Health & WellnessS


Drug Contamination that Killed 81 May Have Been Deliberate, F.D.A. Says

Federal drug regulators believe that a contaminant detected in a crucial blood thinner that has caused 81 deaths was added deliberately, something the Food and Drug Administration has only hinted at previously.


FDA report shows 49 problems at Merck vaccine plant, including failure to follow good manufacturing practices

Federal inspectors documented unwanted "fibers" on the stoppers of vaccine vials at Merck & Co. Inc.'s vast vaccine plant in Montgomery County.

They also found instances of contaminated children's vaccines and complaints that were not always investigated at the West Point plant.


Flashback Drug giant Merck accused of deaths cover-up

It is perhaps the biggest drug scandal of recent years. Before Merck withdrew Vioxx in 2004, the popular painkiller was linked to heart attacks in tens of thousands of people. Now researchers have alleged that Merck knew of the dangers years earlier, but tweaked statistics and hid data so that regulators remained in the dark.


Flashback Vaccine companies investigated for manslaughter

French authorities have opened a formal investigation into two managers from drugs groups GlaxoSmithKline and Sanofi Pasteur over a vaccination campaign in the 1990s, a judicial source said late on Thursday.


Checking links between vaccines and autism

Nassau County officials are looking at a potential link between children vaccines and autism.

Legislator David Mejias and Assemblyman Harvey Weisenberg are meeting today with parents of autistic children who claim the combination of vaccines given to young children can cause autism.

Life Preserver

Investigators unveil new drug discovery tool for Alzheimer's disease

An article published in the April issue of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease presents a detailed characterization of a new drug discovery tool for Alzheimer's disease. It demonstrates that an abnormal form of tau protein, as it occurs in Alzheimer's disease, can be produced in very simple cell models in an unambiguous way. Most importantly, it also shows an example of a chemical compound, found in nature, which is highly effective to completely suppress the abnormal changes of tau.


Italy says its mozzarella is now safe

All Italian dairy produce, including mozzarella, is safe for consumption, Italy's health and agriculture ministries said in a joint statement on Tuesday.

A temporary ban on buffalo mozzarella cheese, one of Italy's much-loved products and primary exports, was introduced in late March after high levels of dioxins - chemical contaminants which may cause cancer - were found in samples of buffalo milk.


How Asthma Susceptibility Gene Causes Breathing Difficulties: New Study Explains

Researchers at the University of Southampton's School of Medicine have discovered how a gene, which is linked to susceptibility to asthma, contributes to the development or the progression of the disease. The findings of this new study may lead to novel treatments for asthma, as well as other diseases such as cancer and atherosclerosis or thickening of the arteries.


Study shows promising new approach to thwart HIV

Washington - Researchers have pinpointed a protein in a key human immune system cells needed for the AIDS virus to infect them, and found that turning it off can greatly slow down the deadly virus.

Inactivating a protein called ITK in immune system cells called T cells reduces HIV's ability to enter these cells and replicate itself, the researchers said on Monday.

Eye 2


Lord of the Flies with Incense

In nature, predators are attracted by the presence of prey. Whenever there is a herd of beings, there will be predators watching with fascination, studying the prey very attentively. Predators pay special attention to anything wounded or young or vulnerable-seeming. When an animal is about to give birth and just after, they are vulnerable, and the newborn is easy pickings.