Society's ChildS

Bad Guys

French murder verdict upheld - 82 years on - The System is Rotten Everywhere

It was one of the biggest French murder mysteries of the past 100 years: a killing with no corpse and a convicted murderer who always said he was innocent.

Guillaume Seznec, a Breton sawmill owner, was sentenced to a life of hard labour in a penal colony in French Guiana in 1924 for murdering a dignitary and friend whose body was never found.

He insisted he was innocent and over decades new theories have emerged of a curious saga of illegal rackets in American Cadillacs and a possible police set-up by a French officer who later joined the Gestapo during the Nazi occupation. The case inspired numerous books, while Seznec's family fought to force the courts to acknowledge a miscarriage of justice.


SOTT Focus: Truth Is Public Property

People sometimes ask how such conspiracies as the JFK assassination and 9/11 could be "covered up without someone from the inside talking." As Harrison Livingstone points out, this is a naive question. If someone is a witness to a murder done by professionals, do you really think they are going to go around blabbing about it? And if the victim is a president, or the people in the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and 4 airliners, it is clear to even the most pedestrian thinker that the crime has been committed by those with great power. Anybody with two firing neurons can figure out that such perpetrators are in such a strong position that protesting or seriously trying to blow the whistle on such an event puts the whistle-blower in the gravest of danger...


SOTT Focus: The Protocols of Zion Protocol

I've just about had it with the Protocols of Zion. To be more specific, I've had it with ADL spooks and useful idiots propagandizing said document for the purpose of character assassination, guilt by association, and the general spreading of moralistic claptrap. When a document is used by clownish racists (both Jew and Gentile) to incite both 'anti-Semitism' and 'philo-Isrealism' (and its accompanying 'anti-Arabism'), without any interest in facts or reality, something is up. What other document has served so well as propaganda for both sides of an ideological conflict?

Bizarro Earth

SOTT Focus: The "Civil War" Industry

Palestinian brothers
Men grieve over the three boys' bodies. The sons of a senior Fatah official were murdered when their car was riddled with 60 bullets

Two days ago in the Gaza strip, unknown gunmen deliberately targeted and murdered 3 Palestinian children as they were being driven to school. The Guardian reports:


Jailed Russian Security Officer Eager to Testify in Litvinenko Case, Pledges Help to Scotland Yard

Former Russian intelligence officer, Mikhail Trepashkin, now serving a four-year sentence in an Urals prison for divulging state secrets, said he was willing to testify in the Alexander Litvinenko lethal poisoning case, his lawyer announced Monday, the Interfax news agency reports.

In a letter released last Friday Trepashkin alleged that the FSB Russian state security service had created a hit squad to kill Litvinenko and other enemies of the Kremlin.

"He [Trepashkin] says that he possesses information that may shed light on the murder. And he is ready to speak out," Yelena Liptser, a lawyer for Trepashkin, told a news conference in Moscow on Monday. Trepashkin told his lawyers about his readiness to testify in Nizhny Tagil, where he is serving his sentence, she said.


Poisoned Former Agent Litvinenko Asked for Muslim Burial - Father

Alexander Litvinenko, the former Russian intelligence agent poisoned in London, requested before his death that he be buried according to Muslim tradition, his father said in an interview for the Kommersant daily newspaper published Monday. The former agent and critic of the Kremlin expressed the wish as he lay dying in his father's arms, Valter Litvinenko said.

"He said I want to be buried according to Islamic tradition. I said okay son. It will be as you wish. We already have one Muslim in our family. The important thing is to believe in the Almighty. God is one," he said in the interview. Valter Litvinenko said he was sure that President Vladimir Putin was involved in the death, a view apparently voiced by the former agent himself in a letter before his November 23 death and rejected claims that former Russian agents may have been responsible, the AFP news agency reports.


Ex-spy's death probe widening beyond Britain

Beijing, -- A top British official said Sunday an inquiry into the death of a poisoned ex-KGB spy Alexander Litvinenko, who died in London after he was exposed to a rare radioactive element, had expanded overseas.

"The police will follow wherever this investigation leads; inside or outside Britain," Home Secretary John Reid told Sky News. "Over the next few days ... all of these things, I think, will widen out a little from the circle just being here in Britain."

Scotland Yard officers, assisted by the FBI, have already traveled to Virginia to interview former KGB officer Yuri Shvets.

A United States-based friend of the former Russian spy Litvinenko said he had given police the name of a suspect he believes orchestrated his killing, according to Associated Press' report.

Shvets said he had known Litvinenko since 2002 and had spoken to him on Nov. 23, the day he died.


A Nazi in the United States Senate

In 1952 when I built my first house in Connecticut, USA, my Father came to visit me.

" Very nice house, "he said. (He was a proud member of the builders union) "But David why in Connecticut"

"What's wrong with Connecticut?"

"The people here are all crazy. They sent a Nazi to the United States Senate. A Nazi who supported and got rich from doing business with the madman Hitler."

My father lost many of his relatives in Byelorussia during the Nazi rampage in that country. Naturally he followed the war news very closely and that day he told me about Roosevelt passing the "Trading with the enemy act in 1942 and how the U.S. confiscated the Prescot Bush holdings in a Nazi banking group. Until then I had never heard about that and I could hardly believe it. How could voters, less than ten years after that horrible war send such a man to the U.S. Senate?

Bad Guys

SOTT Focus: Gaza - An Experiment In Inhumanity

We all catch snippets of reports that tell of Palestinians civilians being killed due to "mistakes" by the Israeli military, or who were sadly caught in the "cross-fire" as Israeli troops "rooted out" "Palestinian terrorists", but few are aware of the true story, or the true horror of what the Zionist Israeli leadership is deliberately doing to the 1.5 million innocent people, over half of them children, in the Gaza strip.


SOTT Focus: JFK Shows The Way

To be honest, we tire of stating endlessly that which is patently, almost absurdly obvious to anyone with two firing neurons. While we understand that it is very tempting for many people to just accept the official story that Oswald murdered Kennedy, or any of the other blatant government lies we have been asked to swallow as fact, that understanding in no way lessens our disgust at the fact that those guilty of the very worst crimes are never called to account because they are usually found in positions of almost absolute political or corporate power.