

The WHO is changing their International Health Regulations...& that's NOT good

WHO Logo
© Off-Guardian
May 22nd is the start of the World Health Organisation's 75th annual World Health Assembly, in Geneva. Funnily enough, that's the same day the World Economic Forum's DAVOS summit begins over on the other side of Switzerland.

A coincidence, to be sure.

In the run-up to these big days on the globalist calendar, there's been a lot of discussion of the WHO's proposed "pandemic treaty". Everyone from Russell Brand to GBNews has been talking about it, and that's good.

The treaty represents a huge threat to national sovereignty and individual liberty, with proposed clauses including international digital IDs and even incentivizing third-world nations to exaggerate or even create future "health emergencies".

So, you can't have too much awareness...but it also shouldn't be our exclusive focus.

The treaty is only in the very early stages, with even the earliest draft version not expected until August, and likely no vote on it until 2024.

But what's expected to be voted through next week is the US mission's proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).

This is what should currently be our major focus.


The Strength of The Wolf

Reevaluating relationships in our post-plandemic world.
© The Good Citizen/Substack
NOW this is the law of the jungle, as old and as true as the sky, And the wolf that shall keep it may prosper, but the wolf that shall break it must die. As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk, the law runneth forward and back; For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.

The Law For The Wolves โ€” Rudyard Kipling
The world is changing fast. Most people can't keep up.

How many friends do you see that have kept up?

How many friends do you see, who if you sat down and talked about the past two years would say without hesitation it was all a complete scam engineered to give more power to governments and to test how obedient and subservient populations would be?

How many friends would call it a depopulation event? A dress rehearsal for what Bill Gates publically calls the "next one"?

He says the "next one" will be far worse. He would know.

How many friends wouldn't soil themselves if out of the blue you said at a dinner party, "You know Jim and Sally, don't you find it astonishing that Gates, Daszak, and Fauci still aren't swinging from piano wire at the Jefferson memorial? Yeah, I'll go check on the beyond brisket."

There are friends and then there are passing friends. For nomads and expatriates, a trail of both is left behind in each city passed through over the decades. It's easy to make them by joining some sports club or showing up regularly to pub trivia or poker rooms, though most of the younger generations simply prefer to swipe right. Once moving on to the next city, few nomad friends stay in touch.

There are friends who are "besties" or BFFs who by middle school are a passing "hey", and those BFFs in middle school become the same by High School and so on until there is only a handful that survives the torrid changes from a decade of adolescence and young adulthood.

There are friends who belong in the wolf pack and friends who still send Christmas cards to show how great they're doing in their silly knitted sweaters once a year but offer little else.

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Big Pharma-funded paper recommends taxing the unvaccinated

© Off-GUardian
A new paper published by Oxford University's Center for Business Taxation discusses - and in the end supports - the idea of a special tax levied on those who decline to be "vaccinated" against "Covid19".

The paper's authors argue that a vaccine-related tax would be "justified" because "Taxes on behaviour that is considered undesirable are nothing new".

And that even if the "vaccines" do cause serious harm to some people...
"some states do adopt policies that can lead to serious harm in exceptional cases when they consider that the benefits outweigh the costs".
Yes, you did read that right.

They go on to suggest all sorts of ways of correcting this "undesirable behaviour", from straight taxation to tax credits for those who have been vaccinated, to vaccine mandates and compulsory Covid insurance for the unvaccinated (which is just another way of saying "taxation").

Now, here is where we could - and normally would - break down the article paragraph by paragraph. We would dissect the arguments, include data they ignore, highlight logical know, the usual.

We're not going to do that today.


Don't underestimate the power of your influence

© Substack / Dr. Tess Lawrie
The World Health Organisation has blood on its hands. Utterly compromised by private interests, it is directly implicated in the greatest crime against humanity this world has ever seen. At best, you could describe it as parlous mismanagement of a global pandemic, but I would argue that continually promoting experimental gene therapies even as the adverse events racked up on its own reporting system goes rather beyond mismanagement.

As mass panic about Covid-19 spread, the WHO could have been a voice of reason. It could have acted as an impartial public health advisory, evaluating the evidence, recommending early treatments, and giving people at the very least an informed choice on whether to have these new vaccines or not. Its remit is 'to promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable'. It has failed.

In a sane world, this failure would be enough to require an international investigation of the WHO and an accounting of its Covid-19 recommendations. But we all know that sanity, at least in the corridors of so-called power, has long departed. Instead, the WHO seems to believe it has not done enough, has not wielded enough influence. As I've mentioned previously, it now wants the power to not only call a pandemic, but to call a 'potential or actual health emergency', and then to override the constitutions of sovereign nations to force its disastrous public health policies on millions of men, women and children.

This is what is effectively being proposed through amendments to the International Health Regulations, and it is madness.

The next flu season could be enough for the WHO to try on its new powers and force us back into lockdowns, introducing mandates for inadequately tested new drugs and therapies. Some may think that the WHO would never do such a thing. But the point is, with the suggested amendments, it could.


The Rise of the New Normal Reich

Nazi Mask
© Off-Guardian
I told you this part wasn't going to be pretty. I didn't think it would get to the point where the Wall Street Journal would go full Buck Turgidson and call on the United States to "show it can win a nuclear war," but I wasn't entirely off the mark either.

Back in January (i.e., a million years ago), in The Last Days of the Covidian Cult, I wrote:
...we are getting dangerously close to the point where GloboCap will need to go full-blown fascist if they want to finish what they started. If that happens, things are going to get very ugly. I know, things are already ugly, but I'm talking a whole different kind of ugly. Think Jonestown, or Hitler's final days in the bunker, or the last few months of the Manson Family."
I don't know about you, but I kind of feel like the threat of global thermonuclear war qualifies as a "different kind of ugly." And, OK, before you accuse me of exaggerating the danger of the ungodly mess that GloboCap has made in the Ukraine, I'd like to point out that even Thomas Friedman is starting to sound the alarm.

Thomas fucking Friedman, folks ... a man with no moral conscience whatsoever, who has never met a GloboCap war of aggression that he could not support, and who has justified the gratuitous barbecuing of millions of men, women, and children without so much as a second thought throughout his long and lucrative career as an A-List mouthpiece for the ruling classes. When The Stash gets nervous, I start to get nervous.

Also, there's the GloboCap Nazi thing. I'm not exactly a hothouse flower, but I have to admit that watching my liberal friends and colleagues go goo-goo for actual swastika-tattooed, Sieg-heiling Nazis has rattled my nerves a little bit. OK ... I'm sorry, we're not allowed to call them "Nazis." I believe "defenders" is the term du jour.

Seriously, here's an actual screenshot from The Guardian featuring the leader of the neo-Nazi Azov Detachment...

Nazi Commander
© The Guardian
Oh, and meanwhile, as the rough beast slouches toward Bethlehem, and the former fanatical Covidian Cultists turned fanatical Ukrainian Cultists scream for "more weapons" and "more direct engagement," and revel in their anguish for the wives of neo-Nazis, the official history of the 2020-2021 Covid pandemic is being written and the actual history being memory-holed in real time, right before our eyes.


Revelation of the Method

Programmed Robots
© Off-Guardian
CIA Director, William Casey is reputed to have said to Ronald Reagan 'We'll know our disinformation is complete when everything the American public believes is false.'

Fast forward thirty years, and there's no piece of fiction the masses will not swallow.

From Woke to COVID to the war in Ukraine, people no longer make their own ideological pilgrimages to the truth - the truth is served oven-ready by their political betters.

Nowadays, there's little distinction between the two hemispheres: reality and illusion. It's not so much that people have been robbed of their ability to decipher between these two, it's that facts have been reoriented into fiction and fiction into facts. It's a degradation of epistemology so momentous, that people don't even know that they don't know that they don't know what's happening. To quote one former anarchist.

In the grand scheme of things, humanity has perjured themselves and life as we know it has morphed into a sort of science-fiction, soap-opera with few common ancestors to reality. Even right-thinking folks require the equivalent of a cerebral chainsaw to hollow out the slew of implausible narratives into something remotely resembling reality. It goes beyond fiction to predictive programming. They're not just deceiving you; they're showing you that they're deceiving you.

What is neither here nor there to the deceived is the track record of their deceivers. Before the ink dried on the newsprint proclaiming the crisis in-waiting, the falsifications of COVID were buried under the falsehoods of war, Zelensky's standing ovation at Westminster knocked Pfizer data's release off the rostrum and those formerly joined at the hip to COVID got hitched to their Ukrainian brides.

This entire fiasco holds water because what people think they know for sure, that just ain't so, is a consensus. A preponderance of fabrications, falsehoods and false prophets governs the spiritual milieu. People worship the prosaic and glorify artifice. Our moral choices are guided by platitude and not virtue, anecdote and not evidence.

To complicate matters, what was formerly held sacred has become profane and what was formerly profane has become sacred, to quote Robert Sepehr.

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Do the Pfizer "data dumps" really mean anything?

Vaxxed and Pregnant
© Off-Guardian
The latest batch of Pfizer's Covid vaccine files just dropped. 80,000 pages of patient files and "trial data" and so and so on.

You can read them all here.

The question is, do they really tell us anything we don't already know?

The big revelation doing the rounds at the minute is that the vaccines were never trialled with, and were specifically not recommended for, pregnant women.

But is this new information?

When governments started "recommending" the Covid vaccine to pregnant women in the Summer of 2021, everybody who had been paying attention knew that position was not backed up by any data at all.

OffG got temporarily banned from twitter for pointing this out.

More broadly speaking: Of course the vaccines were never tested on pregnant women, they were never properly tested on anybody.

It takes 10 years to safely produce and trial a vaccine, not 18 months. And what "trials" they claim to have done in that year and a half were a complete sham.

In a way, the "not recommended for pregnant women" disclosure is actually good for Pfizer.

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Is Australia a sovereign nation or just a state of Pfizerland?

Don't mention the Australian vaccine: The TGA bans Aussie Professor from talking about his work
TGA Australia

Australia has a mini Ministry of Truth already. It's called the TGA.

Australians can probably still get a Pfizer vaccine in chemists and carparks across Australia, but they still need to fly to Iran to get an Australian-made vaccine. The good news is that at least this week it's legal for Australians to finally fly to Tehran without taking Pfizer or Moderna shot first โ€” as long as they don't fly on an Australian airline. (Not mentioning any names, Qantas!)

The people mostly responsible for this situation are the TGA (Therapeutic Goods Association). They're supposed to be looking after Australians health but somehow all their decisions happen to be exactly what a Pfizer CEO would want. Spooky eh? The TGA rushed the approval for the Pfizer vaccines, but still, millions of doses later, won't release the procurement contracts, even under FOI. Signed on our behalf, and for our own good, yes? Did they even read the documents that Pfizer AND the FDA tried to hide for 75 years?

Now meet Professor Nikolai Petrovsky from Flinders University, Australia, who had already developed protein based vaccines against the original SARS in 2003 and MERS in 2012, so he was the obvious choice to develop an old fashioned protein based vaccine in Australia. (Hey, but it's not like we want to develop our own vaccine industry, eh?).

So he went on to make a protein vaccine against SARS-2 and has got approval to use it in Iran. Last I heard (months ago) they had sold 6 million doses to Iran, apparently with great results.

With all the makings of a Great Banana Republic Australia promptly sacked Petrovsky for taking his own vaccine instead of one of the foreign ones approved by The Sacred T.G.A committee. We can't have vaccine experts at uni picking their own vaccines can we?

Somehow the Australian government spent something like $6 billion on foreign vaccines but asked the small Australian company to pay $300,000 to get approved here. So Petrovsky ran a GoFundMe, and it was so popular it raised a million dollars. Finally he has permission and funding to run Australian trials, but now he doesn't have permission to talk about it. Who knew he needed that? Apparently the TGA says it will fine him $13,000 or maybe one million (convenient, eh?) if he does. (Updated: I hear it's an $11m threat now).

If only Australians were smart enough to hear the words of Professors without "protection" by unaccountable committees?


5 signs they are CREATING a food crisis

Food Crisis
© Off-Guardian
It's no secret that, according to politicians and the corporate press, "food shortages" and a "food supply crises" have been on the way for a while now. They have been regularly predicted for several years.

What's really strange is that despite its near-constant incipience, the food shortage never seems to actually arrive and is always blamed on something new.

As long ago as 2012, "scientists" were predicting that climate change and a lack of clean water would create "food shortages" that would "turn the world vegetarian by 2050".

In 2019, UN "experts" warned that "climate change was threatening the world's food supply".

Later the same year, the UK was warned that they could expect a food shortage as a result of "post-Brexit chaos".

By early March 2020 supermarkets were already "warning" that the government had been too slow to act on the coronavirus outbreak, and they might run out of food. (They never actually did).

A month later, in April 2020 when the "pandemic" was less than three months old, "officials" warned Covid was going to create a global food crisis. Three months later it had ballooned into "the worst food crisis for 50 years".

In the Summer of 2021 the British press was predicting the "worst food shortages since world war 2" and "rolling power cuts", allegedly due to a lack of truck drivers blamed equally on Covid and Brexit (neither the shortages nor power cuts ever really materialised).

By September 2021, the UK was told the gas price spike would create a shortage of frozen food, and just a month later, that we may have to ration meat ahead of Christmas, due to the gas crisis. (There never was any rationing)

In January 2022, Australia saw "empty supermarket shelves" blamed on the Omicron variant crippling the supply chain, while the US had the same empty shelves blamed on bad winter weather.

Moving into the spring of 2022, the food crisis is still on its way...only now it's because of the war in Ukraine, or China's "Zero Covid" policies, or the bird flu outbreak.

You'd be forgiven for thinking that - since the food crisis is always expected but never arrives, and is always blamed on the current thing - that it doesn't really exist. That it's nothing but a psy-op designed to spread panic and give suppliers an excuse to jack up their prices in response to fake "scarcity" created by the press.

However, there are indications that this may be about to change.

In a Brussels press conference on March 25th of this year, Joe Biden said...
Regarding food shortages - yes, we did talk about shortages, and they're going to be real."
...which is a decidedly odd thing to say.

Most of the time the only reason to strongly affirm something is "going to be real" from now on, is that up to that point it was not.

Indeed, there are a few signs that the food supply is about to genuinely come under attack.

Comment: Ice Age Farmer: War on food goes hot - FBI warns cyberattacks on farms - One farm stands up


Pentagon's biological warfare built on war crimes of fascist Japan and Nazi Germany

US Biolabs
© Public Domain
Russia and China have lobbied the UN Security Council for an independent investigation into dozens of laboratories that were being run by the Pentagon in Ukraine up until Moscow launched its military intervention in February.

Russia has published classified documents showing that the Pentagon was engaged in developing biological weapons of mass destruction. Washington has disputed the Russian and Chinese concerns as "disinformation", claiming that the laboratories were conducting biomedical defense studies into diseases.

Why then was U.S. State Department official Victoria Nuland worried that Russian forces could acquire samples from the labs if they were for innocent biomedical research? Why were the laboratories ordered by the Ukrainian government to immediately destroy samples when Russian troops invaded Ukraine?

Even imminent U.S. experts on biowarfare have concurred with the Russian and Chinese positions that the involvement of the Pentagon in Ukraine implies a sinister purpose that deserves at least impartial investigation.

Adding to the concerns is the direct involvement of Fort Detrick personnel and infrastructure with the Ukrainian facilities in recent years. If we reflect on the World War Two origins of Fort Detrick and how it effectively collaborated with Japanese and Nazi scientists for developing U.S. biological weapons that nefarious historical background undergirds present Russian and Chinese apprehensions.

Following World War Two, Japanese and German war criminals were saved from the gallows by the political intervention of the United States. The immunity deals were made in order to give the U.S. an advantage over the Soviet Union in an anticipated arms race for supremacy in biological and chemical warfare.