Society's ChildS

Evil Rays

Four American teachers stabbed during trip to university in China

Four American college instructors from a small Iowa college were stabbed in broad daylight during a teaching trip to China, highlighting the increasing dangers abroad amid rising Sino-US tensions. Beijing says the incident was "isolated," and foreigners are safe there.

The four educators are from Cornell College, a private liberal arts college in Mount Vernon, Iowa. The school's president, Jonathan Brand, told CNN the educators were involved in a "serious incident" during a daytime visit to a public park.
"We have been in contact with all four instructors and are assisting them during this time," Brand said.

Comment: China-based commentators provide some more detail:
Local police in #Jilin have arrested a 55yo man who attacked four foreigners with a knife yesterday at a local park. They said the man bumped into one of the foreigners and then attacked them as well as their Chinese companion who tried to stop the man. From the statement, it sounds as though maybe there was an altercation after the attacker bumped into the group that might have escalated. I've been hearing some pretty hideous suggestions as per motive online so I'm glad it doesn't sound as though those are true.

As noted, attacks like this are relatively rare, particularly against tourists and foreigners, however there have been a number of seemingly random, violent, attacks in recent years in China, and in Japan: (May 2024) Man kills 2, injures 21, in hospital knife attack in China's Yunnan province

Meanwhile, over in the West, there appear to be more frequent, irregular spikes in similar kinds of attacks:


The enemies of food freedom

corn field
In every war, there is necessarily an enemy force, and the war on our food supply is no exception.

My previous article addressed the ongoing attacks on farmers across the globe. In today's article, we will look at some of the culprits behind this agenda. For anyone who delved into the entities behind the tyrannical Covid policies, many names on the list below will seem quite familiar.


Bayer merged with Monsanto in 2018, combining the companies responsible for Agent Orange and pioneering chemical warfare. In 1999, Monsanto's CEO Robert Shapiro bragged that the company planned to control "three of the largest industries in the world — agriculture, food, and health — that now operate as separate businesses. But there are a set of changes that will lead to their integration." Today these chemical manufacturers control a huge percentage of the world's food supply.

No Entry

The five stages of denial when skeptics are faced with economic collapse

In light of the recent resurgence of inflation on top of increasingly rigged employments stats, declining manufacturing and stagnant wages I think it's important to revisit a fundamental question: What does an economic collapse look like?

As I have said for years an economic collapse is NOT an event, it's a process. When people think of a historic crisis they usually imagine something like the stock market crash of 1929 at the beginning of the Great Depression. However, there were numerous indicators and warning signs leading up to that crash that should have tipped people off. There were even a handful of economists that voiced concerns about impending instability, yet they were ignored.

Then, after the crash occurred numerous establishment economists denied that the system was in any real danger. They continually claimed that recovery was "right around the corner", but the recovery never materialized. Instead, the crash spiraled onward for over a decade until world war erupted, largely because the Federal Reserve raised interest rates into economic weakness (a disaster they have openly admitted to causing and a policy they are instituting right now).


Shortage of skilled-trade workers crippling some industries

auto mechanic
© Jon Cherry/Getty ImagesAn auto mechanic stands at a workbench at an automotive service in Louisville, Ky., on Jan. 13, 2022. (Jon Cherry/Getty Images)
Many of this summer's Generation Z college graduates are immediately getting a reality check with large school debt and few job guarantees after college graduation. This dilemma is why many are now suggesting that encouraging high school graduates to learn skilled trades not only is a suitable alternative but also could save several industries that are desperate to find new workers.

From plumbers and electricians to welders, auto mechanics, and construction workers, skilled trade jobs far exceed the people available to fill them.

According to a recent study by management consulting firm McKinsey, from 2022 to 2032, annual hiring in trades is expected to be more than 20 times the projected annual increase in net new jobs, costing companies more than $5.3 billion annually.


Best of the Web: Israeli hostages describe Hamas' treatment: signs of 'Stockholm syndrome', given 'cynical' birthday cake, 'moved location often'

Noa Argamani hostages
© (Israel Defense Forces)Rescued hostage Noa Argamani is reunited with her father Yaakov Argamani at Sheba Medical Center in Ramat Gan, June 8, 2024.
Kan-11 journalist, Katie Dore, reported that the health of the Israelis who returned from Hamas captivity is worse than initially assessed.

Noa Argamani, Almog Meir Jan, Andrei Kozlov, and Shlomi Ziv are suffering from psychological trauma and various health issues.

The former hostages are experiencing problems caused by malnutrition, having been deprived of adequate food for extended periods. They were often kept blindfolded for long durations.

They were frequently moved from place to place, and the conditions of their detention varied depending on their captors at the time. Some locations had "simply terrible" conditions, while others were slightly better.

Comment: It says it all that the most egregious complaints they could concoct are those above. It seems that, yet again, the hostages 'initial' - likely too flattering - assessment of Hamas' treatment was later revised.

Bear in mind that 90% of Gazans are threatened by famine and disease outbreaks in the Israeli concentration camp, and that numerous hostages have commented that their own lives were put in danger by the Israeli airstrikes - with 3 hostages killed by Israel during this latest 'rescue' operation/massacre.

All things considered, it's clear that the hostages were fairly well treated. So well so that - the possibility of 'trauma bonding' aside - the best excuse ponerized Israeli society could come up with was Stockholm syndrome. Note that it's unheard of for Palestinians to leave Israeli detention (involving literal torture) in such a condition.

These descriptions certainly don't sound, as Israeli propaganda would have people believe, like the behaviour of terrorist captors who readily succumb to a frenzied rage, raping and slaughtering women and babies.

The following is just one of the many comparisons showing the effect of Israeli vs Hamas detention:

Time of Israel
Rescued hostages said suffering from malnutrition; leaning on each other for support Doctors at Sheba hospital say Noa Argamani, Shlomi Ziv, Almog Meir Jan, and Andrey Kolzov are constantly seeking each other out.

Noa Argamani, Shlomi Ziv, Almog Meir Jan, and Andrey Kozlov were found to be malnourished during initial medical tests at Sheba Medical Center on Saturday, but the mental influence of their captivity had yet to be established.

The Kan public broadcaster reported Sunday evening that after initial conversations with the four, medical professionals noted that the rescued hostages spoke about awful experiences they had been subjected to in captivity while also saying that their captors cared about their wellbeing.

Jan said that as a "cynical" gesture, his captors made him a cake for his birthday.

Staff at the hospital told the media that the four rescued hostages did not sleep on Saturday night, their first night back in Israel after their rescue, and instead stayed up talking to their families and among themselves.

The doctors also told Kan that the four were constantly seeking each other out, indicating their continued need to lean on each other for support.

The rescued hostages have begun to talk about their experiences, according to various reports.

Channel 13 reported on Sunday that Ziv said he had learned Arabic from Al-Jazeera broadcasts he watched in captivity and that their captors made them read the Quran and pray every day.

Argamani has also begun to share some of what she went through, telling her family that she narrowly avoided death four times in captivity, according to Channel 12 news.

According to a Monday Ynet report, Argamani learned Arabic while she was in captivity and used it to become a spokesperson for other female hostages she was held with before they were released in November during a weeklong truce. Before they were separated, Argamani would use the Arabic she learned to get things the hostages needed for them.

She said she had been held in four different apartments during her eight months in captivity and that in the last location, the family made her wash their dishes. Ynet reported that she also cooked at times with basic ingredients she was provided with.

Describing the rescue on Saturday, Argamani said she was washing the dishes when she heard a shout from the living room and saw people with their faces covered who told her they were from the IDF.

"At first, I thought they were making fun of me, and I didn't move, but then he asked me, 'Can I throw you over my shoulder?' and I realized what was happening," Channel 12 quoted her as saying.

She added that on the way to the extraction spot, their truck broke down.

"It was scary. The soldiers were brave. In a matter of one second, I may not have been here today," she said.

Argamani was taken to see her mother, Liora, who is suffering from terminal cancer, but her father, Yaakov, said that Liora's advanced illness made communication between the two difficult.

"I believe she understood what was happening. There was a foggy response, but Liora is in a bad way, and she barely looked at Noa," Yaakov said.

Doctors at Ichilov Hospital, where Liora is a patient, told Ynet that Noa has become actively involved in her mother's treatment since her return, seeking extensive information from the medical team and asking questions.

Shortly after Noa was taken captive, Liora appealed to Hamas to let her daughter go so that she could see her before she died.

Kozlov also reunited with his family on Sunday after his parents landed from St. Petersburg. In a video of the reunion, he could be seen falling to his knees and bursting into tears as soon as he saw his mother.

Argamani, Jan, Kozlov and Ziv were abducted from the Supernova music festival near Kibbutz Re'im on the morning of October 7, when 3,000 Hamas-led terrorists killed some 1,200 people and took 251 hostages in a murderous rampage across southern Israel.

Israeli officials, attendees, and hostages, have all provided information that the majority of those that were killed were victims of Israeli fire.

Officers of the police's elite Yamam counter-terrorism unit, along with Shin Bet agents, on Saturday morning simultaneously raided two multi-story buildings in the heart of Nuseirat, where the four hostages were being held by Hamas-affiliated families and guards of the terror group, according to the military.

They fail to mention that eyewitness statements reveal Israel, and possibly the US, used the Gaza-aid pier and humanitarian aid trucks, alongside aerial bombardment and machine gun fire, to achieve this 'success': US cell IN Israel helped rescue 4 hostages, operation included airstrikes that killed 210 Gazans in Nuseirat refugee camp massacre

Hamas's government media office claimed at least 274 people were killed amid the operation, an unverified figure that also does not differentiate between combatants and civilians.
See also: FOUR high-profile resignations hit Israel's government, Ben-Gvir says there's now a 'big opportunity' to achieve 'victory' in Gaza

Bad Guys

Best of the Web: EU orders 40 million bird flu vaccines for 15 countries, Finland to start injecting 'select groups'

bird flu
© CDC and NIAIDH5N1 bird flu particles
The EU will sign a contract on Tuesday to secure over 40 million doses of a preventative avian flu vaccine for 15 countries with the first shipments heading to Finland, EU officials said on Monday.

The deal secures up to 665,000 doses from vaccine manufacturer CSL Seqirus and includes an option for a further 40 million vaccines for a maximum of four years. The vaccines will be jointly procured by the Commission's emergency health arm HERA and 15 countries in the EU and the European Economic Area.

The doses are intended for those most exposed to the virus, such as poultry farm workers and veterinarians. The United States, Canada and Britain are also in the process of securing preventative vaccine doses.

Comment: One presumes, as was the case with the Covid injections, that shedding could be an issue, and so one would expect that traveling veterinarians could end up infecting flocks that were previously clear.

Comment: Whether this is a relative of Disease X that the WEF and friends have been threatening the world with for a few years now remains to be seen. Either way, it would seem that the authorities response to a perceived outbreak could, yet again, be the primary source of suffering. And, in this instance, both the food supply and people appear to be the targets. Which is all the more concerning considering how a great many people's immune systems are already under strain after suffering multiple, experimental covid jabs.

As for the injection itself, it's not clear whether this EU version is the life-threatening mRNA technology - but MIT recently reported that it's in development, and appears to be the preferred type: Stat News reports:
Finland to offer bird flu vaccine to select groups of people, a possible global first

The vaccine campaign will be limited, with doses set to be available to groups including poultry farmers, veterinarians, scientists who study the virus, and people who work on fur farms housing animals like mink and fox and where there have been outbreaks.

Flashbacks to the contrived coronavirus crisis where they culled millions of mink, and contaminated the local water table.

In an email, Mia Kontio, a health security official at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, told STAT the country was waiting for 20,000 doses to arrive, but planned to administer them "as soon as the vaccines are in the country."

The decision to start providing vaccines reflects fears that people in close contact with infected animals could contract the H5N1 virus themselves. The virus is, for now, not particularly adept at infecting humans or, more importantly, spreading among them. But scientists worry that as the virus infects more mammalian species, and if it encounters more human cells, then the higher the chances are that it evolves to become more of a threat to people.

What are the chances that this rollout will actually hasten the viruses adaptation?

The Finnish campaign also comes as the U.S. faces an H5N1 outbreak among dairy cattle — previously a species scientists thought wasn't susceptible to the virus. Three dairy workers have had confirmed infections tied to the outbreak, and although the infections were all mild and there were no signs of forward transmission to other people, the cases underscored the risk to people who have contact with infected animals.

"The concern here is about the animal-human interface," said Marc Lacey, the global executive director for pandemic at CSL Seqirus, the maker of several H5 vaccines, including the one Finland is planning on using.

Other countries are discussing deploying H5 vaccines or are working to secure supplies, Lacey said. The U.S., for example, last week hired CSL Seqirus to build up the number of H5 flu vaccine doses it has available. But Finland was the first country he knew of that actually planned to use the vaccine, at least in recent years outside research studies.

So it's basically untested. Meanwhile there was an outbreak on a 'fully vaccinated' duck farm in France.

The vaccine to be administered in Finland is designed off a different avian influenza virus called H5N8, but researchers say the shot should still confer protection against H5N1. It's the hemagglutinin component of the vaccine — the H part — that's the main target. The vaccine also includes an adjuvant, a component that deepens the generated immune response.

European regulators authorized the vaccine, which is known as Zoonotic influenza vaccine Seqirus, based on a number of studies showing that it elicited immune responses that scientists think would be protective against avian influenza. Researchers can't run traditional efficacy trials with such products because the virus isn't circulating among people, so they're typically approved based on these immunogenicity studies. The immunization is approved as a two-dose vaccine, with doses given at least three weeks apart.

So it's likely that the studies are seriously flawed at best, or, like the Covid jab studies, utterly corrupt.

Isabella Eckerle, a virologist at the Geneva Centre for Emerging Viral Diseases, said that vaccinating people at high risk of exposure to the virus could protect them, but she said the world should not rely on human vaccination to prevent the H5N1 situation from worsening. Instead, health officials should work to limit transmission broadly, including among animals. Such efforts could include improving the use of personal protective equipment, or PPE, on farms, she said.

(In the U.S., health officials have made PPE available to dairy farms, but few have taken them up on the offer. Milking parlors can be hot and humid, meaning it's not particularly pleasant to wear goggles, gowns, and masks.)

"The most important thing would be not to have this virus circulating," particularly in mammals, Eckerle said.

She added that other flu vaccines can't always halt transmission, even if they reduce the risk of serious illness. It's possible then these vaccines will perform similarly.

"They might prevent symptoms or disease, but we don't know if they prevent infection," she said.

Does that mean people could be infected and contagious but because they're asymptomatic they won't be aware?

Scientists have worried H5N1 could pose a pandemic threat since its discovery nearly 30 years ago. But in just the past few years, the virus has expanded its global footprint and its list of victims, spreading to just about every corner of the world and sickening and killing scores of wild and domesticated birds. It's also found its way to an increasing number of mammals. The dairy cow outbreak — which thus far has only been seen in the U.S. — is the latest twist in its history.

The majority of animals that have died, were culled. Some experts have noted that this is actually preventing birds from developing immunity to the virus.

Finland, in particular, has been dealing with H5N1 outbreaks not just among birds, but on its fur farms, with at least 71 farms having cases last year. While most of the farms housed foxes, it's the spread of the virus in mink in particular that heightens concerns. The receptors the virus uses to infiltrate their cells are thought to be similar to ours, possibly providing the virus with a training ground to become better at infecting our cells. Moreover, mink can be infected by avian and human flu viruses simultaneously, which could allow the viruses to swap genes and for the resulting pathogen to become more adept at spreading among people.

Last month, Finnish authorities announced expanded surveillance measures for the virus on the country's fur farms; those measures will be in place through the end of September, a stretch when officials said the risk of transmission to the farm animals from wild birds was at its highest. But officials noted that Europe has documented fewer infections in wild bird populations this year than have been seen in the recent past.


The 'digitine' is the latest form of cancel culture — 'out of touch' celebs and influencers beware

© TikTok/@haleyybayleeCelebrities and influencers who aren't vocal enough when it comes to popular social causes reportedly risk facing the "digitine," or a mass exodus of followers.
Off with their virtual heads!

Being cancelled is so last year. Prominent figures deemed "out of touch" are now being sentenced by online activists to a punishment even more severe, known as the "digitine."

An extreme class of cancellation, the so-called "digitine," short for "digital guillotine," involves blocking or otherwise going after influential figures, from A-listers to content creators, who fail to throw their wealth and power behind various causes du jour — such as economic inequality, or the conflict in Gaza.

Comment: See also: Let Them Eat Cake - The 2024 Met Gala


Explosion rocks arms plant in Poland which supplies Ukraine, PM claims no evidence 'external forces' responsible

Jacek Siewiera
© CopyrightJacek Siewiera: The blast and resulting fire reportedly killed one worker and injured two others at the Mesko factory's rocket fuel center
One person has died and two others have been injured after an explosion and fire at an arms factory in Poland which produces ammunition for Ukraine, the outlet RMF24 reported on Monday.

The blast at the Mesko plant in the southeastern Polish city of Skarzysko Kamienna occurred at its rocket fuel center, the broadcaster said on its website, citing a company official.

According to the report, a 59-year-old worker was killed when an explosion occurred in a warehouse at the center. Two other employees survived, one of whom was hospitalized with non-life threatening injuries after inhaling smoke, local authorities said.

Comment: Nexta reports below that Poland's PM claims there's no evidence "external forces" were responsible for the blast.

This is a rather curious statement at such an early stage of the investigations. More so considering that this is at least the 3rd Western weapons factory to suffer an explosion in just the last few months. And Europe's leaders have been claiming there's an increased likelihood of sabotage. However, strangely, even after the explosions at the US and UK arms plants, they focus on threats to shopping locations, like Ikea, or other incidents like anti-semitic graffiti.

One would think the West would be eager to blame Russia - regardless of who's actually responsible - so what's stopping them?
Poland's prime minister says no "external forces" were involved in the explosion at the Mesko arms factory

So far there are no grounds to assume that behind the explosion at the Mesko factory in the town of Skarzysko-Kamienna "was some external force."

This was stated by Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk. According to him, he received information about the incident from Polish Interior Minister and the city administration. The relevant services are on the spot and "will check every detail," Tusk said.


Complex coalition talks loom in Belgium after Flemish nationalist parties win federal election

© Sylvain Plazy/APVoters in Brussels, June 9, 2024 as polling stations opened up in 20 EU countries.
Flemish nationalist parties dominated general elections in Belgium on Sunday as Prime minister Alexander De Croo's liberal party took a hit, with difficult coalition talks to form a new government now looming.

Despite polls predicting that the far-right, anti-immigration Vlaams Belang party would become the main political force in the country with 11.5 million inhabitants, the right-wing nationalist New Flemish Alliance (N-VA) retained its first spot, with an expected 22% of the votes, according to provisional results provided by the Interior ministry.

The Vlaams Belang came in second position, with a share of 17.5%, ahead of the Socialist Voruit party, which garnered about 10.5% of the votes.

De Croo's party managed less than 7% of the votes, lagging well behind the far-left.

"This is a very difficult evening for us, we have lost," De Croo said. "From tomorrow I will be the outgoing prime minister. But we liberals are strong, and we will be back."
© Jean-Francois Badias/APBelgium PM Alexander De Croo speaking at the European Parliament • Strasbourg, France • January 16, 2024


Soros: Democrats must keep repeating the line "Trump is a convicted felon"

alex soros
Alex Soros, the son of globalist billionaire George Soros, has urged Democrats to refer to Donald Trump as a "convicted felon," and to keep repeating the phrase over and over to drill it into the public consciousness.

While Democrats and Joe Biden have continually claimed that the trial against Trump was not political, this serves as a perfect example that it is completely political.

If you repeat the lie long enough and loud enough...