The meat most people eat is absolutely not natural - it's pumped full of hormones. Fresh fruit and veg of the organic variety or grown in your garden is as natural as it comes. If you wish to eat meat it should be 2 or 3 times a week. As a nation in WW2 we were healthiest

— Mark (@TruthTeller1909) June 24, 2021

Picking on an element of the national diet, making it a scapegoat, isn't productive.

The British diet is poor, the impacts of this are felt heavily by the NHS.

We need to reduce, calories, including meat, but also need to differentiate between different systems of production.

— Brian Twose 🇫🇷 (@twose_brian) June 24, 2021

No surprise here

-Vegan diets are linked to stunted growth in youth
-Higher creatine intake (from food) is associated with greater growth and height

Wanna be big and strong?
Eat meat

— Pratik Patel (@PratikxPatel) June 24, 2021