
Fireball 2

Bright meteor fireball seen over Spain on 4th December 2015

fireball over spain
© SMART Project (screen capture)
Bright fireball recorded by the meteor observing stations operated by Prof. J. M. Madiedo at La Sagra, La Hita and Sevilla astronomical observatories. The event took place at 22h0m UT (23h09m local time).

Comment: Other meteor fireballs observed over Spain recently include:

Fireball 2

Meteor fireball filmed over southern England

Fireball M20151208_225420 from Ash Vale K3

Fireball spotted by the public on 8 December at 22:54:20 with visible brake up

Fireball 2

Meteor fireball filmed over northern Italy

Meteor fireball
# Meteor from 07.12.2015 , 05:42 UTC over northern Italy . Recorded in # ValTerbi , # Jura .

Comment: Also recorded from the same observatory location 4 hours earlier: Meteor fireball filmed over Valais, Switzerland


Meteor fireball filmed over Valais, Switzerland

#‎Meteor of 12/07/2015, 01:31 UTC over Valais. Recorded at #‎ValTerbi, #‎Jura.

Fireball 2

Daytime meteor fireball filmed over Japan

Fireball Japan
"Shiny object" fireball filmed by weather camera


2 fireballs seen over Nova Scotia, Canada

Fireball Nova Scotia
© Michael Boschat People in several areas of Nova Scotia spotted flaming objects in the sky Sunday evening. Michael Boschat captured this image near Halifax.
Some observant Nova Scotians were treated to an unexpected light show Sunday that left many in awe.

Reports of sightings were spread over a large area, with similar descriptions, leading many to think it was a meteorite.

Andrea Thompson of Onslow had just arrived home with her husband and daughter at 6 p.m.

"We were still in the car and facing toward Truro Heights," she said. "We all saw what looked like a massive fireball high in the sky. It was definitely something that was on fire and it burned up before 6:01."

The show lasted about 20 seconds.

Fireball 2

Meteor fireball filmed over Poland on 1st December, 2015

File photo
Fireball 2015.12.01 17:02 UT Polish Fireball Network

Fireball 3

Meteor lights up sky above Edmonton, Canada

edmonton fireball
Were you lucky enough to see a meteor streaking across the Edmonton sky on Monday evening? If not, the Global Edmonton's SkyTracker camera on top of Manulife Place was and caught the shooting star as it happened.

Reports of a meteor over the capital region started coming in shorting after 5:00 p.m.

The Global Edmonton SkyTracker camera was facing southwest, with the High Level Bridge in the bottom left hand corner of the shot. At 5:08 p.m. a fire ball can be seen for about 45 seconds over the south horizon before it either burned out, or was covered by clouds near the horizon.

Comment: Yes, the Geminid meteor shower is active at present. But it is well worth remembering what can come out of the sky without any warning at all, such as the Chelyabinsk meteor from February 2013:

For more on the very high probability of Earth soon being on the receiving end of a major cometary bombardment, and why, see Laura Knight-Jadczyk's Comets and Catastrophe series: And the books: Comets and the Horns of Moses by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
and Earth Changes and the Human Cosmic Connection: The Secret History of the World - Book 3 by Pierre Lescaudron
and Laura Knight-Jadczyk

Fireball 2

Meteor caught on dashcam over Scotland - 29.11.2015

youtube screen capture
© DashcamDundee

Published on Dec 7, 2015

Parked outside waiting for someone I noticed a large bright object travelling towards the ground at speed, it appears blue-ish in colour and is trailing before disappearing behind the houses.

Comment: Other meteor fireballs observed over Ireland and the United Kingdom in November include: There were 29 reports of this event recorded with the American Meteor Society (AMS). This may be the same meteor seen over Scotland on 29.11.2015:

Fireball 2

Taurid fireball filmed over Tenerife, Spain

Taurid shooting star from the Pico del Teide (Tenerife).