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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: The 6% Solution

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Discussion on the methods and tactics of the psychopaths in power. Although full-blown psychopaths constitute only a tiny fraction of the global population, many experts in the field of psychology - including Dr. Andrew Lobaczewski, author of Political Ponerology - tell us that the psychopath can and does influence a much larger percentage of the people to act in a "pseudo-psychopathic" fashion. Combined with the psychopaths themselves, this group is estimated to be 6% of the population. This week, we discuss the techniques and plans of this 6% of humanity. How do they control and influence the rest of us? How do they use war to further their goals? And how will their plans ultimately affect each and every one of us on the Big Blue Marble?

Running Time: 00:36:27

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Cults

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Discussion on the origins, history, and effects of cults with guest Laura Knight-Jadczyk. In recent times, it seems everyone loves to label any group that disagrees with mainstream views as a "cult". We decided to take an in-depth look at the history of various cults, as well as the word itself. How is it that such a simple word can evoke such horrid emotional reactions from people when the US government itself doesn't even have a formal definition for "cult"? With Laura Knight-Jadczyk and the groundbreaking work of Dr. Andrew M. Lobaczewski, we delve into an analysis of the real cults in the world today that no one seems to even notice - even though these groups fit the generally accepted definition quite well. This is one podcast you don't want to miss!!

Running Time: 00:47:37

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: New Age Physics

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Discussion on the use of physics in support of New Age concepts with Dr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk, author of eighty scientific papers and three books in the field of quantum theory, and winner of multiple awards for scientific achievements and excellence in teaching. For many years now, ideas from quantum physics have been picked up and used to support many ideas in the New Age movement. Is it really possible to create our own reality? Can we bring "love and light" by simply ignoring the darkness? Most importantly, does quantum physics really support any of these ideas? These are just some of the very questions we ask Dr. Jadczyk in our latest podcast.

Running Time: 01:10:21

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: 911: The Ultimate Truth

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Interview with Laura Knight-Jadczyk about her new book 911: The Ultimate Truth, a look at the deep story of the events that have so marked the last four years. Conventional explanations set 911 in the context of the so-called "Clash of Civilisations" (if you agree with the official conspiracy theory that it was carried out by 19 Arabs guided by a madman holed up in an Afghani cave) or as part of a "New Pearl Harbor" to destabilise the Middle East and to ensure US control of world oil resources (if you disagree with the official story and think it was an inside job). While control of resources and reshaping the political map in the interests of a small group played a part on one level, 911 represents the opening of the End Game in a plan that stretches back thousands of years, a game in which we are all pawns. Laura delves into 911: The Ultimate Truth.

Running Time: 00:44:45

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Fundamentalist Christianity

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Discussion of the roots and global implications of fundamentalist Christianity. Amidst the chaos in Washington recently, almost no one is mentioning the power and influence of the fundamentalist Christians that Bush has so often appealed to in order to push through his policies. This week, we reveal the varying rolls that "fundies" play in the halls of power in Washington, the relationship of fundamentalist Christianity to Zionism, and the long term global implications of these groups on the war on terror and the overall Middle East conflict.

Running Time: 00:32:23

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Mind Programming for Dummies

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A chat about the more common methods of mind control and their effects on the population with special guests Jason and Jonathan. From shopping at your local superstore to watching the latest mainstream media news reports on the war on terror, mind control and propaganda are widespread and dangerously effective. You may not even realise how often we are all "zapped" by some of the painfully simple control measures that we discuss this week!

Running Time: 00:55:33

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Hawaii Uh-Oh

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The Signs editors begin their world tour with a stop in Hawaii and a tableside chat with Dave and Erica, two longtime residents of the islands. Be sure to grab your surfboard and swim suit so you can join us on the high seas of this passionate exchange about Hawaiian history and culture, the current growth in the US military presence on the islands, and how an imperialist policy of monoculture has ruined the state's agriculture.

Running Time: 00:37:51

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: The Economic Apocalypse: An Insider's View

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Discussion with a director at a major Eurozone bank who gives an insider's perspective on the status of the US and world economies. He discusses the effects of the coming worldwide economic crash on personal wealth. He also responds to the questions on everyone's mind: How do we prepare? Can we prepare? This is one podcast you don't want to miss!!

Running Time: 00:46:06

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: The Role of Education in the US (Part 2 of 2)

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The second part of a two part discussion with guests from the US, UK, and Canada about the differences between the US educational system and those of other countries. This week, we take a more detailed look at education in the US, and what that system has done to facilitate the current slide of freedom and democracy in the Land of the Free. With the help of our guests, we also get an idea of how the US compares to other countries not only in education, but also in terms of the likelihood that the population can be hoodwinked by the Powers that Be.

Running Time: 00:23:44

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: The Role of Education in the US (Part 1 of 2)

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The first part of a two part discussion with guests from the US, UK, and Canada about the differences between the US educational system and those of other countries. This week, we take a more detailed look at education in the US, and what that system has done to facilitate the current slide of freedom and democracy in the Land of the Free. With the help of our guests, we also get an idea of how the US compares to other countries not only in education, but also in terms of the likelihood that the population can be hoodwinked by the Powers that Be.

Running Time: 00:42:05

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