High StrangenessS


UFO mystery at RAF Lakenheath

Mystery surrounds claims that jets from RAF Lakenheath were called to intercept a UFO.

UFO experts claim to have a recording which they have posted on the internet as proof that London Military Air Traffic Control contacted a flight of US Air Force

F-15s from the base, after a UFO was picked up on their radar on January 12.

But air traffic control denies making the call - and RAF Lakenheath will not comment without having more detail over the alleged incident.

Steve Johnson, features writer for UFO Data Magazine, said: "We are still looking into it and we have made a Freedom of Information request to the Ministry of Defence and have also contacted RAF Lakenheath - but they haven't got back to us yet."


Huge ice block falls on West Bank village

Fragment of an ice meteorite

Eyewitnesses in the northern West Bank town of Deir Ballout, near Salfit, reported that a huge ice block landed in the area.

Witnesses reported that unusual crackling sounds could be heard in the area, which astonished the inhabitants of the village who were preparing for evening prayer.

An eyewitness, Raed Mustafa, told Ma'an "while we were preparing for evening prayer, a strange entity around 1 metre squared in size, fell from the heavens causing a sound like whistling. We discovered that it was an ice block weighing about 35kg."


A mysterious aerial device falls in Somalia.

Mogadishu -- ( Sh.M.Network) A mysterious device looking like a satellite or UFO has landed and spotted near buulo burde town in south Somalia.

Villagers report that the device fell five days ago in area which lies forty kilo meters north of Buulo burde town.

The device is occupying in an area of one hundred Meters Square as villagers who spotted this device confirmed to Shabelle Radio.

"In the evening of last Wednesday, a large device flew over our head and moments later, we heard a large sound, BAM" said Ilyas Ali, a villager who lives nearby where this large device has fallen.

Comment: Perhaps this is related to the mysterious tsunami that struck the Somali coast a few days ago that didn't show up in the earthquake registry.


Mother, daughter report "strange lights" over Dumfries

A mother and daughter have been trying to gain an explanation for "strange lights" in the sky over Dumfries as they returned home.

Debbie and Imogen Easton were heading home with a takeaway meal on Glasgow Street when they saw a set of lights.

They spotted further bright objects in the sky near the town's Ice Bowl.

A spokesman for Dumfries Astronomical Society said the description was "highly unusual" but may have been caused by a satellite or fighter jet.

It is the third such report of unusual lights in the region so far this year.

Earlier this month a similar incident was reported by a woman in Tinwald village and in January there were calls to police from people reporting a "fireball" in the sky over Dumfries.


More sightings of UFO

Fresh from reports in last week's Berwickshire News that a suspected UFO was spotted hovering over Berwick, we have received more calls and e-mails to suggest that there might well be something out there.

Last week a local driver told the paper that when traveling through Paxton last Monday, March 17 at around 7.30pm, he spotted five lights in the sky above nearby Berwick.

The driver said that the lights reminded him of lights you'd see on a motorway but what he found strange was that they were big and disappeared into thin air after 30 seconds.

Since the story went in last week, a host of callers have responded to the driver's sightings and shared in his confusion over what the lights could have been.

Alan Archer from Spittal said he saw the lights heading north towards Berwick from Holy Island.

"The lights were in a v-shape and there were definitely five of them. I looked out onto Spittal Bowling Green and saw orange lights hanging just above from the floodlight. What startled me is that they were so low in the sky and large in size.

Black Cat

New Beast of Bexley Encounter

The Richmond & Twickenham Times of Surrey, England is reporting there has been a new sighting of the big black panther of the area. Called the "Beast of Bexley," the accounts of this panther have now spanned almost 20 years.


Former Arizona governor says he saw 'Phoenix Lights' UFO

Former Arizona Governor Fife Symington now states that he witnessed the huge "Phoenix Lights" UFO ten years ago, according to a published report by respected investigative journalist Leslie Kean.

In an article published Sunday, March 18, 2007, Kean reports that Symington claims that he saw a large triangular "craft of unknown origin" with lights.

"It was dramatic. And it couldn't have been flares because it was too symmetrical. It had a geometric outline, a constant shape," Symington is quoted as saying.

Kean obtained the statements from Symington in an exclusive interview from Phoenix. The former governor also said, "It was enormous and inexplicable. Who knows where it came from? A lot of people saw it, and I saw it too."

Symington also told Kean that he called the commander at nearby Luke Air Force Base on the far west side of metropolitan Phoenix as well as the top general of the Arizona National Guard. Symington also checked with the head of the Arizona Department of Public Safety, the state police agency about the huge mysterious object.


Family's fear as UFO heads for their home

A family feared they would be "wiped out" when a UFO plummeted from the sky, heading straight at their Hertford home.

Reports of the bizarre phenomenon poured into the Mercury after the cylindrical object was spotted on Monday at around 4pm.

But none was more dramatic than that by mum-of-four Maxine Abbess, 44, of Pages Road on the Sele Farm estate.

She said: "My little boy was lying on his back on the trampoline in the garden when he said, 'Look at that black spot in the sky, Mum'.

"We thought it was a balloon high up and then it started to suddenly fall at such a rate that we all rushed into the house. We thought it was going to land in the garden.

Grey Alien

Cryptoterrestrials Have a Psychosocial and Memetic Campaign?

Many UFO occupant incidents have a surreal flavor that initially seems to contradict the phenomenon's physicality. If some run-ins with ufonauts are staged events engineered to encourage belief in (and subsequent dismissal of) the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH), "they" perhaps couldn't have done a better job than the 1955 Hopkinsville "invasion."

Arthur C. Clarke's maxim notwithstanding, the Hopkinsville "goblins" are an intriguing fusion of the "real" and the "magical." Their abilities seem calculated to tarnish an empirical approach to the ETH by introducing elements of the fantastic; indeed, these same elements would eventually be used as ammunition by would-be skeptics determined to denounce the account.

For example, the diminutive "goblins" reportedly levitated and proved immune to gunfire. While not necessarily out of the realm of possibility for genuine ETs, the entities' goblin-like appearance argues for an origin in keeping with folklore. If they were "real," then their reality might not be as amenable to the ETH as researchers would like. Conversely, the desire to debunk the Sutton family's claim appears little more than a protest against the episode's surreal nature.


Flying saucer's famous landing

Memories of Bexley's most spectacular UFO sighting have been turned into a book by one of the people who witnessed it.

It was July 17, 1955 when Margaret Fry spotted the object as she was making her way to her GP's surgery in King Harold's Way from her home in Hythe Avenue.

Both she and her doctor Dr Thukarta, and around a dozen children playing in the street, saw the strange craft.

Mrs Fry described it as saucer shaped with a "blue/silver/grey/pewter texture, yet none of those colours".

She said it had three spheres set into its base, one of which "flopped out", landing on the ground at the junction of nearby Ashbourne and Whitfield roads.