any pain to the hearer," according to Inspector Amanda Davies, quoted by Britain's domestic Press Association news agency. "The noise can normally only be heard by those between 12 and 22 and it makes the listener feel uncomfortable," she added. Once in their early 20s, people lose their capacity to hear sounds at such a high pitch.

Plagued by teenagers? You'll like the sound of this
As a form of revenge against disruptive youth, it is almost too sweet - a device that annoys teenagers so intensely they have to disperse and loiter somewhere else. Police have given their backing to a gadget that sends out an ultra high-pitched noise that can be heard only by those under 20 and is so distressing it forces them to clutch their ears in discomfort. Teenagers Shaun Turner and Christian Percival feel the force in a test run yesterday. Eventually they can stand it no longer and have to move on.

Brightest Galactic Flash Ever Detected Hits Earth
"We have observed an object only 20 kilometers across [12 miles], on the other side of our galaxy, releasing more energy in a tenth of a second than the Sun emits in 100,000 years." A huge explosion halfway across the galaxy packed so much power it briefly altered Earth's upper atmosphere in December, astronomers said Friday. No known eruption beyond our solar system has ever appeared as bright upon arrival. But you could not have seen it, unless you can top the X-ray vision of Superman: In gamma rays, the event equaled the brightness of the full Moon's reflected visible light. The blast originated about 50,000 light-years away and was detected Dec. 27. A light-year is the distance light travels in a year, about 6 trillion miles (10 trillion kilometers).

Powerful lightning storm strikes on Saturn

A dramatic storm on the planet Saturn is unleashing lightning bolts 1,000 times stronger than those found on Earth. Scientists first recorded noise from the storm on Jan. 23. Since then they have captured 35 consecutive episodes of stormy activity on Saturn, each lasting about 10 hours.

Apple Hackers Encounter a Poetic Warning

Apple Computer Inc. has resorted to a poetic broadside in the inevitable cat-and-mouse game between hackers and high-tech companies.
The maker of Macintosh computers had anticipated that hackers would try to crack its new OS X operating system built to work on Intel Corp.'s chips and run pirated versions on non-Apple computers. So, Apple developers embedded a warning deep in the software _ in the form of a poem.

The Global Free Fire Zone: “Prompt Global Strike” and the Next Generation of U.S. Strategic Weapons
“Global is defined as the capability to strike any target set in the world.” Prompt Global Strike (PGS) Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) Study Plan Draft 28 Oct 2005, p.10 The Air Force has put out a “Prompt Global Strike Request for Information,” beginning the process of examining alternatives for new weapons capable of hitting targets anywhere on earth. Supporting materials state that the Prompt Global Strike Analysis of Alternatives will examine “a range of system concepts to deliver precision weapons with global reach, in minutes to hours.”

Why Dawkins' Ideas May be Wrong
The cherished idea, first suggested by Charles Darwin, that life on Earth emerged billions of years ago from a warm prebiotic soup may not be correct after all. Scientists at a meeting of the Royal Society in London on Tuesday said that when DNA molecules and amino acids form in warm volcanic puddles they bind strongly to clay particles and can take no further part in reactions.

The Preventive Psychiatry Newsletter has written to its subscribers telling them that the real reason the former Veterans Affairs Secretary, Anthony Principi, recently resigned was because he has been involved in a massive scandal covering up the fact that Gulf War Syndrome was caused by the use of depleted uranium, according to the SF Bay View.

Modern man's trek to Europe revised by 3500 years

THE ancestors of modern Europeans arrived on the continent up to 3500 years earlier than first thought and colonised it much more rapidly than once believed. A combination of dating breakthroughs analysed in the latest issue of the science journal Nature is enabling archaeologists to push back the date for Homo sapiens' entry into Europe from 43,000 years to between 44,000 and 46,500 years ago.

Canadian Uni hot under the collar over Wi-Fi safety
A Canadian university has limited Wi-Fi networks on campus, not out of information security concerns, but because the long-term safety of the technology is "unproven". Fred Gilbert, president of Canada's Lakehead University, made the order on the basis of possible health risk from the technology, especially to young people. Inconclusive studies into possible links between radio transmissions and leukemia and brain tumors from, among others, scientists for the California Public Utilities Commission, led Gilbert to make the "precautionary ban".

New kind of space blast seen not far from Earth
A new kind of cosmic explosion has been spotted in Earth's celestial neighborhood, and amateur astronomers in the Northern Hemisphere might be able to see it next week, scientists reported Thursday. The blast seemed a lot like a gamma ray burst, the most distant and powerful type of explosion known to astronomers. But when scientists first detected it with NASA's Swift satellite on Feb. 18, the explosion was about 25 times closer and lasted 100 times longer than a typical gamma ray burst.

Signs Comment: This, along with today's story about the new comet that was spotted in January, deserve some discussion. The possible supernova was remarkable for its closeness and duration - lasting 33 seconds. It is located right under the foot of Perseus in the constellation Aries. See here for map. Fulcanelli, writing in Mystery of the Cathedrals, mentions Aries in this way:
“Alchemy is obscure only because it is hidden. The philosophers who wanted to transmit the exposition of their doctrine and the fruit of their labors to posterity took great care not to divulge the art by presenting it under a common form so that the layman could not misuse it. Thus because of the difficulty one has of understanding it, because of the mystery of its enigmas and of the opacity of its parables, the science has come to be shut up among reveries, illusions and chimeras. […]

“With their confused texts, sprinkled with cabalistic expressions, the books remain the efficient and genuine cause of the gross mistake that we indicate. For, in spite of the warnings... students persisted in reading them according to the meanings that they hold in ordinary language. They do not know that these texts are reserved for initiates, and that it is essential, in order to understand them, to be in possession of their secret key. One must first work at discovering this key.

“Most certainly these old treatises contain, if not the entire science, at least its philosophy, its principles, and the art of applying them in conformity with natural laws. But if we are unaware of the hidden meaning of the terms - for example, the meaning of Ares, which is different from Aries - strange qualifications purposely used in the composition of such works, we will understand nothing of them or we will be infallibly led into error.

The comet story is interesting because one of the astronomers that is referenced is one "Andrew Pearce". Now the word "Pearce" or variations of that word has been popping up in our investigations over the past several years. The clue was initially given in 1997:

A: Devour newspapers for any recent news re: Percy.
Most recently we noted that it was Percy Hospital in Paris where Yasser Arafat was taken to die.  A comment from a session around that time is interesting:
Q: Was there any symbolic meaning to the death of Arafat at Percy Hospital, with the number 11 appearing at the time
A: Like Diana, a marker.
Interestingly, through the Gaelic language we relate Percy to Perch and then to March. March 5th happens to be the day when the new-found comet makes it's closest pass to earth. The Andrew Pearce mentioned in the news story about the comet happens to be the same person who, in 2004, made history by being the 5th person to see a comet with the naked eye in one year. Never before had 5 comets been seen with the naked eye in one year. Which sort of suggests there are more of them up there, and they are kind of closer than normal. Then there is the following which ties together 'nicely' the ideas of comets and supernovas.
September 12, 1998
On the subject of supernovas; I have discovered that three of the supernovas of antiquity which have been discovered and time estimated by the remnants, if they were not observed, occurred in or near Cassiopeia at very interesting points in history.
A: Yes...
Q: (L) Well, one of these periods in history was around 1054. This is a very interesting time. It just so happens that there are no European records of this supernova which was recorded by the Chinese, Japanese, and perhaps even the Koreans. Yet, there are no European records. What happened to the European records?
A: Europe was in a "recovery mode" at the "time."
Q: (L) Recovery from what?
A: Loss of civilized structure due to overhead cometary explosion in 564 AD.
Q: (C) There were certain historical facts you picked up, so that doesn't make sense to me. (L) On the other hand it might, because there is some stuff from Gregory of Tours that is real bizarre.
What effect did this have on the civilized structure? Was it a direct effect in terms of material, or did it have effects on people causing them to behave in an uncivilized and barbaric way?
A: Well, the burning fragmentary shower ignited much of the land areas in what you now refer to as Western Europe. This had the results you can imagine, causing the resulting societal breakdown you now refer to as "The Dark Ages."
Q: (L) Well, it damn sure was dark. There is almost a thousand years that nobody knows anything about!
A: Check Irish or Celtic, and French or Gallic records of the era for clues. There were temporary "islands of survival," lasting just long enough for the written word to eke out.
Q: (L) Okay, when reading about the Great Nebula in Orion, there is a kite shaped area adjacent to the Horsehead Nebula. I wondered if there was any relation between this and your previous mention of kites. Are we looking at something in that particular area of the sky that is going to go supernova?
A: For supernova, look to the "foot."
Just some food for thought. :-)

By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
03 April 2002
Astronomers have detected signs of a supernova explosion and tied it to the output of even higher-energy radiation known as a gamma-ray burst. The discovery adds to evidence that suggests supernovae and gamma-ray bursts sometimes are linked. Gamma-ray bursts, or GRBs as they are called, have remained largely mysterious since their discovery in the 1960s. They pack the electromagnetic output of many galaxies into a single flash that lasts seconds or less. If one occurred nearby, it could destroy life on Earth.

Flashback: Brightest Galactic Flash Ever Detected Hits Earth
By Robert Roy Britt
Senior Science Writer
posted: 18 February, 2005
"Had this happened within 10 light-years of us, it would have severely damaged our atmosphere and possibly have triggered a mass extinction," said Bryan Gaensler of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA). ~**~ A huge explosion halfway across the galaxy packed so much power it briefly altered Earth's upper atmosphere in December, astronomers said Friday. No known eruption beyond our solar system has ever appeared as bright upon arrival. But you could not have seen it, unless you can top the X-ray vision of Superman: In gamma rays, the event equaled the brightness of the full Moon's reflected visible light. The blast originated about 50,000 light-years away and was detected Dec. 27. A light-year is the distance light travels in a year, about 6 trillion miles (10 trillion kilometers).

Flashback: Closest Known Neutron Star Races Across Sky
09 November 2000
A relatively small, dense object racing across the sky and heading our way at more than 100 times the speed of a Concorde jet has been identified as our solar system's closest known neutron star. The compact remains of an ancient explosion, less than 12 miles (19 kilometers) in diameter but 10 trillion times denser than steel, the neutron star zips along at roughly 240,000 miles per hour (108 kilometers per second). Most neutron stars are found in paired or binary star systems but this runaway object has broken free of its larger companion, giving astronomers a rare treat.

See it Now: New Comet Brightens Rapidly
During the next couple of weeks skywatchers will be turning their attention to a newly discovered comet that has just swept past the Sun and will soon cruise past Earth on its way back out toward the depths of the outer solar system. Astronomers, who attempt to forecast the future characteristics and behavior of these cosmic vagabonds, have found this new object to be a better-than-average performer. The comet is now visible with a simple pair of binoculars, and it's also dimly visible to the naked eye if you know precisely where to look.

A Kick-Ass Science Fair Project (Don't Drink the Water)
This is a great science fair project:
Jasmine Roberts, 7th-grade student:
"My hypothesis was that the fast food restaurants' ice would contain more bacteria that the fast food restaurants' toilet water."
New fossil may rewrite history of mammal evolution
With its forelegs upright like a dog and hind legs stretching out like a lizard, experts say a newly discovered fossil may rewrite the history of mammalian evolution.
In their joint research on mammal fossils in the western part of Northeast China's Liaoning Province, two distinct bone characteristics in the fossil of a sharp-mouthed mammal were collected by Chen Piji, a Nanjing-based researcher of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The British research journal, Nature, reported the unprecedented discovery, which is believed by some as holding the potential to change the traditional theory on the evolution of mammals.

Naked-eye planets set cosmic stage for solar eclipse on the
AN INTERESTING month for sky-watchers begins with all the naked-eye planets on view at one time or another during the night and culminates with a solar eclipse. Orion is still resplendent in our southern sky at nightfall, but he marches smartly westwards, taking with him the other bright winter constellations. The Sun climbs 12° or 24 Sun-breadths higher in our noon sky during March, crossing the celestial equator at 18:26 GMT on the 20th, the instant of the vernal equinox. Sunrise/sunset times for Edinburgh change from 07:05/17:47 GMT on the 1st to 05:47/18:49 GMT (06:47/19:49 BST) on the 31st, after we switch to Summer Time by setting our clocks forward on the 26th. Nautical twilight lasts for about 82 minutes at dawn and dusk.

Science comes to the masses

A scientist walks into a bar. More than 100 people are there, eager to hear all that she has to say and ask a lot of questions. No joke. That's what happens at the Wynkoop Brewing Company here every month when Cafe Scientifique is held.

Health and Medical

Bird flu 'endemic' in Hong Kong

Bird flu has become endemic in Hong Kong after its recent discovery in both local wild birds and chicken, the territory’s health secretary said today.
"Since different kinds of wild birds and chickens have this virus, we can be quite sure that this virus is endemic in our birds," York Chow said.

Poultry disease hits northern Nigerian state
An outbreak of poultry disease has hit parts of the northern Nigerian state of Kano, and authorities are yet to ascertain whether it is caused by the bird flu virus, Nigerian newspapers reported on Monday.

Sailor's death in Lithuania could be first human bird flu case in EU

An Indian sailor who died in the Lithuanian port of Klaipeda may have been infected with bird flu, the Lithuanian health ministry said. "A member of the crew of the ship M.V. Ocean Wind, Indian citizen Shaikh Rafikque, died in Klaipeda Monday. The suspected cause of death is bird flu," a statement from the ministry said. If avian flu is confirmed as the cause of death, it would be the first human case of the disease in the European Union.

Bird disease in flu-hit Nigeria "spreading like wildfire"

Bird flu reaches western Europe, another death in Asia
The potentially deadly strain of H5N1 bird flu reached western Europe, with outbreaks reported in Italy and Greece, as well as Bulgaria, while the death toll increased in Asia. [...] Italian Health Minister Francesco Storace said the highly pathogenic strain, responsible for the deaths of some 90 people, mainly in Asia, had been found in a total of 21 dead swans on the island of Sicily and elsewhere in the south of the country.

Suspected fowl bird flu cases found in Romania

Cases of suspected bird flu in fowl were found in a village close to Romania's Black Sea port of Constanta, authorities said on Monday.
Rapid tests on two dead hens found in a courtyard led to suspicion of the presence of the H5 type of the virus in the Topraisar village in Constanta county, a local veterinarian said.

6th swan tests positive for H5N1 in Italy

A sixth wild swan which died in Italy has tested positive for the virulent H5N1 of bird flu in a specialist lab in Padua late Sunday, local press reports said on Monday.

Deadly bird flu spreads to Germany, Austria, Iran
Three more countries said on Tuesday they had detected cases of deadly bird flu in wild swans, with Germany, Iran and Austria the latest to find the virus that has killed 91 people worldwide.
Austria and Germany became the third and fourth European Union countries to report H5N1 bird flu, just three days after the bloc's first instances were confirmed by Italy and Greece.

France warned of high risk of bird flu contamination

The French food safety agency AFSSA warned of a heightened risk of the deadly bird flu virus reaching the country, and called for poultry to be kept indoors wherever possible.

EU tightens control of bird flu spreading

Slovenia's government on Thursday confirmed its first bird flu case in the north of the country. Germany also confirmed two dead swans had been affected with the fatal H5N1 virus. The European Union approved new measures to tighten control of the spread of the deadly disease.

France orders birds indoors as bird flu gets closer
The French government on Wednesday ordered all poultry and tame birds to be kept indoors, as the deadly strain of bird flu continued its spread through Europe. All farm ducks and geese are also to be vaccinated in three departments on the Atlantic coast to prevent their contamination from wild birds, Agriculture Minister Dominique Bussereau announced after an interministerial meeting. France is Europe's biggest poultry producer, with free-range birds accounting for 17 percent of its production — as well as western Europe's main crossroads for migratory birds, potential carriers of the deadly virus.

Europe braces for bird flu outbreak as human toll rises

Europe's largest poultry producer braced for a battle with deadly bird flu as Indonesia confirmed its 19th victim and UN experts warned the disease could deprive millions of Africans of food. Britain too warned the H5N1 strain of the virus blamed officially for the deaths of more than 90 people since 2003 could arrive on its soil after French officials said they suspected it had killed more than a dozen birds. Europe will need a year to be fully prepared for an eventual pandemic that experts fear could end up killing 142 million people worldwide, according to the director of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

Three more bird flu cases confirmed in Bulgaria

The European Union's animal health laboratory in the United Kingdom has officially confirmed three dead swans found in Bulgaria were infected with the lethal H5N1 strain of bird flu, the country's agriculture and forestry ministry said on Monday.

India quarantines six as bird flu spreads faster

India began a door-to-door search for anyone with fever on Monday, quarantining six people in hospital as authorities scrambled to contain the country's first outbreak of bird flu.

German leader warns of 'serious' outbreak as bird flu spreads

German Chancellor Angela Merkel described the situation as "serious" as bird flu reached her country's mainland, while the deadly H5N1 strain continued to spread across the globe. On the weekend, France, India and Iran became the latest countries to report finding avian flu in birds, raising the total to 22 worldwide. Seven of these have also reported human cases and deaths.

Health Experts Surprised at Rapid Spread of Bird Flu

The first reports of bird flu that cropped up in recent days in widely separated countries — India, Egypt and France — highlighted the disease's accelerating spread to new territories.
International health experts have been predicting widespread dissemination of the disease for about half a year, since they concluded that it could be spread by migrating birds. But the recent acceleration has perplexed many experts, who had watched the A(H5N1) virus stick to its native ground in Asia for nearly five years.

India Seeks Humans Sickened by Bird Flu
NAVAPUR, India - Indian health officials went door-to-door Monday searching for people sickened by the deadly bird flu strain, while hundreds of German troops disposed of dead wild birds in a desperate attempt to contain the fast-moving disease in Europe. In Brussels, Belgium, European Union agriculture ministers discussed ways to combat bird flu - such as by vaccinating poultry - as the disease spread to half-a-dozen EU nations.

Deadly Bird Flu Hits Seventh EU Nation
Tests confirmed H5N1 in three birds found dead in Hungary, making the country the seventh EU nation with an outbreak of the deadly strain of bird flu, officials said Tuesday.
Austria, Germany, Greece, Italy, France and Slovenia also are grappling with H5N1 in wild birds, the European Commission said Tuesday. So far, no EU nations have reported bird flu in commercial stocks or in humans.

Austria finds bird flu in chicken

Health officials in Austria say a chicken has the deadly H5N1 bird flu virus - the first time the strain has appeared among poultry in the EU. It comes as EU officials hold a second day of talks on whether to start vaccination programmes - a move favoured by France and the Netherlands.
Seven EU countries have now confirmed cases of H5N1 in wild birds.

All US kids under 5 should get flu shot: panel
All children under 5 and older than 6 months should be vaccinated against influenza, a panel of U.S. vaccine advisers said on Wednesday. The unanimous vote by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's immunization advisory committee in Atlanta delighted pediatricians and infectious disease specialists, who have been pressing for universal flu vaccination standards.

Signs Comment: A perfect test for your democratic rights. Try refusing to allow your child to be injected with mercury (and god knows what else) and see what happens. See our Signs Flu Supplment for some very good reasons why you should, if at all possible, NOT allow your child to be vaccinated against the flu.

India bird flu tests 'negative'
Indian health officials say 94 out of 95 samples collected from people with flu-like symptoms have tested negative for bird flu.

Suspected bird flu on French farm

France has found a suspected case of the deadly bird flu virus H5N1 on a poultry farm, the farm ministry says. If confirmed, it would be the first time a farm bird has been infected in France, where two wild ducks have tested positive in the south-east.

France Fights Panic From Bird Flu Outbreak

 French President Jacques Chirac urged consumers not to panic Saturday, hours after the government announced the European Union's first outbreak of deadly bird flu in commercial poultry.
Chirac said chickens and eggs remained safe to eat as he munched a piece of the famously succulent chicken from the Ain region, where the lethal virus was confirmed in turkeys.

World prepares for long battle with bird flu

 France battled the first poultry outbreak of H5N1 bird flu in the European Union and Britain predicted it would soon be hit, as world experts gathered in Paris prepared for a long, hard battle against the deadly virus.

Niger shuns 'bird flu' chickens

A day after deadly bird flu was confirmed in Niger, there are hardly any chickens on sale in the capital's markets.

Study: Brain Works Like Internet - Networking WORKS!
[...] Researchers used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study the activity in peoples' brains and how different regions connect. They conclude the human brain can be visualized as a complex interacting network that relies on nodes to efficiently convey information from place to place. Very few jumps are necessary to connect any two nodes, the study found.

Brains of Young Adults Not Fully Mature

At an age when Americans are first considered adults, their brains are still maturing, a new study suggests. Researchers at Dartmouth University scanned the brains of nineteen 18-year-old students who had moved more than 100 miles to attend school.
"During the first year of college, students have many new experiences," said psychologist Abigail Baird, the study's principal investigator. "They are faced with new cognitive, social, and emotional challenges." A group of 17 older students, ranging in age from 25 to 35, served as a control group for comparison. The results showed that the freshmen students' brains underwent significant changes and were very different from that of the older adults.

Mental Exercise Nearly Halves Risk of Dementia
Staying mentally and physically active throughout life is the best way to keep the mind sharp and reduce the risks of developing dementia, two recent studies show. One large group study found that staying mentally active reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia by nearly half by building and maintaining a reserve of stimulation.

Signs Comment: Well, that leaves out Dubya...

Chronic Pain Shrinks People's Brains

Pain causes an unexpected brain drain, according to a new study in which the brains of people with chronic backaches were up to 11 percent smaller than those of non-sufferers.

Surprising Source of Chronic Pain Discovered

Information about pain is transmitted from its source by two types of nerve fibers, Lawson explained. Larger fibers send electrical signals more rapidly and are thought to communicate sharp, pricking pain. Fine fibers communicate ongoing, burning pain that can prove depressing over time because it seems to have no identifiable source and is often hard to suppress with traditional painkillers.

Stress 'fuelling early puberty'
Unhealthy lifestyles and unstable family environments may be contributing to a fall in the age that girls reach puberty, research suggests. Psychologist Dr Aric Sigman found girls are reaching puberty 18 months earlier than their mothers, and almost two years earlier than their grandmothers. He found girls currently start puberty at an average of 10.25 years of age. His findings echo previous research suggesting 'precocious puberty' is a growing trend.

Flu Shots and Alzheimer's Disease

According to Hugh Fudenberg, MD, the world's leading immunogeneticist and 13th most quoted biologist of our times (nearly 850 papers in peer review journals): If an individual has had 5 consecutive flu shots between 1970 and 1980 (the years studied) his/her chances of getting Alzheimer's Disease is 10 times higher than if he/she had one, 2 or no shots. Dr. Fudenberg said it was so and that it was due to mercury and aluminum that is in every flu shot. The gradual mercury and aluminum buildup in the brain causes cognitive dysfunction.

Study Finds Low-Fat Diet Won't Stop Cancer or Heart Disease
The largest study ever to ask whether a low-fat diet reduces the risk of getting cancer or heart disease has found that the diet has no effect.

The Golden Hour
During a recent conversation, a formerly svelt young lady said that she had given up on the idea of exercise, because to have a body worth the trouble, it would take three or four hours a day. Novice writers complain that in order to build their careers, it would take six or seven hours a day…so what is the point! And more times than I could count, stressed-out acquaintances have said that they would love to meditate, but “don’t have the time.” It is time we explode these falsehoods. The truth is that misconceptions like the above can completely steal your chances for health, happiness and success.
Signs Comment: If we are going to have to deal with Bush and the Neocons, best to be

Soldiers Face Debilitating Diseases

They served their time in the military in places like Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, and more recently, Iraq and Afghanistan. Most returned in good health. But an NBC 30 investigation has found that for some soldiers, their service has meant a long and debilitating death sentence with mysterious diseases. "I have good days, I have bad days," said M. Sterry, of New Haven. "There were eight of us that served together. Six of my friends are dead." She looks healthy, but Sterry is a very sick woman who has no idea how much longer she will live.

Babies' Cells Linger, May Protect Mothers

Some scientists have proposed that when a woman has a baby, she gets not just a son or a daughter, but a gift of cells that stays behind and protects her for the rest of her life. That's because a baby's cells linger in its mom's body for decades and -- like stem cells -- may help to repair damage when she gets sick. It's such an enticing idea that even the scientists who came up with the idea worry that it may be too beautiful to be true.

The Age of Senescence

Senescent cells not only exist in vivo but also accumulate in aging tissue. Cultured, these nonreplicating cells are far from inert. They produce a plethora of unpleasant proteins that can, among other things, destroy the structural integrity of the tissue that surrounds them.

Modern nutrition: Forget all you ever knew about diets
An eight-year scientific study in America has concluded that you might as well eat a bacon sandwich as a low-fat yoghurt if you want to stay healthy. David Usborne reports. Medical researchers in the United States who set out to demonstrate that a low-fat diet will reduce the risks of cancer and heart attacks were struggling yesterday to hide their disappointment. The results from their eight-year, government-funded study are in - and they show no such thing.

Signs Comment: If they have spents years lying to us about the benefits of "low fat" diets, why should be believe them about whisky and cigarettes??

Serial snogging puts teens at deadly risk

Snogging many partners almost quadruples a teenager's risk of contracting two potentially deadly infections, researchers warned today. According to a study in the British Medical Journal, kissing with tongues was a major factor in spreading the meningococcal bacteria, which can cause meningitis (an inflammation of the lining around the brain and spinal cord), and septicaemia (a form of blood poisoning).

Altruistic Love Related to Happier Marriages

Altruism may breed better marriages, a new study suggests. Or, the data might mean that good marriages make people more altruistic. Whatever, altruism and happiness seem to go together in the realm of love. "Altruistic love was associated with greater happiness in general and especially with more marital happiness," concludes Tom Smith of the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago in a report released today.

Kids are Depressing, Study of Parents Finds

Any parent will tell you kids can be depressing at times. A new study shows that raising them is a lifelong challenge to your mental health. Not only do parents have significantly higher levels of depression than adults who do not have children, the problem gets worse when the kids move out. "Parents have more to worry about than other people do—that's the bottom line," said Florida State University professor Robin Simon. "And that worry does not diminish over time. Parents worry about their kids' emotional, social, physical and economic well-being. We worry about how they're getting along in the world."

How drug lobbyists influence doctors
CONGRESS IS in a stew over lobbyists' influence on political decision-making. The Abramoff fallout is likely to strike many who participated in the money-for-favors game, yet all the churning around is unlikely to yield any long-term effect. The reason? There are hundreds of well-heeled businesses and groups with a large and expensive wish list. The predecessor to illegal behavior is the undue influence of financial deals that create tension between the legal and ethical duty of a legislator to his constituents on the one hand and to his own personal interests on the other. When we learned about flagrantly illegal activities by certain lobbyists, many acted with surprise. Why should they have been surprised? Money begets influence, influence corrupts, and corruption can cross the line into crime.

'Natural' cure found for attention deficit disorder
A British millionaire has announced that he may have discovered a way of curing children suffering from the worst form of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) without resorting to drugs. Wynford Dore said yesterday that years of painstaking research have shown that, by using space-age technology normally reserved for testing astronauts returning from space, doctors may be able to rebalance the brains of those suffering from such disorders.

FDA may reject safety warning for ADHD drugs

DRUGS used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder may put people at risk of sudden death through heart failure. That's the fear of advisers to the US Food and Drug Administration, who on 9 February recommended that the drugs carry a prominent health warning. Controversially, the FDA is likely to reject this advice. Nearly 4 million Americans with behavioural or learning difficulties are prescribed amphetamine-based stimulants such as Ritalin. The FDA asked its Drug Safety and Risk Management Advisory Committee to investigate 25 reports of sudden deaths among people taking the drugs, 19 of them children.

Get ready for 24-hour living

A new wave of drugs will make it a breeze to go days without sleep, and give you a good night's shut-eye in two hours - are you ready for 24-hour living?

Ecstasy and loud music are a bad mix

PARTYGOERS who take the recreational drug ecstasy may face a greater risk of long-term brain damage if they bombard themselves with loud music all night long.

Smoking Nearly Doubles Root Canal Requirements
Men who smoke cigarettes are about twice as likely to require root canal treatment as those who have never smoked, according to a prospective cohort study lasting for almost three decades. The risk for cigarette smokers increased with more years of smoking and decreased with length of abstinence, suggesting a dose-response relationship.

Signs Comment: At the beginning of this article, there are some "Medpage Today Action Points":
* Explain to patients that even though this study was limited to men, similar risks are likely for women, including those exposed to second-hand smoke.

* When talking with pipe and cigar smokers, suggest that despite the limited findings in this study that show no increased risk in these patients, they may still be at risk for root canal treatment along with other periodontal risks.
As a public service to our cherished readers, we thought we would add the following "warnings":
* When talking with anyone at all, be sure to warn them that smoking is also the cause of every other major and minor illness that has ever existed and that will ever exist.

* If they object to any of your statements - which are based on studies with extraordinarily small and exclusive groups, and then later generalized to encompass the entire world - tell them that it is your expert opinion that none of the other three million different cancerous chemicals that they ingest each day has anything to do with the illnesses for which everyone blames smoking. If you own stock in a company that makes non-stick frying pans, be sure to mention that Teflon is mostly certainly not a carcinogen, and that you even recommend Teflon-coated pacifiers for babies.

* As always, push as many pharmaceuticals as you can so that you can get some nice kickbacks from your "retirement plan", aka Big Pharma.

Ruling Has Canada Planting Seeds of Private Health Care
The cracks are still small in Canada's vaunted public health insurance system, but several of its largest provinces are beginning to open the way for private health care eventually to take root around the country.
Last week Quebec proposed to lift a ban on private health insurance for several elective surgical procedures, and announced that it would pay for such surgeries at private clinics when waiting times at public facilities were unreasonable.

Vaccinating For Profit - From Cradle to Coffin
Due to the flooding of special education classrooms, along with the rising medical costs of treating injured children, local taxes will soon go through the roof, at which time the public will be forced to face the unthinkable truth about the poisoned generation. And when that happens, government officials had better not even think about trying to feign ignorance because parents, scientists, and medical experts have been screaming about the epidemic in vaccine injuries, from one end of the country to the other, since the 1990s, and the fact is that lawmakers knowingly allowed it to happen.

Children 'wrongly given' Ritalin

THOUSANDS of Scottish children, some as young as six, are wrongly being labelled hyperactive and given controversial drugs to stop anxious parents thinking they are to blame for unruly behaviour, a leading academic has warned. Dr Gwynedd Lloyd says doctors are wrongly diagnosing ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) when many youngsters are just behaving badly as a normal part of growing up. The Edinburgh University academic claims this is leading to "widespread abuse" of the controversial drug methylphenidate, commonly known as Ritalin, by doctors who over-rely on checklists when deciding on medication for children. Ritalin, nicknamed the "chemical cosh", has been criticised amid claims it has dangerous side-effects, including abdominal pain, anxiety, dizziness, headaches and psychosis.

Study Strengthens Link between Virus and Weight Gain
New study results bolster the controversial hypothesis that certain cases of obesity are contagious.

Hormone Transforms Fat Cells from Foes to Friends, Rat Study Suggests

[...]  Findings published online this week by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences indicate that increasing leptin levels in the body can fundamentally change the nature of fat cells—from idle storage containers to fat-burning machines.

Pain Ray, Sonic Blaster, Laser Dazzler - All in One
For a while, now, I've been hearing about the Defense Department's plans to outfit a fighting vehicle with a pain ray, a sonic blaster, and a laser dazzler, too. I never figured they'd actually send the thing to Iraq, though. Project Sheriff, I assumed, would just be the military equivalent of a concept car -- a chance to see if some whiz-bang gear really worked together. But the Pentagon may wind up deploying this straight-outta-sci-fi jalopy, after all. The Army just got the OK to spend $31.3 million on three deployable Project Sheriff vehicles, Inside Defense is reporting.

World's deadliest germs moving to Boston
Boston University won final federal approval Thursday for a controversial plan to build a research laboratory in the city's South End that would handle some of the world's most dangerous and exotic germs.
The decision by the National Institutes of Health secures $128 million in federal funding for the lab, which will be part of a national group of facilities that will study infectious diseases such as ebola and the West Nile virus.

Animal Diseases Jumping to Humans

Humans risk being overrun by diseases from the animal world, according to researchers who have documented 38 illnesses that have made that jump over the past 25 years.
That's not good news for the spread of bird flu, which experts fear could mutate and be transmitted easily among people.

Meat with suspected anthrax found at Moscow market
Beef suspected to be infected with anthrax has been found at a Moscow market, the Agriculture Ministry said Monday. The beef was delivered to the Kuntsevo market in the northwest of the city with a veterinary certificate from Russky Pimbur, a village in the Penza Region, about 700 kilometers (440 miles) southeast of Moscow. The meat raised suspicions about anthrax before it went on sale. It was sent to a veterinary laboratory and tested positive for anthrax bacilli. The market underwent disinfection and vaccination of livestock is currently under way in Russky Pimbur.

China toxic spill leaves 20,000 without water
A town of 20,000 people has been without water for at least four days after untreated toxic wastewater was flushed into a river in southern China, a state newspaper said on Monday. The official China Daily said a power plant on the Yuexi River in Sichuan province was responsible for the pollution, which caused officials in the town of Guanyin to shut water supplies last Wednesday.

French 'cure' for excess alcohol raises safety fear

France's drinkers can now buy a potion which supposedly stops hangovers and makes alcohol disappear from the blood system up to six times faster than usual. Made from a "secret recipe" based on plant extracts, Security Feel Better comes in tiny bottles and is recommended for use before, during or after a heavy lunch or party.

Neurological Technology Attracts Doctors
Don Falk stretched his right arm over his head, past the faint marks where a surgeon sank two wires deep in his brain, to show how uncontrollable tremors in his hand used to slap him awake in the morning....

Destination detox
Caroline Wyatt checks into a German spa which offers a taste of Eastern asceticism and a minimalistic menu.

Indian Ocean virus infections climb in Mauritius

The number of people in Mauritius infected with a mosquito-borne disease which is ravaging through the Indian Ocean region has risen to 962 from 341 the previous week, the government said.
"Chikungunya" fever, for which there is no known cure or vaccine, has been spreading through islands off the southeast coast of Africa since January, affecting more than 150,000 people in Reunion, Seychelles and Mauritius.

Environment/Climate Change

'Meteor' falls on the ground
A 'meteor' from outer space fell with a big bang on a field in Singpara village of sadar upazila yesterday afternoon creating panic and curiosity among people.

Climate Change Report shows scientists' real fear
THE report Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change brings out very clearly just how fast scientific worries about climate change have accelerated, propelled by a new fear — the “tipping point” when change becomes irreversible.

British scientists warn Greenland ice cap headed for meltdown
Scientists advising the British Government have warned the world appears to be on a path to causing the Greenland ice cap to melt.

Fireball streaks across Calgary sky
People looking to the sky Wednesday morning got a special treat. A fireball appeared in the sky south of Calgary just before seven o'clock. It moved quickly from east to west before it burned out. Witnesses say it broke into pieces when it flared out. [...]
If you saw the fireball, you can report it to the North American Meteor Network.

Mystery over bang which shook district

Many people now believe it was a sonic boom, caused when a jet breaks through the sound barrier, but no-one can give a definitive answer and experts say that theory is unlikely.

President Bush Forgets About Global Warming

President Bush may have broken some ground when he admitted in his State of the Union speech that the country is "addicted to oil," but he did not mention the other massive issue that's tied to oil ... global warming.

Severe Thunderstorm Hits New Orleans
KENNER, La. - A violent thunderstorm swept through neighborhoods hit hard by Hurricane Katrina, tearing off roofs, knocking down utility poles and collapsing at least one previously storm-damaged house early Thursday, authorities said.

Record-breaking cold snap claims 589 lives

The ministry said the victims were mostly homeless and people who were drunk, and most were from the eastern city of Kharkiv. President Viktor Yushchenko yesterday called for an end to a heating shutdown in the city of Alchevsk, where 60,000 people have been without heat since January 22, following a breakdown.

Portland earthquake larger than estimated

Researchers with the Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network at the University of Washington on Wednesday raised the quake's magnitude from a 2.8 to a 3.1 after analyzing data from instruments.

Two More Coal Miners Killed in State

Charleston, WEST VIRGINIA - The deaths of two coal miners in separate incidents in Boone County Wednesday is prompting Governor Joe Manchin to call for an immediate mine safety stand down at mines throughout West Virginia.

40m in sub-Saharan Africa need emergency food aid, says UN

The crisis has been made worse by east Africa experiencing an unusual drought that has coincided with southern Africa's "hunger gap", or the lean time between one harvest and the next. The number of people being sustained by the UN's World Food Programme (WFP) has risen to 40 million, from 21 million in 1995.

Russian Expert sez: Bird flu virus is of natural not artificial origin

ST. PETERSBURG - The deadly bird flu virus originated naturally, and is not a biological weapon, a senior Russian scientist said Thursday. Oleg Kiselyov, the head of the Russian Influenza Research Institute, said: "We have not advanced enough to create such a genetic machine."

Punxsutawney Groundhog Sees His Shadow

Twisters Add Insult to New Orleans' Injury
Tornadoes tore through New Orleans neighborhoods Thursday that had been hit hard by Hurricane Katrina just five months earlier, collapsing at least one previously damaged house and battering the airport, authorities said.


Boats Prepare to Pull Oil Tanker Off Beach

Tug boats geared up Friday to pull a grounded fuel tanker off a beach on the Kenai Peninsula, after a flat piece of sea ice knocked it from its moorings.

Meteor lights Alberta sky

Glacier break up hastened

Recent Earthquakes:
Magnitude 5.4 - 2006/02/04 09:17:04 - GALAPAGOS ISLANDS, ECUADOR
Magnitude 6.0 - 2006/02/03 20:34:13 - ANDAMAN ISLANDS, INDIA REGION
Magnitude 5.5 - 2006/02/03 16:00:13 - TONGA
Magnitude 5.1 - 2006/02/03 14:20:50 - FIJI REGION
Magnitude 5.2 - 2006/02/03 06:10:06 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN
Magnitude 5.4 - 2006/02/03 04:37:36 - NEAR THE EAST COAST OF HONSHU, JAPAN

B.C. cleans up after windstorm

Thousands without power in central Ontario

Minor earthquake felt in southwestern Montana

Moderate Earthquake At North Sumatra

3,5 Earthquake Recorded In Tbilisi

Earthquake, aftershocks rumble through Tokyo area

Earthquake jolts Cotobato and Zamboanga City

Mandatory Evacuations Ordered In Anaheim Hills
 Authorities issued a mandatory evacuation order in east Anaheim Hills Monday in connection with an 1,800-acre brush fire in the Cleveland National Forest.

Remote Alaska volcano erupts, spews ash

Earthquake exceeding 5 pts registered off Kamchatka shores

Scientist predicts 'mini Ice Age'

A Russian astronomer has predicted that Earth will experience a "mini Ice Age" in the middle of this century, caused by low solar activity.

Earthquake shakes mountains, rattles towns

Games face a snow job - 60 degree weather
The organizers of the XX Olympic Winter Games have had six years and eight months to get everything ready in time for Friday’s Opening Ceremony and the start of competition Saturday.
It looks like they could have used six years and nine months, and maybe a little Papal intervention, to ensure better cooperation from Mother Nature.

Uganda secretly draining Lake Victoria, says environmental report

A study commissioned by an environmental group has accused Uganda of secretly draining water from Lake Victoria, in the midst of a bad regional drought, to help maintain power for its electricity grid. The lake, which provides the livelihood for some 30 million people in the shoreline countries of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, has suffered a dramatic fall in water levels since 2003.

Earthquake detected under Lake Erie

Another small earthquake has been detected beneath Lake Erie, the third so far this year. 

Montserrat: Volcano Shoots Out Ash

Villagers flee as earthquake shakes India

Earthquake rocks eastern Indonesia

Most Of Arctic's Near-Surface Permafrost May Thaw By 2100

Global warming may decimate the top 10 feet (3 meters) or more of perennially frozen soil across the Northern Hemisphere, altering ecosystems as well as damaging buildings and roads across Canada, Alaska, and Russia. New simulations from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) show that over half of the area covered by this topmost layer of permafrost could thaw by 2050 and as much as 90 percent by 2100. Scientists expect the thawing to increase runoff to the Arctic Ocean and release vast amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.

5.9 earthquake jolts central New Zealand
A strong earthquake measuring 5.9 on the Richter scale hit central New Zealand early Thursday, but there were no immediate reports of injury or damage.

Climate change: On the edge - Greenland ice cap breaking up at twice the rate it was five years ago, says scientist Bush tried to gag

A satellite study of the Greenland ice cap shows that it is melting far faster than scientists had feared - twice as much ice is going into the sea as it was five years ago. The implications for rising sea levels - and climate change - could be dramatic. Yet, a few weeks ago, when I - a Nasa climate scientist - tried to talk to the media about these issues following a lecture I had given calling for prompt reductions in the emission of greenhouse gases, the Nasa public affairs team - staffed by political appointees from the Bush administration - tried to stop me doing so. I was not happy with that, and I ignored the restrictions. The first line of Nasa's mission is to understand and protect the planet.

Global warming '30 times quicker than it used to be'
Greenhouse gases are being released into the atmosphere 30 times faster than the time when the Earth experienced a previous episode of global warming. A study comparing the rate at which carbon dioxide and methane are being emitted now, compared to 55 million years ago when global warming also occurred, has found dramatic differences in the speed of release. James Zachos, professor of earth sciences at the University of California, Santa Cruz, said the speed of the present build-up of greenhouse gases is far greater than during the global warming after the demise of the dinosaurs.

Sea levels likely to rise much faster than was predicted
Global warming is causing the Greenland ice cap to disintegrate far faster than anyone predicted. A study of the region's massive ice sheet warns that sea levels may - as a consequence - rise more dramatically than expected. Scientists have found that many of the huge glaciers of Greenland are moving at an accelerating rate - dumping twice as much ice into the sea than five years ago - indicating that the ice sheet is undergoing a potentially catastrophic breakup. The implications of the research are dramatic given Greenland holds enough ice to raise global sea levels by up to 21ft, a disaster scenario that would result in the flooding of some of the world's major population centres, including all of Britain's city ports.

Disappearing deltas could spell disaster
HURRICANE Katrina, which ravaged New Orleans and left more than half a million people displaced, showed just how dangerous living in a flood-prone delta can be. For some researchers this came as no surprise. They think that by 2050, millions more living in low-lying river deltas will be equally vulnerable to rising sea levels, sinking land and storms. Jason Ericson of the University of New Hampshire in Durham, now at the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation in Richmond, and his colleagues identified five other deltas that could face similar, if not more devastating, disasters: the Bengal delta in Bangladesh, the Yangtze delta in China, the Mekong delta in Vietnam, the Nile delta in Egypt and the Godavari delta in India. At a delta, "the shoreline is a balance between sea level and sedimentation", says Daniel Stanley, an expert on the marine geology of deltas at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington DC. Any reduction in the amount of sediment reaching the deltas can alter this balance, causing deltas to subside.

Waterworld: how life on Earth will look 1,000 years from now

By the next millennium the global map will have been redrawn by disastrous climate changes, according to a new forecast AN APOCALYPTIC vision of life 1,000 years from now has been painted by a team of scientists studying the effect of global warming. If mankind does not put its house in order, temperatures could have risen by 15C (27F) by the year 3000 and sea levels by more than 11 metres (36ft), flooding much of London, the team, from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, says in a report for the Environment Agency. Abrupt changes could make Britain much hotter, or even — such is the uncertainty of the predictions — first colder and then hotter.

Watching the North Pole wobble
IF YOU'RE planning a spot of polar exploration, here's something you might want to consider. When, after that arduous trek across the ice sheet, you pose at the pole for a snapshot, you might be standing in the wrong place. In fact, the pole could be up to 10 metres from where it was only six months before. Implausible as it sounds, the Earth's surface is constantly shifting relative to its axis so that the geographical poles wander all over the place. It may only be a few metres a year, and it's certainly not noticeable from day to day, but this polar wobble has been enough to puzzle stargazers for more than 100 years.

Hopes fade for 1,800 feared dead in mudslide

Rescuers embarked on the seemingly hopeless task this morning of digging for survivors of a devastating landslide that buried an entire Philippines village, leaving as many as 1,800 people dead. Drenching rain and high winds aggravated the already wretched task of digging through the barrage of mud that swept down a mountain and engulfed Guinsaugon on the central Philippine island of Leyte yesterday morning.

Winter storms, frigid temperatures hit across US

Utility crews worked Sunday to restore power to thousands of homes and businesses from Michigan to Maine following a weekend winter storm, while slick roads and heavy winds were blamed for several deadly accidents.
At least four deaths were reported in the Northeast, while at least three people were killed in accidents on icy roads in Arkansas over the weekend.

Development Raises Flood Risk Across U.S.

Concentrated development in flood-prone parts of Missouri, California and other states has significantly raised the risk of New Orleans-style flooding as people snap up new homes even in areas recently deluged, researchers said Saturday.

Bush's Chat With Novelist Alarms Environmentalists

One of the perquisites of being president is the ability to have the author of a book you enjoyed pop into the White House for a chat.
Over the years, a number of writers have visited President Bush, including Natan Sharansky, Bernard Lewis and John Lewis Gaddis. And while the meetings are usually private, they rarely ruffle feathers. Now, one has.

Scientists say California quake could cause Katrina II
Many densely populated US regions face the threat of flooding as disastrous as after Hurricane Katrina, due to urban spread into river floodplains, scientists warned.
An earthquake or even a moderate flood could destroy the levee system protecting towns and cities along the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers in northern California, said Jeffrey Mount of the University of California.

Stanford Professor Explains Earthquake Mystery

A Stanford University geophysicist has started to unravel a tectonic mystery -- the cause of several powerful earthquakes in New Madrid, Miss., almost a century ago that could strike the region again.

Philippine volcano spews ash following increased seismic activity

An active volcano in the eastern Philippines spewed ash over its slopes on Tuesday after being rocked by more than 100 low-frequency earthquakes, prompting government scientists to warn of a possible eruption.

Floods and landslides kill 24 in eastern Indonesia

Five dead in Yemen floods

Former W.Va. Mine Foreman Indicted

A former Sago Mine foreman whose only certification was as a surface truck driver will face federal charges that he falsified inspection reports at the mine in 2004.
The 116-count indictment against Robert L. Dennison is not related to the Jan. 2 explosion that led to the deaths of 12 men at the mine.

Over 30 Earthquakes Hit Alaska

More than 30 earthquakes have struck Alaska in the past several days. The quakes ranged from 3.0 to a 5.0 on February 20, 2006. Click here to see the detailed listing

Federal Wildlife Monitors Oversee a Boom in Drilling

The Bureau of Land Management, caretaker of more land and wildlife than any federal agency, routinely restricts the ability of its own biologists to monitor wildlife damage caused by surging energy drilling on federal land, according to BLM officials and bureau documents.

9 earthquakes recorded in Philippine volcano

Powerful Quake Sends Thousands Fleeing

A powerful earthquake sent thousands of panicking people fleeing from swaying buildings in Mozambique and Zimbabwe soon after midnight Thursday, and killed at least two people.

At least 2 dead as strong quake shakes Mozambique
The strongest earthquake to hit southern Africa in 100 years killed at least two people in northern Mozambique on Thursday and sent residents across the region frightened by strong aftershocks into the streets. The magnitude 7.5 earthquake was felt as far south as Johannesburg and Durban in South Africa. Ian Saunders of South Africa's Council for Geosciences said the quake took place on East Africa's rift system.

Signs Comment: Note that:

"it was the largest earthquake to have occurred in the rift system since 1906. ... and was rare for the southern African region."

How much longer do we have before 'mother earth' let's us know that she is not happy?

What's 'Thundersnow'?
Many Wisconsin residents are reporting instances of thunder and lightning as Thursday's winter storm sweeps through the state. Is that for real?
WISC-TV meteorologist Karin Swanson has a description of this unusual weather phenomena. Swanson said that "thundersnow" is fairly uncommon. "This is something that occurs when we have a big snowstorm like this one," she said. "Typically, when we see/hear thundersnow, the thundersnow will be accompanied by heavy snow with high snowfall rates. "For instance, it isn't out of the question to get a good 2 to 3 inches of snow very quickly when we have thundersnow," she said. As for being dangerous, Swanson said, "It's just as dangerous as a summertime thunderstorm, and people should take the same types of precautions." News Staff
17 Feb 06
After a balmy January, winter is back with a vengeance. At least five people died in weather-related accidents Friday as freezing rain, wind and snowstorms battered a wide swathe of Canada. "It is wild out there. There's a lot of misery on the weather map from coast to coast to coast," said David Phillips, senior climatologist with Environment Canada.

Holidaymaker standed after 'lightning strikes four planes'

A RETIRED holidaymaker from Highgate on a birthday trip to Spain was among hundreds stranded overnight after four Ryanair plans were struck by lightning.

9 earthquakes recorded in Philippine volcano

Nine volcanic earthquakes were recorded on Thursday in Mayon volcano in Albay, 330 km south east to Manila, according to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS)

Magnitude 5.0 Earthquake - TAIWAN REGION

Is the problem weather, or is it war?
Something more serious is happening to our planet which we are not being told about
Back in the Sixties, a great movie was released called The Day the Earth Caught Fire. Leo McKern, I recall, played a Daily Express reporter along with the then real-life editor of the paper, Arthur Christiansen. What the Express discovered was that the British government was erecting showers in Hyde Park to keep people cool when in fact it was still winter. Investigative reporting eventually revealed - and this, remember, was fiction - that the US and Soviet powers had, without knowing of the other's activities, tested nuclear weapons at exactly the same moment at opposite sides of the earth.

Somerset County boom a mystery
The earth shook and buildings rumbled Thursday morning, according to at least a dozen residents who reported tremors in Anson, Madison, Skowhegan and Norridgewock.
Shortly before 10 a.m., the Somerset County Communications Center was inundated with calls from people who said they had experienced earthquake-type movement.

Storm drops dark brown snow in Colorado

Snow that some residents described as dark as chocolate brown was reported across parts of Colorado Thursday, a result of a wind storm in northern Arizona that kicked up dust that fell with the snow overnight, officials said.
"It's pretty much statewide," said Ethan Greene, director of the Colorado Avalanche Information Center. "We've had reports from the San Juans, Winter Park ... all over." Greene said it's not unusual to see plumes of reddish dust from the desert Southwest drop on the Rocky Mountains in the spring. Exceptionally dry conditions in northern Arizona contributed to the dust, Greene said.

Twin Paths to the Conclusion Climatic Change Is Real
An irrefutable fact about climate change is this: The subject is heating up at a breakneck pace.

Southern Iran hit by strong quake

World News

Putin Touts Russia's Missile Capabilities
MOSCOW - President Vladimir Putin boasted Tuesday that Russia has missiles capable of penetrating any missile defense system, Russian news reports said. "Russia ... has tested missile systems that no one in the world has," the ITAR-Tass, Interfax and RIA Novosti news agencies quoted him as saying at a news conference. "These missile systems don't represent a response to a missile defense system, but they are immune to that. They are hypersonic and capable of changing their flight path."

Zapatero's smoke-filled room causes a stink
A sneaky smoking session with a fellow politician may have landed Spain's Socialist prime minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, in trouble a few weeks after his government banned smoking in the workplace.

Nepali King to address nation Wednesday
KATHMANDU, (Xinhuanet) -- Nepali King Gyanendra is to address the nation at 9 a.m. local time (0315 GMT) on Wednesday, an official announcement said. The state-run Nepal Television Tuesday quoted the press secretariat to the King as saying that the monarch is addressing the nation upon the completion of the first year of his takeover.

Russia not to expel British diplomats accused of spying: Putin
MOSCOW, (Xinhuanet) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday Moscow will not expel the British diplomats who were accused of spying and the issue will not hurt Russia's ties with Britain.

Conservatives celebrate minority government victory
Conservative Leader Stephen Harper, Canada's next prime minister, pledged to work with all parties in the next Parliament after Canadians elected a Tory minority government Monday, ending a 12-year reign of Liberal rule.

Airbus to set up assembly line in China
BEIJING, Jan. 24 (Xinhuanet) -- Airbus is considering to build a final assembly line for single-aisle aircraft in China this year, the European aviation giant has said.

Illegal labor still prevalent in Netherlands: Report
BRUSSELS, Jan. 24 (Xinhuanet) -- One in every five Dutch bosses employed illegal workers at some point during 2004-2005, a government-sanctioned survey revealed. The construction industry had the highest rate of illegal labor use, with 28 percent of employers hiring workers without relevant work permits, according to the survey by research bureau Regioplan, Dutch media reported on Tuesday.

S. Africans to sue multinational companies in NY
[...] Lawyers for the 87 plaintiffs were on Tuesday presenting oral argument in court, pleading their case for reparations from 23 corporations. Quoting former South African finance minister Owen Horwood, the appellant's papers read: "The story of economic development of this country (South Africa) is intimately bound up with foreign capital, technology and expertise."

Ukraine Admits Withholding Russian Gas Meant for Europe
A Ukrainian Naftogaz official has admitted Kiev has been withholding some Russian natural gas exports meant for customers in Europe, where several countries have reported falls in gas supplies amid a severe cold weather snap. “We have in fact allowed the withholding of gas in excess of the contract during the past day,” an official with Ukraine’s state-owned energy company, who wished to remain anonymous, told AFP.

Prince leads tributes to influential Muslim cleric
Tributes have been paid to the influential Muslim cleric, Dr Zaki Badawi, who died this morning. Dr Badawi, 83, was a leading figure who called for the Muslim community to integrate fully into British life.

Kuwait parliament ousts ailing emir
Kuwait today became the first Gulf state to remove its ruler through the consitutional processes as its emir of little more than a week was ousted by MPs.

Morales 'to end 500 years of injustice'
[...] Evo Morales has been sworn in as the first indigenous leader of Bolivia, South America's poorest nation, and promised to end 500 years of injustice and inequality.

Rescuers pull 45th body from crashed Montenegro train
[...] Emergency workers pulled out the body of a woman from the crumpled passenger train, which derailed Monday and careened at least 30 metres (100 feet) into a gorge at Bioce, near the Montenegrin capital Podgorica.

UN troops under siege in Ivory Coast
The president of Ivory Coast has called for his supporters to end violent protests against foreign targets in the country's main city. Laurent Gbagbo urged the people of Abidjan to return to work on Thursday and end attacks on UN peacekeepers.

France defends right to nuclear reply to terrorism
BREST, France - France said on Thursday it would be ready to launch a targeted nuclear strike against any state that carried out a terrorist attack on French soil.

B.C. border shut briefly after guards find guns, suspected bomb
Canadian and U.S. authorities temporarily closed the main border crossing south of Vancouver and evacuated six nearby houses Tuesday night while guards inspected a Canada-bound car they suspected of containing a bomb.

Kuwaiti parliament votes to replace emir with Prime Minister
The move, a rare assertion of parliamentary power in an area of the world where hereditary monarchies are near absolute, ends speculation over whether the new emir was fit enough to rule. "Today, Kuwait has rid itself of tribal and social constraints," an analyst, Mohammed al-Jassem, told Reuters. "The constitution alone now governs the politics of Kuwait."

India and China dominate Davos agenda
The rise of China and India, stalled trade talks and worries over high energy prices are high on the agenda as the World Economic Forum (WEF) gets under way. But it's not the heavy topics that make Davos special. The Belvedere hotel in Davos is buzzing. Hundreds of people with excited faces crowd into a huge room, incessantly chatting, forming small clusters here and there, and constantly moving around. Most are complete strangers, but have one thing in common: a white badge the size of a credit card.

Signs Comment:

"[W]ill fans the suspicion of critics..."

So delicately phrased, don't you think?

Russian Authorities say Pipeline strike a terrorist attack
[...] The Russian authorities are calling the strike a terrorist attack on a gas main, suggesting that groups in or near the rebellious republic of Chechnya may be targeting the country's energy infrastructure.

France pushes nuclear power for oil-dependent Europe
BRUSSELS - France proposed Tuesday a radical shake-up of Europe's energy policies, stressing the need of nuclear power amid growing concern at dependence on oil and gas highlighted by recent Russian supply cuts.

UK to boost Afghan troop numbers
The UK is expected to send 3,500 extra troops to Afghanistan, bringing the total number in the country to about 4,000, the BBC has learned.

Russia Develops Defense-Proof Missiles
MOSCOW -- President Vladimir Putin boasted Tuesday that Russia has new missiles capable of penetrating any missile defense system and said he had briefed the French president on their capabilities. "Russia has tested missile systems that no one in the world has," Putin said. "These missile systems don't represent a response to a missile defense system, but it doesn't matter to them whether that exists or not. They are hypersonic and capable of changing their flight path."

Former ADF head issues warning over US alliance
A former chief of the Australian Defence Force (ADF), retired Admiral Chris Barrie, has delivered a grim prediction on the state of Australia's defence alliance with the United States. He says in future, the majority of an untrusting Australian community will end up resenting the alliance.

Signs Comment: And if they resent it enough, there could be revolution. That's what the guy is trying to say. Somebody ought to warn Bush and the Neocons about that sort of thing. Americans, even if they are slow to awaken, are a bit tetchy about having their freedoms taken away by lies.

Revealed: ambassador tried to kill US hunt for AWB bribes
THE Australian ambassador to the United States lobbied Congress to drop an investigation into allegations that Australia's wheat exporter paid kickbacks to Saddam Hussein's Iraqi regime. [...] The AWB investigation was ultimately dropped, despite the US Government having information that an AWB wheat contract might have been inflated to cover kickbacks to Iraq. This information included a report, seen by the Herald, from the US Defence Contract Audit Agency.

Angry US slams Iraq bribe denials
THE chairman of a powerful US Senate committee is demanding Australian ambassador to Washington Dennis Richardson explain the Howard Government's role in the Iraqi wheat affair, saying he is "deeply troubled" by an apparent attempt to cover up the scandal. Republican senator Norm Coleman, who is chairing the Senate's inquiry into "illegal, under-the-table" payments to Saddam Hussein's regime, also wrote to former Washington ambassador Michael Thawley, criticising him for making "emphatic denials" about AWB's role.

Signs Comment: Geez! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

Bin Laden Artwork Now Hanging In New York
Our interest in this story was sparked by an angry email sent to us here at The writer wasn't angry at us, but rather about what he'd seen at the current National Black Fine Art Show in the Puck Building. [...]  the writer had big problems with a painting by Harlem artist "Tafa". It depicts an upside down Christ-like figure with a face strongly resembling Osama Bin Laden. The email read in part, "This is outrageous. This is an attack against my religion. How can an artist go so low? Most people are outraged, most Christians."

Spain's El Pais prints front page Mohammad cartoon
Spain's leading newspaper El Pais on Friday became part of a growing international row by publishing a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammad on its front page.

Signs Comment: Would any of these countries gotten away with publishing similar cartoons that targeted Jews? Of course not. So, why the double standard?

Alert for Friday prayers as prophet cartoons row rages

Fears of a spasm of violence were widespread after Muslims around the world expressed their fury at the 12 drawings and some religious leaders called for a day of protests against the countries in which they appeared.

Without an heir, is divorce in the air for sad princess?
Princess Masako is so weighed down by the demands of imperial life that she wants a divorce, according to the Japanese press, as opposition grows against plans to allow her child, Princess Aiko, to sit on the Chrysanthemum Throne. [...] The 42-year-old princess has spent the past two years largely out of public sight and has been diagnosed with a mental disorder that many blame on her struggle to produce a male heir.

US begins quest for approval for UN Darfur force
A U.S.- drafted Security Council statement calls for U.N. peacekeepers to be sent to Sudan's violent Darfur region and asks United Nations to draw up plans for an eventual takeover from an African Union force.

Massacre of 6 moves Sulu villagers to tears

They were used to violence but the sight of the bullet-riddled body of a baby girl lying on top of her equally dead mother was too much and the residents could not help but cry. [...]
The mother and child were among six people killed in Barangay Liang in Patikul early dawn yesterday in the latest upsurge of violence in Sulu, where Muslim rebels, terrorists and criminal gangs roam...

1,000 feared dead as ferry sinks in Red Sea
Hundreds of people were feared drowned in the Red Sea yesterday after an ageing Egyptian ferry carrying 1,400 passengers and crew sank in rough weather in one of the worst shipping disasters. 

Afghanistan fighting spreads to Pakistan
MILITANTS attacked Afghan government offices and a police convoy, continuing a series of assaults that has left at least 41 people dead in the region over two days, government officials said.

Anger over ferry disaster turns to violence

Egyptian relatives of victims from the Red Sea ferry disaster attempted to storm a hospital today where recovered bodies are being kept, and ransacked offices belonging to the vessel's owners. 

Harper can still do a lot of damage
There was an almost audible sigh of relief in many parts of the country when Stephen Harper was denied a majority government. After all, how much damage can even an earnest right-wing ideologue do with only a slim minority? Sadly, quite a bit.

US Director of National Intelligence warns of threat to oil supplies from potential political chaos in Nigeria
Rising global oil prices are bolstering the power of America's enemies around the world, strengthening the regimes in Iran, Syria, Sudan and Venezuela and increasing Russia's assertiveness in eastern Europe, US intelligence agencies said on Thursday.

Home by May: 2,000 British troops to withdraw from Iraq
[...] The pull-out plan would see an initial 500 British troops depart from southern Iraq by the end of May, a Whitehall source confirmed. By the end of the year, under a schedule revealed at a meeting of military commanders and diplomats last month, Britain intends to withdraw up to 2,000 soldiers - a quarter of its total force in Iraq.

Revealed: secret plan to keep UK troops permanently in Iraq

BRITAIN is laying secret plans to maintain a permanent military presence in Iraq. Ministers and military officials are in negotiations with their American counterparts over the British contribution to the long-term effort to maintain peace and stability in post-Saddam Iraq once the country is handed over to its newly elected government. The scale of the commitment is yet to be formally agreed, but defence sources confirmed that it could see the UK maintaining a military base in south Iraq, near Basra, which it currently controls, for years to come.

Iran commander: Merkel 'thinks she's Hitler'
‘We cannot expect anything else from people with a Zionist past,’ says Commander Jazayeri. TEHRAN - A commander in Iran's Revolutionary Guards lashed out at German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday over her remarks on Tehran's nuclear programme, saying she "thinks she's Hitler."

Iraqi minister survives assassination in central Baghdad
Iraqi Minister of Higher Education Sami al-Mudhafar survived an assassination when a car bomb blew up near his convoy in central Baghdad on Wednesday, which killed a policeman and wounded three people, an Interior Ministry source said.

NATO Insists on Poking Russian Bear
[...] Over the past several months, NATO has steadily crept into Russia’s backyard, romancing the former Soviet republics of Ukraine and Georgia with the prospect of membership in the alliance, and even hinting that NATO may attempt to intervene in the conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan over the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. Unfortunately, it seems that poking the Russian bear is back in vogue.

12 Killed in Chechnya’s Blast Blamed on Gas Leak

At least 12 people were killed and 22 more injured when a blast ripped through a Russian military base in Chechnya, local prosecutors said Wednesday.

Talks on Shanghai Disneyland under way

Walt Disney Co. is in constant conversation with the Chinese government on building its second China theme park in Shanghai, Hong Kong's Cable TV reported Tuesday, quoting the company's President and Chief Executive Officer Robert Iger.

An Interview with George Galloway
The British Member of Parliament, George Galloway was in Egypt to testify about Britain’s involvement in Iraq’s invasion at a trial organised by the Arab Lawyers Union. Instead, he spent a sleepless night in a detention room at the Cairo airport, told he was a security risk. His Respect Party negotiated on his behalf; he was finally released, but only after the tribunal had ended.

Sweden Plans to Be World's First Oil-Free Economy

Sweden is to take the biggest energy step of any advanced western economy by trying to wean itself off oil completely within 15 years - without building a new generation of nuclear power stations.

Muttering at the World Bank - Wolfowitz's Appointment of Loyalists Disturbs Some Staffers

At the World Bank, they are sometimes referred to as "the entourage," "the palace guard," or "the circle of trust," because of their close relationship with bank President Paul D. Wolfowitz. They are Americans with ties to the Bush administration, and the immense clout they wield has sparked a furor in the ranks of the giant development leader.

Russian Ultranationalist Leader Expects U.S. to Attack Iran in Late March

A senior Russian parliamentary official and leader of the ultranationalist Liberal Democratic Vladimir Zhirinovsky believes that a US attack on Iran is inevitable, he has told Ekho Moskvy radio station. ... He went on to add that the publication of Prophet Muhammad cartoons in the European press was a planned action by the U.S. whose aim is “to provoke a row between Europe and the Islamic world”.

AWB chief resigns in Australia-Iraq oil-for-food scandal

An Australian inquiry into alleged kickbacks paid to Iraq under the UN oil-for-food programme claimed its first scalp with the resignation of the chief executive of wheat exporter AWB.

Olympic Goosesteppers to be Arrested
GERMAN cops will use sweeping powers to collar England fans doing Basil Fawlty-style Hitler impressions at the World Cup. Yobs will be instantly banged up for TWO WEEKS if they goose-step like John Cleese in his most famous Fawlty Towers scene. And hard core louts who give Nazi salutes — like the one jokingly made by Michael Barrymore in Celebrity Big Brother — could be hauled before a judge within 24 hours.

The Bolivarian Revolution: A Movement of Hope and Threat
The Winds of Change
The warming winds of true democracy have been spreading from the tip of Patagonia to the shores of the Rio Grande, traversing all lands in between, with the will of the People trumping the wishes of the Empire. These winds carry within them elections of hope and fury, marked by loud voices and uncompromised ballots, devoid of charades and mirages, lacking Diebold electronic voting machines and corporate media manipulation. In many nations the masses have spoken in symphony, their united desires echoing long suffering frustrations and near-extinct opportunities, their once-silent calls for justice and equality finally given resonance.

U.S. cutting military aid to Bolivia 96 percent
WASHINGTON Less than a month after an assertively anti-American president took office in Bolivia, the Bush administration is planning to cut military aid to the country by 96 percent. The amount of money Bolivia normally receives is small; much of it is used to train Bolivian military officers in the United States. But the cut holds the potential to anger the powerful Bolivian military establishment, which has been responsible for a long history of coups. Evo Morales, a Socialist leader, became president on Jan. 22 and has promised to end U.S.-financed programs to eradicate the Bolivian coca crop.
Signs Comment: Did you notice the REASON??!!

"The State Department said the military aid is being cut because of a law that says Washington must end military assistance to countries that have failed to ratify a pledge not to extradite Americans to the International Criminal Court."

Now THAT is rich! The US wants to be able to commit War Crimes (which it does and continues to do) without being held responsible. When "payday" comes, I wonder if any of the countries that have made such an immoral agreement will consider that they must be bound by it?

Chinese democracy activist disappears during protest
A Chinese democracy activist, protesting at being beaten up by government-hired thugs, went missing yesterday after he tried to stage a hunger strike outside Beijing's central leadership compound. As news broke that human rights campaigner Yang Maodong - also known as Guo Feixiong - had gone missing from outside a police station, the US internet giant Yahoo was accused of giving evidence to Chinese authorities that led to a pro-democracy journalist going to jail. It is the second case of its kind involving Yahoo.
The internet is a central medium for human rights campaigners in China to exchange ideas and organise themselves. As a result, the ruling Communist Party has intensified its crackdown on freedom of speech, both on the internet and in traditional media, and clamped down on civil rights campaigners.

Ahmadinejad repeats Holocaust is a 'myth'
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeated his view that the Holocaust of Jews under Nazi Germany was a "myth" and argued that Palestinians and Iraqis were suffering from "the real Holocaust". "Questioning the myth of the Holocaust and the creation of the phoney regime of Zionism has haunted them," the president said in a speech marking the 27th anniversary of Iran's Islamic revolution. "For more than 60 years, this myth has enabled the Zionists to blackmail the Western countries, justify the killing of women and children and make them refugees in occupied land," he said. "The real Holocaust is happening today in Palestine and Iraq. If you are looking for the real Holocaust, look at the poor Iraqi people," he said in the speech to huge crowds gathered in central Tehran Saturday.

Ahmadinejad warns Iran could quit nuclear treaty

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad warned the Islamic republic could quit the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) if forced by the West to limit its disputed nuclear program. In a strongly worded speech to huge crowds marking the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic revolution, the outspoken hardliner also repeated his view that Nazi Germany's mass killing of Jews was a "myth" and argued that Palestinians and Iraqis were suffering from "the real Holocaust."

Thousands would die in US strikes on Iran, says study

· Report warns of effects of American or Israeli strikes
· Military operations would mean long confrontation
A surprise American or Israeli air strike on Iranian nuclear sites could cause a large number of civilian as well as military casualties, says a report published today. The report, Iran: Consequences of a War, written by Professor Paul Rogers and published by the Oxford Research Group, draws comparisons with Iraq. [...] "Military deaths in this first wave of attacks would be expected to be in the thousands," he says. "Civilian deaths would be in the many hundreds at least, particularly with the requirement to target technical support for the nuclear and missile infrastructure, with many of the factories being located in urban areas." The death toll would eventually be much higher if Iran took retaliatory action and the United States responded, or if the US took pre-emptive military action in addition to strikes on nuclear sites.

President Ahmadinejad's trap

I believe that President Ahmadinejad of Iran is goading the U.S. and Israel into attacking him. He knows he does not have sufficient military assets to attack Israel let alone America, but he knows he can win a defensive war and bring down the American empire. When America can no longer subsidize Israel, Zionism will be put to rest.

Why would Iran start an arms race in the Middle East?

Phil Giraldi, a former CIA staff officer, disagrees with Berman’s shallow warning of Iran’s alleged threat to the world. "I do not believe it constitutes a major threat to the U.S. specifically. Last year, undoubtedly, speakers here (at the Conservative Political Action Conference) promoted the war in Iraq," Giraldi said. "All were wrong. Iraq was no threat ... Now we're hearing the same things about Iran." Giraldi, who served 16 years as staff officer before becoming the chief of base in Barcelona, Spain, was also involved in gathering intelligence across the Middle East and Europe.

Danes warned off Indonesia as Muslims decry 'Islamophobia'
Denmark urged its citizens to leave Indonesia and closed two more embassies as Muslim countries pressured Europe to rein in the "Islamophobia" behind the publication of irreverent cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. Following 10 days in which Denmark has served as a lightning rod for Muslim fury over 12 cartoons first published by a Danish newspaper, Copenhagen told its nationals to leave the world's biggest Muslim nation, saying it had "credible information" they were being targeted by Indonesian extremists.

Denmark closes embassies, Mohammed cartoon protests ease

Denmark announced it had closed two more embassies in Muslim countries as protests eased in favor of official pressure to prevent a repeat of the furore over cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. Iran has demanded an emergency meeting of the 57 Muslim countries comprising the Organization of Islamic Council (OIC), which announced it would call on the European Union (EU) to pass laws to counter hostility to Muslims.

Brazil poised to join the world's nuclear elite
While the world community scrutinizes Iran's nuclear plans, Latin America's biggest country is weeks away from taking a controversial step and firing up the region's first major uranium enrichment plant.
That move will make Brazil the ninth country to produce large amounts of enriched uranium, which can be used to generate nuclear energy and, when highly enriched, to make nuclear weapons.

Report attacks France's human rights record

· Overcrowded jails and police brutality exposed
· Immigrant quota system described as 'shocking'
France's record on human rights has been condemned in a leaked report exposing police brutality, chronically overcrowded prisons and the jailing of children with adults. It also had harsh words for the country's immigration policy. [...] According to the leaked extracts, the report warns there is a "very large gulf" between what the law requires and common practice in France. The situation is so bad, it adds, that the country that prides itself on being the cradle of the droits de l'homme is increasingly finding itself hauled before the European Court of Human Rights.

France, Russia must show solidarity in world arena: France
French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said Tuesday that France and Russia must show solidarity in the international arena, the Itar-Tass news agency reported.
"Today like never before, France and Russia must speak in the international arena with one voice," Villepin said at a French Embassy ceremony honoring the Russian 18th regiment for its role in the fight against Nazi Germany in World War II.

Energy deal with Russia is essential: Villepin

French Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin said on Monday it was vital to launch talks between Paris and Moscow on security of energy supplies. "Between Russia, which is the world's top gas producer and the second largest oil producer, and France, which is at the forefront in this sector in Europe, it is essential to have dialogue in order to tackle the long-term challenges," Villepin told a reception for French expats at Paris' embassy in Moscow.

England set to ban smoking in pubs from next year

England looks set to follow Ireland's lead and ban smoking in pubs when lawmakers vote on Tuesday after both health and brewing industry groups joined forces to bring it in line with the rest of Britain.
The vote follows a climbdown by Prime Minister Tony Blair's government which had previously proposed merely a partial ban, exempting private clubs and pubs which do not serve food.

Colombians said to mask civilian deaths
Security forces have killed civilians, and have covered up the killings by dressing up the bodies as Marxist guerrillas, according to testimony in an annual United Nations human rights report released yesterday.
Last year, UN investigators said, they saw an increase in allegations of extrajudicial executions that, the report said, attributed to soldiers and police. Those officials often presented the killings as deaths of guerrillas in combat, said a report, which was issued by the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

US Called upon to Expel Ex Bolivian President

Presidente of Bolivia Evo Morales called upon his US counterpart George W. Bush to stop protecting former president Gonzalo Sanchez de Losada to be tried in Bolivia for his crimes.
Morales made his call after attending a Catholic mass in memory of the 33 people killed during a crackdown operation in the wake of social turmoil on Feb 12-13, 2003. I urge Bush to "join hands in doing justice for the people." To that end, Washington "should withdraw the asylum and expel these people, who have brought a lot of confrontation in Bolivia," a demand that is virtually a nationwide clamor. He was referring to Sanchez de Losada and his associates in exile in the US. Morales said that if both governments are truly democratic, "we should not have any reason to protect criminals."

Venezuelan ambassador: Aznar a Yankee tool

Venezuelan ambassador in Madrid Arevalo Mendez said yesterday that former Spanish prime minister Jose Maria Aznar "has no voice, nor thought, nor discourse of his own." When analyzing the Latin American political system, "Aznar is carrying Bush on his shoulders, which limits the vision the US has of the region."

Counting Some of the Votes in Haiti

Haiti’s elections on February 7 went well enough that the post-election vote counting should have been uncontroversial. The turnout was huge, there was almost no violence, and the people’s choice was so clear that the second place finisher received less than 12% of the vote. But incredibly, a week later the final results have not been declared, and the Electoral Council is in disarray. The voters have taken to the streets to protect their vote, and the clear winner is alleging fraud.

U.S. judge dismisses Arar's lawsuit challenging his deportation to Syria

A U.S. federal judge has dismissed Maher Arar's lawsuit against American officials claiming he was deported to Syria as a terrorism suspect to be tortured.
In a ruling Thursday in New York, Judge David Trager said he can't interfere in the case because it involves crucial national security and foreign relations issues in the anti-terror fight. "The need for much secrecy can hardly be doubted," Trager wrote in his 88-page ruling. "One need not have much imagination to contemplate the negative effect on our relations with Canada if discovery were to proceed in this case and were it to turn out that certain high Canadian officials had, despite public denials, acquiesced in Arar's removal to Syria."

Richard Cohen, advocate for ignorance

Here is a serious problem:

Here's the thing, Gabriela: You will never need to know algebra. I have never once used it and never once even rued that I could not use it. You will never need to know—never mind want to know—how many boys it will take to mow a lawn if one of them quits halfway and two more show up later—or something like that. Most of math can now be done by a computer or a calculator. On the other hand, no computer can write a column or even a thank-you note—or reason even a little bit. If, say, the school asked you for another year of English or, God forbid, history, so that you actually had to know something about your world, I would be on its side. But algebra? Please.

That's Richard Cohen, who is supposedly the 'liberal' columnist for the Washington Post, giving advice to a young girl.It's outrageous.

Commercial photos show Chinese nuke buildup
U.S. intelligence agencies recently produced a National Intelligence Estimate, or major interagency analysis, that concluded China is using strategic deception to fool the United States and other nations about its goals and programs, including its military buildup. Pentagon officials have asked China to allow visits to underground facilities such as the submarine tunnel and a command center in Beijing, but either the requests were denied or the existence of the sites was denied. "The Chinese have denied having any underground submarine facilities," the Pentagon official said, noting that the satellite photos indicate that China has misled the United States.

Signs Comment: Well, what a surprise! (Not!) But you won't see the U.S. going after China they way they went after Iraq, or the way they are going after Iran. Oh, no indeed. And note also that the U.S. never went after North Korea either. Why? Because they actually HAVE WMDs! The U.S. only goes after weak, innocent states/people.  And so, what about China?  We predict that this question will take on a lot of significance in the coming months to years.

France denies meddling in Lebanese affairs
France on Monday rejected a Syrian accusation that it was working with anti-Syrian political forces in Lebanon in a bid to oust the country's embattled head of state. "France does not interfere in Lebanon's internal affairs," a foreign ministry spokesman said in response to the charge, which was made by an unnamed official in the office of President Emile Lahoud.

France and India in nuclear deal

India and France have signed an agreement to pursue civilian nuclear co-operation "for peaceful purposes". The declaration was signed following talks in Delhi between visiting French President Jacques Chirac and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

Airbus secures $2.5bn Indian deal

Airbus is to sell 43 passenger planes worth $2.5bn (£1.4bn) to India's state-owned airline Indian. The deal with Airbus, which is 80% owned by the European defence group EADS and 20% by the UK's BAE Systems, comes after three years of talks.

Mexican coal mine explosion traps 65 workers

At least 65 miners were trapped inside a coal mine after an explosion in northern Mexico, authorities said, describing the situation as "critical."

Austrian golds lift mood after doping saga

Three Austrian Winter Olympic golds provided a perfect counterweight to the extraordinary doping saga which continued to plague their team on Monday.

Beyonce 'pimp culture' blast

Dame Anita Roddick has hit out at pop icons such as Beyoncé and Britney Spears for celebrating the sex industry. The Body Shop founder said she despairs of the "pimp and whore" culture in which pop stars simulate sex and celebrities talk proudly about visiting lap-dancing clubs. Dame Anita told the Standard: "A lot of people seem to think it's cool to be a pimp or a whore. It's not cool. The reality is dark and evil and appalling and unregulated.

Philippines says it foils coup plot, arrests prime movers
The Philippine military has foiled a coup plot against President Gloria Arroyo and a number of "prime movers" have been detained, army commander Lieutenant-General Hermogenes Esperon said.
He told reporters the plot, which was uncovered in December, envisaged launching military action either last week or next month.

New Sri Lanka peace talks begin

Sri Lankan officials and Tamil Tiger rebels have begun meeting in the Swiss city of Geneva for their first face-to-face talks in three years. The focus of two days of talks is to boost a threadbare four-year truce. Mounting violence in recent months has raised fears of a return to civil war.
The talks have been brokered by Norwegian peace envoy Erik Solheim. The ceasefire agreement in February 2002 preceded several rounds of peace talks, which stalled in April 2003.

Saudis thwart oil refinery attack

Saudi security forces have thwarted an attempted suicide attack at an oil processing facility in eastern Saudi Arabia, Saudi security sources told CNN. Two cars carrying an unknown number of would-be bombers tried to enter the side gate to the Abqaiq plant near Dammam, but the attackers detonated their explosives after security guards fired on them, according to statements from Saudi's interior and oil ministries.

China rejoices after 'miracle' man snatches nation's first Olympic ski gold
China rejoiced after Han Xiaopeng made history by becoming the nation's first skier to win Olympic gold with a surprise victory in the men's freestyle aerials final in Turin. Han's win on Thursday dominated local media and headlined Central China Television's (CCTV) midday news, while a senior sporting official hailed his performance as a "miracle".

Japan erupts in joy at 'queen' Arakawa's Olympic gold

Japan erupted in joy at its first ever Olympic figure skating gold medal grabbed by former world champion Shizuka Arakawa, who saved the country from a podium drought in Turin.

Tens of thousands march in Spain to protest ETA talks

Tens of thousands of people marched in downtown Madrid to protest the government's anti-terrorism policies and its willingness to negotiate with the armed Basque separatist group ETA.
Crying "Zapatero, resign!", referring to Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, marchers mobilised by the Association of the Victims of Terrorism (AVT) waved placards scrawled with "Not in my name!" and "Memory, dignity and justice".


Bush Says Only US Can Secure Whirled Peas
[...]  ..his annual State of the Union address, led ultimately "to an ability so that, uh, you know, you can't put food on your family."
According to excerpts of the speech released in advance by the White House, Mr Bush asked for more money to spend on basic science research, and on education in maths and science, to help understand whirled peas farming, to more accurately count the peas, and to ensure that "rich folks get their fair share, a bigger share of the, uh, the peas, and the best peas too, because it was our idea."

Manure falls from sky -- for second time

He's heard that it's impossible, but Timothy J. Rohn swears human waste is raining from the sky.

A dismembered Arab sheikh raised from the dead after visiting an Orthodox convent

One of the Saudi Arabia sheikhs ‘rose from the dead’ after visiting Panagia Saidnaya, an old convent near Damascus, the Trud daily writes on Friday.After being killed and quartered, this man was sewed up anew with the use of some technology unknown to humanity, the newspaper says referring to medics who analyzed this unique occurrence. The US military medics, who also took part in the experiment, came to the conclusion that it was a result of ‘the UFO interference’ and classified this information as secret.

In the time of Noah department: Stars fuel designer dogs fashion
Cross-breed dogs appear to have become designer accessories for some stars, sparking a trend in the UK and US.

US serial number gives clue to mystery of the alien in the attic

When Barney Broom began renovating his cottage he did not expect to be confronted by a pair of black eyes staring from a cloudy jar. But the mysterious discovery of an alien in his attic has spooked the 54-year-old screenwriter and bewildered extraterrestrial experts, who yesterday suggested the US military could be involved. 

Radio competition winners marry despite never having met
When Craig first met Rebecca he turned up in a top-hat and tails. She arrived for their first date by horse and carriage, dressed in ivory and with her father on her arm. Among the first words the couple exchanged were "I do". [...] Far from being a crass publicity stunt, organisers said, this was a noble attempt to boost the failing institution of marriage.

Laptops stolen from offices investigating Diana death
Two laptops have been stolen from offices used by a former police chief who is heading a probe into the death of Princess Diana in a Paris car crash in 1997, a newspaper reports. The theft sparked fears that the equipment may contain material from Operation Paget, the investigation headed by former Metropolitan Police Commissioner Lord John Stevens, the Daily Express said.

A Young Bush Appointee Resigns His Post at NASA
George C. Deutsch, the young presidential appointee at NASA who told public affairs workers to limit reporters' access to a top climate scientist and told a Web designer to add the word "theory" at every mention of the Big Bang, resigned yesterday, agency officials said. Mr. Deutsch's resignation came on the same day that officials at Texas A&M University confirmed that he did not graduate from there, as his résumé on file at the agency asserted. Officials at NASA headquarters declined to discuss the reason for the resignation.
Signs Comment: May the reader please imagine a very large hall in some old Gothic university building. Many of us gathered there early in our studies in order to listen to the lectures of outstanding philosophers. We were herded back there the year before graduation in order to listen to the indoctrination lectures which recently had been introduced. Someone nobody knew appeared behind the lectern and informed us that he would now be the professor. His speech was fluent, but there was nothing scientific about it: he failed to distinguish between scientific and everyday concepts and treated borderline imaginations as though it were wisdom that could not be doubted. For ninety minutes each week, he flooded us with naive, presumptuous paralogistics and a pathological view of human reality. We were treated with contempt and poorly controlled hatred. Since fun poking could entail dreadful consequences, we had to listen attentively and with the utmost gravityThe grapevine soon discovered this person’s origins. He had come from a Cracow suburb and attended high school, although no one knew if he had graduated. Anyway, this was the first time he had crossed university portals, as a professor, at that! [Andrew Lobaczewski, Political Ponerology]

Coincidences boggle mind, ranging from odd to bizarre
Call it the hand of God, a manifestation of “The Force,” or an obscure amendment of the laws of probability, coincidence abounds in a range from the simply odd or the truly bizarre.

Kiss of life saves Boo Boo the chicken
This chicken had lips, just not her own.
A retired nurse saved her brother's chicken, Boo Boo, by administering mouth-to-beak resuscitation last week after the fowl was found floating face down in the family's pond.

UFOs Over Madrid - January 2006
"I was astonished. I couldn´t believe my eyes. After a chemtrail sprayer plane passed by and then at approximately the same altitude is when I first noticed that there were strange objects flying in two groups overhead that seemed to be neither birds, nor airplanes, nor no object known to the author of the photographs.

Texas Chupacabras Sighting?

Was this the real Chupacabras? Not the mangy coyotes that the news stations like to show, but an actual unidentified animal, a cryptid. This report comes from an associate of mine who lives in El Paso, TX. The original report was posted on her website in the last couple of days. It was submitted on January 24, 2006. Click link and read the original and view the images!

Vistors from this world and beyond

At 5 a.m. March 25, 1948, an unidentified flying object was spotted on a military radar. It was reportedly flying over Northern New Mexico, before crashing in a field in Hart Canyon north of Aztec.
It was a saucer-shaped ship, 100 feet in diameter, and there were small charred bodies inside, according to eyewitnesses -- military personnel, locals and police officers.

Victoria Springitt lifted up the slimy mess blocking her garden drain and screamed after realising it was not just mud and leaves clogging it up. The 37-year-old Staffordshire University student watched in horror as her nine-year-old son Isaac then pulled out what they believe was a dead, black octopus, using fire tongs.

Mummies found just yards from Tutankhamun's tomb
The newly discovered 18th-dynasty tomb contains five mummies in intact sarcophagi with coloured funerary masks, along with more than 20 large storage jars sealed with pharaonic seals, according to Zahi Hawass, head of the Supreme Council of Antiquities.

Major Anomaly In Chandler's Wobble - 2005/2006 - The Earth’s Wobble Has Paused What this portends, no one knows.
For at least three and a half weeks there has been almost no movement of the spin axis in the normal spiral track of Chandler’s Wobble. Have we come to a profound change in the geophysics of the Earth? Why this sudden change in what usually has been for the past 100 years or more a fairly regular, fairly predictable wobble track. As is well known, the wobble is generated by the differential pulling of the Moon and the Sun on the Earth's equatorial bulge (and any other concentrations of mass in or on the Earth). This differential pulling is caused by the oblique angles of the orbital planes which bring the Sun and the Moon alternatively above and below the equator, thus tending through orbital time to push one side of the Earth or the other to move faster or slower than the other side to the North or to the South. The Earth's Wobble has a 7 year cycle which produces two extremes, a small spiraling wobble circle and a large spiraling wobble circle, about 3.5 years apart. The Earth was in October 2005 moving into the small spiraling circle (the MIN phase of the wobble), which should have slowly unfolded during 2006 and the first few months of 2007. (Each spiraling circle takes about 14 months). But suddenly at the beginning of November 2005, the track of the location of the spin axis veered at a very sharp right angle to its circling motion. The track of the spin axis began to slow down and by about January 8, 2006, it ceased nearly all relative motion on the x and y coordinates which are used to define the daily changing location of the spin axis. One can see this effect by looking at the graphs on this page. [...] The current cessation is clearly the result of a strong contending vector of push or pull which is counteracting the driving forces of the Sun and Moon. Since orbital motions have not changed in any significant way, these orbiting influences are the same as they always have been. The “change” in gravitational vectors (or spin vectors) MUST be in the Earth, somewhere or somehow. What is this shift?

Stranger in the sky

What grabbed their attention was the fact that the object managed to manoeuvre the tricky mountain slope with amazing ease.
"It was like a head made of balloons, with a body that had no arms. The four-foot long object even started changing colour from white to black, as the sun shone on it," recalls Kulkarni. "But as soon as we got nearer, it stopped, turned, changed back to its white colour, rose in the air and then beat a hasty retreat and disappeared." "It could not be a weather balloon because it went against the wind direction. We also contacted robotics laboratories but have not found any man-made machine that manoeuvres such complex moves. Neither can we co-relate it with the existing technological devices or with unmanned spy machines," says a perplexed Kulkarni.

Bright lights spotted in night skies
NASA spokeswoman Kylie Clem said NASA had received a handful of calls inquiring about the light. That might not be a surprise, because it is probably fair to say this is the type of thing inquiring minds want to know about. Clem said she had no information on the object.
Signs Comment: The tone of this report is right in line with what we have come to expect about such anomalies, but the exchange right at the end is curiously prescient even if it was a joke:
Space Center Houston Spokesman Roger Bornstein said he didn’t field any phone calls about the unidentified shining object. He said he does get similar phone calls from time to time though, and usually there is a simple explanation.

Does he think that means it won’t be necessary for Galveston County residents to stock up on food and water just in case there is an alien armada on the horizon poised to invade?

“I think we’ve done that enough this year,” he said.

Wasn’t that for the hurricanes?

“That’s what you say,” he said with a chuckle.
Political whodunit takes an eerie twist
More than five years ago, Rod Spraggins made a sensational charge at a candidate forum, publicly accusing a political opponent of murder with nothing to back up the allegation except, it turns out, a vision.
Now police say Spraggins was right.

Burglar Checks Email
A hungry burglar took the time to make coffee, cook and eat meals, take showers, pick out a change of clothes, watch television and check his e-mail while inside three residences the suspect recently struck in Washington County, authorities said Wednesday.

Ancient Russian Manuscript Describes 19th Century UFO Sightings
Nowadays reports of UFO sightings appear in the media so frequently that they hardly catch anyone’s eye. More often than not the alleged UFOs turn out to be signal rockets, meteorological probes, airplanes or their traces. But this certainly does not apply to sightings registered centuries ago — when no rockets or airplanes existed at all. Moscow daily Komsomolskaya Pravda publishes a document from a personal archive that tells of a UFO spotted over Kremlin back in 1808.

Vietnam man handles three decades without sleep

As songbirds awaken the early risers at dawn on the farm, one resident is already up; in fact, he never slept – not once in the past 33 years. You’d think going without sleep for that long may have its drawbacks, but not for the man in central Quang Nam province who has never been ill after decades of insomnia. His inability to sleep has not only made him famous, but also represents a “miraculous” phenomenon worthy of scientific study.

Pilots Report Seeing Laser Lights While Flying
Police are on alert after more than a dozen pilots reported someone shining a laser light at the plane while descending into Metro Airport. The incident occurred in the Dearborn and Dearborn Heights areas, where 16 pilots reported seeing the laser pointer lights near the tower at Metro Airport, Local 4 reported.

Let your unconscious mind make that next big decision: study
You'll be happier making a big decision like buying a car if you don't think about it too much, a group of psychologists say. The researchers figured that complex decisions are best left to the unconscious mind because humans can only think about so many things at the same time.
"Contrary to conventional wisdom, it is not always advantageous to engage in thorough conscious deliberation before choosing," the researchers wrote in Friday's issue of the journal Science.

Tutankhamen liked his wine white
IT SEEMS that Tutankhamen, the teenage king of ancient Egypt, sloped off to the afterlife with a good supply of fine white wine. It's a surprising discovery, considering there is no record of white wine in Egypt until the 3rd century AD, 1600 years after the young pharaoh died. Rosa Lamuela-Raventós and her colleagues from the University of Barcelona, Spain, used liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry to analyse the residue from six of the jars in Tutankhamen's tomb. All contained tartaric acid, a chemical characteristic of grapes, but only one contained syringic acid, found in the skin of red grapes. It's this skin that gives red wine its colour. The absence of the chemical in the other five jars suggests the wine in them was white. Because it is unlikely Egyptian wine makers would have removed red grape skins to create white wines as modern wine makers do, white grapes probably did exist in Tutankhamen's time. In ancient Egypt, red wine was placed in tombs to accompany people into the afterlife. Now it appears that white wine was on the menu too. "It must have been considered a very good drink," says Lamuela-Raventós, whose findings are reported in a forthcoming issue of the Journal of Archaeological Science.

Know when your time is up

If someone could tell you when you were going to die, would you want to know? It's no longer such a hypothetical question now that a "death index" can predict with 80 per cent accuracy whether or not someone over 50 is likely to die within four years.

There's something fishy about human brain evolution
Forget the textbook story about tool use and language sparking the dramatic evolutionary growth of the human brain. Instead, imagine ancient hominid children chasing frogs. Not for fun, but for food. According to Dr. Stephen Cunnane it was a rich and secure shore-based diet that fuelled and provided the essential nutrients to make our brains what they are today. Controversially, according to Dr. Cunnane our initial brain boost didn't happen by adaptation, but by exaptation, or chance. "Anthropologists and evolutionary biologists usually point to things like the rise of language and tool making to explain the massive expansion of early hominid brains. But this is a Catch-22. Something had to start the process of brain expansion and I think it was early humans eating clams, frogs, bird eggs and fish from shoreline environments. This is what created the necessary physiological conditions for explosive brain growth," says Dr. Cunnane, a metabolic physiologist at the University of Sherbrooke in Sherbrooke, Quebec.

Ice worms: They're real, and they're hot
Thriving in conditions that would turn most living things to Popsicles, these inch-long earthworm cousins inhabit glaciers and snowfields in the coastal ranges of Alaska, British Columbia, Washington and Oregon. They move through seemingly solid ice with ease and are at their liveliest near the freezing point of water. Warm them up slightly and they dissolve into goo.

'Welsh aren't 'true' Celts' claim
THE MODERN nations that consider themselves to be Celtic are not actually anything to do with the "true Celts" who once dominated Iron Age Europe, according to anthropological research. The Welsh, Irish and other peoples who regard themselves as Celtic cousins are in fact ancient Bretons who include the original English peoples.

A mysterious force is non-starter for drivers

IT’S a mystery that has got motorists in Wardle scratching their heads. They are trying to find out what it is that is preventing them from starting their cars in the vicinity of the Hare and Hounds pub. Vehicles have been affected in the pub’s car park on Ramsden Street and nearby in East Street. Drivers switch on the ignition and the immobilisers immediately become jammed. They claim this strange phenomena began 18 months ago, about the same time as a mobile phone mast was erected in the grounds of Birch Hill.

Reverend warns of vampire attacks on Torino athletes

Paranormal preacher Dr. James Capers has warned that the Olympic athletes competing in Torino, Italy, were at risk of psychic vampire attacks from angry sports fans wishing ill will on them.

UFO group says 100 Tennesseans saw unexplained sights
Seeing strange lights and weird objects flying in the sky, nearly a hundred Tennesseans have made such claims over the last few years and the number of UFO sightings in the state is growing. According to the Appalachian UFO research center, about a hundred people in Tennessee reported seeing UFO's between 2004 and the winter of 2005. Some of those sighting were right here in the Mid-South. Tony Pratt describes his first encounter back in 1986.

'Monster' Cat In China Weighs 33 Pounds

A 33-pound cat in Qingdao, China, is being described as a "feline monster" because of its 31-inch waist and large size, according to a report. The 9-year-old cat from the Shandong Province is so heavy it needs the help of its owner to get onto a bed. However, the cat is in surprisingly good health despite its weight, Local 6 News reported.

Parents row over boy's circumcision
A Chicago judge has ordered a mother not to circumcise her eight-year-old son after the boy's father sought a restraining order to stop the operation. Judge Jordan Kaplan granted the temporary ruling against the 31-year-old woman until the court could hear arguments from the father and decide whether circumcision was in the boy's best interests. The court has not named the divorced parents to protect the boy and the judge refused to state the parents' religion. The father, 49, called the operation an "unnecessary amputation" that could cause his son physical and emotional harm. He has further claimed that the couple's divorce agreement provided for him to be consulted before any non-emergency medical treatment of his son. The mother has said that two doctors have recommended the procedure to prevent recurrent infections. The judge has now ordered the couple not to discuss the case with their son.

DNA 'could predict your surname'
Forensic scientists could use DNA retrieved from a crime scene to predict the surname of the suspect, according to a new British study. It is not perfect, but could be an important investigative tool when combined with other intelligence. The method exploits genetic likenesses between men who share the same surname, and may help prioritise inquiries.

Quantum computer works best switched off
Even for the crazy world of quantum mechanics, this one is twisted. A quantum computer program has produced an answer without actually running. The idea behind the feat, first proposed in 1998, is to put a quantum computer into a "superposition", a state in which it is both running and not running. It is as if you asked Schrödinger's cat to hit "Run".

Signs Comment: For more on this, see Ark's paper on Quantum Zeno Effect.

Evidence of Children's UFO and Extraterrestrial Encounters to be Presented at a United Nations Affiliated Conference in Montreal
A former registered nurse who has worked with hundreds of clients, including many children, will be revealing evidence of their encounters with extraterrestrial beings at an upcoming conference in Montreal, Canada. After a decade of research as a professional counselor and clinical hypnotherapist, Australia's Mary Rodwell says that there is now enough evidence to conclude that these "beings" appear to come from other planets and other dimensions parallel to our own. She will be making her presentation at the 31st annual conference of the International Institute of Integral Human Sciences (IIIHS) taking place in Montreal May 5th to 14th, 2006.

Signs Comment: Sounds like the public is being taken another step closer to being told that ET exists, one of the great manipulations of the 20th century. We are getting indications that "there is life on Mars", albeit micro. Now we'll hear that UFOs are real and they are abducting children and giving them fantastic powers: the so-called star children and indigo children. Trouble is, there is no free lunch in this universe. You need to work for everything, including your soul, and if telephathy and other powers are dropping from the skies like pennies from the Mother Ship, you can bet the outcome isn't going to be good. A study of anomalous pheneomenon strongly suggests that, one, there is something there and it isn't just swamp gas or people's minds playing tricks on them, and two, that it is more likely to be from another level of reality than from another planet. Abduction, no matter the paramoralisms used to justify it, is never anything but an infringement upon the free will of the victim. Even if they give you a lollipop at the end of the visit. Evil always wears the mask of the righteous: just look at the justifications given by the Bush Reich for their occupation of Iraq, for their curtailing of basic rights in the US, for torture, etc. They always have "good reasons". Don't think the force behind alien abduction are any different. The pieces are being put into place to make us think our space brothers are coming to help, to save us from ourselves. Forget it. We can only save ourselves.

Monsters, Inc.
In 2001, an animated film from Pixar Animation Studios was released and became extremely popular with both adults and children. Monsters, Inc. is set in the city of Monstropolis, where all monsters live. A corporation that gives the title to the movie employs "scarers," monsters who venture out of the city every night to enter the human world through the closets of children. Their job is to scare children into screaming because the screams can be collected and used to generate the electricity that powers Monstropolis. The children themselves, and all their things, are believed to be toxic to monsters and must be kept out of the city.

Phantom bomber mystery deepens with new sighting

TWO years after it vanished off the local radar, the phantom bomber of Barnoldswick has returned. In January 2004, a retired policewoman and her husband reported seeing what looked like a Lancaster bomber flying impossibly low over the Rolls-Royce site at Bankfield. Eerily, the craft made no noise and the two witnesses were so shocked by what they saw that they almost crashed their car.

Phantom bomber mystery deepens with new sighting

TWO years after it vanished off the local radar, the phantom bomber of Barnoldswick has returned.

A not-so-brief history of time

Historian Dan Smail wants his colleagues to push the clock back - way back. DAN SMAIL, a medievalist who arrived last month at Harvard's history department, is a time revolutionary. Historians, Smail says, are in thrall to a chronology of the human race that is, by now, embarrassingly out of date. He wants to move the start date of introductory history courses back, oh, 100,000 years or so.

Europe's chill linked to disease
Europe's "Little Ice Age" may have been triggered by the 14th Century Black Death plague, according to a new study.

'Pompeii of the East' discovered

An expedition to the site of the largest volcanic eruption in modern times has uncovered a lost kingdom on a remote Indonesian island.

Ancient sun temple uncovered in Cairo

Archaeologists discovered a pharaonic sun temple with large statues believed to be of King Ramses II under an outdoor marketplace in Cairo, Egypt's antiquities chief said Sunday.