Data sementara dampak gelombang pasang di Pantai Anyer Kab Pandeglang dan Lampung Selatan adalah 1 orang meninggal dunia dan 11 orang luka-luka. Korban luka dirawat di rumah sakit. Masyarakat dihimbau tenang. Tidak terpancing pada isu menyesatkan. Tidak ada tsunami.

— Sutopo Purwo Nugroho (@Sutopo_PN) December 22, 2018
"The data while the impact of the tide on the coast of Anyer Pandeglang Regency South Lampung and is 1 person died and 11 people were injured. The wounded were treated at a hospital. Dihimbau quiet community. Not hooked on the issues is misleading. There was no tsunami." .....