SOTT Summaries


SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - March 2020: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

The incredible lockdown for this coronavirus "pandemic" has grabbed the world's attention, but in the meantime Mother Nature invites us to take note of some serious extreme weather events in March. Deluges, floods, landslides, and extraordinary cold and snowfall caused widespread devastation around the world last month, destroying crops and livestock on every continent.

At least 17 tornadoes hit Central US during a severe weather outbreak in March, leaving a massive trail of destruction. Nashville, Tennessee was heavily affected this month as a huge tornado cut a path through downtown, killing 25 people, destroying buildings, toppling electrical lines, and littering streets with debris.

Also last month, an earthquake rocked Croatia's capital Zagreb - the strongest quake to hit that city in 140 years - damaging buildings and leaving cars crushed by falling chunks of masonry. In Russia's Far East region, a 7.2-magnitude quake struck off the Kuril Islands and set off a minor tsunami.

The skies, as always these days, are heavy with meteor traffic. The media didn't report it as such, but based on eyewitness statements and analysis made by local experts, we suspect that a meteor IMPACTED the planet last month, carving out a major 68 feet-wide crater in the middle of a road in the Nigerian city of Akure.

All this and more in this month's SOTT Earth Changes Summary:


SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - February 2020: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

The winter remained harsh in the northern hemisphere throughout February with even more cold and snowfall records broken.

70 villages in southeastern Turkey were buried under 20 feet of snow after a powerful blizzard. Residents were left without power and water as they also struggled to dig their way out. Furthermore, two avalanches killed 41 in the eastern part of the country, while a 5.7 magnitude earthquake killed 8 people in the southeast... That's quite a lot of extreme events in a single region.

Haji Omaran, a town on the mountainous Iraq-Iran border, also experienced exceptionally heavy snowfall, with roads blocked and cars buried in the snow. Saudi Arabia also got its share of unusual cold weather (for the desert!) as the temperature dropped to -5°C.

Last but not least, Taiwan's highest peak of Yushan and nearby counties were hit by the heaviest snowfall in two decades, whilst Himachal Pradesh's capital received the highest snowfall in eight years.

Heavy rain continued breaking records around the globe: 2 feet of rain in 24 hours in Fiordland, New Zealand; 5 dead and hundred displaced in Kenya; a month's worth of rain in 3 hours in São Paulo, Brazil; rainfall 400% above normal in Mississippi; hundreds evacuated in Northern Argentina due to widespread flooding, while western Washington got hit by historic flooding and landslides... and that's just to mention some of the most significant events.

At least seven people were killed across Europe by Storm Ciara, heavy rain and strong winds shut down transport and left hundreds of thousands without power. And storm Dennis left its mark in the UK, dumping a month's worth of rain in 48 hours with 91mph winds.

Meteor fireballs also gave quite a show this month, sightings on the rise... at least for now.

See it for yourself in this month's SOTT Earth Changes Summary:


SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - January 2020: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

Wildfires continued to rage across Australia through January, leaving 70% of the country covered in a smokey haze. New South Wales and Victoria were the most affected states with more than 2,000 houses destroyed, and thousands displaced.

The rain has since brought some respite, but there are still more than 50 active fires. And if that was not enough, flash floods, giant hail, and dust-storms hit the country adding to the destruction caused by the ongoing fires.

A significant number of impressive meteor fireballs were filmed this month, along with increased reports of loud "booms" or 'explosions in the sky', highlighting that there could be even more meteor fireballs events that are not reported, or pass unnoticed.

Seismic and volcanic activity reached an interesting peak this month, a devastating 6.8 magnitude earthquake hit eastern Turkey. At least 31 people were killed and more than 1,600 injured.

Puerto Rico was hit by two powerful shallow earthquakes of 5.8 and 6.4 magnitude that left one person dead, a path of destroyed buildings, and island-wide power cuts. The triggered seismic swarm hasn't stopped yet.

A 6.4 magnitude tremor also shook Xinjiang, China, causing one dead, and damage in several buildings.

Last but not least, a magnitude 7.7 earthquake struck 80 miles from Jamaica, shaking people in the Caribbean and as far away as Miami.

Even if the media is reporting that "a number of countries just witnessed their warmest January", the amount of snow in the northern hemisphere was certainly far from "normal". See it for yourself in this month's SOTT Earth Changes Summary...


SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - December 2019: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

ecs dec 2019
The 2019 United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP25, was held last month in Madrid, Spain. But not even Greta and her truant school friends could stop the climate chaos around the world last month.

After an unusually chilly start to the summer, Australia is experiencing record breaking bushfires that caused devastating damage in December 2019. The fires have torched towns, displaced thousands and caused the deaths of a billion or so animals so far.

Also last month, at least 150 houses were destroyed by fast-moving woodland fires in the Chilean city of Valparaíso. Again! That city has now been hit with wildfires three times in the last 5 years. Residential areas were still burning on Christmas Day.

Last month, there was snow cover across nearly half of the lower 48 states of the US - 46.2 percent of the country's landmass - the largest area for early December since snow cover records began in 2003. The snow cover reached as far south as Mexico's northern regions.

Iceland also recorded record snow cover of 30 FEET in December, while 8,000 vehicles were stranded in Kashmir as a result of 3 feet of snow.

Atlantic storms Elsa and Fabien wreaked havoc in western and central Europe, killing 9 people and causing widespread damage. Fabien also caused severe flooding in Venice where a sudden downpour of 3 inches combined with high tides to inundate the medieval city.

Heavy rain, floods and landslides caused severe damage to homes and livelihoods around the world last month: 150 people were killed in Kenya; 4 died in Khuzestan Province, Iran; thousands were affected in Nariño and 8 missing in Tolima, Colombia; Beirut city was paralyzed and 50 houses were under water in Sigi, Indonesia.

A 6.9 magnitude earthquake hit southern Philippines, killing at least one person and causing several injuries. Roads and buildings, including the local government office, were damaged.

All that and more in this month's SOTT Earth Changes Summary...


SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - November 2019: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

secs nov
As if mocking the propaganda of anthropogenic climate change advocates, Nature has - once again - provided a wild and varied ride for the inhabitants of planet Earth in the month of November.

In keeping with the pattern of recent years, winter arrived early again in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, disrupting normal life and food production. The US saw new cold and snowfall records over much of its territory, even as 'Extinction Rebellion' zealots demanded further man-made CO2 reductions to 'save the planet from overheating'. Exceptional snowfalls and early freezing temperatures also left their mark in Europe, and parts of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.

Heavy rain, floods, and landslides also wreaked havoc this month, with South Sudan, Kenya, Congo, Algeria, the UK, France, the Philippines, Australia, and northern Mexico all affected by hundreds of deaths, thousands displaced and significant damage to local infrastructure. Italy was hit once again by extreme weather this month: storms, floods, and early snow left a path of destruction across several provinces.

Our viewers will not be surprised to learn that a significant number of meteor fireballs and unexpected NEOs also made an appearance in our skies last month, shocking and delighting many eyewitnesses and leaving many experts wondering whether their claim that they can track all dangerous NEOs is really just 'pie in the sky'.

All that and more in this month's SOTT Earth Changes Summary...

Check out our past installments:

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - October 2019: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

sott earth changes
Fire in the sky! Meteor/fireball sightings and barely detected asteroid flybys surely got our attention this past month. What is the cosmos trying to tell us?

Ireland, Scotland, Portugal, US, Canada, and China were witness to some of the most important meteor sightings in October, while NASA was put to shame by so many undetected NEOs, making it clear that we are defenseless against a possible 'out of the blue' hit by one of these rocks.

Severe storms and floods continued to wreak havoc around the world, leaving a trail of destruction in Saudi Arabia, Italy, Turkey, Egypt, India, Japan and Spain.

Hurricane season continued with Japan seeing its strongest storm in 60 years with the arrival of super-typhoon Hagibis and Korea suffering the effects of typhoon Mitag. The UK and Ireland also saw torrential rains in advance of, and in the aftermath of, hurricane Lorenzo, which severely damaged the Azores on its path northward.

In the Philippines, several were killed and many injured as the country was hit by not one, but three earthquakes registering over M6 in a two week period.

Snow in October is now becoming the norm. So much for less ice at the poles, dying polar bears, and record heat. October left a month's worth of snow in a single day in the Southern Yukon; 10 inches of snow in Washington; unexpected cold and heavy snow in Texas as well as parts of Russia and Canada... and it's still Autumn.

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - September 2019: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

sott ecs september 2019
September 2019 will be remembered as the month when 16-year-old prophet Greta Thunberg spoke at the UN to warn the world of global catastrophe if people didn't change their ways. At least, that's how the media apparently wanted people to remember September.

Away from that circus, increasing weather extremes and seismic upheaval continues apace.

Last month, fatal flash-flooding in Morocco and Algeria killed 18 people; Hurricane Dorian absolutely wrecked the Bahamas; severe flooding across southeast Asia and India killed hundreds; Spain was hit with its worst storm system in at least 140 years; destructive earthquakes hit Kashmir and Indonesia; dozens of meteor fireball events lit up the night sky; and early snowfall and cold temperature records were broken across the northern hemisphere.

So, should we panic? Greta certainly thinks so. She wishes people would do something about the unfolding climate chaos, but she doesn't understand that nothing can be done to stop it because climate is neither controlled nor mitigated by human CO2 emissions.

A 'tipping-point' is likely upon us - she's right about that - but if there's a shift, it'll be into ice age conditions. While people have been misled into paying 'green' taxes, governments have been deluded into divesting of secure fuel sources right when they ought to have been manically hoarding it...


SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - August 2019: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

SECS august
Heavy rain, hail, and destructive floods killed hundreds and displaced millions around the world in August.

India was the most affected country with more than 200 dead and generalized devastation. This happened along a rare summer snowfall in Himachal predicting an early winter season.

Super-typhoon Lekima hit central China with 221km/h wind gusts and heavy floods, leaving 56 dead and forcing the evacuation of millions.

Spain was also battered by extreme weather this month, consisting of floods, hail and even tornadoes. Meanwhile, wildfires out of control in Gran Canaria forced the evacuation of almost 10,000 residents.

Wildfires raged across the globe, but as the media focused on the Amazon and blamed man-made Global Warming, wildfires in central Africa were ignored... even when they were three times larger. Despite the hype, Africa saw at least 70% of the 10,000 fires burning worldwide on the average day in August, though the number of fires is consistent from year to year.

What was actually extraordinary were the 21,000 square miles scorched by fires in four Siberian regions, likely ignited by lightning and spread by strong winds.

All this and more in this month's SOTT Earth Changes Summary...

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - July 2019: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

wildfires portugal
More than 200 people died and thousands were displaced as an unusually heavy monsoon season brought flooding and landslides leaving devastation across India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. Torrential rains also triggered unprecedented floods and landslides in southeast China, displacing 77,000 people and affecting more than 20 million.

North America had its share of heavy rain too, leaving Washington and Pittsburgh swamped, and engulfing New Orleans turning streets into rivers that swept away dozens of cars and forced many to paddle their way in kayaks.

The heat wave that affected some parts of Europe, was overshadowed by violent storms, flash-flooding and mudslides throughout the region; including Spain, Romania, France, and Austria - but this was just a day in the park for Italy. Severe weather in the country brought apocalyptic hailstorms, flash floods that swept away cars like toys, and winds so fierce they uprooted large trees leaving behind all sorts of devastation.

Several intense earthquakes took thousands by surprise around the world this month, a 5.7 Mag in Iran, 6.6 Mag in Western Australia, 7.3 Mag in eastern Indonesia, a 5.3 Mag in the capital of Greece... but the most significant ones took place in southern California; a 6.3 Mag, considered the most intense in decades, only to be eclipsed by a 7.1 Mag earthquake the following day and raising fears of 'the big one'.

All that, and more, in this month's SOTT Earth Changes Summary...

Check it out on's Vimeo channel:

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - June 2019: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

earth changes summary june 2019
All over the world last month massive and sudden deluges swept away land, homes and people. Although it's the start of 'summer' in the Northern hemisphere, the Lake Baikal region in Siberia saw its worst flooding in living memory, flooding occurred in the deserts of Yemen, Libya, New Mexico and Mongolia, while cities from southern Mexico to southern Italy were hit with massive quantities of hail.

The manifestation of back-to-back extremes, in both space and time, is the defining characteristic of this 'age of transition' we have entered. The first half of June brought wet and wild with weather to Europe, with violent storms inundating the region with rain, cold and hail... but in the second half of the month an extreme heatwave struck, causing all-time record high temperatures in France and raging wildfires in Spain.

Strong earthquakes in China, Japan and Indonesia were accompanied by major volcanic eruptions along the Ring of Fire. The massive quantities of ash and dust they pump into the atmosphere, likely significant factors driving climate change, along with the 'meteor smoke' from trails of meteor fireballs, were 'reflected' last month by the major outbreak of 'night-shining' clouds at unprecedentedly low latitudes.

All that, and more, in this month's SOTT Earth Changes Summary...