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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: The Role of Education in the US (Part 1 of 2)

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The first part of a two part discussion with guests from the US, UK, and Canada about the differences between the US educational system and those of other countries. This week, we take a more detailed look at education in the US, and what that system has done to facilitate the current slide of freedom and democracy in the Land of the Free. With the help of our guests, we also get an idea of how the US compares to other countries not only in education, but also in terms of the likelihood that the population can be hoodwinked by the Powers that Be.

Running Time: 00:42:05

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: The American Perspective

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Discussion with a guest from Australia about the nature and effects of the average US resident's perspective of the world. First we take a look at some of the worldwide effects of the war on terror, which seems to be a direct result of a US administration that is able to act virtually unquestioned by the populace. The discussion then turns to the roots of the uniquely "American" perspective, focusing on various aspects of past and present US society. Topics include xenophobia, the US educational system, and a look at why there aren't more Cindy Sheehan's standing up for the truth.

Running Time: 00:44:13

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: The USA Viewed from Afar

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Discussion with three guests, from Mexico, Canada, and Australia, about the influence of the USA on their countries. Topics include the effects of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) which is being offered as the neo-liberal model for the rest of the world to follow, Australian PM John Howard's new "anti-terror" laws, the recent exposure of British SAS false flag operations in Iraq, and the possible effects of Hurricane Rita.

Running Time: 00:47:04

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Cyclic Catastrophes

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Discussion of the historical and scientific evidence that the planet has been subjected to global catastrophes in the past, and that such events may be a part of a cycle that is soon to be repeated. In past podcasts and Signs pages, we have introduced the distinct possibility that the Powers that Be are conducting their little "War on Terror" in an effort to herd the population to a finer order of control because they are aware to an extent of some impending cataclysm(s). Our latest podcast expands upon this theory, and demonstrates with only some of the relevant facts and data that the theory is more than just plausible. Given the recent earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, the interest in comets and asteroids on the part of world governments, and many other climatic events - as well as the current warnings from our leaders that more such disasters are on the way - we relate current events to past events to show that what is occurring on the planet right now is most likely not just a series of random, unrelated events. Our analysis attempts to reveal the bigger picture and its implications for the near future of humanity as a whole.

Running Time: 00:41:46

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: 9/11 Special

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Discussion of the events of 9/11/2001 and how the Powers that Be were able to pull it off. This Sunday is the fourth anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks in the US. Since that day, many people have questioned how it would be possible for a small group of powerful individuals to coordinate and execute events of the magnitude of the September 11th attacks. We address this very important question this week, delving into the issues of conspiracy, the very real science of mind control, and the ultimate purpose behind the attacks.

Running Time: 00:44:09

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Hurricane Katrina

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Discussion of the aftermath of hurricane Katrina and what might be in store for the US. The population of the United States, having become ever more polarised with the recent revival of the anti-war movement inspired by Cindy Sheehan, is demanding answers from an administration that responded sluggishly after Katrina struck the Southern US. Bush's popularity is at an all-time low, even lower than before 9/11. Although the relief efforts have finally begun, what does the country face next? What long-term effects might Katrina have on the US? And what will be Katrina's influence on the so-called war on terror?

Running Time: 00:46:46

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Feelings of Doom (Part 2 of 2)

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Second of a two part discussion of the similarities between that fateful August of four years ago and this year. The population of the United States is becoming ever more polarised with the recent revival of the anti-war movement inspired by Cindy Sheehan while the right-wing war nuts have started attacking protesters and screaming that they are "aiding and abetting" the enemy. Bush's popularity is reaching new lows, much like four years ago. What new Significant Event will Karl Rove pull out of his bag of dirty, terrorist tricks to save the "Commander-in-Chief"?

Running Time: 00:19:37

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Feelings of Doom (Part 1 of 2)

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First of a two part discussion of the similarities between that fateful August of four years ago and this year. The population of the United States is becoming ever more polarised with the recent revival of the anti-war movement inspired by Cindy Sheehan while the right-wing war nuts have started attacking protesters and screaming that they are "aiding and abetting" the enemy. Bush's popularity is reaching new lows, much like four years ago. What new Significant Event will Karl Rove pull out of his bag of dirty, terrorist tricks to save the "Commander-in-Chief"?

Running Time: 00:34:44

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Conspiracies and Conspiracy Theories

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The nature and history of conspiracies in the US, as well as the popular notion of conspiracy theories. We present the evidence that shows that conspiracy is an integral component of life here on the big blue marble. We also discuss the effects that very real conspiracies are now having on ordinary Americans.

Running Time: 00:47:47

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Interview with author Laura Knight-Jadczyk (Part 3 of 3)

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The final part of a three part interview with Laura Knight-Jadczyk author of several books including "High Strangeness", "The Wave" and the groundbreaking work, "The Secret History of the World and How to Get Out Alive". In part three of this three part interview, Laura discusses the most dangerous cult in the world and how they are working to provoke a new world war in the name of the Second Coming of Jesus.

Running Time: 00:42:33

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