His advisories are unmistakable: 1) initial conditions for model runs are "very far from ideal" and that 2) "the observational record is too short", and thus taken together ought to be a very loud and clear message to policymakers who are in a rush to declare the science settled and to build a phony climate thermostat.Dear Pierre,
I am sorry for delay with my response. I just got your message because of traveling.
Answering your question I can say that the situation with Arctic ice changes is highly uncertain. Our observational record is too short, models are not perfect and initial conditions used for model runs are also very far from ideal. We speculate that Greenland ice melt could be a factor influencing Arctic-Subarctic processes but how it will work is not clear yet. More observations and modeling studies are needed.
Comment: Listen to a recent BlogTalkRadio discussion on earth changes and the recently released book by SOTT.net editors Pierre Lescaudron and Laura Knight-Jadczyk, Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection.
SOTT Talk Radio show #70: Earth changes in an electric universe: Is climate change really man-made? (With transcript)