SOTT Focus:


SOTT Focus: US: New York - Zuccotti Park, A Photo Essay on A Political Movement and the Kindness of Strangers

Comment: A Sott editor goes to Wall Street to do a photo essay on the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) situation:

Over the weekend, I went to the OWS demonstration and they surely didn't disappoint. Saturday's group was organized and calm as four building to sidewalk blocks were taken up with the group. Although there was a fire in their bellies, they showed a dignified grace under pressure as they walked flanked by police officers on foot, motorcycles and black SUV's.

© Sott.netSomeone taking videos of bystanders.


SOTT Focus: Update On The Legal Situation in France

Dear readers,

You may have noticed that we have removed articles and updates on the investigation of by the Toulouse Police.

Our motivation in publishing these articles, which included details of our interviews by the police and our analysis of them, was to express our frustration and dismay at being unjustly denounced as a 'cult'. Having had time to reflect on the situation we have come to the following conclusion:

We believe that our initial response to being, as we see it, unfairly accused, was both normal and understandable. However, we do not believe that we can reasonably justify directing our frustration at the Toulouse Police, or any other official law-enforcement institution in France.

In short, we are willing to take it on good faith, that in pursuing an investigation of, the Toulouse Police are simply fulfilling, in the normal procedural way, their duty to pursue an official complaint they received. As such, we would like to make it clear that we are willing to co-operate with the Police investigation in any way that is required of us, in the hope that our own good faith in this matter is duly recognised as swiftly as possible.

We trust we can count on your continued support.

The Editorial Board of


SOTT Focus: The Medical Inquisition and Human Rights Violations in 21st Century France

Since the 1990s, there have been several legal entities created in France that are supported by the government whose sole purpose is to mandate what people can think and believe. These organizations have the capability (expressly designed into them) of bypassing and/or superseding any rulings of the European Court of Human Rights. These French organizations, for instance MIVILUDES, are essentially full-spectrum Fascism created and run by psychopaths and their Authoritarian Followers. Anybody who is discovered to have the slightest tendency to adopt alternative views is seemingly a danger because they are undoubtedly going to turn into an "apocalyptic cult" at any moment! The examples of the mass suicides of the People's Temple, the Solar Temple and Heaven's Gate are trotted out at the beginning of the 2010 MIVILUDES report, thereby making the label "cult" as scary as "Muslim Terrorist". (Never mind that those events were CIA PsyOps designed as a sort of '9-11' against non-mainstream thinking, the way 9-11 was designed to initiate the War on Terror. For more information check our recent SoTT focus articles.)

Particularly targeted by these organizations are any and all individuals or groups which advocate practices such as alternative medicine (including nutritional approaches to getting and staying healthy), non-mainstream cancer therapies, yoga, meditation and other stress-relieving techniques, especially if such discussions include scientific support. Additionally targeted are any individuals who discuss 'conspiracy theories' (especially about 9-11, but also including economic collapse and NWO topics), UFOs/aliens, psychology other than Freudianism (especially if such discussions include cutting edge scientific support; Jungian psychology is especially targeted), Earth Changes and cometary bombardments (especially if it includes scientific support), increasing earthquake and volcanic activity (especially if it includes scientific support) and more. All of these activities, or even thoughts about these activities, will get you labeled as a cult or a follower of a cult and subject to some pretty frightening procedures designed to "help" you reorganize your thinking more in line with what is accepted by the mainstream authorities such as the American Medical Association (AMA), Big Pharma, Big-Agri, NASA and certainly the CIA. Anything that is not handed down from those authorities is labeled "pseudo-science", no matter how credible the scientist or how accurate the research. In short, it is as much a war against real science - as opposed to the corrupt science that has dominated the world for the past 100 years and is used to support wars more than anything else - as it is against religious beliefs. Moreover, if you are researching religions (Bible scholars beware!), mysticism, ancient wisdom and alternative history, you are also a cult. And if you have no apparent cultic beliefs, it's just a ruse; you are just trying to appear like a researcher to lure people in, waiting to turn into an apocalyptic cult at any moment. The whole approach is reminiscent of the Bush gang's claims about WMDs vis-a-vis Iraq and Saddam Hussein, and I think you all realize what that kind of rhetoric led to.

The 2010 MIVILUDES report tells us:
The fact of offering people the possibility to search for mysticism, wisdom and a forgotten ideal world, all the while assuring them of happiness, can be an extremely efficient bait.

There exists as well the risk that current social topics may be used (such as ecological aspirations) in order to play on people's anguish and anxiety such as: frustration concerning the meaning of life, solitude, the pervasive anonymity and isolation, the lack of interpersonal communication and social acceptance, the need for the religious and the sacred in one's life, refusal of a crushing social way of life.

By feeding into this environment of social anxiety via the use of references to pseudo-scientific elements, even those which have not been verified, in reality these beliefs are a tool that promotes collective fear, with the purpose of exerting more power over people and, in extreme cases, this can possibly lead to a vital risk [risk of mass suicide!] for the members of the group, or to questioning mainstream society through more or less violent actions.
I think that the perceptive reader can see what this organization is set up for and what it is they are really afraid of: they are afraid of people waking up and recognizing that the lunatics have taken over the asylum! It is clear to any normal person with empathy that the authors of this report are inquisitors set up to defend the status quo of the rule of a pathological elite who are not fit to rule as evidenced by their psychopathic behavior and intolerance towards anything truly human and who are able (and have been able) to get away with the most outrageous human rights violations in modern day France.

Did you know that alternative medicine and homeopathy are labeled as cults in France? People have gone to jail and have had their children taken away from them for giving alternative treatments to their children even when they were told in advance by their doctors that the child's case was terminal and they would die even with the mainstream treatments (chemotherapy and radiation?!). The parents were destroyed for seeking something, anything, that might save the life of their child or, at least, not subject them to the horrors of modern cancer treatments. (See Maître Jean-Marc Florand, avocat de monsieur et madame de M, in French.)

Laws enacting restrictions on supplements and herbs is not all there is to it. At this rate of things going really south so quickly, you - the reader - will probably be experiencing first hand, in the near future, what we here at QFG/SOTT have been going through! This is not just about us; it is about what we have discovered as a result of our inquiry into the conditions that can support a jilted lunatic in denouncing as a cult a group of researchers who engage in lawful scientific research and publish it for the public to assess on its own merits, for free.

Che Guevara

SOTT Focus: Martial Law and the Authoritarian Follower

© Unknown
On the 22nd of September, Ark and I were on the road to Marseille where he was scheduled on the 23rd to give a seminar at Luminy for a select group of French scientists. The expenses for our trip were covered by the French University system. Thus, it was particularly ironic to receive a phone call from my children telling me that convocations from the Police Judiciaire in Toulouse had just been delivered by the local police (most of whom know us and can't figure out what is up with those people in Toulouse - but they do their jobs). Needless to say, this was disturbing. But, our trip wasn't entirely spoiled because we had a good time meeting with Ark's colleagues and telling them about the witch-hunt over dinner.

Monday morning of this week, I received two books in the mail from a professor of psychology in Montenegro (educated in the U.S.) which had been rudely torn open, and stapled shut. The next day, a package from Germany, sent to me, but for my daughter, containing a set of coloring markers, had similarly been ripped open and barely re-closed. The following day, a letter from my insurance company arrived having been slit open, and then taped shut at the top. Today, a package sent from a friend containing sheep's butter had been opened...


SOTT Focus: SOTT-Cassiopaea: Anti-Cult, Anti-Defamation and Psychopath Free Zone

Imagine our devastation when we learned recently that, a mind-warping, data-mining psy-ops disguised as an alt. website, was knocked offline. The story being put out there is that infighting arising from a severe case of "internet gang stalking" resulted in this pathetic pity ploy appearing on GLP's homepage while the site was down:
"at what point does the personal sacrifice become too great?

when you put the life of my friends and family at risk.

I will not allow this website to cause my friends and family to live in fear

you won

hope you are happy

the last light of the world has been extinguished."
As one of our forum members succinctly put it: "A day without GLP is like a day without diarrhea." This website, more than any other, has played host to the most puerile, vicious slander and egregious defamation against Laura Knight-Jadczyk and her work, including this website, for nearly a decade. Others have connected the sinister dots behind this "conspiracy forum" that point to its being psy-ops...


SOTT Focus: That ain't no satellite! Meteorite impacts Buenos Aires, Argentina

An Argentinian official investigates the impact site in the Monte Grande suburb of Buenos Aires
A bright blue fireball fell out of the sky and smashed into a suburban neighbourhood in Buenos Aires today, killing one woman and injuring six others. In other news, the Russian prime minister is set to become the president again and again.... no, wait, back up a second. WHAT just happened in a major capital city in Latin America??

Comment: Update 27 September 2011

It turns out that far more than a single home was destroyed. The following video from local Argentinian media reveals the true scale of the destruction from this meteorite impact:

Bad Guys

SOTT Focus: 911 and the Mainstream Media, or There Are Such Things as Stupid Questions!

Bush 911 School
© Unknown
'There is no such thing as a stupid question.' It's a phrase I've heard since Kindergarten, and for good reason. Often in a state of perfectly understandable ignorance, little tykes need to ask questions, and they need to feel comfortable doing so. Knowing that their questions will not be dismissed by their teachers and parents encourages children to begin the process of asking, seeking, and developing the ability to actually think and not just regurgitate mindless bits of nonsense. Of course, the answers to these sincere questions may seem self-evident to adults, but ridiculing children for asking them is pretty nasty. It kills curiosity and stunts learning. But even then, I think this maxim is in desperate need of revision. There's no such thing as a stupid question, but only if it is asked sincerely. There are definitely such things as stupid questions.

The power of a stupid question lies in its ability to promote rigid thinking, and to prevent the asking and answering of truly sincere questions. And unfortunately, like a bad cold or a catchy tune written for someone half our age, stupid questions are highly contagious. In fact, in our highly ponerized society, such questions are epidemic, particularly when it comes to the uncomfortable truths about what really happened on 9/11.


SOTT Focus: Reflections on Love, Healing, and 9/11

911 falling
© Associated Press/Richard Drew
I find it interesting how people in this day and age talk about a 'shift in consciousness' or 'awakening' into a 'New Age' while after 10 years the biggest lie is still in place. Especially many Liberals and people who themselves believe to be 'aware' and 'conscious', yet they dare not to question 9/11 or speak up about it. I think most people simply don't want the truth, for the truth is a tricky thing. It's a can of worms most people are not willing to open, as it will challenge their beliefs and ideals on a core level. For that reason some folks also seem to be reluctant to speak up and afraid that it may affect their image/social status, career, bank account and anything else they've invested in. (Peer pressure, what will my neighbors, co-workers think?, etc.). Hence, they rather defend/ignore the lie and the lies they tell themselves, consciously or unconsciously. To those I ask: What is your life, career and image really worth if you can't even speak the truth or be yourself? What will you tell your children when they ask you what side of history were you on and what did you do and stand for?

It's the 10th anniversary of 9/11, a lie that has shaped the world in ways that affect EVERYONE. Being silent about it at this point is equivalent of complicity in one of the biggest crimes in history.

What will you do?

Alarm Clock

SOTT Focus: Q&A with Laura Knight-Jadczyk: What Does 9/11 Represent?

What do the events of 9/11 represent to us and the world in which we live? Laura brings a unique perspective to the question that will have you viewing your own reaction to 9/11 in a whole new light.


SOTT Focus: Pestilence, the Great Plague and the Tobacco Cure

Great Plague London
© UnknownArtist's depiction of the plague.
As many of our readers are probably aware, we recently discovered a Spanish blog written by a person named 'Fernando' defaming Laura Knight-Jadczyk and her work. We suspect this person to be either a pseudonym for a lady named Diana Castillo or at the very least a close cohort of hers. In any case, this 'Fernando'/Castillo person demonstrated pathological persistence in pushing his/her opinions on tobacco and why it's so baaad - not an unusual trait among the anti-smoking crowd. Laura shared the details in her recent article, "Freedom of Association, Smoking and Psychopathy".

It's obvious from reading 'Fernando's' blog that he/she has no clue about the research that has led Laura and many others to the conclusion that the Powers That Be (PTB) are primarily motivated to stamp out smoking in order to keep people stressed out and dumb. This really isn't rocket science, folks. As Laura states in her article, "When did the PTB EVER do anything beneficial for the masses?"

This 'Fernando' character also ridiculed the notion of a pandemic caused by Comet Elenin. This particular scenario was broached in my last article "Elenin, Nibiru, Planet-X - Time for a Sanity Check". I had suggested this comet-borne pandemic scenario from an academic perspective, but it is just that, a possible scenario and not a certainty. So, I want to set the record straight and give a little more 'food for thought' on the nature of disease and pestilence as well. I find it interesting that 'Fernando' specifically chose to attack Laura and SOTT based on the topics of cometary catastrophes, tobacco and diet because, as we'll see, these topics are inextricably linked.