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The world is broken. I am personally deeply troubled by New York State’s passage of the so-called Reproductive Health Act (RHA) on the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and we condemn this deeply disturbing and egregious bill in the strongest possible terms. Signed into law by Gov. Cuomo only hours after it was passed by the New York State Senate, this bill gives medical providers complete legal cover to kill – and that’s exactly what it is – fully-formed, fully viable, third trimester human babies, even up to the time of birth. Simply put, the RHA is an abomination. There must be political consequences for those who have chosen to endorse a culture of death over life. I am calling upon all people of good faith to denounce this bill, especially all those who call New York their home. But we must go further still. Our Christian community must speak with a unified voice. Today’s complacency is tomorrow’s captivity. Today’s silence is tomorrow’s cry for help. The world is broken. It’s time for the church to rise up with truth and love, in Jesus name.

Una publicación compartida de Samuel Rodriguez (@pastorsamuelrodriguez) el
