High StrangenessS


Cuba: Jude Law 'Haunted' By Frank Sinatra Ghost Raiding His Mini-Bar

Nobody likes having their hotel mini bar ransacked during a holiday.

And Jude Law is no exception, especially when the tiny tipples are being spirited away by the spectral paws of Frank Sinatra.

The Michael Caine tribute act was celebrating his 35th birthday at Havana's celebrity-infested Hotel Nacional de Cuba, when he caught Ol' Blue Eyes eyeing up the roasted peanuts in his fridge.

But the blond Mockney was reluctant to swap rooms, for fear that he was mistaking his Rat Pack ghost with the effects of one too many rum punches.

However, poor Jude was so shaken about his unexpected birthday guest, he gingerly explained the situation to the night manager, who gave him a new room.


UK: Mystery over UFO sighting

A Flintshire man is looking for answers after seeing five unexplained lights in the sky on Christmas Day.

Mr Hughes says the objects were like those captured on camera near Wrexham earlier this year.

Harry Hughes, of Grays Road, Mynydd Isa, was returning some extra chairs to the shed after enjoying Christmas dinner with his family at about 7.20pm.

He said: "I looked up and saw what looked like five bright orangey-red fireballs flying through the sky, coming from the Bodfari direction.


Wales: Berwyn UFO puzzle to be solved at last

Ministry of Defence files on what conspiracy theory fans believe may have been a UFO crash in North Wales are expected to be released next year.

The Berwyn Mountains incident sparked mystery in 1974 with unexplained lights in the sky, an earthquake and secretive men in suits.

MoD chiefs confirmed yesterday they are publishing a raft of so-called UFO (Unidentified Flying Object) files stretching back to the 1960s.

This is because of the huge number of inquiries on UFOs.

The Berwyn Mountains incident happened on January 20, 1974.


Sightings soar in South Wales UFO hot spot

Sightings of unidentified flying objects have soared in the last month, with at least two a week seen by airline pilots in South Wales.

Dancing lights, large craft and mysterious flashes are among dozens of UFOs sighted above Cardiff and the South Wales Valleys in the last few years.

And only four days ago, on the night of Christmas Day, a couple saw spherical orange lights in the sky above their home in the capital.

According to figures released under the Freedom of Information Act, the Ministry of Defence has looked into 13 reports of UFOs in South Wales in the past three years. Several other sightings have been posted on UFO websites but it is thought that many more go unreported.


Canada: Couple films mystery dark spiral

Environment Canada and the Transportation Safety Board of Canada can't explain just what it was a Prince Edward Island couple filmed in the Island skies on Wednesday evening.

When Tony Quigley and his wife Marie of North Tryon, just east of the Confederation Bridge, saw a dark spiral in the sky they went for the video camera.

"When we first saw it, it was going so slow. We said, is it a meteorite, or what the heck is it? So when we did start to tape, it was above the cloud and that's the part we missed," said Marie Quigley.

Eye 2

Poland opens first exorcism center

Poland plans to open its first exorcism center, for those who believe they are possessed by the devil, in the town of Poczernin 30 km (18 miles) from the city of Szczeczin, Polish media said Wednesday.

Andrzej Trojanowski, a Catholic priest working in the city says the center will be equipped with a chapel and will have a psychiatrist on hand.

Trojanowski said there was a demand for the service as he deals with up to 20 people a week allegedly possessed by the devil.

The center was the idea of the Catholic Church in Poland, which already has around 50 working exorcists, and the project is expected to provide spiritual help and guidance to the needy.

Grey Alien

Japan: 'Alien' seeks to end UFO discussions

Opposition lawmakers have joined ruling party members in calling on Cabinet members to stop talking about UFOs.

Democratic Party of Japan Secretary General Yukio Hatoyama on Friday told reporters that government officials and lawmakers should avoid getting deeply involved in the UFO discussions, adding his voice to similar comments by some ruling party lawmakers.

"If aliens existed and came to Earth, they would have to be creatures of far greater intellect than human beings, which is just impossible," said Hatoyama, who is often called an "alien" because of his appearance. "Since it's all complete fantasy, it makes no sense to discuss how the Defense Ministry should respond."

Hatoyama's eagerness to close the curtain on the UFO discussion stems partly from the fact that it was a DPJ lawmaker who triggered the discussion by submitting a written question to the Cabinet, which asked whether the government could confirm that UFOs were alien spacecraft, according to sources.


Ministry of Defense to open British UFO X-files

Top-secret details about hundreds of sightings of Unidentified Flying Objects are to be released for public viewing in response to the nation's continuing fascination with the subject.

Top-secret details about UFO sightings are to be released to the public

The Ministry of Defence will release a total of 160 files dating back to that time to the National Archives in Kew.

The first files will be made available in Spring 2008 and the process is expected to take three years.

The MoD has received reports of over 10,000 UFO sightings since the UFO project was set up in 1950.


NASA told to study own files for UFO data

Agency ordered to meticulously comb for documents about 1965 Pennsylvania incident.

Kecksburg, Pennsylvania - The U.S. government says nothing of note happened in this small town in the hills of southwestern Pennsylvania at 4:47 p.m. on Dec. 9, 1965. A meteor may have passed by, but no alien ship or Russian space probe fell to Earth, as many here believe.

Still, Bill Bulebush, 82, says he knows what he saw, heard and smelled, despite the doubts of the government and others in this community 40 miles southeast of Pittsburgh.

"I looked up and saw it flying overhead, and it was sizzling," said Bulebush, a retired truck driver. "I found it in the woods down there (in a valley) and I got to it 15 to 20 minutes after it landed. I saw it 10 to 15 feet away from behind a big tree - because I was worried it might blow up - and it smelled like sulfur or rotten eggs and was shaped like a huge acorn, about the size of a VW."


Flashback California, US: Motorist reports strange object in sky above I-5 freeway

A motorist who is a high school football coach is seeking more information about a strange object he says he saw in the skies above Camp Pendleton late Tuesday.

Heading south on Interstate 5 at about 10:45 p.m., Tony Paopao said he and his wife saw what appeared to be a large, brightly lit flying vehicle pass overhead and briefly hover in place, before heading toward the mountains of Camp Pendleton and then out of sight.

"It was about 100 yards up. It was too low to be a plane and it was too fast and too quiet to be a helicopter," Paopao said. "I'm just curious if anybody saw what I saw."