© Susie Cagle of Grist
Documents recently obtained by Bold Nebraska show that TransCanada - owner of the hotly-contested
Keystone XL (KXL)tar sands pipeline - has
colluded with an FBI/DHS Fusion Center in Nebraska, labeling non-violent activists as possible candidates for "terrorism" charges and other serious criminal charges.
Further, the language in some of the documents is so vague that it could also ensnare journalists, researchers and academics, as well.
TransCanada also built a roster of names and photos of specific individuals involved in organizing against the pipeline, including 350.org's Rae Breaux, Rainforest Action Network's Scott Parkin and Tar Sands Blockade's Ron Seifert. Further, every activist ever arrested protesting the pipeline's southern half is listed by name with their respective photo shown, along with the date of arrest.
PSYOPs-gate and "fracktivists" as "an insurgency" all over again, but this time it's another central battleground that's in play: the northern half of KXL, a proposed border-crossing pipeline whose final fate lies in the hands of President Barack Obama.
The southern half of the pipeline was
approved by the Obama Admin. via a March 2013 Executive Order. Together, the two pipeline halves would pump
diluted bitumen ("dilbit") south from the Alberta tar sands toward Port Arthur, TX, where it will be refined and
shipped to the global export market.
Activists across North America have put up a formidable fight against both halves of the pipeline, ranging from the summer 2011
Tar Sands Action to the ongoing
Tar Sands Blockade. Apparently, TransCanada has followed the action closely, given the level of detail in the documents.
Comment: This is the essence of psychopathy in power. They are so disconnected from reality, and their internal make-up is so fundamentally different from normal people, they can't see how insulting, cruel and useless it is.