Health & WellnessS


USA May Be Set To Have Worst West Nile Virus For Years

According to US health officials, the USA is facing the worst West Nile Virus season for years. The number of cases reported so far this year are four times higher than the equivalent period in 2006. The good news is that the forecast for August and September is for colder than normal temperatures - this may significantly lower the number of cases.

West Nile Virus first hit the USA in 1999 in New York. It worked its way across the country rapidly.

Georgia has three times as many disease-transmitting mosquitoes this year, compared to 2006. Officials say a drought in the area probably set off the spike in numbers. So far no human cases of infection have been reported in Georgia.


How to Find Hidden MSG on Food Labels

It is very difficult to really know whether MSG (monosodium glutamate) is in your food, because it goes by so many aliases. To avoid ingesting this toxic additive, you're best off choosing fresh, unprocessed foods. But becoming familiar with the hidden names of MSG can also help you determine what foods to eat.


Shocking! Cancer Society Ad Criticized for Lack of Evidence

The American Cancer Society, partnering with sunscreen maker Neutrogena, has decided to take a shock-and-fear approach in their latest cancer prevention campaign.

Magic Wand

The Hidden Benefits of Herbs and Spices

Herbs and spices not only add flavor to your food, making it that much more enjoyable, but they also provide some great health benefits.

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What Are Those Drugs Doing to You?

Drug-induced illnesses are far more common than people, including doctors, would like to think. Elderly Americans suffer 9.6 million adverse drug reactions each year alone, although these symptoms show up in younger patients as well.


Smoking just one cannabis joint raises danger of Reefer Madness by 40%, or will it bring world peace?

A single joint of cannabis raises the risk of schizophrenia by more than 40 per cent, a disturbing study warns.

Comment: Notice that nowhere in the report do they say how marijuana causes this psychotic illness. They state at one point, "It is thought that, used during teenage years, the drug can cause permanent damage to the developing brain." Yet, they provide no evidence, no physical mechanism on precisely how this can happen, mere speculation. They just point to the "risk" obviously gotten from some statistical analysis and correlations. The conclusion could just as well be stated that those who are psychotic are more likely to smoke marijuana. Correlations don't prove cause and effect.

In fact, it can easily be argued that psychotics smoke cannabis to alleviate their underlying psychosis, perhaps prolonging their sanity until they stop smoking it later in life. In which case, perhaps the only thing our pathocratic leaders need to do is pick up and smoke a joint to bring about world peace.

Life Preserver

Flashback Fed: Pot Causes Mental Illness - Critics Say Politics Is Behind Premature Conclusions About Drug's Role

Children who use marijuana before age 12 are twice as likely to later develop serious mental illness as those who don't try the drug until they're 18, according to a federal report released Tuesday.


Hazard warning on home cleaners

Study says many use chemicals linked to fertility problems

Dozens of common household cleaning products contain hidden toxic chemicals linked to fertility disorders in lab animals, according to data gathered by a women's research group.


Severe trauma affects kids' brain function, say researchers

The first study to examine brain activity patterns in severely traumatized children showed their brains function differently than those of healthy children, say researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital.

The study hints at the biological underpinnings of the disorder called PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder. It also provides a valuable benchmark with which to assess the effectiveness of potential therapies.

"Now we can see some real neurological reasons for the impulsivity, agitation, hyper-vigilance and avoidance behaviors that children with untreated PTSD often exhibit," said Victor Carrion, MD, child psychiatrist at Packard Children's. "The fact that their brains appear to be working differently may indicate a deficit for which other areas of the brain are trying to compensate."

Some children with PTSD, for example, cut or burn themselves as a way of coping with their feelings. The researchers found that affected children who had also cut or otherwise injured themselves exhibited unique patterns of activation in a portion of the brain involved in the perception of pain and emotions.

It's not yet clear whether the brain differences are caused by the interpersonal trauma, such as sexual or physical abuse, experienced by the children or if pre-existing differences make some children more susceptible to developing PTSD after traumatic events than their more resilient peers.


Who Owns Your Favorite Organic Brands?

As the $20 billion organic marketplace continues to expand, major corporations continue to take over many of the most familiar organic brands. Dr. Phil Howard, an Assistant Professor at Michigan State, has provided a new update on his popular chart "Who Owns Organic." Are you supporting corporations like Kraft, M&M, or Pepsi with what you thought was a purchase of your old familiar brand?