"Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. They possess and enjoy early...They think, deep in their hearts, that they are better than we.."In his article, titled "The Truth About 'Class War' in America," economist Richard Wolff said:
"Even when they enter deep into our world....they still think that that they are better than we are. They are different."
"The last 50 years have indeed seen continuous class warfare in and over federal economic policies."Since WW II, tax rates on super-rich Americans fell from 91% to 35% today. Obama's deficit cutters want it lowered to 24% along with eliminating some deductions with loopholes to compensate and save others. Moreover, they want the top corporate tax rate slashed from 35% to 26%.
Corporate giants and America's super-rich waged war against working Americans and won. Notably since the 1970s, "(b)usiness and its allies shifted most of its federal tax burden onto individuals."
Many corporate giants, in fact, pay minimal or no taxes. Some, like General Electric, get generous rebates in highly profitable years. They game the system, benefiting form tax laws they write. American workers lose out from greater than ever burdens on them.
Comment: Trafficking infants and protecting paedophiles. How can any sane person stay affiliated with such a corrupt organization as the Catholic church?