High StrangenessS


Why is the Pentagon's UFO office so clueless about UFOs?

On July 11, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Sen. Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) reintroduced the most extraordinary legislation in American history. The Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Disclosure Act alleges that shadowy elements of the U.S. government have surreptitiously operated "legacy programs" that retrieve and seek to reverse-engineer UFOs of "unknown" or "non-human" origin.

As a remedy, the Disclosure Act would establish a blue-ribbon review board to gradually and strategically release long-withheld UFO-related records publicly via a "controlled disclosure campaign."

Schumer and Rounds's reintroduction of the legislation is particularly notable because it was largely gutted, at the request of the Pentagon's UFO office, by House lawmakers last December. The All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) — established in 2022 — also issued repeated categorical denials of the stunning UFO-related activities alleged in the Disclosure Act.

In a lengthy, error-laden report released in March, for example, the office stated that it "found no empirical evidence that the [U.S. government] and private companies have been reverse-engineering extraterrestrial technology."

The reintroduction of the Disclosure Act, in full, is thus a stunning double rebuke of AARO. Notably, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), who led the charge to establish the office, is a cosponsor of the legislation.

Comment: Marik was recently interviewed by Knapp and Corbell about his talk with Kirkpatrick:

Top Secret

Witnesses to 2004 Tic-Tac-shaped UFO sighting reveal shocking cover-up of infamous USS Nimitz encounter

tic tac ufos
The 'Tic-Tac' UFOs disappeared from sight about 60 miles north of Guadalupe Island off the coast of Mexico, according to witnesses who spoke with DailyMail.com
Witnesses to an infamous 2004 UFO incident reveal 'Tic-Tacs' spotted flying at incredible speeds by top Navy pilots off the California coast were also picked up on sonar speeding underwater.

Two Navy officers told DailyMail.com that masses of high-quality radar, sonar and other data of the strange craft were sent to a Naval base on shore - as they accuse the government of a cover up after the Pentagon claimed the data is nowhere to be found.

A source who investigated the incident for the Department of Defense told DailyMail.com that they were briefed about sonar data from a nearby submarine that tracked the UFOs moving at more than 460 mph underwater during the shocking November 2004 encounter.

Ahead of the 20th anniversary of the storied 'Nimitz Incident', their revelations add a new, intriguing dimension to the most prominent UFO case in recent history.


UAP disclosure not 'a sprint. It's a marathon': Ex-Pentagon official

gimbel ufo uap us navy
© United States NavyU.S. Navy footage of the 2015 “Gimbal” UAP.
On July 26, 2023, Navy pilot Ryan Graves, Navy Commander David Fravor and former Air Force intelligence officer David Grusch testified at a Congressional hearing heard around the world.

It was a "profound moment" for former Pentagon official Lue Elizondo to hear Grusch speak publicly about an alleged "multi-decade UAP crash retrieval and reverse engineering program."

"You had three military personnel testifying on the reality of UAP," Elizondo said. "Now that's historic."

For some, it felt like a dam was breaking and full disclosure was about to happen. But it didn't work out like that.


Former Pentagon UFO investigator makes claims of 'non-human' craft, biological implants in memoir

Luis Elizondo
Luis Elizondo, Former AATIP Director
The chief of a secret Pentagon UFO program said he is certain the US government has retrieved material from crashed "non-human" spacecraft.

Luis Elizondo, the former head of the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP), made the assertion among a number of other jaw-dropping claims in his book, Imminent, which comes out on August 20.

The 52-year-old states in his memoir that a long-standing secret government program is "in possession of advanced technology made off-world by non-human intelligence", according to an advance copy obtained by The Daily Mail.

In addition to revelations about Elizondo's work in AATIP, the ex-Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) official also details a number of previously unknown UFO incidents, including alleged foreign biological implants found in military personnel after they encountered UFOs.


Mysterious lights spotted in the sky above California desert amid huge spike in UFO reports

ufo sightings california august 2024
© CopyrightArea reporting UFO sightings on August 17, 2024
Eerie footage shows mysterious lights in the sky above the California desert amid a huge spike in UFO sightings.

The Etre Sombras y Luces podcast (Three Shadows and Lights) shared photos of the alleged paranormal activity that took place over Lancaster County on Thursday night and asking his more than 174,000 TikTok followers: 'Did anyone else see this?'

In one 50-second video, a single red light can be seen flashing in the night sky.

'UFO sighting in Los Angeles area yesterday at midnight. We saw a bright red light for about 5-10 mins,' the caption read, as haunting theme music from the 'X Files' played in the background. 'It dropped off some type of capsule and then vanished.'

The reported UFO sightings prompted many to flood the internet with similar tales of seeing unexplained lights in the sky.



Airplane pilots record multiple UFOs 'dancing' in the sky: 'It wasn't on our radar'

unidentified flying object
© Captain Ruud Van Pangemanan/YouTube
Pilots witnessed and filmed in detail several UFOs maneuvering across the night sky in ways impossible for a manmade plane.

Captain Ruud Van Pangemanan, who is also a vlogger, was flying a Boeing 747 from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia to Abuja, Nigeria at 5 a.m. recently when the stunning act crossed his view and that of his colleagues in the cockpit.

He described the extremely vivid, star-like object — there was also a sudden streak seen across the sky far below it — as "dancing."


Report says 3-fingered 'alien mummies' found in Peru have fingerprints that do not appear to be human

peru alien mummies
© This Is Not A Hoax the Nazca Alien AutopsiesThe puzzling mummies do not have patterns on their fingers consistent with humans.
Bizarre diagonal grooves along the fingertips and toes of one of Peru's eerie and hotly debated 'alien mummies' points to a nonhuman origin for these odd remains.

Worldwide controversy has followed the small peculiar specimens since September, when veteran broadcast journalist and prolific UFO researcher Jaime Maussan first presented two alleged 'alien' corpses to Mexico's congress last year.

Now DailyMail.com has spoken to a former Colorado prosecutor and current defense attorney, who has examined one of the over half-a-dozen 'alien' specimens with the help of three independent forensic medical examiners from the United States.

'These were not traditional human fingerprint patterns,' that attorney, Joshua McDowell, told DailyMail.com.

Comment: The Peruvian mummies have been an ongoing story, with many twists and turns:


Tom DeLonge Talks the UFO Phenomenon and 'Sekret Machines: War'

tom delonge
© LeAnn Mueller
Welcome back to DEAD Time. The purpose of this column is to inform and entertain, when possible, but also to hopefully get you to open your mind to new possibilities about the world around you. So, this month I reached out to someone who has been investigating the UFO phenomenon for many years, as well as talking to government officials about what they might know about the phenomenon.

Tom DeLonge is the co-founder, co-lead vocalist, and guitarist of the rock band blink-182. He is also an author and UFO researcher. In 2014, Tom founded To The Stars, an award-winning entertainment company that creates original content based on their knowledgeable experiences with prestigious government agencies and academic institutions told via film, television, and merchandise, hoping to open people's minds up to new ideas.

In 2017, Tom and academic researcher Peter Levenda co-authored the book Sekret Machines: Gods, the first book in the trilogy Sekret Machines: Gods, Man & War, an investigation series that draws on the input of scientists, military officials, and intelligence officers to explore the UFO phenomenon.

Sekret Machines: War is the third volume in the non-fiction trilogy Gods, Man & War, co-authored by Tom DeLonge and Peter Levenda, and is an academic companion to the sci-fi series, all of which are currently in development with Legendary TV. War will be released September 17, 2024, and is available for pre-order on Amazon now.

Bloody Disgusting was thrilled to have the opportunity to talk with Tom DeLonge about the UFO phenomenon, the release of Sekret Machines: War, and a lot more.


Best of the Web: What on Earth is going on in Greece? 8 tourists go missing on 5 Greek islands - 5 turn up dead, 3 still missing

samos greece
Samos, Greece
A missing Dutch tourist was found dead early Saturday on the eastern Greek island of Samos, local media reported, the latest in a string of recent cases in which tourists in the Greek islands have died or gone missing. Some, if not all, had set out on hikes in blistering hot temperatures.

Dr. Michael Mosley, a noted British TV anchor and author, was found dead last Sunday on the island of Symi. A coroner concluded that he had died the previous Wednesday, shortly after going for a hike over difficult, rocky terrain.

Comment: Mosley was found in a spot that had been previously well-searched, right next to a resort.

Samos, like Symi, lies very close to the Turkish coast.

The body of the 74-year-old Dutch tourist was found by a Fire Service drone lying face down in a ravine about 300 meters (330 yards) from the spot where he was last observed on Sunday, walking with some difficulty in the blistering heat.

Authorities were still searching for four people reported missing in the past few days.

Comment: There's actually a fifth case in this 'Greek islands' cluster: an 80-year-old Belgian tourist who was found dead near an archeological site on Crete in mid-June. In fact, a local news report says a total of 8 tourists 'went missing and died', and 3 of them remain unfound.

Either people have suddenly become idiotic in hot weather, or something 'out there' is getting very, very hungry.

We can barely keep up with the numbers of tourists who've 'died/disappeared suddenly under mysterious circumstances' on islands in recent years.

French couple 'disappears' while hiking in Madeira - Portuguese island records 6 'missing tourist' cases in 3 years


Best of the Web: Overton Window Hacking

gimbel ufo uap us navy
© United States NavyU.S. Navy footage of the 2015 “Gimbal” UAP.
How 70 years of psyops created a perceptual bubble regarding UFOs

I've mentioned UAP/NHI a few times on this Substack in a low-key way. Now it's time to go hard.1 I never thought it would happen, but the subject is now almost respectable. And that's a good thing, because my guess is that over the next few years, people are going to need get up to speed on the subject. There's a big learning curve — bigger than most people probably imagine. Hopefully by the end of this article we'll have an idea of how that came to be so.

But maybe some readers aren't familiar with those acronyms. They're the new "official" designations for UFOs and aliens. UAP = unidentified anomalous phenomena. NHI = non-human intelligence.

Strange as it may seem, we probably wouldn't be where we are today without Tom DeLonge, pop-punk skater/superstar of the band Blink 182. Through a canny leveraging of his fame, influence, and obsession with UFOs, he set in motion events that led to a famous New York Times piece exposing the existence of a DOD UAP program (AAWSAP/AATIP) in 2017 and culminated (so far) in the 2023 congressional testimony of David Grusch, who stated that the United States is in possession of NHI craft, NHI bodies, and has been engaged in reverse-engineering programs of questionable legality for decades, hidden behind waived unacknowledged special access programs and corporate secrecy.2 Grusch had been tasked by the UAP Task Force to find these programs, and he reportedly did.