SOTT Focus:


SOTT Focus: Programmed to Kill

Killing machine.

Having returned from Afghanistan in March of 2002, Sgt. 1st Class Rigoberto Nieves fatally shoots his wife then himself. Eighteen days later, on June 29, Master Sgt. William Wright, having returned the month before, strangles his wife to death. On July 9, Sgt. Cedric Griffin (who had yet to be deployed) stabs his wife to death. Ten days later, Sgt. 1st Class Brandon S. Floyd and his wife, Andrea, are found shot to death; another murder-suicide. All were stationed at Fort Bragg.


SOTT Focus: Hacking Democracy

©Hacking Democracy
A memory card that can be used to rig an election using voting computers.

What would you say if you went in to vote and found there was a man hidden behind a curtain in the voting booth. The man asks you who you want to vote for. You tell him, and he says that he has marked your ballot and put it into the ballot box. You never see the man nor see what he has marked on your ballot. You don't know if he is supporting your candidate, is against your candidate, or is neutral. You don't know if he has honestly recorded your vote or not.

Would you accept to vote under such conditions?

This is effectively what you are doing every time you vote using a computer.


SOTT Focus: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: The Wally-World of Wickedness!

Is this the face of the man who brought the "greatest nation on earth" to its knees?

Not too long following the revelation that CNN and BBC broadcast videos indicated that both news sources had reported the collapse of WTC7 at least 20 minutes BEFORE it was "pulled," (which suggests government and media complicity in the 911 attacks), Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the man accused of masterminding the 9/11 attacks, has now appeared before a closed hearing at Guantanamo Bay where he is said to have confessed leading involvement in the September 11 attacks.

Not only! In addition, Sheikh Mohammed ALSO confessed to playing a leading role in THIRTY - yes, count them: 30 - additional terrorist plots! This a stunning range of terrorist activities he claims to have had a hand in including both the 1993 and 2001 assaults on the World Trade Center, as well as the beheading of the Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl, attacks on Heathrow airport, Big Ben and Canary Wharf in UK, and still more!

Time Magazine remarks - with tongue in cheek, I suspect - that KSM "came across as an earnest, somewhat chatty mass murderer taking credit for plans to detonate the Panama Canal as well as New York City landmarks like the stock exchange. He also mentions assassination plots directed at former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton as well as Pope John Paul II. Several of the conspiracies he cited, notably the one involving President Carter, have not previously been disclosed."

Yes indeedy! KSM is your veritable one-stop shopping Terrorist Super Store! The Wally-World of Wickedness!


SOTT Focus: Climate Change Swindlers and the Political Agenda

Climate Change
What is the truth about Climate Change?
Some time ago I wrote about Climate Change as being probably the most pressing problem facing humanity today. It is so pressing that I am convinced that possibly 90% of the human race - over 6 billion people - could be at risk of certain death in the very near future - like within twenty years - if this matter is not addressed adequately and appropriately very, very soon by our "glorious leaders" who seem to have little on their mind other than blowing up innocent people.

But then, that war-mongering has a hidden agenda behind it: to grab and hold resources.

But rest assured that the intent is not to grab and hold those resources for you and me; it is to get them for the "elite," that 6% of humanity that is on the top of the heap and intends to stay there regardless of the fact that those genes should never be passed on.

Well, the Climate Change Confusion factor is heating up.

Channel 4 recently broadcast a special on the "Climate Change Swindle," that was intended to "expose the myths about climate change that have been promulgated in order to hoodwink the world into accepting the man-made theory of global warming."

As far as it went, this special wasn't too bad. However, it didn't really tell the whole story which is that, yes, Climate Change is real and a serious threat, but not for the reasons given.

As it happens, one of the experts included in the presentation has now announced that he was badly mis-quoted, or quoted out of context, and he is back-pedaling like mad.

Keep in mind that this is really just a distraction, something to keep the masses busy so that they don't see the real agenda: that it is intended that they should be "left out in the cold" because they didn't act to get rid of corrupt leaders in time to do anything to prepare for what is coming.

To make the point, let's look at this little debacle a bit more closely.

Red Flag

SOTT Focus: Iranian "Defector" Was Israeli-CIA Spy - Iran Attack Approaches?

Looks like we nailed it in our editorial of last week about the Iranian "defector". According to Iranian officials Asghari was, as we suspected, a long-term spy for "Western agencies" i.e. Mossad and the CIA, and his escape into the arms of the West seems to be herald the final stage in the building of the bogus case for a murderous attack on the Iranian people by the American, British and Zionist thugs.


Flashback SOTT Focus: Spain's Second Guernica

Picasso's 'Guernica'

March 11th, 2004's train bombings in Madrid were called 'Spain's 9/11' by both the ousted Conservative 'Popular Party' and the government controlled press. The reference to 9/11 was of course an attempt to forge a link in the minds of the Spanish and world populations between the September 11th attacks and the Madrid bombings.

Red Flag

SOTT Focus: The Cult Of Information And Fear

The Oxford English dictionary entry for 'Cult' states: 1.a system of religious worship, esp. as expressed in ritual. 2.a devotion or homage to a person or thing. 2b. A popular fashion esp. followed by a specific section of society 3. denoting a person or thing popularised in this way.


SOTT Focus: Another "Drunken Liar" On The Horizon?

Missing Iranian general Ali Reza Asghari

'Turned' double-agents are an unfortunate breed. Caught at a "vulnerable time" in their lives by the enemy, the ones with a conscience live out their days attempting to justify their disloyalty to others and themselves. The conscienceless ones probably don't give it a second thought.


SOTT Focus: Shoutwire, Spankwire And The ADL

Readers of this web site will probably have noticed the recent additions of Shoutwire advertisements at the top and bottom of the Signs page. The background to this is that, several months ago, a number of readers of the Signs of the Times (SOTT) page began to submit to the Shoutwire website Signs of the Times editorials that they thought deserved to be more widely distributed.

Grey Alien

SOTT Focus: We All Fall Down

An innocent blindfolded Palestinian woman sits detained inside an Israeli army jeep in the West Bank city of al-Khalil (Hebron)

Few people in our technologically developed, yet morally bankrupt Western world possess even a basic understanding of just how horrible life in the Israeli occupied Palestinian territories is. Gaza is a small strip of land about 7 miles wide by 30 miles long. It is completely fenced in by the Israeli military, with the vast majority of its 1.5 million Palestinian inhabitants (making it one of the most densely populated areas in the world) denied the right to leave. Ever.

It is not surprising then that the Gaza strip has been compared to a giant open-air prison, because that is exactly what it is. In fact, there is a more exact phrase to describe urban areas like Gaza that have been turned into prisons for the inhabitants, it is a phrase that was made famous during the Second World War - 'Concentration Camp'.