Health & WellnessS


A growing number of sports bras, shirts and leggings brands found with high levels of toxic chemical, watchdog warns

© fotostorm/iStockphoto/Getty Images
An increasing number of sports bra and athletic wear brands have been found with high levels of BPA in them, a chemical compound that's used to make certain types of plastic and can lead to harmful health effects such as asthma, cardiovascular disease and obesity, a watchdog group said on Wednesday.

After warning customers in October about BPA in athletic clothes, the Center for Environmental Health (CEH) said it sent legal notices to eight more brands whose leggings, shorts, sports bras, and athletic shirts after testing showed the clothing could expose wearers to up to 40 times the safe limit of BPA, based on standards set in California, which has some of the most protective health laws around chemicals in the United States.

Under California law — specifically Proposition 65, enacted in 1986 — the maximum allowable dose level for BPA via skin exposure is 3 micrograms per day.


UK tourists warned as blood-sucking 'monster ticks' invade European holiday resorts

Hyalomma lusitanicum tick infest europe
© Rui Andrade/NatureDataHyalomma lusitanicum ticks are four times larger than their counterparts
The parasites are reportedly four times larger than regular ticks and carry deadly diseases.

Brits are urged to stay vigilant as a plague of "monster ticks" have been invading holiday spots across Europe. The blood-sucking creatures are reportedly four times larger than regular ticks and can carry dangerous diseases.

The large ticks, known as Hyalomma lusitanicum, originate from tropical climates including Africa and southeast Asia. But now it is feared they are making their way across Europe, carried by wild animals including rabbits.

Studies have shown Hyalomma to be particularly rife across Spain, the Balearic Islands and southern Italy. One investigation from 2022 revealed that the ticks were found in almost every part of Barcelona.

However, this spring, they were discovered to have spread out over eight areas of the northeastern region of Catalonia.


55% of sperm samples contained high levels of glyphosate Weedkiller

roundup sperm
© Children's Health Defense
More than 55% of sperm samples from a French infertility clinic contained high levels of glyphosate, the world's most common weedkiller, raising further questions about the chemical's impact on reproductive health and overall safety, a new study found.

The new research also found evidence of impacts on DNA and a correlation between glyphosate levels and oxidative stress on seminal plasma, suggesting significant impacts on fertility and reproductive health.

Taken together, our results suggest a negative impact of glyphosate on human reproductive health and possibly on progeny," the authors wrote.

Comment: What with glyphosate and other environmental toxins in sperm and the accumulation of microplastics and the spike protein in the testes, no wonder fertility is declining!

Researchers who authored the journal article in Translational Andrology and Urology titled 'Impact of environmental toxin exposure on male fertility potential' came to this conclusion:
Two things are clear — we are continuously exposed to environmental toxins in our daily lives and male fertility is declining. Though there is some evidence to suggest a link between these environmental exposures and male fertility, irrefutable evidence linking these everyday toxins to the known male fertility decline is elusive. This is not due to a lack of evidence of these agents to cause reproductive harm but is attributable to the complex longitudinal studies required to establish causality and the ethical concerns of conducting prospective clinical trials involving human exposures. Additionally, while these toxins may result in impairments in semen parameters, it remains to be determined if these changes translate into diminished pregnancy and live birth rates.

Until more is known about how our environment affects male fertility, exposure to these compounds should be minimized and avoidance practiced where feasible. The reproductive health of future generations will likely hinge on several factors, including the empowerment of governmental organizations to establish concentration limits, abolish the use of some substances and increasingly regulate the use of agents with potential reproductive harm. This requires a proactive and precautionary approach as opposed to a reactionary one, waiting until the harm is manifest, which is the current regulatory paradigm.
If only the government put people before profit.


Aspirin may prevent colorectal cancer by revving up immunity

© Talulla/Shutterstock
For years, scientists have said that aspirin has the potential to protect people from the deadly grip of colorectal cancer. But only now are they unlocking just how this common pain reliever may pull off such a feat.

Researchers have discovered that aspirin's cancer-fighting prowess hinges on rallying the body's immunity to combat malignant cells.

Aspirin Heightens Immune Surveillance of Tumors

Colorectal cancer is a type of cancer that affects either the large intestine or the rectum. Globally, it is the third most common type of cancer and the second leading cause of cancer-related death. Colorectal cancer accounts for roughly one in 10 of all cancer cases, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). In 2020, there were nearly 2 million new cases of colorectal cancer — frequently detected late, limiting treatment possibilities — worldwide, and it caused more than 930,000 deaths, according to WHO.

Comment: See also:


Exploring the Benefits of Sea Buckthorn

sea buckthorn
© N/A
Are you familiar with Sea Buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)? This shrub is just as interesting for its decorative uses as for the fruits it produces. It's found throughout Europe and Asia and was introduced into Canada in the early 2000s. The leaves, flowers, seeds, and fruits are used as medicine. Let's embark on a journey to unravel the myriad benefits of this remarkable shrub.


Sea Buckthorn is found in multiple forms in Asia and Europe. The bright orange berries are packed with vitamins and nutrients. They are notably richer in vitamin C than oranges and their vitamin E content exceeds that of wheat and soy. They are powerful antioxidants. More and more chefs are using sea buckthorn berries to flavor their dishes. They are cooked in syrup, sauce, jam or sorbet. Their tangy and slightly sweet taste can be surprising if you eat sea buckthorn fruits naturally.

Sea Buckthorn is also very rich in carotenoids and therefore has an impact on skin aging. It is therefore used in the composition of creams and other body products.


Pharmacist and research scientist recommends low-carb, high-fat diet for anxiety and depression

ketogenic diet
About 15 years ago, one of the runners in our training group announced that he was going on a carbohydrate free diet. I thought he was mad. Initially, I thought he was just giving up sugar, but when questioned he said he was also giving up rice, potatoes, pasta, bread - basically all carbohydrate. This simply didn't make any sense; it was crazy. Where was he going to get his energy from? How would he be able to run?

Skip forward about seven years, and I started to hear a lot more about low-carb, high-fat diets. It seemed that quite a lot of athletes were adopting this, particularly those in the ultra-running community. Perhaps it wasn't so crazy after all. After doing a bit of research, I came to the conclusion that there may well be benefits, not just for weight loss (which I wasn't interested in) but for improving the immune system and, better still, helping my running. I was keen both to boost my immune system, as repeated coughs and colds had jeopardised training over the years, and keen to avoid hitting the wall in marathons. So, with this in mind, I stuck to a low-carb, high-fat diet for about a year, just to see how things went and how easy or difficult it was. This happened to coincide with a period of plantar fasciitis, which meant I wasn't able to run much, perhaps a good thing as it was quite difficult to stick to the diet even without the complication of competitive training. What I did find was that I was not troubled by coughs or colds for most of that year, and when I did catch a bug at the start of my summer holiday, I recovered much more quickly than normal and was able to do some light running by the end of the week.

Comment: Though Dr. Cooper is upfront about the difficulties adopting a keto way of eating in the toxic food environment we live in, the benefits are well worth the trouble. Make sure to research thoroughly.


Seven articles in top journals showing covid vaccine harms that slipped under the censorship radar

magazines and journals stack
The COVID-19 vaccine pile-on in leading scientific journals continues apace. Public Health in Practice, published by Elsevier (which also publishes the Lancet), has released a short article by me, summarising seven must-read medical journal articles on the COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials, and a few massively important observational studies. Below is a summary of the contents and how this came about.
  • First up, a summary of the Doshi-Lataster papers or JECP4 (article one, article two, article three, article four), which regular readers will know all about, and which was recently presented on for the U.S. Senate (videos here). These primarily deal with the dodgy counting windows found in the clinical trials and also in observational studies which serve to drastically exaggerate the effectiveness and safety of the COVID-19 vaccines. They also touch on the hugely concerning issue of negative effectiveness (where the jab appears to increase the chance of Covid infection and death) and the little-known fact that the post-jab myocarditis rate is much more common than the rate at which young and healthy people get a significant benefit from the jabs - yes, just the one side-effect appears to make the risks outweigh the benefits, and by a lot. Couldn't imagine why this didn't make the mainstream news. Maybe it's because of the dense web of financial connections between those who own Big Pharma and the mainstream news outlets.


And the Cancer keeps rolling in

Cancer Uptick
© Off-Guardian
Kate Middleton has cancer. The King of England has cancer. Every day we hear of more and more people diagnosed with cancer — many of them quite young. And not a single report we hear, unless coming from alt media, will suggest that the Covid vaccines are a possible cause.

There is no guarantee that any particular case is definitely attributed to the jabs. But considering the radical upswing of cases recently, you would think more people would be scratching their heads and connecting the dots. The rise in cancer cases pretty clearly correlates with the release of the vaccine.

That alone should get most thinking folks questioning. But they aren't, and they won't.

It is much easier to blame the usual suspects — pollution, bad water, unhealthy food, toxins in general, messy lifestyles, no exercise, and now, of course, climate change. Not only is the Covid vaccine not a suspect, but no vaccine is. In fact, no FDA-approved medication is. Big Pharma can once again hold the bloody dagger behind their back with a big grin on their face, "What, me worry?" Nope, you've played the game well Mr. Big Pharma, you've got us all (or most) under your spell. No matter how obvious your implication may be, you are off the hook.

If you believe in data from mainstream sources, they tell you that in 2019, one in ten deaths worldwide was caused by cancer. Over 10 million people in that year succumbed to the dreaded "C" word. I would be curious to know what the number was in 2023, the official figures for 2022 were not much different from 2019, which indicates to me that none of these statistics can really be trusted. Most mainstream reports are not reluctant to say cancer diagnoses are on the rise, but they say that every year, and of course the incentive is to frighten people into early diagnosis and early treatment, thus filling the coffers with even more gold coins.

Oooo, did that hit a nerve? As with most confusing things these days, this is confusing. There is no doubt in my mind that some cancers, at some stages, can be successfully treated through conventional methods. How they treat these cases in the conventional world may not be as safe as how they treat them in the alternative world, but nonetheless, there have been successful treatments using conventional methods.


'I was paralysed after getting the jab... but the payout won't cover the cost of my disability': AstraZeneca victim lashes out at Vaccine Damage Payment Scheme

Mrs Bowie vaccine injured
Mrs Bowie, pictured with Nathan 22 and Michael 19 on their last holiday before she had the vaccine
Like tens of thousands of Brits, Clare Bowie's life was turned upside down during the Covid pandemic.

But the 56-year-old from Dumbarton near Glasgow wasn't left struggling for her life from the virus.

Instead, she was paralysed from the chest down after getting the AstraZeneca Covid vaccination in April 2021.


Professor Peter C. Gøtzsche: Healthcare is much more corrupt than people think

© docteurdu16.blogspot.comProfessor Peter C. Gøtzsche
Anyone who has taken an interest in the dark side of the profit-driven pharmaceutical industry is most probably familiar with the name of Danish professor emeritus of medicine Peter Christian Gøtzsche. Gøtzsche can be regarded as one of the greatest figures of evidence-based medicine of our time. There are probably not many people in the world who know and understand the pharmaceutical industry, clinical trials, the regulatory oversight of medicines, and the whole system surrounding the field better than Gøtzsche. He holds master's degrees in chemistry and biology. He started his career at the Astra Group and continued in Astra-Syntex, a joint venture between the Swedish pharmaceutical company Astra and the US pharmaceutical company Syntex.

Astra is the same company that later merged with the British Zeneca group in 1999, so the first half of the Astra-Zeneca name is its direct descendant. At Astra-Syntex, Gøtzsche established a medical department responsible for conducting clinical trials and submitting applications for the registration of new medicines.

Gøtzsche comments in an email interview with Freedom Research:
"My employment in the drug industry when I had been educated as a biologist and knew very little about drugs, opened my eyes quickly to all the fraud I observed in clinical research and marketing. Healthcare is much more corrupt than people think, and industry money goes everywhere, to politicians, medical journals, newspapers, other media, etc."