SOTT Focus:


SOTT Focus: The "Bin Laden Option" and the Missing Minot Nuke

Right before September 11, 2001, the alarm bells were ringing across trading floors about some unusual trading in the US stock options market. An extraordinary number of trades were bet that American Airlines stock prices would fall.

The trades are called "PUTS" and at least 450,000 shares of American Airlines stock were involved. What raised the alarms was that more than 80 percent of the orders were "puts" and they far outnumbered "call" options (those betting the stock would rise). Usually, the numbers are fairly balanced on these kinds of trades so this imbalance caught traders' attention.

The next day, four American passenger jets were hijacked in a terrorist attack on American soil. Three of these jets belonged to American Airlines. Two allegedly crashed into the World Trade Center and one allegedly crashed into the Pentagon. The fourth aircraft was a United Airlines passenger jet that allegedly crashed into a field near the town of Shanksville, Pennsylvania.


SOTT Focus: Fear and Knowledge

Fear grows in darkness;
if you think there's a bogeyman around,
turn on the light.

- Dorothy Thompson
© Zadius Sky
Fear is very much known to everyone and it is highly contagious. We see it everywhere, especially in today's world. When one becomes fearful, one's mind resorts to a state of being clouded or paralyzed. In order to overcome this kind of fear, one would require knowledge and the ability to think for oneself. Knowledge can surely protect us from that which we would be fearful of.

Grey Alien

SOTT Focus: Alien Abduction, Demonic Possession, and The Legend of The Vampire

©Hammer Horror

Note: The following was written in late 1994. Much information has come to light since then as a result of our ongoing research. We would suggest that the reader might like to read our Timeline of Secret Government Research as well as our discussion of Cosmic COINTELPRO for a more complete (though still in process!) information base. This additional information may put a different light on the "mode" of the phenomenon in the present day, though the origins remain the same.


SOTT Focus: 94% - Signs of the Times Halloween Special

(xylitol) Candy for everyone!
Even though this Hallowe'en special article was published in 2005, it is even more true today. And, with the recent publication of Naomi Klein's "Shock Doctrine" and Martha Stout's "The Paranoia Switch", the general public is now able to see even more of the "man behind the curtain" that Laura Knight-Jadczyk has been speaking and writing about for over 20 years. It doesn't have to be Hallowe'en to be scary anymore.

Last Hallowe'en I was left here at Signs Central to hold down the fort and produce the Hallowe'en Signs page by myself. That page has become a classic and I received a pile of emails from readers about it. What can I say? It was one of those golden moments in journalism where all the pieces were right to hand, and all I had to do was relax into the flow and write.

This Hallowe'en the Signs Team have asked me if I would write again and I am hard-pressed to think of anything that can top last Hallowe'en's page. However, Hallowe'en Weirdness (as it is wont to do) has certainly begun to weave its spell around the events of the last couple of weeks and maybe - just maybe - I have some Hallowe'en Candy for everyone!


SOTT Focus: Something Wicked This Way Comes

War, rumors of war, corrupt governments run by psychopaths, phony terrorism, burgeoning police states...but is that all we have to worry about? What if there was something to put it all in context? Or rather, what if there is something else we are missing, something that is beyond the control of even the political and corporate elite; something that is driving them to attempt to herd the global population to an ever finer order of control...

A new video production:

SOTT's blog on Fireballs and Meteorites.

Bizarro Earth

SOTT Focus: Fascism is HERE! NOW! Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007

Stop the Pathocrats from signing away our rights and our lives!

On a recent trip abroad a friend was talking to a street vendor. "Where are you from?", asked the vendor. "America", our friend replied. The vendor grimaced in a way that suggested at once pity and distaste. "I'm not responsible for Bush!" our friend protested. The vendor summed up his feelings in one word, "Fascists". Our friend could hardly disagree, "Fascist pigs!" he exclaimed.

While many foreigners can see the current unmasking of an overtly fascist form of government in the USA, too many home-grown Americans cannot. Over six years of incessant "terror threat" propagandizing from the US government and the mainstream media has hystericized the American mind to the point that the ordinary citizen is no longer able to think clearly and differentiate lies from truth and fascism from democracy.


SOTT Focus: Book Review: Where Troy Once Stood

The Trojan Horse, the symbol for being fooled by an outward show and appearance, letting down one's guard, and bringing the enemy inside. Not far from what the world is experiencing today with the rule of psychopaths: intraspecies predators who look like normal humans but are not.

We had just made an international move and were waiting in our new house for our delayed shipping container to arrive with our library. I was quite at loose ends without anything to read when this book arrived in the mail, sent by a friend who knew I was without books. I can tell you that, after reading the cover, if my library had been there, I would never have read it. "Stuff and nonsense!" I snorted! Who was this guy to suggest that Troy was not close to Greece, that all the scholars were wrong?

Well, it's really a good thing I didn't have anything else to read! So many questions answered!

Most people are not aware that not one of forty characteristics of the City of Troy and the Trojan War plain fit the Mediterranean setting. What is astonishing is that the author of the Odyssey does give ALL the information needed to exactly place where Troy Once Stood!


SOTT Focus: The Insider Wannabes

We have seen in the first two articles in this series on insiders and outsiders that the insiders are a small minority, around 5 percent of the population, while the outsiders are the vast majority. So how is it that this small clique can maintain their power?

They have a support base. Let's call them the insider wannabes.


SOTT Focus: New Podcast! Richard Dolan, Author of UFOs and the National Security State Talks With Signs of the Times

Richard Dolan

Richard Dolan is a historian who specialized in the period of the cold war and the development of the national security state in the United States. One day in a bookshop he picked up a book on UFOs. Many of the names cited were familiar to him from his research. He began to investigate the topic of UFOs and the national security state, plowing through US government documents. His research convinced him that there was something there, something that is so disturbing to governments that jet fighters are sent up to chase them. Rich joins the editors of Signs of the Times for a discussion of UFOs, conspiracies, and why some people just can't see what is in front of their faces.

Check out Rich's website at

Running Time: 01:25:55
Large Download - 29.5 MB
Small Download - 14.8 MB

SOTT Logo Radio

SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Richard Dolan: UFOs and the National Security State

SOTT Podcast Logo
Richard Dolan is a historian who specialized in the period of the cold war and the development of the national security state in the United States. One day in a bookshop he picked up a book on UFOs. Many of the names cited were familiar to him from his research. He began to investigate the topic of UFOs and the national security state, plowing through US government documents. His research convinced him that there was something there, something that is so disturbing to governments that jet fighters are sent up to chase them. Rich joins the editors of Signs of the Times for a discussion of UFOs, conspiracies, and why some people just can't see what is in front of their faces.

Running Time: 01:25:55

Download: MP3