Lacomb - Raye Laufer has a vivid recollection of what she and her husband Derral saw in the sky above their Lacomb home last month and wants to know if others saw the same thing.
©David Patton/Democrat-Herald
Raye Laufer of Lacomb describes objects she saw fly over her house one night in late September.
On Saturday, Sept. 22, the Laufers stepped outside to smoke cigarettes in the forested back yard of their Moran Lane home, nestled in a quiet valley among hills about five miles outside from Lacomb. It was shortly after 9 p.m., a clear night.
The couple fixed their attention on two long, silver, bullet-shaped objects flying side-by-side across the sky. Neither object had lights or made a sound, Raye said, and they soon split up: One headed east, the other toward the northeast.