*GRAPHIC* Trump supporter was struck by a car. Details unclear on who hit the man. His ankle is visibly broken. #YorbaLinda pic.twitter.com/zhqcFcE8Gt

— Tomas Morales (@TomasMorales_iv) September 26, 2020

Someone ran their car through a crowd of Trump supporters. OC Sheriffs took the person into custody. Ambulances were dispatched, but I don't have information on injuries pic.twitter.com/EAWBSXS8R1

— Border Photog #blm (@desertborder) September 26, 2020

YORBA LINDA: BLM supporter pepper sprays man for no reason (only caught the tail end).

She then proceeds to pepper spray me for filming & a woman tells me to go to the other side. I was wearing plain clothes and recording the BLM speakers earlier. pic.twitter.com/MbvjjJkpPp

— Tomas Morales (@TomasMorales_iv) September 26, 2020