EXCLUSIVE: Should a top US intel official in charge of cyber give over $500,000 to AIPAC, a group aligned with a govt that spies on the US & is spied on by the US—and is a key cyber player? That's what happened. Read my scoop, reported jointly w/ NBC News.https://t.co/hjEz0b1u8S

— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) January 27, 2021

Neither my story nor the NBC News story on the same subject raised any question of loyalty. These pieces reported that national security and government ethics experts consider these donations problematic.https://t.co/hjEz0b1u8Shttps://t.co/1K71QPALSx https://t.co/OQJ2M9WkbS

— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) January 27, 2021

Not implying dual loyalty or AIPAC is “foreign.” It’s about policy. Look at what @BarackObama writes in his new book: AIPAC is aligned with the Israeli right and on policy disputes has sided with Israel when it “took actions that were contrary to US policy.” https://t.co/0aVwodKfDy pic.twitter.com/jfPkyOdHZc

— David Corn (@DavidCornDC) January 27, 2021

Yeah, I know, so... this seems like it's combining a) the typical anti-AIPAC-trope story with b) the dual nationality trope story. Bias toward Israel? The US maintains Israel's "qualitative military edge" as DOD policy. The US officially is 100% biased toward Israel.

— Kevin Baron (@DefenseBaron) January 27, 2021

One bright moment during #AssangeTrial was when Ken Dilanian's name came up in court as journalist who LA Times disowned because he shared stories with CIA in advance.

In fact, Crown Prosecution Authority didn't take any issue with this characterization of serpentlike conduct. pic.twitter.com/pzg2ojrH0q

— Kevin Gosztola (@kgosztola) October 20, 2020