Earth ChangesS

Better Earth

It's the Sun, stupid!

New direct evidence demonstrate that changes in solar activity influence climate - The theory that climate change is chiefly caused by solar influences "is no longer tenable," says US National Academy of Sciences president Ralph Cicerone. Carbon dioxide, he argues, is the key driver of recent climate change. I beg to differ.

The amount and distribution of solar energy that we receive varies as the Earth revolves around the Sun and also in response to changes in the Sun's activity. Scientists have now been studying solar influences on climate for 5000 years.

Chinese imperial astronomers kept detailed sunspot records. They noticed that more sunspots meant warmer weather on Earth. In 1801, the celebrated astronomer William Herschel noticed that when there were few spots, the price of wheat soared - because, he surmised, less "light and heat" from the Sun resulted in reduced harvests.

Is it true then that solar radiation, which supplies Earth with the energy that drives our climate, and caused so many climate shifts over the ages, is no longer the principal influence on climate change?

Comment: Dr. Willie Soon's Harvard affiliations can be found here.

Wikipedia page on Dr. Willie Soon is here.

Notice how Dr. Willie Soon makes it clear at the end of this article that this is his opinion based upon 18 years of scientific research. This wouldn't be evidence of this career researcher trying to protect himself from being fired, harassed or blacklisted in the scientific and academic community would it?


Alaskan weather "very, very unusual"

National Weather Service Fairbanks Alaska

Stormy weather over the Bering Sea .. Significant snowfall possible over the interior Friday...

In most Alaska winters, winter storms reach their greatest strength and frequency in November, December, and January. By February rough weather begins to subside. By April the spring season usually comes gently.

This winter has not followed the normal pattern. During February a series of 8 strong low pressure systems made their way through the Bering Sea, all accompanied by gale force winds.


Where's global warming?

Suppose the climate landscape in recent weeks looked something like this:

Half the country was experiencing its mildest winter in years, with no sign of snow in many Northern states. Most of the Great Lakes were ice-free. Not a single Canadian province had had a white Christmas. There was a new study discussing a mysterious surge in global temperatures - a warming trend more intense than computer models had predicted. Other scientists admitted that, because of a bug in satellite sensors, they had been vastly overestimating the extent of Arctic sea ice.

If all that were happening on the climate-change front, do you think you'd be hearing about it on the news? Seeing it on Page 1 of your daily paper? Would politicians be exclaiming that global warming was even more of a crisis than they'd thought? Would environmentalists be skewering global-warming "deniers" for clinging to their skepticism despite the growing case against it?

No doubt.

But it isn't such hints of a planetary warming trend that have been piling up in profusion lately. Just the opposite.


US: Colorado wages battle with bark beetles

As sunset softens the vast Colorado sky into warm shades of pink and blue, the sound of chainsaws jars the stillness of this remote and rugged wilderness.

A forest service team works quickly, felling dozens of dead or dying lodgepole pines, the majestic trees that have towered over this region for generations. They are locked in a race against the mountain bark beetle, a tiny insect the size of a rice kernel, which is devouring unprecedented swathes of woodland across the US and Canadian north-west.

"It has reached a level where we cannot do anything to stop the bark beetle," said Clint Kyhl, a bark beetle incident commander for the US Forest Service. "So now our main focus is mitigating the impact of all these dead and dying trees."

Bizarro Earth

US: Wells in New England tested for uranium

The U.S. Geological Survey has begun a survey of private wells in New England to determine how many contain dangerous levels of uranium.

John Colman is leading the investigation, working with the Massachusetts departments of public health and environmental protection, The Boston Globe reported Friday. Next week, 1,600 residents of three counties in eastern Massachusetts will get letters with two plastic bottles asking for samples of their water.

Life Preserver

Australia: Queensland cyclone upgraded to category five

Tropical Cyclone Hamish has intensified off the coast of Queensland and is now a category five storm. It is bringing destructive winds, rising sea levels and large waves to the Whitsundays.

SkyNews correspondent Meecham Philpott says winds have exceeded 280 kilometres an hour in some places. But he says the good news is the eye of the storm is not expected to go through the Whitsundays.

Bizarro Earth

India: Mysterious disease affects potato cultivation in West Bengal

Potato cultivators in Hooghly district of West Bengal are facing a crisis with the outbreak of a mysterious disease.

Farmers in Singur, which had caught the global limelight over agricultural land acquisition for the Tatas proposed Nano factory, are worrying about their uncertain future.

The farmers are very nervous. If the crops are good, they find surplus production on hand with no avenues for marketing. If the crops are poor, they do not have any other alternative to sustain their livelihoods.


US: Mysterious Hole Appears in Laurens, Baffles Homeowner

Every evening when Donnie Graham arrives home from work, he hops on his golf cart and makes his way to his horse pasture.

However, last Wednesday, Graham stopped dead in his tracks.

"I looked over there and wondered 'what IS that?' " said the Turkey Creek Circle resident. "I could tell it was a hole, but I didn't realize until I got right up on it just how big it was."

There, only a few yards from the fence containing his horses, was a hole in the ground. Yet, the word "hole" doesn't adequately describe what Graham saw.

"It is maybe 10 to 12 feet wide," said Graham, "and easily 40 to 45 feet deep. All I know is it wasn't here yesterday!"

Bizarro Earth

2.5 Earthquake Jolts Landhi, Korangi

Low intensity earthquake jolted areas of Karachi including Landhi and Korangi on early Saturday, Geo News reported.

The magnitude was recorded at 2.5 on Richter scale while its epic center lies between Karachi and Thatta, said metrological office.

Tremors sparked panic among people as they came out of their homes being terrified but no loss of life or property was confirmed according to preliminary reports, sources said.

Bizarro Earth

2.3 Earthquake Rattles Al-Baidha'a, Yemen

A small earthquake rattled the Thi Naem district of the province of al-Baidha'a on Friday, the Security Media Center reported.

People in the district felt the magnitude 2.3 quake but there was no damage at all and there were no immediate reports of casualties and injuries.

The district police contacted the National Center of Seismic Monitoring which monitored the quake which left no repercussions.