SOTT Focus:

Red Flag

Flashback SOTT Focus: Alex Jones and the Scholars for 911 Truth: The Parable of the Shepherd

They saw a Samaritan carrying a lamb and going to Judea. [Jesus] said to his disciples, "Why is he carrying the lamb around?" They said to him, "So that he may kill it and eat it." He said to them, "He will not eat it while it is alive, but only after it has been killed and has become a carcass." They said, "it cannot happen any other way." He said to them, "So also with you: seek a place of rest for yourselves, that you may not become a carcass and be eaten."

~ Gospel of Thomas
Lately there's been a lot of "rah rah" activity among the "Reopen 911" folks; at the same time, there's been a whole lot of infighting and flaming. Gerard Holmgren and Rosalee Grable AKA Webfairy, are insisting that there were no planes at ALL involved in 911 - that it was all manufactured imagery via various technologies - and at the same time, they and a coterie of their fans (fan is short for fanatic) are going after Prof. Steven Jones because he is not giving them full credit for coming up with the idea that the World Trade Center Towers (and Building 7) were brought down by Controlled Demolition. The reason I know about all this is because somehow, I got included on a list of 911 people a couple of weeks ago (it started with a debate being promoted by APFN, I believe and, like Topsy, just "grew and grew"), and at a certain point, I just could no longer keep silent at the nonsense that was flying back and forth, being passed off as logic and reason. So, I stuck my foot in it.

Che Guevara

SOTT Focus: Remembering the Warsaw Uprising

The Warsaw Uprising began on August 1st of 1944. The Polish Home Army, numbering about 40,000 Polish patriots, having been promised assistance from the Allies, engaged the German troops in the streets. The Nazis then sent eight divisions to battle the Poles. The help never came and some historians suspect that this was a deliberate set-up. Way more Poles and Russians were murdered during WW II than Jews. Jews actually constituted only 10% of the death toll, if you take their numbers at face value. Some don't, but I am not inclined to dispute them since we know that many Jews were involved in the Holocaust Industry. Just read Hannah Arendt; she was there and reported on it to the great dismay of the Zionists.


Flashback SOTT Focus: Pakistan's ISI and The Secret Cult of 9-11

Comment: WikiLeaks' Julian Assange tells Indian NDTV that the danger posed by Pakistan's ISI is very real

In light of the recent WikiLeaks "revelations", we have decided to revisit this article written by Laura Knight-Jadcyzk soon after 9/11. Readers will see that it has long been known that the Pakistani intelligence agency, the ISI, has been funding, training and directing Islamic terrorists both locally and globally. In truth, the ISI is a sub-organisation of the CIA and it is the apparatus through which the Secret Team keeps Pakistan in line and executes its fun and games in central Asia.

There exists in our world today a powerful and dangerous secret cult.
So wrote Victor Marchetti, a former high-ranking CIA official, in his book The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence. This is the first book the U.S. Government ever went to court to censor before publication. In this book, Marchetti tells us that there IS a "Cabal" that rules the world and that its holy men are the clandestine professionals of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Now, to set the stage for our discussion, I want to repeat some shocking statements, cold, hard facts of life:
  • The War on Terrorism is a LIE.
  • The pretext to wage this war has been created and executed by the Bush Reich and their minions which are merely the puppets of the Secret Cabal.
  • The September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon are the biggest frauds in American History.
  • The Bush Reich and the Mass Media continue to manipulate public opinion, to make their Fraud appear to be an indelible truth.
  • The American People have been misled from the very beginning regarding the causes and consequences of the September 11 "attack on America."
  • The EVIDENCE, including MOUNTAINS OF OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS that get no Media play at all, confirms that the 9-11 event was part of the ongoing globalization plans of the Bush Reich, puppets of the Secret Cabal. The way they deal with this documentation is to pass laws to suppress it and to protect their illegitimate rule.
What I am saying isn't new or original. Many of the intellectuals and writers in the U.S. and elsewhere are fully cognizant of the true state of affairs. The unfortunate thing is that the masses of ordinary people are completely under the influence of the Mass Media which promotes the New World Order agenda of the Military-Industrial Complex. If Peter Jennings or Dan Rather don't say it, for them, it isn't even real. They are duped and mind controlled by television talking heads.

Star of David

Flashback SOTT Focus: Ethnic specific weapons: The real story behind the murder of Dr David Kelly

David Kelly: The man who knew too much

Comment: Damning new evidence came to light last month that clearly implicates the Blair government in covering-up the murder of British scientist Dr. David Kelly. And this month it was announced that the UK's Attorney General would investigate a dossier submitted by a former KGB agent, now resident in the UK, detailing how the scientist was "exterminated in a planned assassination."

So can we expect the British government to overturn the 70 year timelock it placed on files related to Kelly's postmortem? Unlikely. When pulled on the threads related to his murder several years ago, it unravelled a series of connections that made plain why this man had to be silenced and why his murder had to be covered up.

With the new British government acknowledging that the case is far from closed, it seems timely to revisit the dark activities unearthed by Kelly's death.

Ethnic Weapons

We posted a story on that David Kelly was involved with ultra secret work at Israel's Institute for Biological Research.

A report on November 15, 1998 by the Sunday Times suggests that this Institute "is working on a biological weapon that would harm Arabs but not Jews".
Israel planning 'ethnic' bomb as Saddam caves in

London Sunday Times
November 15 1998

Israel is working on a biological weapon that would harm Arabs but not Jews, according to Israeli military and western intelligence sources. The weapon, targeting victims by ethnic origin, is seen as Israel's response to Iraq's threat of chemical and biological attacks.

A scientist there said the task was hugely complicated because both Arabs and Jews are of Semitic origin. But he added: "They have, however, succeeded in pinpointing a particular characteristic in the genetic profile of certain Arab communities, particularly the Iraqi people."

Eye 1

SOTT Focus: Ponerology 101: The Truth Behind the War on Terror

scared kid
Fearful children - fearful adults. Grist for the psychopath's mill.
Human relationships are plagued by fear. This cycle all too often begins in our first relationship with our parents. Too self-absorbed to recognize what their child truly requires of them, many parents betray their own child's weakness and dependency on his caregivers - his emotional need for comfort, security, trust, and the loving acceptance of those closest to him. Having missed out on these important periods of growth, this boy, now a parent himself, may come to feel threatened by the emotional needs of his own child, becoming dependent on his own children and spouse to provide what he never had. The vicious cycle spirals on, and in turn, his own children learn to stifle their needs, deny their own feelings, and live as hollow reflections of the needs of their father. When a child must meet the emotional needs of a parent, and not the other way around, the parent-child relationship is inverted. Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman and Robert Pressman call this the 'narcissistic family dynamic', and the problems it causes are directly relevant to the vast geopolitical problems the world currently faces.

Such children, like their parents, seek some source of comfort, some sense of security, but not knowing where to look and what to look out for, they often find it in all the wrong places: their own children, their lovers, their work, some religious or political cause. As much as they may deny it, they are motivated by the very fears they experienced as children - afraid of being alone, not belonging, uncertain, unloved, confused, abandoned. They find shelter from the pain in some literal or symbolic arms of embrace, yet it is incomplete in some way, like the 'security' of a sinking ship or of a castle built on foundations of sand. Not wanting to let go, and face that pain again, they shore up their defenses - a rallying of troops to give 'the people', their own fragmented personalities, a sense of security. But such a cover-up is built upon and dependent on lies, things half-seen through the lens of denied and distorted emotion. We may be denying that we are in a relationship with a psychopath, someone who, despite the abuse and mental torture they subject us to, offers us some sense of comfort and stability in life. Or we may deny our own betrayal of our loved ones' emotional needs: the child we criticize and deform according to our own twisted ideals or the lover we demand to be someone they are not.

Comment: Go to Part 6 in the Ponerology 101 series


SOTT Focus: Connecting the Dots: Gulf Blood for Oil, Iran Besieged, Secret Spy Games

Nearly three months on since the Deepwater Horizon exploded and sunk to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico, the outlook is truly apocalyptic for the region's earthlings. A sure sign that the greedy dwarves are losing their PR campaign to reassure the world that everything is just fine came late June when BP and its government tools tightened media access to the affected areas. We will examine how the Gulf region now resembles a BP-controlled corporate police state and share with you what they are not saying about the real health impact for people and planet.

Little decision-making actually takes place when the G20 heads of state get together for their travelling roadshow, but it gives the perception managers an opportunity to introduce the latest gadgetry designed specifically for breaking down dissidents into compliant serfs. Eyewitness accounts from the people on the streets of Toronto, transformed into an Occupied Territory at a cost of $1 Bln, reveal choreographed violence by agents provocateurs and extreme police brutality 'in response'.

Wall Street's role behind the escalating bloodshed in Mexico and the decision to send 7,000 US Marines to Costa Rica tell us that the US government's War on Drugs™ is indistinguishable from its War on Terror™. Both disguise the same imperial designs and both are fuelled by the CIA's narcotics industry. As Afghanistan became America's longest war this past month, we take a look at the horrific events in Kyrgyzstan and wonder who primed the 'Russian Spy Scandal' just as US-Russian relations were "reset".

Israel once again demonstrated its unnatural ability to thrive in acrimony as it turned global condemnation for its massacre of innocents into UN Security Council support for US-imposed economic sanctions against Iran. Far from relinquishing its death grip on one siege, Israel is now a significant step closer to implementing another. Will Zionism's self-fulfilling prophecy inevitably take humanity down with it? The only thing that will save Israel from itself is a successful international campaign to boycott it at every level and shun it at every opportunity. The Universe is watching, so let's keep flapping those butterfly wings and connecting the dots!


SOTT Focus: London Bombings - The Facts Speak For Themselves

© a little help from the Mossad
Five years ago today, on the morning of July 7th, 2005, someone detonated four carefully placed bombs in London. Three exploded on London underground trains within 50 seconds of each other at 8.50 am, the first on the sub-surface eastbound Circle Line, the second on the sub-surface westbound Circle Line, a third on the deep-level underground southbound Piccadilly Line. A fourth bomb exploded almost an hour later at 9.47 am on the upper deck of a double decker bus in Tavistock Square.

Fifty two innocent British civilians were killed, many of whom had already become seriously disenchanted with the Blair government as evidenced by the massive voter turnaway from the Labour party in the British general elections of March 2005.


SOTT Focus: All For One and One For All

All for One
© UnknownAll for One and One for All
The issue of methane and outgassing has occupied me to quite some extent for the past few years particularly after writing New Light on the Black Death: The Cosmic Connection. I even asked the editors to keep their eyes open for news items about anything that might be related to outgassings. There's quite a collection in the database if you search. And now, with the recent news about the methane involvement in the BP Gusher, and that news getting more dire every day, I started digging around for some data I knew I had written about and, after finding a few things, I thought: how interesting that this "Mother of all Gushers" may give birth to the "Mother of all Storms." You'll understand what I mean in a minute!

First, read this bit that is current on SOTT: The Real Consequences of An Ocean Floor Collapse.

Note that it says:
The two possible scenarios are either a complete collapse of the ocean floor right above the Deepwater Horizon well and surroundings or a partial collapse in the form of a mud slide on one side of the well.
In this article I wrote back in 2007: Fire and Ice The Day After Tomorrow there's a bunch of collected articles which includes one about The Lake Nyos Gas Explosion, Cameroon 1986 where we read:


SOTT Focus: Protocol 12 in Action Or The Dissemination of Truth

© SOTT.netA recent picture taken at a Barnes & Noble store (one of the largest bookstore chains in the U.S.). Notice that the top shelf of the bookcase is filled with books about "2012," face out. Inquiring minds want to know!
The 'Dissemination of Truth' - where would we be without it? It's one thing to discover and then find ways to clearly articulate the Truths about humanity's current condition in some written form. It's another thing altogether to find the means to share or disseminate these Truths in a quantitatively significant way; in a way that reaches ever greater numbers of people who may be asking for knowledge of those Truths. For once again, and much to our chagrin - but not to our surprise - the editors of this site have come smack dab against the invisible lines of force blocking us from sharing what we have learned with an ever-widening public who wants to see what is.

As regular readers of the SOTT page know, the Rabbit Hole goes down very far indeed. In addition to the many Focus articles and Special Features we present here, our editors also publish books and make them available for purchase in the QFG wing of our sites. Not only do book sales help us to finance our activities, but there are some ideas that can only be adequately communicated in their full depth and breadth in the format of a book.

Alarm Clock

SOTT Focus: Changing Perspectives In The US, But Is There A Breaking Point?

I was catching up with some of my friends this past weekend, and the subject of the oil leak came up, and I was surprised by the direness of their prognostications. They are what I would call "Mainstream California Conservative" in the sense they do not buy Fox news, but are counter-culturally aware, a group of cross-cultural sports fans who like to bash conspiracy theory but hate Rush Limbaugh. They are plugged directly into mainstream media 'only,' and they were saying stuff along the lines of: "The end of the world;" "The cause of a world-wide depression and collapse and war and totalitarianism, etc."

On the one side I am happy to see that they begin to understand the danger of the potential tyranny before us all, but I am also concerned for them because their hearts really are heavy and they really are afraid. As if a lightning bolt hit them, I could not believe I heard them say how the corporate model they formerly swore by is out of control, and how our entire system is FUBAR and we are totally screwed by the selfish rich, they've been working on their plan for 50 years etc., creating a faceless corporate clan to hide behind. (Oh, in this case the choice of what word to fill in for the R in FUBAR for them was 'repair,' not 'recognition.')