I understand the desire to have balance, but lying about stuff like Ben Shapiro does in this column (comparing Bernie Sanders to Trump, equivocating Trump's voter fraud lies with Stacey Abrams) isn't really a "side" that needs to be platformed https://t.co/xfiH4TkIKX

— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) January 14, 2021

The fact Politico gave prime real estate to Ben Shapiro the day after he claimed *everyone* has zip tie restraints at home in an attempt to minimize the Capitol riots and it all being sponsored by the oil and gas lobby tells you more about DC than any newsletter scoop could.

— Hunter Walker (@hunterw) January 14, 2021

I would appreciate if someone from @politico would read all the racist things Ben Shapiro has said about Arabs and Muslims here and then explain why they chose to give him a platform https://t.co/bH5CmhiqE4

— Sabrina Siddiqui (@SabrinaSiddiqui) January 14, 2021