The unfortunate reality is that genuine action on climate change will require the existing coal-fired power stations to cease operating in the near future.No evidence is provided for this statement and no signatory to this letter has published anything to support this claim.
We feel it is vital that you understand this and we are happy to work with you and with governments to begin planning for this transition immediately.
The warming of the atmosphere, driven by human-induced emissions of greenhouse gases, is already causing unacceptable damage and suffering around the world.
We understand that this will require significant social and economic transition that will need to be managed carefully to care for coal sector workers and coal-dependent communities.This love for fellow workers brings tears to the eyes.
According to the forecast, the sun should remain generally calm for at least another year. From a research point of view, that's good news because solar minimum has proven to be more interesting than anyone imagined. Low solar activity has a profound effect on Earth's atmosphere, allowing it to cool and contract.